srgr^srl^i^i* · 2012. 12. 10. ·...

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Transcript of srgr^srl^i^i* · 2012. 12. 10. ·...




a n 1 .lA



A & A Feeding Inc(PA) C-30159 Purchaso 4 Dispose of 1-23-62 Commercial Garbage

.'u'lA Sandblast - o " • C-32101 Van t.'uys Kunc Bldg 12-16-63 • .r,ir.dblasting (BPW) ;,

AEC'Co (Bt'W) C-31768 Sunset Blvd bet 8-7-63 •' Waterloo St 4 Hollywood ^

. D 1 . . H . , T - j | . n l 1 T I-,*, i M . c t . — i

AEC Los Angeles (BPW) C-31632 Electrolier Ltg system 7-3-63 Highland Ave bet Sta Monica uivd fc. Kelroje Ave . . , -

A.E.C Los Angeles BPW C-32439 Modify Electrolier ltg 4-22-64 System-Sunset Blvd bet Waterloo -, St 4 Elysian Park Ava ,

A E C Los Angeles C-32721 Sup'l Agroomnt-modlfy 8-21-64 • ltg eyetorn-Vornon Ave-Heever St to Bavmond Av«

A E C Loa An,' ;eles ?'•-•' C-32721 dba Allen Eng Cb-raodify 7-1-64 Elect Ltg Vornon Ave bet Hoover ' St 4 Rii-,mnnd Ave „^„

A G 4 H Invs C-31960 $28,557 bond imp 10-18-63 , Tr ^2478 • F-U0252


0 4 J Invs Tr 28801 $23,510 bond imp 2ill.755 LfcM bond L L Roofing & Bldg Roofing Mater ia ls Pub Bide (PA)

r; R Corp .'••.50,170 bcdd imo Tr ;2.'5817

C-33136 10-15-64 F-110321

C-33137 0-31568 6-18-63

C-30008 U-20-61 -P1C2205 N

A L L Hoofing & Bldg cJ32859 Mater ia ls Corp 8-5-64 Hoofing mater ia l s \ Bur PiiB Bides (PA) ,

A-1- Ir.dr.d To.vel Sup (PA) C-32139 Fur-Msh r.hop Tcvel Serv 12-3t-63 • V.^riou^ n^.'i-ti

A-1 Sirnal Co (BPV) 0-29650 • l i l e c t r o l l e r htr> 6-28-61 Lth St t: £t Louis St

A-1 Slc;nal Comoony (nPrf) C-30118 Remove 4 I n s t e lec l t g 1-10-62 svs - 3rd St bat Vermont & 'rfniitiirn Avos ''

A-1 Signal Co (BPW) 0-30575 , Inst Eloe LlKht system 6-13-52

Llneoln Dlvd bet B3rd 8t «• Manchester Ave

A-1 Signal Co C-3O67O Removal & I n s t a l l a t n l t g 7-13-62 system Vermont Ave bet -, Exposit ion Blvd & 53rd St (BPW)

.i-1 .':'-i.?:nai Co ' {3?--:l) C-31297 Figueroa St bet 3-13r63 5th 4 l l t h StsO '•

. I n s t a l l . e l e c t r o l i e r : . . . . A-1 Sl,':nal Co BP,-,' C-32394

Light In.!-, System-Vermont 4 4-6-64 Avc bet"Santa Monica 4 Beverly Blvd'

A-l Signal Co C-32758 Modify Ltg System 7-6-61;

Colorado Blvd be t Eagle Vista ' • Dr-,4 Townaend Ave .

A fc P Pipel ine Co (BPW) C-32689 Yarnel l St 4 San Fer 'do 5-19-64 Rd In te rcep to r Sewer conatr

a ,'; Constr Co C-45,OC{) bond Ira.n Tr 27217

A k S Inv Co .t-62,.'3C5 bond irap

. Tr 15039 • •- •

•C-31017 U-JC-L2 F-rl07Z56 •

' c'-3 o'oo 5 11-2C-61,,

F-1C22G5 • F- 57772,

Abbey Rents PA^ Dorn beds fc spr ings F i re Dept - furn

C-324'49 3-> 4-21-64' •

Abbey Rents (PA) C-33346->^ Domitory Beds fc Springs 12-1-64' Fi re Dept


*T7l?§8.8S hond irp tW-li StsiTrnct 23856 P-a5SA2

Abrams B.^arbara C-29'»98 , Demolitlon-728-30 Crocker 5-10

St-Bldg & Safety Comsn

8 61

Abrams Barbara C-33270 Sunset Blvd t Echo Pk 10-30-64 Demolition for Pk«5 Lots 662 t 66'?

Abrams Paul e t a l C-31730 $51,835 Bond imp 8-1-63 Tr 27916 F-110195

Ahrnms V/recklnir (BS) " C-20210 637-JO- s t rn fo r Ave 2-P-61 domolioh bidKB

Abrams 'rfrecklng Co C-29909 1565 E 107th s t ' ip -5-51 Denpllsh bldg

''^^srgr^srl^i^i"* Deraollsh bldg , -.

Abrams Wrecking" Co ' 6-29911 3527-29 S Central Ave 10-5-51 Deraollsh bldg



(BPW) Abrains Wrecking ._. 2117-19 E,113th St Demolition

Abrams Wrecking : 5455 Tujunga Ave Deraolition

Abrans Wrecking Co 1628-28i E 52 St Denolition

Abrams Wrecking 9406-08 Grape St Demolition

Abrams Wrecking Co 1545 E 50th St Demolition

C-36065 12-14-61

C-30556 6-7-62

C-31043 12-6-62

C-31044 12-6-62

C-31045 12-6-62

Abrams '..'recking Co 0-31?82 2528 S..'nulveda Blvd 3-8-o3 DeraoUtlon .V Reraoval

Abrams '//recking Oo C-32037 3110 Kenwood Ave U-13-63 Demolition

623 Academy ?.d C-317dl Demolition 4 Removal 8-8-63

705 Academy Hd , Deraolition 4 Removal Natl House '.'reck ing

Accounting Services •./ra L McCo L McCoy •

•king Dist #103 Par:

Ace Battery Co (PA) Pire Dept Ory Charge Groups

C-31719 7-.''5-63

C-3C299 3-14-62

C-30720 7-1-62



Ace Battery Co (PA/ .,- - . Auto Battery Components 7-1-63 Police Dept

Ace Battery Co PA C-32426 Automotive Batt Component34-21-64 Pplic.e Dept - furn


Ace HovinK (BPW)

•Jonoiisn ,Ave fc'

C-29198 1-30-61


•y •r.f&r^&^m.^ Ace Moylnc

Ayo 23ra.& Paaadeha >ve,3-xv.,-.M F i re S ta t ion #I-remove ffic-nke

Aoe Moving fc V/recking Co 0-2935? Demo bldga for Pi re Sta 3-3I-61 ' # 2 1 - "^Ist 4 Fooper Ave

Aoe Moving fc Wrecking Co C-29358 Co- demo bldgs for Ven 3-31-61 : Polloe Sta-665 Venioe Blvd

Ace Koving 4 'rfrecking Inc C-29937 Deraolition of '.Vestwood 10-20-61 St Kalnt Yard (BP'rf)

Aoe Koving & Wrecking Co C-31303 r West LA Sewer Malnt Yd 3-18-63

Demolition (BPW)

AclUs Dans inc (PA) C-31250 Sand 2-27-63 Hyperion Treatment Plant

Acrae Linen Co (PA) C-29897 Purnish Sheeting fc 10-5-61 Toweling -City Joii

Acne Visible Records ino'c-31l64 Plexoline Equipment l-SS-SJ fum-Cit Atty's office (p^)

.Acme Visible Records Inc C-31944 Index Filing Equip (PA) 10-10-63 Atty

I Acoustical tile |BPW) C-29892 Rms 191-192-194-195- 9-29-61 501-748-750 & 13OO \ .oa B Flf lne C.n

Acturlal valuation C-32391 ;,' Health Uept employees 4-l-6if '

Coates Herfurth & England

Addison Oxford Apts C-32753 Bond $10,395 7-9-64 L'-M $5,916 C-32762

Tract 26374 AddroBsograph-Multi C-31840

Offset Paper Masters 9-4-63 Printing Bur-Supplies (PA)

' Adjul Corp (BPl/) C-31057 Woodley Avo 3 Rinaldi 12-12-62 Imp

Adjul Corp Inc (BPW) C-31573 Alberts 3t fc Cedros Ave 6-19-63 Irap Dist

Adjul .:orp Inc (Dpw) Van Kuys 4 Kagnolia Aves-Imp

Adult Educ Progrom Police Dept-CIty Holn JoU (Extens) LA Bd of Educ

Advance Data Systeras L'udget Autora;ition Program Sanitation Bur 10-22-62

r.F-inqp.62 Advertising I963-64 0-31848

,. Highland Park Symphony 9-6-63 Assn F-106713

Advertiaing C-33449 so Calif Symphony Assnl2-29-64

,'imendment _4m22=H5 "Xorlal Survey C-32576' " , Mulholland Dr-Benedict 5-I8-64

Cyn Dr t 1600' Wly Beverly Glen Blvd - Aead & Lassar Aerial aurvey C-33112 "

Fairfax Ave 10-5-64 Willoughby to Melrose Aves

Aetna Street bet (BPW)C-30552 Kelvin Ave- Tree 6-1-52 planting Valley Crest Landscape, Ine

Afton'Fr'ank H (PA) C-29436 Automotive Equip 4-28-61 TransDortotion Bur furnish

C-3?C.89 12-11-63

C-29642 9-8-51 -F-7i04l



Afton Frank H Co Automobiles Bureau Trans

(PA) C-30232*^ 2-14-62 •

C-3025I1 2-21-62.

Aggregate Construction Co C-31417 1 , Shoup Avo bot Bel l Creek5'-l-63 ..

4 300' Nly Schoolcraft(PW)

Agr loul tura l Ins Co C-3077I $50,030 bond Imp 6-14-62 Traot 26297 P-99590

Ainsworth St bet I6I Pl k C-30372 168 St-Trim Palm Trees 3-30-62 • Arnold Koenig (BPW)

, Air Conditioning (BPW) City Hall Tower Floors E 0 Nay Co

' Air Conditioning (BPW) C-31585 N/Wing City Hall , 6-26-63 ' 200 N Spring St J Garner Co

Air F i l t e r Sales & Service C-30917' F i l t e r Media ,V. S t ra ine r Kats

-, Airport Dept (PA) 10-8-62

Alr F i l t e r Sales & (PA) C-31778 Service Co-Air f i l t e r s 6-12-63

' furn ish Airport Dept

Airplane Hangars C-33429 ) Pan American World 12-17-64

7 Airways Inc F-117705 LA I n t e m a t i o n a l Alroort , . .

Airport Co-?snrs Bd of C-29212 Agrmt-lease-US Govt 2-7-61 Van "^lys ,MT-i'',''t f.rop-o.ticinrs.

- *^XFr.5e?a^"'|n5> tWit office fumlture-fum

-29699 -30-61

Airports Dept (PA) Truokc-Electr lc Driven Taylor-Dunn Mfg Co

Los Angeles A.lrport C-29706 • Trucks 4 Sedan nuto 6-3O-6I Bold'^'ln J -,f Motor Co (PA)

Airport Dept (PA) C-29822 Corrosion Inh ib i t ing 9-1-61 Compounds Dearborn Chemical. Co ,,

Airport Dept C-30049 ^ Motor Generator 12-11-61 G W Galloway

Airports Depts Pol l t ron Corp


furn Hobil Radio Unit

C-30522 5-23-62

Oept of Airports (PA) C-30555 Aerial Platform Unit 6-7-52 Calovor Corporation

Airport Dept (PA) 0-30560 Floor scrubber 5-30-62 American Floor Haehine Co

C-31010 11-26-62

C-31099 1-8-63

Dept . 'ilrporto (i'-.'i) . i'jlevabor n.irts

Otis :-;levator Co - -» .--•.,-.

Airport Dept (PA) Station Wagons Compact Xvne _ ^ur^anQ Kotors Inc

Airport Cept (PA) C-31252 Floor Kalntainur Machs3-4-63 Kent Flnnell Industries

C-31453 5-13-63

Vlrports Depts (PA) High-Lift Work Pl^tforw G 1/ Calloway Co ,, ,

Airports Uept (i'A) Emulsified Asphalt

-C-31653 - ^ ..-, 7-1-63 American Bitumuls fc Asphalt Co

Airport Depts (PA) 0-31755 Work Platform 6-30-53 Galloway O.W. Co







A i r p o r t Dept (PA) C-31778 A i r F i l t e r S a l e s fc 8 - 1 2 - 6 5 S e r v i c e Co-Purn f l l t e r a

A i r p o r t s Dept (PA) C-31797 T r u c k s 6 -30-63 I n t e r n a t i o n a l H a r v e s t e r Co

A i r p o r t s Dept (PA) R o t a r y Mowere I n t e r n a t l H a r v e s t e r Co

A i r p o r t s Dept (Pfi) Flo

C-31925 10-7-53

F l o o r C l e a n e r B 4 '.•/ Chemlci] , Co',

C-31999 lC-30-63

A i r p o r t s Oept C-32075 Automobi le (,"A) 12 -3 -63 North ' " t a r K o t o r s I n c

A i r p o r t s Dept F u m . s t a t i o n 'i/agons B a r c l a y Ben Moto r s

Dept of A i r p o r t s li'AJ Crook Corapany Dept of A i r p o r t s

(PA) C-32205

(FA) A i r p o r t Dept Truck t r a c t o r I n t e r n a t i o n a l Ha i ' vea t e r Co

I, A I n t e r n o t i o n e l A i r p o r t C-29710 Rubbish Removsl S e r v i c e 7 - 2 0 - 6 1 P l e a t Diupoual Inc (PA)

LA I n t n ' l A i r p o r t "(PA) "c-30509 r, Bi tuminous p a v i n g 5 - 2 1 - 62 ,

m a t e r i a l s Vernon Asphd t M a t e r i a l s

A i r n o r t I n t e r (PA) C-30800 ' F a c t o r y Apron 4 Towel 7 -1 -62 Supply I n c Uniform U e n t a l S e r v i c e .

A i r p o r t LA (PA) G-31700 P.iving M a t e r i a l s 7-1-63 Viirnoii A s p h a l t M a t e r i a l s

L A I n t e r A i r n o r t C-29815 Fue l i . i g F a c i l i t y 7-19-61 j , Un i t ed A i r L ines Inc F-102693

.Satj^lUtR B i d s . ? 4 8 , .-. LA I n t e r n a t i o n a l A i r p o r t C-29838

I n s t a l l a t i o n Under - 8-23-61 Ramo Fueling; F a c i l F-103082 S a t e l l i t e B1; IE #3

LA I n t e r n a t i o n a l A i r p o r t C-29839 .-. Snace i n T i c k e t i n g 4 8-23-61

S a t e l l i t e Bldgs #3 F-103083 _ TWrt Inc „ „ . ,

I n t e r n a t ' l Airport 0-29934 Wostom Airl ines 8-27-61

" Space - S a t e l l i t e Bldg lf$ F-103855 Amil.iit 12-11-64 Third Amdmt 12-30-65 LAA-441 i- oui--o;i •.:i..t. j - i ' / - o u

IAi rpor t LA I n t e r n a t i o n a l Under-i'tarap I ' uo l ing

C-30039 1 1 - 3 - 6 1 F-104529

C-30623 6 -13-62


1 - 2 4 - 6 4 '

C-i'C'i'*^ 3 -16-6V

C-32909 8 -17-64

F a c i l i t i e s _ I.A A i r n o r t A i rpo r t rLA I n t e r n a t l

Lease a p r m t - P i p e Llna R i c h f i e l d O i l Corp F-1 •','^t, Anonri, ? , -1 ' i - f i ' i ,

A i r p o r t I n t e r n a t i o n a l , , _ , News G i f t S t a n d C o u n t e r s 3 - 1 4 - 6 3 I n t e r s t a t e H o s t s F-90447 SUDDIement t o 2 7 6 0 7 . , .

A i r p o r t I n t e r n a t i o n a l C-31804 Kopheads Smocks R e n t a l 7-1-6 3 F a c t o r y Aprfcn fc Tg]{?l Supp ly

A i r p o r t I n t e r n t ' I C-29904 I n s t a l l a t i o n of 2, 8 -19-64 moving 3idei«alks F-103535 v Araerican A i r l i n e s I n c Amndt. _ \

LA I n t e r n a t l A i r p o r t Food 4 G i f t S t a n d I n t e r s t a t e Hos t s Inc

Araendraent LA I n t e r n a t l A i r p o r t

Home O f f i c e 4 Hangar C o n t i n e n t a l Air L i n e s

C-33210 8*.19-64

iv.m' c -33211 10-13-6^

F-12^374 -



LA Internatl Airport Westem Air Lines' Information counter

, ana/«*. LA I n t e r n a t l A i r p o r t

Hangar f a c i l i t i e s 'rfestern Ai r L i n e s

, jinendment „ . . A i r p o r t I n t l LA

Pan American -.•.'orld A i r p l a n c e Hangars ^me.nd-j.eot..

A i r p o r t I n t e r n a t i o n a l Under-Ramp F u e l i n g F a c i l i t y

. ContLr^ental A i r L i n e s , 4 i r p o r t ^ i n t e r n a t i o n a l

A i r p l a n e h a n g a r • Araerican A i r l i n e s

Van Nuys A l r p i r t

C-33212 1 0 - 9 - 6 4 P-120634

C-33214 10-13-64

F-95461 , / .- ' l l .^AC . ,

C-33429 1 2 - 1 7 - 6 4 : F-117705

._,4.-:14.-6S , 0-33484

12-11-64 ; F-121585

' " "C-3 ' 3489 12-11-64 F-121575

an Nuys A i r p i r i ; Cn?fl?12 Tld of A i r p o r t Comsnrs ^-^•-^l • », TT R Government . J^ -^^-^^ a g r m t - l e a s e n ^ m n v t fCP^.i

Van Nuys A i r p o r t C-33213 79 a c r e s - A d j r e n t a l 10 -13-54 r a t e s F-95637

.T.nnirhaoA l \ r n y . a r t . .. -Akron C a l i f Oorp C-32215

$ 6 , 2 0 0 Bond Imp I - 2 9 - 6 4 • Tr 22471 F-117186

I Alsbario Ave b e t aherman C-29613 '.lay k Har t S t - (3PW) 6 - 2 3 - 6 I , Pulm t r e e s trlmraad

Alameda S t 4 (3PW) 22nd S t Storm D r a i n Gant ry Connt Co I n c c o n s t

Alameda fc 55th S t s o torm D r a i n - C o n s t r G P Vannoy (BPrf)

Alanied.i 3 t n e a r Robidoux S t - s i ^ n a l riftvl Ofts-I.rinf^ Rp3r,h !--r-i!ir,!. : i ne

A l b e r t s S t fc (BPW) Cedros Ave Imp D i s t Adjul Corp I n c

C-31192 2-5-53

C-31245 3-1-63



C-30985 U-19-02

C-31573 6-19-63

A l b l n a Engine 4 Mnch "iTke C-29398 I n c (PA) 4 - I 3 - 6 I F i r e b o a t

A l b i o n S t b e t Ave 19 & No Main S t (BPW) Const Storm D r a i n Milo Masanovich -

A l b r o H E (PA) F i r e m a n ' s Turn Out C l o t h i n e F t r e Deot

Alco Chemloal Co a Corp Spray m a t e r i a l s I n s e c t c o n t r o l (PA)

C-3153O 6 - 7 - 6 3

8-31324 3-28-63

C-29517 5 - 2 5 - 6 1

Alco Chemical Co (PA) C-31106 T r e e Spray Chemica l s 1-9-63 ivec & Pks

Alco Chemical Co C-33086 Ueed Chemical Spray 9 -25-64 s t r e e t Main t (PA^

Alcobol ; - - -'.ehab C-31031 P i l o t Oltn.ic i ' rcg 12-5-62 -•it,Ito Do:,it i'ub l l t h F-1C34CG

A l c o h o l i c R b h a b i l l t a t i o n C-31451 S c r e e n i n g C l i n i c - 5 -13 -53 Stn to Dent Pon t a l P-IO33O6

__ .H-fftiene C a m a r i l l o S t a t e , H o s p i t a l "Alcoho l i c nehab c i l n i c C-3206l

1963-64 Fl - ica l y r 9 -27-o3 i 3 7 , 7 4 9 - C a l i f S t a t e F-1C34CC

3537 A l g i n e t Dr ; Derao l i t ion Swim Pool

Nul l House Wr»jc!<lng

I Alhambra C i t y t L i b r a r y s e r v i c e

C-3129? 3 -14-63

F - I IC664

C-31064 12-18-62


Alhambra Foundry Co (PA) ] ' Manhole Frames Ik Covers / Bureau of Sanitation

iihanbra Foundry Co (PA)*~ Manhole Frames fc Covers

C-29958 2'i 10-27-61::

C-3258C 6-1-64 .

C-33010 9-11-64

', Alhambra Foundry Co ! Benedict Cyn dr bet

Hlllgrove Dr t 400' S T.anna Dr ^RPW)

AllIru Doy Corp C-29696 ; S8l4,,290 bond Imp 7-19-6l '.

Tr 26.54,6 F-99421

I All Bearing Service Inc C-31698 Arti-Frictlon Bearings 7-1-63 various depts (PA)

1 All "MaiTing sVrvI'ees'lnc"~C-30729 Mailing Service 7-31-62 i TThe Beat" Pol I.1am2lne Amendment (7-l-y_) ll_months.

All Mailing Service Ino 0-30729 Monthly mailing of.Ppl 5-25-64 . Dopt puftlipatlon ""ho Beat" fiagazlne (Supl Agrmt)

1 Allegheny St' & Laurel, 0-30552 • Cyn Blvd I D (BPW) 5-6-62

Improving Blacktop Materials Const Co

. Allen Eng Co (DP'-/) C-31144 Florence Ave bet 1-18-63 Avalon 4 './eat Dlvds-electrolier .'•|linn,l .•..-rmnt. 2-? '? - i^ ' \

Allen Eng Co pw C-32721 A E C Los Angeles- raodify 7-1-54 Elect Ltg Vernon Ave bet Hoovor St tt Hnvmnnd Av«

Alien Francis E Jr C-33 235 $67,770 bond irap 2-26-63 Tr 24319 F-1UQ22

Allen Harold L et al i $18,310 bond imp

Tr 21345

Allen Harold L fc G A $30,860 bond imp Tr 15774 •

C-31948 10-16-61.^ F-108516 ^ -

" C-31949 10-15-63


Allen Hubert A et al C-30520 $11,710 Bond Dep 5-27-52 , Tr 24135 F-101993

«llen,Wbi fc Morris BB. 0-29736 *ll,375 Bond imp sts8-l;-6l Tract 25480 P-60721 ,

' Alley H of" lbt St (BPV;) 0-29692 I bot Marshall Ot 4 - 7-14-61 1

Cebtillo Ave-lmp D D Cooley Jr

Alley Wly 3rd St (BPW) C-30968 (near Mont Clair St) 11-2-62 Imp-Leeloo Ino

Alley S-19th 3t(BPW) aheets Const imp

C-29197 1-30-61

Alley So of 48th St (npw) C-29501 bet Ascot 4 Hoopor Avee5-19-51 Leelco Inc-Imp

•illeys S of 57 .'.va tt Korn.indle Awe-imp J C Nicks Const -o

C-31013 U-2S-02


"Alley S-7/*th Rtreet!'pPT.' c-?03oo .,.

»''H'gefJ?S'-;iS:'/SS^'^«>'.^-J5-6i ' Alleys s/81 St & (BP-.-.'") "" C-29991 "'•

West of Central Ave 11-13-61 J .V Nicks Const Co-Imp

Alley 3 of 97th St{BPW) bet Wadsworth Ave fc McKinley Ave Orlfflth Co

Alleys S of 98 St fc './ of Avalon Blvd

, J, './ Nicks (BP./)

C-30505 5-16-62

C-30283 3-5-62

Alley rf of Avalon Blvd & So C-30871 ^5 103 St-Imp 9-21-62r Leelco Inc "•>,

Alley -Avalon Blvd(BPW) c-20272 : | bet Illth St tf 4„.2-27-bl ;j Uith Pl-Lcelco inc-lnp .-"

Alley Wly Broad Ave (BPW) C-29377 1 bet 249th St * Lomita 4012-61. Blvd-Oeo Savala Paving Co imp

i Alley W of Broad (BFrf) 0-3038? Ave bet 248 & 249th Sts 4-4-62 1 Irap .T W NInVa Ci inu t Cn

Alley SV; Cahuenga Blvd C-2961;9 i bet '-lultlview Dr 4 6-26-61 Regal Pl-Storm drain const Goorco Savala ,,_

Alley N IBPW) C-30531 Cattorougus Ave bet Holt5-28-62 , fc Halm Avenues J W Nicks Const Co Inp

• Alloy N of Chatoworth C-29554 ' & Jelsiah Sewer Diet- 5-5-51 J 4 M Orizol Co (BPW)

Alley S of Colden (BPW) C-29907 bet McKinley fc StanfordlO-6-6l Aves-Imp D C Cooley Jr »

Alley W of Kihg Ave (BPW) C-29908 c bet,Opp 4 "I" St-imp IO-6-6I «

D C Cooley Jr

Alley S of Lassen St C-33347 f Const sewers 12-2-64 >

111-, V4-U Z ' ^ n /O"'-')

Ailey W-T-*arlne Av Wear C-31747 M St - Inp 8-2-63 Griffith Co

Alley rf/o C-32424 • Norton Ave bet 6th St & Sly4-22-64

/-•' Vac ptnrSurety Bond-Our - F-55917 -Saviors Evangelical Lutheran Church Alley Wly Pacific Ave (BPW)C-29380

bet 36th St & 90' Wly 4-10-61' Oeorge Savala,Paving Co

Alley W of Reseda Blvd C-31041 Newman & Malcolm Inc 12-5-62 Imp

Alley 3 of Rinaldi St bet 0-2979? Ruffnor Ave 4 650' W of 6-21-61 Ruffner Ave-Const Sewers (BPw) Dodds Douglas H Alley C-32359 Bond Vac-So Santa Konica 3-25-6/f bet D.-irrinr t'on/Barry F-110907




Alleys (BPV/) 0-30961 E/o San Pedro St 4 S/o ll-l4-52 79th St - Leelco Ino -Imp _ _

:Alley C-33I88 N/o San Vicente Blvd 10-22-64 E/O Oeness Ave-Per Apirmet Ped hridire - San Vicente Realty Alley N Sherman rfy C-33127

(Near Eton Ave) Imp 10-7-64 Blacktop Mater ia ls Const Ino (BPW)

Alley N/O BP',/ C-3?P-37 Ventura Blvd nr Shi r ley 7-29-64 ' Ave - Imp Cliff Moron

Alley S of Vernon Ave (BP;-;) C-3C844 bet Denker 4 Harvard Blvd 9-12-62 Leelco Inc

C-29197 1-30-61

Alley W of 'rfalker St Imp Sheets Const

Alley '« of V/oikor Ave C-2""9502 bot 20th 4 2 l8 t St- . 5-19-61 a-n-ncr* q n t r p l p Ppir ln i r O n - Tmn

. .yisssi) . ._..'!.., . . Alley So of Whitter C-31456

W of Eeperansa St- 5-13-63 Conatr- (BPW) .Stor* Drwln Milo Masanovich





-I 4;




* i


t ,'i?



% •

A l l i s " ChalmeTa' (PA) " " ^ J - " ^ ^ ^ - j f e n a l r P a r t s - G r a d o r s - 5 -2 -63

T r o c t o r s - L o a d o r s -OB Shaw S a l e s 4 S o r v i c o Co InC

Al-U to - 1 0., m% 1 Allstate Savings 1 Loan C-33337

53,740 bond imp 11-30-64 ; Tr 25470 F-I2I652 vl,870 L4M bond . ,C-33338

Alondra Elvd bet Hrbr C-31783 Frwy & Orchard Ave 6-9-63 Metkovich Ivan M (BPW)

Tr 18505 P-106707'

Alpha Enterprises Inc C-3IIO4 546,790 in?) Bond \ 2-5-53 • Tract 26505 \ F-99234

\_ / . I p l n e ,rr3rr.atlcs I n c C-29713

S<>',•.• 11'TO Doodcrsn t 7 - 2 0 - 6 1 St r r iPt Mplnt ("A)

729-45 Alp ine St C-29545 E B House Wracking Co 6 - I - 6 I D e m o l i t i o n b l d g

A l t a I n v e s t n e n t Cc C-32374 J .8 ,785 .00 Bond In j . 3 - 3 1 - 6 4 : Tr 28260 F-114529 -

Al'cnlniin Co-Amor (PA) S'^-^^T} b a s e s - c c s t n V m l n - n P-P7-f>i. -T--nfri,c n o n t - f u r n

Aluminum Co o f America C-3010'7 Aluminum S h e e t s (PA) 1-8-62 \ Dept T r a f

Aluminum Company C-30429 , $ 4 » 6 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 Bond I r ap4 - l " -62 Tr 261Q6 P-107296

Aluminum Co of America C-3C430 Tr 26196 4 -19-62 P i p e l i n e Easements F-1C7298

Al-.raln'.i;:! Co of America PA C-32832 ^ Aluminum P i p e 7 -27-64

T r a f f i c Dopt - Purn

Ambulance S e r v i c e (PA) C-29590 Westwood-WLA Area 6 -15-Dl S c h a e f e r Ambulance S o r v i c o Corp

Arabulance S e r v i c e (Back UP)C-33267 LA P.ecvg H o s p i t a l 10 -29-64 . S c h a e f e r Ambulance S e r v i c e Inc

'.rabulance S e r v i c e C-33273 (Bick Up) (PA) 1 1 - 4 - 6 4 K l l l e r ' . S .AmhiOann* P.ecvg Hca;.: t U. , . . , . .

Ambulance- . "e rv ice (PA) C-33277 , (Biok up) , .ec H o s p i t a l l l - 4 - 6 4

Goodhew A.^nbu3„ince S e r v i c e

Ambrose Ave b e t (B 'W) C-31937 Rodney Dr fc Vermont Ave 1 0 - 9 - 6 3 . Hamanrifc Thomey-Const s u b d r a i n s

American A e r i a l Surveys C-31439 Inc - aurvoy map Tomoscal 5 - 3 - 5 3 Dr b o t n o w d o l n / P n n l f l c C a t T'r.'y

C-29904 1 0 - 3 - 6 1 ,

C-29905'' - , 1 0 - 3 - 6 1

F u e l F a c i l - S a t e l l l t e Bldg F-103S35 new p s g r tern-LA I n t l A i r p o r t


Aw'srlcan A i r l i n e s Ine LoBso Agrmt - T i c k e t i n g 4 S i i t e l l l t e Bldg 4 Amndt

American A i r l i n e s I n c Lease Agrmt- Under-ramp

American A i r l i n e s A l r p l a t e h a n g a r A i r p o r t I n t e r n a t i o n a l

A.i:ericon B i tumuls & (PA) A f p h a l t C o - E r . f l 3 l f l e d

^ /IpohPlt-P.urflflu i^tr^nt MP l n t

0-33489 12-11-64 P-121575

9-29695 6-19-61 •

American B i t u m u l s fc C-30491 A s p h a l t Co (PA) 5-11-62 S t r e e t Ka l i t Bur Annha l t American Bitumuls fc (PA) 0^31525 Asphalt Co Emulsified Asphalt

, .<?t Malnt Araerican bitumuls &

Asphalt Co (PA) Emulsified Asphalt Dept Airports

American Bitumuls fc Asphalt Co- Liquid fc


0-31653 7-1-63

Emulsified Asphalts-Truck

C-32775 7-1-54

\3phal Contrnntnm ninnt

American Bitumuls (PA) & Asphalt Co-Asphalt cement-fum Bur St Mtnoe

C-32910 7-28-64

American Federation of C-31772 Kusician3-1963-64 7-1-63 Kunicipjil Art

Anerican Floor Moohlne C0C-3066O Airport Dept (PA) 6-30-52 Floor scrubber •

American House '•/recking C-30035 10338-38i •rfeigand Ave U-30-61 Demolition 4 removal

C-30036 11-30-51 •

C-30765 6-16-62

C-31372 4-11-63

'C-32201 1-22-64

Araerican House './rocking 2306 E 107th St Ue.TioUtion & .leraoval

American House Wrecking Co- Denolition bldg 3555 Alginet Dr LA

American House Wrecking demolition dwellings 10514-18 Gorman Ave

American House Wreeic Co Demolition fc Ramoval 1561 E 50th Place

American House Wrecking Co C-32667 Demolition - 701 N Hill 6-17-64 -Pl - $720

American House C-33131 Wrecking Co-DemolitlonlO-7-64 412 N Creed St

American Legion ' "C-323)5 • Police Pes t-Sacranento 3-13-64-Convention $11,230.82

American Llnon Supply Co C-29636 Cloth To-.-.ol Sorvico 6-23-51 Public Bldg (PA)

American Motorists Ins 0-3274? Tr 29113 - $1,560- VM 7-7-64 Tr 29113 - $3,320- Bond C-32745

Americen Rubber Kfg Co C-29373 Doubla Jacket Rubber 4-10-61 Lined Fire Hoso ^PA)

Araerican Rubber Manuf(PA) C-30541 Fire Oept 5-1-62 Fire Hoso

American Rubber Kanf Co Fire Hose (PA) Fire Dept

American Rubber"Mfg Co Fire Hose - Fire Dept furn (PA)

American Type Founders r Offset Press (PA)

Printing Div

'iraeatoy Ave 4 r San irose St Sewer Diet

' cn-jtr "e-rfers {"?••) _ r.3-.r,U D...l.t

Anaheim St Bch Br Line 'i-ttut

Co - XinK proteo ees




C-31678 6-30-63

C-32324 3-10-64

C-3C929 10-17-62,'.,

C-31525 7-1-53 '


l:!?83% -

'Analyzer Aiitom'atic* ("P"AT"C"-3""2'137 " A) I L A nur of Sani ta t ion 12-30-63i/

Tijchi icon Controls Inc

C - 3 3 2 0 2 10-23-64 F-IC8065



• Anda Enterpr ises Inc t $6,200 bond imp

/ Tr 287&4 ' , t l i nn , -T tM Knn<4,

I Andasol Ave bat (DPrf) Hiawatha & Devonshire 3 t s

'/ Imp- 7-15-63 • Andosol Ave bet Mnrgete & 0-293^7

Weddington Sts CBPW) 4- l4-6 l '.- Construction SOBero / Bob Boako , "Andasol Ave fc Hlnaldl St C-31692 1 Quick William 0 7-19-63 ,- Constr Sewers- (BPW)



Andor Ino Jl5,665.00 Bond Imp Tr Zk^y

C-30596, 6-19 62 P-104943 )

/(rthur Andersen 4 Co'. '-';3-305'?2 Audlt'^rgh'ai"Oil fc Gas 5-16-62 i Co Accounts-lease City Owned Rancho Pk 4 Playground

' Anderson Bros (BP..-) C-30832 Veh Pkg Dist #108-imp 9-5-62 Figueroa St bet Ave 55 fc 60

"Anderson Carolyn et al C-33002 ; $50,000 bond imp 9-10-64

Tr S7436 F.120601 $25,000 L & M Bond C-33003

Andc'son Chester Wra 0-3274? , Tr 29113

Tr 29113 -!1,650 - LfcM 7-7-64 ^3,320 - Bond C-327^6

Anderson Kenneth W C-31915 $4,835 bond imp 10-2-63 Tr 27911 F-110637

Anderson Oscar J C-3?52C $8,805.00 - "ond Imp 5-19-64 Tr 28835 F-II4UI

Angco A fc Rose $10,920 bond imp Tr 19317

' Angeles,Truck 3odie<j Ambulance Podies Fire Dept (PA)

Angola Flight Rwy Corp Pranchiso Bond 10 years eff 5-25-51

"Annuel Report (PA) Hearst Fub o Inc Print 4 Publish

C-31587 tH 25-63


C-33356' 12-3-64

C-29371 4-12-61 F-44677 0-29460 5-8-61


- (

Annual Salary Survey C-33443 Professional Services 12-2d-6l> Arthur A Mclntyre

Anro Const (•mpV) ^ . Cij29?.36 " • Griffith Pk Gold Course ?-?-T6t

Clubhouse-Boys Camp-sewer

"A'nsbnlVWi'Fe'irCabie'cO G- iob i i " ' . Cable (FA) b-Zl-bZ Bldg fc Safety Dept

~ Ansonia KaVe "fc' "Cafile'Co C - S Z b & f Commun Cable furn (PA) 6-22-64 Dept PUfcTrane

10012-14i Ansae Ave C-31338 Natl House Wrecking 4-4-63 Demolition

L - ,1 Anderson './m R et al C-29986 • Tr 26600 bond Irap U-15-6:

$10,620 F-90941

"Andrew'Rol ir A "0-32670" Arch Service for Fire 6-17-64 Boat #4 Sta -Barth 194 LA Harber

Aneta St Sewer Ktnce C-33280 J Diet of L A County- 8-6-64

Sewage Disposal Service P-I21037

10522.1.24 Anzae Avo C-33410 Demolition 12-16-64 Sylvi»!«t<»r J Inn ( '

Apex Steel Corp Ltd(BPW)C-29749 Bamsdall Park Art 6-7-61 Oallory-raconst roof

Appraisal Services H R Hudsen 1-10-61 C-29139 . Hults 4 Whittlesey 1-6-61 29140 "

, Donald 0 Blrcher 2-6-61 29231 P T Howell 2-14-61 29235 Albert E Hampton Jr 2-20-61 29242 E R Metcalfe fc Assoc 2-15-61 29293 Tiraothy Holabird 2-16-61 2930? iAppraisal Services ' \ Brabant Davis 3-29-61 C-29383 ; ' Holabird Tiraothy 3-29-61 29384 '

Brabant Davis 2-23-61 29385 Metcalfe E R 4-19-61 29408 Davis Brabant 5-4-61 29470 J A Mann 3-8-61 29480

^ Earl R Metcalfe 3-7-61 29544_ 'Appraisal Services ) Metcalfe E R 5-25-61 C-29672 ^ P F Howell 6-26-61 29673 Tiraothy M Holabird 5-1-61 29678 Davis Brabant 5-1-61 29679 Metcalfe E R 7-10-61 29731 J A Mann 8-18-61 29816

_ Tiraothy Holabird _ 8-7-61 29854_ "Appraisal" Service's


John J Gastlin 10-20. V/ra V/arfield 12-12^ Title Ins Co 12-11 Robert Ogle 12-4 John J Gastlin 1-12 Earl R Metcalfe 1-11 Davis Brabant 12-6-

-61 C •61 •61 •61 •62 •62 •61

Appraisal Services E R Metcalfe 7-28-61 C-John J Gastlin » 3-5-62 Wm C V/.tirfield 3-5-62 Robert D Jackson 3-6r62 Davis Brabant 3-20-62 Davis Brabant 3-23-62

_Robert D Jackson 9-21-62 Appraisal Services Earl R Metcalfe 10-8-62 C Tiraothy M Holabird U-7-62 Earl R Metcalfe 11-20-62 John J Oastlin 11-5-62 Robert D Jackson 12-7-62 John J Gastlin 2-26-63

_Robert D •'ackson 4^8-^63 Appraisal Services Davis Brabant Robert D Jackson • John J Oastlin Robert D Jackson John J Gastlin Brabant Davis

_Robert D Jackson Appraisal Services Jackson Robert D Brabant Davia Gastlin John J Jackson Robert D Bernard G Evans Robert Jackson

_Robert D Jackson Appraisal Services Keith Brownell Robert Jackson Davis Brabant Keith Brownell Laurence Sando Davis Brabant

_Jo3eph A G.-iUqRho

3-28-63 5-27-63 8-13-63 8-27-63

11-29-63 1-29-64 2-3-64

3-6-64 C 3-.'?3-64 3-19-64 3-24-64 5-22-64 9-14-64 9-25-64

8-26-64 C-10-5-64

10-20-64 12-2-64

12-18-64 12-18-64 r 3-29-65

29932 30055 30077 30114 30115 30158 30174_

•29809 30277 30279 30282 3P336 30344 30869_

-30930 30970 30994 30997 31037 31267 31358.

-31389 31694 31793 31834 32083 32243 32220

•3230» 32352 32356 3-'?354 3."? 906 33038 33082_

-33083 • 33103 33179 33359 33417 33418 33768

Appraisal Service Hlth Ctrs 6-64 I South Health Ctr Southeast Hlth Ctr Southwest Hlth Ctr Van Nuys Hlth Ctr San Pedro Hlth Ctr Venice Health^Ctr

-Pacoima. Hlth_Ctr__ Canoga Park HlthTcJtr No Hollywood Hlth Ctr Northeast Health Ctr HoUywood-rfilshire Wilmington Hlth Ctr West LA Hlth Ctr Sunland-Tujunga Hlth L A Clvlo Ctr Hlth Adm

C-32570 -. C-32571 C-32572 C-32573 C-3 2614

C-326i'7 • C-32618 C-32619 C-32620 C-32621 C-32622 C-32623 C-32624


} r


•I I








S3 •:? -It?



Arbogast O\onn (BPW) C-32911 Architectural services 8-14-64 t Hampart Polloe Stn Projeot-Supl " Term Suo . 2-lo-56_

ArboRnnt Olenn (BP'-l) C-30162 Aprmt - Architectural 1-22-52 .•larv -rRamp.irt Pol Bldg

Arcadia Tree Servica (BPV/)C-30140" Trira Palm Trees 1-15-62 93 St bet McKinley Ave fc Broadway

Architectural Ser(BPV/) C-29130 H v: Underhlll-furn 1-6-61

Architectural Ser (BPV/) C-29131 Faxou-Gr/yc-Saylcr 1-6-61 fli-rn

A r c h i t e c t - o r a l Ser (BPW) C-29163 H V. Undor ' n l l l 1 -16-61

A r c h i t e c t u r a l Ser(BPV/) p i a l c h - B r y a n - P e r k l n s fc Hu tchason

C-2P201 2-1.-61

A r c h l t e c t ' i r a l ."^er ^B^V^ r,-7'^7'>Z R l o n e r C N e i l s o n e t aT '3_^,_A,I

Arc!" M'.ect-urtl •^fir'.'lco '0-29707 ^•jliiies •- !: : .rvor ("?'-••) 7 - IQ-61 n o r t h 2C]-'S..k\\ .'"ndro r ' i ru Bout fit S t n t l ,i

. r c h i t e c t u r a l S e r v i c e s C-30037 Reseda Sewer Maint Yd 1 2 - 1 - 6 1 Ct-n....\— _ Q P.vt.1—— nv. /noMl

Architectural Cervlnos C-30060 Rochlin & Baran 12-13-61 ' • 4645 Sepulveda nlvd K-l r-n ':-,tal-lnn i/ftO /PPW.V, -

IrohUec'tural Serv BP. O C-30162 A(?rmt - numpnrt Pol Bldg 1-22-62 ., Oionn Arbogast

Architectural Services C-30199 Noise Abatement (BPW) 1-31-62 , Fire Station No 82 Lane 4 Schlick

Architectural Services C-30783 Carl Maston (nPW) 8-15-62 .-'•rLA Piw-ar Mtnca Yd

Architectural Services ii-^i.i»rZ Jenkins 4 Barker-Agrrat 1-13-63 Hollywood Sewer Mtnoe' Yard UI ,. •:•.,-.. ..-I.-,—^i.^

Arclil t e c t u r a l „]b-,:rt C r i z tie-y. I.A Kun

. V r c h i t e c t u r a l Serv (BFW)C-28409 Gruen V i c t o r Assoc 12 -30 -63 DnBlon F1r« Dont Shonn Snn,

A r c h i t e c t u r a l S e r v i c e s C-28543 Sup l C o n t r a c t - w i t h l 2 -23 -o - i Adr ian " U s o n (BPW

.' i i r c h l t e c t u r a l ,5erv (n)',/)C-2flOT.O Val r o l HJ jtr-i FiCi ' . 1-6-6/, iJar.l j ) -Kai in-Johni ion -it a l

A r o h l t e o t u r a l S e r v i c e s C-32226 F i r e Oept (BPW) 1-29-64 S t a n t o n J E e t a l

. V r c h i t e c t u r a l S e r v i e e s " "0-32670 R o i l y A Andrew f o r 6 - W - 6 4 F i r e Boat #4 S t a t i o n B e r t h 194 LA Harbor

A r c h i t e c t u r a l S e r v i c e s C-32900 / Agr ra t -F l ro S t a t i o n No.59 8-12-64 .

Step- .ena A r t h u r

A r c h i t e c t u r a l S e r v i c e s C - 3 2 9 i l Glenn A r b o g a s t 8 -14^64 Hampart P o l i c e S t n - S u p l T^;rra SUP , 2,-16-66

Ardraore Development Co 0 -33281 3105 ,485 Bond imp 9 -25 -64 ' T r a c t 28356- P-107926 L 4 K Ebnd S52 ,743 C-33282 ,,

S e r v i c e s C-31299 ' - (ill'.-;) 3 -15 -63 •

::ent,(!r ."laza


Areoaau t Ina Oo $ 2 , 6 0 0 Bond Lnp T r 25972

'Argus C o n s t r u o t i o n Corp $63 ,950 Bend Improve T r a c t 24290

t ^ ^ & X P-104944

C-30948 1 0 - 2 9 - 6 2 P-73171

A r l e n e E s t o t e s j n t v e n t C-29750 |»73,750 "end imp s t s 6 - 8 - 6 1 ^ lay Horaes Inc 4 L o u i s e P-9460S Javelopment Co

""Arleta Ave (BPW) C-32964 4 P l l m o r e St Sewor D ie t 6 -31 -64 Nick J Leko 4 s o n c o n s t

A r l e t a Ave - 4 Sheldon St ID

S t a t e Div Hwys Agrmt

C-3'2322 3-12 '

Armco Steel Corp (PA) Pipe-corrugated ntal VoQ K plrg

Army Secretary Civil Defense purposes Brttery Snxton ,V Igloo Fort -IscArthur

Arnold-Fred A Ino (BAV) Hollywood Sower Maint Id-Constr Afll;. •JIar^rir i.\to .

Arrow Chevrolet Inc (PA) Trucks Reo 4 Pks


C-31357 4-8-63

"2"i9?34 6-8-61 1

#1 \ F-73395. N C-33200 10-21-64

C-29964 11-1-61

Arrow-Risco, Inc p^ C-32696 Repair Parts 4 Accessorles7-l-64. Bur of Public Bldg

"Arroyo Vista Estates Inc C-30198 . $145,575 bond irap 2-1-62 .,

Tr 26234 F-99358

Art Construction co C-29b69 •.70,000 bond Imp 7-5-61 Tr 26173 F-98359"'

Art'p«»:?tl"al 9-29602 Bernsdnll -'ark 6-12-61 9th A U City Outdoor

Art Festival-Ienth 9"-'°lo' Harry Bornstein 6-7-62

Art Festival C-31562 , Harry Bornstein 6-19-63

Barnsdall Pk 7-13 thru 7-21-63

"Art Festival C-32447 Agrmt H Bornstein 4-27-64 Stage llth Annual Festival

office furniture "-17-fil Tlpnt 41 rnn-nt-fSi n

A r t e s i a Blvd C-30943 Vermont Ave 4 F igue roa 10-24-62 Tra f S i g n a l s F-109797

C-29535 VrfC X J. vet • odiu—At'iw ^ • " J A " O X Tr 25167-bond |l6,285 F-97915

Arthur James A 4 Crilva, Sam-imp

..I t

Artuoovleh Doddo Co Scwers-Porthenia St 4 Londellus 3t (W of

. . filnlrn ST) tRPVl) Artukovich Pater (!i?v/)

Const -•'torm Dre lns

,C-294l9 4-21-61

tini Cohuoni-?e 31vd'4 Rosewood Ave

Artukovich Peter (3o\',') 0-29578" const addt'l manholes 6-14-61 on N Cutfall Sewer bet 4th Ave at Vernon Ave •

Artukovich P n t c r (n"',') C-29690 Sewers-Viocir sii Ave 7-12-61 bot 1600' N of Sntlooy

Artukovich ?oto (P-re) . C-29691 r.wer3-R/V.' V.' of 7 - l? . - ( i \ Peso R'hlea bet Lnseon St 4 Sly Lesson St

Artukovich, Pete (BPW) C-29740 He*lt Ave Sly I72nd St 8-2-61 Const sewers

Peter ArtuJ{oylcih..(BPW) C-30551 Sewers Ocean Front Walk5-l-52 fc Breete Ave 3 D Const

I Artukovich Pete Co (HP./) 0-32118 Sewers Eaat Rubtic Rd 12-20-63

Artukovich'Pe""te" ( B P W ) " 0-32303 Sewers Bradley Ave- 2-26-64 Yarnell St Sower Dist

Srtukovich Pete BPrf Constr sewers 25th Sj, bet Santa Fe Ave 4 Alameda St

:-32531' 5-20-64

Artukovich Vido 4 T.on C-3J!513 • Constr s e n e r 6th Dt 4 5-13-64

K-ariposa Ave SO- BP'./

Artukovich Pete (BPW) C-32914" - Const Vnlloy Outfall 8-14-64

Belief Sewer Unit VA-Vanowen St at DeSoto Ave

Arvco Supply Inc (PA) C-30597 • Material f-sr repair 6-18-62

services-traot nrs Bur of Sanitation

Ashley Milton F 4 Martha C-32904 $39,970 imp Bond 8-14-64 Traot 26180 P-111189 819.895 I4M Bond C-'^290'J.

Asphalt Cement (PA) C-2''-5o8 Rlohfleld Oil Corp 6-22-61 Bureau Street Mslnt

Asplundh Clipper Co C-3C941 Brush Chinpers (PA) 10-24-62 Street Maint Bur

, AsBoclBtnd Cheinlcnis (PA) C-29663 ••< Soluble Zinc 6-30-6I -

•to-rr. ' '0 Tfiiks

Vstoria Sl C-32306 it BledL-oe ot -w/San 3-5-64 .

• Fernando F.d-Calif St Div Hriya Traf r, irnal5 4 .'Jafety ,LtgF-U72-'^_l

Astoria St to "ncoliro C-29432 ;i '.'.'nsh Chsniiol-relocntlon4-?!7:'6l .,

sowors-US,Corps a ip lnaers Mansfield Sewer •: '1. •'='-982,03

Athens nlvd 4 190th St 0-21)444 llcrbor Pn'y-"eln*; Fwy 5-3-61 Dept Pub ",kE Div Hwy P-1006-'4

At l an t i c Constructn fc C-29523 Engineering Co Inc (BPW) 5-26-61

f rade Central Beo Hosp S i t e 00 3 Loma Dr

At lan t i c Dodge Inc (PA) C-31998 Cabs i Chassis 10-30-63 St Kaint

At lant ic Dodge Inc Truck Cab-Chassis Fi re Dept (PA)

At lan t ic Dodge',Inc ~ • Automobiles F i re Dept

furn (PA)

A t l a n t i s Builders $11,610 bond imp ' Tr 27000

Atlas Bl1g Material Bldg Materials Various depts

Atlas uevel Co 543,200 Bond Imp Tr 26511


C-32014 11-6-63

"C-32319 3-9-64

C-31097 .1-4-63 F-77560

0-32680 6-7-64

""0-31712 " 7-25-63

F- l l l ;5 l2

Atrium Es ta tes $30,655 bbnd imp Tr 27028

Attorney (PA) Linedex I n s e r t s Remington Rand

C-3I6O4 6-27-63


C-30409 4-11-52

( Attomey (PA) C-31154 . ; - I Floxolino Equipment 1-28-53 / ' fum - Acme Visible R/tOords Ina

Attorney (PA) C-31944 , Index f i l i n g Equip 10-10-63

Acme Vis ib le Records Inc


City Attorney PA C-32452 Linedex Inserts 4-2'7-64 Remington Rand furn

' Audit C-292A'6

Sipnal Oil 4 Gas Co 2-20-61 Recounts ptc-Hn.iklnfl tr. Sells

, Audit of Departmental C-3149i( Receipts 1962-63 6-3-63 Lybrand Ross Bros & Co F-113376

,Au'dit"4"Manageraent survey Lybrend Ross Bros 4 Montgomery ot al I960-6I

Audit 4 Management :>urvey Lybrnnd-RossBros 4

1- Montgomery etol 1961-62


tim F-107995 •

Audit Work 0-32602 1963-64 var City depts 6-IO-64 Lybrand-Ross Bros Montgomery e t a l . ,. F-II8788

Auerbach Ernest et a l C-31950 $2,570 bond imp 10-17-63 Tr 27804 F-109205

0-32983" 9-8-64

F-113230 „ C-32984

Austin 4 Robinson Lab(PA) C-30524 Recording Meter 5-23-52 ., Sani ta t ion Bur- f u m i s h

Auer*bach E et a l $6,755 bond imp Tr 28408

_ . $3,378 LfcM,Bond

Auto Truck Body Specialty C-31837 Ambulance Bodies 6-30-63 Fire Dent

Auto 4 Truck Body Spec C-32C18 Squad Truck Bodies I I -6-63 Fire Dept (PA)

Auto 4 Truck Body C-32030 Specia l ty Inc 12-11-63 Dump Bodies (PA)

_ S t i^L-iHnt Auto 4 Truck Body Spec Ino C-32705

Ambulance Bodiea P.ff -. 5-25-b4

Auto & Truck Body Specia l ty Inc Bur St Malnt (PA)

_ . Trji.q.k Bodiea _ Auto fc Tr.xk Body

Specia l ty Inc (PA) Tank WaKon Bodiee F i re Dent

Automo-klles (PA)

C-33422 12-20-64

C-33423 12-22-64

O'Connor Llncoln-Murcury-Pollce T>i'

C-29305 .. 3-1A-61


Automobiles (PA) C-31195 Downtown Pord Sales Ino C-31196 f u m Polloe Dept 2 - 7 - b y

Automobiles Furn Po], Dept RnoQA D n n i o n l / ^ K Ti .

(PA) C-32170 1-9-64

.Automobiles (?A) C-32171 i rurniah Pol D-3pt 1-9-64


Automobiles (PA) C I Furn Pol Dept 1

Briickf" n,1d,<irnnh1 To r.n

•Automobiles (PA) North S tar Motors Inc Piirn-Piro Dant

' Automotive "Equitrnwit (PA) Harger-Halderaan ^ i i t m l s h

32172 -15-64

C-32300 2-24-54

C-29420 4-26-61







' $ •

-a ?5

'4 1



Auto Equipment (PA) F i r e Copt

O'Connor 4 Son Ino

Automotive g l a s s (?A) T r i n i t y Qlciss Co I n s t a l l

C-29507 1) 5 - 2 2 - 5 1 ,1>

C-29592 I 5-15-61 I

Avalon Blvd b e t L o n i t a 4 ' . /a ter S t - T r l p ) -P a i n T r e e s (B'W) V/p.rrnn _--_,TjL«i?abA,' ,,

Hvalon S t S t a l i n t ay

C-32016 11 -6 -63

C-30742 Inp b e t Echo Fk Ave fc 8 - 1 - 6 2 L u c r e t i a Ave-Brozovloh fc Harpe Avenue 23rd (BPV)

4 P.-isnnona Av" r •

20302 .^c-f,\ •c


Ave 28 t Cypre s s Ave C-31602 Tra f C o n t r o l S i g n a l 6 -27-63 C a l i f S t a t e Pub 'Wks P-113801

325-29 W Ave 38 C-31839 Demol i t i on 8-29-63 Hal lmark 'Wrecking Co

Ave 46 b e t ' r fes tdala Ave C-29831 .V. C o r l i s s 3 t - I r ap 9 -1-61 B H K o U e t t

Ave 51 C-32416 b e t Yosemite Dr 4 Cor inga 4 - 1 5 - 6 4 Dr-Agrmt A e r i a l Survey P a c i f i c A i r I n d u s t r i e s Avon--o 54 b a t ' C-311;26'

3 n l t i r a o r o / l r v i n i ; ; t o n P l 1-21-63 p o i l o s t r i a n brld-cn - LA F-110516 U n l f l o d Sch D i s t • LA County

1214 N Ave 63 C-31871 D e m o l i t i o n 9-12-53 N a t l House V/recking

Avery Lrbe l Co {?/•) P r e a s u r e S e n s i t i v e

0-29596 6-19-61

Labftls-Dept Bide '•-- Safety

Avery Label Co PA C-32661 Preasure Sensitive Label 8-7-64 B4S Dept - furn

Ax?] rod ,-,-/3],t--ir I. r, v4,5'.i.- Bo. id Imp T r .'i.' r.o.'.


Aztec Development Corp il4,045 Bond imp ats Tr 26357

:-32158 1-13-64 P-1J47C4

C-29744 6-7-51 P-100205

B fc A Investraent Co Tract 26916 - $9,360-ino Bond , L4K Bend $4,680-

3 D B Enterprises •t3,655.CO - Bond Irap Tr 2918.'?

C-32843 " 8- 3r64 F-ii999r c-32644 C-3:.'44t!' 4 -29-04

S 4 P -Kr l eg -Globe (D""./) C-33328 - Car lo-- Avc; ?tor-m D r a i n U - 2 5 - 6 4

b e t Tamarind Ave .'•-. Gower St Cnn<?t,l- t^l-nr.m n - a l n

B fc W Chemical Co C-31999 Floor Cleaner (PA) 10-30-63 Airports Dept

Bachan Bros Oonst Co C-30840 San Feliciano Dr bet 9-7-02 Cerrillos Dr 4 350' Wly (I!?'..') ' i . t HPWOrt^

Bachan B r o t h e r s (BPW) C-30956 Const C o - P l a t t Ave fc 10 -26 -62 C a l i f a St Sewer D i s t -rtonnt aovo.ra

Bachan B r o t h e r s C o n s t r C-31107 L o u i s e Ave & Rancho S t 1-9-63 l iewers-Const

Bachan Eros C o n s t r Co C-31689 Pluraraer St 4 Mason Ave 7 - 1 9 - 5 3 C o n s t r Sewors-(BPV/)

Bachan Bros C o n s t r Co ~ Lassen St b e t A ldea Av

& Lou i se Ave Cnnatj* Rtninm . ..

Badger T-r J e t a l f $ 2 3 , 2 3 0 Bond imp

Tr 19546

Badges J r F i r e U n i t F i r e Dept D i e o r a f t Corp


C-31691 7-19^53

C-31738 6-2-63

[ ' -106454-, i n « 7 e

C-32138 1 2 - 3 0 - 6 3 •

B a d l e r H e r b e r t L e t a l C-32071 $ 1 0 , 2 5 0 bond imp 12-3-63 Tr 28393 F-111260

Baech to ld George H C-31223 $ 3 , 2 3 5 bond irap 2 -21-63 • Tr 27232 F-106314

B a i r d - A t o m i o , l n e C-29353 Purn s p e c t r o m e t e r & 3 - 3 1 - 6 1 a c c e s s o r y eau inment

' Baker H E Const Co(BPW) C-29868 irap 120 th St b e t C e n t r a l 9 - 2 0 - 6 1 & McKinley Aves

Dakar V. E (P./) C-31432 Imp S/s Ppoo ldon t Avo b a t 5 - 3 - 5 3 6 7 0 ' 4 1 4 0 ' H/o 2 4 6 t h S t -

Baker H E (BPrfj C-31595 208 th S t a t Denker Ave 6-24-63 imp

Baker Wra A fc C h a r l e s M $ 1 , 8 1 4 bond imp Tr 28558

nokory Goods (PA) Eag le Bakery Ino Purn-."iec 4 Pks Dept

C-31954 10 -17 -63 F - l l l U l

0 -32301 2 - 2 5 - 5 4

Balboa Blvd (BPW) 0-3226? & -hatsworth St 2-14-64 Irap -

Bfclboa nivd 4 Parthenia C-29598 Street Irap-;jnlon Oil 6-20-01 Gabpig Albort- P-IOO368 Mo'.'fnlr i'iorkets, -stroot Irap

Balboa Blvd 4 (BPW) C-29830 Parthenia-Imp 9-1-61 Hooker Co

Palboa Blvd bet 500' C-3C386 S of Parthenla 3t k 4-4-62 Hoscoe 31vd-Imp fl 1. p-iobbo-in (no.ii-l

E/S Balboa 4 s/o 3an Jose C-32241 Imp (BPW) 2-5-64 McGinnis fc Gautier Ine

Balboa Gardens Inc Bond Imp - $9,350.00 Tr 29168

• UcK Bond S4.560.00 Balboa-Nopo Properties

Bond Imp - ^685.00 Tr 21105 TAM Bnnrl ftlili-^-OO

Balch-Bryan-PerkinsCP'"*') Hutchason architectural services


\ Baker H E C o n a t r Co C-32751

irap Teraple St b e t S p r i n g 7 - 8 - 6 4 -i St 4 No Bdwy '\

H W Baksr Linen Co (PA) C-32645 Bedspreads - f u r n P i r e 6 - I 6 - 6 4 D e o t •v

C-3284i 8-4-54 F-120039 -0-32645. C-32850 6 -5 -54 ' F-106333 -

-.20201 •1-61


Baldwin K i l l s Dara 0-32123 Kold Hannl^is^i Aggr.T.tl2-27-63 U 3 of Ara-.-rloa F-116740

"Baldwin H i l l s BPV/ C-32386~ D i s a s t e r a r e a - r e s t o r e b l d g 4 - 3 - 6 4 s i t e s K4J C o n s t r 4 M o r r i -son-Kruid.ian Co I o i n t l v . . . , .^

Baldwin H i l l s (BPW)i C-32642 R e s e r v o i r O l s a s t e r a r e a 6 - IO-64 R e c o n s t r n t s - G r i f f i t h Co

Y Baldwin J V Motor Co(?A)C-29135

, I y>-door sedans 1-10-51 RfiC * Pks DPTit-fiirn

I Bnldwln Motor Co J V C-29706 Trucks 4 SedBii suto 6-30-61 Los Anp^elos Airport (PA)

1 Baldwin J V Motor (PA) C-30281 Trucks 3-2-62 St Ltg Bureau

•Bald-i/in J V Co (PA) C-30381 r Automobiles 4-4-62 -

Pol ice Dept

Baldwin J V Motor Co I PA) •c-30C85* Trucks 5-9-62; Bureau Transp

Baldwin'J V Motor Co (pAy~C-36519 . • Genuine Chevrolet Par ts 5-23-62

Vor depts

i" J V Baldwin Motor Co(PA)C-305io Panel t rucks 6-21-52 Fire Deportment

C-31193 2-7-53

C-31279 4-3-03

ijoldwin J V I'io t o r Co fumish Trucks (PA) Bur Transportat ion

Ba]dwln J V Kotors Co Bus Type ./agons (PA) Trans Bur

Baldwin J V Motor Co (PA) C-31379 Piok-Up Trucks-Truok 4-17-63 cab chass i s -F i re Dept

Baldwin J V Motors Co C-31696 Cabs-Chassis (PA), 6-30-63 Fire Dept

"J.V. Baldwin Motor Cc C-32328 Cab 4 Chassis-Bur of 3-^10-54 • Sani - furn (PA)

•j V Baldwin Kotor PA 0-3238/7 Autoraobiles-Police Dept 4-3-6/|.' furn

' J a l l ' t Black Supply Co~n»ATC-j2679" Grader fc Skiploader 6-17-64 Blades - Bur Sani ta t ion

Ballantyne Const Co (BPW) C-29906 ' F i re Sta t ion #97 10-6-51 8021 Mulholland Dr

Ballantyne fc (BPW) C-30574 Cl Bollontyne Const 6-13-62 >

17281 Sunset Blvd Fire Stot lon Conat No 23

Ballantyne fc Ballantyne C-31315 Westwood St Mtnce Yd 3-22-63 11165 Miesouri Avs (BPW) rnr.r>¥ D 1 . 4 - 0 h V n - 4 1 4 ^ 4 - -

Bnllonn Creek (;-?"M3 • I rX^'-^TlVrSoSlrol p--"«?5o

Ballona Creek Mosquito 0-3259? Abateraent Dist- West ptn 6-18-64 of City - Jnt Powers Agrmt

Ui - I IQ l iA f l -Ballona Creek Pumping C-2ti492

Plant-Dept ''ub tvks Div 5- l3 -o l HTfyo Calif .'3tote-reloC8tlon , i«wnr MB In

Bellone Creek Pumping C-:29540 Plnnt Force Main 6-5-61 J,.H Co Plcod Control P-101923 q l t y ' o No Outfall Sower

3ellona Creo;': Punoing" •~C-296a Plant-Rolociition Sower 6-23-61 Maln-Drummond 4 Bronneck (BPV,')

Ballonoff Abe e t a l $3,295 bond imp Tr 27710

0-31774 8-12-63


( '

Bandera St BP.V C-321»37 9546-Deraolish garage-Nat'1 4-22-64 House Wreck fc Salvage Co

Bank of Araerica C-29847 1 Pedestrian bridge 9-6-61

Harlera Pl bet 650 S F-102950 Spring St & 111 W 7th,St

Bank of America Natl C-l6052 Trust & Savings Assn 9-4-64

Amemdment _ . .._ _.J-U<J4<3i. .- .

I Barbara Ann Apts Ltd C-31086 $13,310 bond imp 12-26-62 Tr 21740 FJ11021

4 1

Barclay Ren Motors' (PA) C-294o5 Automotive equip 4-19-51 '

Barclay nan Kotors (PA) 0-29634 Cnb-Chassis 6-23-61 Fire Dopt

Barclay Ben Motors (PA) C-29966 Trucks Ford Model F 100 11-1-61' Rec 4 Pks

Borcloy Ben Motors (PA) Ca30l68 Purnish Trucks Plre Dept 1-23-62 4 Bur Trans

Barclay Den Motors (PA) Trucks Bldg 4 Safety

Ben 3arclay Motors (PA) Plre Departiiient Cobs and Chassis

C-30246 2-20-62

C-30579 5-12-52

Barclay Ben Motors (FA) TzMOks-Bec fc Farks Dept

C-30640 7-13-62

Ben Barclay Motors (PA) C-30562 Stot lon Wagons,compaot 6-30-62 Reo fc Porko Dept

ry Pen Kotors (PA) Truck -^itl. Aer ia l Boom Bldg 4 .Safety

Barclay Ben Motors (PA) Bur Trans Bus Type Wagons

Barclay Ben Motors Automobiles (pj^) F i re Dept

C-30853 9-17-62

C-31213 2-11-53

C-31510 6-4-63

Barclay Ben lOtors (PA) C-31600 Trucks Trans Bur

Barclay Ben Kotors • Trucks Pick-Up (PA)

Rec 4 Pka

Barclay Ben Motors Trucks (PA) I3f, Maln t ,

Barclay Ben Motors" (PA) 'C-3213o Purn Bur Transportation 12-26-63 Trucks


C-31639 0-26-63

C-32021 11-7-63

Barclay Ben Motors (PA) C-32205 Furn Station Wagons 1-24-64 Alrsorta Deot

Barclay Ben Kotos ~ CX; Trucxs Bureau of Transp

'' timi Ben B.axi£iay, Motors ( P A ) " C-32325 Cab Chassis Sani Bur 3-10-64 furn

B-arclay Motors Bon PA Trucks-Oopt Roc 4 Porks furn

Barclay Ben Motors PA - Truck Chassis - Bur St Mtnce - furn

Barclay Ben Kotors PA

C-32399 4-7-64

C-32411" 4-9-64

C-32450 Trucks Transportation Bur 4-27-64


I fi




.ien Bflrrlfly Motors furn Truck "'hassia Bun St. Mtnce,

Barclay Ben Motors PA Pickup Trucks

C-32647 6-16-64 '

C-32715 6-29-54

Battery St 4 Wilmington 4 San Pedro Rds '//ire Line Crossing Pac Slee ;iwv Co

Bouer J E Corp (PA) Yellow Traf Point

C-30410 Z-J 2-6-62 -r '


0-29805 8-25-61




'I - i i .

Barclay Ben Kotore Trucks Trans Bureau

Barclay Ben Motors Automobiles Fire Dept (PA)


Bp-rclay B l c h a r d

^ t f ?.2O0',5'00;oo jiond imp

i r n c t 258 l9

C-33072 9 - 2 3 - 6 4

C-33375 12-10-64

F-94 ' '03

B a r c l a y R i c h a r d Const S e n l t e r y Sewers Tr 2 5 8 l 9 - n e 8 t o m fc 2 4 o t h St

Barden Haro ld E P r o f e s s i o n a l S e r v i c e Annual S a l a r y Survey

3ark"er A F ' $ 2 3 , 5 0 0 bond imp Tr 21955

C-29758 6 - 1 4 - 6 I F-102828

•31186' •5-63

B a r k l e y , h i c h a r d 3 $ 7 , 1 4 0 bond irap Tr 19360

Barman 4 S u n s h i n e £ 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 bond imp R t s - T m c t 20733

C-31337 4 - 4 - 6 3


C-31973 10-24-63 F-106736

c^29133 i - 1 0 - 6 1 p_Q7S!77

Barmlk C o r p o r a t i o n C-31473 .^207,070 ' ' end improve 5 -23 -63 T r a c t 22208 P-109345

Barnes S B 4 A s s o c i a t e s C-30104 Eng S e r v i c e s - Nor th 1-5-52 C e n t r a l Ou t fa l l - rBy-Pass R e c o n s t r u c t i o n (BP'./)

Barnes 3 B 4 Assoc (BPW) C-30464 Ehg a e r v i c e s 4 - 3 0 - 5 2 No O u t f a l l Sewer B l a n k e t i n g

n a r n e a o Sari e t o l C-31742 ? 1 1 , 1 3 0 Bond imp 6 - 5 - 6 3 Tr 27693 F-110202

EnrnacieU Park C-29602 9 t h AU C i t y i^utdoor 6 -12 -61 Art F a s t i v e l

B a r n s d a l l Park A r t OaUery C-29749 r o c o n s t r o o f - ADOX 6 - 7 - 6 1

•' S t e e l Corp Ltd "(BPW)

Barnsdall Park 10th Annual Art Festlvol Guard service 1

<; Barone Vlnoent A

fc Alfred C Jensen $15,340 bond Imp - 557-

C-32674 6-15-64

C-30335 3-22-62 P-104377

Tr 24794 Barrier Railing (BPW) C-33104 La Tijera Blvd Bridge betlO-2-64 Thornburn St fc San DiogoFwy Santa Monica Fence Co

Borrlngton Plaza Corp C-29?63 • Const Sanitary Sewers 6-14-51

Tr 21962 F-96791

Barry .ive bet Venice Blvd 4C-30003 .\; Charnock Rd Trim Palm TrpRR Cri.idle 4 Heinkel ( r-

Bosso Domenich Inc (PA) PurTi compact type 4-dr sedans - LA Fire Dapt


.1 . C-30092 1- 4-62

'3auer J E (PA) Traf Paint Traffic Dent

C-3086l< 9 -26 -68

Bay Area Cone t r Co C-30741 Imp W s i d e Broad Ava 8 -1 -52 bpit P<»o Coai^t Ewy fc L S t

Bay Area C o n s t r 00 (BPW) 0-31549 Glendale Blvd SD 6-12-63 bet Revere Ave fc Glenfeliz Blvd Con.str , ,

Bey D i s t r i c t P a v l n f Co C-2Q458 Spv . t e l lo Blvd b o t Rose 5 - 1 0 - 5 1 five .•--, Palms B l v d - l m p r b v i n g

BPW Bay D i s t Paving Co (BPW)

Imp of iVil ton P l a t B e v e r l y Blvd

Baza-Vent iiro ^6,750 Bond Imp Tr 27867

Baza-Ventuz'a Ine . $4,050 Bond Irap

Tr 28746

Bear State Equip (PA) Rubber Tired Tractor Bur St I'laint

Beauty Bilt Homes Inc $99,160 imp bond Tract 28311 Labor k Flat Bond,

• Beaver Estates Inc S72,450 bond imp Tr 25815

Becich Const coflPW.) ^bO San Pernando Hd E-Dlst St Mtnce-cons

C-2981 8-30

817 I -61 . I

C-31750 6-6-63


~"c-3226d 2-18-64 . F-11438e

C-33159 10-16-64

C-32600 6-10-64

C-30C06 11-20-61 F-102205 F- 57772

C-2P200 7-3-^1

t b i .drs


: ]

Beck George 0 (BP',/) C-30373 Const Garage-V/aahraak 3 -30-62 B l d g - V e n l c e - i i ' e s t c h e s t e r So.wp.r Ka,int Yd-3233 T h a t c h e r Ava

Beck Roy L 4 Connie J $7 ,250 imp Bond T r a c t 22861 «•» /;•»,< TAM H r m A

Beckley George S4,640 Bond imp Tr 27696

C-32927 8-20-64 F-102701 n_'*909ft

C-31759 8-7-63


Bedwell V P C-29889 Care Indigent Homeless 9-2'7-6l 4 Transient Men

Bedwell V P C-30?aa C'lre Indigent Homeless 8-15-62 4 Transient Men

Bedwell V P 0-32020 Indigent fc, Transient Meiil-8-53 Care 4 Feeding-oocial Service

Bedwell V P Core 4 Podd ing of I n d i g e n t 4 homeless men

C-32729 7-2-54

, Keechnr Const Co ThefB^W^C-SOZfiZ Cochran Ave 4 6th St ?-?/,-61 cnnst storm drains

Beecher Const Co(BPW) C-29850 sewer Bnrrlnr;ton Ave fc 9-15-61 Rochester Ave SD


Basso Don in leh Autoraobi les F i r e Dept

(PA) C-30506 5 -17-52

Basso Domenich In c (PA) C-32170 F u r n i s h Autos i 'ol Dept 1-9-64

Max Behm e t a l $ 1 1 , 0 4 0 bond Imp T r , 2 6 2 0 7

B e i g e l K a r c i a L $ 5 , 1 3 0 bond imp Tr 26104

C-29825 9 - 5 - 6 1 F-94701

C-31463 5-17-63


Belnschroth A J (BPW) C-298o6 3 I Irap Pkg lota for Plre 6-25-61 '

Y Stations 12-20-11,7-51; vprtous Iocs "N

Bekins Van & Storage Co C-33283 .1 Koving Services- 10-14-64 1,

Shelter supplies Civil Defense \

Bel-Alr-Brentwood (BPW) C-303I8 Fire Area-removal debris 3-16-62-Cleveland Wrecking Co -, c


Belcraf t Mfg Co (PA) C-29435 1 -Dog Lie Tags 4-28-61 j Animal Ree Deot - ' fumiah \

Boll C-.'/icli o'corn >aln C-30300 ,| Channol -.: E of Valley 3-14-62 1 Circle iilvd -Sanitary Sewera -. „Matro.?e,ve].cc 'Jj,!.-!:.. P-96a48,.,_ , \

' Bell Helicopter Co (PA) C-30041 Helicopter 12-5-61 'i ] Fire Dept \

Bell !!allcoptor Co (PA) purchase Helicopter Police Dept

Bell Helicopter - Helicopter (PA)

Fire De :t

0-311(25 5-3-63

C-32051 11-21-53

Bel l Helicopter Co , C-32753 Helicopter Repair Par ts 5-r30-64 F i re Oept

Bell Helicopter Co C-32770 Hel icopter- Pl re Dept 6-30-54

Bel l Helicopter Co C-33289 Three-Place Helicopter 11-12-64 Police Dept (PA)

Bellogio Pl BPW C-32696 llOOl-Deracllsh f i r e drag 8-12-64 dwell 4 f i l l swln Pool Not ' I , House Wreck . . . .

Bellaglo Rd 25o« N(BPW) C-30694 Thurston Circle-const ?-l8-62

Quick 0 Williom Bel le Iioriis A c t a l

^Jy,J,ZO.ClO bond^lT^p Str;-"^nct •' n i l n f .

C-2O260 ?-?fl-<ll t>_-irin';';^

Belle L A 4 J tf Boyd C-33138 $3,185 bond imp 10-19-64 •Tr 29523 F-72233

B e l l l ' ^ ^ r U T v e ' ' ° " ' ^ l B - p w j - 8 : ] M -bet Pao Cst Hwy & 260th , 6-19-64 : St -imp- Warren Southwest Ino

Hellon Kurt dba Bellon Kurt C-30117 Constr ' ict l n -Imp Sin ter l-10-5i; St bet 110th _ l l t h Sta (npw)

Belt Dwight Co (PA) C-30407 f Blue Pr i r . t s -? tc 4-1-62

V.l r l ouc Depts

Bendiii Corporation C-29347 Constr sewers-TR 25595 3-3 l -o l Sa- "'•no "d * Senulveda F-1007<?5

Benedict Cyn Channel C-3C385 Unit Il-Sewer 4-5-62 Relocation F-106991 Knfir-i n p p n . r ! i - . rn , . . .

Benedict Cyn Channel C-3129C Par't 3B-US Army Corps 3-15-63 Etut-sewer des len P-111921

Bonedjet Canyon Chann<>lC 2oioi

tto t t-lermofit's - ^r??^7r5o Benedict Cyn Channel " * c-29'615

Cattaraugus Avo to 6-26-61 3allona Creek-US Corps P-93i99 Snglneers- 'Jnit 1

Benedict"Cyn b r (BFWT~C^"2604 fc Easton Dr Imp 6- 5-64 D C Muralt Co

Benedict Cyn Dr bet C-31231 .^^ ' Hlllgrove & Leona Drs 2-21-63 • -,

Betterments P-111921 '5,

Benedict Cyn Dr be t C-33010 Hlllgrove Dr & 400' 9-11-64 , S of Leona Dr (BPW)

Benedict Cyn Dr (BPW) C-31181 , Mulholland Dr to 3000" 2-4-53 «.

Sly -Martin E Roe const ruet Guard Ralls ,.

Beneficial Standard C-31396 - Life Ins Co a Calif Corp-4-25-63 $56,590 Bond imp Tract P-IIO526 •

..278,1.0 _.. .-Bentiey Theodore Howard C-31882 1

$408,370 bond imp 9-18-63 ', Tr 2'?397 P-110462

C-31331 4-2-63 F-69ft30

0-31920 10-4-63


C-33169" 10-19-64

F-108331 C-33170

C-31025 11-29-62

C-32617 6-3-64

Benton Hones inc .. $24,610 bond Imp

Tr 27269

Beran Inv Corp $1,940 bond imp Tr 2744?

Berberian Jack $14,305 bond imp Tr 28090 it;7 1A-* T*M hnnd

Berg Harold (PA) Dump Bodies

Bur -St Maint

Bermant I r a 0 c. Appraisal Service

Canoga Park Health Ctr(BPW)

Bernstone, A H C-32656 Bond Imp - $22,510.00 6-6-64 Tr 26981 C-3265? .TA-M Bnnrl.ftll .acc.nn _

.Berry Emily C et al C-32195 i £14,220 Bond Imp 1-27-64

Tr 28770 P-114509

Berry Kenneth T C-3150; Procedural. Manual 6-3-63 Controller

jiethlohem. Star Parodo C-30939 Assoc - Approp §1000 10-23-62 • for Adv-irtisin,'; -4 P-8II15

_ DUblicitv . ,. , Bethlehem Star Parade C-32030 $1000 Advertising 11-13-63 1953-64 fiscal yr F-81115

Betterment C-29716 Avalon Dlvd bet ICSth 7-25-61 k ]2Cth ,;t-Storm Drain F-95C46 P--,-! ///,cir._t ,1 ri« Tn„„-i n . . . . . . , , _

Beverly Blvd (BPW) 0-3065? 1 4 Melrose Pl-construct 7-13-62 manholes Warner Construotion Corp

Beverly Building Hoteriol C-30705 , Roofing Hoterlola (PA) 7-24-62

Bur Pub Bldgs

ieverly Or bet (BF*') C-31868 ~ Beverlywood fc 9-12-63 Cattaraugus Sts Carl Kahan

Beverly Dr N/o 0-31238 . Coldwater Cyn Bettarment2-28-63 County Flood Control P-111764

Beverly Dr bet Pico Blvd C-32032 Alcott St Storra Drain 11-13-63 Cord Hiley Co (BPW)-Constr

Beverly Glen"Blvd'fc"(B"PwT 'c-3i50'2 Beverly Ridge Br-Imp 5-29-63

r Newman fc Malcolm Inc

Beverly Glen Blvd bet C-3088J Scenario Line 4 (BPW) 9-26-6i. ."Sunset DlvQ-imp U - n k - - -^n

Beverly Hi l l s -Ci ty C-29733 San_ Vlcante Bl bat 5th 6-2-6'





s t fc Schumacher Dr wl den fc landscape P-911 h



'i i





• ^






• ^

• t

Beverly Hills City of Traf Engineering service within Bev

. Hills , , Beverly Hills San Vicente Blvd- . Burton 'rfay from Holt to 6th St-landscanlni^

Beverly Landscape(B:'*) VanowGn St be, Vanalden A " v e - * y s t o n e -

B o v r l y Perk Corp £3 ,030 bond Imp Tr 19936

C-29928 1 0 - 2 0 - 6 1

,F -102701

C-33128 10-9-64 F-117342

C-29182 ,1-25-61 imp

C-20499 5-19-61 F-96008


C-33385 1 2 - 1 4 - 5 4

B e v e r l y R e a l t y Co $387 ,020 bond imp

?]^93 , W ^ LfcJ' bond ' C Bevers L B fc L P C-30063

C o n s t r u c t i o n s i d e w a l k 8 -18 -61 Weal tha Ave


novorwU Dr b e t B e v e r l y wood St 4 C a t t a r a u g u s I :„p. (BPW)

B e v e r w i l Dr from C ; C a t t a r a u g u s Ave t o 3

Beverlywood S t P -L A U n i f i e d Schoo l D i s t

IBev-Hl Development Co J27 ,200 Bond imp s t o 4 sewers Tr 23775

Bevlnnd "ev Co Inc ' 4 9 , 9 3 0 bond imp Tr 21665

Bevland Dev Co I n c , $ 2 1 , 1 5 0 bond irap

Tr 252«7

Jevland Dev $95 ,600 bond imp Tr 28113 .•.47.800 L4M bond

Eld Construction Co conat culvert Reaeda

8i^i8.SI,4r?39e? Big A Stores • |7,|^^^|ond imp

C-3'786 3-14-53

"-313'26 27-63 105289

C-30765 8-21-62 P-IO936I

0-29447 5-4-61 F-98348

c-30539 6-4-62 p-qQ(>ft7

c'-33175 lC-19-61,, F-J 1 107A C-33176 C-29'»87 -17-61

Blrcher Donnid 0 Annrnlsnl Pfirvlces

S & J Biren (PA) Carpet-Nylon Pub Bldg

Bishop-Conklin Co Roofing Materials Pub Bldg (PA)



C-?073i ?- ' -f : l

C-31345 4-5-63

C-31559 6-14-63

Blacktop Mnterinls(BPW) C-29181 Roscoe Blvd bet 1-25-61 Mn.son Avo-lmn ^

Bl.icktop Mntcrlrl.<!/'PPV> C-?"3?0 Connt Co .'-1 -'-', Scpn'',vodn Blvd bet Partnenin "1 ft P,irthen1n Ft--)mn

BiKhon ,/arren K C-3C013 .'••16,lie bond imp 11-22-61 Tr 26532 • F-1CC287

Blackburn Carl E C-3C4CI ' $4,3K5 bond imo 4-ll-u2 Tr 24454 F-1023C5

Blackburn Cari E C-31741 $24,610 Bond imp 8-5-63 Tr 22513 F-109091

Blacktop Const Co (BPW) 0-3096? Imp Valeric St near 11-2-62 Zelzah Ave

BlBcktop Mfiterlala Const New Pkg facilities BPW West Valley Mun Contor 19040' Vonowon St-gradlng

C-293' 4-i4-<


] 0

B l a c k t o p M a t e r i a l s Cons t 0-2986? 2-> imp L i n d l e y Ave b e t 9 - 2 0 - 6 1 ^ Hosooe Bl fc O a u l t S t (BPW)

B l a c k t o p H a t e r i a l s Cons t C Imp-Sherman Oaks Voh 9 Prkg D i s t #10? (BW)


-291381 I -27 -61 I

B l a c k t o p K a t e r i a l s Cons t C-30001 Imp V a l l e y C i r c l e Blvd 11 -15 -6 N of Calenda k O s t r o n i c Drs

B l a c k t o p H a t e r i a l s (BPW)C-30562 Imp Al l egheny S t fc 5 -0 -62 L a u r e l Cyn Blvd I D '


' Blacktop Materials(BPW) 0-30519 Cody Rd fc Rayneta Dr 6-25-62 Imp Intorssctlon

Blacktop HateVia'is (BPW)'' C-30666 Const Co 7-13-62 E half White Oak Ave fc Superior streoi. ..'. _.

Blacktop Haterials Const 0-30739 Co-imp s aide Chatsworth 6-1-62 .

St - Petit Ave

B l a c k t o p K a t e r l a l 3 Cons t C-30904 .S /s lde Sherman './ay b e t IG73-52 2 8 3 ' './ of Varna .ive 4 Tujunga •./.^".h-lmi^ (nP/1 /

B l a c k t o p M a t e r i a l s Cons t C-3C928-Vanowen S t 4 L a u r e l Orove / IDrlrap (BP)/) 10-17-62

B l a c k t o p M a t e r i a l s Const C-31039 r Louisa Ave N of (EP'.O 12 -5 -62 -

Sherraan Way-Irap

B l a c k t o p K a t e r i a l s Cons t Co C-J14J8 Imp Ormri.rd S t - L a n k o r c h i n / 9 - 6 - 6 3 C o l f a x Ayo (B'FV)

B l a c k t o p r a t r s Const Co C-31728 Woodnan Av bo t (BPW) 7 -31 -63 • V i o t o r y n ivd 4 Oxnnrd St

. Irao- . B l a c k t o p .Katerl .al- . l?? ' ! ) 0 -3211?

Conat Co 12-20-63 • 'i/oorilyy Av iiuar Rinaldi St TiPfi

Blacktop Kater const ue Q-32258 . Imp - 3/s Shoup bet (BPi/)

T i a r a fc C o l l i n s S t s 2 - 7 - 6 4

B l a c k t o p M n t e r i a i s BP/ C-32512 Const -iorlrap V./-J V i c t o r y 5-13-64 Dlvd v io Tr'---i03t Ave

Tho B l a c k t o p M a t e r i a l s pw C-32724 C o n s t r Co- imp V.'blls Dr 7 - 1 - 6 4

!?^e^92|lSS?riSnvi''2''8o^g!n''Ave B l a c k t o p M a t e r i a l s Co C-32862

Pav ing m a t e r i a l 8 -5 -64 Van Nuys A i r p o r t (PA) ''

B l a c k t o p K a t e r i a l s (BPW) C-32970 Const Co-imp 3 s i d e 9 -2 -64 Lanark St b e t Owensmouth Ave & Topansa Cyn Blvd

B l a c k t o p K a t e r i a l s Const C-33126 E / s l d e Tujunga Ave b e t 10 -7 -64 Otsego S t 4 S of Huston Ave Imo (BPi'/) '

B l a c k t o p M a t e r i a l s Const C-33127 A l l e y N Shernan Wy lO-7r64

I n p (BPW)

B l a c k t o p M a t e r i a l s Const C -33 i51 San V i c e n t e Blvd 4 I O - I 4 - 6 4 Bur ton Way b e t H o l t Ave fc

- 6 t h S t - I n p (BPW) m o d e s (PA) C .3 I I147-

f / G r a d e r 4 S k i p l o a d e r 5 -10-53 I n d u s t r i a l P a r t s Depot I n c

"Bloke M o f f i t t fc TownepA) 0-3070? Pape r d u p l i c a t o r 7 -24 -52 v a r i o u s d e p o r t m e n t s

B l o k e ' - K o f f i t t 4 to-i/no (PA) C-31424 fu rn Dupl ica t ln i , ; papor 5 - l - o 3 •

-Dopt S u p p l i o s

\ '

\ '


/ •

Blake Moffitt fc Towne I Envelopes

City Clerk (PA)

"•C-3U56' S' 12-29-64:

Bledsoe Estates Inc . .'t;127,610.00 - Bond Imp " Tr 27830

C-32470 5-5-64 F-11253'"*'v

111963. Bliss Lumber Co Inc(PA) 0-2988? Redwood Post -furnish 9-27-51 Dept Troffic

C-32810 7-12-64

Bliss Lumber Co PA Bedwood Post Traffic Yards Dept - f u m

. BluFPrint P"ape"r & ^C^"2591 Cloth - Keuffel & Esser6- 5-64 Co -fum var depts

eiueb'ell Ave approx (HPi/)C 30845 105' N of Addison-imp 9-12-62 Plorentino Gonzalez

Blumborg Lowla P C-2o53l $7,390 bond imp 6-15-61 TJ. ? A?I2 "-1022?'^

, Blumborg Lewis P C-29532 $15,640 bond imp 6-15-61 Tr 25934 P-102279

BIythe St (BPW) C-31405 , N side bet Ethel & Mary 4-26-63

Ellen Aves 4 other s t s - t r e e plant lng, parkways-Carl, Kahan *,

D'lTrd 'Vr i l th C-.nv C-30573 i 1952 Dist Conv 6-23 5-13-52

to 5-27-52 - Advertising fc pub l i c i t y _ F.-9OOII ••

Boca Ave bet ('B?'./) C-32054 val ley Blvd & ',/orth 11-22-63 • Savala Constr Co-Imp - '

Bode C C Co iBPW) 0-32256 j Vanowen St bet DeSoto Av . , ', & Var ie l Av - Imp 2-14-64 ;

Bode C P Co (3PW) 32956 : imp Day St 4 Amanita Ave 8-28-64 < i n .

Boden St bet C-32978 Qenesee Ave fc 9-4-64 LaCienega Blvd-Constr Storm D-ain ' w r. r..>r.t.on '

N E' Bohannon- et a l C-31018 $6,555 bond imp U-3C-62 Tr,21018 F-107432



3 o l l e n s John Co e t ^ l . S tudy R e d i s t r i e t i n g • f C i t v

' Jo l ton E s t a t e s I n c $123,960 bond inp

- T r 25501

B o l t s Nuts e t c (PA) 01 R-J- t . I Co

S t o r e Div of Dept of /• S u p p l i e s

B o l t s - S t o o l Founda t ion r. f u m Traf Dopt -(PA)

C n n t m c t n r s Runnly Ce

Bonsy Dov Cor? *20,3^iO bond imp Tr 23776

Bonay Dev 00 $ 1 1 , 6 6 0 bond imp Tr 21321

Bond-Rec & Pks , $ 1 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0

; e l e c t i o n 1 9 5 7 - S 8 r l e 8 Q'HaiYeag''.Jc,.-E^zscs.

Bond , r F i r e D e p t - $ 3 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 ; R1 a c t - I n n 1 0i;0-,C!«-'l «o ' ., . CJ-'ipiven-/ 4 K..v«r.s . •

; Bond $ 1 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 fc > $ 3 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 G - S e r l e 8 D

E l e c t i o n 1957 Rec fc Pks & P i r e

C - 3 0 U 4 3-9-62 ,

C-29708 8 -25 -61 P-99071

c-29476 " ; 5 - 1 2 - 6 1 . ;

C-31415 4 -30 -63 ., .

I n c

C-29676 7-10-61 f p - io i . ?o5 •

c -31648 7 -10-63


• " ' 8 -31200 2-13-63

D F-82217

C-31201 2 -13-63 .,

n ..F-ft<)CflQ _

c -31304 3-20-53 p -89089 P-82217

Bond $4,500,000 Ser ies

C-3I8OO 8-21-63



te?8o8'^-'° Uni

,v.v,«.00-pipe lines, nited ?ac Ins Co


.k^o^bi ; BondQFronchise C-29476

7 HlUs Antenna Corp 5-l5-6l ftlOOO Faithful perfomonco bond-Amorlcsn Infl Co , P-85035

Bonds Franchise C-29857 Union Oil Co 9-15-61 $12,000

Bond-Franchise ' C "3'6l34 Union Pac RR Co 1-15-62 Faithful Performance F-98438

Bond-Franchise C-30179 Calif Consumers Corp 1-25-62 Faithful Porformoncn P-0o;. 50

Bond-Franchise C-30181 Union Pac RR Co 1-26-62 Faithful Performance p-91ftoi;

Bond-Franchise Southern Pacific Co

Bond-Franchise Oroner Oil Co

, Faithful Performonce Bond-Faithful Franchise

7 Hills Antenna Corp

Bond Fronchlse Union Oil Co pipe llne-falthful ferformsuice Dond

Bond franchise , $25,000 Bond

Cheviot Hills Pipeline Conpany

Bond- Fronchlse Signal Oil fc Gas Co Pipe Ln fronchlse


C-30799 8-21:-62.


C-30260 • 2-26-62 ,P-48939, C-3 0406 4-12-62 . F-103963' N

""0-30451 1 4-30-62 P-104940

C.30584 6-14-62 P-104953 •

C-30754 6-13-62 F-106112

C-30261 2-26-52

F-91743 Venice Ooa Co Faithful Porfornnonce

Bond-Franchise C-30799 Southern Pacific Co 8-24-62


Bond-Franchise C-30260 Graner Oil Co 2-26-62 Faithful Performance F-48939

Bond-Franchise C-30251 Venice Gas Co 2-26-62 Faithful Performance F-91743

Bonds Franchise C-31209 Faithful Performance Bond2-15-63

' $5,000 F-107202 Siena l.ou it. r.A:-..Cn. - . ,

iJond Franchise C-31363 r Faithful Perfoiraance 4-15-63

Investment Water Corp F-109457 Bond Franchise C-31963

Humbie Oil fc 9-17-63 Refining Co F-112195

Bond-Franchise Pac Elec Co

Bond- Franchise Sholl Oil Co

Bond-Franchise Union Oil Co

- Bond-Franchise Union Oil Co

C-32035 11-18-63 F-109488

C-32092 12-17-63 F-85208


S2 0-33135 10-9-64




t .t

• ' \ - -

- < ^

. * •

Bend Treaserlpt C-297^1 i Library bond Election ?-20-6l »-1957-Serles E-$600,000 P-101590 Fire Oept bonds Elec P-89089

1957-series c-$3,ooo,ooo F-85912 Sewer Bonds-Election 1951 Ser ies A-ftl5,000,000

i Bono' Transcr ip t s C-31800 $4,500,000 sewer Bonds 8-21-63 " Ser ies B -1961 Sewer F-rl01590

T i o r ^ - K l p p t i n n 10A1 Bonita St C-31437

(nr Torraino Avo) Iraps 5-3-63 Sliiet.i Constr'.ictlon Co

Bonsallo Av k i! l; "st(BPi;)C-3l690 -Constr Storm Droin 7-19-63 Gantry Constr Co Ino

Bortlen Ave .'c Montford C-29993 -• .treet .Sewer Dist 11-13-61 Cnrl-, /est (BPW)

• Const aenera

. Borel St 3744 Roab Constr Co Demolition

Born-it^ln H.-Try '.'th A U City y>rt Pestlvul-July 7-0-g nrrnadsJU . k ,

3ornstein Harry Art Festival-Tenth

C-33145 10-14-64

•C-29602 6-12-61

«" C-30555 5-7-62

Bornstein Harry C-31562 Art Festival 6-19-63 Barnsdall Pk 7-13 thru 7-21-63

Jornitein Har-ry C-32447 Agrmt-Stage llth All City 4-2'/-o4 Art Festival-Kun Art Gallery 4 Outdoors, Barnsdall Park Qortz, Leo" dba L Bortz C-30801

Oil Company-furn thinner 8- 1-62 L A Storerooms (PA)

Bortz teo I PA) Thinner t^l?

. Jo r tz Leo O i l Co (PA) C-32665 M i n e r a l S p i r i t s T h i n n e r 6 -16-64 rinlivar LA S tc re room

B, s h e s Raloh './ (BP.:) C-30864 F i r e S t a t i o n ,'780 9-19-02 • 10435 S Sepulveda Blvd r;ni..-.T :h.-it,Rm«nt Altflr.iiti on.s

Borko Bob (BPVI) C-29397 C o n s t r u c t i o n Sewers 4 -14 -61 Andosol fwe b e t l . 'argsto fc '.-;eddIngton S t s

Bosko Bob (BPW) C-29379 c o n s t sewero r /w S ly 4 - 1 2 - 6 1 Plummer S t b e t 6 2 0 ' 4 9 2 5 ' Wly Tampa Ave

Ho-//er G i e b e l ..'lilse Co ' C-3C450 Cinrly X. Cliewinr Gum5 3,-1-62 iiec 4 Pks (PA)

Bower G i e b e l Whale (PA) C-30445 C i g a r e t t e s and C i g a r s ^ - 2 3 - 6 2 Rec fc P a r k

B o y a r - K e s s l e r Inv Co C-29827 3173 ,100 bond imp 9-5-61 Tr 24558 - F-88216

B o y l a r - K e s s l e r Inv Co C-30652 $131 ,570 Bond Imp (" ' • • ' )7-12-52 Tr 26514 P-66216

B o y a r - K e s s l a r Inv Co C-31103 $215,1.90 bond imp 1-9-63 Tr 26515 F-88216

B o y l s t o n S t (BPW) C-3O3I6 parkways b e t Hollywood 3 -16 -62 Proeway 4 t e rm Sly & o t h e r s t s -t r i m palm t r e e s - B u r d y 4 F i t 2 p a t r i o k |

B r a b n r t n r v i s C-293S3 A p p r a i s a l S e r v i c e '3-29-61


Brabent Onvls Appraisal Service

I Brabent Devls Approlsel aervice

IBrabent Devls Appralssl Service'

Blrabant Davis Appraisal Serviees

Brabant Davis, Appraisal Servlcea

Braband Davis Appraisal services

Brabant Davis Appraisal Servioee

Brabant Davis Appraisal Services


' C-29470 5-4-61 F-62927

0-29679 5-1-61

c-30174 12-6-61

C-30336 3-20-62

C-30344 3-23-62

C-31389 3-28-63

C-32243 1-29-64

Brab.^nt Dav i s A p p r a i s a l S e r v i c e s Victorv-Vanowon Park

Braban t Dav i s A p p r a i s a l S e r v i c e s

B r a b a n t Dav i s A p p r a i s a l S e r v i c d

C-32352 3 - 2 3 - 6 4

C-33179 10-20-64

C-33418 12-18-64

Brachman I g n i t i o n -ilka Inc 0-29835 Auto i'a r t s (PA) 9-6-61 Deot of S u n o l i e s

Brachman I g n i t i o n Works C-33051 Auto R e p a i r P a r t s 9 - l - o 4 . S u p p l i e s Dept (PA)

B r a d l e y Ave pv/ C-32722 b e t SEly Ol inda St fc 7 - 1 - 6 4 Ol lndo S t - C - r l West Co c o n s t r

_ sewers B r a d l e y Ave fc (BPrf)

Tuxford St SD-Const Sewers C a r l West Co

' B r a d l e y Ave , (BP'.-/) 4 Y a r n e l l S t Sgwor D i s t P e t e A r t u k o v i c h

] ldlll%

2-23-61 f ] Brainard Ave fc (BF./) C-31815 Foothill Blvd SD 8-23-63 N J Viial«h-Oon,«itr

Brasher ./oodrow w 0-31773 $7,950 bond inp 8-12-63 Tr 27910 7-110641

Braswell .{ B il P,') C-31630 Mt ree Dr N of 7-3-63 Mulhollind Hi'y-Imp

Brpun ncV-'.5ri; i: CD For',; Truck L I'I .Spcrto Arena

(PA) 0-20631 6-30-61

C-31257 3-4-63

Braun Robert H (PA) Fork lift Truck L A C.jllseum

: Brewster Dr Sly (BPW) C-29799 Edieon Dr-Const Sewers 6-21-61 V J Vusich

•Bell Creek-bridges C-29412 I Shoup i Fallbrook 5-9-61 ,

LA Co Flood Cent (BPW) P-101260

Breecker Harry (PA) 0-30554 Rec fc Parka Dept 5-30-62 Bridle trail oil

Breed St 412 N Demolition 10-7 American House Wrecking Ci

C-33131 64



Breedlove Bros Crane (BP.'/)C-30961 Sorvlce Ino -Demolition 10-31-62 211 S Hill St -Pire Dept Hdqtre

Brentvood Synphony Orchestra Assn $5,000-Adyertising 1063-54

Brentwood Symphony Orchestra Assn Fiscal yr 1964-65 t A u o r t l oitrMf -*C ( W l _.

Bridge (BPW) „,, Balboa Bl-Victory Bl/ Ventura Frwy -Oberg Constr Corp „ .

C-31924 10-8-63 F-112478

C-33100 10-1-64 •


Br hin gbasas Creek„ ,., 1-15-51 ; atteras-LA Co 'lood

Control Dlst-const-

Bridge Overhead C-29745-^ Harlem Pl 11-15-61 United Calif Bank F-102950

Bridge Detour C-29239 La Tijora Blvd bot 3-6-61 Thornubrn St 4 San Dlego Frsowey-Callf State • P-9303b_

Brklch Jack & Sons (BPW) C-30346 Enolno Ave & Service Bd 3-26-62 Sly Ventura Freeway-const sewers

Brklch Jack (BPW) C-29483 Winnetka Ave bet Santa 5-15-61 Blta Dt 4 Delita Dr-sewers

3rklch JacV ""(BPWJ C-31869 Louise Ave bet 9-13-63 Raneho St k. Oak View Dr-Sewers

/ .

Brklch Jack fc Sons C-32084 Me-vcistle Ave 4 (SPrf) 12-13-63 Ki l l ion St f ewer Dist -r.nnat. Soji^ra -.

Broad Ave bet Loraita C-33324 Dlvd ~ 1 St-Imp 11-25-64

, Sheets Constr 1.0 (EPW)

Broad Avenue Tw"side) C-30741" bet Pao Coast Hwy & 8-1-62 L St- Imp » Bay Area Conetr Co .. • , Broadstone Dev Co C-2940I $64,550 bond-Tr 22584 V ^ A - ^ •

Broadstone Dev Co C-29402 Cl . ^10,000 bond-mtnce of 4-19-6l>

Retention Ilaslns- F-7305q / _ Tr 22584 ^

BroadT.-By bot Florence . Ave 4 93 St (3PV.')

reraovln? electrolier Ltg system Electric *•, '.lechlnery Serylco Inc

Broadway 4 Manchester C-31C51 Veh Pkg Qlst 12-12-C2 O'K^ilvery 4 Kyers F-96801

Brodlne fc Son C-30602 Reetoring Oil drilllng6-l3-52 slte-Morgon-Brown U-5-1 Plro Deportmont

Brody Investraent Co Tr 29525 $19,710 Bond $9,655 UiM

- \

Brookdale Ino $12,430 Imp Bond Traot 20714

Brooks Produots, Ine . Purn Pul l Boxes fc

l i d s

Blocks Products •'nc •• p u l l Boxes fc Lids (PA)

Traf fc St Ltg Depts

Brooks Produots InoP)> --Pull Boxes fc Lids

C-32771 7-10-64 C-32772

, C-3II4B" 1-23-63 P-111361

C-30736 7- 1-62

C-31556 6-14-63

c-32704 5-24-54


F-112478 \ /

0-32609' I 6-8-64 I I,

Broom Dan $1,464 bond Irap Tr 25620

• C-29413 4-24-61

F-101405 N 4)

Broslo Fred $8,780 bond imp Tr 24234

Brosio, Fred Et al $4,230 bond imp Tr 16823

Brown-Bevls-Indust (PA) C-30673 Co of Los Angeles 7-1-62 Repair parts

-31479 -23-63


1 f

Brown-Bevis-Indus trial C Equipment Co fumish 5' Rnpnir parts (Skiploaders)

, Brow'n-Bevis-Industrial 0-32129 Equipment Co-Purn St 12-26-63 Htnce - Tractor (PA)

3rown Charles" T (PWJ " °-31446 North Central Outfall 5-8-63 By-Pass - reconstruct

Brown C T (BPW) C-31985 . Vine St bet Hollywood 10-25-63 fc Sta Monica Blvd-Sewers

Brown Charles T (BPW) C-3152? Foothill Blvd & 6-7-63 Wheatland Ave-Const Sewer

"aroWn Chast-T fBPW) C-32579 Constr LaCienega &.. 5-29-64 San Fer'do Valley jjelief Sewer Unit 3 Sec lllC . _

• Brown Wholesale '. leo C-30211' Conduit (p;\) Z-S-bZ

Brown Wilfred A et al C-31932 | , $3,600 bond imp 10-10-63-

Tr 22465 F-77415

r Brownell Keith W

Appraisal Service Pacoima Health Ctr

C-3SSI6 6-3-64


Brownell Keith W C-32623 Appraisal Service 6-3-64 Sunland-Tulun^a Hlth Ctr (BPW)

Brownell Keith Appraisal Services

Brownell Keith Appraisal Service

C-33083 8-26-64

C-33359 12-2-64

Brozovich fc Marpe Imp the Avalon St Stairway^bef Echo Pk Ave

'tlf fc Lucretia Ave

Bnicks Oldsraoblle PA> C.-20?.''? autoraobiles nni 4 f»o Tl#snt —^lT*n

Brucks Oldsmobile Co Autoraobiles (PA) Police Dept

Drucks Cld.-ir,:obile (PA) Autcraobi l e s

Police Dept

Brucks Oldsmobile Co Police Dept (PA) Automobiles

• ^ - ^ • ^ - - f i l

C-3C-371 4-2-62

C-31206 2-14-63

C-31497 5-28-63

Brucks Oldsmobile Co (PA) C-31578 Automobiles 6-20-63 Police Dept

Brucks Oldsmobile Co(PA) C-32172 Furnish Automobiles l - lS-61 Po1,ic« n-nt, -'•' "7

Bruning Charles Co Inc C-29812 Blue Print Paper 8-29-61 Bureau j;ngineering (PA)

C-30355 . 3 -29-62 , , J

F-106882 -,

C-31110 -1-11-63 ;




-/, '.•





' i

I i-

- . 1

- • «



•^ i-'w


B r u n i n g C h a r l e s Co I n c White P r i n t Machine Eng Bur (PA)

B r u n i n g C h a r i e e Ren ta l -Cf tpy t ron E l e c t r o s t a t i c copy ing Ti.%1 - —— nr .—*.

B r u n s w i c k - S p o r t s Co (PA Play S u p p l i e s Rec 4 Pks

C-31548 6 -12 -63

C-33029 9-8-64 mach

) C-30395 4-9-62:

Bldg 4 S a f e t y Dept

Buck Mer lyn e t a l ^ 0,8,740 Sond imp ' Tr 29561 ^

••^4,370 L4M bond Budd Gary M (BFrf)

V a r i e l Ave fc Las sen SD C o n s t r sewers

Budd Gary M (BPIV) V a r i e l Ave fc L a s s e n S t T o r r t r "Sewers

mii\] - i 2 i m \

: -31486 I 5-24-63 1 I

C-3 10


C-3I486 5-24-53

C-31625 7 -1 -63


Buijrt Gary M (B'-'rf) Araes I oy Avo 4 /^t. San Bose S t f ewrsr o i s t

Budd Gary'ir" (BPV/) DoSoto Ave bet Vintage 3t 4 Lassen St-Constr Sewers

_ ._^._ . ., ,. - - .- - 7_io_Ai . Judd Gory M C-31877 San Fernando Rd Relief 9-16-63 Sewer (RPW) -Conntr

Budelier Rich.: Co (PA) C-30073 Motorcycles 4 3-V/heel 12-21-61 •. Servi-Cars I'nl left ripnt

B u d e l i e r iiich Co C-31131. K o t o r c y c l e s 1-17-63 Police Dept (PA)

Rich Bjiiisllw Co (PA) Motorcycles Police Dept

"Budelier Rich Co Bepalr parta & labor Kotorcycles-Servi-,_.. Cars-Police Dept t* *'

Budelier Rich Co Kotorcycles Police Deot (PA)

C-31307 3-20-63

C-31381 4- 7-63

C-32029 11-12-63

Budelier nich Co Furn Motorcyles Police Dept


Uch -lij-l.Jlier Co PA .'•^o'.o-c-.-cl'-•s - P o l i c e .•'..ir3/;e - furn

C-32231 2 - 3 - 6 4

C-3?5C6 5 - U - 6 4 -

3udget - 1962-53 C-30095 C o n t r a c t w i t h George A I - 2-62 Torhune p ' a p a r e -Managemt C o n s u l t a n t

Budlong 4 M a n c h e s t e r C-31125 Aves Storm D r a i n (BPV)1-14-63 Cons t -,33iil Vi iHrh r.onistr

Buock lo re E r i c C-33294 5 4 , 2 6 0 Bond imp 11-16-64 T r a c t 27780 P-100678 5 2 . 1 3 0 L &.H Dond C--n7.0';

Bldg Corp of LA C-33447 $ 7 4 , 7 5 5 bond imp 12-29-64 T r 28156 P-1T3«61 *.37 37ft TAM honri C-->^1.'.«

Bldg 4 S a f e t y Bldg (BPW) 0-2976? A l t o r a t i o n - 1 4 4 2 7 Erwin 6 - l 6 - 5 l Nee ly -Whi te Cons t

Bldg 4 Sa fe ty Comsn C-29498 D e m o l U l o n - 7 2 e - 3 0 5 -10 -61 C r o c k e r S t - B a r b a r a Abrams

B i d s 4 S a f e t y Dept (PA) P r e s s u r e S e n s i t i v e L r b e l a - A v e r y Lebel Co

Bl^g 4 S a f e t y Dept (PA) Body Lino Truck McCabs-Powors Body Co

C-205Q6 6-1Q-61

C-20610 6 -16-61

Conuul t ino: fc Advisory -S e r v i c e - C U t j a r t E M o t r i s

Bsr^ Bldg fc Safety (PA) C-29665 Kicrowave Radio Equip 6-30-61 Motorola Commun 4 Electronics

Bldjr i Safety Dopt (PA) Cno Electric Generator Plant-

_.,Pa^,banks.&,MDraa Bldg k Safety Comsn Demolition 4 reraoval 1761 E 107th St , Hallmark '.Vreckin-: Co

"Dept BldR 4 Sofety(PA) Teletypes Oroybor Eleotrio Co Ine

Bldg 4 Safety (PA) Truck with Aerial Boom Barclay Ben Mbtora

-29682" ) -30-61 •. I

Bldg 4 S a f e t y Corasnrs 1315 " 0 " S t Derao l i t ion TlflviiH ,:-;hiiT-tt

nidg 4 Safety Dept(PA) Courtesy Chev Co fum Cobs 4 Chassis

C-29987 11-9-61.

c-306?4 6-30-52 ,

C-30853 9-17-62

C-3087C 9-20-62

C-30975 11-6-52

Bldg t Safety (PA) C-31540 Transmitters 6-10-63 Motornl-ii 0"W"'n *. Electronics Inc

'• Bldg "• C-32098 ,. Rental of i:-;ulp 12-11-63

Recordak Microfilm E-iuip

Bldg k Safety C-32099 i ental of Sqi.-p 12-11-63 Racordak Kicrofllm equip

Bldg fc Safety ^omsn Rental Hecordok Microfilm iiquipmt

Bldg 4 Safety Comsnrs Recordak Microfilm Equip

Bldg t Safety (PA) Trucks Ben Barclay Kotors

C-32583 0-32584 4-24-64

C-30112 12-18-61

C-30246 2-20-62

Bldg 4 Safety Dept (PA) C-30478 Remittance Control Mach 5-8-62 National Cash Register

Bd Bldg fc Safety Comsnrs 0-30544-Microfilm Equip C-30545 tioQiy-ri^oy. Corn *-?o.A2

Bd 2 X M -•j^arotv • C-30545 " Microfrim Equip 5-29-62 Recordak Corp

Bldg 4 Safety Dept (PA) 0-30559 General Elootrlc 6-0-52 Supply Co.-npany .

Bldg'4 Safety Dapt (PA) ' C-30522 Cable 6-27-52 Ansonia Wire fc Cable Co

Bldg fc Safety Oept(PAJ C-3O663 Electric rotary oard 5-30-62 files Diebold Inc

Bldg 4 Sofety Dept PA 0-32861 Pressure Sensitive Label 8-7-54 Avery Label Co - furn

Bldg & Safety Dept C-33284 Rental Xerox 813 Copier 11-12-64 Xerox Corp

Bullard E D Co (PA) C-30120 Furnish Helmets 1-11-62 Plre Dept

Bundy Dr-Sahta Monica Fwy C-30671 S/o 4>earl St- • 7-3-62 Call' 8t-»,tf ni» f fy v.oc^e^

_ Araendraent 2-14-63 ,.

Bunlcor Hill Urban ' ' Project Hodevelppnt. _

Supl ARnnt 4 Of "or S-'^-f'l •

C-2J519 ^ C-2 'i30 1 F-66300 -N

;;-8r5?23 •'-SilAI

Burbank City Library Service

Burch" Ch"a"9'fc Son~Co"rb Constr Sewer bet Corbin & Kessler Aves BPW

C-31065 -ia-18-62 I


•c-m53: 4-27-64 -

Burlou Manor C-31048 ; $51,265 bond imp 12-12-62 ,

Tr i6502 F-81491

"Burbank Blvd fc (BPW) C-29914 " Laurel Cyn blvd-Hcoker 10-11-51 Co inp

. Burbank Blvd 4 C-30139 Nordhoff St l-16-o2 , San Diego Frwy l t g F-103647 Calif . i tatq Dent Puh rfka

Burbank Blvd ba t^ . C-31928 •rfhitsett k„ (BFiV) 10-7-63 Coldwater Cyn Ave-Imp

13200 Burbank Blvd (BPW) C-29366 Plro Station iC102 4-5-01 Paul v.- Speer Inc

Burnam N S Marcia $53,620 bond Imp Tr 28618 LfcM Bond-$28.310

,Burnet Ave & Parthenia St Sewer

C-32973 9-4-64

F-76976 _ C-32974 C-30639 7-13-62

Dlst-oonst sewers (BFW)

Burne'tfConstruotlon" Ca "" C-3'0?60 eonstr bridge Sunswept 8- 6-62 Dr 800' NW of Vanetta Dr

i Burnett J 0 (BPT/) C-29431 Storm drains 4-2o-5l Rochedsle ^ane 315' Nly

' Broom V.'ay Burnett J 0 (BPW) C-32972

const Las Fiores Dr 9-2-64 Sidehlll Bridge bet Eagle Vista Z 4 HUI Dr Burns InV.o,•national ?-3P034 Detective'Agcy Inc 12-4-61 Guard S.rvloe -Kunicipal Art Gallary-Barnsdall Pk

Surns Wm'J Int'l DetTctive"c-32674 Agcy Ine - Furn Quai da 6-I5-64

iris^gfi^ftinffJitiiJp?'' Burns-Wilshire Corp C-31895

,. $123,460 bond imp 9-24-63 • Tr 22706 P-115348

0-31348 4-9-63


c-31763 7-1-63

C-2997b , 11-8-61

Burrwood Dev Co $?4,370 bond imp Tr 22673

Businesa Supplies (PA) Corp Tab Cards 4 Eleetrotypes

ButYsy'RSPrhs*"'" Bept on Sewer Ceslgn

' (3P' )

°^frac?°iS?§2''- $3,590 L4H C-3274S $7,360 - Bond 7-7-64

f Byrd & Buck Const Co $10,1^90.00 bond imp ptP-TTBot 208A6

C fc S Co et al $55,378 bond Imp Traot 1762?

C-32744 6-29215 2-ft-51 F-0925<? et 8,1

C-31129 1-17-63


Caballero H A et al C-30436 I $32,240 bond imp 4-2C-62

Tr 24450 F-103CC5

Cadillac Motors (PA) C. Police Dept 6.


•30540 •1-52

Cadillac Kotor Car Div PA C-32815 Automobile 7-24-64 LA Coliseum

Cahill John T/V/m C-30766 • Pedestrian Bridge - 6-13-62 alley SEly Olympic Bl- F-li96<)3 Corinth/Purd'oe Ava.i„,,

Cahuenga Blvd 31U(BPW) c-292$2 :

. ?{irfl^!;^i8ait fc OanVilf^* • Cahuenga Blvd bet (BPW) C-31676

330' N of Camarillo t 7-12-63 • Sarah Sts-Imp ,F 4. J Constr r.n _.. . ., . ,

; Cahuenga Blvd 4 C-29577 Rooewood Avo-Conat Storm 6-14-51 nr»ln-Pet«r Artukovich

Cairns Paving Co (BPV/) C-3i704 ' Whitsett Av fc Miranda St Const Storm Drain 7-22-53

Calabasas Creek C-29158

Pn\f|i=a '£X' crilo"fd k m ^ Constrol Dlst-const bridge

Calabasas Creek from C-29737 L A River thru 8-3-61 Vanowen St F-96938

. Calavar Corp (PA) C-30273 Catch Basin Cleaner 2-28-62 Body Bureau San i ta t ion

Calavar Corp (PA) C-30555 Aerial Platform Unit 5-7-52 Dept of Airports

Calavar"Corp C-30555 Furn-Aerial Platfona 6-7-62 Unit with truok f o r outdoor use

Calavar Corp (PA) " C-32041 Hoisting Unit 11-19-63 • St Maint

Calavar Corporation PA C-32456 Catch Basin Cleaner Body 4-29-64 • Sani ta t ion Bur furn

Cal-Compaot, Ino C-30740 Receipt fc d isposal of 6-1-62 r«fue« tr. atorm d r i i p sewer cleanings-Harbor area

Cal-Compact Inc (BPW) C-30769 r For Receipt 4 Disposal 6-17-62

St Mtnce Debris

Cal-Compact Inc (BP'V) C-31552 Storm Drain fc Sexer 6-12-63 Cleaning *Hjirbor Area

Jal-Corapqct Inc Dispcsal of Refuse Uonhn— i r r f .

C-31596 6-2-53


Cal-Compaot Inc (BPW) C-31660 Olyri-plc Blvd fc Carson St Disposal Debris 7-17-63

Cal-Stato Eleotrio(PA) Supply Co ' various depto conduit

Cal State Builders Ino $4,680 Bond imp Tr 28901 S2.340 L 4 K Bond . '.

CaUf Brush Co(PA) St Ktnce Bur

C-30725 7-25-62

C-33313 11-24-64 P-114827

.. C-3,3314_

tim'-hickory broom flbcr-fum

Colifornlo Brush Co (PA) C-30124 Pumls'o Hickory Broom 1- 8-52 Plbor - Bur St Mtnce

I .',.1




t •J-

Calif Consumers Corp C-30179 PVanchise Faithful 1-25-62 Performance Bond F-99620

Calif Correctional Ind(PA)C-29913 Furn mens blue denim 10-11-61' nnntB-nnlion dent

CaUf Fed ravings .V. Loan C-33164 Hold Harmless 10-19-64


Calif Mill Supply Co C-294o6 Sot bnck llne 3-14-61 Sento Po 'vo boL 4th Pl 4 Knteo "-t

C a U f Hut 4 Bo l t Co PA C-32397 S t e e l F o u n d a t i o n B o l t s 4-6-6ii Dopt T r a f f l c - f u r n

C f l l f Tree S o r v i c o In c C-?': ' ' ' i6 T.-Li.-.riiin; Polir. T r e e s 6-L-0-61

-Vorr:;ont b e t 123 4 l 4 0 t h St I npvj 1

C a l i f -^tote Zelcoh Ave-Devonsh l re S t t o Plummer S t - Imp

C-30424 4 - 1 7 - 6 2 F-107307

Calif State Tax Deeded Land

C a l i f S t a t e Tax Deeded Land

C-31202 2 -13-63


C-3IO9O 12-28-62 F-110665 •

C a l i f S t a t e . C o n t r o l l e r P u r c h a s e t a x t i t l e l and

C-29759 8-14-61


3 a l i f " t - i t e C o n t r o l l e r " " * f -3 I f 12 Mounta in P r e s e r v e s & 5-1-63 .e;t,rflnt S l o n a P u r o o s a s F-112895

C a l i f S t a t e C o n t r o l l e r C-33285 P u r c h a s e Tax T i t l e l a n d 1 0 - 2 7 - 5 4 . . O f f - s t P a r k i n g p u r p o s e F-97o95

' C a l i f Dept Employment C-31490 Mylar tape-IBM d a t a 6 -10-63 P r o c e s s i n g e q u i p Dept P l a n n i n g

S t a t e of C a l i f S"??^^? Ktnce Golden S t a t e Prwy 9 - 1 3 - 6 1 Boyle Av© k M i s s i o n Rd F-IOI42O

: a ] i f S t a t e C-32279~ Frwy Agrmt - Hollywood- 3-21,-64 Ventura Frwy Bet Lankershli-: Blvd

Jc.':l C i t y I . i ral ts C a l i f o r n i a J t a t e U-32C49

Frny Aggrmt 11-22-63 San 't)ia,;o Vr.iy b-Jt Ci i ih-?- l l l . i ' . i l t mere -'•, V/eddln.f.ton 3 t

C a l i f S t a t e C-32105 Sub Agrmt - e s t a b l - l i , -6 i f Van Nuys N a t i o n a l Arraory F-115y59

\ •Jur of 'rfelfare-Qflllf 0-3059^

'feoetwra .Ap.«D 5-10-52 $17,210.00 Bond Imp P-9lOl;0 Tr 25694 ' '

"California, S ta te , 0-13021 ~ Hot Creek Pish Hatchery 11-25-40 ',V.TtBr k *'ower

,".raend h-7-66 _ Cal i f S ta te College C-32764

Prans of F i re Alarm 12-20-63 . System LA State Cello gd F-116915

Stato Dept Flnnnce C-29463 Populr-tlon 5-9-oi






C a l i f ? t e t e - D e p t F i n a n c e C-3C370 P o p u l a t i o n e s t i m a t e • 4 -3 -62 May 31 1962 F-71088

Dept o f F i n a n c e S t a t e Cal C-31442 P o p u l a t i o n e s t i m a t e 5 -7 -63


C a l i f o r n i a S t a t o of C-32299~ F i n a n c e Dent P o p u l a t i o n 3-3-blt. -E s t i m a t e 1 - 1 - 6 4 / 1 2 - 3 1 - 6 4 F-71083

Sup i-1 _.

1 1

Stote Div of Hwys San Diego Frwy fc Sente Kohico Prwy

n!!-28973 >S 3-6-61 r ' P-98?!;6

•) c-29444' 5-3-61 p-100674


, Dept Pub Vks Div Kwji ( ' Harbor Pwy bet Athens Blvd 4 190th St

_ Kolnt Frwy ! Stote Div Hwys

Sower llna crossing . , San Dlego Frwy r/w ot P-l01l42 -, Vlntene St '

Dont Pub v;k8 Div -Iwys C-29492 Calif Stato-rslociitlon 5-18-61 sewor 'lain from Ballona Creek PumolnK . lant

' Calif 3tate Div Hwys Golden State Frwy Cohasset St 4 San P a r n a n A n ^A

C a l i f Dept of Pub Wks Div of Highwaya T r a f s i g n a l s San Fernando Rd_

" C a l i f S t a t e Div Hwys. .'State Hwys Mtnce Agrrat 10 -18 -51

" : a l i f S ta t ' e Div' l iwy "" "~C-30i46 ' ~ T r a f c o n t r o l s i g n a l 1-18-62 Lankershlm Blvd b e t F-105315 U n i v e r s a l Gate fc Tuxford J t C a l i f S t a t o 0-.' laibC "'.p-V) 0-30216

,. 'ii:a.-J1v of Hlgh'-jays 2 - ' i -62 Hollyivo-ad rrrfy bot K l ing S t -,',: !,?;)••) f t H -.f •r o^oo© Mvd

: a l i f S t a t e - D i v Hwys C-30303 T r a f c o n t r o l s i g n a l 1-15?62,4 Lankershira Blvd fc P - 1 0 6 n d

a Creek - '

C-29683 I 7 -13-61 • F-76947 V

-29875 j - 2 7 - 6 1 } _ in ien '» , '

C 9 F-IO3807


C-30486 5 - 1 1 - 6 2 S t qal l , t_StAtf l_of Dept ^ u b WkSjDlv Hwys

.^adio c a l l box syatera F-93093 Freo-/iay3

C a l i f S l o t . Hwys Div C-30 San Diego Prwy b e t 5-11 Weddlngton-Ooldon S t a t e P-75160 Pwy -

C a l i f S t a t e Hwys Div C-30473 C l t y - S t s t e Prwy Engg 6-14-62 Agrmt 1962-63 P-107452

C a l i f Div Hwy C-30671 Bundy Dr.-Sta .Monica Pwy 7 - 3 - 6 2 S /o Pwurl ,St p»oo(»rt9

.„ amp,nHmon*- •5_l,i . t y . . , . _ Calif Div Hwys C-30684 Santa Konica Frwy 7-17-62 , Hoover St to La Cienega Slvd no..,o,..^^not, F - lOBhH . Calif Div Hwys C-30905 liewer facilltlea 10-9-62 Harbor Police Sta P-106011

Calif State Hwys Div C-30983 Prwy Agrmt-StaAno/Ooldai 11-19-62



S t n t o 4 S t o Konica F-30963 C l a r i f y i n t o r c h a n g e frwys

3 a l l f S t a t e Hwys Div 0-30984 San Dlego Prwy b e t 8 t I r o n 11 -19 -62 4 Baman S t -^Frwy Ajrmt P-IIOO4I

' S t a t e Div Hvfys C-30995 ' Ha rbor Prwy-42nd S t / , 1 1 - 1 9 - 5 2 Hwd Frwy r-Fi'wy, A(;rmt F-IIOO40

- C a l i f S t a t e Div Hwys C-30819 ' Boyle Ave 4 O l e n d a l e 9 -29-62

C i t y Li ra i t . i rColden F-67693 ^ . S t a t e , "rwy 13ali. ' ' S t - i te C-3?306 . Div H-riys-Astoria St tt 3 -5 -u4

31e..-!so^ r.t, '.v/Can Fern,4ndo I'.d Tra f Sl^n.-ilE .'., 15 ^fC-ty L t i -v . j i- ;p^^

C a l i f S t a t e C-32322 - Hwys Dlv-Agrmt g r a d e p tn 3 -12-64

A r l e t a Ave a: She ldon St F-76944

C a l i f Div Hwys C-31330 S t a Monica Frwy 4 - 1 - 6 3 Over land Ave t o La Cienega GT-.-IH» Qanana^ l i - i no Xf- in i* : . !*

Calif State Pub Wks C-31603 Wilmington Blvd- 6-27-63 Neptune Ava P-113dl9 Traf signal controls

I California State C-J2031 .3, 1 I Traffic Signals II-I4-63 1

Pacif Av .i.t,. Front St F-llul35. \

State Div "of Highways" " C-32072 , 1 Agrmt - mtnc Golden St 12-5-53 • | Frwy bet Cohasset/Lanker-F-116067 - shim 1


State of Calif C-32097 Div Hwys-Agrmt-Trf 4 Hwy 12-16-63' lights Devonshire St w/ P-116215 \ DeSoto Ave „ .., - \

estate Uiv of Hiways C-31823 } Agrment perform Frwy 1-21-64 • 1 Engineer 1963-64 F-107452 -'

State of Calif C-322PO Div Hlwys-Agrmt-Trf 4 Hwy 2-? 1-64' lights Toponga Cyn Blvd 4 F-117625

, Vintnrv Blvi^ . . _ Collfornla State Div Hwys C-32306 • Astoria fc Bledsoe Sts 3- 5-64 i

w/San Fer'do Rd-traf F-117281 signal

1 State Div Hwys C-31262 National Blvd bet 3-7-63 Manning Ave fc Exposition Blyd,..

_ B#«H»Sra,.nt , . F-10i6l8. Calif State Div Hwys C-32322

prov grading portns 3-12-64 Arleta Ave 4 SheldonSt F-76944

, I D -Supl Agrmt *S-4 to Master ~ Caiif Hivy Divsn " C-32333

Sepulveda-Century 3-19-64 ; Interchg-$225,pOO F-115170 Arad? I -'-2'/-65 _._. • _

Califo'fnia State " 9 - ^ P l } Div Hwys-Imp Century Bl 3-13-64

' fc Sepulveda Bl Interchg F-116170 Coop Agrmt--•-•- irat lC-27-o5

^alif Stat'e Div Hwys

Agrmt State

reaurf & signal work Sepulveda Bl-Lin to Centinela Ave

Caiifornia State


Sepuiveda 'Bl"-"Lincoln Bl F-117463

V-32497 " Div Hwys fc Citv SanF'do 5-13-64 v 2-way trar -SahFer'dO F-11116C •-M fc Truman_S_t_

'Californla'State C32"224 Dept PW -Div Hwys 5-18-64 Or Seoar -Van Nuys fil B-109664 -at Raymer St SPRR

Calif State Divsn Hwy C-32503 Prwy agrrat Rt 11 Harbor Freeway Rt 7 Seaside Frwy -Battery St

California Stato of C-32612 Hwy Dlsn - Agrmt Imo 6-11-64 Senulveda Hlvd But-bank P-1175t>9

_ Blvd N/o Rinaldi St CaUf Div Hwy C-33O62

Glondala Fwy bet 9-22-64 Ave 36 4 SEly city limit of Glendale F-12C174

Calif Div Hwys C-33303 Glendale Fwy bet II-I9-64 Glendale City Limit near IU_EnhlB nr.Hr.i.tft.l34_F.,l,'l85S2-

Stato Calif C-26974 Mental Hygi«n«. 9-1-60 No Nollyood Hejith F-77315 Center , (Aoorulmantl . . . .

Calif State Dopt Kontal C-31451 .. HyGlene-Camarillo State 5-13-63

Hosp -conduct Alcoholic F-103306 Hehobil Screening Clinic

State Dopt Pub Hlth C-3CC76 Cancer Detaction Projl2-26-6l 1961-62 budget F-104654,-

Calif State Dept Fub C-29Sdl Hlth-Alcohollc Rehabil 10-9-61 Pilot CUnlc Prop 1961- F103400 1962 fiscal yr 5108,640

Calif State Dept Fub Hlth C-29802 Fub Hlth Admin Training 9-25-61 Proj-1961-62 fiscal year P-103280 $3^600

C a l i f S t a t e Dept P u b ' H l t h 0-3080? R a d i o l o g i c a l H l t h PrOg 6-27-62 C i t y H l t h i 'opt , , P-109028

Ameiiidraent_ 6-20-63 C a l i f S t a t e of Pub H l t h C-30365

H e a r t P a t i e n t s P r o j 9-21-62 Amedment 8-13-63 F-IO9636

N S t a t e Dent Pub Hl th C-30937 !• ,-' Cancer D ' j t e c t i o n P r o j 11-27-62 • / 1962-63 F-104654

i_ S t a t e Dppt Pub H l t h ^ ' A l c o h o l i c Rehab"

C-31031 -12-5-62

Pilot Clinic Program F-10J4CO

:aiif state C-32061 1963-64 Fiscal yr 9-27-63 *37,7^9 f-10?4C0

CaVif'3ta"te Pub Hlth " C-32209

- Se°SI''kl!IStg2iiSii;iJi«' ^ - i h U i thru 6-30-54

: Calli s'tate Pub Hlth" " 5-32210 Venereal Disease 9-26-63 ' Relraburs contract P-11532S

"Califomia State of C-32364' Public Health Dept Agrmt 3-12-64 Radiation Contrl Law Period 7-1-63 tb 6-30-64 C a U f State of Dent of pub \!\':s ^ ^ Vehtnrn Free-way bet Fnc-' no-'!Celvln-m, Tice

r-?°i5'> l-l'^-5l P_ooo5o

C a l i f S t n t e of

i p i i Anp "'BHrman S t - m t n c I


^rpn^o^th ?r^ C Tl a? T fpi--mtnce

Colif StBte -Dopt Pub '.Vks C-29289 : Ln Tijera Blvd bot 3-6-6I Thornburn St 4 Son I'lego P-93086 Preowov-Dotour Bridge

Stnte of Calif C-29324 Treffic control signal 3-22-61 , llth St K/tho c/bnd p_9g903 Harbor Fwy On-riirap

I Dept Pub'V.1c3 State Calif"C-29328 , Traf Signals 3-23-6I

Sepulveda Blvd t.-. Rlnnldl 3t F-100369

C a l i f Dopt Pub V.lcs C-29392 ; Sunse t n ivd '- High land ) ; - 1 7 - 6 l '

Avo-Traf 3l,',-nal3 P -10104 l 4 Hwy Iii,'4itInK :., ,

• :o l l f Dopt Puh '.'lies C-29lU;6 Trof c o n t r o l s l ~ n a l 5 - 4 - ^ 1 Vontura-Cahuenga Elvd F-99902

Ca i l f - - s t c i t e of ? ;. C o o p e r a t i v e De

E! ig iaee r l : ig -S t r o u t a s i . l Q 6 l - 6 2

Cc'iif r . t n t e of f Pespdeno Frwy Chavez n e v i n o -S l y a l a n Pk -be t

C a l i f S t a t e Dept T ra f c o n t r o l s l I n t e r s e c t i o n Ze

ub v,-ks C-29511 s i g n 5 - 2 3 - 6 1 r t e Hv;y P-10l4f l5

f I s c t l ,yopr u'p Y,-k3

tormonti Pub Wks

C-29533 6-16-61 F-99633 const

C-29684 gnal system Izah Ave 7-13-61

V. o n i . n - . C a l i f o r n i o S t a t e of 0-29469 -Doot of Pub Wks-modify =?-16-61 r l w a l s 4 l i R h t i n e - b e t ^ , . p - i n n o i P n o , .ywood rreewny&EM Blvd -

C a l i f Dept Pub 'rfks C-29694 ~ i x t sewer l l n e L i n d l e y 7-17-61 bot Nordhoff 4 plummer .Sts

v-Qi-y^n C a l i f o r r i i a S t a t e of C-29719

Dopt P /Wks-o igna l s 4 l t g - 7 - ? 6 - 6 l F o o t h i l l 4 Sunlilnii Blvria p_in?7fiy

C a l i f o r r i i a S t a t o of c -29795 Dopt PA-'kfl-Santa Monica - e-2. ' i -6l Prwv b e t Clyde 4 Hoovor P-7b)|0C-S t s C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e of " 0 -29766"

Dopt P/WkB-Posadeno Prwy p -99633 b e t Hollywood Prwv 4 LA Q-12-61 R i v e r -

C a l i f r t a t e of ' ,'"" C-29864"" ,. 'Traf r - ign. i ls -?f.,/|;-rfy l t g K.-103623

K a n e h e s t e r .k D^Uanca a y e s

Cal l ' f s ' t a t e Dept ?ub "v/ks* C - 2 9 W " Topanga Cyn Blvd B e l f o r d - I n p

a i - 9 - 6 1 F-92753



-n f.

I' . I

••i .-«

f a

Caiiif S ta i .o Dept Pub •-.•ks C-29985 /I M a n c h e s t e r k Be l fo rd 1 1 - 1 4 - 6 3 ^ ! T ra f s i g n a l s 4 Hwy L t g F-104620 \

S t a t o C a l i f Pub Wks C-3C043 K a r i n a -V. E iego F w y l 2 - 8 - 6 l ' Kessraer Ave % . J o r r i ^ r t i r . n ^ l i f . 4

C a l i f .S ta te Dept Pub Wks C-30139 San Diego Frwy l t g 1-16-62 b e t Burbank Blvd k F-103647 N Nnrrlhnrf S t .

S t a t e Dent I'ub V/ks C-30133 Golden S t ?rwy Rt 4 1-15-62 • ( J l enda le CL a t LA F-104645

Dent Oiti_ii l i5-CaIif St .a te C-30146 t r a f c o n t r o l sL^n.^l 1-13-62 Unlvorsa ] G-^ te -Bluf f s ide Dr ^

n - i n e i i i ; C a l i f ^ t a t e c r fuo *KS 0-30302 — T r a f f i c T i g n o l " 3 -14-52

Olympic Blvd b e t Los Angeles s t •t ( leorglo S t _ F-106598_

"Calif s t a t e Dept "Pub ' " C-30i;22"~' Works 4 - 1 7 - 6 2 T r o f f i c S i g n a l s P-105985 ' Devonsh i re fc Lou i sa Ave

C a l i f S t a t o PW-Dlv Hwys C-30671 Sup l Agrn t S-1 imp F a i r f a x b e t Venice fc Ranta Monica Frwy

C a l i f S t a t e i'ub './ks Sepulveda Blvd fc f l h n ^ u w i r t b S t ".'r.y*' "^.-itrnal

C a l i f o r n i a St-ato Pub 'i/ks ,., Owensraouth Ave t o

Topanira -'lyn Blvd b e t t e r m e n t , , , , F-93667

C a l i f S t a t e i'ub 'rfks P r o j 638-Irap V o n i n o ff' T « r * — . - m D-lvds •; '

7 - 3 -62 p-90369 P-102739

C-30605 6-21-w2 t " - i n « ] n i

C-3V-748 ;-6-o2

C-30823 8-30-62 ''-'^5"34

;:t.-ii;o D.3pt Pi,:b './ks LA -'ioi-'^icnal Tran:,>n

C-3C.-544 1 0 - 2 4 - 6 :

C a l i f Dept fub rfks C-31036 O l y n p i e Blvd b o t S o t o fc 1 2 - 6 - 6 2 : F i g u e r o a S t s -Res u r f - t C i n g

, , p-ir ,66fl0 C a l i f S t a t e Dept P Wke

Sepu lveda Blvd b e t Green le i i f k Moraga Or n . . . . . r . -.1 .

C a l i f I'ub .Vks Moorpark St b e t

C-31312 3-2i : - 63 r - i l 2 3 2 2

C-31305 3 -20 -63

Cahuenga fc Lankershira B lvds n»Qiir*'a/»-lno. F-ni<}1ft

C a l i f pub .ks C-31219 Hollywood Fwy b e t 2 -21-63 Golden s t a t e t Ven tu re Fwy

F-76944 C a l i f Dopt Pub 'rfks C-31336

D e v o n s h i r e 3 t b e t 4 -4 -63 - De So to 4 V a r i e l Aves P -92751

T m ,-

C a l i f S t a t e i'ub ..'ks 0-31452 F i g u e r o a .5t b e t 5:-13-53 Loraita Dlvd 4. P ac Coas t Hwy-Harbor F reewy . F - U 1 3 5 4

C a l i f Div ;-ub iks C-314*"5 Clyrapic Blvd b e t 5-20-o3 C e n t i n e l a Ave fc B e v a r l y Glen T r . l f i^.-IjnalQ P - l l i m O

Calif State Pub rfks C-31601 Traf Signals 6-27-63 Gaffey St bet O'Pdrroll fc A-u 0-- . . © ii^dni

calif State Pub rfks C-31602 Ave 23 fc cypress Ave 6-27-63 Traf control signal P-113801

State Div of Hwys r.tatu Hwy Kaint


\ 0-31488 5-27-63


Calif State Pub '.-/ks C-31785 Lincoln 4 Loyola Blvds 8-15-63 Traf Signals F-114311

Calif State Dopt Pub Wks C-32432 imp Devonshire St bet 4-23-63 Owensmouth & Canoga Avee F-92752


Calif State Dept Pub Wks C-32673 > > — relocate signals & Orade 4-23-64 •r ''

Crossing gates-Devonshire F-92752^ St-Owensmouth to Canoda Ayes, _ \

Calif Stato of C-30172~ I Dppt Pub Wks 1-24-62 . {] Urban Planning Assistance -N;

F-105450- \ S t a t e Dept Pub Wks C-32886 I

,' Devonsh i r e S t B r i d g e 8 -11-64 <• i o v e r A l i s o Creek P-117467 \

S t a t e Dept Pub rfks 0 -3288? } Middle Tujunga rfash 8-11-64 1 Channel a t P-117679 \

_ CHanrilar nivrt - S n n n i . . . _ \ C a l i f S t a t e Pub rfks C-32695 I

C e n t i n e l a Ave w i t h 6 - 2 6 - 6 4 1 A l v e m S t P-119361 v '

_ T r a f s i a n a l s fc-. L i g h t s . _ \ C a l i f S t a t e Pub Wks C-30148 I

T ra f S i g n a l - F o o t h i l l b e t 1-18-62 -Sayre St 4 Tujunea Cvn Bl F - 1 0 5 3 1 4 \ '

_ Araended 12-17-^':i4 Cr30143_ C a l i f S t a t e Pub V/ks C-33388

Acrrat-Coop Desiim Eng 12-14-64-hwy r o u t e s w / in C i t y F - 1 2 i 7 9 1

_ S U P P fonn H 2--|ft-6rt _ C a l i f Dept Pub rfks C-33208

Ventura Blvd a t 10-26-64 Vontura Fwy F-1209l"8 Tra f s i g n - i l s ^ - '

S t a t e Highway Funds C-29491 M a s t e r Agreement f o r 5 - I 8 - 6 I Budge t ing 4 of Funds

E x p e n d i t u r e F-101900

P-10l!|,35 -^

P',/) C-29992 1 1 1 - 1 3 - 6 : 1

S t a t e Hwy Pund C-30671 Supl # 3 - 1 t o 61-52 7- 3-62 Mas te r Agrn t Budge t ing P-90869 fc & E x p e n d i t u r e of Funds P-102789

Sts t f l -'--.••7 r o u t e s 10611162 C-29511 f i s c a l , y r -Cr - l i f S t t t e 5-2.3-61 Pub ' -k . i -Boopors t lva P-lbl! | ,35 Design - ^ j j i n n o r l n g

C a l i f S t r u c t u r e s I n c (BP',i F i r e S t - i t l on #104 831.9 .•/innetka Ave

"Cal l Boxes- C-30501 " Frwy emergency 6 - 2 0 - 5 2 Loa Angelea County P-93093

I6654 Ca]neva Dr C- 33264 D e m o l i t i o n 10-29-64 SoWest b u i l d e r 4 rfrecker

16656 Calneva Ur C-33263 SoWe-iit B u i l d e r 10 -28-64 D e m o l i t i o n 4 f i l l i n g Swinning ' Poo]

Calneva k AlRlne t Dr C-31660 C l i f f Koran (BP'.V) 7-10-63 Irap

• Calneva 4 K u l h o l l a n d Dr Sewer D i s t Cons t Sewers

__ S C Rndrlc i i f i5i C a l - S t a t e Elec Supply Co

Condu i t T r a f Dept

' C a l - V a l l e y Co $ 3 , 5 2 0 bond imp Tr 26788

(BP./p-29',»35 10 -20 -61

C-31579 6 -20 -63

C-30377 4-4-62

F-102263 Ca lv in Ave b e t Wells(BPW) C-30493

Dr 4 BUraoor Ave i n T r 5 - 1 1 - 6 2 20930 T r e e p l a n t i n g parkwys Pilgrfcii A Wi l l i am

"Galwood C b n s t r Co " (3-31917 $53 ,430 bond imp 10 -4 -63 T r 27917 , P - U 2 0 4 3

Caraden ; i e a l t y I n c $ 2 1 , 1 0 0 bond irap Tr 26714

Campbell Kenneth A T r 29768

f 5,340 bond imp

Carapu.-i Ouad $31,260 bond irap Tr 25686

C-29''51 10-27-61 F-1C4567

C-33004 9-10-64

P-12063P C-T>rtos

C-2994d 10-27-61 F-102324 F-93809 r


Canada Dry Corp(PA) fountain syrup Hee tc 'ks Dept-fum

Jancer Detection Proj State,Dept Pub Hlth

/ 1961-52 budget



C-30C76 12-26-61 F-104654

i ;

Cancer Det-jction Proj C-3C937 ' St Dent i'ub Hlth 11-27-02 », loAo.A-i -7-104654 -

C-31328 4-1-63


Candy Mike . $3,860 bond imp Tr 18380

• Cannon Elecgric Co $715 bond imp Tr 23801

C-30267 2-27-62 F-104504

!cannon Land Co et a l C-31575 $139,405 bond imp 6-21-63 Tr 25847 F-98995

Canoga Ave bet 650' C-33018 N of Devonshire St k 9-14-64 Devonshire St-Constr Sewers T?o l«n - \ P ^ —r»— r n

• Canoga Av & S t r a t h e m St8C-31790 Constr Sowers 3-14-53 Nick J . Leko 4 Son

Canoga contrs Center ffie,U70 bond imp Tr 19249

Janoga J t Venture $20,060 bond imp Tr 18376

C-31589 6-25-63

F-99551 ,. ir-i,nA99<

C-31073 12-18-62 F_o64f»p

Canoga Jnt Venture C-31395 Agrmt const off-site ;: , • 4-24-63 , sowors Nordhoff St serve P-96480 Tr I0375

Conogo Jnt Venture c- irap Hordhoff St Xing

S P Rwy ot Canoga Ave

-32631 -12-64

y \

0-32825 7-28-64 P-8I615 C-32e27_

Canoga Land Co Bond Imp $60,345.00 Tr 20552 L4H Bond 530.173.00 ,

Canoga Pk Hlth Center (BPW)C-30110 7107 ae.-nmet Ave I-8-62 Additions 4 Alterations

Janoga Park Homos C-32'-'.7\ ,,024^,100.00 Bond Imp 3-30-64 > Tr. 24213 F-IO^M'')

Canoga Pk Jt "lenture C-31074 $10,915 bond imp 12-18-62 Tr 18376 P-Q64«n

Canoga Park Hospital C-33301. f et al-S5,265 Bond imp 11-19-64 ,

Tract 22691- P-119410 5?,6'?-1 I. 4 M Bond C-33302 _

Cantara Et 4 F=»ir C-30402 Ave Imp Dist (EP'.V) 4-9-62 Hooker Co

Canterbury Ave , C-30062 Pinney 4 Tonopah St imp 12-13-61 Newraan 4,Malcolm Ino-BPW

Canterbury Const Corp C-30291 $3,214 bond imp 3-8-62 T-- ;>5-jtf/, p_0?(»75

~J"R Cantrall Corp (BPW) C-30733 "' ,; Newton St Police 7-27-62

Station at 1354 Newton Street

Cantrall j R corpiU'-W) C-31936 Newton St Police Stn 10-9-63

y-- Masonry 'rfork-Extarior 'Walls

Cantrall J R Corp "" C-33060 " 'rfLA Munic Center 9-21-64 Pldixd fc Hall dt Purdue Ave

, Oonstr (Frf) Canyon Square Shopping C-30054

Center Co 12-19-61 $25,960 bond imp P-iei08l Tr 26671


. "5

r C-29662 4"i 6-30-517"'

Capoldi Domenic Ine -; Sewers-Ventura Blvd 4

Encino Ave Sower Diat (BPW)

Cappello Steve 4 Sons 0-2945^ , Sewers-V/ells Dr bot 5-3-6l I Hesedo Blvd tc Amigo Ave

Cappello Steve fc Sons C-29548 Const sewers Zelzah b-2-6l Ave bot Plummer 4 Vincennes Sts (BPW). ; _

Cappello Steve & Sons C-31234 • Reseda Blvd bet Rosita 2-20-63 ;

4 I53O' Sly Rosita St (BPvV) Const Sewers Cappello Steve 4 " ons C-31271

Herrick Avo .'c (BP',') 3-6-63 Tyler St SD-Constr Sewers

Cappello Steve & Sons C-31675 Andasol Ave bet Hiiwath5(-15-63 ' fc Devondhire Sts-Imp (nPW)

Cappello Steve k Sona C-31760 Rosita St 25O' W Lake Encino Dr Const Seweris (BFW) 6-9-63

"Cappello Steve nc bons C-31810 Strathern bet Woodlake 8-21-63 & Sadring Aves (BPW) Constr Sewers

Cappello Steve 4 Sons C-32034-Plummer St k (BF'rf) 11-13-63 Woodley Ave Sewer Dist-Constr

Caras G & A Evangelatos C-310?6 $23,510 bond irap 12-20-62 Tr 26311 F-96818

if-il-°l] Carbuck Corp (BP'rf) Sunset Blvd bet

/ N Broadway 4 Douglas

3ar"burctor"'Blectrical" (PAp-29836 Service-Auto Par ts 9-6-61 Dept Supplies

Cardiff Ave (BPW ) C-29374 bet Venice Blvd & Begent 4-7-61 ,

y St-LaKesa Landscaping Co ' . Ino-trim t r e e s

Carlos Ave Storm Drain C-33328 bet Tamarind Ave 4 11-25-64

/ Gower S t - "ons t r Storm Drain _ J l ^ , E * L- . \1<»i r - l ' ; i^Ko iHPi i I l

Carlson John 0 • C-33070 Management Consultant 9-23-64

Carmichael G J 4 D L $17,530 bond imp Tr 17644


Carm,loh,iiel Glen J et a l r/, 10,190 bond l;np Tr 26539

Carmichael Glen J e t a l $18,700 Bond imp-Tr 2870;

Oarmichae"!" Glen "J etol $16,270 imp Bond Tract 28211

Carnation Co (PA) Milk Products-furnish Beo fc Farks Oept

C-3006? 12-20-51 F-93301

C-3C8<?9 10-1-02 F-78599

C-32275 2-20-64 P-93301

- i;-32542 5-22-64 F-II48O3

C-30364~ 3-29-62

Carnation Co (PA) 0-30365 Ice Creara & Novelty Bare 3-29-62 Dept Bee fc Parks furn

Cnmatian Co (PA) Dry Milk - f u m i s h • Pol Dopt

Carnation Co PA - Ins tan t nonfat dry milk

Police Dept - furn

earner" J Co (BPW) Air Conditioning N/rfing City Hall 200 N dpring St

C-31480 5-23-63

C-32445 4-24-64

C-31585 5-25-63

I 1 1


i liy

Carpenter Paper Co (PAI C-31460 I i Paper-Duplicating 5-16-63 i ' Supplies Dept \i

;arr Prnnl: V ot al - 7,430 Bond for inp Tract 22454

carruth Henry D et $6,160 bond imp Tr 26803

a l

C a r t e r C h a r l e s W Co (PA) Auto P a r t s Dept of S u p p l i e s

C-31850 9-6-63 P-10199l|.

C-31495 6-3-63


C-29820 9-1-61

C a r t e r C h a r l e s W Co (PA) C-33085 Auto R e p a i r P a r t s 9 -1 -64 S u p p l i e s Dept

C a r t o r Co Cont & Devei |>ersC-31l89 526 ,825 Imp Bond 2 - 8 - 6 3

T r a c t 24ii32 P-101352

C a r t e r s Equip Inc BP';/ ' C-32/.85 Deraolibh b l d g Kacy S t 5-6-61, .'.-, rjun;"."5t Slvd

C a r t e r V M 4 '.'.'lUfit f,20,li00 bond imp Tr 26259

I V C-2- 336 4-17-61 P-93660

Carty i onal A et al C-29529 S2,630 Bond Imp Tract 5-31-61 25735 P-79231

Case J 1 Co A Corp C-30186 Hydraulic Skiploaders 1-29-62 Street Kaint (PA)

C-33189 10-22-64 P-U4299 C-33190

Cashman 4 Sons Inc Tr 28458 (.17,455 bond imp $8,728 L4r.5 bond

Castro 4 Plsher, Ino 0-2933? Plant treos-liwn in8tall3-24-6l oorinklinit svstem Hndforrt Ave Tree Planting Dist

Catering Services C-31611, Sorenson Catering Co 6-2 5-63 Official Vi;ita of Dignitaries

Cnthodlc Pipe C-292/^8 protection^ svstem 2-l')-61 Strinrl.nrd nil C.n-r,P'\irV-Cint;-\.) inst.-ill ,_ . . _ . _•

Cathodlc Pro'tection Sys" C' 30723 Consulting eng servioee l - Z ^ - b Z Hyperion Treatment Plant Horry J Keeling

Cathodlc Protection System C-31886 Hyperion Treatment Plant 9-18-63

. Consulting -ingineering (BPW)

CBttarnu.--us Ave t o C-2''i6l5 BnUons Creek-Siiwors 0 -26-61 nc-:-j<Jlct C:-n rhruinel F-9OI '9 • 1 -US Corua En,--lnejrs

Casador Dev Co C-31519 $31 ,900 bond imp 6 -6 -63 Tr 25825 F - U 3 7 3 6

Cnzador StrGet(BPW) C-JQjnO ', 4 p.-innnint Dr P.-l-fil Seve r tr. D r a i n C o n s t r Co-sowers •

Cazador S t & (BPW) C-31929 Ave 31 Storm D r a i n 10-7-63 , R i l p h DeLeon C o n s t r I n c

3enont (PA) P u m S t Ktnce Bur H i v o r s i d o Coraent Co

Census .State Dopt Finance

Center Homes Inc $19,905 bond imp Tr 28822 $9,953 L&M Bond

3631 Contlr.cln Ave (BPW) Fire StRt,'-on #62 Sol"a,c-e Shod const Jehn Crohnn

d-32134~ 12-30-63

0-294.63 5-9-61 T?-7in«fi

C.32985 9-8-64

F-111575 C-32986

111575 -•32986 \

m i . I

C e n t i n e l a Ave w i t h C-32695 A l v e m S t - T r a f s l g n a l s 6 - 2 6 - 6 4 C a l i f S t a t e Pub Wks F-119361

Centinela fc "Qches.__ traffic signals


Stato De'pt of Pub Vks Centinela Creek Channel - 'rf/o Alvem St-const

Sto™ Drain Lateral.-.. Tony Crisalll Corp (T.V)

Centinela Creek Channel C. Jef ferson-i Inglewood Blvds - Mesmer Ave , Flood Contr Dist imo Centinela Creek Channel

Gewer Relocation U S Corps inginaer

V-llilo: P-97395

CI3148I 5-23-63

29344 4-11-61 F-75855 J

""" C-29888 I 9-29-61,

F-103893 -I

Centinela Creek Channel C-30171 ;• Sewer Relocation 1-23-62

U S Army Corps Engineers Tial ni",lti nn ,SoitfjnB ir-inf7^<7

Central Ave PA C-32814 116 No-Carrier Frostmaster freeze Kunin & Sons Dist - fum 7-17-64

145 N Central Ave (BP'rf) C-29940 Alterting Dldg 10-25-61 Joseph H Lipow

'Central Ave BPW C-328O3" 5621-25 - Demolish Bldg 7-15-64. Natl-House Wreck 4 Salvage

Central Ave (BPW) C-33319~ W side bet Florence Ave 11-23-64 4 Kanehester Ave-Electrolier lte Svstem-Stelnv 4 Mitchel.Ino_ Central Avenuo ("I'U) C-2915A

i>3rd 4 Vernon Ave Cino Ino-imp


C- . . . 1 -13 -61

C e n t r a l C h e v r o l e t Co (PA) C-29521 Automotive Equipment 5 - 2 6 - 6 1 f u r n i s h

C e n t r a l C i t y Comt C-32550 Agrnt - poynt $5 ,000 6 - 1 8 - 5 4 s h a r e c o s t Mooter P l a n P-116294 l and use - C e n t r a l a r e a

C e n t r a l P l a n t s I n c C-33346 F a i t h f u l per formance 12-2-64 b o n d - $ 5 , 0 p 0 F - U d 9 6 0

C e n t r a l Rec H o s p i t a l C-30940 Spot Fllra Device (PA) 10-22-62 Gen E l e c t r i c Co

C e n t r a l Recvc H o s p i t a l C-31295 c- Ambulances (P-^) 3 -13-63

D'ivid 'Zimmer

C e n t r a l R e c e i v i n g Trosp(PA)C-31717 X-Hay F i lm 7 - 1 - 6 3 Kagnuson X-Ray Co

" C e n t r a l R e c e i v i n g Ho3p i t a lC32341 7 S t a n d a r d C a r r i a g e Works 3 - I 0 - 6 4 A l b u l a n c e s (PA)

C e n t r a l r t c r e r o o r a PA C - 3 2 5 C ^ - Autcmot lve Grease -Lubr l c a t i n.-; i

Spiac ia l t i^s i - furn 5-ll"64 '

C e n t r i f u g a l Pumolng U n i t s 0-294,71 '" Byron Jackson Puinpe I n c 5 - 9 " 6 l Rec 4 Pks (PA)

C e n t u r y Blvd (BPW) C-?o?^'< 4 Avalon Blvd p_r>/_Al. Pac Coos t i r r l R n t l o n Co p l p n t t - e o s e t c

Cen tu ry Blvd tr. C-29368 • Graraercy P l 4 - 7 - o l ' T r o f f i c S l p n a l s P-101228

C i t y - C o u n t y . " e n t u r y Blvd b e t (BPW) 0 - 3 2 2 0 4 '

LaCienega fc A v i a t i o n Blvd Vernon P a v i n g Co 1 -24-64

. Imp . . , _ . . _ : , Century Blvd k (5-3^33

Sepulveda Blvd Interchg 3-13-64 Calif State Div Hwye 7-116170 Coop Agrmt


Century Conditioning Corp C-30442 In.staU Air Cooling 4-20-62

. Equin (HP./)

Oentury Construction Co Const sewers -Mllwood «v» v/o V^ncwen St

C-32475 5- 6-64 • F-U8315

dentury Properties $137,165 bond imp Tr 24615

C-31622 7-2-63


Cerro Azul Ave C-32793 $1,000.00 - Surety Bond 7-21-64 , Semora Corp - vacate P-IIII63

• Chacksfield Merit Homes 0-31664 $45,800 bond imp 7-15-63 Tr 56286 F-114262

Chagi Charles $5,430 imp Bond Tract 28603 $10,860 LfcM Bond

.. Chain Dolt Co (PA) Chain Bureau of Sanitation ,

Chakv Ernest B et al „ $13,190 bond imp

Tr 22642

C-32885 8-11-64 P-113859 C-32884 C-29965 11-1-61'

t \ sewer

le High School 3 Bona imp sts--Tr 26072

C-31861 9-12-63


C-29856 9-15-61 P-98979

Chatoinode High School C-29659 $12,460 Bond imp drain 9-15-61 facil- Tr 26072 F-96979

Chandler BlvdfBPV)

Slvd bet Fulton & , _ . __ noKcr PoylinB H" tPnl plf l - i r in

C-29128 1-6-61

Jhandler Blvd N Rdwy (BPW) C-32610 Coldwater Cyn Blvd to 6-8-64 508' Wlv - Luka Milosevich eoncst sewers

"Ch-intiUv :id BP.V ' C-??514 1000-Natl Koujc '.Vreck .5-, ,--13-64 Salv Co - Demolish dwell 4 fill swim pool

1020 Chant lily R d " " 6-33372 Southwest Builder 12-9-64 Flllini» flwi mm'* n»! Pool

Chantilly"Rd" BPW c;32"4i7 ^ mo-Demolish dwelling 4-15-64

SW Builder/'rfrecker Contr

Chantilly Rd BPW C-32436 c 1117-Demollsh Fire dmg 4-22-64, dwelling Nat'l House Wreck h. Sal Co

Chase Street C-29930 bet Geyser 4 Wilbur Ave IO-I6-6I constr Bowors-Kelley Morah

Chnt.iworth G-irdena S130,rt60.00 bond ,<5t<i-T-ort P/Oi^A

Chotsworth Orrdons ^81,350 bond Imp Tr 25573

C-?o2';2 5m, 2- / - f t l

p - o f l l 7 / "1,/.?1

0-29666 7-5-61 F-93174

Chatsworth St Bi'./ C-32360 bot Santa Sus.nnna V/ly 3-2O-64 Hei-mian I: Kalcolm - Irap

C-32486 5-29-64

( J

Chatsworth St (BPV() Balboa Bi/iinclno ye Melvin R Groff dba -Northridce-iQuln,Rental . .

Chatsworth St C-32370 ; Kesurf in GrAnda Hills 4-28-64

IA Co Fld Contr Olst F-107454 Storm Drain Bond Issue # 471

°**li?l!°? i X^4^?* C-33036 " ri f A5rt? '"'"'* "P 9-16-64 l58?liS'L41.: Bond ^-c'Stl^^i

. "'mJe''lUS'nl?V '^' t ^ ^ V i ' Vemon P*vin» ro

C«T, 4* I ••!«

y Chavez Ravine (BPV/) ;- I Access Rd-Unit n

Imp Hooker Co ' . . . .

Chevoz Revlne-Elyslan Pk Pasadena Frwy Petterwent const

C-29994 A"' 11-13-61 -^

C-29583 6-16-61 P-99633

' Chsyez Raylne""Acces8"'R'd'8' 0-294^0? Colene >ve Ext (BPW) 4-ig-6l Hooker Ppvlng Mntsrlnls

""Chavez Ravine 0-30468 Los Angeles Dodgers Inc 5-3-62 • Bank of America Escrow 600-40688

309 Cheesebroughs Lane C-32346 .| Demolish - Sylvester J 3-18-64 Ina (BPW)

Cheesman Kenneth M C-33105 $1,305 bond Imp 10-5-64 ^Tr 28753 F-1U779

. $653 .00 LfcM. bond 0-^?3106 Cheviot Hills Pipeline 0-30564

Corapany 6-14-62 $25,000 Bond P-104953 Bond Franchise

Chealer Builders C-31893 $1,570 bond imp 9-23-63 Tr 22825 7-109193

Chfief Legislative C-31082 Representative 12-20-02 Wm L McCoy F-10C300

Chief Leg Representative B-31870 Personal Services Wm McCoy

Chief Legislative Representative-Personal servioes-

_, Wm L MnCov Child Health Conference

1532 IV llth st Salvation Array

Child Hlth Conference Housing Authority

"ChlsKolra' "j" 'L C O ' $113,070 bond imp Tr 22836

Chlorine Solutions Co Sodium Hypochlorite Roc .?: Pks

9-16-63 P-100300

C-33275 ~ 11-5-64 P-100300

C-31729 7-23-63 F-113854

"c-31923 9-30-63


C-32027 11-13-63

F-96753 , .p-inoi/.A (PA) c-29701


Chlorine Solutions Co (PA) C-30644L furnish Sodium 7-13-62;, Hypochlorite Dspt BeO fc Parks

Chlorine Solutions Oo Sodium Hypochlorite Rec 4Pks (PA)

Christensen S Dee et al $24,935 bond imp Tr 21417

Christy Ave l^ i ' .^ '^ bet area sly Foothill

C-3I663 7-1-63

C-31221 2-21-63


C-32707 5-25-64

Blvd- H fc H Equipment Co re Imp Chrysler Corp C-31359

$16,600 Bond Imp 4-15-63 Traot 22726 P-109093

Church of God Camp Ground C-31824 $3,245 bond imp 8-28-53 ""•r 26916 '-U4971

Church Jesus Christ C-31775 , Latter-Day Saints 6-12-63 $10,550 Bond imp F-II4669 Tr ,28131

Cinderella Gardens C-30058 , $155,830 bond imp 12-18-61

Tr 26647 F-99018

Cinesound Co Inc C-32408 . Fire Dept - sale Educationl-12-64 motion Dictura film 7-ll02'>7



• ^



• ^

•Ci 'I

" ' , . 1 I •I



•I 'f



y ' i



• -•;


Clnmark Inv Co $77,380 bond imp Tr 25445 &38.690 lAM hnnd Cino Inc(B?U)

Central Avenue

C-33430 12-23-64' , P-103425 ^

C--?^471 C-29154

bet 1-13-61 /,3rd tr. Vernon Ave-imp

C-29120 1-5-61

Printing Co •

City C.cvV. CPA^ C-?S'4P I booths-boll ot boxes ?7^7T;'^I ! elGctinns-A-A-b?. 4 5-31-pl I n„r;'-j-i- r r . . . ,^„r . r , .^_pt .nroaO CCl

C-3087« j 9-17-02 I

: i t y Clerk (PA) Automatic Col la to r r ! — l o w n l H Tn / *

(Xity Clerk (PA) C-31114 Elect ion Fonps 1-11-63 "rem^ler " r l n t l n g "o

City Clerk (P*) C-31160 • Hos t o m Envelope Corp 1-24-63 So Cal - f u m Opan Window Bal lo t Siivolopes

l l t y Clerk (PA)' " C-31151 Corapton Pr in t ing Co 1-24-63 fum Charter Amdnt Panphlets

City Clerk (PA) C-3U83 Hauling Booths k 2-5-63 Balot Eoxes- t lec t ions 4-2-63 4 5-28-63-De./itt Trans fc Storaee

City Clerk (PA) C - 3 1 2 0 8 Bal lo t s 2-14-63 '.'/olf-jr Pr in t ing Co

' ' 'tW-li ULy Clerk Priiit..;! ?]ipti publ ica t ion 5 City Crd, etc-'--.utu.i»l Newspaper Publ iuhirg Co - Turn City c'lei^k (PA) 0-33415

Moore Bua Forma Inc 12-18-64 '-Prlntwrt V.lorjtlnr. Vcir—n

City Clerk " ' (3-33450 Envelopes (PA) 12-29-64 Blake Moffitt & Towne

City Constr Co(BPW) C-30188 Const Sewers 1-26-62 Gayley Ave 4 Le Conte Ave Sewer Diat

City Constr Co (BPrf) C-3C214 Const Sewers 2-5-62 Foothill Blvd 4 Fenwick .St ;>wer Dist,

"city Controller's office C-29878"" Kinagement Survey 9-27-61 , H Zinder 4 Associates

City Oonstructn Co (BPW) C-3008I Const sewers Glenoaks 12-27-61 Elvd bet 50O' Sly Truesdale St fc Sheldon 3t

City ^onat Co(BPW) C-30101 Const sewers R/w PawnrUgs 1-5-52 4 Dawnridge Drs F-99588

City HaU (BPW) C-29172 Hniichton Eloyotor Co l-20-'6l ropnlr oloyatore

City Store (PA) Lnish n--nriiiet,«i-fiiT'n

C-202A5 floor finish 2-20-Al

city store (PA) 0-29473 Clutches & Broke Lining 5-9-61 Friction Meterlals Co of LA

:ity Stores PA C-32451~ Dry Cell Batteries- 4-27-64 Coraraercial 'rfholesale Elec Co furn

City Store (PA) C-32944 Koore Garden Hose- 7-24-64 Koore Kfg Ino

City Hall Sub-Basenent C-31529 Const House Connection 6-7-63 Sewar & Manhole ' .

T Kilo Masanovich (BF.V) ,.

City Hall Helistop (BP.V) C-30833 KCS Corp 9-5-62


city of Inglewood LlbBBPy Servlne

C-3i0525 5-26-52^ P-107535

C-2 964.0 6-29-61

0-31268 3-8-63

city Shops (PA) White Truck Parts '•'hite Motor Co (Corp)

, Civic Parade 1964 Personal Service Kyle Cole

Clvri"be"fe"n7cT~'"^"*" ' C-290C0 U S Arm/ iing 2-9-62

' : ChE order Modification F-98800 or.ij,'..,nojt_rAC,i^lv.ed ,.- .

Civ i l Defense Newsletter C-30775 l^ rv lee - Mailing - 8-13-52 . L A Addreaslng fc Mailing Co

CivU Dofnnse purposes C-2933I1 Fort .MacArthur 6-6-6I . T^o t t ^nv S p r t n n tr TiT^}nn ^ \ Recrotary Army F-7339S.

Civil Defense (PA) C-33283 Shelter Supplies- 10-14-64 Moving Services-Bekins Van & Stnn. '^ iTA G n ,

C i v i l Service (BPV/) C-30203 Rental of Xerox 914 2-2-62 Crtni o r Xerox Coro Claridge Drive 1439

Natl House Wrecking

Olark Stan M t Don W " Tr 29255 - imp Bond $1,790

tm c-32675 6-22-64 F-116138-

$895 Labor fc ^ la te r ia l Bd C-12576 . CleaninK aquip Corp IPA) U-32292

Furn Floor Maintainers 2-2i»-64 ' Bureau of Public Bldgs

Cleraents-Bcach Leighton Slos3on-Conver^3e>etal Geology Soi l l ng

0-3258? 5-20-64

Clements Thornas et a l C-31784 Consultat ion Services 8^15-63 r.olls Engineering 4 F-114337 no/^^lMT1l—,1.1-3/^^r^lT

Clements, Thomas C-32794 Geological Services 7-8-64

Cleveland St BPW C-32805 855 - Attaohed bldg 7-22-64 4 dwell - Demolish - Hallmark Wreck Inrr Co

Cleveland Wrecking Co C-29566 deraolition bldg 6-8-61 527 San Julian St-8l,969

Cleveland "rfrecklng Co(BPW) C-303I8 Bel-Air-Brentwood Plre 3-16-62 area-rremoval debris

Cleveland Wrecking Co"(BPiv)C-3il62' Demolltn -brige 4 wall 1-25-53 SanVicente fr PiOb/Hodondo Dis

Cleveland 'rfrecklng Co Demolition 3530 ./ 27 3t

Cleveland rfreck Co BPW Demolish bldg-lC404-0i*i Kalmia St

Cleveland Wracking Co 9538 Graham Ave Deqiolltion

C-32077 12-4-63

C-32409 4-8-54

C-33409 12-16-64

Clinton 3t fc (BPW) C-31340 - Martel Ave- 4-5-63

Remodeling Confluence Structure Pascal k. I.iidwlir Tne .. .

Cloths Sweeping (*A) C-32663 4 Sweeping Tools 6-15-64

Surn var depts eneral Industrial Rental Serv

I Clutches 4 Brake Lining 1 1 Friotlon Meterlals "o y of u (PA)

c-29473 5-9-61

i J

c-29469 5-10-61

i Clybourn /ve bet Stonehurst Pl 4 Art St Carl West-construction sewers ,

Coast Regtiurant fc Hotel C-33195 , Equip ^o (PA) , 10-20-64.

Garbage Cans -xiar. tr. p i t A ,, .

Coastate-Beswick Inc (BFW) C-30343 140 N Ave 19-oonstn 3-23-62 shops & s to re f a c i l for L A City Plro Dept

, Coastate Builders (BpV) C-29180 ^^ '^ . ' ' S .y i l l .S t -F i re 1-25-61

, Dopt Bldg-alr condltioninK

Coastate Builders (BPW) C-30084 Const t e s t i n g 12-27-61 laboratory for Bur Standards

Coastate Biillder.-s (PF/) C-30922 Fire .Station //40 10-15-62 iC6 S Tum St-Const Yard './alls 4

Coastate Builders C-33304 Const Hampart Police 11-18-64 Station (BPW)

Coates Herfurth "fc Eng'land C-32391 ~ Acturlal valuation rept 4-1-64 -Health Dept employees

Cobalt Estates C-32923 5135,520 imp Bond 8-20-64-Tract 28363 P-114094 S67.76O L&H Bond C-3?.<J24

Coca-Cola Bott^ln(;(PA)C-2<)2/^7 bottled coca-cola 2-P1-61 rec 4 Hrs Dent-fum


C-2P2A2 P-?/-'.l

Cochnra Ave (BPW) fc (ith S t r ee t The Beecher.Const Co»stom o r f ' n r - c ons t

Coehran-Izant & Oo (BPW) C-29376 Const Handrails Stairway 4-7-61 200 N Spring St

Cody';id .': '•'.aynota •i)r('3PW)C-30519 Imp Intersection 6-25-62 Blacktop Matorials Const

Cognata C R fc Jack M Nye C-32276 , $5,020 Bond Imp - 1-20-64 1

Tr 27673 F-102226

Cohasset St 4 C-29683 San Fernando Rd 7-13-61 Golden State Frwy F-76947 Cal-I r St,afp Hwv n-lv

Cohasset St bet (BPW) C-30696 Woodlake Ave-const sewsrs7-l8-52 Moran Marvin H

Cohasset Street BP-.V C-32366 bot V/oodlake & './ly 3-27-64 Constr Sewers-Metkovich Ivan K

Cohon Lcuis ot al c. -33,2.tO.OO "Dond Imp

Tr ZdU.L

Cohen Hich.i»rd et al $18,090 bond irap Tr 28127

Cohn Stanley $2,300 bond imp Tr 22046

Cohn Stanley Bond Imp - $36,170.00 Tr 29438

, ijirii.XK^nA. n A C n n (ioldwatar Cyn Ave

Xing protoc davlce Southern Pacific Co

c-30571 6-13-62 P-97914

C-32068 12-2-63 F-1C9093

C-31485 5-24-63

F-1073ftT . P- 46010

C-32856 6-6-64 '• F-12OO94

C-30953 10-30-62 • P-106116

Coldwater Cyn Av bet(BPV/)C-3l72? Chandler Blvd 4 Kagnolia Blvd Irap- 7-31-63

. Newman fc Malcolm Ino

Coldwater Cyn Ave bet C-3l8d9 Magnolia Blvd fc 9-18-63 Riverside Dr (BFrf)

. Hnnlfor Cn .. . . , ^oldwater Cyn Ave (PW) C-31I;33 '

bot S'..ormd.i '/ay'4 '/ano-, Jon 5 - 3 - © St - imp - Griffith Co


Coldwater Cyn Ave bet Van Noord Ave 4 Avenida Dol Sol-Imp

. Npwnwn.*, Malcolm Ixir. Coldwater Cyn Dr (BPW) fc San Ysidro Dr Manholes Const Geo Miller, Const Co, _

Coldwater Signal Offioe 12520 Mulholland Dr Enelnoerinct Service Keeley K V,,Sr (BPW) ,

Cole Kyle Civic Parade 1964 Personal Services

Coleman Dev Co $77,565 bond irap Tr 28534

"c-30253 2-21-62 \

. (BPWj . C-30549 5-1-52

C-29580 . 6-14,-61

, 0-31268 3-8-63 .

C-32063 U-26-63 F-116292

'" Coleman Isabella S Krs ' "C-32076 Tournament Roses Paradel2- 6-63;., Jan 1 1964 F-116540 -

_.. S12..000 . . , Coleraan Isabella S C-33358

Tournanent Roses Parade 12-4-64'-' Jan 1965 F-116540 '

"Coilch Const Co (BPi.') 0-30892 BorchesterAve Storn 9-28-62 Drain Systera Ext bet Koffatt .St tf. T.flf.hrrin .St rCon,st,. ,

Collch Const Co (BPW) C-31356 Const Unit l-Sayre St 4-10-63 & San Fndo Rd Interceptor SBWGI*

Colich Conatr Co (B'PW)" C-31721 Sayro St 4 Son Fornando Rd Interceptor Sewer 7-26-63 Constr Sewers

Coliseum Dent(PA) - C-P^P^ft Goneh Industries Tne ?-?A-61 floodlleht porjectors-fiirn

Coliseum (PA) C-31671 Otis Escalators Service 7-1-63 ''-.'3 T'!ey-tor ?o

N Coliseum Dr (S side) C-29497 bet Menlo Ave 4 I5OO' 5-I7-6I ., Ely-Electric Machinery Services Inc-lnstall ltg system (BFW)

Coliseum St B PW . C-32361 bet 7th Ave & Norton Avo 3-20-64 Larjo Co - Iran

Collette Estates C-30485 $10,310 bond inp 5-11-52 Tr 24240 F-107695

Collins Jnck E (Bm) C-20261 MontBcue St bet P.-7ly-f<l Hnddnn fitc-.iiworp

Colony West Props Inc C-31610 ' . $252,035 bond imp 6-28-63

Tr 27062 7-1C4642

C-31794 8-1

Colony west Krops inc $294,760 bond irap 8-19-63 Tr 27063 F-104642

Colony West Properties Inc C-31911 Off-Site fc On-3ite SewerslO-l-63 Devonshire St-Tr <;705C fc 27061

F-114707 Colony West Properties C-319II

Ino-Supl Agreemnt- 6-24-64 Const sewers Devonshire P-114707 s<- , . _• .!_

Colorado Blvd C-32756 bet Eagle Vlsto Dr 4 7-8-54 Townsend- A-L Signal Co modify

Colorado Blvd 4 El (BPW) C!-30503 Verano Ave 5-14-52 Orainllrie Ehglneera Ino oonst



• »

I •fit





• ^

Colt's Patent Plre Arms C-29886 Hfg Co -Revolvers - 9-2-7-61 F.;rnlsh Police Dopt(PA} ^

Colt's Patent Kire Arms U-31701 Hevolvers (PA) 7-22-63 Police Dept

Colunbl.i -Construction Co C-32369 • .•;;'.6O,80O.0O Bond Iran 3-30-64• Tr 23334 v.ynn^f.'j

Columbia SavInge C-30338 & Loan Association 3-23-62 $27,815 bond Imp F-10U37 Tr 2641?

Columbia 'rfax Co (PA) ' C-30480 Floor Finish 5-9-62 Store Div-Dept Supplies

Commercial Gloss Co Inc C-32750 Automotive Glass- 7-1-54

l-l C-32131 , 12-25-63"

Comraorclnl Whlse(PAl ?.\p. -con8ui?-F.upplles Dept-fiirn"

Coraraercial Whlse Elec Ce C-31679 , Dry Cell Ba t t e r i e s , 7-1-63

Various Dept i (PA)

Commercial •rfhlse '-- lec C-32056 Conduit ('PA) 11-21-63 Traf Dept Yards (V^rioud)

Cbmme'rci'al'"rfholesale PA ' C-32451 • E l e c t r i c Co - Dry CeU 4-27-64 ; , Ba t t e r i e s City Stores-furn

Commonwealth Savings 4 Loan C-30262 , $17,575 bond imp 2-27-62

Tr 26241 F-97271

Commonwealth Savings C-30525 4 Loon Assn 5-26-62 $12,772.00 Bond Imp Tr 26059 P-104302

Commonwealth Sayings fc C-30452 Loan Assn 4-30-62 $100,530 bond imp F-IOO86O Tr ? M 4 7

Commonwealth Savings & C-30538 Loan Assn 6-4-62 $71,980 bond imp F-93879 T.- •?t,nyrj . , _ ,

Coranonwoalth Sfc L Assoo C-30987 :iJ39,590 Bond inp 11-19-62 Troct 17032 P-10.5729'onlth S4L Aosoc C-314-13 -;-.31,390 Dond-inps - 5-1-63 Tr 13129 P-U307?

Commonwealth Savings & C-31532 Loan Assn-Tr 1458? 5-11-63 $88,250 bond imn F-105ft36

Co.-nmunicatlons Bureau of C-29989 Kobile Transmit ter 11-13-01 -• f-.otorola Communs k y.-\ (\r.t.rr\r\\ r n Tni' 1 PA 1

Conmunicatlons Sur C-31179 Gen ^ 0 0 Co fumish 2-4-63 Bnco .'ita 4 Mobile Transnl t t i j r / noco l iov u n i t s

Co-",nunity Medical Center C-32334 ,$14,045 Dor.d lra;v Tr 2'/940

Cormnunity Dedevolopnt Agcy So Pasadena DorcJiosto:' Ava Storm Drain

Jo.T..':iuin'tV Prof-ort i c ; ','.:60.0G -

Tr :!9C3i, Bond Imp

3-13-64 F-110248

C-30808 8-27-62 P-102035

c-3?:iC5 ' 5-15-64 F-U04O4

Coramun Renewal Pro,2ran C-30849 Automated Urban Facts 9-17-62 Library iiobert il-mk-son

Community Renewal C-30971 Program-re plan c r e a t e 11-1-62 Automated Urban Pacts Library Bobert Jacobson

Connun Tape Reeording 8ya " Pum Dept PU4T (PA)

Mobile Radio Ine Corwunity Tree Servloe C-32128

Trim Palm Trees 12-23-53 York Bl-Ave 43/Ave 42 & others

Community Tree service , . C La Ti jera Blvd bet(B'W) 10 La Cienega Blvd fc 74th St

.Trim Palm Trees . , Corapton P r t t i n g Co (PA) C-31151

Charter Amdmt Pamphlets 1-24-63 fum Ci ty Clork

•31934 I )-ll-63. I

1 'computer Application (BP'rf)c-30916

Software Ha.'-dware Corp 10-8-$2 'rfeea Abatement Data Processing

\ Concrete (FA)

Consolidated Bock Froducts

Condon fhomas A $25,460 Bond Imp Tr 27399

C-29516 5-24-61

C-32263 2-17-64 P-117462

! Congregation Beth HiUel C-30132 $14,740 bond irap 1-15-62 .. Tr 26101 F-104205

Oongregatlonai Conf So C-31174 Calif - $33,525 Bond 1-31-63 Tract 2655? P-106656

Conlengco Inc (BPrf) C-3C219 Engineerln;^ Services 2-7-62 La Cienega-San Fernando Valley Relief Sewer

Conlengco Inc (HPW) C-30504 Kission -Id fc Zonal Ave 5-16-62 Consulting Englneor-Sewer .Sur:il:'iRnet-il ..Err:int 2-25-63

Conlengco Inc C-31720 Engineering Services 7-26-63

Con50lld-=ited Carpet Co C-32535 N-/]on Carpet - Pub Bldg 5-12-64 Bur PA

Consolidated Rock Products C-29516 Transit raixed concrete 5-24-61-yarlous de;.ts (PA)

Ccnsolldrte Rock Prod Co- C-2Q593 Rock SpnJ 4 Orfivel 6-l6-6l VPTIOUS depts ("A)

Consolldoted Rock (PA) C-30721 Products Co 7-1-52 various depts Rock Sand Gravel eto

Consolidated Rock Prods C-31623 Transmit ;-;ixed Concrete7-l-63 Various deptd (PA)

Consolidated Rock i'rods C-31624 Rock Sand fc Grivol 7-1-63 various depts (PA)

Consolidated Rock Pred 0-)1799 $79,900 bond Imp 8-20-63 Tr 27736 P-114820

Consolidated Rock Prods C-31883 Tr 22668-Imp 9-19-63 Whitsett St fc Saticoy Ave

•fonsoiidated "ftbck""fto3 0^2648 Furn Rock-sand-gravel 6-16-64

Consolidated Rock Prods C-33453 Transit Mixed Concrete 12-30-64 Various Depts

Constructors 8utipiyfpA)C-29iqi flasher tre^rrc^ii^Ats l-3o-6l" St Mtrice Bur-furn

Consultation .''orvlces C-31784 Soils Engineering 4 8-15-63 Geology-Grading P-114337

_ Thoraas Cleraunts ot al .


Consulting - Advisory C-296J.6 ..; I Servloe-Dept Bldg 4 5-22-61 5

Safety-Gilbert E Morris

Consulting Englneer(BPW) C-3066O . Quinton Engineers 7-11-52 Amendment l'-ll-^1

Oensulting Services Electrada Corp

C-30469 5- 7-62

Consulting Engineering C-31886 Hyperion Treatraent 9-18-63 Plant (BPW)

Consulting Eng (BP'rf)C-31366 Robertson Relief Sewer I-8-64 ,' Koebig 4 Koebig Inc .?upl

Consulting .in5i:-cer (!1PW)C-32151 Soil Invest .Serv I-8-64 Leroy Cranci.'iU 4 .'Saocs

Consulting Service C-32667 Cleraents-Lelghton-Slosson 5-20-54 etol- soil eng 4 geology-grading

. F,-114337-Consulting Services C-33312

A A Weinberg 11-19-64

Consumers Oil Co Diesel Fuel Oil (PA)

C-33446 12-28-64•

Continental Air Lines C-33211 Homo Office 4 Hangar IO-I3-64' LA In te rna t iona l Airport

"Contlne"ntaTAlr'Lihe"'3" "C-3348f Under-Ramp Fueling 12-11-64 Facility F-121585 .Airpo.rt_.lnte.:.0,itjo.nal ,

Continental Contracting Inc C-33074 .. Sunset Blvd bet (BPW) 9-23-64.-Pac Coast Hwy 4 400' S of Pacific Coast Hurt

Continental Contracting C-33287 . Inc-oonst parking facil 11-13-64 .

Vic Wooster St,& Pico Blvd (BPW)

Continental fire Equip Co 6-32289 Purn Couplings (PA) 2-24-64 Fire Department

Contracting Engineers Co C-31342 Holienbeck Police Stn 4-5-63 2111 E 1st St-Const (BPW)

Contractors Supply Co InC C-31415 fum Stool Pnundation 4-30-63 Bolts - Dopt Trof- (PA)

•Contractual Serv Acct C-32379 Pol Dept- Agrmt w/LA Co 4-2-64 for Sch Crossing Guard F-1176]9 .Serv r, Indi ana .4.6th Sts Controller C-31503 Procedural Manual 6-3-63 "•-—eth " Perry

Controller" C-32281 Consultation Type 1-30-64 , Service-Daniel Mann Johnson & Mendenhall

Convey 3.27 Acres land ,- San Far/iando City

C-31555 6-14-63

Conveyor Co (PA) C-29703 Miblle Sweepers repair 7-1-61 parta-Street Maint

3ohveyor Co (PA) C-3618O Motor Sweepers 1-24-62 Bureau Street Maint

Conveyor Co (PA) " '0-30992 ~ fum St Mtnoe Bur - 11-20-62 Street Sweeper

Conveyor Co (PA) Nylon Filament Streat Maint

C-31491 5- 27-63

Conveyor Co Dump Body St Maint


Conveyor Co (PA) Street Sweepers Various Depts

The Conveyor Co PA Repair parts - Street Maintenance Bur

m%i A

c-32039 11-18-63

C-32457 4-29-64

vonveyor Co Nylon Filament Furn St Mtnee Bur

lPAT~"C^25dd" 6- 3-64

Conveyor Co (PA) Motor Sweepers

St,Msir* n,.*

Conveyor Co Truck Bodies-Bur St Ktnce


C-33132 10-6-64

C-33322~ 11-25-64

Cook & Gibson Ford Tractor C-3l8l4 Tractor Equip Parts (PA) 7-1-63 Various Depts

"Cook 4 Gibson Ford TractorsC-32386" , Tractors & Tractor Loaders 3-30-6i, Rec & Parks PA

Cook "eorge 0 (PA) C-32185 • Furn Kerosene 1-1-64 Harbor Dept

Cook Ralph dba Pork 4 PA C-32725 Turf Equipment - Triplex 6-29-64 Mowers- Dept Rec 4 Pks

Cook Sam Uniforms Inc Police Uniforms Police Dept

Cook Som Uniforms Ine Police Uniforms (pA)

(PA) C-29956 10-27-61

C-33378 12-9-64

Cook-Thompson Const Co C-305l6 C-"nst garage 4 storage 5-16-62 bldg-Horbor sewer Mtnoe Yd 1400 Govvey. St, (BP'rf.)

Cook-Thompson Constr Co C-31120 Reseda Sswer Maint-Constr I856O Tophara 3t (BPrf) 1-11-63

'cooley C D Jr (BPV/) ./>lley N of l3t St

, bet Ktirshall Ct 4 Cabrlllo Avo-lmp

Cooley D C Jr (BPV;) -Vornon Ave bet Broadway b - 5 - h i k 220' Wly-lmp

C-29692 7-14-61


Cooley D C Jr (BPW) C-29908 Imo Alley W of King Ave 10-6-61 bet Opp 4 "I" St

Cooley D C Jr (BPW) C-29907 .. imp Alley S of ^olden 10-6-61 .,

bet Mc Klnley 4 Stanford Aves

Cooley D C Jr (BP'rf) C-29962 > Imp Jullien St bet 10-30-61..

Kirst 4 Second Sts

Copp iiaving Co Inc C-31619 ;. Rosecrans Ave bet Bast 6-28-63

City Bndy fc Vermont Ave (BP'rf)

Corbin AV & Arminta 3t C-32265 Kelley-Moran (BPW) 2-14-64 Sewer District

Corbin Ave (BPW) C-32941 Crossing SP Co Coast Line 8-17-6s r/w imp-Newman & Malcolm Ino

Corbin Ave bet Chatsworth 4

-32474 ;h 4 Northridge Zx.ji..„

Agrrr.t-grade Xing/Safety J •J'V lc eti' ' ' .So.Pa? Cp

Corbin Aves -. City.

BPW Kessler Ave-Burch Chas 4 Son Corp constr Sewer

3-5-64 C-32453' 4-27-64




Corbin Estates Ine $26,730 bond imp Tr 29521

C-33063 /) 9-23-64 1' •

, ., P-100010 \ $ll.a65 LfcM Bond C-33064. \

Cord RUey Co Inc (EPW) C-32032 Beverly Dr bet 11-13-63 Pico Blvd 4 Alcott St-Const \

Cord RUey Co BPW ' C-32466 - Constr sewers March Ave 4-29-o4 , 4 Justice St SD

K A Ccrnell J r (BPW) 0-30448 Study ro group heklth 4-27-62 Insurnace plan for City Emo

Coronado Knolls Ino $61,170 bond imp-Tract 21701

Cortez Land fc Mortgage $7,745 bond imp Tr 27??2

Cortes Land fc Mortgage $3,910 bond Imp Tr 27773

c-31135 I 1-13-63 F-IO8I54 _I

C-31831 8-30-63


' "c-31832 8-30-63


Goodman""J['g Co -^Straeter 6-30-63 Counter Traffic (PA)

Goodman "J g Co -Str Araot Div -fum Traf Dept

County Court House C-30683 • Provide & maintolB First '7-17-52

Aid Station F-92014

County Bd Supvsrs C-31881 Tax Deeded Land 9-18-63 Pub St-Mt Preserves-Urban Renewal 4 Rec 4 Pks F-110665

lounty 3r.nltstlon C-29652 Diet i , ' 27 - . , 6-30-61 nr^vrnti-o Olflnnnnl i?„ACnC)i

Co Sanit Dist #2 ;, Schoil Cyn County

LandlU #4

C-30159 1-22-62 . F-10554'''

Onmn .Site _ County Sanitation Diet

#5-Lomita Belief Trunk Sewer

C-30292 3-15-62 P-104124

105574 County k .State C-31890

Purch Tax deeded l a n d s 9 -20-63 P - U 0 6 6 ' ; .Sl

3o .V. r - t a t e Tax Deed'id Lands ELA ';i.>w Tract

C-32004 V.-I.-G3 F-U5587

Courtesy Chevrolet Co Inc C-29570 Automobiles-Bur Transp 6-8-61 furnish (PA)

Courtesy Chevrolet Ind,, ' C-29571 Automotive Equlpmnt-' " 6-8-61 Bur Transp-furnish (PA )

Courtesy Chevrolet Inc C-30233 Automobiles (PA) 2-14-62 , Bureau Transportation

Courtesy Chevrolet Ino C-30348 Trucks furnish Dept of 3-27-62 Traffic

Courtesy Che-vrolet Inc " C-30975 Fumish Cabs 4 Chassis 11-8-62 BldK 4 Safety Dept (PA)

Courtesy Chavrolot Inc(PA)C-30993 f u m Sanitation Bur 11-20-52 Trucks

Courtesy Chev Inc C-31322 Automobiles (PA) 3-28-63 Trans Bur

Courtesy Chevrolet Inc C-33433 r Trucks (PA) 12-21-64

St Maint Bur

Courtland St (BPW) 4Rosa Ave Storm Drain 11 const -K4J ''onst Co ond Vinson Const Co

C-309( .-16- 52

Coventry Pl fc (BPW) Kelton Ave SD Savala ' f lonntr

Cowan fc L'loyd Plmbg $15 ,092 bond imp Tr 26209

C-31092 » 12 -26-62 -I '

C-29999 1 1 - 1 7 - 6 1 F-102698

C r a n d a l l David J 4 I D Acp le -$605 Bond imp T r a c t 29537-a-im L A- K Bond

C r a n d a l l I .eroy «, A S O C I P F ' S o i l I n v e s t -jcrv Consulting 'j;ng

• Creager Imp Corp $13,130 bond imp Tr 26301

'crohan Johh (BPW) Salvage Chcd const Flra Stotlon ^.bZ

_ 3631 Centlnola Ave Crenshaw Blvd bet (BPW)

Coliseun & 39th St Vernon Paving Co-Imp

Crenshaw Motors a Corp Automotive Equlpmnt (PA)

C-33299 U-19-64 P-111469 . C-' '?'*00 W)C-32151


C-29774 8-16-bl P-102714

c-29646 6-23-61

C-33073 9-23-64

C-29558 6-2-61

Crenshaw Kotors A Corp C«>30143 Station Buses (PA) 1-17-62 ,

,-Tr,'>np niirAan

Crescent Ref 4011 Co (PA) C-32148 r Furnish.Diesel Fuel Oil 1-1-64

Harbor Dept

C-3O9O6 10-8 -62 ,

C-31«lf 8-23-63

C r e s t E n g i n e e r i n g Co •ingi neerin-!; S e r v i c e

Cres tmoore P l SD J BKV) Canada fc Kinney S t a Hanann tr. Tharnvr

C r e s t v i e w V i l l a g e $ 5 3 , 1 7 5 imp bond

i S l ^ ^ s i ^ L a i o r t Kat Bondi

6133 Crestwood Way C-32979 L A 'Wrecking Co 9 -4 -64 D e m o l i t i o n fc Removal

C r i s a l l l Tony Corp (PW)" C-31481 c o n s t l o t e r a l C o n t i n o l a 5 - 2 3 - 6 3 Creek Channel 'rf/oAlvom P-

C r l z A l b e r t ( T / ) C-31299 A r c h i t e c t u r i , ' . S e r v i c e s 3 -15-63 rfest LA Kun C e n t e r 'rilaza

Croc'^er S t r e e t „ ( B S ) 5 - ^ 2 ? "

Vr«ok lne ft Salvp. i ;e-demolish « t e

C r o c k e r S t C-29498 7 2 8 - 3 0 - d e m o l l t l o n b l d g 5 - 1 0 - 6 1 Bldg 4 S a f e t y Comsn-B a r b a r a Abrams Crook Co (PAl C - 2 " 2 ' 9

rond r o l l e r ? - l ' ' - 5 1 Rt Mtneo Bi t r - f i i rn

Crook Company (PA) C-30151 F u r n i s h Dle . ie l Powered 1-19-62 T r - a c t o r - S c r a p e r U n i t s Rur .".an 1 t l 11 on

Crook Co a Corp (PA) furnish skiploaders Bur St Mtnce

Crook Corapany li'A) Pneumatic Tire Roller Dept of Airports

C-30973 11-5-62

C-3i«34l> 3-16-64

Crosbie William S C-32622 Appraisal Service 6-3-64 West Los An. eles Hlth Ctr (BPW)

Crosbie William S Appraisal Service Portn Hlth Admin Bids LA Civic Ctr (BPW)

C-32624 6-3-64

r Jrosslng Protection C-32594 -3i ; Anaheim St @ Long Bch In 2-28-64 i

Xing SPCo - P-1183?6\ , crouch *Kalph"0 "~^-32!593" . 1

Consulting Service 6-5-64 City-wlde Master Plan -'

Crown Coach Corp (PA) Pumpors-Flre Dopt

0-29666 6-30-61

Srooa Coadh Corp C-30763 Pum-trlple combination 6-30-62 pumping apparotue-Flre Oept

• Crown Coach Corp C-31380 Triple combination 4-17-63 pumping apparatuB-

' Fire Dept Crown Coach Corp (PA)

Triple Combination pumper-furnish Fire Dept

Crown Coach Corp (FA) Bepalr fc replacement parts Plre Apparatus

C-31401 4-24-63

C-31406 4-29-63

Crown Coach Corp Fire apparatus

(PA) C-31399 4-24-63

Crownridge Enterpr ises Ltd C-32778 Tr 22734 -L4M $7,314 7-13-64 "" Bond $14,52? C-32777

Crown /"ence .V Supply I n s t s U PorcG .V 14.'?3Z liayme • -t

C-31C12 G-ites U-2.?-62 (pp-./)

Culver Bldg Material PA Bldg moteriols Various Dept

Culver City Mtnce Sepulveda Bridge over, Ballona Creek -•

C-32876 6-7-64

C-29512 5-23-61 F-101483

Culver City C-32876 , Agreement-install 8-10-64 traffic signals F-U9860-Wnshinfl-ton Blvd fc Motor Aye.. .

Culver, David P C-29351 Approisol Service re 3-29-61 • widen. Hoover St

Cumbre Dr S/s (BPW) C-31170 " bet Anchovy/Mormaid Dr & 1-28-63 others -Tree Planting

_ Plorentino Gonzalez

Cummings Constr Corp C-31061 Fire Station #2 (BPW) 12-14-62 212? E let 3t-AIterations

Curamings S A Contr Oorp C-3022$ Imp Leimert Blvd bet 2-9-62 Santa Sarbara 4 Vernon Aves

(BP'rf) Cumpston St off site C-30288

Sewer 3-8-62 DKW Dev Co Inc F-106116

;urley-Batee Co (PA) C-31306 ^ Play Supplieo 3-20-63 .

Rec fc Pks

Currie R W 4 Zellick W C-31105 $11,940 bond imp 1-9-63 Tr 26358 F-111198

CURRY Charles B Co(PA) Breathalyzera Pol Dept - furnish

tmi Curtis Frederick (BPW) C-30358 Engineering services 3-28-62 Yarnell St fc San Pndo Sd Interceptor Sewer Curtis Robert L (BPW) C-33209 Clympic Blvd t 10-23-64 Victoria Ave Traf laland

. . Landscaping

Cushman Electronic Inc C-33394 Frequency Monitor 12-14^64 Pub Util fc Trans (PA)

Cushman Motor Sales Ino C-29747 4" I Repair Parts for Cushnm 6-7-6I ~

Motor Scooter-Pol (PA) , >•..

Cushman Motor Sales Ino C-31398 Hdpair parts Cushman 4-24-63 Motor scooters-furnish (FA)

Custom Compori'ent" " ' C-30350 Switches Ino 3-28-62 $24,150 bond Imp P-103909 . Tr 26827

Cypress Ave-Elra St to C-29751 ; San Fndo Rd-Storm Drain 8-8-6I

Proj #480-LA County F-83120 Flood Control UlaC .... _ „„„-„-

Cypress Ave BPW , C-29920 , bet Elm fc San Fdno Rd lO-l$-6l,

Tomei Construotion Co

""D'.G.'Valehtihe'lPAl * ' C-32327 Play Supplies-Rec & 3-10-64 • Parks - furn

DMW Dev Co Inc , C-30288 Off Site Sewar 3-15-62 Cumpston St F-106116

D fc M Machine Works C-33081 , Traffic Cones (PA) 9-1-64 .,

various depts

D 4 R Developers C-31597 • $40,210 bond imp 6-26-63 Tr 22311 F-109195

Daglns Harry fc James C-29664 $14,205 bond imp 7-5-61 Tr 26274 P-96663

Dairymen's Pertlllzer(PA)c-3i754 Co-op Inc 7-1-63 Manure Cattle Parks 4, Plaveroiindn

ODS C-27652 , 1 was Drummond 4 Bronneck 5-29.59 ''

Dalecrest Co Imp Fallbrook Ave

Delecrest Co ' $3,090 bond imp

T P.riCiniC

C-29427 4-26-61 F-8ftlTl,

C-29448 5-4-61 ''-I'?l6l4

Dplecrest Co ' ' C-29629 ' Imp Vpnowon St 4 6-29-61 Viotory I: volley P-101554 Circle nivds-Drlocrest Co

Dalv St bet N Broadway C-31118' Jt Ave 26 (BPW) 1-11-63 Imp Pkg Lot KcCinnls 4,Gautier Inc.

Dan Building Corp $2630 bond imp Tr 26764

C-30363 3-30-62 F-106683

Daniel-Kanh Johnson (3P'rt)C-30312 Engineering Cervices 3-14-62

/ 9th St frora Norraandie Ave nl c »..---

Daniel Kann .Tohnson (BP./) C-30311 r Engineering Services 3-14-62

Harbor 3Ivi; Relief Sewer

Danii l Kann Johnson et a l C-30310 r Engineering Services 3-14-62

6th St 4 Kariposa Ave SD _

Daniel Mann Johnson(BPW)c-30449 ; Mendenhall 4-23-62

Consulting Engineer Telfoir Ave * .Penrose! St Rel Sewer

Daniel-Mann-Johnson C-28010 Valley,Police Hdqrts 7-12-63 Rendition of design & conotr , ^monAtnont

i^aniel-mann-Johnson etal 0-28010 • , Arehi t«ctural Serv (BP'rf)

Valley Pol Hdotrs "'"acil 1-6-64

I •''"Pl a

^ 1

• ^

• l l





Daniel Mann Johnson k C-32218 Mendenhall 1-20-64 i Engineering Services Centrallzed Data Proc System

• Daniel Kann Johnson fc 0-32281 Kendenhall 1-30-64 C^:nsultation Type Ser'vlce

. Controlier . . . . . . Danube Ave W/s (BPW) C-30989

KcKoevor to Lahey St eto 11-15-62-Plorentino Gonzales for tree planing

Dsrtford Cerl 4 Ruth, ;^19,265 bji-.d Imp

, Tr 26c56

Dasl Dev Co $5,415 bond Imp Tr 21933

Dasl Develonraent Co 015,400.00" Bond Inn Tr 23330

Dniintless Const CofB•W^ Mnenolia Blvd-T.ouise Ave-const SMrors

c-29534 , 6 - 1 ^ - 6 1 p-qiLio2 F-95162

C-31967 10-23-63 F-85737

C-32373 4 - 2 - 6 4 ; F-112999- '

D a u n t l e s s Const Corp- C P l n e r l d A e Dr 4 Bolboa 5 31vd sew-r ^ I s t (BPV/)

•29503 I •19-61 ' I

(BP'rf) C-29961 10-27-61-

D a u n t l e s s Const ^0 Cons t sewers r /w 3OO' N 6f .Genoa St b e t - H-ivan/i Ave & A s t o r i a 3 t

- D a u n t l e s s Const Co C-30187 Cons t Sewers (BPW) 1-26-62 •, L u r l i n e Ave b e t D e v o n s h i r e k T, S t i

Dnvontry S t 13583 0-31430 : :a t l ->nal House 'rfi'ocking 5 -2 -53 ,"•. S.nlvn;:o Co - DamoUt.lon / N . -, ',: romo';al bl-.;g

David Leo 4 Ruth C-31289 , i-:(..jy.OQ bond Imp 3-15-63

Tr 25663 F - U 2 3 3 6 -

DnvldsonL '•' .'4 A3soc(BF'/) C-30020 Archltoctur .^31 S o r v l c e 1 1 - 2 7 - 5 1 -•'estwood St Ktnce Yard .,

Dav i s George B ' " C-32413 $ 2 , 0 1 0 . 0 0 - Bond Irap U- lb-b i , Tr 29013 . F-109C">-,

D-iwri "Elec Serv ' BP'rf " " C-3'?^23 I n s t i l l e l e c l t ^ systera 5-20-04 • Sant-,;i I.-rin1oi Pl vfl b u t VBrraont 'r Kr. rrn'i n.-H IJ .1 V r. :'

Day St fc Amanita Ave ID City of Glendale

nay St (BPW) 4 Amanita Ave I 0-C F Oode Co imp

Dayton fc Bakewell furn power squaring

"C-3ii35' 4-4-63 F-77824 F-87107

C-32956 8-26-64

C-29341 3-26-61

Dayton P i p e Company (PA) C-29926 Purn s t e e l p i p e - H y p e r i o n l O - l c - 6 1 Sewnee D l s p b s a l o l n n t

DeAndn Lupe L ' C-29338 P l a n t t r e e s parkways 3 - 2 4 - 6 1

V o l o r l o S t - L o u r o l Ovn Rivrt

De Ando Lupe L (BP'.V) C'*295"9 Troc-u 111 ?arj;v;ey 6 - I 9 - 6 1 Kari^r-te St S of Calhoun Avo Tr 217li2

De Anda Lupe L (EP'rf) ; Tree planting parkway0

'rf side Agnes Ave

C-29983 11-10-61

Ceani 3 C Ht Ol <'-.207,354- hohd Irap Tr 21698 1 F


c-23729 I 1-17-56 I


Dearborn Chemical Co C-29822 Corrosion Inhibiting 9-1-61 Compounds Airport Dept (PA)

C-31638 " ^ 6-26-63 's^

0-31956 ' I 10-17-63 ' J

C-3C895 10-2-62• F-97915

Dearth Machinery Uo Street Sweeper (PA) Rec & Pk.-i

Dearth Machinery Co Brush Chlppers (PA) St Maiht Bur

Debbas Frank N $8,780 bond imp Tr 19136

Debris Disposal (BPW) C!-3l580 Olyrapic Blvd 4 Carson St Cal-Corapact Ino '7-17-63

DeoentTolr WalkW of " '~cl3i909 ... bet Laurelcreet Dr fc 9-27-63 ' , Berry Court'const Storm Dralna

Deelco Inc

De^b Edward C-32176 i ' 1^38,000 Bond Imp 1-20-64

Tr 21418 F-116708

Deeb Bd 4 Marion $1,070 bond imp Tr 24320

C-30829 9-5-62


DeLeon Ralph Constr Inc C-31929 Cazador St fc Ave 31 10-7-6S

Storm Drain-Constr (BPW)

6515 DeLongrpe Ave (B**)/) C-31501 DemoliU on-Hollywood 5-29-63 '' Police Station Pkg Lot

De^Lux" Deddir.g Co C-32487 - $5,4?C.GO - Bond Imp 5-11-04 Tr 27360 F-1U333

Dema'rest David F (PA) Palmyra Broom Fiber Street l-laint

Deena K K 4 Karks, Jean $17,01,0 bond Iran , T r . • f l . f i t i

Demarest David Broom Fiber St Miint

F (PA)

C-36155 1-17-52

C-3046-/' 5-4-62 '"-:C.':45J

c-31582 6-20-63

C-30785 6-16-62

Demolition Bldg 3565 Alginet Or LA A'orlcon House Vrecklng Co

Oemontlon Bldg C-30784 9601 Orondee Ave 8-15-52 Sylvester J Ino fc Oo

Demolition Buildings 5601-5615 Melrose Ave C-3036O


211 S Hill St -Plre Dept ID-jl-i Denolition

62 Hdqtrs - Breodlove Bros ,C.rane__Ser.y,i5c. Jnc.. ,___ .

Oeaolition fc '•'4noval C-32201 , A , House Wreck Co 1-22-64 .

1661 E 50th Place

Denolition fc Henoval C-32225 ,. David Shortt Wrecking 1-29-64 -

5641 Fallbrook Ave

Demolition & rieraoval C-32239 10349 Hickory St 2-5-64 Natl House Wrecking Co

Demolition & itemovai ' C-3224U 742 E llCth St 2-5-64 Shortt David rfrecklng

Uemoiitiln " C-32418 15750-50 Roxford St LA 4-15-64 hlrtcr 4 fill swimmina nool Los Angeles Wreckirig.^o

Denolition '" (B4S "bept) C-32643 " 900 iioBcooare Rd 6-10-64 -Southwest Bldr fc Wrecker


Demolition C-32568 1059 Somera Rd - 5-27-64 Southwest Builder fc Wrecker Contractor _

Oemolltion' ' ' " •c-52'669 Nat'l House Wrecking & 6-17-64: Salvage Co - 237 W 57th

_ St - $645 Denolition C-T2667"

701 No HlU Pl -$720 6-17-64 , American Hse Wreck ing Co

Demoltion C-32668 616 Sunset Ave Venice 6-17-64 . SMve On Salvaae fc Wreoklncc Co

"jBP'iV) Oemolltion Yale St 826 Div Yard tmp - Nat House '..'recking k Salvage Co

-Salvage tlonal

C-32633 7-27-64

Demolition (BPiV) bldgs on site Van Nuys Civic Ctr Pkn: Lot at

_ 14436-38-40 Svlvan St Demolition

10919 Grape St Boab Construotion CO

C-32834 7-27-64

C-3293? 8-19-64

C-31265 3-7-63

Demolition C»32940 2161 Ores St 4 8-19-64 1070 Blake St-Save-On - Salvasre Wrenkinir Co

Denise liomes inc C-31028 $82,105 bond irap 12-3-62 Tr 26991 F-105290

Dennis Fk Bus Center Inc C-30466 ., $6,520 bond Imp 5-3-62

Tr 26237 F-97383 "

DePauw St 4 Radollffe AveC-3l705 " Sewer Dist-Constr Sewers Gantry Const Co Ino 7-22-63

"DeSalvo Joseph S et ai C-32989 - $11,610 bond imp 9-8-64 " Tr 2W38 F-111474

$5,805 I&M Bond , C-32990 be Soto Ave ' 0-31666 , Off 4 On-site Sewers 7-15-63 .

Tr 22395-De Soto Co P-1C8797

De soto Ave Crossing C-31546 Signals installation 6-14-63 So Pacific .' F-U2235

DeSoto Ave bet Vintage StC-31693 fc Lassen St-Constr Sewers Budd Gory M 7-19-63

DeSoto Chemical Coating C-33032 s," Thermoplastic St 9-15-64

Marking Material (PA) / Traf ndrt.

Do .'.oto Co c-31666 ' ' Off 4 On-site Sewers 7-15-63 . De Soto Ave-7r 22395 F-1C8797

.OeSoto Co & ,0-31471 Raymond R Sorlot otol 5-22-63 $12,420 ' ond imp F-106797 •rract 22395 De Soto Inv Co C-31961 $25,270 bond irap 10-18-63 Tr 20213 P-92919

Dick A B (PA) C-30210 Offset Duplicators 2-5-62 Pol,i<m Dent

Dick A B Co of So Calif Offset Duplicators Police Dept (PA)

Dick A B Co of So Calif C-31400 Inc-Offeet paper masters 4-24-63 furnish Printing Bureau (PA)

Dick AB Co of So Calif C-31699 Offset Duplicators Pta 7-1-63


Dick A B Co (PA) Offset Duplicators Mtnee servloe -

C-32569 5-28-64

Dickens St 4 (Prf) 0-31434 4 . Gaviota Ave Sowor Dist . 5-3-o3 — - Gantry Const Co Inc -const .lewarn

Dictaphone -orp (PA) C-31266 Voice Recording Systen 3-5-63 Coldwater Signal Office

Diebold Ino (PA) C-30663 Bldg fc Safety Oept 6-30-62 Electric Notary cord files

• Uetrblf se bet""(BPW) C-302"52" . Waring k Willoughby Avos 2-21-62, Palm trees in Parkway Arnold Koenig

Oev Service Co et al C-31826 $60,470 bond imp 8-29-63 Tr 27396 P-104556


Devonshire Empire Estates C- 32743 Tr 22216 $13,423 L4M 7»7-64

$35,645 Bond C-32742

- 28225 Devonshire St (BPW) 0-29381 Fire .stptlon #107 4-10-61 Architectural Service

. .Ranhaal-AJlioolBls-, :._ Devonshire St-20225 0-30751 . Constr fire Sta #107 8- 3-62 ..

R a Oallyon

Devonshire St rf of C-29844 ' Canoga Ave 4 Owensraouth9-6-6l

Const Sewers (BPrf) N ,1 Viiu-I n h - , , _

Devonshire St C-32097 w/Desoto Ave-Agrrat State 12-13-64 Hwy div trf 4 Hwy lights P-116215 '

Devonshire St bet C-31336 De Soto tc Variel Aves 4-4-63 ^ i f Dept Pub rfks F-92751

Devonshire St N/Side C-31631 bet 420' E of Lemona 7-3-63 Ave-Imp Newman ft. M.ilcolmtnc

Devonshire St bet (BPrf) C-33329 Kelvin k Winnetka Aves 11-25-64 Gantry Constr Co-Constr Cewers

Devonshire St C-32432 Owensmouth Ave to Canoga 4-23-64 • Avo-Agroemt with State P-92752 imp

bevonshire St C-32673 bet Owensmouth 4 Canoga 4-23-64 Aves-flashing signals fc P-92752 Grade Crossing gates-Stote P Wk8_

Devonshire nt 4 V.'ly C-29564 Hiiseda Plvd 6-i3-6l Sun Fernsndo Orchard Co F-8137I Drnlneco Epcemeut ,

Devonshire St C-30955 bet Zelzah 4 Lindley -- 10-26-62 _ Aves-const sewers-Oantry Const Co Ino (BPW)

Devonshire St Bridge C-32886 over Aliso C-ek 8-II-64 State Dept FUb Wks F-117467 I?..--! . —«-fc.« 1 ,1.-—,-fr , _

DeWald Carl (PA) C-31308 Trash Conteiners 3-20-63 Rec fc Pks

DcVitt TrHnsCer(PA) C-?ft?A9

ftv C^erk

/ '

DeWitt Trans 4 Storage C-31183 Hauling Booths fc fPA) 2-5-63 Ballot Boxes-Elections 4-^2-63 fc 5-28-63. .-.City, Clerk__ ,

Diesiond Oil Co(?A) C-29138 pctroloiua products 1-10-61 furn

Diaraond OU Company(PA) C-30122 Purnish Oil 1-11-62 City LA 4 Harbor Dopt

"Diamond" Oil Co (PA) " " ' C-3il50 ' Fuel Oil k i>iosol Fuel I - I - 6 3 ' Oil - Horbor Dapt





Diamond Rober t I $30 ,600 bond imp Tr 26855

Diaraond T Tmick Co Truck (PA) Rec 4 Pks Dept

" l a n a P r o p e r t i e s I n c $ 9 , 7 2 5 bond imp Tr 26609

C-30427 11 4-18-62 r -1

F / I07253 \

C-31599 6-21-63

C-30044 1 2 - 8 - 6 1 B-105086

b l i j c r a f t Corn (PA) C-30852 ilr r l r e Uni t Badges 9 -12-62 f ' l re '-Dept

D i e c r a f t Corp (FA)' C-32138 Purn Badges J r F i r e 1 2 - 3 0 - 6 3 Uni t P l r e Depart-nent

D l e a e l Engine r u b r i c a t i n g C-29509 • OU- i^heU OU Co 5 - 2 2 - 6 1

Bureau of S a n i t a t i o n

D i e s e l F u e l O i l (PA) C-32148 Harbor Dept 1-1-64 C r e s c e n t Ref 4 O i l Co




DiginitHrias Official Fisits Hospitality Services ...I....'-} A s r r , . 4—r. r i - i

D l U e r 'ilch=ird 3 •:i>283,315 bond imo Tr 27' '69 •1-, 1 I 1 o n i > T ,.11' ^ « - - i

3 D l l l o r 4 J Mayor 0 1 3 , 0 2 0 . 0 0 9ond Imp Tr 2l^54l

Dini7. Carlos Agrint Pl.-in Dept C e n t r i l C i t y P.^jport-p d i s t r i b u t e

D i t u r i "Bess le (K 'D; ' -• T r a c t 29705

f o r imp - $2 ,450 Bond

N' -^.urf K a r i n e

C-31612 6-25-63

C-33343 12-1-64

F - 1 U 2 6 1 n ^ ^ •» » t

C.30572 5 -13 -62 P-89142

C-32522 5-1-1-4

r i n t .'.-.

C-32639 7 -31-64 ' F-119975

C-30/a9 i 'hotoer-=iphers {BP'/') 1,-13-62 1,'niierrfater I n s p e c t i o n s i n

DivS 'Ht"Surf 'MarJf jo W i t ) 6-iOlilZ Pho togrophy 4 - 1 1 - 6 2 ' I n s p s e r v r e c o n s t P t n Hyper ion s l u d g e o u t f o l l

Dive N' Surf (BPW) C-30553 Marine Photoo;rophy 6 -4 -62 Underwater I n s p e c t Son to Monica Boy

Dive N' Sur f Hor ine C-30795 Pho tography - Underwtr 3-20-52 I n s p In S t o Monica Bay 4 LA Harbor

Dive N ' S u r f Mar ine C-33058 Underwa te r I n a p e c t i o n a 9-18-64 2/-i5^^ Monica B iy fc L A Harbor (BPW)

Dive N ' S u r f K a r i n e C-33059 R e n t a l ^.f p^wer Boj t 9 -18-64 Su rveys <f, S a n t a Monica Bay (BPV)

i . i v l s i o n i n s p e c t i o n (BP.') '1-29936 S e r v i c e s - T e r m i n a l 10 -20 -61 I f . land O u t f a l l Sewer r ep lcmnt T i r r ; i n r n R Pnrkor

Dodds Douglas M (BPW) C-29797 Const Sewers 8 - 2 l - 6 l ^ Al loy 3 of R i n o l d l St b e t Ruf fner Avo « 550 • W Ruffner Aye

Dodds Douglas M (gp-rf) C-29818 Const sewers In Kagel 8-3O-6I Cyn S t be t A r l e t a 4 216 '

Dodds Douglas M Co (BPW) C-30341 McLennan Ave fc L i g g e t t 3 -23 -62 S t Sewer D l s t - c o n s t s ewer s

Dolphin .'.pts .|'.ll,115'bond Imp Tr 22323

C-31261 3-7-63

F-102699 F-ir;9Ci7

Dnnsher A M & ''on'/PAi C-?c322 motor svoener •»_?O_AI St Htnce Bnr-furn

Donaher A K fc Son inc paint Spray Kach Trans Bur (PA)

V-31537 > J 6-26-63 tj- '

i 3oran La.vrence 4 K a r g a r e t C-32073 $ 1 0 , 7 8 0 bond imp 1 2 - 5 - 6 3 Tn S'JOO? 1?-*17<2

Dorchester Ave Storm C-3O808 Drain Proj Agrmt 8-27-62 Community Hedevelopnt P-102035 So Pasadena

Dor-Mar Pronertles Tno

t3000.00 bond re lm? ts-Tract 25302

C-29232 2- " F-:^^6tl

Doucette Willard J & H T C-32661 Agrmt auth dale City 8-7-63 prop - Ord 124,441

iDougles Oi l Co (PA) A s p h a l t Cement S t r e o t I ' s l n t Bureau

Douglas O i l Co (PA) of C a l i f o m i a A s p h a l t Cement ilur of S t r ' oe t .Maint . . . .

Doug iaa O i l Co of C a l i f A s p h a l t L i q u i d fc (PA) E m u l s i f i e d - R e c fc Pks

Doug las O i l Co of C a l i f $ 8 , 0 9 0 bond irap T r 22595

7-107640 -X.

0-2--637 1 6-27-61 •

C-30598 6 -18-52

C-31841 7 -1 -63

aC-31900 9 - 2 6 - 6 3 .


Douglas O i l Co C-32776 c- B r i d l e T r o l l O l l r L i q u i d 7 - 1 - 5 4

A s p h a l t - Rec 4 Pk Dept

Downtown Pord Salfis(PA> C - ^ J ' ^ l P o l i c e Doot •>-o-ftl a n t o m o b i l e s - f i i r n

i ' o w t o w n Pord SPlftfl (PA>C-20317 3'A - t o n t r u c k s o . - f - A l Ti-l--n n n n t - ^ l i ' n

Downtown Ford S a l e s Inc C-29434 Autoraot lve E q u i p 4 - 2 8 - 6 1

fnmi .ah vnr-foiin rtnnta (PA) 1

Dov--ntoTin Ford S a l e s Ine ' t r u c k s (^..l) Rec lc "Us

Downtown Ford S a l e s l n e Ford P a r t s (PA) C i t y Shops

Downtown Ford S a l e s I n c Autoraobi les (PA) P o i t c * n « n t

Do-wntown Ford S a l e s I n c Autoraobi les (PA) Bureau of Trana

C-29641 6-2'^-61

C-30050 1 2 - 1 1 - 6 1

C-30176 1-24-62

C-3C305 3 -14-62 p -

Downtown Per i l B a l e s I n c C-30631 ' ' 6 - 2 9 - 6 2 Trucks

Ree fc Fa rk Oept (PA)

DoHBtoan Pord S a l e s Ino f u m i s h t n i o k s (PA)

C-30631 7 - 1 3 - 6 2 ,

Oowtown Pord S a l e s Ine(PA)C-31196 Automobl los - f u m i s h 2 - ? - 5 3 Po l Dept C-31195 h

Downtown Ford Sales ]nc Trucks Bur Trans (PA) •

Downtown Rambler Automobiles Fire Dept (PA)

Dover Dev Corp .•i'20,775 bond imp Tr 21934

drafting Tables (PA) Metal - Hlllor Desk 4

turn 0-33456 12-30-64

C-30898 10-3-62 F-1077C9

Safe Co -fum Eng Offices

c-32135 12-30-63

/ '

•Orarhirnel:nglhoe"r8(BPW) c-30503 X] I Const etonn drain 5-14-52

Colorado Blvd fc Bl Verano Ave

t Draucker C 0 Inc (FA) C-202U vlrinj-LA Sports 2-5-61 /irenfi-'^—Ti

I Draucker C D Inc (B''W) C-31296 Fairview Blvd 4 3-13-63 La Tijera Blvd a t La Cienega

Dream Horaes Inc C-30205 $114,110 bond imp 2-5-62 Tr 24326 F-78c)67

Dream Horaes Inc C-30206 y $109,660 bond imp 2-5-62 .

Tr 24329 F-78867

Dream Homes Inc C-30352 ,, Sani tary .Sewers Const 3-28-62

Tr 24326 4 24329 F-106868

I Dreem Dev ilorp ' 0-33257 $57,875 bond imp 10-29-64 Tr 27908 F-121306 J.,28^938_LfeM bond . ..C-33258

Dreem Dev Corp " , $ "?^4? ' $87,937 bond imp 12-18-64 Tr 28773 ^:121798

. 441.969. L&M. bond _..C.-Ji412 Dronfleld NWly of C-31349

Cobalt St-Sewers 4-9-63 Wilson-Mansfield F-1T1552 Charmel Part 2-liS '.rmv. Corns

Drummond k Bronneck C-29621 R«loof-tlon Sowor Kein 6-23-61-Dallona Creek Pumping Plant


Drunr.iond !-. Prcnneck C-30420 •• Const Sewer? (EP./) 4-13-62

Friends St tt. Beirut SD , Oru mend fc' Broimeok '~ C-30814

Conatr sewers Pac Coast 8-24-62 Hwy-bet SN boundary fc W Chautaugua Blvd

^Drummond 4 Bronneck (BPW) c-31159 const Westwood Relief 1-25-63 Sewer Unit II A-2

Drummond fc Bronneck BPW C-32679 Reploce Sewers R/V 6-7-64 bet 3th St fc llth St

Drummond 4 Bronneck (BPW) C-32969 const Lankershlm Blvd , 9-2-64 • Belief Sewer


Dry-Doefclng fc Mtnee 0-30737 Servloes-Fum dry dook 7-1-62 lng fc Mtnoe Servioee

Dry Kllk (?A) C-31480 Cnmatlon. Co 5-23-63 fnm Pol Dept

'Oubin Martin P 0-31186 $3,996 Inp Bond 2-7-63 Tract 27462 F-108465

Dubin Karvin Inc C-29997 $4,910 bond Imp 11-16-61 'l'r 262/L3 v-in/.occ

Dubin Karvin Inc C-33308 $85,707 Bond imp 11-23-64 Tract 28062 P-I21509 S42.8'i4 L & H "ond C-33309

Dudley Steel Corp C-33111 Toyon Cyn Prk (BPW) 10-5-64 Reclamation Proj-Grifflth Pk

• ^^2n?uro Freeway ^^ t ^ ^ l Vfit CalflbBsas-Arcure P-9"A''2

Dump site "^0-30026 Pac Coast Hwy adj to ,'*-:'J.-5l Crenshaw Blvd F-104772 IJI Countv Sanitation .^ist. #2....

Dump Site C-30159 Schoil Cyn County 1-22-62 ., Landfill #4 ,. F-1C5547

Co .Sanitation Dist >/2

Dump Truck (PA) 0-2994? International HarvestorlO-27-61 Co (A Corp)

Dunhill Estates 0-33240 $55,270 bond inp 10-28-64 Tr 20422 F-117773 t . 77 . i h '> . T*JM bond .. .. C-33241

Dunkin Tire Co (PA) C-31621 Repair Services Tires 7-1-63 and Tubes-Various depts

Dunn-Edwards Corp (PA) C-30123 Furnish Paint 1-11-52 Bur Pub Bldga

; Dunn-Edwards Corp (PA) C-31565 Paint Conditioner 6-I8-63

Dunn Jos W 4 -irma C-32115 $3C,C80 Bond imp St 12-23-63 Tr 281C1 F-111232

Dunn R H fc C 0 $154,675 bond imp Tr 24649

[ Dust Control m c [ Alr Filters (PA) / Pub Bldgs


r E B House Wrecking Co Deraolition bldg 729-45 Alpine St

E fc H Constmct ion Co $107,080 'oond Imp TB 2-?939

C-31285 3-13-63


C-31945 10-10-63

""C-29545 6-1-61

C-31796 8-19-63


E & J Resusci ta tor ( H ) C-29938 Sales Service Center 10-24-61 Resusc i t a to r - Inha la to r AsDirator . . .

E fc S Coniruction Co C-30976 $37,800 Bond Imp 11-14-62 . Tr-25922 p_ 103.58?

B fc T Constructors (BPW) C-29729 6345 Fallbrook Ave 7-28-61 Pi?e Sta t ion #105

iagl^i .n-nl:ery (PA) i/'ikery C-oods •:ec k Pks

C-30/,26 4-17-62



iJoglo Baker^r Inc Bakery Goods -Pum-Hoc !: Pics Dept

Ea.2:le Hock Blvd bet FlStcher Dr fc (DP,/) 5-ar, Fernando Rd r Imp HOnlf..- nn

Eagle Rock Blvd bet (BPrf) C-30226 rfestdale Ave 4 Fletcher,2-9-62 Osborn Constructors

c-32301 Z-ZS-bk

C-32O87 12-13-63 - •

Eagle Hock Lanes y. $3600 bond imp

/ TR 26405


Eogleson's Fire Dept Tumout-olothlng


C-29955 10-30-6:


C-•50568 5-8-62 1

East Dist St MtncefB">n 0-2-5309 460 San Fernando Bd 3-3-61 Bocich Const-const bldfs

East ."t I-'iaint Yd C-31121 Deraolition (BPrf) I-II-63 Standard "Idg Wrecking Co

Eastman Develop Co 0-32216 $105,800 Bond Imp 1-29-64 Tr 29085 7-111976

Eckles Charles Palmer- ' "'"C-29967 Jennie Eenson-fc Hobert B- ll-'7-6l $18,790 bond Imp Tr26408 P-96279




t •i









y -t'l,



Econolite Coru'-At C-2"209 lunlnaires-bnllp.sts .•?-"-'il W n n pt T,ti»—* i.—n

Sconolite Corp-- (PA) C-29382 Signal Control Equip 4-10-61

Econbllto Corp " (PA) C-29404 Treffic Control 4-19-61 Bqulp

Econolite Corp-(PA) C-29456 Traffic Signal 5 - 4 - D I Controllers

Econolite Corp (PA) C-29I16I Traffic SlRTinls 5r6-bl , Dept Trof

Econolite Corp (p/) 'C-29462 'Ppaf Dept 5-3-61 Tref fjlgnal Controlloro

Econollts Corp Lumlnelres Bureau St Ltg


E c o n o l i t e (PA) T r a f f i c Dept T r a f f i c s i e n a l heads

E c o n o l i t e Corp (P.'.) Tri'.f s i g n a l h e a d s Dept Truf

E c o n o l i t e Corp (PA) f u r n Tra f s i g n a l r e p l o c e m a n t p o r t s

E c o n o l i t e Corp (PA) . • /a lk-Don' t •rfalk T ra f S i g n a l Heads Ti-af n p n t , .

E c o n o l i t e Corp (PA)

C-29594 6-12-61

C-3O679 7 - 1 - 5 2

C-29711 7 -20-61

tini c-30002

11 -16 -61

C-30167 Purnish Traffic Equipmt 1-23-52

Econolite (PA) C-30259 Graphic Itecording Typo 2-23-62

Econolite (PA) Controllers De-it Traf

EconoUto Dopt of Traffic Vehicle Detectors


Econolite Traffic Dept


C-.30375 4-3-02

C-30578 5-11-62

C-30719 7-1-52

Traffic Signal replace parts

8-3 Soonollte"'

Purn and deliver Controllers-Pol Dept


( E c o n o l i t e Div Tamar C-31242 C o n t r o l l e r s (PA) 2-26-63 Uent of T r a f

a °ont S c o n o l i t e _ .

T ra f S i g n a l C o n t r o l l e r s 4 -29-6 , f u m Trof Dopt


E c o n o l i t e iPA) C-31493 / T r a f s i g n a l s p a r t s 5-27-63 ' T ra f Dept

E c o n o l i t e (PA) C-31511 Tra f S i g n a l C o n t r o l l e r s 6 -4 -63 T r a f Dept

E c o n o l i t e C-32028 C o n t r o l l e r s (PA) 11-12-63 T r a f Dept

Eco,- .ol l tf PA C-325C9-Tr-if S i c m l , Hsp lace p a r t b 5 - U - 6 4 Dopt T r n f - f u r n

I c o n o l i t e • • "'IPA"P'C";32682 T r a f S i g n a l Heads 6 - 1 7 - 6 4 f u r n T r a f f i c Dept

E c o n o l i t e - D i v s n Tamer/?/?; C-32705 %^ E l e e t r o n i o s I n o - P e d e s t r i a n T~ Walk-Dont-Walk T r a f f S i g Hr>.arta , ,

i 3cononie S e r v i c e s I n c $ 8 , 2 0 5 bond imp Tr 22539 7-107^X2

i r i a n i"

g 6*5-64 \ '0-31626 1 7 - 3 - 6 3 ^

r Economy Hardware Co $ 1 3 , 0 0 0 bond imp

Eoonomic & Youth • Opp Agoy Employ Youths b e t 1 6 - 2 1

. 1 s t amend 1 2 - 3 - 6 5 Sddy Haro ld

Tr 29370 $34 ,850 bond imp ff.l7.47S T4M bond

Eden,Memoria l Pk $ 1 7 , 9 5 0 bond irap Tr 15700

C-29995 1 1 - 1 6 - 6 1 ' I . P^O-J^^OO

C-3429p 8-24-64-P-107052

C-33113 1 0 - 7 - 6 4 :

F-116403 C-33J14 C-31087

12 -26-62 F-100806

Edgar R Loon (BPW) C-29396 A r c h i t o c t u r o l S o r v l c e 4 - 1 4 - 6 1 • 8S40 Vanalden Avo VoUov Refuse C o l l e c t i o n Yo

1100-04 W Edgeware Rd C-32007 D e m o l i t i o n 10-30-63 • Roab C o n s t r Co

Udre-i^ood I n - / o s t n e n t Co 3172 ,015 Bond i n p Tr 22283

E<igew6o3 Inv" Co $240 ,555 Bond Imp

' Tr 2'7844

Edge-rfood Inv Co $302 ,930 bond imp

Tr 29752 11:151.645 lAK bond

Board of -iducntlrin • T r a f a i f .na i Irand ave pk;; l o t

C-31155^ 1-29-63 P-IO8676

"• "C-32259 " 2 - 1 7 - 6 4 F -10d6?6

""" C-l33'360 " 12-4-64 F-114030

Cr33361 . C-3CC00

U - 1 7 - 6 1 F-101.244

Edward W Don fc Nancy R C-31844 $57,780 bond imp 9-5-63 Tr 19606 P-1150d3

Edwarvls Joeeph O-Truetoe $44,720 bond imp Tr 25863

Eichler Homes Inc $197,250 bond imn Tr 21S30

Eichler Horaes -inc 1575,340 bond inp Tr 21545

Eichler Homes Inc $102,170 bond imp Tr 21553

Eichler Horaes Inc $234,160 bond irap Tr 21557

Eichlsr Hones Inc .''-,2... .i,(,:::5 Bond Iran -Tr 227--2

C-30319 3-20-62 ,

C-30932 10-22-62 p_oi;i BA

F-927C^ C-31124 1-16-63


C-31204 2-15-63 F-95186

C-31205 2-15-63 F-95186

c-32159 1-13-64 P- 95186


Sth St-Alley N of (BPW) C-31551 Bth St-Mesa St fc 6-12-63 Pac Ave-Veh Pkg Dist ilOl

_ 7. H Ph-lUn .Smith Tnn

8th St BPW C-32679 & llth st RAl-Drunnond 4 6-7-64 Bronneck replace sewers

3th - Bixel fc Harbor PWy On ranp-lnstall traffic signals

63th ?1 to .'-thens Blvd Harbor Freew.ny Stoto Dopt Pub Wks

C-30537 , 6-1- 52 • P-107923 C-29287 3-6-61 F-IOOI87

Elsman Saul et al $7,570 bond imp "Tr 2763?

C-31901 9-26-53






Ekins Lee R Co ,iBPrf) C-29892 1 Replacement Acoustical 9-29-61 i

t i le- ' tms 191-192-194-195-501 748-750 fc 1300

I El Cajon Troe Surgery C-33262 1 , Melrose Ave bet (BPW)10-28-64 .

/ • Virg i l 4 Madison Ave •' Trimmine Palm Trees •,

El Casco St fc (Bt-rf) C-33125 De Carrao Ave Sewer 18-7-64 • Dist- ' 'onst Sewers

. Vfalter.A. Hein Sr ,. . Eldomar Corp C-31646

$155,000 bond imp 7-9-63 Tr 24452, P-76412

Eldomar Corp C-31647 ^131,000 bond imp 7-9-63 . Pr Zf>\9lt P-76412

Elec t ion Div (PA) C-33269 United S ta tes Flags 11-2-64 ' U U W^n^-T-fyek

Electrada Corp "" C-30469 Consulting Services 5- 7-6i

•r.fctrlc '• Machinery BW/ C-29367 9 Service Inc-lnstoll 4- 5-51 i olectroller-3o Coliseum St ed1 to L A Memorlol Sports /rone

•Electric fc Machinery (PPW) C-29k5b Elootrolier Ltg System 5-3-61 , Broodwoy bet Ploronoo Ave 4 933t

: Electric 4 Machinery C-29497 Services Inc-ltg system 5-17-61 S side N Coliseum Dr bet Kenlo Ave 4 IrOC £1/ (BPW)

Electric fc Machinery C-29976 Servloe Inc-cleotroller 11-8-61 ltg system Kenlo Ave (BPW)

Elkwood 3t & (BPW) C-30109 I Goodland Ave SD 1-8-62

Const sewers Sewer, 4 Drain Constr On ..

Ellis Ezra H et al C-31609 r $46,500 bond imp 6-28-63

Tr 22415 __ P-^110416

En. Monto "Hay'fiarke't Ino C-3'07 9 Fum alfalfa Hay & oat 8- 7-62


hay-Griffith Park Zoo

C-32611 6- 9-64•

'II Monte Hay Market Ino Furn Alfalfa Hay -Griffith Park Zoo-,„,, ,Xo.c. ft. Pks Dept . (PA)

El Paso Dr BPV/ C-323871 • bet Ave 50 k Terrace 49th 4-l-o4 ; Constr Storm drains Metkovich Ivan M - I El Hey Builders Inc C-31270 :

Fire Station 90 (BP'.'/) 3-6-o3 7921 "Woodley Ave-Alterations

Embassy Estates Ino C-32694 ,. $51,413 bond -L4M re 6-25-64

Tr 28203

Embassy Estates Inc- C-32693 $122,825 BoAd for Tr 5-2 5-64 28203

Emergandy Hospital C-30075 Southwest Comraun 12-26-61 Hospital Assn F-87002

Emergency Hospital 0-30328. f- Sun Valley Hospital 3-21-62

Emergency Hosp-ltal C-30329 Valley Hospital 3-21-62


i lectric 4 Machinery 3erv C-31620 Vermont Ave bat 89th fc 6-28-63 94th Sts-installation Electrolier

Electric & Machinery C-33279 Service Inc-Electrolier 11-6-64 ltg system-Vermont Ave bet Pranklln Ave 4 Hollvwood Blvd

Electric Supplies Dist Co C-32945 • Floor standing Ltg 8-25-64

Switchboards (PA)

Electric Supplies Dist C-32946 of Los Angeles- (PA) 8-25-64 Westinghouse one unit Substation

Electric Tool fc Equip (PA)C-29422 Co - fumish tractor 4-26-61

Electro Const Corn(B?V/) C-29124 6th St bet Vermont l-A-61 ., fc.St Androvfs Pl-eiectrolier ltg Eysten-reKove

Electro Constr Corp (BPW) C-31652 Vermont Ave bet 7-10-63 Beverly k '.•/ilshlre Blvds-

_ P.l«ctroli ' jr i n s t a l l a t i o n - E l e c t r o l i e r LtgCBru) C-29124

Systera l-A-61 6th 5t bet Vpniiont-St An"-*—

am .. . . . -ut bet Vonnont-St Andrews E-ectro Const Corp-fur

E l e c t r o l i e r SystemfBrW) C-2C)2?7 Broadvay b e t Santa •Wflrbarn Avf>-A3rrt Pl Sherwin Elec .Service

i i leotronic Supervisory Sys -Luscombe Eng Co LA fnm Snnitatj.on Bur(PA)

Electronics TncfPA^ trensTnittor-iinlts Police Dept-fur irn


c-32305 3- 2-64

C?02Sn ?-?-,61

Elevator Engineering Service (BF-,/) Charles W Lerch

llth St B'PW 946-50i East-S Ina demolish apartment house


C-31820 8-23-63

C-32484 " 5-6-64

Eraergency Hospital C-30330 'Valley Doctors 3-21-62 Hospital-Emergency Care

V .drifyCr^ Emergency Medical C-30818

Services 3-29-62 Unlv of Calif F-IO7850

'Emergency Hospital /.'est- Park Commun

Emergency Hospital Pacoima Kemorial

C-31002 11-27-62 p_rtonAn

C-31053 12-13-62

Lutheran Hospital Inc F-89060

raergency Hospital C-31128 Norman '''edilcal Clinic 1-16-63


Emergency Hospital Orthopaedic Hoapital

C-3258I 6-5-64

Emergency Hospital C-33323 Southwest Coraraun Ho3pitall-25-64'

' .- ' . "crninse'td^c r-1,1,31

'ijmpire Financial Corp C-3237' .$2,000.00 Bond Irap 3-31-64-. Tr 29182 p_3.no3;;3'

"Empire Northridge Estates C-32993 $163,215 bond Imp Tr 29337 $81,608 LfcM Bond

Empress of rflnd.ior ,: $100,640 bond lnp

Tr 20256

9-8-64 F-116296

P-32994 C-31003 ii-27-(,'r

F-74997 Erasco ijalviinl CQ

.Kisc -jaivani zing Service (PA) lA-i I-1 IM 1V-, n r \ r . r m

Emsco Pavement Breaking • Corp(BPW) -Demolition

bridge fc vioduct-Son Vicente Bl bet. .Venice Blvd 4 Lon«cwood Ave

; Ensco Steel Products (PA)*^-29188 galvanizing services 1-30-51 furn

C-30438 3-1-62

C-30097 1-5-52



r. i







- ^ •


I I •ii



• 1 ;





Enolno Ave (BPW) C-30346 & t h e S e r v i c e Boad S l y 3 -26 -62 i S l y V e n t u r a F r e e w a y - c o n s t s e w e r s - J a c k B r k l c h fc Sons

, iSncJno Community Church C-33087 $ 7 , 0 9 0 bond imp 9 -z9 -64 Tr 28859 ^ -120828

_ .$3 . ,545 ,LfcM bond C-33088 Enc ino Concord Towrthouse C-32191

$ 1 6 , 2 3 9 Bond Imp 1-23-64 T r 28390 7 -109849

Enco C o n s t r Co (i.Pw) C-33201 •rfest LA Sower K a l n t Yd 10-21-64 C-.nst -11168 M i s s o u r i Ave

Endman M o r r i s $ 4 , 1 0 0 bond Imp Tr 26797

Eng ine 4 Equip Co A i r Compressors S t K a l n t Bur

C-31458 5-15-63


C-31992 (PA) 10-28-63

Engine P a r t s Corp • PA C-32811 Eng B e a r i n g s , P i s t o n s & 7 -12 -64 P i n s S a n i t a t i o n Bur - fu rn

Engine P a r t s Corp C-33043 AUto Repa i r P a r t s 9 - 1 - 6 4 '' S u p p l i e s Dept (PA)

l ing ineer Corp 0-3^385 B e n e d i c t Cyn Channel 4 -5 -62 Uni t II-,'''.ower r e l o c a t i o n

F-1IO699I e n g i n e e r i n g Bureau (PA) C-29603

Blue ^ r i n t -Cloth 8 - 2 4 - 6 1 Ridgway L L Co In -

EnginooriniT Bureau (PA) C-298o4 Blue P r i n t P a p e r 8.ii 4 - 6 l P r l n t o c Corp

Eng inee r ing Bureau (PA) C-29812 Blue P r i n t Pape r 8-29-61 •' P r u n i n g " h a r l e r : "o Tne

, E n g i n e e r i n g Bureau (PA) C-29819 Blue P r i n t Pap e r " 9-1-61 F r e d e r i c k Pos t Co

C-29823 9-1-61

E n g i n e e r i n g Bureau (PA) K i c r o f l l m Recordak Corp


'.ing Bureau (PA) C-3i264 C o n t r o l Machine 2-21-03 K a t i o n a i Cash i l e g i s t e r '-o

Eng Bur (PA) C-31548 'rfhite ^ r l n t Machine 6 -12 -63 C h a r l e s Brun ing Co I n c

Eng Eur t-1387^ Cotton Exch Bldg • -20-63 • G Zajdman fc Jo.iiaoh C Youtan P-rll^ '2in

E n g i n e e r i n g Bur (PA) C-33122 D r a f t i n g T a b l e s l O r 7 - 6 4 , Wes te rn O f f i c e F u r n i t u r e

E n g i n e e r i n g .'Service Corp C r 3 0 l 5 3 Ai^rmt -Sng . lerv - P l g u e r o a 1-22-62 ? t *r. "H" f!t Sowor O l s t ^ ' ' ^ ^

.Engineer ing S e r v i c e s (3? -') C-3031C L a n l e i Kann e t a l 3 -14r62 6 t h ? t & K a r l p o s a Ave SD

E n g i n e e r i n g ."jervlces C-30311 D a n i e l Kann Johnson e t a l 3 - 1 4 - 6 2 . Harbor Blvd r e l i e f .Sewer (DP'-.')

.Engineer ing S e r v i c e s - C-3C312 D a n i e l Kann e t q l 3 -14 -o2 ..

9 t h 3 t from Normandie Ave t n ^.J<^*•ryn D,l CVAU.-V

Engineering Services C-30183 ,. ' Quinton Engineers 1-24-62

(BPrf) 1

=hglnoor ln : ; ^o rv (BPW) C-30163 Af-rrat -Pii-;uoroa S l 4 1-22-52 •fo" r*. rr\ -PflJT ^ r v T o m

Cvn t o p i n t t ft, f Vn l l ey Ci rc le ; -fti

E n g i n e e r i n g S e r v i c e s

E n g i n e e r i n g Serv (BPW) C-30164 Z-) Agrmt-Vanowen-fr Topanga l - 2 2 - o 2 T

P l n t t t o -boord Eng Co

~ •0-30218 McCabe Dl tomaso 4 A s s o c 2 - ? - 6 2

(BPV/) . 1

Engineering Service • C-30218 T A McCabe fc AasociateB2-7-62 1 fc Dltomaso fc Associates Jt Venture (Amendment 8-8-63)

Engineering Services (BP'rf) C-30219 Conlengco Inc 2-7-63 La Cienega-San Fernando Valley Relief Sew«r

Engineering Services (BPW) Fletcher Siphon Inlet Reconstruction Holraes 4 Narver Inc

Engineering Services (BP'rf) Holmes 4 Narver Inc Kariposa jiphon Recon:jtruct -Inlet Engineering Services C-30274 Koebig 4 Koebign Inc 2-28-62 1 La Brea 4 ." ycamoro Avos SD

Engineering Service Corp C-30322 Beconstruct Venice Cemal 3-19-62 Sy8tem-$l6,000 P-100200

Engineering Servlcea (BFW) C Yamell St & San Ftado Bd 3 Interceptor Sewer-Frederick Curtis

C-30220 2-7-62 :

C-30221 2-7-62

Engineirlng ServlcefBPW) 3 B Barnes 4 Assoc -No Outfall Sewer Blanketing

-30358 I -28-62, I

"I Engineering Servloe(BPW)C-30449

Daniel Harm Johnson -4-23-62 Mendenhall ^ ^ Telfair Ave fc Penrose St Rel Sewer^

Engineering Service (BPW) C-30489 Voorheis-Tringle Co 5-9-62 Vino St & Willoughby Ave S D

•Engineering Services C-30490 | Koebig fc Koebig Inc 5-9-o2 j Consulting Engineer '\

Engineering Service (BPW) C-30494 1 Vino St from Hollywood 5-11-52 j Blvd to Santa Monico Blvd sewer . I Koebig 4 Koebig Ino \

Conlengco, Inc dbo C-S-T-Engrg • '

Engineering Sdrvlcoe(BPW) 0-3051? I L M N jrenboura fc Ausoo 5-21-52 I Clinton St 4 Heliotrope Dr SD '

Engineering Servloe (BPW) C-30533 Koeblg fc Koeblg Ine 5-28-62 Westwood Relief Sewer Unit II-A2


Koeblg £ Koeblg, mt

E n g i n e e r i n g S e r v i e e (BPW)0-3053S P o r t e r fc O ' B r i e n 5-28-62 Vornon Avo b e t 5 t h fc l l t b Avenues r e p l o c e sewer

t n g i n e e r j , n g J e r v i o e (BPW)0-30592 Los Polmo3-4 Selmo Ave 3 D T e g a r t Eng lne j e r s - eons t 6 - 1 6 - 5 2

Sng inee r in^ ; S e r v i c e C-30906 C r e s t E n g i n e e r i n g Co 10-8-62

a i g i n o e r i n g S e r v i c e " C-30220 Holmes 4 Horva r I n o 1 1 - 1 9 - 6 Amdmt C-30220

E n g i n e e r i n g S e r v i c e C-30517 ~ Norenboun 4 Assoo 11 -21 -62

, And C o n t r a c t 30517

Jn.^lrieerin, ; S e r v i c e s C-31011 L K Nerenbaura (BP rf) 11-26-62


Equipment Service Co I Generator Sets

Pub Bldg (PA)

Jngineering Services Voorheis-Trindle Co T-jrturi "'"vl *.- '-'oo- mnn \-va T—-——#-,A.v*..%—, 11-4 . ,,TT ,.

Engineering Services C-31720 Conlengco Inc 7-26-63

0-31615 6-25-63

C-31628 6-26-63

Engineering Services Quinton Engineers Sepulveda Blvd from

,. UlOkAl.1-n^.n—. *.— va-i-wj,.—, n»

Engineering Services C-32218 . Danlol Mann Johnson & 1-20-64 Mondonhall-Centr Data P m o System

I Engineering Serviees Big Tujunga Cyn Rd fc Mt Oleason Av Seaboard Engineering Co

Engineering Serviee Pond l ng Co - Easmt l|i Victory-Vanowen Park

C-31845 8-30-63

t-M C-32613 6-11-64

$6,961 imp bond

Epstein Stanley './ et ux ,; $9,205.00 Bond Irap

Tr 22818

! Erica Constr Co $31,?80 bond lnp Tr 19918

Erick Leona E f $28,385 bond imp

Tr 2678?

Erickson G D $19,175 bond Imp Tr 27C96

F-114903 -'

C-32373 3-31-64'., p-lin;,,i3

C-31021 12-3-62


C-30212 2-5-62

F-1C5953 ' C-3C933 10-22-62 . F-99946


3rwln St & (BPrf) Fenwood A-ye Sewer Dist Falcon Const Corp const sewors

Esoherich W j Jx> Olendale-Hyperlon Vladuot Unit I-ropalr

C-31191 2-6-63

C-31392 4-22-63

Essick Jmes H (PA) Rental Truck Crane

/ Debris removal

Essick Mfr Co (PAl rotnrv comnre.i.ior Trpffic Dept-furn

C-31614 6-25-63


Essick Machinery Co (PA() C-29925 Purn air compressors 10-16-61 Pur St Mtnce

C-30581 5-12-52



Essick Machinery Co(PA) Dopt of Traffic Corapressors

Estee Battery Co (PA) Storage Batteries Supplies Dept

Ethel Ave & Burbank Blvd C-30053 LA City Jr College Dist8-25-6l Pedestrian Bridge F-103353

C-31672 7-1-63

Entin Oscar L ot o l ^ $10,490.00- Bond Irap

Tr 26330

Etiwanda Ave resurfacing Proj 474-Lind^y Ave LA Co Flood Control F-

IStlwando Land Co $165,490 Bond -Trnct 27492


[ •

Eton Ave & Chase 3 t SD ' Oeorge Mi l l e r Const Co

Const (BPW)

C-32390 4-6-64 • P-110090

C-30951 10-29-62 •-110193

C-31427 5- 6-53 P-1093/44

C-31316 3-22-63

i Eton Ave BPV/ C-32381 ^ 1 ^ -r bet View k Dupont 4-1-64 '^

y Sidney R Morris Landscaping \ ' Plant treas oarkwavs . .

Eton Ave BPW C-32899 fc Devonshire St S/D 6-I2-64 : ; Cons t r Sewers-Falcon Conatr Corp -



Euclid Div CMC A Corp Tractor B,,r .SonltofciOl (PA)

• Eva Constr Co $23,010 Bond imp Tr 24363

Evangelatos Andrew et al $2,115 Imp Bond Traot 28815 $1^058 L&M Bond A gyangplitos et al $2,480 bond Imp Tr 22171 fl .240 lAK bond

Evans Bernard 0 • Appraisal servioee

Everlas't Spfg Gob3s PA Play Supplies-Dept Rec & Parks - furn

1 I

C-31100 1-8-63 '

C-31737 8-2-63 .

F-106464-105375 C-32890 8112-64 •. P-IO8O65 C-32691. C-33234 10-28-64 -121284 C-33235 C-32906 5-22-64 •

•C-324iO"" 4-9-64



Bviru-ude Motors (PA) . . . . . furnish outboard motors 4-11-63 to Rec & Farks Dept

4621 Exposition Blvd C-31506 Demolition 5-19-63 Sylvester J Ina

Exposition Blvd bet C-33056 Figueroa St fc 9-18-64

Gramercv-Tmn (BPW) J W Nicks Const r.r.

Exposition Blvd bet (BPW) C-31487 Normandie Ave & 5-24-63 • Gramercy Pl-Lucas Wrecking Co D«moUt1nn Ppna l.-A i-O

Exposition Blvd (BPW) C-32971 bet Sepulveda Blvd & 9-2-64 Sawtelle Blvd-Vernon Paving Co

Exposition Blvd bet C-31239 Vermont 4 V/estern Aves 2-28-03 ' ."ac Elec Rwy Co K-90744

P F 4 Reolty Co ' c-29?83 $215,560 bond imp 6-21-51 Tr 25529 P-96651

F fc J Constr Co 0-3161? ,. Vanowen St 4 (BPrf) 6-28-63

Tyrone Ave Irap Dist-Imp

F & J Constr Co (BPW) C-31676 Cahuenga Blvd bet 7-12-63

f 330' N of Camarillo &



Sarah Sta . ... ,

I P fc M Scientific Corp(PA) Chromatogroph, Police Oept

F fc 3 Inv Co I $45,218 bond imp

Tr 23609

F 4 S Inv Co $3,700 bond imp

y Tr 21389

7 t, 3 Inv Co $40,525 bond irap

/ Tr 22157

C-30530 5-29-62

C-30495 5-15-62 F-96431

C-3 0914 10-9-62 F-1054t?9

C-31313 3-25-63



S inv Co 1,050 bond Imp

T r 27446

F t s Inv Co " $15,530 bond imp

Tr 29352 $7. 765 LfcM Bond

C-31325 4- l -d3 7-IO90I8

C-32995 - 9-10-64 P-74479



i. ' i

•1 •'Y



4 •-3

,1 '%

y "7

'% :%

\ -


FfcS Investment Co $9,600 bond inp Tract 29174 ' 94,800 L4K Bond .

P W F Dev $22,570 bond Imp Tr 21369

rrfP Developere $85,985 Bond Imp Tr 21020

F-115825 \1 0-33219 ^

" C-31321 3-29-63


C-32244 2-7-54 7-10851?

Fn irbrr 'orCO ,;.-, Cn :;irictrlc -- linerotor

C-31804 7-1-63 (PA)

C-29632 6-30-61

F W F Developers C-32277 $21,726 Bond Imp - 2-20-64 Tr 28366 F-113925

Factory A"pro"n k Towel '" "C-JOSCO Supply Inc (PA) 7-1-62 Uniform Rental Service International Airport

Factory Apron fc Towel C-30800 ) Supply Inc-furn uniform ?- 1-62 , rental ser-L A Inter­national Airport

Factory Apron fc Towel Mopheads Smocks Rental Airport International

r'U'nt-iUrtr ,;,. Ssfety (PA)

Fai r fax Ave bat C-30671 Venice Blvd &-3ta Monlca?-3-62 I**y-Ci>,li'-f T\\-,r u>fy y„Of»K»9 ^ .-.mendmont 2-14-f.3-

Falrfax Ave C-33112 Willoughby to Melrose 10-5-64 Aerial Survey

Fa i r f i e ld Homes C-30149 $59,515 bond imp 1-18-62 Tr '26610 F-105660

Fa i r f i e l d Park' C-3?^Z^ • Bon^ Tmi, $22?,3'^5.00 7-?7-64^

Tr ;i'''lili7 P-114118. .T,-.!-' Vnr t m i . l T P . O n . C-1P0J3

Fairraonti Grove Ine C-31859 . $11,115 bond imp 9-11-63

Tr 227180 7-lp9639

Fairmmit Grove Inc C-32561 $71,000 imp bond 5-2S-64 Tract 22294 F-119142

• ( • •

i'airraont Realty Co Inc C-31122 $19,850 bond imp 1-1";.63 ^n il?7Q ' 7-1C&155

Fairmont Realty Co Inc C-31634 $2,4o5\b(,nd Imp 7-8-63 Tr 2768C F-111196

Fairview Pl'/d 4 (BP'rf) C-31296 La Ti.iera Blvd a t 3-13-63 La Cienega-Traf Signal systera r,.1 n r.a 1,1-•.-«.. T-.•-

Fai thfu l Performance ' C-31769 Venlco Tram Co It- 9-63

_ F-62057

Faithful Performance Bond C-31919 $10,000-Tr 26748 IO-4-63 rfrlghtwood Estates Co F-115564

Faithful Performance C-33298 "Bond-Kjigic Mountain 11-16-64 Cable Corp F-117742

Faithful performance C-33346 Central Plants Inc 12-2-64 $5,000 p. 118960

Falcon Constr Corp C-33018 Canoga Ave bet 650» 9-14-64 N of Devonshire St fc (BPW) TlowonoVi-l —o , <3«. / r ' « - ^ « - — c- . . . -——S.-^ .

'alcon Construction Corp C-3iiVi const sowars -Erwin St 4 2-6-63 . Fenwood Ave Sowor Dist

(3i'rf) Polcon Constr Corp BPW C-32899 Constr Sewers Eton Ave 4 8-12-64 Devonshire St SO


Falcon ''onst Corp (BPW) C-32912 Horrlck Ave & Cobalt St 8-14-64 Belief Sewer Unit II



Pallbrook ftvenue Victory Blvd to "entura Frwy -Dslecrest Co imp

Farmdale Ave N of (BPV/) Arminta 4 Blytho Sts Vnlley Crest Landscepf Planting trees in perkwayo

Farmer Bron Co (PA) C-29441 Coffee-Tea-Silex^ 4-28-61 Bowls - furn Rec/Pks

4-26-61 F-88111

C-29457 5-4-61

Farmland Enterprises $6,280.00 - Bond Imp Tn ?7Qlil

.Yarmouth Drive nr Amesbury Hoad Kuralt D C Co


•32386 •6-64 i •11066?'

(BPW) C-32143 12-30-63'

Farralone Ave fc (BPW) Keswick St Sewer Dist M R Moran Inc - Const

Parwell Don e t a l $11,670 Bond Imp Tr 22843

C.33152 10-14-64

C-32214 1-29-64 ' 7-109314

Passon Products (PA) C-33464 furnish Reflective Film 11-18-64 k Sheeting Dopt Traffic

Fexon-Gruys-Cayler(BpV) C-29131 Architectural Services 1-6-61

Feather River Project 0 Assoc-servlces re Calif 9 Water Plan etc (35,000) F

Feather ;Uyer Proj C Services U Cilif .•/itor Plin p-

Feather i'.lver'ProJ C Services re Calif 10-'rfator Plan »-T

Federal Employees Dist Co C-Hold Harmless Agrmnt 3 Real Prop uae

Fenton Estates Inc $79,450 bond irao Tr,25816 ,

C-30007 11-20-61 F-1C22G5 F- 57772,

29927 -28-61 -73133 • Sup n'l -32066 -27-63 110909 •

33153 16-64 • 10000

3154? T22-63 •.

Fo0 3r: tod "'urchrsor Inc C-2')633 "loati"j,ilc 'fubos 6-2-3-61 '/arlous dopts (PA) ",

^"if iraSaV^'^I^ligS"^?-?-?-^ etc-trafflc islands anrlnkler systems ^ 'i

Feintech -investmnt Pron C-2°''?'i fl;16/f,700.00 bond irn' 7-??'-f,i St.i-Trrct 2'i325 • F..09nfto

Feintech Inv Prop .^ C-29538 .•SlSO.OOO bond Imp ^^i)-5-61 Tr 25947 F-IOO98I .,

P-70090 P-7004l Feintech Inv Prop C-29824 '

$185,500 bond Irap 9-5-61 •Tr 25948 F-100981" -

Feleo Const inc (PW) ' 0- 30999 San Vicente Bl at 11-21-62 BorrinRtcn-Hontona & Bundy Dr

- IniD Pelco Constr Inc (BPrf). C-31211 Kulholland Dr bet 2-15-53 Topanga Cyn Blvd 4 Kulholland Hwv-imo ,

Feldraan Jerorae F et alu-32127 v2,39s Bond irap 12-30-63 7r 2.'?343 P-112583

Fenton Ave "t (BWl C 3"2605 Polk St - conat sewers 6-5-64 Kelley-Moran




Ferman Builders, ine et B1C-2<?216 31 ?11.817,00^bond imp 2-_^-^^l^ StsiTroct 26087

Ferman Builders Ine $7,065 bond imp Tr 22269

7erraan Builders Inc $8,000 bond imp Tr 26540

Ferman Isldor et al $4,090 Bond Imp Traot 20982

Ferman Isldor et al $24,410 bond imp Tr 29303 $12,205 L&M Bond , ,

"Perrar St-Imp B(BPW) J W Nicks Const Co

C-31516 6-6-53


C-30066 12-20-61 ,

. 7-99591

C-31384 4-19-63 P-105837

0-32991" 9-8-64 i

7-115062 C,-32992 C-31930 10-7-63 .

"t" A Co derr,olish bldRS

C 2"S"0

1545 E 5,0th St Abrams Wrecking Co Bemolltlon

5 l s t S t 1525"E S y l v o s t o r J Ina - 1 1 -O o n o l l t n fc Remvl Bldg

C-31045 12-6-62

1628-28i E 52 St Demolition Abrams Wrecking Co

C-31043 12-6-62

C-29395 58th St bet Vermont fc ^^,^ Western Aves-trlm palm 4-l4-ol treea-Amold Koenig (BFW)

C-31297 3-13-63

C-3J4 52

Porry-Horoe Seed Co C-30641 furnish grass seed Beo 4 7-13-62 Park Dept (PA)

'7erry-Morse Seed Co C-31499 Grass Seed /p«i 5-31-63 Rec t Pks * '

Perry-Morse SeeJ Co rPA"P'^-3'2692~ Grass Seed - furn Reo fc 6-24-64 Pke Dept

5th St 720-2//BS)

Figueroa St bet (BPrf) 5th 4 llth Stc-A-1 Signal "O Instill cilflctrolier

Figueroa 3t bet --.,-, ^ Lo.raita Blvd 4 Pac Coast 5-13-63 Hwy-Karbor Fwy Calif State Pub V/ks P-111354

Plgueroa St 4 R St(BPl /) 0-30964 Sowor Diat etol 10-31-62 L H Honson

Filbert St bet 0-33384 Foothill Blvd fc 12-11-64 San Fernando Rd-Imp P-116505 Loo Anzolna Cnnntv .

Filmore St (BPW) C-32304 bet Gladstone/Bromont Ave2-25-64 . Misetich Constr Coi'p constr sewer

Financial Federation Inc 8-31968 $63,550 bond imp 10-23-63 Tr 28002 F-115861 •

Financial Federation Inc $134,690.00 - Bond Imp

• Tr 287C6

Financial Federation Inc $61,155.00 - Bond Imp Tr 28707

Financial Federation Ine Tract 18037 $28,780 imp Bond ., $14,390 Lab & Mat Bond

''inaneial Pederolanlne ,, Tract 27182

(i mil 0 imp Bond

C-32471 5-5-04 F-115861

C-32472~ 5-5-<:i4 F-115361

0-12656'" 6-18-64

tim¥ tmii P-119W-,9 Labor fc Nat BondC-32653

Financia l Federat ion I Tract 28711 - •

$58,720 Imp bond $29,3.60 .Ub fc.Mat-

Financial 7edorat lon :r 28713 - „ , 1212,820 imp Bond ) ip6,410 U b fc.Mat

Fine Raymond H $9,580 Bond imp Tr 22523

Ino C-3265« 6-18-64

, F-115861 Bond CT32.659 Ine


C-32654 6-18-64 . 7-119449 C-32655

C-31352 "1 4 - 1 0 - 6 3 P-112736

F l n n e l l Kent I n d u s t r i e s C-31252 F l o o r K a i n t a i n e r Kachs 3 -4 -63

;• Dept A i r p o r t (PA)

F i r Land Co 4 E b s t e r B Idg Co-Bond Imp $ 3 0 , 0 3 0 . 0 0 - T r 2 0 7 7 5

C-32392 4-7-64 • P-101^734

F i r e Alarm Systera 0-32764 -LA S t a t e C o l l e g e agrmt 12 -20 -53

" ' • ^ " ^ • C n i i f S t a t e CoUe B:eP-l l69l6 P i r n r>or.t /'/;, . ' ' .tiitlon C-2'5707

. i . r t h 29-£rn Podro 7-19--J1 ' Holmes 4 Merver (BPV/) A r c h l t o c t u r a - l S e r v i c e

FIREBOAT ,'fZ T e r m i n a l I s l C-31716 E l e c Systera Labor fc Mat6-13-63 Sraallcomb W i r i n g Ino (PA)

,Fire Dond •(!;3,000,000 Oil.'.elveny 4 Myers • Election 1959-Sg^l5e

Fire Dept Bond $3,OO0,OO0L3erie8 D Election 1959

Fire Dent Bld(c(BPV) 221 So Hill St nniiffhton Elevator Co-

3-8-61 C F-I

l'-ld2590 • C-31304 3-20-63 -

P-89089 1? o n n y n C-2Q?08 ?-->-51.

-nl t f i r a t l o n h

F i r e Deot (PA) „ _, . J l i r s c h P i r e Egulnmt . .. .., , ^ h i - o r e r r . i i r e n f r f l l l i n R s t p t j o r .

C-2P2A1 - 1,7-61 i , r s c h " P i r e Egiilnm

. . I - o r e r r i i r e n l r f l — - - , . , ,,-,4 *.j,_n-i---oVi i?i nn pn i i ^ ,nn t in t i

F i r e Dept (PA) 3/4 , - ton t r u c k s , _ ..._ • .^-^^m Tinymtnym Ford S a l e s - f i i r n

P i r e Dent (P/i) ' C-29507 • Auto Tlqulp 5 - 2 2 - 6 1 O'Connor k Son Ine

P l r o Dept (PA) C-29595 Automobi les Sedan 6 - I 9 - 6 I Wor th lng ton Dodge

F i r e Dopt ( P A ) 0-2950? Ho to ro l e Commun 4 6 - I 9 - 0 I E l e c t r o n i c s I n c - H o c o i v o r Tlr\1 t n - R o r l l ' I T n o r> om.l t -I-AV.

Fire Dept (PA) C-29606 ; 'lotorola Commun 4 6-22-51

Electronics Inc-Dupl4x Voice Termlnsls .._ ,

Fire Dopt (PA) 'c-29609 Generator Sots 6-22-61 Generator Equip Co

Pire Dopt (PA) C«b-Ch(l33is Barclay Pen Kotors

Fir» Dnpt (PA) Aerial Ladder Truck Soajrravo Corp

Plre Dept IPA) Speclsl Design Bodies Metnloo Body '.Vks Inc

Fire Dept (PA) Pumpers Crown Coach Oorp

Fire Dopt (PA) Foora Liquid I-'yr-Fytar Co

Fire Dopt (PA) Plro Extinguishers Pyr-Pyter Co

C-29634 6-23-61

C - 2 9 6 I L 2 6-29-61

C-296M; 6-29-61

c-29666 6-30-61

c-29675 6-30-61

c-29697 6-30-61


K l r o Dept S k l o l o a d e r

(PA) C-30017 11-27-61 I

• ?





{ '.

i %.

1 ;i: •'4



I '€

•• • «


-I '-,•?


jhepherd KachinaryGood

"Fire Dept' ' (PA) " "C-30041 " HelicoDter 12-5-61 Bell Helicopter Co

Fire Dept fc (PA) C-30154 Pub Bldg Bureau 1-17-62 ' R a r t * Jt- Mat,t.,n«»«i<»»(i 3,ears fc Roebuck

F i r e Dept (PA) C-30207 Mobi le Radios 2 - 5 - 6 2 , K o t o r o l a Comraun

F i r e Dept (PA) ' C-30393 A e r i a l P la t fo r ra Truck 4 - 9 - 6 2 S e a g r a v e Corp

1 P l r o Oept (PA)

Truok oab fc ohassls CMC Truok fc Coaoh Olv

Fire Dept (PA) 'Trucks J E Waters Co

Fire Oept (PA) Automobiles Basso Dominieh

Plre Dopt (PA) American Rubber Manuf

C-30483 5-9-62

C-30506 5-17-62

C-30541 6-1-52

v-l. f f - -

Plre Doportraont (PA) C-30545 Plro Hoso 5-6-62 Hendrle Belting fc Rubber Co

Plre Dept Eer;la3on'fl Turnout-clothing

(PA) C-30568 5-6-52

P l r e Dept (PA) C-30577 Yonkee Motor Bodies C o r p 6 - l l - 5 2

Tonk 'rfagon Body

F i r e Dopartisont ;'"A) 0-30579 Ban Barc lay '.".j'^ji-s 5 -12 -52

Cobs 4 Choso i s

F i r e Depsrt inent (PA) C-30530 Haohlnary 3 a l u 3 Co 5 -12-62 Rsrtlal O r U l

F i r e Depar tment (PA) 0-3053? Yankee Ko to r Bod ies 6-12-52 C o r p o r o t i o n Tank WoMn Body ,

F i r e Departraent (PA) C-30566 Yankee Motor Bodies 6 -12-62 • C o r p o r a t i o n Tonk Wop.on Bodiee

F i r e Donartment (PA) 0-30569 H a l p r i n Supply Co 5-12-62 Demand B r e a t h t n a ATinarMtim

Klr-o Dopt (?A) 'C-30599 3;ioko E J o c t o r s 6 - 1 8 - 6 2 H a l p r i n Supply Co

P l r e Depar tment (PA) C-30508 S p e c i a l d e s i g n b o d i e s 5 -21-62 S tondord C a r r i a g e works

P l r e Depor tment (PA) C-30510 Panel t r u c k s 6 -21-52 J V Baldwin Ko to r Co

P l r e Dept (PA) C-30611 Conver t p a n e l t r u c k s 5-21-52 t o r e s c u e v e h i c l e s - Yankee Motor Bodiee c o r o .

P i r e Deportment (PA) C-30613 Microwave t e r r a l n a l 5-26-62 u n i t s K o t o r o l a Coraniunlcotions 4 E l e c ,

F i r e Dopt (PA) C-30576 Duplex v o i c e t e r m i n a l s 6 - 3 0 - 6 2 Rodio C o r p o r o t i o n of America

F i r e Dopt (PA) C-3066I L inen S e r v i c e 7 -1 -62 > Gage Avenue Loundry Inc

P i r e Dept ' (PA) " C-30685" C a b - c h o s s e s , t i l t - c a b 6 - 3 0 - 6 2 CMC Truck 4 Coach Div

0-30667 >) 6-30-62 , ^

P l r e Dept (PA) C-30701 R e p a i r P a r t s 7 - 1 - 6 2 Seagrave P a o l f l o Corp

F i r e Dept (PA) C-30720 Ory Charge Oroupe 7 -1 -62 Ace B a t t e r y Co

, . ' i r e Dept (PA) C-30852 J r F i r e U n i t Bhdges 9-12-62 rn •fina f t Corn

F i r e Dent (PA) " 0-30854 Bod ies w i t h 400 Gal 9-17-62 B o o s t e r Tanks

, Sifaerave Pac ,CorD F i r e Dept (PA)

Redwood S t a v e s S u r e t e c k In c


C-3O855 6-30-62

F i r e Dept (PA) C-30877 F i r e m a n ' 3 . U n i f o r m s 9 - 1 0 - 6 2 .

Al K i l l e r

' F i r e Dept (PA) C-30891 H e l i c o p t e r K a i n t S e r v i c e 7-1-62 , ' r fal tpr R Von T\o.r Ahn

. ' i r e Dept (PA) 0-3092? I-. Gen K o t o r s Corp 10-16-62 •

n a b . n h a q ^ i o r n r Pn.rya.tor T«—y Fire Dept Hdqtrs (BP//) C-30961

. Denolition 211 S Hill 10-31-62 St by Broedlova Bros Crane Serv . Ino . . .

'Ire Dept (PA) C-30990 Halprin Supply Co fumish 11-20-5J Breathing Apparatus fc Cylinder

Plre Dept (PA) C-3ll80 Truck 4 Tank Wagon 2-4-53 *• bodies - Yankoo Motor Bodies Cnro fumish

Fire Dept (PA) C-31182 Nozzle 2-5-63 Fyr Fyter Co

Fire Dept (PA) C-31228 Truck Cab-Chassis 2-20-63 Claude R Short Inc

Fire Dept (PA) C-31258 Truck Cab-Chassis 3-4-63 OKC Truck 4 Coach Ddw

Fire Dept (PA) C-312^1 Tank '.'i,?on Truck 3-12-63 'Yankee '"•liter Corp

Fire^ept'~'(PitT " Fireman's Turn Out Clothing H K Albro . . .

Fire Dept (PA) Aerial Udder Trucks 4-11-63

•' The Seagrave Corp

C-31324 3-28-63

C-31354 X

Pire Dept (PA) <:-3i37e Automobilea & Station 4-17-63 Wagons-Harger-Haldeman

Fire Dopt (PA) C-Fiok-Up Trucks- 4-Truck Cab Chassis-J V Baldwin Kotor Co

Pire Dept (PA) C-Triple combination 4-pumping apparatus 4-Crown Coach Corp

Plre Dept (PA) C Crown Coach Corp-furnlah 4 Pire Aooaratus

31379 17-63

3138O 17-63 17-63

-31399 -24-63

.»ire Dept (PA) C-31401 Triple Comblnatn Pumper 4-24-53 Crown Coach Corp furnish

Fire Dept (PA) C-31406 Repair parts fire 4-29-63 apparatus-Crown Coaoh Corp


Plro Oept " • (PA) 0-3140? J^ Special Design Bodies- 4-29-63r Standard Carriage Works Ino furnish,,

iFlre Dept (PA) C-31510 Automobiles 6-4-63 Ben Barclay Motors

! Fire Dept (PA) C-31566 Portabla Ltg Units 6-18-63 Weber Aircraft Corp

,Fire Dept (PA) • C-31662 Fireman's Uniforms 7-1-63 Al Miller Uniforms -Zorp

. jire Dept (PA) C-31673 Survivair Breathing 7-1-63 Apparatus repair pints

, U..1-..-I - ,Ci.t^>-,1.i C n

Plre Dept (PA) 0-31578 Pire Hose 6-30-63 American Rubber Manf Co

Fire Dopt (PA) C-31684 Fire Hose 6 30-63 National Fire Hose Corp

Fire uept (PA) C-31685 Bade Station Units 6-30-63 General Elec Co

Fire Dept (PA) C-31696 Cabs-Chassis 6-30-63 J V Baldwin Kotors Co

Plre bept 108 M Ave 19(PA)C-31739 Split Channel Kits 6-30-63 Motorola Coram fc Eleo Ino

.*iro Dept . Ambulance Bodies

Auto Truck Body Soeelaltv

C-31837 6-30-63

Fire Dept (PA; Aircraf t Crash Rescue Truck Yankeo rfaltsr Com

P l re Dept (PA) Foam Liquid ' y r - ' y t ^ r Co

Fire Dept (PA) c- Truck C»b-Chassis

At lant ic Dodge Inc

C-31942 10-10-63

C-3197; 10-22-63

C-32014 11-6-53

F i re Dei fPAj C^^20« I 1 '

Yankee Motor Bodies Cerp

•pt Purn i^ank Body eto 1-24-64

Fire uept (PA) , Furn Trucks

Wil-Mar Dodge Inc

F i r e Dept iPA) Furn Cab - Chassis Gen Mtrs Corp

C-32232 2-3-64

C-32236 2-4-64

F i re Dept (PA) 0-32237 Furn Breathing Apparatus-Back Packs 2-4-64 Hal nri n Siinnlv Co , ,. . ,

F i re Department tpA) C~ 32289 Furn Couplings 2-24-64 Continental Fi re Equip Co

c-32293 2-24-64


Pire Department (PA) Cabs-chassis Wil-Kar Dodge Inc

Fire" Dept"'('PA) ~" 0-32324 • F i re Hose - Amerloan 3-IO-64

Rubber Mfcc Co

F i re Dept (PA) * '" '" C-32319 .; Autoraobiles At lan t ic 3-9-64

Dodge, Inc - furn

F i re Dept (PA) C-32018 Squad Truck Bodies I I -6-53 Auto 4 Truck Body S p e c i a l t i e s

Fi re Dept (PA) Helicopter Bell Helicopter

C-32051 11-21-63

Fire Dept (PA) ,S"H1H _fl ' I p i r e Apparatus 12-20-63

Seagrave F i r j Apparatus --ly F i r e Dept (PA)

7urn 7 i r e Apparatus Seagrave 7 i ro Apparatus

C-32207 1-24-64

7ire Dept C-3240J , Educational motion picture3-12-64. sale - Cinesound Comnany F-) ,10277

Fire Dept PA • Dorm beds 4 springs Abbey Rents furn ,

Fire Dept PA Shut Offs-Tlps Fyr-FyterCo - Furn

C-32449 4-21-64'.

0-32481" 5-6-64 ;

Fire Dept (PA) C-32565 Fireman's I'urn-Out Coat 5-24-64'' Halprin Supply Co

' F i r e Dept (PA)" C-32645' H W Baker Linen Co 6-I6-64 furn Bedspreads

Fi re Dept" (PA) " 0-33071 Breathing Apparatus 9-23-64 Halppln Supply Co

-'ir'e'n'ept""~{"PA) 'c-33274 General Kotors 11-4-64 Truck Cab-Ciassifl

F i re Dept (PA) ' "' C-33334 ,- Standard Carriage Wks 11-27-64

Bodies for Squad Apparatus

'F i re Dept (PA) Kbbey Rents

C-33346-A 12-1-64

Dormitory Beds 4^ Springs

F i r e ' D e p t " (PA) *" b-33356 Ambulance Bodies 12-3-64 Angelus Truck Bodies

F i re Dept (PA) C-33374 Claude Short Inc 12-9-64 Trucks

F i r e Dept CA) C-33375 Automobiles 12-10-64 Ben Barclay Motors

F i re Dept (PA) C-33376 Truck Cab-Chassis 12-9-64 Claude Short Inv

' F i r e Dept (PA) C-33419 S ta t ion 'Wagons 12-20-64 Raraberland Inc

F i re Dept (PA) C-33423 Tank Wagon Bodies 12-22-64 Auto fc Truck Body Specia l ty Inc

F i re Dept (PA) Autoraobiles Downtown Rambler

Fire Pa t ro l Bodleo ( Yankee Motor Bodiea

Fnm-Pi re Deot

F i re fc Pol ice Pension C-33442 Systera changes 12-28-64 -Carl ^ Herfurth

? i r e Stot ions 12-20-4? fc "C'-296o6 55-various loca t ions 8-25-61 imp pkR l o t s - A J Beinaohroth

F i r e S t n t l o i 'l(BPW) 0-29302 Ave 23rd & Pasadena Ave 3^^0-61 Ace Movine 4 vrecklne-ronove ffi« pre hroa

Fil>fe*S'tatioii #5" " C-29855 Const Salvage §Wid ' 9-13-51

, 6621 W Manchester Ave Helton Const Co, , ,

P i re S ta t ion #12 C-29359 116 No Ave 60- dem bldgs 3-31-6I

,' Stanrtnnrt Wlrtp; Wni»cklng Co

C-33456 12-30-64

PA) C-32302 Corp 2-23-64




I • ' i


' f

i ',.i

I • -•.•••.

• : • > .


•• c


Fire Stotlon n 5 (3PV/) C-29651 Parkin--^ f p c U i t i e s b - 3 0 - b l V.'Ukinson V.' n Co I n ? iai.'?.':, .TnffnnRon JMvd _ ,

F i r e S t a t i o n No l 6 C-2944O , 2011 E a s t e r n Ave 5 -1 -61

Ole HauKe c o n s t r u c t (BT -/)

Plro Station # 2 1 " - C-29357 Demo of bldgs- 5l8t fc Hoo'-ier D»«<i- Ace Moving 4 WnecVlnB

- 3-3l-°i F i r e - s t a t i on ,f21 (BPrf) G-29939

1187 S 52nd S t 1 0 - 2 5 - 5 1 Const Pumper T e s f P i t C o l t o n Const Co , ,

F i r e S t n #30-Cons t C-33045 ,, H N Hanson (BPW) 9-16-64

Pkg f j i c i l l t i e s - 1 4 0 1 S C e n t r a l

P l r e S t a t i o n i?3l (BPT/) 0-29789 S/W c o r n e r S l a u s o n fc 8 - 1 6 - 6 1 B o n s a l l o Aves-Cons t Pkg P e c i l i t i e s - P i o h b e l n 0 L Ine

(PP'-/) -1-30922 10-15-62



r i fl-! St lti on ,,i'40 1,C6 ?: Tuna St Con.3t Y,-ird "•^^ ly • r\,-. .^t-Tt-- Tl|.ll/l-n- ,

F i r e S t a t i o n .?>51 (BPW) C-3036O d e m o l l t n 4 remova l b l d g s 3 -28-62 6801 t o 68 I5 Mel rose Ave-C h a r l i e Ray Oann

F i r e S t a t i o n y'SSfBpU) A U ? V°r^ Blvd ^ ' J o n e s P.xccyat ing-pf l rklnK s i t e nvp.D.

P l r e St.13 /V57-61 4 63 O-29617 Imp Ti'.- Lots ( .P',-;) 6 -23 -61 •.'c'Jlnnla & G a u t i e r Inc

F i r e S t a t i o n #59 (BPW) C-30238 11505 rf Olympic Blvd 2-14-62 1 Don D .'/olf

l-'^lre Si.Btlon //6.2 (BPff) 0-29648 ShTvajre .Shod c o n s t 6 - 3 3 - 6 1 Jnlin Crehr.n 1.f '>. H f i - i t l n R - l n 4vfi

P l r e S t a t i o n #61; 4 #2 C-29553 F o r k i n g L o t s (BPV;) 6 - 5 - 0 1 Rully-M^vllor C o n t r a c t i n g Co

F i r e S t a t i o n #66 ((BP'V/) C - 2 9 8 1 1 Hol ton Const Co 8-28-61

P l r e S t o t l o n #76(B''W> C-29282 i. 31111 Cnhuenen Blvd ?73-61

pke fac-VcOlnnlE 4 G a u t i e r

P i r e S t a t i o n #?? c -29355 Pkg l o t imp-6943 Glenoaka 3 - 3 1 - 6 1 Rl-i-H-J w "Iclr? Oo-s t Co

P i r e S t a t i o n s 77 -78 & 84 C-31125 Const Sewers (B''';.') 1-11-03

Kike Kiasanovich C o n s t r

F i r e S ' a t i o n ,('80 (BP'rf) C-30864 n. i lph .•/ Boshes 9-19-62 10435 S Sepu lveda Blvd ?;iTi ,.!.-* -. h,-i f "nii»nt 4 1 t'*r.itl n n q

Fire StEtion #85(BPV) C-29125 4305 Vinolnnd AvenUo 1 T / > - 6 1 noltlncor & Doxter-eonst


Fire Stn § M (BFrf) Apparatus Shed 4645 Sepulveda Blvd DrtnV»,'I'ln Jt-.nav-an' ' - - .

? l r e S t a # 8 8 - C-30812 4645 Sepu lveda B l v d - c o n a t 8 - 2 4 - 6 * A p p a r a t u s shed -Ho l to i l C o n s t t n i c t i o n Co

F i r e S t o t l o n pCjb CS-pT!) Sewers s / s l d e MBrl l lo ^i-, H - t Oui^npwAntb Atr— ClannlAJ T.nuia

P i r e S t a t i o n #95 (BPW) ; 21800 M a r l l l a S t

Ole Hauge c o n s t r u c t n

C-30060 12-13-61

C-29537 5-31-61

C-29869 9-20-61

t Pire Ptation ,799 (nP',-/) Con3t=14145 Kulholland Gene Harman

C-29959 10-27-6]

Pire Station #101 C-29340 • 14l4-25th St-San Pedro 3-24-51 " rltc^ell Fng, Co constr

, Fire Station #101 " " C-29418 Sewera in 25th 30 (BPW 4-21-61, One Cri 1 Senl'iotlon Co

' Fire station #102 (BPW) C-29366 13200 Burbank Blvd 4-5-oi , Paul W Speer Inc

Fire Station 15 103 (BPW) C " " '3 Parthenia Street

lallyon Const-const

2 9 1 9 5 , 1 8 U 3 P a r t h e n i a S t r e e t 1 -30-61 R C (ia--

' F i r e S t a t i o n //104 (BPW) C-29992 8349 V/innetka Ave 1 1 - 1 3 - 6 1 C a U f S t r u c t u r e s Inc

i5^5'it5ig?oj°k5Aif''i' t m i i const Plro Sta -B'cT Constructors

Fire Station , '106 (BP'rf) C-30012 23004 Roscoe Dlvd . 11-20-61 Leivo Const Co

Fire Station lOb US Dept Agriculture ^^,-0^^ Forest Serv-LA River Wtr-F-9778l shed Agrmt-Approp Fed Fund const

Plre Station #107 (BPV/) C-293B1 20225 Devonshire St 4-10-61 Architocturol Service H^heel ;i_ll i colo_l s , .—: ,

Fire Stotlon #10? - ' C-30751 Const at 20225 Devonshire B-3-6fe

'- R C Oallyon


Fireman's Fund Ins Co $27,030 Bond Imp Tract 26767

Fireman's Uniforma(PA) Al Millor Uniforrao furn Plru Doot

Firestone Co ' $13,775.0C-Bond Imp Tract 28160

Pirmbilt Body Co (PA) Truck Bodies

C-30728 7-30-62 P-103718

C-31662 7-1-63

C-32400 4-9-64 F-112536

C-29519. 5-26-61 Aid "sta Co" Court "C-3o6e5 , Housa - Jnt Pcvers Agnnt 1-2-52

LA Co - Oper 4 mtnce F-92014

First Aid Station County Court House County of L A

First Aid Station Co Court House-Jnt Powers Agrmt-m*.nn«* Jlr n - n o r a t S n ^

Fltst Angeles Corp $87,605 bond irap Tr 26018

First Christian Church $7,505 bond irap Tr 2344c $3,753 Ud*I blind

1st stbet San Pedro St Central Ave (BPW)

C-31633 7-8-63


C-32800 7-23-64 P-92014

C-30454 4-30-62 F-107557

0-33191 10-22-64 P-790?? - r.-33192 C-3i860 9-11-63

Tide Pipeline Contractors-Sewers

Pish Construction Co Ine 0-31177 1 ^9,570 Imp Bond 2-4.-63 Tract 22165 P-109004

Fish Herraan C-29528 ^ $41,540 Bond imp Tr • 5-31-61 ,25354 ' P-9'»300

Fish Herman t Emil C-33400 $65,800 bond imp 12-16-64 Tr 28164 F-77102 A .- ... ....

F i s h Hernan 4 Lea C-31293 $.9,380 bond imp 3-18-63 ' Tr 22596 • F-109523


I:- Plshbeln 0 L Inc (BPW) C-29789 ., Const Pkg Pocilltlee 8-16-61 •

/ Fire Station #3l-S/W eorner SlousoD. fc Eonsollo. AvMa

Plshbeln G L Inc (BPV/) C-30239 ' Const-Pkg Facilities 2-14-62 • Wilshire Police Station W»«t oirn

Fiehbein G L (BPW) C-30386 Im? Balboa Blvd bet 5C0'4-4-62 S of Parthenia St 4 Roscoe nivrt , ,, ,;

Fishermen's Fiesta Inc C-30796 $5,000 for Advertising 8-23-o2 1962-63 fiscal yr F-106405


• Fishermen* s Fiesta Inc C-31894 Advertising 1963-64 9-24-63 Sept 27 thm 29 P-IO6405

Plshormon'a Fiesta Ino C-33185 $7,500 Advertising - 10-15-64 ' Oct 23-25 1964 P-106405

Plek IiandCo" ' C-29793 #206,390 bond Imp 8-22-61 -Tr 2634.6 P-88Q48

Flam Bernard stal C-3255b $9,010 imp bond 5-26-64 ' Tract 27553 F-111257 '

Piavell Robert H " " ~^C-3'2'6l5 Appraisal Service 6-3-64 Veniee Health Ctr (BPW)

Fleet Dlsposnl Inc (PA) C-29710 Rubbl ah Reraoval ,'?orv 7-20-61 L .1 Intematlonel Airport

Fleet Disposal Inc 0-32766 Rubbish removal Serv 7-1-64 LA Intl Airport

Fleming & Hightower(PA) C-29699 Lumber Co- furnish 10-4-61 lumbar Recr fc Pks Dept

" Fleming 4 Hightower Lumber C-30876 Lumber (PA) 9-10-62 Rec 4 Pks

Fleming fc Hightower C-3l8S^ Lumber (PA) 9-11-65. Rec fc Pke

Pleming fc Hightower Luraber C-3200< . Lumber (PA) 11-1-53. ,

Rec fc Pks

Fle tcher Siphon HP-. C-32529 In le t -Hal loran 3er.=»nrd 5-20-64 Reco nst ruct

Flood Control Diat C-29344 Imp re Centinel Creek 4-11-61 Channel a t Jeffnrnon F-75ft55 Inflewood Blvd-Mesraer Ave

Flood Control Dist C-29488 Const Unit I Storm 5-10-61 drain ProJ-nlGhlend Ave P-76305 Bt Wllshlro I'lvd

Flood Control Dist C-30228 Haymer St (near • 2-14-62 C n l r t w a t o r Cvn ,Av» Tn P-HSArj^ Uni t . 1 ; ' r n l l .{- i7-Stnrn Hra- ln

Floor Finish (Pa) C-32149 Dept of Suppliea 1-1-64 Sanitek Frod Ino

Florence Ave bet (31'rf) C-31144 AvHlon 4 'i/est nivds 1-18-63 Allen Eng Co-b;iectrolier

Poll E & L $1,050 Bond Imp Tr 20071

C-31373 4-18-63 P-IO5O8D

Footbridgee (BFW) C-3260t Chase £ Community Sta 6-8-64 over Wash E/o White Oak Wilbur A Harrison

Poothlll Blvd 124?? C-32lbO S G Harlan 4 J D Doty 12-19-53 Sewage Disposal Serviee F-115666

i I

Foothill Blvd 12491 C-32523 Sewage disposal 5-20-64 V *-, R«r,tw I,aMn«nn '_11'>^66

, Anii>tul::;iant-.,»,Q-?,—ii'-». , . _ . .. .,. „ ,

Foothill Blvd fc (BPW) C-30214 Fenwick St Sewer Dist 2-5-62 Cnnat .S«w«r,a

, . ,1 i t,v ,.''.rini r.r ..- n _

: Poothlll Blvd bot (BPW) C-3IO03 r 593' NW Hubbard & Hubbard Sts .

Constr Sowers 8-19-53 Glamuzina.4 Assoo .. .

Poothlll Blvd bet C-30148 ; Sayre St t Tujunga Cyn Bl 1-18-62 1. Traf Signals-Calif State F-105314 • Amended . 12-17-64 _ ., C-30T4rt

1 Foothill & Sunland Blvds C-29719 ' modify signals 4 ltg- 7-26-61 . St of Calif-Dent P/Wi<« P-l"2707

PoothlU Blvd & (BPW) Wheatland Ave-Const Sewer

. I?VM3—^,tta T ,On—hn..,,

Poothill-Fllmore Asso $58,925 bond imp Tr 21592

Foothill Estates $108,440 bond imp Tr 26650

-3152? -7-63

C-31484 5-24-63

P-105839 F-10rt40Q C-30908 10-9-62 F-96662

Foothill Fwy bet 800' E/OC-32766 Yamell St fc Christy Ave 7-9-64 St Div Hv<r 7-106846

Ford Leland M $2,890 bond irap Tr 21082

C-31649 7-10-63 F-109992

Foremost Dairies Inc (PA) 0-29924 Purn dry milk

r ' Police Deot

".'oremost Dairies, Ino fum dry milk Pol Dept


' ' Foremost Sales Corp Ory milk-Police Dept furnish- (PA)

'Pomac la r i Co


C-3O8II 7- 1-62

0-2956? 6-8-61

(PA)" Pum Standards Bur Eorth D r i l l Truck imtd Un

C-30991 JJ-20-6;

For res te r H B dba (PA) C-32966 Intoximeter-Ampul Divsn 9-2-64 Intoximeter Breath Analyzer Kite

., . furnish L A Police, Dent, Forsch Charles 4 C-31514

George Horowita 6-6-63 $5,090 bord irap F-11C320 Tr 22664

J H Forslew 4 C-29848 F P Vogelsang ,9-11-61 re irap-Srf corner Palos Verdes

, Dr N 4. Anaheira St Port MacArthur Reservation C-29334

- • 6-3-61 ., Socretery of Array Civil Defonae purposea r-73395 Brttery Sextbni 4 iKloo //I

llth St 4 St Louis St C-29650 Ltg Dist (BPW) 6-20-61 E l e c t r o l i e r Ltg A-1 i UTnol Co

14tii 3t Hesurfaclng- C-31512 Proj 482 6-5-63 LA Co flood Control F-U3433

.858 E 43rd Pl C-33044 Sylvester J Ina 9-16-64 Demolition 4 Removal


955-60 E. 47th 3t C-29796 Demolition 4 removal 8-I7-61 National House Wrecking 4 SslveRe Co (Corp)

Founders' Realty Co C-32575 $36,690 imp bond 6- I-64 Tract 28819 F-78126


Poutts G V Et al $9,000 bond imp "r 2'*96C $4,500 L&M bond

c-33405 12-17-64 »-i:»1924 C-33406


i -


' • ^

-1 '-•i .J r;







, j!

.'ox'St fc " "•~1EF.?) (r-30190-Bartee Ave Sewer Uist 1-26-62 , Carl 'rfest -Const sewers

Fox St Bridge . C-33026 over East Cyn Channel 9-16-64 L A Co Flood Cont F-120378 Dist

F r a n k e l Emil fc A l b e r t C-33369 . $28 ,190 bond imp 1 2 - 9 - 6 4 -Tr 28956 P-116194 '

P r o n k l l n HI Sch 0-32677 A g r r a t - C o n c e r t - S l , 0 0 O . 0 0 8-10-64 Hlghlond Pork Synphony F-106713 ^

F r ? n t z Cl . i renco.P. C-32502" , ;?5u.'.i,C.CC - ilond Iran 5 - U - 0 4 . Tr 2CS55 • K-93433 ' .

F r e d e r i c k S t from 0-3022? Kose Ave 2 -13 -62 • S a n t a Monica C i t y F-84053 Stornn d r a l n C , .

P r e d e r i c k S t b e t (BPW) C-30507 A l l e y N Commonwealth & 5 - 1 5 - 5 2 Rose Avenues Guho Corp c o n s t s t o r m d r a i n s ?reeraan ,Dan ie l C-30324

H o s p i t a l • 3 -21-62 'iracrgency Care 4 .^ases

F-::9C6p _ -Freeman Paul H C-33365 $8,890 bond imp 12-9-64 rr 28950 F-115717 k.445 LfcM bond C-33366 _

Freeman, Sanford et ux C-32791 <;6,570,00 - Bond Imp 7-20-64 Tr 29295 F-110485 ,L4;-1 Bond 33.285.00 . , ., .C-32792^

?reese Anthony J et al, C-32537 $16,610 Imp Bond 5-21-64 • Tract 25682 F-80083

."T,,•^'•e TiP-~'' n ^ i - ^ :

C L 9 n % 7

Fj i

Vcif BiilT6na"Crefek k F,^m.ini , s t -Tn tnno

Pt.nte Dep.t ,i>ub Uks , Freewa

C - ? " l « 6

awav ? - - ^ 9 ^ 3 fan Dlaf-o Prwy b e t 2 " i ? ; 2 s V/eddineton/OoldenSta toPwyP-75160 S t " t o Div Hwys

V I A ; < I Frocvn


Proeway Emergency ' 0-30501 C o l l Boxes 6 -20 -62 Los Anp.eles County P-93P93

:>ee',.'f.-/ m U o c o l l box 0-3O4JS8 s y s t e m - C o l i f S t a t e ' - 5 -11 -62

Dopt ?ub '.•.'ka-Diy Hwys F-93093

Proewoy 5-3P473 Cooo Des ign Eng - S t o t e 6 - 1 4 - 6 2 , ' Hwy" frwy pro j s -LA 1952-53 F-lD'i452

. .State DlV Hwys "Freeway > C-30873

Venturo Pwy b e t Hwd 4 9 - 2 4 - 5 2 Colden S t a t e Fwys P-109751

. 'raewoy Agrrat ' 0 -30995 Ha.-bor 7 rwj -42nd/Hwd l l - l 9 - 5 a Fi-wy - S t a t e Div Kwys F - l i p o 4 o

?rosway Agrn t " C-30963 S t o Ana/Oolden S t a t e / 1 1 - 1 9 - 5 2 S t o Monica Frwys - F-30983 S t a t e !%*ys Div

Proeway Agrn t . ' " 6-30984 San D ie so -So lmo n / Bo man 11 -19 -62 S t a t e Hwys Div P -1 I0041

Frwy Agijrnt ' C-32C49 ."^n,Dlego Fr.^iy bo t C i b . ' i - l l - 2 2 -6 3 mc-re k './ediiingt-..h ^ t C a l i f o r r i i a - t a t o , ,

Freeway C-32322

F r e d e r i c k L l $ 1 1 , 4 0 0 bond imp T r 25878

0-30838 - o 9-12-62 , ^ F-69624 \

F r i c t i o n , M a t e r l a i a Co (PA) C-Z<)hiy of LA-Clu tches fc Broke 5 - 9 - o l T.^r\nrr—r.i t.-r nt.n.po

F r i c t i o n K a t e r i a l s Co C-29821 Auto P a r t s (PA) 9-1-61 Dept S u p p l i e s •

F r i c t i o n M a t e r i a l s Co pA C-32?2? New 4 r e b u i l t c l u t c h e s - 6 - 2 9 - 5 4 p; - r t3 4 b r a k e l i n i n g - Dept supp l i ed lupplleSv

061 I 1-64 •' I

F r i c t i o n M a t e r i a l s Co C-33061 Auto R e p a i r p a r t s (PA) 9 S u p p l i e s d e p t

Friedman E J Co C-29872 $42 ,135 Bond irap 9 - 2 5 - 6 1 -Tr 25454 P-98772

F r i e g e iidmond " ('BP',/")" " """" C - 3 0 ' 8 3 5 R e n t a l of Power Boat 9 -5 -62 1 S a n i t a r y s u r v e y s of

S a n t a Konica Bav F r i e n d s " t -v. B e i r u t ?D C-30420

Con.'it Se-/?erd (PP.') 4 - 1 3 - 6 2 i'lrumniond .'..-, Bronneck

F r i e s Ave (BPW) C-33317 Const f o r c e ma in -Un i t 1 1 - 2 3 - 6 4 I l -Pumping P l a n t ) i ' 4 - I n d u s t r l a l P i p e l i n e Co Inc

F r l e s z Wm L 4 Anna K $11 ,615 bond imn Tr 28913 !!=,';..3|jft.,TA-«_h.<UTd. _..

Fro»t fc French Ine (PA) C-30533 Sedans fc Station 6-29-62 wagons Reo fc Park Deot

F r o s t & French Inc C-30633 furnish sedans & station 7-13-62

'' wagons (PA)

C-33206 10-23-64 B-114583 .C-.3.3207

Frost k French Inc Automobiles Fur Trans

Prost & French Inc Automobiles Trans Bureau (PA)

"•rymcin Rd P'Jttorments Proj 464 L fl Co Plcod Control

FuUer-"-:irra .".t .'.-. •;iilf.H f, i:: -,vi.' ID S t r j a t In i . (HP..')

Pul le r W p'&"co "' P a i n t e ' (PA)

(PA) C-31241 2 -27-63

C-31339 4 - 5 - 6 3

0-31541 6-12-63


C-31016 l l -2 , ' : -62

0-32957 7 - 1 0 - 6 4

I F u l t o n Ange l lne L C-31272 Ooeanographic V e s s e l 3-/^-63 Bur r - a n i t a t i o n (PA)

F u l t o n Ave b o t Landa le C-3070S S t fc Moorpark St(BPW) 7 -23 -52 trim palm trees pkwys Orindle fc Heinkel Ino

F u l t o n Ave N of (BPrf) C-33144 Vanowen S t - C p n s t 1 0 - 9 - 6 4 Storm Dra in - " R C Rodr iguez

P u l t o n Ave (BPW) C-303I7 fc W i l l a r d S t Sewer O i s t 3 -16 -62 o o n s t s e w e r s - K e l l e y - M o r a n

Furmsn Dorothy P u b l i c i t y S e r v i c e Bur Kuflic(Kuiiie Ar t Deot)

mu P u m i t u r o - s t e e l (PA)

Weste rn Off P u m i t u r o f u m F j r o Dept

F y r - P y t o r Co Poa.-r Llq--ld F i r e Doot


C-31449 5 -10-63

C-29675 6-30-61

Pyr-Fytor Co . (PA) I Pl re Extinguishers

Vi m Tlant

C-2'.i6c7 35 6-3O-6IT

Tho Fyr-^yter Co (PA) Nozzles-Fire Dept-fumisb

Fyr Fyter Co (PA) Nozzle F i re Dept

r'-n-Tyiw Co fPA) Foam Liquid 7ir e Dept

Fy'r-Fyter Co the PA j : Shut Offs-Tlps

Fi re Dept - furn

The Pyr-Pyter Co Portable Fire Equ^p F i re Dept

C-30323 3-21-62

C-31182 • I 2-5-63 • j

C-31971 10-22-63

"^C-3'24 'l' 5-6-64 ,1

C-32751 Div 7-30-64'

Base Ave Laundry Inc PA Laun-"-- " — furn

C32534 Eaundry Serv - Recvg Hosp 5-15 64

j "Gage Av'Tjef Sah" Pedro St C-31702 ^ fc Broadway-Imp (BPW) 7-22-53

1. Vernon Paving Co

Galaxy Mo Dev Co $39,420 bond Imp Tr 24237

C-30213 2-6-62 F-102533

Galaxy North Developmt 'C-31155 ' Co - $14,690 Imp Band 1-24-63 Tract 26575 P-75782

' Galaxy North Dev Co $29,090 bond imp Tr 21294

Galaxy north uevel uo , i)>48,920 Bond Imp

Tr 27921

Galaxy No Develop $26,285.00 - Pond Imp Tr 279.'?9

C-31284 3-13-63

F-108277 C-32255 2-13-64 F-110650

0-3^^493' 5-13-64 F-UO684

Galloway O.W. Co Work Platform Airport Depts

(PA) C-31755 6-30-63

• Gabaig /ilhsrt-Unlon Oil c-29593 4 Mayfalr Merkots 6-20-61 Balboa Blvd 4 P-IOO368 Parthenla s^-s t roet imp

Gabriel Realty Co C-29466 *76,330 bond imp 5-11-61 Tr 26090 F-93346

Gaffey & Gatun Sts Supr C-14847 Roadcrossing IO-I4-63 . Pac Elec Rwy 7-115402

Oaffey St bet C-31601 0'7arrell fc 9th Sts 6-27-63 Traf Signals 7-113801

Goge Ave "eundry inc (PA) C-29506 Laundry Sorvico- 5-22-61 Receiving Hospitel

"Oage Avonue Laundry Ino C-30661 , Pire Dept (PA) 7-1-62 f Linen Service

Galaxy North. Development C-32555 $71,200 imp bohd 5-28-64 . Tract 28093 F-112347

Jalloway G W Co' (PA) ~ 0-30049 Motor Generator 12-11-61^ Deot Airport

Oaliov«y C W Co" (PA) "'"c-314 5 3 High-Lift 'Work 5-13-63 Platform-n«nt Alrnortu

°-teSllMlSJ=^2-« Oallyon R C Conat Co C-29777

14.832 Raymer St-Auto 8-14-61 Servloe Facilities (BPW)

Gollyon R C Const Co(BFrf) C-30098 Const Coldwater Signal 1-5-52 • Office at 12520 Hulholland Dr

Oallyon'R~C C-30751 Constr fire sta #107 8-3- 62 20225 Dsvonshire St

Galvanizing Services(PA)C-29188 Emsco Steel Products 1-30-61 ' f",-rn

Gamble3" Bob Photo Supply C-31423 " Phot6c;i'aphlc Supplies 5-1-63 f u m var depts City LA (PA)

Gamble R. K (PA) * C-32344 " Photographic Supplies 3-18-64 Various locations

Oann Charlie Bay (BPW) C-3036O 6801 to 68I5 Melrose Ave 3-28-62 demolition structures for Plre Station #51 Gantry Constr Co Inc C-30403 1

Const oewers (DPrf) 4-9-62 Parthenia St bet Oakdale Ave ft 439' Slv Oakdale Ave

Gantry Const Co (BPW) 0-30551 Storm Drains - r,Ai S 6-6-62 Valley Vista Blvd bet Stansbury Av.e 4 Camino ,Po_ La Cumbre

SantiTT Construction Co Ino C-30743 Constr sewers Laurel 8-1-62 arovM Ave So Riverside Dr

'Oantry Const Co Iho (BPW) C-30955 Devonshire St bet 10-26-62 . Zelzah 4 Lindley Aves-const sewers

Gantry Constr Co Inc Olive Ave bet (BP'rf) Lakewide Dr 4 Soflth of T.3kft,' ,lrto nr-Con,ctr

Gantry Constr Co Inc 'rfawona St 4 (BP'rf) Yosemite rfay S D ClAnQt-,— n o w o r a

'Jantry Construction Cp const-Alameda St 4 22nd

C-31116 1-11-63

C-31U7 1-11-63

St Storm Dj,ain (BPW)

C-31192. 2-6-53

Gantry Constr Co (BP,-/) C-31246 Hayvenhurst Ave 4 3-1-63 2scalon Dr-Constr sewors

Gantry Construction Co C-31434 Dickons St 4 Gaviota AyO 5-3-53 SD - Const BovMr.i (Frf)

Gantry Conatr Co Inc(BPW)C-3l690 Bonsallo Av 4 154 St 7-19-63 Constr Storra Drain

Gantry Const Co Inc (BPW)C-3i706 DePauw St 4 Radollffe Ave Sewer Dist , 7-22-53 Constr .Sewers

C-31887 9-18-63

Vista De Mar-Repdir Storm Drain

Cai-.try Constr Co Inc ' C-33329 Devonshire St bet (EPrf)II-25-64 Melvin And rfinnetka 'Ayes v.nruit.TT F - .o iAora . ...

Oarden Lend Co Ltd . C-29762 $176,000 bond imp 6-21-61 Tr 23094 V-757Z5

Gardena Equip Ihc C-31990 Air Corapressors (PA) 10-28-63 St Maint Bur

Gardena Equipment Ino PA C-32812 " Cl Air Compressors 7-13-64

St Mtnce Bur

vousiix' .sewers Gantry Constr Co/pPwl ; Imperial Hwy -/of*"





. . I .





i: <.



Gardena Equip Inc C-33158 11 Rotary,Air Corapres8or8l0-15-64 'v I Bur St Maint (PA) V

oardena Valley Dump ' C-30088 Agrmt dispose s t r e e t 12-29-51 mtnee debris

Oardena Valley Dump C-3O656 Disposal St Mtnce debr is 7-13^62 (BPW)

Garret Sam -•:50,300 bond imp Tr 24055

-3arrett Son 4 Doris H $26,440 Irap Bond T-net 2,1.312

C-29600 6-22-61 P-71987 F-07l|46

"C-31173 1-31-53 P-100860 !

Garrick Ave C-32950 bet fUimloops St fc 8-24-64 Kagel Cyn St-plant trees l^irkways-Carl Kahan Cnr-Vood-LA Truck(PA) C-?l"331

Eo:;,irmt Co Tne , ^ . 3T?3-6] bodies etc-truck chassis

Oar Wood-Los Angeles (PA) C-29496 Truck Equlpmnt Inc 5-17-61 repair parts rubbish trucks n a r i t ^ i - n P u n - . . • *. .

Oar .-.'ood-L ,1 Truck (PA) C-30011 !-:otor Plusher Unit 11-17-61

, iquip ."tenair Shop

Oar rfood LA Truck 'Jiquln C-3C309 Dump Piodies 4 Hois ts ' 3-l ' .-62 r.trcf.-t Kalnt (PA)

Oar Wood (PA) C-3052? Repair po r t s for equip 5-28-52 • Vorlous depts

Gar Wood Los Ansales Truck 0-31000 Equipmt- Co-fum 3t Mtnce 11-23-52. Bur - Dump bodies (PA)

Gar V/ood LA Truck Equip 0-31229 Dump Bodies 4 Hols'ts 2-20-63 St Kalnt Eur (PA)

C-31538 6-ip-63

Car 'rfood-LA Tinick Equip Rep Par ts (PA) various Depts

oar Wood (PA) 0-31641 Third-Axle Attachments 6-26-63 S a n i t i t i n Bur

Gar-'rfood Truck Equip C-31941 Truck 3rd-Axle Attmnts 10-10-63' Bur San i ta t ion (PA)

Gar rfood-LA Tnuck Equip C-32017 Dump Bodiea (PA) I I -6-63 St Maint 'rfood-LA Truck EQUID C-33330 Truck Bodies (FA) ' U-25-64 Ptreet Kaint

Garten M L (BPW) C-32978 Storm Drain Const 9-4-64 N of Boden St bet Genesee Ave fc T a fl*A.-#.i»o Dlw#l •. , .

3Bry„P:stBte8 Inc C-29477 $4C,7VO-bond Imp 5;-l5-6l Tr 26091 - i -93263

C-31314 3-25-03


Gaskill Betty B et al $14,440 bond imp Tr 27181

Gasoline (PA) C-29192 -Union. Oil 60-furn 1-13-51

Gasoline (PA) C-31375 4 Diesel Fuel Oil- I-I-63 Tidewater Oil Co-furnish various Depts

Gastlin John J C-29S32 Appraisal Service 10-20-61

Gastlin John J C-30115 Appraisal Services 1-12-62

Oastlin John J C-30277 Appraisal Services 3-5-62


Gastl ln John J °-30997 Appraisal serviee 11-5-62 Normandie Ave bet Sta Borbara Ave & Vemon Ave , ,

I Gast l in John J 0-3126? Appraisal Services 2-26-63

Gas t l in John" J ' " C-31793 ,*,;ipralsal Services 8rl3-63

Gast l in John J C-32083 Appraisal Sarvices , 11-29-63 ,

Gast l in John J C-32356 • Appraisal Services 3-19-64 ; , San Vicente bot Poverly/Burton

"jastii 'n'JoKn J "" "C=32573 Appraisal Service 5-29-64 , Vnn Nuys Health Ctr(BPW)

Gayley fc Le Conte (BPW) Aves Sower Dist City Constr Co O n n n t r SfiWi»r« Gene Estates Ino

$54,608 Bond irap Tr 24321

C-30l8g 1-26-62

C-31734 8-2-63


Oen Anlnline fc Film Corp C-31^4^ Direct Print Paper 7-1-63 1., Various Depts (PA)

General' Ariiline'fc Pliin """0-32589 Corp -Direct Print paper 6- 3-64,. fc Opaque Cloth (p^)

General Cable Corp(PA) C-29882 furnish Communications 9-2'7-6l Cable

General Weetrle CoCA"* C-?o?55 2-way comnunication P-7/..-nl j,.--4.f-,_1>on t. •Vs TlflTlt-fU-rn

Gen E lec t r i c Co (PA) C-30940 Spot Film Device 10-22-62 Central Rec Hospital

General E l e c t r i c Supply C-29569 Co-Comraerclal Fluorescent 6-8-61

' . Plxtures-Bur Pub Eldgs Eloot r lc Shop-furnish (PA)

General E lec t r lo Supply C-29573 Co-furnl3h High-Voltage 6-I5-6I , S t a r t e r Sectlons-Hec & Parks (PA)

Ge:-, 21octr ic riur.'oly Co C-30018 C:ible (PA) ' 11-27-61 Traf Dent

General E l e c t r i c (PA)

Table Safety Dept

C-30559 5-6-52

Oonoral E loe t r i e Supply C-30965 Co Div Oon Eleo Co (pA) 10-31-62 f u m i s h condulls Dopt Supplies

General E l e c t r i c Co C-31179 Base Sta 4 Mobile Transm 2-4-o3 Roc'r Uni^ts- fum Commun Bur

General Base St-ition F i re Dept

'd'.ec Co (HA) 1 Units

General Elec Co (PA) Radio Keceivers Pub Util-Dept

C-31685 6-30-53

C-33157 10-16-64

Gen Elec Supply Co ling Si; Building «vire

Pub Bldg Bur

C-33147 (PA) 10-14-64


Gen Plre extinguisher C-31669 J I Fire Extinguishers .7-1-Q i.

V.jrlous depti (PA) '

Oehera 1' Ihdusti^i al "Rental C-3 2663 Service - furn var depts 6-16-64 Sweeping cloc.1.3 « sweeping fcolo-.

-I'-O .. Oeneral Ins Co C-30699 Tr 19641- $1,225 Bond 7-23-62 lap 7-103032

Oenerai Ins Co $7J300 Bond In> Tr 24322

leneral Ins Co $490,090 Bond Imp Traet 2??16

C-30713 7-25-62

tw r>enoral Ins Co of Amerioa C-30767

f $9,655 Bond lap 8-13-62 . Truet 2I|347 P-102914

leneral Ins Co of Ameriea C-30?58 $119,575 bond Inp 8-13-62 t r n o t 24493 P-98IO3

Oeneral Ine Co ofAnerioa 025,720 bond lnp Traot 24344

C-30770 8-14-62 F.83804

C-29609 6-22-51

lOenerotor Equip Co (P.A) Generator Sots Fire Dopt --;'

, Genoa 3t bet Havana Ave C-29961 Havana Ave 4 Astoria St 10-27-61 , Dauntless Const Co (BP'rf) , ' V '

Jen Kotors Corp (PA) C-30927 i ,. Cab-Chasals for Boo3terl0-16-62

T a n k - K l r n 1p->t

'iMC Truck 4 Coock Div (PA) 0-294.72 Truck Cob 4 Chassis 5-9-61 Dant Trafflo

"OMO Truck'fc" Coaoh brvTPA)C-36566*" Fire Oept 6-30-62 Cab-chassis, tilt-cab

OHC Truck fc Cooch Div(PA)0-3066? F i re Dept 6-30-52 Cab-chos8i0,truok

' GKC Truck k Coach Div Tr-uck Sab-Chas3is Pi re Dept (PA)

•Ger Kotors Corp (PA) Truck Trans Bur

Gen Kotors Corp (P..) Truck

C-31258 3-4-63

' C-31259 3-4-63

C-31260 3-4-63

Trans Bureau

Gen Motors Corp (PA) , C-31708 Trucks 6-30-63 Bur of Transportation

General Kotors Corp C-31709 Trucks (PA) 6-30-63 Bur Trans

Sen Mtrs Corp ( F A ) Furn Trucks Bur Transp

Oen Mtrs Corp (PA) Furn Cab - Chassis Fire Dept

jeneroT'Motors" Corp PA '" Trucks - Transportation Bur furn

Oeneral Motors Corp PA - Trucks - Transportation

Bur furn

Gen Motors Corp ' Trucks (PA) Bur Trans

C-32230 1-31-64

0-32236 2-4-64

• "c'-"32454 4-29-64

C-32455 4-29-64

C-33107 10-6-64 '

Jeneral Motors (PA) C-33274 • Truck Cab-Chassis 11-4-64

Fire Dept

Gen kotors Core C-33355 Truck Cab 4 Chasis 12-3-64 • St Kiint (PA)

General, Pool Supply Co PA C-32725 Sodium Hypochlorite 6-29-64 Reo & Pk Dept

Geneva Developmnt Corp 9"?P?9 et al-$l6l,500 Bond Imp 4-16-63 Tr 20632 P-78200


George Ernest et al $11,780 bond imp Tr 26528

Georgia Enterprises $81,000 bond Imp Tr 25777 $40,500 L&M bond

Gerber Sol et al .•55,560 Dond Imp Tract No.22181

Oerber Wa A Et al $11,404 bond imp Tr 27642

C-30378 ' 4-5-62 F-98751

C-33066 9-23-64

7-1C2923 . Cr3306? -

C-32355 3-25-64 F-51896

C-3 Ida 8-26-63


Otto Gerdau Co (PA) C-31563 Gutter Bnush Wire 6-17-63 Street Maint

Germ Hosp Corp, C-32162^ re assigns Contract fr 8-3-64 Ook Park Hosp ro Emerg- P-ll6b54 •

. ency medical service Gerraalns Inc (PA) C-29121

grass seed 1-4,-51 Rec k Pks Dent-furn

•^lermain's'inc ' ("PA) 0-30078 Grass Seed 12-27-61 Rec 4 Pks Dept

Oerotonslasor Co (PA) 3onto:.ubile Transportfitlon Bureau

C-29645 6-29-6I

C-29631 b-23-6l

Getty Realty Conat Sanltpry sewors 6-V/llshlre Hlvd at V/nntern P-07I1RC

_ Ave Glannlnl Louie (B-°V')

:, Sowers s/slde Marille St Oivonsraouth Avo-Plvo Stction /'96

'Oiannini Louie (BFW) Oakdale Ave bet Alley Sly Hosooe Blvd fc Unark St-const sewers

Oiannini Louie IBPWJ 0-311* 5 Const sewers Heseda Blvd 1-18-63 fr 330' Nly Arminta St to Ingomar St,

'Giannini Louie (Frf) C-311i35 Sun.Tot Plana Dr bot 5-3-63 Viowmont Dr 4 880' Wly construct sowors

C-29537 5-31-61

C-30345 3-26-62

Giannini Louie pw sewers Ventura Blvd fc Andasol Ave 3 D

Gibbons J M Fa i th fu l p.^rformancer j

c-32723 7-1-64

C-31769 8- 9-03

/ '

Oibral tar Savings 4 ' C-<i94i7 Loan Assn of Bov Hi l l s 4-25-61 $356,900 bond Imp

-Tr 19266 F-101460 -Jiettor V/m H 4 B S " """ " C-3i4o8-

-54,135 Bond irap 4-30-63 Tract 27465 P-103655

Gif f i s A P 4 Sam S $23,600 bond imp Tr 24381

ilinsburg Martin e t a l


C-30839 9-12-62


C-32282 2-24-64 P-117'>38

Gladding McDeon 4 Co (PA) 0-29508 1] Hefractcry Ka te r ia l s 5-22-bli i



i %







urocu Sanltptlon

Oiade Ave Footbridge (BPW) C-3133i over Bell Creek bet 4-1-93 Vanowen St k Sherraan 'Wav Pni-I nb-n—n—/<H/»,. r nn -* . . - r - .

Glade Aye 4 Vanowen St C-31748 Con3'.;r Sowers (BPW) 6-2-53 Koran Marvin R

Gladstone Ave 4 {W-1) C-31658 . Astoria St S.-wyr Dist 7-10-63

Robert VliCich Co

Gladstone Ave (E'''rf) C-32000 4 Polk St Sewer Dist 10-30-63 . Hobert Vlacich Co-Const

Gladstone Ave bet (BPW) C-33325 Van liuy-ij Elvd k 11-25-64 P U m o r e St-P]antlng trees rl-or^il.icn.Onnz.i 1 P7. ..

Glamourettes, Inc C-32261 $12,060 Bond Imp 2-17-64 Tr 28325 F-86713

Glamourettes Inc Tr 27679-bond imp

L f c M Bond-i3.680 Glamuzina 4 Assoc

C-32975 9-4-64

P-120527 C-12976

(BPW) C-3IU03 Poo th l l l Blvd bot 598' 8-19-63 irrf Hubbord St 4 Hubbard St Conotr Sevxers

3CC9 Gleason Ave Deraolition 4 reraoval Sylves te r J Ina

Gleason Corp Fusees :


Gleneagles Estates , $966,235 bond imp

Tr 2fi66l f.4.'?3,1.43 JAM Bond...

Olen P a l i s Ins Co $2,500 Bond I s ^ Trac t 26971

Olen F a l l s Ine Co $15,570 Bond imp Troot 23792

C-31098 1-3-63

C-33014 8-29-64

C-33251 -10-29-64 • P-115147 •

.,. C-JI3252 , C-30708 7-24-52 F-103694

C-30765 6-13-52 F-fln54e

Jlen Polls Ins Co C-30772 $2r ,680 bond Imp 8-14-52 Trnct 25711 ""^g^ili"

I Glen Terrace Apts C-29771 $153,490 bond imp 6-15-61 Tr 25005 F-77789

Olen Terr Apts ^ S-?S772 Storm water retention o-l>-oi baoino-Tr 25005 P-77769

Glenoaks Blvd 4 (B^'W) C-3316O Branford St SD-Const IO-I6-64 Carl West "o

Olendale Blvd bet Glenfeliz Blvd & Los Angeles Rlver-IaiD Hooker Co

Glendale Blvd & Second St C-23342 Sewer District (BPW) 2-5-64 •rfattson R A Co

Glendale Blvd SD (BPW) bet Bevere Ave fc Glenfeliz Blvd-Constr Rav Area Conitr Co ,

Glendale City C-31063 Seclprocal library 12-18-62 service F-107635

0-30559 5-27-52

C-31549 6-12-63

City of Glendale Day St 4 Amanita Ave ID

Glendale City " (BFW) Sewage Disposal Contr

C-31335 4-4-63 F-77824 .F-871C7 „ C-32272 2-19-64 P-117338

llendale C^ty C-32272 Supl Agrmt to Sewage 5-19-64' DiSposil P-11733«^

olendale Fed fc Sav & C-31382 fc Loan A8soo-$4,575 4-19-63 Bond imp Tr 22603 P-79391

Olendale Fwy" C-33062 • bet Ave 35 4 SEly city 9-22-64

linit of Glendale F-12C174 Calif Uiv Hwy , , ,

Glendale Fwy bet C-33303 Glendale City Limit 11-19-64 near Sl Robie Dr F-118552

„- 'Rnuto 114 Olendale-Hyperlon C-31392

Vladuot Unit I - r e p a l r 4-22-63 W J Esoherich J r

"i iendare O'utfall Sew,e"r "•'0132563 K-i3:ji,.n Rd 4 Aliso St 5-22-64 i'.ecorjstruct - Rex W Kurphy (BP'rf)

64 : I Gleneagles Estates C-33397

$340,430 bond inp 12-16 ' Tr 28663 F-115147 S.1.70.215 LfcK bond n-mOR. ,.

Oienoaks Blvd (BPW) C-31146 bet Osborne St fc Tujunga 1-18-63 Wash Glenoaks Blvd (BPW) „^ 5-29297 bCt Pierce St-Galn St 3-8-61 ^ Raven Const Co-sewers

Glenoaks Blvd 4 (BPW) C-32803 Roxford St Sewer Dist 10-30-63 Robert Vlacich

Glenoaks Blvd bat 236' C-33332 SEly Truesdile St (BP'/< U-27-64 ' Luka ^.llosey,lch-Const^ sewers

Oienooks Dlvd bot (p--;) C-31419 195' NV/ 4 443' Si' Tuxford 5-1-53, St Sewer Dist-Robert Vlacich Co

Glikbarg R 'i :^6,91C.OC -Tr 29399

Oond Irap

Gluck Morris A Dev "o Orange Dr Nly Hollywood Blvd Const Oversize Sewers

Gnol Cornoratlon • $2,Oo0.tO - Bo.nd Ira:; Tr 29406

"Godshalk Sstel W et al $24,450 Bond Imp Tr 28089

c-j;.5Ci 5-14-04 f'-114430

115120 \ C-33140 ' 10-14-64 F-117334

C-3?491 5-12-64 F-U.''81?


C-32251 2-13-64 7-104717 -

Oold Desk 4 Safe Co P u m fc deliver offioe furniture

I'bOLO LOUIS (PA) various depts steel filing cabinets

Gold Louis (PA) Office Furniture Various Departments

C-30735 7- 1-52

C-307I6 7-1-52

C-31723 7-28-53

Sold Louis (PA) Office Fumiture Various depts

-uoioberg K 4 Lefttz "H H ,' $5,555 bond imp

Tr 26596

Goldberg Morrle et a l $7,415 bond irap Tr 2742?

C-33OO7 9-10-64 '

-"C-3026i 2-27-6;.

. F-96739

C-31865 9-13-63


OoldcoriT) Piillrtlni» Co TncC-?P''l^ $126,700.00 bond li-n t - i^ ' -^ l Rt.i-Tract 25821 F-9A703

Colden Bear Sightseeing • C-3C89' Bus Service (PA) 9-4-62 Hec 4 Pks


( Golden Eagle Refining Co C-32773 - l I ./ $15,000 Bond #044412- 7-7-54 '\ / Royal Indemnity Co -Faithful \ / I>anrnnmo.-n- Hn-i^-. -4 — 1 < —- <'—•.--h^g|

I Oolden Gate Estates 0-311671 I $94,000 Inp Bond 1-29-63 '

Traot 21254 F-IO538O

Oolden Gate Estates $113,460 Bpnd improve

,,- Traot 23993

'. Golden Gate Estates $146,985 Bond imp Tr 20979

C-31474 5-23-63 P-I02l(23

C-31762 ' 6-7-63


Golden Gate Apts $10,495 bond imp Tr 21276

'Oolden Gate Estates 4ill8,862 Bond Imp .Tr 28025

Golden Gate Estates

" f?'ii856'°"'* ^"P

C-31972 10-24-63 '1


C-32249 2-11-64 . F-1C5380

C-32250 2-11-64 . 7-1C5380

I . Oolden Sta te Frwfur C-29513 mtnda BOyiS Ave fc^Mlssion 9-13-6I

' - Hd- Sta te of Calif P-10ll|20

f.n1Af.r -irilt*^ r-1V C-29683 Cohasset St 4 7-13-61 San Fernando ild E-76947 r.ol-lf ,';|.ato Kwv TUv

Golden .St-^tte Prwv P.oute 4 C-30133 Glendale CL a t LA Kiver 1-15-62 Araend • F-104645

,_ $t.ito_Dpnt Pub rfks ... Oolden Sta te r'rwy C-32072

- bet Cohasset/Lankershim 12-5-53" mtnc St Div of Highways F-116067 Agrnt Oolden Sta te Meat Co (PA) C-29421

Furnish meat 4-26-61 Rec 4 Pk Dept

Colder Korton H $11,000 bond imp Tr 28COC

Qoldrich J & Sol Kest $3,550 bond imp Tr 25790

C-32095 12-18-63 F-U0683

C-30470 5-8-62


Goldrich Jona « Col Kest C-32157 .1:.;,91,C B-.nd Trap 1-11.-64 Tr 2.I'L.C5 ' F-ll.,9iC

Oollen V/ 0 4 D E S1,182 bond -imp

/ Tr 24912

Oonzaies, Plorentino >• Plant trees, eto

Tr P''??©

C-2940O 4-13-51 i P-95328 p-75?ri<r_ j C-29921 ' ie-i5-$i' I

I '

Gonzalez F (BPW) C-31975 Laurel Cyn Blvd bet 10-28-63 Montague 4 Osborne Sts-Plt Trees

.Gonzalez Plorentino (BF- ?)" C-30119~ Plant trees prkwys 1-10-52 Craner Ave Nly Valerio St etc

Gonzalez Plorentino C-30413 Planting Treys (BPrf) 4-11-62 l ^ O t>^ v.«*. A-I-—,.--.*u n . . 1-. Vlll To.-r.-«.,,- . . r l/.r.*u .-1

Plorentino Gonzalez (BPW)0-30593 Tree p lan t ing 5-15-62 Victory Boulevard-Tr 24032

Gonzalez Florent ine (BP-^)C-30845 Bluebell Avo ap:.rox 9-12-62 1C5' N of Addison-imp

lOonzalez Florentlno(BPW) C-30989 Tree p lan t ing -W/s 11-16-62 Danube Ave-MoKeever t o U h e y eto

-0<m;al'e2-piorentln6[BPW) 'C-^T-ITO • S/s Cumbre Dr be t Anchovy1-28-53 AvAlormaid Dr 4 others Tree p l an t ing

' Gonzalez Florent ine C-31240 Keswick St bet Ethel ft 2-27-6J Atol l Aves-Tree p lan t ing

Ocnzaiez 'piorentln(B"Frfj~'<3"-3i?39 Lynton Av bet Crueos fc 8-14-63 Dolores Sts

, PlantinR t rees Gonzalez Plorent ino (BP'4 C-33325

Gladstone Ave bet 11-25-64 Van Kuys Blvd 4 FilmAre St Pl an t - l nir t r a o Q .-I n Pa nVwrnr., ,,

Good'Shepherd Lutheran C-30016 $17,500 bond irap 11-27-61 Tr 21999 F-1CC181

Goodall Rubber Co(PA) Gar-den Hose Dept of Supplies

Goodall Rubber Co Garden Hose

C-30479 5-9-62 :

C-31976 10-23-63

: Goode 4 Schroeder Inc C-29619 5, Pnrklng facilltlea 6-23-61 .,

77th St Police Stotlon (sr;,)

Goode & Schroeder Inc C-31744 Iowa Av Purdue Av 4 Corinth Av Grading 4 Paving (BPW) 6-2-63

O'bode 4 Schroeder Inc (BFrf)*C-*31786 HoUy-^ood Police Stn 8-14-63

•' 6515 De Longpre Ave-Inp

Ooodhew Ambulance Service 8-3327? Arabulance Service (PA) II-4-64 ' (Back Up) P.ecvg Hospital

Ooodman Donald Kenneth C-32269 - $4,670 Bond Imp 2-18-64 ,,

Tr28537 F-102959

Ooodman Mfg Co" (PA)" " C-31651 Streoter Araot l iv - f u m 5-30-63. f u m Traffic Counter -Traf Dapt

Ooodman Mfg Co (PA) C-33321 , Counter-traffic- 11-25-64 Automatlc-Portable-furnlsh

, f n — . X . J . «

0-31980 10-25-63 7-104103

'c-32104" 12-18-63

Goodman S 4 D fe5,765 bond imp rr 20647

"3010-14 Goodview Trail Demolition (BP'rf) Nitl House -.-.'recking

Goodyear Service Stores C-30194 Motorcycle Tires 4 Tubes 1-31-62 Police Dept (PA)

Ooplen F A fc Son (Bn*) c-33416 6433 Homewood Ave 12-18-64 Demolition

Oordon Qiterpriees (PA) C-29863 Processor/Dryer ', , 9-2-7-51

, Purnish' Police Dopt

Oordon Thoraas Fh 0 C-29973 Conduct Training Program 10-1-61 Fub Hlth Administrators P-103230

Gordon Wm A et ftl S3,810 bond Imp Tr 21915"

Gordon V/m A et a l 49,055 bond imp Tr 21915

Gordon V/m A ot e l Imp Tr 21915

Gorham 4 Associetos 3102,970 bond Imp Tr 25687

C-2954-1 6-6-61 P-85754

tl%¥ F-85754

" c^2954-3 6-6-61 F-85754

0-29686 7-14-61 F-97439

r. 5-


•I I i








Gordon rfm A e t a l $10,940 bonl imp Tr 22274

Gorham «-. Assoc Inc. $31,720 bond' Iran ' Tr 21278

C-31534 ) 6-11-63 ' '

7-104322 \

9538 .Graham Ave C-3340? >-) Cleveland 'Wrecking Co 12-16-64 Demolition

C-31020 11-30-62

F-97439 \ Gorhara Sanitation Co 0-3206?

Portable Cheraical - 11-29-63 Toilets-Rec 4 Pks (PA)

- ^ C-3206?

11-29-63 I

Gorham San i t a t ion Co Portable Chera To i l e t s nor; tr pv« Itm)

- Gorman Ave C-313?2" 105l4-18-demolit lon 4-11-63, dwellings-American House 'rfrecklng

10738 Gorman Ave lv'-it,l House 'rfrecklng 4 .Salvage Co-Deraolltlon

Gorman Ceci l C et a l Tr 29557 $7,450 bond imp

_ $3,725 LfcM Bond Got t l i eb Inv Co

, $19,330 bond imp Tr 29208 L&M Bond i9 .650 Ooupih I n d u s t r i e s '"A)

flo"d?-lEht pro.lectors

Gough Indus t r i e s Inc(PA)C-32174 Furn Luminaires 1-17-64 St L t r Bnroan

C-30399 4-5-02

C-3>999 9-10 '

F-116104 C-33000

C-32960 9-2-64

P-115098 C :-32961 \

Gould Melvin J $l8,54C bond 1 p Tr 27455

Gower -- t bet Hollywood Kelrose ,vve (BP'rf) K lec t ro l i e r Ltg J h\ M.I t h e s

Gower 4 Romaine St Sewer Dist-Const Savala Const Co

Grace Chapel of So G.-ite fU.2f^0 b snd Imp ^r J9680

- $,5,C40,-L4K bpnd Grade c ross ing s ignals

Southern Pac Co Van ::uvs Blvrl

j rade crossing s igna l s Coast Line Crossing CAnt-,V»-T-n P o r . r.rt

Grade cross ing signals De .Soto Ave .-Southern P 4C Co

Orade erosslng signals Southern Pac Co

Grade crossing widen Pac Elec Rwy Co Denker Ave

Orade Separation Laurel Cyn-Sherman rfay So PBciflc Co

C-31326 4-1-63 F-76046 C-30321 3-19-62

C-31060 " 12-14-62 .

C-33222 10-27-64 . F-109666

. C.-J3223 . C-29915 1-22-62 • F-102036

C-30820 8-30-62 ,


C-31546 6-14-63 ,.


tmi 7-98909 C-31068 8-2-62 1


C-29810 8-30-61 p_o / , i -?^

3rade Separat ion C-29995 Laurel Cyn Blvd fc ^harman 11-16-^ Wy - Agrmt -S t a t e ^Jly Hwys F-94176 • const

Grade Separat ions C-31330 Sta Monica prwy 4-1-63 C i l i f Div H-wys F-1C1618

Or"a'aV"^'pkArib'"fC-^ "*~K^2224-Van Nuys Blvd a t Raymer5-l8-64 St fc SP RR -Ca l i f Div F-109664 , H»fy6

GradinR 0-3266? So i l Eng 4 Geology 5-20-64 Survey- consul t ing servlce-Clenente Lcighton-Slosson e t a l .

Graham Jack $6,875 Bond Imp Tr 28204

Oraham John H Naval Arch i t ec tu ra l se rv ices (BFW)

Oramercy Pl (BPW) bet Hollywood Blvd fc

C-32169 l-22<.-64 P-113648

C-29526 5-28-61.

0-29375 4-7-61

Pranklln Ave-LaMesa Landscaping Co Ino-trim t r e e s

Granada H i l l s Assembly C-32869 of Ood Bond Imp-$4,605X0 6-7-64 Tr 22211 F-57225

• Gra.nd Ave Pkg Lot C-30000 Bd of Education 11-17-61 Traf s ignal F-104244

Orand Ave bet Alpine Ctt29856 fc S^jnset bl - inp 9-20-51 Valley Crest Landscape Inc

/ B m . r i Grandview Blvd bet C-31650

180' 4 1175', S of Stanwood Dr Leelco- , Imp 7-10-63

Graner Oil Co C-30260 $1,000 bond 2-26-62 Fai thful Performance F-48939

'iranger Ste^/;art S (BPrf) C-30037 Archi tec tura l Services 12-1-61 Reseda Sewer Kialnt Yard

1 i 1

Orape 3treet-l07"26 Mox Wrecking Oo -demolish bldg

' 9406-08 Grape St Deraolition Abrams 'rfrecklng

10728 Grape St Deraolition

C-30751 7-19-6.

C-31044 12-6-52

C-30500 5-10-62

David :3hortt

i0923 Grape St 0-33408 Demolition 12-16-64 S;.-lvester J Ina

Oraybor Eleotrio Ce 0-29352 Purn mogul baoe S-Sl-*!

^ floedlanns

i Orcybcr leetrlc Co Ine C-29576 Transformers,4 6-15-51 Eloctroliers-13ureeu St Ltg

/PAV Oroybor Electrlo Co(PA) C-30674

r Dept Bldg 4 Safety 6-30-62 Teletypes

Graybar Elec Co (PA) C-31752 Fluorescent Fixtures 6-6-63

Bur Pub Bldgs

Oroybor Electric Co C-32755 ~" Commercial Flaoresoent '7-1-64

Pub Bldgs Bur

Oraybar Electrlo Co C-33305 Ino-furnish Cable 11-18-64 Traffic Dept (PA)

Graysen Leonard C-32559 $126,220 irap bond 5-28-64 Tract 16969 F-76667

Oranl 0 P Inc (PA) C-30958 Acoustical Tile- 10-30-62 • "Pibra-Sorb"

Oranite Corporation(PA) C-30528 Disintegrated Oranite 6-29-52 Bur St Maint

Oranite Corp C-30626 furnish Disintegrated 7-13-62 Oranite-Bur St Mtnce (PA)

Oraziadlo C L fc Reva M C-33181 ) $7,230 bond imp • 10-21-64

, / ' Tr 29637 F-II769I / , #1.61$ LScM bond . . 0 - 3 3 1 8 2

lOreat Western Homes & C-29531 Brookdale Inc-$22,20a 5-31-61 , bond imp Tr 25982 P-102028

3roat Wostom Homos 0-31349 $26,875 Imp bond - 9- 6-63 Tract 28059 F-112941

Greater L'A Chapterof ""C-29828 National Safety Ccl 9-5-61 Safety Program F-85885

' Greater LA Chanter of C-30797 c.' Natl SaTety Ccl 3-23-62 ^

Safety Prograra F-85885

Oreater LA Natl Safety "" C-31847" Safety Program 9-6-63 Seot 1963 to June 196)^ F-85885

Greater L AChapter of Natl C-32965 Safety Council 9-2-64 Safety Program P-85885

QreblervArthur R C-33011 $17,375 bond Imp 9-14-64 Tr 29088 F-112343 , .*a ,Aoi; jjMi, n/.n»» . . r.-y\piZ

Greek Theatre Assn C-29764 • $12,500 fiscal year 6-14-61

1961-62 F-95766

Oreek Theotre Assoe C-3Q778 Approp $12,500 for 8-l5-b2 Adv fc Pub pdrp -62-53 P-95788 Oreek Theatre Assn C-31933

$10,000 Advertising 10-11-63 1963-64 P-95788

Griffith Co^(BPW). 9-S?l§? Imp-Havenhurst Ave 1-25-51 bet Chase St-Roscoe Blvd


Oreen Charles (BPW) White Oak Ave Nly Index St-Constr Sewers

Green Irwln L etal $12,180 imp bond Tract 28544

Oreen, Irwin L et al $48,870.00 - Bond Imp Tr 28821 TAK UnrA •Ii91l UnH (lfl

3reene Morton fc Arnold JS3,l60 Bond Imp s t Tr-27235

Greene Morton e t a l $6,300 imp bohd I5t5!o2geg^bond

Sreen k •damage BPrf C o n s t r sewers Lou i se Ave 4 McCormick S t SD

C-3U57 5-13-63

C-32553 5-27-64 F-114283

C-32787 7-17-64' F-U9858

c-30974 11-9-62 F-105055

C-32598 6- 9-64 '

C-32464 • 4-29-64 -

Oreen & Ramage constr sewers Lassen St

0-32783 7-15-64

bot Forrolone Ave & Ruidnick Ave

Green 4 Ramage (B>rf) C-33055 Mather Ave & Day St 9-18-64 Sewer Diat-Cwnstr sewers

Greenspan L 4 Belle ^':59,135 bond imp Tr 21972

Greenstone Leonard'

544 $36,245 Bend Imp tr io04'


Greenup C H 4 Lillian $4,770 bond imp Tr 27699

Gresham L L & G L $1,640 bond imp 'r 2<»'^6

3112 "c'rlffith Ave Demolition South 'Weat Builder 4

C-31590 6-25-63 •

, F-109022

C.^32284 2-25-64 F-i05252

"""""c"-3l"236"~ 2-26-63


""c-31913 10-1-63


co'iwd 10-21-64


Griffith Co (BPW) C-31393 . imp Jefferson Blvd bot , 4-22-63 , LaClenega Blvd & LA Co Pld Cont Channel Griffith Co (B^WI C-?'>283

McKlnley Ave bet , 3-3-61 Manchester-87th Pl-lmp

i Griffith Co (BPW) C-i29752 ~ 27th St bet Alma fc 6-11-51 Lsland Sts rOt imps

Griffith Co (BPW) C-29679 Irap-257th St bet 9-27-61 Poo Cst Hwy fc-Normondle Ave

Griffith Co C-29879 imp 257 St bet Pacific 9-27-61 Coast Hwy fc Normandie Ave

"Griffith Co '"(BP'rf) """ ' 'C-30046 ; Woodman Ave 4 Snerman 12-6-61 ,

rfay ID

Orlfflth Co (BPW) • ' "C-30083 Imp Oxnard St 4 Shoup 12-27-61 , Ave Imp Dist

Torlffith Co (BPrf) C-30201 • • • Realigning Saticoy St 1-31-62

bet B.llairo Ave 4 650' E Coldwater Cvn Ave

Griffith Co (BPW) C-30334 Ogden Or bet WUehlre 3-21-62 Blvd 4 8th St-imp

OrlfMtfi Co (BpWr*~(J-365or" Alley S of 97th St bet 5-15-62 Wadsworth Ave fc McKinley Ave

Orlfflth Co (BPW) 0-30731 Woodman Ave bet Albers 7-27-52 St fc Los Angeles River-Imp

Orlfflth Conpany C-30738 Imp Hoover St bet 6-1-62 Venice fc Washington Blvd

Griffith Co (BPW) C-30790 Imp Zelzah Ave bet 8-17-52 Devonshire/Plummer

Griffith Co (BP,\') C-30835 Veh ''kg Dist #lCI5-imp 9-5-62 Slauson Ave 4 52 St & bet Crenshaw Blvd, & 10th Ave

Griffith Co (DE'rf) C-30935 Loraita Dlvd bet 10-19-62 Frampton Ave 4 B o U e Porte Ave

Jriffith Co (BP'rf) C-30936 ,. rfashington Blvd bet 10-19-62

Soto St 4 LA River

Griffith Co (BPW) C-31146 ,. Imp Glenoaks Blvd bet I-I8-63

Osborne St 4 Tujunga Wash

Griffith Co (Pl/) C-31433 Imp Coldwator Cyn Avo 5-3-63 bot Sherman 'rfay 4 Vanowon 3t

Griffith Co (Frf) Kimball St(nr Lombory Blvd)Irap

•^•}ri"ff i t ' a -Co " " " Imp 25th St bot Patton Avo 4 -•/astom Avo

G r i f f i t h Co (Frf) Hubbard St fc Poo th l l l Bl 5. Imp Diot

C-3"l4i6 -5-1-63

Griffith Co (BPW) C-31461 Valley Blvd bet 5-15-63 Soto St fc Mission Rd-Imp

Griffith Co" (BFrf) C-31747 Irap • 6-2-63 Alley W-Marine Av near M St


1 i. i "4

I I '1. s





• vl

I •i-n







Griffith Co ^ C-32033 I) - Lomita Blvd bet (BPW) U-W-bJ-*

'Wilmington Ave 4 Avalon Blvd

Griffith Company, (BPW) 0-3226? r. Balboa Blvd fc uh-atsworth St

Imp - 2-14-64

Griffith" Company"'"lBPW) C.;32642 Reconst sts-Baldwin Hills 6-10-df Reservoir Disaster area

Ori m t h Pnrk (BPWl C-292?6 Gold Course Clubhouse ^-?-61 tc Bo'/-. <} r r rn-r

ll-. .JV x/ — " - ----- .

Cnmp-Anro Const

Orlndlo .'.: Heinkel Inc C-29536 Trlirralng Pplra trees 5-31-ol 1 Lily Cr-st Ave bet Heliotrope Dr 4 F.dKomont .St, ,(^ p' , . .

Grindlc 4 Heinkel (BPrf) C-30003 Trim Palm Trees U-17-61. B-irry Ave bet Venice Plvd 4 Ch:irnock Hd Orindle & :':einkel Inc C-3C068

Trira Palra Trees 12-18-61 Various streets (BPW)

Grincilo \. Helnkol Inc (BPW) C-30115 Trlra Pnlm Trooa-6th St 1-10-62 , bot June k Hudson Ava h othar stroets _

"Orlndle 4 Helnkol (BPW) 0-30542 ,- Palm Tree Trim 5-1-62

Holgate Souare Ely fr North Broadway

Orindle 4 heinkel Ino(BPW)C-30705 Pulton Ave bet Londole 7-23-52 St 4 Moorpark-trim polm trees nVwvB

Griswold Inc (PA) C-30878 Ai.toraitlc Collator 9-17-62 City Clerk

J ,I"M Grizel Co (3^1 C-29554 Sewers-Alloy N of 6-5-61

Grlzol J .'c K Co (DPV;) 0-2964,7 3ev;er3-Sho3hone Avo *: 6-23-01 Dofirborii dt Sowor Diat

Grizel J fcM Co " (BPW)"""c-3267l' Constr sewers Orion Ave 6-I7-64 fc Roscoe Blvd sewer Diet

i I: " Grizel Co gp,; C-32367 J, constr Sowers Horrls Ave 3-27-6/, ,

tc Ron.ilos St SD

Grizel J 4 M 4 Co C-32779 f sewers -R/tl NEly Norris 7-13-54

Avo bet Nl/ly Montague St

Orobstein Sidney $3,895 bond imp Tr 20329

C-30924 10-17-62


Iroff Melvin H dba (BPW) C-32486 Northridge Equipmt Rentals "hatsworth St-Balboa/ 5-29-64 incino^ «vve

(PA) C-31397 4-24-63

Orossberg Harry Corp Draperies-Police Admin Bldg-furnish

Grossiiun ,J 4 Kessln Dave ^.21,065 bond irap T»- 56;-00

Grossman Otto $4,685 bond imp Tr 28345

Group Health Ins plan City Emp .M A Cornell Jr


0-29945 10-27-61 P_QATJ7

C-31914 10-1-63


0-30446 4-2/-52

Or'ueri Victor Assoc (BPW)C-2e40S Contr Architectural Servl2-30-63 DeslRn r'lre Dent Shoos Sun

Juard Rails (BFrf) 0-31181 Benedict Cyn Dr bot 2-4-63 , Hulholland Dr 4 3000' Sly Krirtln E Roa construct

Guard Service C-32379 2-) School Crossing w/LA Co 4-2-64 r • cor Indiana St.fc 5th St F-117619 \

.(Pol .Oept Cpntradtual. Sery Acct) \ 3uard Serviee C-32674 a

Wm J Burns Int'l Deteo 6-15-64° | Art' Festival Barnsdall-Munlo Art \ Guho Corp (BPW)

Roscoe Blvd bet "Qodman Aye-Van Jgodman Aye-

tmt Nuys Blvd

Oiiho Corp (BPW) (5-3050? Construct storm drain 5-16-62 , Prederick 3t bet Alley R Common wealth Ave & Rose Ave

?luho Corp C-3O8I5 Constr aewers-SulUvaa 8-24-62 Canyon Sewer Diet

Guho Corp Long Beach Ave bet St^ Barbnra *. /npw) ,.—.JILIII H V H M

liuho Corporation (3p ;;) tr - Spring St sc.—

replace bet lst fc 7th St

C-31875 9-16-63

^ • i ' i ' i ' t i ' 3-18-64

Gulf Oil Corp $10,530 bond imp TR 26599

Gutsch Peter J et al $3,855 bond Imp Tr 27996

Outtman Barbara L $1,500, Bond Improve Troct 24378


H 4: H Construction uo .. 4>28,620 Bond Imp

Tr 27790

C-31645 7-9-63 ' 7-99592

0-31825 8-29-63


C-31476 5-23-63 F-52197

H & H Construction Oo C $128,780 Bond Imp 1 Tr 27791 F-

K fc H Construction Co C , $118,580 Bond Imp 1

Tr 27792 I 7

H fc H Construction Co c . $119,310 Bond Imp 1

Tr 27793 7

H fc L Tooth Co (PA) Excovatpr Equip-Teeth V B H O I I H n^ntB

•32197 27-64 97152 .«5-s 32198 •27-64 •97152

•32199 27-64 •97152 < ! _ i ; .

-32200 -27-64 -97152

C-31564 6-18-63

H fc M Equipment Co (BPW)C-32577 Imp E/s Reseda Blvd 5-29-u4 Superior t o 300* Sly

H 4 M Equipment Oo / i t '^^ ' 0-3270? ro irap Christy Ave bet 6-25-64 area Sly F o o t h i l l Blyd

H H H Building Co C-29223 $117,300,00 bond ime 2-10-51 S t s -Trsc t ??S26 "P-?"^?!)?'

H H H Bldp Co C-29403 f293,010 bond-irap 4-20-61 Tr 26050

"JJ H H B;dg Co C-2''il;lO ;204,130 bono Imp 4-24-61 Tr 22820 F-73316

"HHH Bldg Co C-29464 " $165,350 bond imp 5-11-bl Tr 26051 P-97063

K R H Bldr CO C-29705 :. -i;;ig6,lli6 bond imo- 7-23-61

Tr 2-..052 P-97 'j63

H R Ji Bldg Co C-29825 $113,320 bond Imp 9-5-61 Tr 26053 F-97063




1 \

( H R H B u i l d i n g Co ; - ; a p a r t n e r $ 3 9 , 4 0 0 . 0 0 . / Bond Imp - Tr 28133

f !H H H Bldg Co I $362,800 imp Bond 7 T r a c t 28061

/ ft1«1 Unn TA-M •p.nrA ' Haddad A 0 fc H 0

I <p25,990 Bond i n p s t \ - Tr 20431

; Hadden E s t a t e s I nc $70 ,800 bond imp Tr 27412

Hager-Baldemon P u m t r u c k s Dept of Reo & Pka

. C - 3 2 4 0 2 J ) 4 - 1 0 - 6 4 " F - 1 1 3 2 3 3 \

C-32931 I 8 -20-64 J P-112503 \ fv_790'>9 \

C-29723 7 - 3 1 - 5 1 j

C-31469 \ 5-20-63 ' J F - I I O 9 I 6 -y

'^'c-30761 I , 6 - 3 0 - 4 2

I Halderaan Harry Ino (PA) C-30091 fum chilled water oir- I- 4-62 ccndltionlng units Bur Pub Bldgs

Haldeman Harry F Inc C-31593 Air Conditioning Units 6-24-63 Pub Bldg (PA)

Haldeman Harry F Inc C-31629 Air-Condltlonlng Units 6-26-53 Pub Bldg (PA)

'Haldeman" Harry p" Inc' TPA")"" 'c-33364 Air-Condltlonlng Units 12-8-64 Pub Bldg

Ha'Ioir*(£rp~* "" C-33177 ~ ,• $163 ,210 bond imp 10-20-64 .

Tr 28730 F-U-»725 i 8 l . 6 0 5 TAM bond r.-3 'n7fl

H a l e s 'rf V 4 G B C-30910 , $22 ,325 bond i n p 10-9-62 ^

Tr 19824 F-109964

HaU Robor t D C-292^l § 6 , 7 7 0 . 0 0 bond lme ?-20-/!,i S t s - T r & c t 2 /152 • P-7r t l26

Hallmork Vreck lng Co C-29900 2105 E 105th St- 9-28-61 Demolish 4 remove bldg

Hall-nark 'rfrecklng Co 204-lOi N Lorena St-Demollsh bldgs(B4S)

C-29968 11-2-61

C-29987 11-9-61

C-31839 8-29-63

Hallmark -rfrccking Co J 1761 E 107th ;lt

Demolition .t reraoval

Hallmark Wrecking Co <: 325-29 W Ave 38


Hallmark 'rfrecklng Co BPW C-328O5 Demolish dwell 4 attached bldg ' "•" " " " "' 7-22-64

C-3:?529' 5-20-64 :

855 C leve land S t

Hal lor . in Bern^ard Q BP./ .Reconstruct F l e t c h e r Siphon I n l e t

Halpr in" Supply Co (PA) P l r o Dopartmont

0-30569 6-12-62

Demand B r e o t h i n g Appora tus

H a l p r i n -".upply Co (PA) C-30599 Smoke E j e c t o r s 6-l8-e>2 P i r e Dept

H a l p r i n Supply Co (PA) C-30990 f u m P l r e Dept 11 -20-52 BrsBtblnr ; Annnrnt ' iS *• S y l i n d e r ;

H a l p r i n Supply Co (PA) C-31673 S u r v i v a i r B r e a t h i n g 7 -1 -63 A p p i r i t u s r e p a i r p ^ r t s

H a l p r i n s 'uppiy Co iPA) C-32237 P u r n B r e a t h i n g A p p a r a t u s Back -Packs - 7 i r e Dept 2 - 4 - 6 4

l-telprin Supply Co (PA) C-32565 7urn 7 i r e Dept 5 -24-64 7 i r e m a n ' a Turn-Out Coat

H a l p r i n Supply Co B r e a t h i n g Appara tus 7 i r e Dept (PA)

Ha l sey S tua r t ; 4 Co Sewer Bonds S e r i e s B, 1961 E l e c t i o n

C-33071 4-1 9 - 2 3 - 6 4 r '



H a l s t e d St PW b e t E l y Reseda Blvd fc

C-32719 7 - 1 - 6 4

Reseda B l v d - C a r l West Co e o n s t r "Halvern Dr ' BPW ' C-32895".

4 8 5 - D e r a o l i s h - f i r e dwg 6 - 1 2 - 5 4 ^ dwel l -S/W B u i l d e r fc Wreok

Hamarm'JTThoney (BFwi C-ildnT ,; Cres tmoore P l SD . 8-23-63 ,

Canada fc Kinney S t s

Hamann & Thomey (BFW) C-31874 .. Sycamore Rd N of West 9 -16-63

OK^—al t»r4 qT>

Hamann fc Thomey . C-31937 Ambrose Ave bat (BPW) 10-9-63 Rodney Dr 4 Vermont Ave Cnnn t r <?nhHna^lna- . . ,. ,. ..

Hamann & Thomey (B''W) C-31965 Norway Lane bet IO-I6-63 . Halliday Ave 4 Bundy Dr Constr Storm Drains, . . Hamilton John H et al C-29249 $20,595.00 bond inp 2-21-61 ^t.n-yrpr.t . ?«;?3« •v-'i-tn(.,•>,

Harailton Lane 2"82"''SE 0-36292 Altura Ave (BPVi", 3-7-62 Vi>'l.1<»v Cr i ' x t T.anrtscxne Tne Tr««s» in Pkwv

Hammer Co (P.F//) 0-29653 f. Install Sprinkling 6-30-61

System-Oh'lo Ave at Bundy Dr & Other streets .

Hnr-pton Alhert E Jr C-2n?A2 Appraisal Services 2-2o_6i

Handrails" (BPW) ' " ' 'c-29376 Stairway 200 N Spring St 4-7-61 , Cochran-Izant & ^o const

Hane Const'Co Inc (BPW) 0-30732 Roatoro channel Hyperion7-27-52 Treatment Plant

Hansen A E i Kaud S $6,500 bond imp Tr 26616

Hanaen Bob Trucks Reo 4 Pks


C-30421 4-17-62 F-94798

C-29674 6-29-61

C-33045 9-16-64

Hanson ,H N (BPrf) Fire Stn #30-C..nst -- - . Pkg facilities-1401 S Central Ave

Hanson H N (BPW) C-33046 77 St Police Stn 9-16-64 Alterations to Pkg facilities

Hanzllk John R $3,820 bond irap Tr 25438

Harbor Blvd (BPW) Pumping Plant-remodel Pascal k Ludwig Ino

Harbor De.ot (PA) Gasoiine-Dlesal f'uel Richfield Oil Corp

larbor Dept (PA) 1- Stove Distillate

"tar.d.ird "i-; "To

Harbor Dept (PA) Diamond Oi l Co f u m F u e l O i l & D i e s e l F u e l O i l

0-30069 1 2 - 2 0 - 6 1 R-101354

• C-31387 4 - 1 9 - 6 3

C - 3 U 3 2 1-1-03

C-31131 1-1-63

C - 3 i l 5 0 . 1-1-63 •

Harbor Dept Furn Kerosene George 0 Cook

IfA/ C-32185 1-1-64

C-32186 j ) 1-1-64 '•






I -li

D -••^


Harbor uept (PA) Furn "ad etc Richfield Oil Corp

Harbor Dept (PA) C-33455 Gasolines fc Fuels 12-30-64 Richfield Oil Corp

Harbor Dept (LA) (PA) C-32310 ' Diesel Fuel Oil Tidewater 1-1-64 -Co Furn

Herbor Freeway, ' " C-292U7 33th Pi to Athens Bivd 3-6-61 ; Statn Dept Pub ttks P-100137 Mtnce Agrat-

Herbor •.•-•y 'bet '; .fthont- Plvd 4 190th St

• :.;i.l;-,t frv.-y rjept Pub -.'.ks Div Hwya.

Harbor Preowoy Rt 11 - Calif State Divsn Hwy 5-18-6 4

Harbor Osteopathic C-31912 Hospital Inc 10-1-63 $20,000 bond imp P-115409 Tr 24718

H.-irbor Police Station,SD C-30434 Conjt ieivers 4-13-62 Vl tr .1 non,«it-.n r . n fppi-;l

Harbor Police S t a U o n C-30905 r- Sewer facilities 10-9-62

Calif Div Hwys F-106011


C-29IM 5-3-61 1



•nnrger-Hcldeman (PA) ;^-door sedans 'Police Dent-furn

C-29150 1-11-61

HarKer-Haldeman t^*' C.29420 Fumish Automotive 4-26-61 equipment

Harger-Halderaan A Corp C-30175 Trucks (PA) 1-24-62

liarger-Haldeman (PA) C-30396 Sedan Automobiles, 4-9-62 Dur Trans

Harger-Haldeman (PA) 'C-30476 Dump Truck Chassis , 5-5-62 S t r e e t Kaint Bur

HarE.5r-H.-3lderaan C-31023 Truck Cliassis (PA) 11-29-62 Gt '••ai:it Bur

Harger-Ha]doraan (PA) C-31277 Cab '., Chassis 3-12-63 • St Kaint Eur

Harger-Haldeman C-31333 , Automobiles (PA) 4-1-63

Trans Bureau

Uarger-Haldorraan (PA) C-32171 ruri:i5h "utoraobilcs 1-9-64 ^ n l A r. n n ——*

Harger-Haldeman Automobiles fc Station Wagons-Fire Dept

C-31378 4.17-63

Harger-Halderaan (PA) C-31571 Autoraobiles 6-I9-63 Police Dapt

Harger-rHaldeman " T P A ) " ' C ' -32691~ Trucks - f um Transp Bur 6-24-64

Harger-Haldernon C-32732 Dunp Trucks I t e n 3 5-29-54 Rec 4 Pks]dem.iri (PA) C-33333 Aiitoraobile 11-27-64 Pol ice Dept

"lorlon Stanley G fc C-32100 J D Doty -12477 PootWll 12-19-63' Sowario disposal servica P-116656

Harlem Pl — Overhead Bridge

United Cal i f Bank

0-29745 ' 11-15-61


Harlem P l b et 650 S Spring St & 111 W 7 St Pedestr ian bridge Bank of Anerlca

I Harman Gene (BPW) Const F i re S t a t i on #99 14145 Kulholland Dr

.Harper Austin V $8,000 Bond Inp Tr 20897

Harrington P V fc 7 J $5,760 bond inp Tr 27C24

Harr ington 'Peter V $17,730.00 - Bond Imp Tr 28411

Harr is fe Prank (PA> uniforms "oUce Dent-furn

C-29847 9-6-61


C-29959 10-27-61

C-32212 1-29-64 . 7-105866

C-31567 6-19-63 '

7-1C5486 \

C-32495 5-13-04• F-113229


Harr is Jerome M $30,370 bond imp Tr 27282

C-31517 6-6-63

F-109384 _, ._ .,p-,i 0';,^7i

Harris Sewer Diet (BPW) C-31455 Constr Sewers 5-13-63 N J Vusich

Harris-Soybold Co(PA) Heavy Duty Power Paper Cut ter - Pr in t ing Div

Harrison Bros (BPW) Pedestr ian Sidewalk San Jose St

C-29684 9-27-6I

c-3i«r, 8-23-6i

Harrison " i l bu r A (BPW) 0-32608 Const Chase St & 6- 8-64 Community St Paptbridges over Wqsh E/o ••hite Oak Ave

Harron-Hiohard A (PA) C-29972 McCone Co of 3o Calif- 11-7-61 Motor Graders-furnish t o St Ktnce Dept

Harron Rickard 4 KcCone C-32008 Skiploaders (PA) 11-1-63 St Kaint

"Harron Rlckard 4 KcCone C-32102 Tr i c to r Shovel 12-16-63 Pub Bldgs (PA)

Harron P.ichard & McC-ire C-33187 Skiploaders IO-I9-64' St Malnt (PA)

Hart Henry S e t n l C-29118 $2,980.00 bond imp 1-5-51 8t.«i-Trpct 2?95S !'-''3r;66

Har t f ie ld Stores Ir.c C-36390 $57,795 bond irap 4-9-62 Tr 26786 F-IO3633

Harvai Truck Bquionent (a) C-32329 Kanual Cab Rel Spring 3-10-64 • Brakes-Bur St Mtnc-furn I



Haskell Co $22,660 Bond inp sts Tr 25424

Haskell Co a Corp $23,990 bond Imp Tr 24264

Haskins 4 Sells Av.dit-Slcnal Oil & Gas Co accounts etc

Hasnar Builders Ltd $11,855 bond imp Tr 26696

Hasson L J t K y6,020 bond Irap Tr 26757

C-29653 9-12-51 F-91952

C-30339 3-23-62 F-817S2

99917 C-202A6 2-20-61

C-31069 12-18-62 F-93697

C-30223 2-13-62 F-ICI894
