SSOFT2014 brochure-PDFW10

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Transcript of SSOFT2014 brochure-PDFW10


n Main Conference: 22 – 23 October 2014

n Workshops: 22 – 23 October 2014

n Venue: Swissôtel, Sydney, NSW

EARLY BIRD OFFER! Register and pay by 12 September and save up to $400!

Talent Management, Predictive Analytics, Business Model Innovation, Process Optimisation and Procure-to-Pay

Justine Waddick,Director of Purchaseto Payment Services,Monash University

Josee LemoineDirector Innovation &Business Performance,Telstra


Matthew Ricker,General Manager,Financial Reporting& ManagementInformation, NAB

Adam Campbell,Chief Financial Offi cer,Flight Centre

Paul Pemberton,Manager CorporateAccounting,DB Schenker

Workshop A:Finance Transformation 101

Workshop B:Change Management Strategies for Transforming the Finance Function


Event Partners: Exhibitors:

James Marsh,Chief Financial Offi cer, Vodafone

22 case studies

from leading

organisations such

as Telstra, GE,

Optus and


Organised by:

Networking Partners:

T: +61 2 9229 1000 î F: +61 2 9223 2622 î E: î W:

Dear Finance Transformation Professional,

This year’s Finance Transformation Summit is all about giving you the tools required to make your Finance team true strategic business partners, moving them from reactive to proactive, by focusing on the following key topics:

• People: Strategies for moving staff up the value curve, and change management tools for bringing them on the journey with you

• Data: Maximising the value of the data at your disposal for advanced reporting and forecasting

• Structure: Deciding on the right blend of shared services, outsourcing and automation for your organisation

• Process: Reducing waste and ineffi ciency through automation, process excellence and end to end process owners

To help you achieve these goals, this year the event is much more case study focused than ever before, with insights from leading organisations in Australia and New Zealand.

Also, new for 2014, the 10th Annual Procure-to-Pay Forum has been incorporated into the event, to refl ect the increasing strategic importance of the P2P process.

To register your place, call +61 2 9229 1000, email or visit

I look forward to seeing you in October.

Kind regards,

Ross ClaytonHead of SSON A/NZ

EARLY BIRD OFFER!Register and pay by 12 September and save up to $400!

6 REASONS why Finance Transformation 2014 is the event to attend this year:

The CFO Boardroom, a closed door interactive session enabling you to build a network of senior fi nance peers

22 case studies from leading organisations such as Telstra, GE, Optus and Woolworths

The integration of the 10th Annual Procure-to-Pay Forum, refl ecting the increasing strategic importance of the end to end process

2 workshops on Change Management, and Developing a Finance Transformation Strategy

‘Big Ideas’ speakers – out of the box speakers designed to get you thinking

A combination of presentations, panel discussions and roundtables, designed to give you the right blend of case studies and interactive content







Exclusive Sponsorship Opportunities

Could your company benefi t from two days of senior level networking and exposure in front of decision makers actively seeking innovative and effective solutions for their global or regional fi nance transformation projects?

If the answer is yes, then Finance Transformation 2014 is the perfect platform for your business.

Exhibition and sponsorship options are extensive but strictly limited to 10 solution providers. Packages can be tailor-made to suit your own business development needs.

For more details, call 02 9229 1050 or email

T: +61 2 9229 1000 î F: +61 2 9223 2622 î E: î W:


Nigel Clarke, Outsourcing Relationship Manager, Asia Pacifi c,Tyco

David Lynch, Chief Financial Offi cer, Life Without Barriers

Julie Wynne, Financial Director,Hudson

Steven Raynor, Head of Organisational Effectiveness & Change, QBE

Paul Pemberton, Manager Corporate Accounting, DB Schenker

Wayne Morgan, Chief Financial Offi cer, Victoria University of Wellington

Ben Gray, Director of Financial Operations, Singtel Optus

Renee Armstrong, Procurement Operations Manager,Woolworths

Justin Savaille, Business Services Manager, APAC/Africa,Ausenco

Greg Dennis, Corporate Administration Programme Manager, Austrade

Martin Kizek, Asia Pacifi c Shared Services Centre Manager,Unisys

Morag Leith, LEAP! Project Director, Holcim

Adam Campbell, Chief Financial Offi cer, Flight Centre

Darrell Farley,Finance Transformation, Auckland Council

Mirijana Jovic, ANZ Operations Manager, GE

Matthew Ricker, General Manager, Financial Reporting & Management Information, NAB

Alex Kathestides, Finance Director,KONE

Josée Lemoine,Director Innovation & Business Performance,Telstra

Michael Pole, Finance Operations Manager,ElectraNet

Patrick Eustace, Finance Transformation and Project Management, Ruralco Holdings Limited

James Marsh,Chief Financial Offi cer, Vodafone

Justine Waddick, Director of Purchase to Payment Services,Monash University

Nick Johnson, National Customer Administration Manager, Fuji Xerox

Sarah Gray, Manager, Billing & Credit Management and Requisition to Pay, Auckland Council

Grant JohnstoneCommercial Payment Solutions, MasterCard Worldwide

Ann FurlongDirector of Operations, BlackLine Systems

T: +61 2 9229 1000 î F: +61 2 9223 2622 î E: î W:


Workshop A: 22 October 2014 • 18:00 – 20:00

Finance Transformation 101Finance Transformation enables CFOs and fi nance executives to improve business performance and shareholder value while actively improving operational effectiveness and effi ciency. In this session, Patrick will outline how to get started on your Finance Transformation journey by focusing on the following key factors:

• Developing a transformation roadmap • Understanding which processes and functions to centralise• Retaining a decentralised fi nance function to provide commercial support to the business• Streamlining business processes in order to reduce waste and ineffi ciency• Identifying and recruiting staff who offer additional value to the business

Workshop Facilitator:

Patrick EustaceFinance Transformation and Project ManagementRuralco Holdings Limited

Patrick Eustace is a Chartered Accountant with 20 years senior fi nance and business experience gained in leading blue chip organisations internationally.

Currently he is Finance Transformation and Project Manager at Ruralco Holdings Limited (ASX listed with sales of $1.2bn), leading the Network Finance transformation and Record to Report automation projects.

Prior to that, Patrick had a 14 year career with George Weston Foods Limited (Subsidiary of Associated British Foods Plc, sales of $2bn and well-known brands – Tip Top and DonKRC), including fi ve years as General Manager of the Ingredients Division and culminating in Director, Finance and Business Improvement roles at the Group Corporate Offi ce.

Patrick led several signifi cant cross functional transformational projects and supported the Group CFO to transform GWF’s fi nance function to an effi cient centralised shared service, effective decentralised commercial support partners and for high performance.

Workshop B: 23 October 2014 • 17:30 – 19:30

Change Management Strategies for Finance TransformationAs the requirements of the fi nance change, so an inevitable clash occurs between those who are pioneering the new role for fi nance, and those who were educated in the ways of the past. In this master class Michelle will outline how to bring your fi nance team on the transformation journey, through a focus on:

• Your role as an agent of change and your impact on the wider transformation• How the brain reacts to change, and how to avoid a fi ght or fl ight response• Learning how to adjust your communication style, both verbal, written and nonverbal, to the needs of a particular situation• Using effective conversation to drive the performance of your staff

Workshop Facilitator:

Michelle GibbingsChange Expert

Michelle is a transformation and change expert who is dedicated to working with organisations to help facilitate and guide them through complex organisational changes. She has worked across multiple industry sectors and disciplines, holding senior leadership positions in project management, change management, risk management and strategy.

Her most recent roles were the General Manager of Strategic Change and Engagement for NAB’s NextGen Program, and Transformation Management Offi ce and Change Director for AMP’s transformation program.

Having hands on experience in the challenges and opportunities that come with building and implementing transformation pathways in organisations, she is able to share practical ideas along with the latest thinking on how to optimise change outcomes by building capability and buy in.

T: +61 2 9229 1000 î F: +61 2 9223 2622 î E: î W:

CONFERENCE DAY 1Wednesday, 22 October 2014

08:30 Registration and Coffee

09:00 Chairman’s Opening and Welcome

09:10 Keynote: Transforming the Finance Function at Telstra In her role as the Director of Innovation and Business Performance, Josee is responsible for maximising the benefi t that the fi nance function provides to the rest of the organisation by: • Consolidating the fi nance shared services organisation • Rolling out a centre of excellence for analytics to generate insight, and attracting the necessary talent • Creating a single source of truth through the Business Intelligence Centre of Excellence, which houses the biggest data warehouse in Australia

Josée Lemoine Director Innovation & Business Performance, Telstra

11:30 Developing a Self Service Reporting Capability Moving to self-service will enable fi nance to focus on value added deep dive analysis and modelling, rather than pulling retrospective reports for decision makers. • Working with IT to develop the necessary functionality • Creating a user-friendly, interactive interface • Using dashboards that quickly convey business performance and areas to be addressed • Conveying data using the appropriate charts and mechanisms

Matthew Ricker General Manager, Financial Reporting & Management Information, NAB

Reducing the Cost-per-Transaction at the Victoria University of WellingtonThe Victoria University of Wellington have, in ten years, moved from a largely paper based process, to one that is consistently rated as having one of the leading set ups in Australia and New Zealand. They have achieved this through:• Restructuring and realigning the fi nance operations team at the university• Maximising the functionality of their ERP system• Automated processing and user support• Giving strategic emphasis to the use of procurement cards, and enable greater spend control and analysis• Creating and sustaining a continuous improvement culture

Wayne MorganChief Financial Offi cer, Victoria University of Wellington

CFO Boardroom: Guiding Strategic Decision MakingCFOs are taking on a more strategic decision-making function, and increasingly relying on fi nancial planning to guide overall corporate strategy.

The fi nance transformations of years gone by focused primarily on savings: cutting costs, gaining effi ciencies, and streamlining risk management. In today’s fast changing and competitive environment, it is that and much more. Like the CFO position itself, fi nance transformation includes a new focus on enabling corporate strategy, capital agenda and competitive advantage in the marketplace.

With that in mind, this year’s closed door CFO Boardroom will help participants improve the value they offer their business, by facilitating a peer network with interactive discussions on the following key topics:





09:50 Delivering Value: Shifting the Mind Set from Reactive to Proactive Flight Centre have a fi nance function of over 250 people, the majority of which report directly into operational leaders across the business. In his session, Adam will talk about changing their mind set by: • Shifting their perceived value from being seen as a necessary overhead to strategic partners • Delivering reporting that is not just data, offering subjective viewpoints and engaging with stakeholders on matters beyond the traditional fi nance realm • Getting operations to raise their expectations of the fi nance function • Focusing on marginal, incremental gains rather than a big bang approach

Adam Campbell Chief Financial Offi cer, Flight Centre

11:00 Morning Refreshments and Networking Break


T: +61 2 9229 1000 î F: +61 2 9223 2622 î E: î W:

CONFERENCE DAY 1Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Business Planning and Analysis• Leveraging the ever increasing amount of data available to organisations to drive competitive advantage• Effectively blending data from both internal and external sources• Avoiding organisational blind spots– how to fi nd meaning in the data beyond the traditional human bias for particular outcomes

Finance Staff as Business Advisors• Devising recruitment strategies that attract individuals with the right combination of technical and strategic skills• Change management strategies for moving staff up the value chain• Facilitating a culture of fi nance as key business partners

Operating Structure• Operating models that reduce the transactional workload, enabling greater provision of value-adding business partnering activities• Integrating the front and back offi ce to drive organisational performance.

Previous attendees of our CFO Series include the likes of Telstra, American Express, Shell, Coles, NAB, the ATO and Metcash.

12:10 Event Partner Presentation: MasterCard

Grant Johnstone Commercial Payment Solutions, MasterCard Worldwide

14:20 Integrating Financial, Operational and Social Data to Create a Single Source of Truth All too often fi nance are unable to generate meaningful predictive insights due to having a fractured view of the business, based on disparate data sources. Decision makers can spend far too much time urgently scanning irrelevant, disconnected data to fi nd the right information when they need it. Life Without Barriers have looked to address this through: • Integrating data from across the business, and using it to understand linkages between client information and fi nancial data • Moving to infrastructure as a service • Accessing cost effective big data through partnering • Moving to predictive analysis to better target services to clients • Incorporating mobility into the wider analytics capability

David Lynch Chief Financial Offi cer, Life Without Barriers

Event Partner Presentation: BlackLine Systems

Anna FurlongDirector of Operations, BlackLine Systems

Embedding the Procure-to-Pay Transformation at Monash UniversityIn 2011 Monash University undertook a transformation of their procure to pay process. In this session Justine will give an overview of their subsequent continuous improvement efforts.• Consolidating the principles borrowed from shared services to generate further effi ciency gains• Implementing an expense management tool within the organisation• Incorporating more services into the procure-to-pay remit

Justine WaddickDirector, Procure to Payment ServicesMonash University

13:20 Networking Lunch






CFO Boardroom continues.15:00 Streamlining Month End Accounting and Reporting at Optus In 2012 Optus created a Shared Service “Finance Operations” team, to better support the Australian business following the reorganisation of the Singtel Group along global customer verticals.

In his presentation, Ben will outline how the Financial Operations team have been able to deliver real cost effi ciencies and move towards best practice (top quartile - cost per revenue) through: • Reducing the days to close from 6 to 4 (with plans for a 2 day close in 2014) • Improving reporting system response times by over 90% (including enabling big data / in memory processing); • Process standardisation and simplifi cation, and removal of handover points and buffers • Automating the balance sheet reconciliation process

Ben Gray Director of Financial Operations, Singtel Optus

Transforming Procurement at Holcim through a Focus on Process and CentralisationMorag is responsible for Project LEAP! at Holcim Australia, which is Holcim’s global procurement program to improve the way we manage purchasing at all levels of the business:• Reviewing and analysing purchasing activities across the whole business with the aim of greater centralisation• Improving supplier management and ensuring greater savings are captured • Assessing administration activities with a view to streamlining tasks (including purchasing) and reducing duplication and rework where possible

Morag LeithLEAP! Project DirectorHolcim





T: +61 2 9229 1000 î F: +61 2 9223 2622 î E: î W:

CONFERENCE DAY 1Wednesday, 22 October 2014

15:40 Afternoon Refreshments and Networking Break

16:10 Utilising Outsourcing to Drive up the Value of the Finance Function Tyco recently undertook a fi nance transformation in order to increase the value Finance delivers to the organisation as a strategic business partner while reducing costs. Specifi cally, by working with an external partner for their Accounts Payable, General Accounting and Tax Reporting they have been able to: • Realign & delayer organisation • Eliminate redundant processes • Redesign for effi ciencies

• Leverage technology intelligently • Rebalance fi nance work

This has resulted in projected savings of up to 20%, and a decrease in the cost per transaction of 30%.

Nigel Clarke, Outsourcing Relationship Manager, Asia Pacifi c, Tyco

17:10 Lessons Learned from Setting up an Offshore Shared Service Centre Ausenco have recently offshored their shared services team to Malaysia, which took only 6 months to set up and has had minimal attrition and higher than anticipated performance levels to date. In this session Justin will shared their lessons learned, including the good and bad, by focusing on: • Identifying locations that give you access to talent at the right cost • Differentiating your offering from those organisations already established offshore • Keeping processes stable during the transition process

Justin Savaille, Business Services Manager, APAC/Africa, Ausenco

17:50 Chairman’s Close






T: +61 2 9229 1000 î F: +61 2 9223 2622 î E: î W:

CONFERENCE DAY 2Thursday, 23 October 2014

08:30 Registration and Coffee

09:00 Chairman’s Opening and Welcome

09:10 Keynote Panel: Shifting the Focus of the Finance Function from Reactive to Proactive In this session, the participants will discuss how they are increasing the value that their fi nance function offers the rest of the business by focusing on the following key areas: • Organisational Structure – what operating model strikes the right balance between value and cost • People – moving fi nance staff up the value chain, from transactional to value adding activities • Data – integrating data from across the business, and using it to support decision making

Alex Kathestides, Finance Director, KONE

Julie Wynne, Financial Director, Hudson

James Marsh, Chief Financial Offi cer, Vodafone

09:50 Operational and Cultural Transformation on a Global Scale QBE recently initiated a global transformation program to create an effective, effi cient and scalable operating model that will enable the organisation to work as ONE QBE across the globe. In this session Steven will outline how QBE’s innovative, people- focused approach has enabled: • Accelerated build-up and delivery of capability overseas; • Embedding of a new culture and ways of working across multiple regions; and signifi cant people and business benefi ts

Steven Raynor Head of Organisational Effectiveness & Change, QBE

10:30 Morning Refreshments and Networking Break

11:00 Finance Skill Sets that Drive Strategic Decision Making and Support Operational Growth Finance functions are at the forefront of enabling companies to deal with market shifts, growing product complexity, and increasing regulation. At the same time, they are under pressure from senior management to cut costs, while providing more effective advice and support as business partners. • Improved people and communication skills, refl ecting the need for greater stakeholder management and consultative conversations • The ability to distil increasingly complex data into digestible outcomes and conclusions for business leaders • Scrutinise existing organisational design to identify potential effi ciency and performance gains

Darrell Farley Finance Transformation, Auckland Council

Procure-to-Pay Integration Across Multiple OrganisationsAuckland Council recently went through a process of integrating 8 previously distinct councils, each with a different level of procure to pay maturity. Through this process, they have reduced the cost of processing an invoice from $10.12 to $3.73 by:• Rolling out a new ERP system that replaced previous legacy systems• Successfully initiating OCR technology, achieving a 50 cost savings over two years• Utilising business improvement methodologies to reduce waste• Creating vertically integrated processes with suppliers• Next step: developing a vendor portal

Sarah GrayManager Billing & Credit Management and Requisition to Pay, Auckland Council

“I got a lot of value from the

presentations and some great thought

provoking information.”

Lyndal York, Group Financial Controller, Cochlear Limited

T: +61 2 9229 1000 î F: +61 2 9223 2622 î E: î W:

CONFERENCE DAY 2Thursday, 23 October 2014

11:40 Shifting the Skills Sets of your Finance Function Nick is in the process of overseeing a transformation in the role of Fuji Xerox’s fi nance function, shifting their capabilities from transactional to true business partners. • Identifying the critical skills for the a forward looking fi nance function • Restructuring the organisation: creating new roles and shifting personnel • Improving the communication with fi nance and the rest of the business • Maintaining FTE while shifting capabilities

Nick Johnson National Customer Administration Manager, Fuji Xerox

14:00 Moving to Shared Services to Enhance Business Performance in a Low Margin Industry DB Schenker is one of the leading international providers of integrated logistics services. Given the low margins that characterise the industry, they have been able to drive business growth through: • Moving common processes from operations to a centralised back offi ce function • Standardising common processes across the business • Eliminating rework and improving invoice matching through the establishment of effective exception based reporting • Reducing costs through further automation and continuous improvement • Rolling out shared services globally

Paul Pemberton Manager Corporate Accounting, DB Schenker

Improving Technology Use through Change ManagementOften P2P ineffi ciency is driven not by a lack of the appropriate technology, but by a lack of uptake across the business. Address this through: • Active and visible change sponsors• Developing a structured change management approach• Establishing frequent and open communication around the need for change• How to ensure dedicated resources for the change management programme• Securing buy in by facilitating employee participation

Greg DennisCorporate Administration Programme Manager, Austrade

Building a Business Case for P2P AutomationIn the current environment, senior decision makers can often be focused on short term cost savings, or otherwise prioritise investment on customer facing technology. Address this by:• Focusing the conversation on value rather than cost• Effectively quantifying the business benefi ts of the procure to pay solution• Understanding the potential for signifi cant spend and operating cost savings generated by greater visibility• Highlighting the potential for reducing and managing risks through common procedures and enforced standards

Renee ArmstrongProcurement Operations Manager, Woolworths

13:20 Networking Lunch

T: +61 2 9229 1000 î F: +61 2 9223 2622 î E: î W:

CONFERENCE DAY 2Thursday, 23 October 2014

14:40 Optimising Shared Services Support as a Key Enabler of Finance Transformation Unisys have been through a process of moving the vast majority of their transactional work offshore, resulting in a smaller onshore team focused on higher value tasks for the rest of the business. This has meant: • Standardising processes to improve data quality and situational awareness across the business • Automating transactional processes to free up resources and time for knowledge based activities • Providing a future talent pool for the rest of the business

Martin Kizek Asia Pacifi c Shared Services Centre Manager, Unisys

Moving to Paperless Expense Management at ElectranetAs part of an overhaul of their procurement processes, Electranet recently automated their expense management by:• Utilising mobile technology to remove the need for paper receipts• Enabling staff in the fi eld to code their own payments• Extending the electronic system to include out of pocket and petty cash

Michael PoleFinance Operations Manager, ElectraNet

15:20 Afternoon Refreshments and Networking Break

15:50 Achieving Transformation through Automation and Simplifi cation at GE • Reducing the resources required for transactional processes through automation • Eliminate paper at the source: making information available instantly • Improving workfl ow and visibility across the business

Mirijana Jovic ANZ Operations Manager, GE

16:30 Career Progression and Talent Management within the Finance Function Talent management is often highlighted as the number one challenge facing fi nance leaders. In this roundtable, participants will discuss how to: • Develop a career path within your department that incorporates both strategic and operational roles • Establish recruitment procedures based around core competencies rather than a predefi ned skill set • Create a training plan that up skills fi nance staff in soft skills, to compliment the traditional fi nance competencies • Attract and retain scarce analytical talent

17:10 Chairman’s Close End of the Conference












“Excellent forum, I enjoyed the presentations and opportunity to network and seek out other professionals undertaking business transformation in their organisation.”

Peter Gray, Chief Accountant, ACARA

“Great range of speakers, good venue enabling connection with audience and opportunities to mingle and network with other attendees.”

Mick Myers, Vice President, ASSA

T: +61 2 9229 1000 î F: +61 2 9223 2622 î E: î W:

MasterCard Worldwide is one of the world’s leading payments companies. Through relationships with more than 23,000 fi nancial institutions, MasterCard offers products and solutions that feature state-of-the-art security and convenience. MasterCard payment products are at the Heart of Commerce, bringing innovative solutions and comprehensive benefi ts and services to consumers, merchants, and businesses in more than 210 countries and territories throughout the world. Learn more at

Join over 300 leading organisations who have chosen TenderLink’s web-based, e-Procurement system. Slash procurement administration costs, enjoy faster

procurement cycles and improve supplier relationships. Realise these benefi ts within 48 hours and for the low set-up fee of $7,500.

Basware is a global leader in Purchase-to-Pay and Financial Automation solutions. We enable more than 1,500 clients to streamline their fi nancial processes, in over 60 countries. Basware solutions and services signifi cantly reduce the cost of buying, selling and paying for goods

and services, while greatly increasing visibility and control of the entire spending process across the business. Our Open Network seamlessly connects more than 110 international e-Invoicing platforms, making it the largest inter-operator network in the world. Learn more at

Looking for an effective tool to streamline your select/public tenders and quotes?

Founded in 2001, BlackLine Systems was the fi rst to develop and offer a commercially available Balance Sheet Account Reconciliation solution. An experienced provider of software to companies from the Fortune 100 to beyond the Fortune 1,000, BlackLine provides quick-to-implement, scalable and easy-to-use applications that automate the

entire fi nancial close process to help improve fi nancial controls for companies of all sizes. BlackLine software applications complement existing Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems.

BlackLine offers clients its enterprise-class software in a simple and secure OnDemand/SaaS platform. With a proven track record and a commitment to customer success, BlackLine seeks to reduce the burden the fi nancial close places on accounting and fi nance professionals. For more information, please visit

Since 2002, Satori Group has been delivering solutions to provide visibility into real time data, identifying errors and potential fraud, and enabling continuous monitoring of processes and transactions. Our solutions provide assurance and peace of mind that

the controls framework is working effectively, while presented in an easy to understand manner through visually stimulating dashboards. Some of our clients include Coca-Cola Amatil, Energex, JB Hi-FI, Newcrest Mining, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, George Weston Foods, Queensland Health and Coates Hire.

NGA Human Resources is a leading global human resources and payroll software and services provider with offi ces in 35 countries across fi ve continents. Operating in Australia and New Zealand, for over 35 years, NGA provides innovative HR and payroll business solutions to employers of all sizes across all industries. At NGA we help HR executives optimise their

HR service delivery through smarter process and more effi cient technology, supporting key HR areas like payroll, workforce administration, benefi ts, recruitment, learning and talent management. NGA’s global 8,500+ employees, are dedicated to HR excellence through strategic HR and payroll Consulting, Outsourcing Services and Technology. NGA Human Resources has been positioned as a market leader in recent HR Outsourcing market research performed by three independent industry analysts. Click here to read how we rate! 1300 766 400

Founded in 1999, Spendvision is an award-winning global technology company specialising in integrated travel, expense, payment and reporting solutions. Spendvision’s intelligent technology, services and support enable customers to achieve fi nancial benefi ts, visibility and control of their transactions.

Spendvision is headquartered in the UK with offi ces in the US, Australia, New Zealand and Japan and is delivered to over 100,000 organisations direct and through partners across the banking and travel sectors. Spendvision is a Hogg Robinson Group plc company. For more information, visit:

Esker is a worldwide leader in document process automation solutions for SAP® and other ERPs. Esker cloud solutions enable companies to automate their accounts payable, accounts receivable, customer order processing and procurement.

Esker works with over 80,000 companies worldwide to eliminate paper and manual processes to improve their productivity and effi ciency. Since 1997 Esker ANZ has worked with over 1,800 companies in Australia and New Zealand to help them run their businesses leaner, smarter and more agile.

Christophe DuMonet Phone: +61 2 8596 5107 • Email: • Web:

PRGX is ANZ’s and the world’s leading provider of recovery audit services. We mine procure-to-pay data to detect lost profi ts driven by overpayments, duplicate payments and lack of compliance with negotiated contract terms or internal policies. We recover an average of $1B a year for our

clients. With over 1,600 employees, we operate and serve clients in more than 30 countries which include some of Australia and New Zealand’s largest companies.

Effi ciency Leaders’ vision is to be the Most Innovative, Customer Focused, Leading Provider of Effi ciency Solutions, in the World!

Global award winning Effi ciency Leaders’ solutions provide automatic extraction, validation and export of business critical information from documents into back offi ce systems. We save organisations time, money and make their jobs easier!

Whether you’re interested in simple data capture, electronic workfl ow or dynamic case management, come and see how Effi ciency Leaders’ innovation can help you become a Leader in Effi ciency!


TransformIT Systems are experts in fi nancial process improvement. We have a track record of delivering automation, cost savings and effi ciencies over the past

two decades.

We have a range of enterprise strength process transforming solutions that cover the breadth of fi nance functions including AR, AP, Tax, GL, Billing, Journals and Capital Accounting.

Our software integrates BPM functionality with powerful enterprise data analytics to enable business users to automate process execution, so they can get work done faster, cheaper and smarter. We integrate with existing corporate IT environments to remove the traditional IT barriers, empowering end business users.

Capgemini Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) collaborates with some of the world’s largest, corporations to transform their business processes in Finance & Accounting, Supply Chain Management, Procurement, and Human Resources. With its unique Global

Enterprise Model (GEM)™, Capgemini engineers and delivers powerful analytics-driven BPO solutions calibrated to each client’s individual needs. As part of Capgemini’s Rightshore® delivery network, a team of over 16,000 BPO professionals provide services to more than 180 clients in 38 languages.



































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o REGISTER ME for Finance Transformation Summit 2014 PLUS: Workshops: oA oB


WHERE Swissôtel Sydney68 Market Street,Sydney, NSW, 2000Tel: (02) 9238 8888Web:

WHEN? 22 - 23 October 2014


The Swissotel Sydney is the offi cial hotel for the Finance Transformation Summit 2014 event and they have negotiated event rates specifi cally for attendees of this event.

To take advantage of these rates, contact the hotel and quote: IQPC or go to and click on the Venue & Accommodation page for a direct link to rates.


TELEPHONE +61 2 9229 1000

FAX +61 2 9223 2622



MAIL SSON, Level 6, 25 Bligh Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000

SSON recognises the value of learning in teams.Take advantage of one of these special rates:

� Register a team of 2 to the conference at the same time from the same organisation and receive 5% off the total cost

� Register a team of 3 to the conference at the same time from the same organisation and receive 10% off the total cost

� Register a team of 4 to the conference at the same time from the same organisation and receive 15% off the total cost

� Register a team of 5 to the conference at the same time from the same organisation and receive 20% off the total cost, so the 5th delegate attends for free

� Ask about multi-event discounts. Call + 61 2 9229 1000 for more detailsPlease note: Only one discount applies

NOTE: PAYMENT IS DUE WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM REGISTRATION TO SECURE YOUR PLACE. Registrations received without payment or a Government PO will incur a processing fee of $99+GST = $108.90 per registration. Payment prior to the conference is mandatory for attendance. Payment includes lunches, refreshments, a copy of conference presentations via FTP website or workbook and all meeting materials. If payment has not been received two weeks before the conference, a credit card hold will be taken and processed. This card will be refunded once alternate payment has been received.

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EARLY BIRD*Register & pay by

12 September 2014



Conference + 2 Workshops$4,099 + 10% GST =

$4,508.90$4,499 + 10% GST =

$4,948.90$5,799 + 10% GST =


Conference + 1 Workshop$3,899 + 10% GST =

$4,288.90$4,199 + 10% GST =

$4,618.90$5,599 + 10% GST =


Conference Only$3,299 + 10% GST =

$3,628.90$3,599 + 10% GST =

$3,958.90$4,999 + 10% GST =




n Main Conference: 22 – 23 October 2014n Workshops: 22 – 23 October 2014n Venue: Swissôtel, Sydney, NSW


¨ Please send me _______ set(s) of AUDIO COMPACT DISCS and PRESENTATIONS CD at $878.90 ($799 plus GST) or $603.90 ($549 plus GST) Presentations CD only

¨ Please keep me informed via email about this and other related events


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Book as a TEAM,save & benefi t as a team.

* Payment not made at the time of registration will be subject to a $99 service charge.

* All 'Early Bird' discounts require payment at time of registration and before the cut-off date in order to receive any discount.

* Discounts do not apply to vendors/solution providers. IQPC reserves the right to determine who is a vendor.

* Any discounts offered (including early bird and team discounts) are subject to availability and require payment at the time of registration.

* All discount offers cannot be combined with any other offer.