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Transcript of Squinter

Squinter: Taking a sideways look at the week

20 years on, Gerry must face the truth“The cruellest lies are often told in silence.” Adlai Stevenson wasn’t far wrong when he said that. Not that Squinter can be accused of keeping quiet too often, but it is the case as we prepare to bury Bap McGreevy that there are some things that are said and some things that aren’t, and one of the things that isn’t being said – publicly at least – is that it’s time for Gerry Adams to shoulder his share of the blame for the mess we’re in and stop blaming everybody else.Adams has been the West Belfast MP for 20 years. First elected in 1983, he has served continuously since then, save for a five-year break when Joe Hendron took back the seat for the SDLP in 1992.If a week is a long time in politics, then 20 years is the Upper Paleolithic Age. It is in that same 20-year period that the slow, steady decline into chaos in certain parts of West Belfast began, and it was on his watch that it has gathered pace to become the runaway train that it is today.First thing to be said is that there are many people and many agencies to blame for the state of the lower Falls, to take that as an example: the Chief Constable, the Housing Executive, the courts, the Prison Service, the Probation Board, Social Services, certain local parents – the list goes on. But while Adams can and does point the finger at some or even all of the above, Squinter has to say that he has never heard Adams accepting any responsibility for the fact that large parts of his constituency are no-go areas, but without the bellbottoms, the parkas and the armalites, of course.It definitely wasn’t Adlai Stevenson who said: “You don’t drown by falling in the water, you drown by staying there.” Whoever said it had a point. Like every one of us, Bap McGreevy fell into the water when Harry Holland was slaughtered. It was hoped back then that the wave of community disgust and horror might be fashioned into a life raft which would carry us all on a tide of community solidarity and determination to a safer shore. Didn’t happen. What happened was that Bap McGreevy was left to drown – in his own blood – while the rest of us continue to flail around hoping that we won’t go under too. Who’s to blame for the failure to press home the Harry Holland momentum? Gerry Adams is to blame, that’s who. He’s not the only one to blame, of course. Squinter refers you back to the list above, and every one of us who complains and then pulls the curtains and turns up the TV when the sun sets is to blame in our own collective way. But Gerry Adams is the MP, has been for 20 years. He’s supposed to know how to marshal and direct; he’s supposed to give us the ideas and the leadership; he’s supposed to make things better. When he asks for and gets our votes he accepts a host of very onerous responsibilities, and the most basic of those responsibilities is to make his constituency a good place for decent people to live and for parents to bring up their families. In that he has failed terribly.Of course the police are falling down on the job, but how long is it possible to get away with that excuse? Bears crap in the woods, fat babies fart, the Pope wears a funny hat, the Trevors are jaw-droppingly useless. Tell us something we don’t know. Gerry Adams knows a lot better than Squinter that while the PSNI might have a lot of intelligence about the people of West Belfast, they know them as well as they know the remotest tribe of Western New Guinea – and they care even less. Against that background, complaining about the PSNI not doing their job is like complaining about the cold weather we’re supposed to be getting over the Easter weekend.And every time Sinn Féin gets together at another fist-clenching Stormont meeting (the 2008 equivalent of Long Kesh political lectures), we’re told that economic deprivation underpins the myriad social problems that are convulsing the West Belfast community. They hope nobody will think to ask whose job it has been for the past 20 years to get investment and jobs and to generate community confidence and optimism. It wasn’t as if Adams didn’t have the clout and the contacts. A former aide of Tony Blair has been making frankly embarrassing revelations in a new book about how close Adams and Blair were. Adams was the Oprah Winfrey of Irish-America. And what did we get? InBev gone and Visteon going. A huge investment conference that holds its nose as it swishes past West Belfast ferrying

ministers and Invest NI suits to Hillsborough and Cultra. Adams might have got away with pointing to the lack of investment in his constituency in 1983 and saying: “Nothing to do with me, mate.” 20 years on and you’d buy a house in Ross Street quicker than you’d buy that.20 years. Two decades. Four parliamentary terms. Four US Presidents. Two Popes. 11 Secretaries of State. Five UN Secretary-Generals. Five Taoisigh. Five Prime Ministers. In Ross Street the wind of change blows in empty Budweiser boxes and despair; it blows out good people and hope.As a friend bitterly told Squinter over a St Paddy’s Day pint, Ourselves Alone are not the proud and risen republican people surging shoulder-to-shoulder towards a new Ireland, but the abandoned pensioners of the lower Falls who now fear the night a million times more than they ever feared the Brits or the loyalists. And don’t tell Squinter they’re not right to be afraid. When the bad guys can kill a well-known and popular ex-prisoner who was a fit and strong body-builder, then quite frankly Squinter’s more than a little concerned himself. And so, next election day, Squinter thinks he’ll stay in the house in solidarity with those who are staying in their homes simply because they’re afraid to leave.

This entry was posted by Squinter, on 20 March 2008. You can leave your response.

“20 years on, Gerry must face the truth”1. Anonymous Anonymous Says:

20 March 2008 11:46

Who does Squinter think he is? Gerry Adams has seen this community through years of trouble and has brought us to a point where our own Ministers are now making decisions for our own people. Do you think this was an easy move Squinter? Do you think that this hasn't involved a huge amount of personal sacrifice on Gerry Adams behalf? Of course it has! I'm behind Gerry all the way and will be voting for him in the next election. Silence will get us nowhere.

2. Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 11:47

Hear, hear. Perhaps Gerry Adams should move to Ross Street and see how long he lasts.

3. Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 11:59

Id follow Gerry to the ends of the earth but its time to take a stand.

4. Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 12:11

May the Lord forgive you!

5. Blogger deardearo Says:20 March 2008 12:32

Never mind what blame Gerry should be shouldering, having been at the darks funeral and seen the ex-pows present, i thought to myself how has the falls got so bad with the anti social element with all these people who have come through the war. I know people who have stood up against the hoods and have been subject to the most detailed inquiries as to why they lifted their hand to scum bags. So the scum were described as kids, and the pc thought police allowed the actions of some to escalate into the wide scale problem we have today. For once I would recommend that the parent be left to deal with the problem, and the situation be left in their hands, report them to DAAD, no claim no blame, or no balls in the falls.

6. Blogger Squinter Says:20 March 2008 12:58

I'm sorry about the messing about, I'm hopeless at this blogging lark, lazy and uninformed, but our IT guy is being very patient with me. Hopefully we're up and running at last and we can get some consistency going.Squinter

7. Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 13:31

Hear Hear... all this forelock tugging to the new Intelligensia of Sinn Fein has got us no-where.. 10 years after the GFA, the people of the Falls Road still survive on anti-depressants... Who was it who played as Rome burned?

8. Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 13:44

well said squinter. i'm a 22 year vet of the RM, voted for adams and endorsed the political direction believing it would bring a measure of social justice to our communities. now all i see is a very wealthy leadership who have abandoned west belfast to the hoods and scumbags: it is more dangerous living here than at any time during the war. but that doesn't matter to adams and co. they have their "other" properties a million miles away from the mess they have left in west belfast. the leadership betrayed our loyalty to them. Despair is all we have left to show for our noble efforts.

9. Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 13:52

We also have the same problems in the east and south of the city,All this anti people misbehaviour is no accident,indeed more and more people believe that its happening by design,so that sinn fein can push through with thir new hard line policing policies,The last two people murdered in west belfast wre both well known "republican" activists at one time and characters, both murders seem to have been carried out by people who are commonly referred to as £10 touts,We the people need to reclaim our streets north south east & west,not by beatings and killings but by empowering our communities to act, and to force all the concerned groups(sinn fein sdlp rsm workers party orm)to abandon their party policy of looking out for their own agendas,And support the people I lost a brother during the recent war another brother died prematurely due to injuries during the same war,I hope that they did not die in vain,we policies adopted and nurtured that will help our young people understand that whats happening now affects their mums dads brothers sisters grannies and grandads,and indeed their futures,As yoy rightly say Gerry Adams and a lot lot more from all sections of the community and government bodies really need to accept that they are culpable to a degree for allowing this msbhaviour to spiral out of control,community groups (mostly self appointed) need to be reorganised indeed need to be elected by street based committes and a brand new community based charter drafted so as the people from the community have control,that is not under any 1 political party control imo

10.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 13:55

Squinter is well named. Bad eyesight and a brain to match. Look at where we were 25 years ago when Gerry Adams was elected MP for this area and where we are today. The situation has been transformed. We are in a better place with great opportunities for the future. Are there still problems? of course there are. But it seems to me that the next election will not eb the first Squinter has stayed at home for. But then given your salary you can afford to. The rest of us will get on with trying to make a better place for our kids and Squinters as well.

11.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 13:59

God Bless you Squinter. I'm a pensioner from Cullingtree and it gives me hope to hear common sense and the hope it gives people like me who live in fear constantly. Please God your words lead to action, positive action. All we want is a normal life. That's all.

12.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 14:40

In reference to "have went through the war" and the so called good friday agreement, it must be nice to sit in a house in Donegal or the fancy house at home while young uneducated kids beat to death our people. Frank (bap) McGreevy joined the movement, for the people, to protect our country from foreign and domestic enemies. He lay alone at his home while domestic enemies broke into his home and attacked him continuously leading to his death. Gerry and other SO-CALLED REPUBLICANS rest well in the free state as the plague of the filth continues in the occupied North. Stormont is not helping us nor is the ruc/psni protecting us as Bap put his life on the line to protect us and the people in their homes on the falls. RIP BAP

13.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 14:41

Poor old Squinter... well seen the 'Big Guy' didn't do 20 years at anything... come to think of it, how would Squinter know anything about Long Kesh lectures unless he heard about them over a pint in the Roddies? Having said that - fair's fair - Squinter has spent all his time during Gerry A's tenure as MP helping to turn the Andytown News from a staunch and courageous community flagship into an crappy advertising sheet for cheap labour and off-licences. And on that basis alone Squinter's entitled to shout and squeal from the sidelines... and anyway how long is it since Squinter gave up 'balefully' standing on the other side of the barricades so he could sup tea in that sumptuous button back leather armchair with the Chief... 'bout five years of retirement now, isn't that right Squinter?

14.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 14:44

brave man. why not say it if it's not true? good on you.

15.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 14:57

Spot on if ever anyone ever was about westbelfast and its political masters et al, i am not one for knocking anyone for the sake of it, but tell me this gerry,how many times has westbelfasts problems been raised in either parliaments?How many trips have you made to the states between march07 and march 08?How many times have have you walked about the lower falls on your own after 7pm?Squinter is 100% accurate , wonder will he get a visit from the party minders? Hope not!

16.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 15:16

does it matter what sqinter did this past 20,years?or if he listened to long kesh lectures? why can you not try to be constructive and help our people instead of wallowing in misplaced loyalty and blatant jealousy,(long kesh lectures& squinters journalist career)are they relevant to the topic?As for we are better of 25 years on! your having a laugh!go to the lower falls, newlodge,newbarnsley,poleglass,short strand,twinbrook,markets,ardoyne,ballymurphy,beechmount and each and every republican area in belfast see the people hear the people and then only then tell me how we are better of,And by the way I listened to those long kesh lectures 1st hand and buried family members who also listened to those same lectures,And believe me in my opinion we are in no better situation now!

17.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 15:19

well said squinter. Adams is moreinterested in letting the brits and Trimble write statements for the RM that he hasnt time to worry about West Belfast. What he,ll do now is to announce the setting up of a taskforce on anti- social behaviour. It will recommend funding for the newly established and publicity driven Safer Neighbourhood Projects and this will ensure jobs for those who speak the NEW SINN FEIN lingo. God help those who lost their lives or spent years inprison for the republican cause.

18.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 16:02

As a Sinn Fein activist, let me start by thanking Squinter for having the courage to honestly make his case against the leadership of my own party for letting down the people of west Belfast.

It gives me no pleasure to state that I believe he is correct in his criticisms. As republicans, we have succeeded in a number of key initiatives in the past 10 to 15 years, not least bringing an end to the war and negotiating a compromise which brought an end to centuries of British and unionist domination over nationalists. For that success, the Irish people- not least the catholic and nationalist people of the six counties- will remain indebted to the current leadership of Sinn Fein.

But our leadership has failed to date to develop the same strategic approach to what I would term ‘real politics,’ i.e. those everyday issues affecting people’s lives beyond the politics of the British-Irish conflict.

To this day, Sinn Fein has no economic policy nor economic spokesperson of note in the Assembly, which explains why the DUP has been permitted to shape economic policy for the new Executive without so much as a word from our leaders.

The leadership of Sinn Fein has never prioritised the development of imaginative, coherent and effective strategies and policies to tackle problems as diverse as tourism, enterprise, agriculture, health, transport nor education (the consequences of those failings regarding the last area being painfully obvious at this moment in time.)

Consequently, we have been left with a political leadership which has found itself exposed as the new era of ‘bread and butter’ politics has emerged.

As worrying, the similar shortcomings of a middle-ranking leadership and panel of political advisors employed by the party have been exposed, given that the expertise of these respected individuals belongs to the conflict era and not an era in which professional, political and legal expertise is the currency of worth.

For west Belfast, this has meant Sinn Fein has yet to take the initiative in developing a tourist nor economic development strategy, never mind getting beyond the type of nonsensical ramblings of one MLA recently defending the right of young thugs to not have their criminal records revealed after they turn eighteen.

I mustn't have been alone in our community for wishing that our political leaders had've taken a leaf out of Ian Og's book and use the negotiations with the Brits to bring economic investment and transport improvements to our communities!

The time has long since come for the Sinn Fein leadership to address the mammoth shortcomings within our party in terms of the failure to develop tangible policies and strategies to improve the lives of our people.

Squinter should not be lambasted for his contribution. Rather, he should be praised by genuine republicans and we in Sinn Fein should commit ourselves to delivering the policies our people deserve.

Sinn Fein activist,West Belfast

19.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 16:03

Well said Squinter, the sinners or shinners (depending on your point of view) are most interested in making the DUP happy than there are looking after the decent people of west belfast.

Who was it said ulimate power corrupts?There to busy being statesmen in hugo boss/ armani suits to notice the chaos and madness that is happening on the streets of west belfast, so much for a new dawn of policing?

20.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 16:29

I am totally in agreement with squinter and I bet it wasn't an easy article to write.But lets face it what is our MP doing about the anti -social behaviour here in the west .Will he be addressing yet another vigil-yes we have come a long way and alot has been sacrificied but we deserve more -alot more.

21.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 16:30

I am totally in agreement with squinter and I bet it wasn't an easy article to write.But lets face it what is our MP doing about the anti -social behaviour here in the west .Will he be addressing yet another vigil-yes we have come a long way and alot has been sacrificied but we deserve more -alot more.

22.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 16:30

The Shinners and their ILK are more interested in their houses in The Rosse's than the houses in Ross street!Blair has tought them every trick in the book about how to reinvent a New Party, NEW LABOUR/NEW SINN FEIN,,The electorate will have their say and bury all the backslappers and yes men, especially the side of the mouth brigade who still see themselves as macho republicans admired by all and sundry, heaven preserve us all from these fools!

23.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 16:59

The saddest thing about the death of BAP is that the shinners will exploit his murder to seek funding for their activists who became republicans after the 94 ceasefire.They will claim funding for their neighbourhood watch fronts.RIP BAP

24.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 17:30

Communities need leadership, that was why i supported sinn Fein. i think Gerry Adams tries his best, but has depended on his councillors and MLAs to be the voice of communities and give leadership at local level. This is where the problem lies. For the most part they are a bunch of time wasters and play no part in the development of the upper springfield. they will of course respond with a list of 'we do this' and have done this' I went to a number of meetings attended by these so called councillors and felt they were taking up space reserved for someone with intelligence. How they were elected was anybodys guess. The upper springfield safer neighbourhood scheme is another farce........gerry will send them into the lower falls to initiate something there, while the murph goes into recline. Jobs for the toothless boys.

25.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 18:12

I stood in the crowd at the vigil for Harry Holland and it took all my strength not to challenge Adams when he got up to speak.Maybe it was the pain i seen in the faces of Harry,s family.When i scanned the crowd of all ages i felt hurt and helpless.Fear in the middle age and the elderly as they looked for comfort from our MP.Hope was extingquished as he failed us again.

26.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 18:29

I fully support the view point of squinter. I have been a community activist from 1969 and have been an active supporter of sinn~Fein and G.Adams from that time. G.adams has worked his heart out for us, but he has been let down by the wasters in his ranks, his councillors. These are the people who are aware of the anti-social behaviour tearing our communities apart, these are the very people we elected because we though they had leadership qualities. I though they would be proactive in the communities giving positive leadership and responding to the needs of the communities rather than responding to situations out of control. Unfortunately they are some of the most negative and unresponsive people you could meet. I have been to many meeting attend by these councillors and came away as did other people asking do they live in the same planet. sinn Fein leadership needs to put candidated forward for their intellectual ability, rather than who they belong too. I am convinced, that if G.Adams and his party was to put as much energy into resolving anti-social behaviour as he did in bringing the conflict to an end, a solution would be found and a strategy planned for the future. Zero tolerance is the only way forward to protect our communities and the genuine young people who dont wreck and ruin and are themseles intimidated by the anti-social element.

27.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 18:41

What you have said Squinter is long overdue.Gerry has played the "nothin to do with me boss"line for far too long .Ultimately all those American trips have added up to nothing for the ordinary people of West Belfast.As for the PSNI not doing their jobs,Gerry said SF are going to hold them to account,yeah right Gerry.

28.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 19:44

Fair play to you squinter ! Glad to see someone in your paper prepared to state the truth, even if it might annoy Sevastapol St. Maybe Gerry will take time out from a tour of "Rich" Irish-america or with his muckers up in Stormont to tell you where he's been for 20 years !! Fair play again squinter !!

29.Anonymous Anonymous Says:

20 March 2008 20:08

Is this the News Letter or Telegraph or was squinter on the swall with Willie Frazer.Well Squinter, you and your mate must of had a few jars when you started talking Politics and Gerry bashing in the Roddies on St Pats Day. I can just hear the many romatic republican tunes playig in the background eulogising all those dead and sacrificed republicans. They didnt die so you could sing about them squinter. Maybe you should have been standing outside the off license in west belfast with your rag of a newspaper (which will never be bought by me again) showing all the kids the latest offers off alco pops that were on sale advertised in your rag. As a young republican who has family members buried in the milltown plot i say shame on your paper. Next time one of your papers go down the pan Mr O Mullieor dont be asking Gerry A for help, ask squinter and the super provos he was gargling with on St Pats Day. Maybe it was Anthony Mc Intyre he was drinking with. Need I say More.PS: Community Newspaper my Backside. Make money for O Mullieor more like it.

30.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 20:10

I always think squinter is in tune with the mind set of west belfast it was he who initiated catholics claiming back the poppy for the amounts of catholic Irish men/women who died during the 1st/ 2nd world wars -he said catholics should join the psni then sinn fein followed suit -so I take his comments today as a breath of fresh air ,again, he is fact speaking for us all and especially the poor people of the lower falls.Its time for Sinn Fein to take responsibility.

31.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 20:18

I whole-heartedly agree with the substance of Squinters article. I have been a Sinn Fein voter for the last 20 years but will never agin give them my vote. I lived in the Lower Falls for all of my life and still have family living there. I fear for their safety every day and night. Whilst the Sinn Fein hierarchy have indeed abandoned us for holiday homes all over Ireland and Europe, the real residents are forced to deal with what they can't or won't. They have led us into a stabilised Northern Ireland with no foreseeable end, only dreams of the 32 County Socialist republic that all genuine Repulicans yearn for. Yes, politics is a great career. The only difference in Britsih Direct Rule and Stormont administration is that Sinn Fein ministers and MLA's get the big fat cat wages. They have disgraced a noble ideology. The ultimate irony is that men like Bap McGreevy who fought to free us from British rule and to guarantee freedom for all citizens is murdered by the lowest dregs of our own society. Not British troops, not the RUC or their Loyalist proxys, but a child of people raised on his own doorstep. Maybe CRJ and Sinn Fein will organise a lunch in the Balmoral or a black tie dinner in the Europa to discuss the matter with their new comrades in the PSNI. We were better off with the IRA looking after our areas. I WISH THEY HADN'T GONE AWAY, YOU KNOW!!

32.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 20:28

So the mask slips. Squinter, that closet SDLP middle-class wannabe, deigns to turn his sideways look on some real issues facing the people of west Belfast. The people whose money gave him the comfortable lifestyle he enjoys courtesy of a good community paper that he and his cronies subverted for their own grubby ends and for personal profit. Robin secretly despises his own community, being the snob he is. He smarts because he wouldn't have been able to cut it in the world of 'real journalism'. For once, however, instead of snide remarks about pyjamas and sideswipes at those addicted

to nicotine, he uncharacteristically goes for the throat. From this bar stool, crawthumping coward, who wouldn't be fit to lace the boots of those he now denigrates, it is all a bit rich. Were it not for the fact that Mr Livingstone, who likes to draw a discreet veil of secrecy over his own identity, has to fill the few non-advert inches in Marty Millar's rag then this bum would spend all his time in the Roddies having his ego massaged by those who haven't the wit to realise that he only rubs shoulders with the snooker room crowd so that his 'mighty intellect' may shine.Robin you wouldn't know how to find your way to Ross Road or Ross Street they are just a little bit out of your normal orbit and your comfort zone. Stick to the witty remarks and to the company of the wine and cheese brigade where you feel so much more at home.

33.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 20:41

Must say , i never did have much time for the side of the mouth brigade who glance around at every opportunity to see who is watching them,more to be pitied, mental health support is really whats required,pity to think of poor bap locked in a bolt hole in divis while the rest enjoy the high life and yes, we all know who they are, but sure their brass necks will help them through it, big jeeps, holiday homes, business fronts, bouncers, fags, booze, diesel, where does it all end?Not in a 32 county socialist republic, thats for sure, keep on chuckling and living the jet set life style, you deserve it all.ex voter!

34.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 21:03

From Gooner_No1

I think Squinter is articulating what many in west Belfast are thinking. We have our MP building a presidential profile, while his constituency sinks into an economic and social mire. Sinn Fein were always a social justice party first and a nationalist party second - the nationalist part was the icing, the aspirational feel-good part of the mix. Realities on the ground in the post-conflict world means that the real political currency for his constituents are the issues - labelled bread and butter - which affect thier day-to-day lives. Forget about the Irish unity dream - it is the social justice that matters. And that was always, is, and forever, economic well-being, job creation, low crime rates, a decent health service etc.

This the nub of Squinter's article - on all of these things Sinn Fein has failed. Furthermore, hamstrung by the ephemeral, mystic ultra nationalist ideology which is the minor partner to their political package - they don't take full advantage of their place in the westminster parliament.

Worse still, they do avail of the facilities they offer - and here is the galling crux - but ONLY for the benefit of their party.

I'm amazed this hasn't filtered through to their voters, but it will. Because I am a voter.

It seems, and it is becoming increasingly apparent to their constituents - that Sinn Fein as led by Adams is all about Sinn Fein and NOT the people that elect them.

This is what Squinter didn't so much hint at, but inadvertently revealed.

Indeed, taking a step back, I do believe he is flying a kite: Adams is now a liability based on his performance during the elections in the Republic, and, like Paisley, there are many in the

party unhappy at way the party is orienteered.

There is deep embarrassment and anger at the shambles that is Catriona Ruane - the person that was supposed to knock Margaret Ritchie into a cocked hat. How bad a prediction was that.

It's my view that Gerry will go the way of Paisley, and Ruane with him - this article by Squinter says there is something very interesting going on in Sinn Fein just as there was within in the DUP.

The past is being decommissioned along with outdated ideas: a new leadership with a new ideology divest of the nationalist veneer is being forged.

35.Blogger peter Says:20 March 2008 22:14

I was at the vigil tonight for Bap when I got there I heard the voice of Alex Maskey, I stood for 5 minutes only to hear the same speech he gave when Harry Holland was murdered. SF say they will do this and do that how many more people are gonna be murdered. but take a look Alex another good memeber of our community has been murdered while your all in Stormont living it large. He went on about the RUC/psni well alex your words mean nothing your all a pack of sellouts. The ruc/psni dont give a damn about the west never have never will but yet sf are out again trying to gain more votes and capitalize on peoples deaths. Bap was a decent republican who stood up to the scum that hides in the alleys of the west and look what happened him, where were ruc/psni that your telling everyone to accept, I will tell you were they were on Malone looking after the rich not the working class. I walked away after five minutes no disrespect to the McGreevy family but I dont believe a word that flows from a shinners mouth I wouldn waste my time listening to the rubbish that flows from their mouths. RIP BAP

36.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 22:28

Fair play squinter good on you , its good to see someone tell the truth about the vicious campaign carried out by the scum of the earth against the republican/nationalist community,since they were left defenceless after the good friday agreetment. As a republican and a former participant of community watch in my opintion the venture did not work and i was subjected to abuse as was my family, members of the watch had no back up and were in fact useless. I always looked upon Gerry Adams and the republican movement as our protectors but they seem more interested in placating the unionist community and british goverment and making money than protecting the nationlist/republican community.

37.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 22:29

Squinter, Hold your nerve my friend,in the morning pull your shoulders back and get out and about west belfast , especially the lower whack where your own people are from, your own family are a proud republican family who have gave more than most , at such a heavy cost, this in itself gives you a definate right to say what you did ,as you thought was right, when journalists are lambasted or prevented from doing this then newspapers and indeed us all are finished,major and the free state tried it and it didnt work,i am in no way a dissident, but i have no doubt that there would be many who would love to label me one for commending you,you have just taken ONE GIANT STEP FOR WESTBELFAST!Thank you, wont be missing the atown news for a while, that is if its still there.

38.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 22:31

Absolutely amazing and refreshing blog!

39.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 22:37

The Sinn Fein thing gets more like Animal Farm - some are more equal than others etc - the longer it goes on. Closed siopa methinks. Could someone tell me why there are 3 Councillors Maskey in the city hall? Dare I go into the QUANGOs as well? Mr Adams has fooled too many for too long - and I'm sure Squinter you will be labelled an 'extremist' like anyone who dared to question the strategy of the SF leadership. Gerry may have cut his teeth in the war - but in the 'peace' he is a political flyweight - dare I mention the elections in the 26 last year? As for Catriona.. tell her thatthe people of "Wist Billfest" know that she is a blow-in and a pretty inept one at that .. but then again .. it's not what you know...etc

40.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 22:41

Well said Squinter you're the only one with the balls to stand up and speak the truth...major respect to you. You obviously care a lot more than Sinn Fein claim to and want real change not change that Gerry claims is happening. And don't listen to them poodles who think Gerry can do no wrong. What's Sinn Fein done recently to improve our community? Nothing.

41.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 22:47

I had all but given up on anyone openly speaking out against Adams and the shinners. Squinter too has been a yes man for too long his newspaper reflecting a pro shinner/ruc point of view. At last he seems to have come to his senses (pity it took our area to fall into lawlessness of murder - rape - drug dealing....) before squinter spoke up! I stopped voting at the time John Kelly left the party it was evident when they let us down on the issue of a new police force that they were willing to move on without the people. Its a sad time when the shinners take their big wage/expenses and while the people live in poverty and danger! What fool would vote for this right wing capitalist???????? exprisoner/exvoter

42.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 22:54

I read all of the comments posted on this topic,and was amazed at the personal venemous attacks made against squinter,Not one of those attacking him had anything to say about the murder of Frank (bap)Mcgreevy, why is this so?I was so sorry to hear the news of baps murder,I am 1 year younger than he I knew him from I was about 14 years old,I wouldnt call my self a close friend but found bap to be very approachable just like the other members of his family that I had the good fortune to meet full of life and craic,His sister biddy(RIP) was just like him and she too unfortunately met a violent untimely death,Harry Holland,Frank Mcgreevy and many many more will join a list of people from our communities murdered by young hoodlums,unless the communities act,and act we all must,Gerry Adams is the leader that the majority of our community elected for nigh on 20 years,He got most of our votes through our loyalty to him and the movement he proudly represented,its now payback time Gerry! cut out the rhetorical clap trap and get back to basics,we supported you when you needed it most,now we need your support to help rid us of the drugdealing,the drugabuse,alcohol abuse,mental&physical abuse that is at our and your door today! 99.9%of our children can be saved from a life of self abuse & self harm they need your help,Proper leadership & Direction ,surely you will know that most of the people raising their heads above the parapet and openly airing their disgust at you and sinn feins political

unwillingness to come to the peoples rescue are all avid and staunch supporters, who will abandon you, as they too feel that they have been abandoned.

43.Anonymous Anonymous Says:20 March 2008 23:44

Bap McGreevy was killed by a member of a well known criminal family. What's the big surprise? Nothing, except that on this occasion Robin Livingstone, who has made a career out of playing to the lowest common denominator, has eventually had the 'dutch' courage of his convictions and has been goaded by his beer-buddies into speaking out against Sinn Fein. Costly mistake Squinty boy. The life of 'haircuts', 'picking up at the airport' and generally skiving and lording it over your 'yellow-pack' journalists may well be at an end.At least your 'out of character' outburst is a step up from slagging off a mother who had the audacity to smell of drink at your daughter's confirmation and to breath on your 'dry-cleaned suit' I wonder how often Bap had his suit dry cleaned?You don't really give a shit about Bap Robin let's be honest. Robin you really hurt that 'hung-over mother, who recognised herself in your obnoxious piece. You really are a sanctimonious b****** and your ex-friends in SF will now hopefully bury your non-career and Mairtin's rag with it. We all know who will applaud you for your anti-SF diatribe:

Dear Robin, sorry squinter, welcome to the club,Signed by your newest and dearest friends, Malachi, Suzanne, Ed, Mackers, Eilish O'H , Pól O'M, Kevin M, Conor Cruise, Eoghan H etc, etc, etc.

Squinter writes:Dear crew thanks a bunch all is forgiven, I hope. Home at last, your long-estranged but prodigal friend.

44.Anonymous Anonymous Says:21 March 2008 00:16

You shameles cowardly stuck-up profiteer. Basil McLaughlin, to name but one decent community newspaper man, would be ashemed of you. Community paper my ass. You and Mairtin have dragged us down to the level of the sun.I was a good friend of Bap's and he wouldn't agree nor share your worthless sentiments. Shame on you Oul Archie will be spinning in his grave.

45.Anonymous Anonymous Says:21 March 2008 00:18

Shame on you Livingstone. Bap and a lot of others will look down on you with disgust.

46.Anonymous Anonymous Says:21 March 2008 00:23

Squinter's forced smile did not go unnoticed. Seven sacraments my ass. You need to learn the graces foremost of which is humility. Pride cometh before the fall. You are a judgmental asshole and god spares me I will see you in hell you sanctimonious piece of shit.

47.Anonymous Anonymous Says:21 March 2008 00:26

I was at the vigil on thursday and Squinter you must have struck a raw nerve,Alex Maskey made a comment about hiding behind a pen , I agree with some of your comments Squinter , some i don,t but is Alex Maskey now telling people not to vent their anger , or write of their fear or critisize our elected politicians through letters to papers, since the end of the war

against the british or since since the new phase of the struggle our community has been attacked within murders ,rapes , robbing , death riding , drugs i, m to old to fight any more , i and people like me are scared i have served my community well the only thing that i can do is pen a letter or have a pint and give off about what is going on so Alex, Gerry , Martin and all the rest i haves been loyal all my life remove the reasons and causes of our fear , lead our people and stop using vigils to complain about your critics our lives are at stake

48.Anonymous Anonymous Says:21 March 2008 00:31

Your brothers and your father, who all contributed mightily to this community, would be thoroughly ashamed of you. Look into your heart sqinter stop playing to the gallery.

49.Blogger myselfalone Says:21 March 2008 00:41

God have mercy on Harry Holland and Bap McGreevey and bless their families but could people also remember the brutal murder of Sean May Stabbed , beat and then set on fire by scumbags who now live amongst the good people of Ballymurphy , will the murderers of Harry and Bap be allowed to come back and live amongst us , will murder, rape etc. etc become normal if it does the we have all let these families down.

50.Anonymous Anonymous Says:21 March 2008 01:07

Well spoken, Squinter. You are a brave man, God Bless you.

51.Anonymous Anonymous Says:21 March 2008 07:25

Do you know what it is squinter people prefer it when you are writing something witty ,sarcastic or funny.Reading the negative comments it shouts out at me you have removed people from their COMFORT zones.people prefer to read about smoking schoolgirls or hungover people at mass.But if you have succeeded in removing Sinn Fein from their comfort zone then -well done you its time for it. As a sinn feinn voter for over 25 years I applaud you.

52.Anonymous Anonymous Says:21 March 2008 11:54

WHAT AN EXCELLENT PEICE OF JOURNALISM. - THIS IS THE ANDERSONSTOWN NEWS AT ITS BEST. As a former political activist I cannot agree more with Squinter. As a volunteer I was prepared to challange the status-quo, not be a part of it! Can Sinn Fein state the same? Two murders in our community while politicans remain idle.Time to go Gerry!! All political careers end in failure, your no different.

St James Resident

53.Anonymous Anonymous Says:21 March 2008 13:47

As a person coming up to pension age, i must say how fraustrated |i have become with the level of anti-social behaviour on our streets. The murder of Harry holland and Bap McGreevy came as no surprise to me. I have seen many situations were young people have engaged in excessive brutality towards each other, spured on by females out of their heads on alcohol or drugs. A visit to the casualty ward at the weekend would give a first hand view of the vicious nature of some young people and the level they are prepared to go to, to inflict injury on another young person. The fact that more people havn't died on a more regular

basis is surprising. It's only when someone is murdered, there is an outcry for something to be done, but whatever is done, is short lived when the memory fades and some other tragedy takes its place. i remember some years ago when Sean May was murdered. The community was in an uproar and vowed that this should not happen again, but it did and will again. Our politicians must take a lead. Paul Maskey made some reference to forming Residents Associations. I belonged to one for years.......these are all right for local issues but not for dealing with anti-social behaviour. I tried to confront ant-social behaviour but becaame a victim as did my family. Fortunately, I didnt become a victim like the three murders i mentioned. I reared my family in West Belfast, and put a lot into the local community. Now our thoughts are in getting out of it.

54.Anonymous Anonymous Says:21 March 2008 14:10

I trust Gerry, and he's something of an inspiration to me- but my tolerance for the current Sinn Féin direction is wavering- and fast

I'm a proud West Belfast man, I take it wherever I go- and I wear it on my sleeve- I am always PROUD to hear our MP talk, in my view on behalf of us all. He has delivered hope. Not to the the whole community- how could this ever be possible? But how many of our children now have opportunities in education and work that our parents would never have had.

That said, we need to see more of Adams back in his home, talking to people there, ordinary people there.

I am far from happy at the Stormont happy parade, i think the Marty-Paisley love in, masquerade or not is an insult to EVERYONE who fought, died, lived with scars and injury in the awful past we had.

I am far from happy that in an effort to wind up the morons in the DUP, Mairead Farrell's name and memory was hijacked, in the BRITISH corridors of power in this statelet.

I am far from happy that SCUM roam my streets, our streets, while our leaders have signed up to a still sectarian and incompetent PSNI. I long for the days when they were afraid of getting a bullet in the knee (or head) before they thought about torturing the elderly, the decent or engaging in burglary, sexual crime, or defacing our places of worship. We are not safe, while our leadership issue a media darling soundbites to the worlds press.

Squinter, you made many valid points, though i'm not sure about squaring the blame totally at Adams- they do however need a wakeup call.

never forget where you came from, and never forget who puts you where you are.

A Frustrated Westie!

55.Anonymous Anonymous Says:21 March 2008 14:26

Again we hear the usual SF response,'PSNI have to tackle this blah blah'How ironic from the peelers point of view that their former sworn enemies are now pleading for their help to sort out our mess! Why should they? As far as they are concerned its payback!Sf can 'demand' all they like from the brits, RUC/PSNI or whoever but the worst they can threaten now is a white-line picket.They sit in token positions in stormont and achieve

nothing.SF = political pushovers.

56.Anonymous Anonymous Says:21 March 2008 14:53

As a member of the Livingstone family how dare anyone have the audacity to infer they have any understanding or insight into how my father and brothers would feel in light of squinters comments. I fully endorse and support every sentiment expressed by Squinter. My shame is that of those who have financially benefitted from this struggle, my shame is the forgotten people of our areas who have been sacrificed for the holiday homes of the few. Squinter has worked hard to get where he is, unlike those who have never worked a day in their lives yet own vast numbers of houses in the very areas being terrorised by the thugs. " the power of the purse has established a new tyranny under the forms of freedom." James Connolly

57.Anonymous Anonymous Says:21 March 2008 14:56

Squinter you seem to have annoyed a few of Adam's clapping seals. I wouldn't be too worried if I were you because any of them could be the next outed tout.It needs balls to speak out against $inn Feign as they can be more vicious than the worst of these scum when riled.The Dark would agree.

58.Anonymous Anonymous Says:21 March 2008 15:19

Fair play to you squinter you said it as you saw it we all fought for free speech did we not?. You have a right to say what you think ignore the thought police who are getting more british than the brits!. The community needs help against these thugs who murdered Bap and carry out attacks at will, we were took to the cleaners when Sinn Fein backed the RUC "what a useless excuse for a police force". I hope someone in Sinn Fein remembers the people whom they supposedly represent and help end this scum attacking our commumity remember money is not everything.

59.Blogger half and half Says:21 March 2008 17:10

I am astounded at the 'sinn fein bashing' as regards to the anti-social behaviour in west belfast.

Do people think Gerry Adams, whom I might add has worked tirelessly for W. Belfast and beyond, can wave a magic wand and over night all our problems will go away?Get real people. Anti social behaviour will always be a factor in urban areas and we all have a part to play in adressing it, including our elected representatives, the police, clergy and parents.It will be a battle a day to rid this scourge from our area but I fail to see how blaming Gerry Adams is going to solve any of it.

If people are not happy with the efforts of Sinn Fein then I say to you, get off your arse and do something about it!

Put yourself forward for election, tell us all what the solution is or even join sinn fein and use your influence from within!

Dont sit at home by the fireside or the laptop blaming everyone else who are actually trying to do something about the situation for all the ills in society.

You wont free Ireland sitting at home in the chair saying "I'm a true Republican" neither will you solve anti-social behaviour by doing nothing about it.

60.Anonymous Anonymous Says:21 March 2008 17:33

couldn't have said it any better myself. gerry your day has come its time for you to move on like your best mate Ian. Im an american but every time i go back to visit its worse than before. its really becoming a dump.

61.Anonymous Anonymous Says:21 March 2008 18:34

Your comments wouldve have been more productive had you and your paper led from the front and engaged all aspects of our community in a critical debate as to how we deal with these issues rather than degenerate to the levels of the tabloids. Come on squinter, apply yourself, you know quite rightly that there are no quick fixes coming out of a post conflict situation. I heard alot of criticism but no alternative ideas on how to change things for the better. There is a collective responsibility on all of in the wake of Baps death to work harder to build a better future.I hope all of those who contributed to your Article will not be found wanting in the coming weeks or we will ignore these warnings to our peril.Let's not let the small band of criminals destroy what we have struggled for all our lives.

62.Anonymous Anonymous Says:21 March 2008 20:42

that was some sideways look at the week martian o millioner will have a lot of explaining to do robin must have been on the whiskey he just said what everyone thinks cant wait for mondays atown news to hear him say it was took out of context

63.Anonymous Anonymous Says:21 March 2008 20:42

Well done Squinter at last someone in West belfast is telling the situation the way it is. I left West Belfast over 18 years ago and yes the anti-social behaviour was bad then, 1 year ago I had to move my elderly mother out of the house that she lived in for more than 40 years because she was being totured by anti social elements in West Belfast, where were the shinners no where to be seen they did not want to know about her situation, the answer that I got was "Kids will be Kids" I have never been a fan of Gerry Adams I have always found him a very arogant man he knows best and we don't. WAKE UP WEST BELFAST TAKE NOTICE BAP AND HARRY ARE NOT GOING TO BE THE LAST HOW MANY HAVE TO DIE BEFORE YOU GET RID OF THE SHINNERS AND RECLAIM THE STREETS FOR YOUR OWN. We need the boys back at least when I was growing up there was a sense of fear knowing that anyone oN the street could be one of them. I am a child of the troubles but my children are now going to be the children of the anti-social era and I don't want that for my children or anybody elses. Keep up the good work Squinter and lets up that many more writers and observers will come out of the woodwork and drive more nails into the shinners coffin.

My sympathies to Bap and Harry's families, please God give them the strenght to get through these hard times


64.Blogger peggy Says:21 March 2008 21:36

Without a doubt the most courageous piece of journalism this paper has ever published in its brief yet turbulent history.Very few people yet alone journalists could write with such clarity [no one in the ATN] and maybe one other in Ireland.What you say is correct .You say it in a non personal ized way[In contrast to the hatred you receive from so many anonymous sources]We all agree that Adams et al are nice fellows, that however is not the point.The point is they the Shinners have not delivered and it is about time they did....perhaps before i die....sorry to sign off so quickly it appears someone is breaking in to the kitchen ...dear me forgot to lock the gate


65.Blogger peggy Says:21 March 2008 21:50

Without a doubt the most courageous piece of journalism this paper has ever published in its brief yet turbulent history.Very few people yet alone journalists could write with such clarity [no one in the ATN] and maybe one other in Ireland.What you say is correct .You say it in a non personal ized way[In contrast to the hatred you receive from so many anonymous sources]We all agree that Adams et al are nice fellows, that however is not the point.The point is they the Shinners have not delivered and it is about time they did....perhaps before i die....sorry to sign off so quickly it appears someone is breaking in to the kitchen ...dear me forgot to lock the gate


66.Blogger SURPICO Says:21 March 2008 22:27

Robin,That was perhaps the most difficult article Ive read in a long time and to be honest it hurt and angered me. It did this because I totally agree with every word you wrote!!! Ignore those that will slag you of they have yet to offer any credible arguement back.Im 26 and I shall not be voting for this right wing rabble who are only concerned with getting there family members comfy community jobs, tourist jobs and the top positions in the council! Im a saddened Republican this gives me no pleasure.

67.Blogger peggy Says:21 March 2008 22:51

Sorry its me again Jude Whyte[really none of this anonymous bull for me]Had to leave to secure the front door from the local hoods who say the CRJ will calling to see me in the morning for violation of their Civil Rights,The RUC will also arrive in 3 days as they are under manned or womaned[dosent sound so good that one]say they are busy doing the bus lanes in the morning Anyway if Robin in Wrong in what he says let the people speak I propose the motion " While the Shinners are nice people they are not up to the job of economic development" I further propose "They can be a little Nepotic" Any time any place any where..any takers choose your venue and lets go.......JudeWhyteJudewhyte@ireland.com

68.Anonymous Anonymous Says:21 March 2008 23:12

An interesting article which is perhaps a sign that people are beginning to see behind the scale of SF's defeat. Except that Squinter bottled it in his conclusion. He said that he will

stay in doors at the next election and not vote. A case of it is all hopeless and I'm going to stay in the house. In conclusion, Squinter should start to argue for a mass mobilisation of activists to oppose the crime wave and the unionist state we still live in. Just don't bottle it again when Gerry and his cronies come to 'talk' to you!

69.Anonymous Anonymous Says:22 March 2008 00:53

so now we know - squinter is a securocrat!

70.Anonymous Malachi O'Doherty Says:22 March 2008 11:53

This feels a bit like intruding on a family quarrel but what does it say about this political culture you are critiquing that so few of your respondents use their own names? More power to Squinter, writing boldly when everyone knows who he is. But No. 43 jibes at me and Ailish and Ed and Suzanne, past critics of RM, without pausing to consider that you know our views because we put our names to them.

71.Anonymous Anonymous Says:22 March 2008 15:34

I have been a republican activist all my adult life. I have always been proud to come from this community. But now I ask myself what really defines this community? What has it come to?

I had long lost any hope in the Andersonstown News. It was full of negativity and cheap advertising. There was no critical analysis of the political direction of SF.

However, having read Squinters piece, I have to say I am mightily impressed but also a bit shocked.

Impressed by the fact that Squinter has relayed the feelings of so many people in West Belfast. Not the great and the good within the upper and middle ranks of SF, but the ordinary people who experience life in West Belfast quite differently than the likes of Gerry Adams. You know the people without multiple homes, body guards, etc.

This could not have been an easy thing for Squinter to do. Indeed, I'm sure Squinter must be wondering why he wrote it at all. For he has come, as many of the comments here display, the target of an orchestrated and venomous campaign aimed at silencing and criticism.

Well folks we are where we are due to a lack of informed criticism. Due to a lack of courage in oneself to say what needs to be said.

Well Squinter to his credit has stepped up to the plate. I for one welcome what he has said.

However, I am not alone in this. I was at Baps funeral today Squinter, and every single person I spoke to was in full agreement with your analysis. Most took no pleasure in it, they are people who actually fought this war to transform this society, but they were in agreement.

All were hopeful that Squinter would hold his position on this although all were aware of the orchestrated campaign to pressurise him.

Some here have spoken about changes here as if change equates good. Well most of the changes I have seen don't. No brits on the streets, big deal that disappears with the

resistance. What we have on our streets now is a greater menace and all the call centre jobs in the world haven't made people safer or happier. Not that there have been many jobs for ordinary folk mind.

Others have took the position of blaming those under Gerry, as surely the leader enjoys the infalibility of the Pope. Well i've news for you people - who is the leader. Who is the control freak with his finger on every button, on every appointment, on every selection. You've got it - Gerry.

At Baps funeral today something about Gerrys presence said all there was to say. He arrived flanked with 'minders'. When he was in the cortege on the Falls, he was flanked by minders. Who is he being protected from? Gerry doesn't feel comfortable in the funeral cortege of a former republican prisoner on the Falls Road? Why does he need an entourage to act as a shield between him and his people?

Its not that Gerry doesn't feel comfortable in his own skin its that he wouldn't feel comfortable in ours. He has left the mean streets of Belfast for the clean streets corporate centres of the world.

For declaring what is true Squinter hasn't let anyone down. For the fools who say that his family are ashamed of him, well you obviously do not know any of them, because they are standing shoulder to shoulder with him, and for once, so am I.

72.Anonymous Anonymous Says:22 March 2008 17:54

well said squinter rip bap

73.Anonymous Anonymous Says:22 March 2008 17:57

squinter i would like to thankyou for having the courage to write an article that i'm sure will bring you under presure. you are only saying what others are also saying and it is not through wanting to attack Gery Adams or indeed Sinn Fein as a party. it is people who genuinely care about what is happening in our communities and sadly the cloud of apathy and somewhat disengagement that now hangs over West Belfast due to the situation we are now in.. again thank you taking the courageous step it has fallen on deaf ears for too long....

74.Anonymous Anonymous Says:22 March 2008 18:12

well done best thing ive read in a long time all true they wont be getting my vote again

75.Anonymous Anonymous Says:22 March 2008 19:26

I think the Party machine will now set out to tell us how they had never trusted squinter,he was a bad influence,anti-social,maybe even an informer now that he has crossed the line of Sinn Feins thinking.Gerry Adams is MP for West Belfast.That is a member of the British Parliament.He and his colleagues have long since given up on Ireland except at election time.For "orange card" now read "Green card".The Party machine will now be cranked to full throttle to denigrate anyone who agrees with Squinters comments.I for one as a Republican and Ex Prisoner was shocked at his view as it was unexpected but not shocked at the comments.Sinn Fein have ruled our people through fear,intimidation,threat of being hounded out of their homes if they speak out.We all know G Adams replaced,dismissed,sidelined any threat to his Oligarchy.The shock was that so many Republicans felt safer to toe the line to him.It is sad that the very communities that gave life

to the IRA now are left to call on the revamped RUC.This also was deliberate on the part of G Adams.Stop IRA punishments and allow the freedom of the areas to criminals so people will eventually have no recourse only to accept "PSNI".Please understand that these people no longer care.They sit in a British Parliament.30 years or more ago we could have voted for the same,the difference now is its ok because it is Sinn Fien.The pity is that whilst people are mugged,beaten,terrorised,killed in our areas,Gerry Adams will never feel that fear as he is divorced from it in every possible way.Maybe instead of Green book we should have read The Emporers new clothes?????????

76.Blogger Kathy C Says:22 March 2008 19:37

Hi all and Happy Easter!

Squinter made an excellent point...at what time does gerry adams take responsibility for what is occuring in his area? How has his area been made better with him representing them? With Easter a time to remember the Patriot Republican Dead ...I have 2 questions? 1. Do we hear the laughter of the children in adam's area...or the tears of the people who are living in fear? 2. isn't it time for gerry adams and martin mcguiness to quietly leave the poltical arena and allow someone else to run...someone who might have the peoples interest at stake and not the interest of the british/dup?

77.Anonymous Anonymous Says:23 March 2008 01:54

What are you lot on about, do you all really believe that a united Ireland will turn west Belfast into some kind of utopia.

Here is new for you all,crime occurs in all societies and guess what, it is prevalent in Dublin the utopia capital.

What is needed is the end of poor us mentality,putting issues in romantic prose crap, how such and such made the sacrifice and the tears of our elderly, I'm near in tears reading this...tears of laughter.

Squinter although he did try to put blame on the PSNI,which I do not, has voiced uncomfortable truths. Worse he has highlighted a weakness for the union/loyalist to see and that is the cardinal sin.

People must show a united front at all times or we will put you out, out of business, out off the community... just read the threats and attacks on squinter and in these replies alone, has broken the cardinal rule worse than squinter. They have attacked some one for stepping out of the party line.

Wake up to yourselves you are imposing self censorship which will lead to a dictatorship by those(SF) who clearly has let many down.

They do not want people to highlight it, are SF that weak they cannot take criticism and listen to the majority or minority with the same respect.

Stop whingeing about the psni take the buggers (psni)by the hands to the home of the thugs. Adams knows how to organise a photo shoot or TV coverage, SF has done it in the past and let them show how the psni do or do not do their job.

Better still confuse the buggers all toegther and have an open day for them to get it across

they are wanted in the area.

Just don't whinge and moan and publish your rep credentials for those are lost words now, as they obviously mean nothing to anyone outside those who write them.

I bet if a loyalist family was mad enough to move into the Fall they would be soon shown the way out.

78.Anonymous Anonymous Says:23 March 2008 08:35

Wow Squinter you really have rattled some people-and I know all your family and community are behind you .The whole point is you are not self seeking you don't have an ego like the rest of that Sinn Fein crowd.Some of them walk about like peacocks.I also have to say I like Gerry Adam as I know you do too.I have alot of respect and time for him, as I'm sure you do too.BUT if he's not doing the job for the people who elected him then tough. It's 2008 in no other country in the world would there such an uproar.Are we not allowed to criticise-are the shinners going huff wth you.I hope not -do you know what in 6 months they'll probably thankyou. So Alex saying you re hiding behind the pen -bull-that's you're job everyone knows who you are.How else are going to express your views for the people you represent.Where the Shinners on the phone thanking for all the good positive articles you have written- bet not- but dare anyone speak out against them .They're like a secret pplice.Fair play to you Squinter I admire you.Sinn Fein voter for 20 years.

79.Anonymous Anonymous Says:23 March 2008 09:33

i cant understand where the venom is coming from in people Squinter after all you took the step to sayin publicly what others have been saying but pigeon holed as headers and people with another agenda... breaks my heart that its come to this... after all i believe to know your weakenesses is the ultimate strength listening to the politicians over the last few days.. they are having a pop at you instead of asking the real questions why? when did they get so out of touch?keep the head up!

80.Blogger West Belfast Republican Says:23 March 2008 16:17

i second this community motion put forward by squinter, who lets remember comes from a respected republican family who has suffered at the hands of the british war machine and also loyally followed the Adams leadership all their days. i commend you for having the courage to take that hard step and say enough is enough.

there is alot of dicussion as to why it's all Gerry Adam's fault but i know one person who is not asking that question and that is gerry himself for he knows all to well that it is the pursuit of his strategy that has led us to this point.

the failure of the current leadership is now as clear as day as we walk behind the second coffin of republican's murdered by criminal scum in the last six months. how many funerals are we prepared to walk behind before we tell these failed leaders it's time to go.

my father didn't spend years in jail for trying to free his country only to watch it go to wreck and ruin at the hands of crims.

there are great people who still remain part of sinn fein and i would ask you to walk in protest like the many that have gone before you. this community struggle is far from over!

up squinter!

81.Anonymous Anonymous Says:23 March 2008 16:59

i totally agree with you these place is away to the dogs. gerry could not care less i recently got my house broke into and there was no one to even go to for help.they will all come knocking on election day will they will be told were to go when they knock my door

82.Anonymous Anonymous Says:23 March 2008 17:09

i have never heard someone speak the truth but you did about time to we the so called people of belfast that gerry is meant to love and support were does he and his so called crj be at the weekends he needs to come up to springhill drive were there is drug houses party houses you name it it geos on up here its a cpmplete disgrace

83.Anonymous Anonymous Says:23 March 2008 17:12

is about time to someone came and spoke the truth we the people of belfast that gerry is meant to love and suppot he needs to get himself up to lovely springhill drive he would get his eyes open.

84.Blogger Robert Says:23 March 2008 17:37

These are the same tactics used by the US Government and the police in America. After infiltrating and trying to destroy the Black Panthers and the American Indian Movement they decided to use a more subtle tactic. They flooded America's streets with drugs. The CIA started the Crack Cocaine business in Los Angeles to destroy communities. It then spread all across the US. The Brits could not defeat the IRA. So they now resort to using loyalists to sell the drugs and the PSNI stand back and watch as the community falls apart. Remember, "Divide and conquer". It's working.

85.Anonymous Anonymous Says:23 March 2008 18:29

Isnt blogging a wonderfull empowemernt of a silenced people,the thought police must be feeling rather naked at this democracy!Squinter is in line for an Aishling award for outstanding bravery and contribution to all that is right in our society,latest word is that the intelligentsia have been out and about in the bars and clubs gauging public opinion, more like who is saying what?End nepotisim, intimidation, corruption,capitalism and jobs for the boys and girls,why dont the sf reps get out and about and ask the people what they think,say no to these self promoting publicity seekers because we are all wise to the lot of yous,arrogance is becoming your downfall!pITY THE DARK ISNT ABOUT TO SEE IT!

86.Anonymous Anonymous Says:23 March 2008 21:07

From Gooner_No1

In response to Malachi, I don't use my own name, not through fear, but because I work for an organisation which forbids its employees to express opinions in print or online.

I contribute to many blogs and discussion fora, but I have to use an alias or I may find myself called to the sixth floor.

I think a fair percentage of those on here, using the anonymous option, have similar jobs - we aren't all freelancers like you, or those you've mentioned.

We have to sign up to the house rules, as well as the house style :)

If we were all political commentators it would be easy, but it isn't - we have to go in and face our bosses on Monday, so the anonymous tag is needed.

I've always enjoyed your writings (even though I disagree with you, and with Squinter on many occasions - but at least the both of you have the cojones to put yourselves out there, it can't be easy), and thought your book, The Telling Year, was a cracking read. No matter what many say about you, at least you can be painfully honest about things. Even if you're sometimes plain wrong!

If you are back on this blog, may I ask a question: as per your book, what became of your sister - she came across as a really decent person, but you never told us if she was still alive or whatever.

And will there be a follow-up to the book? I really enjoyed it.

87.Anonymous Malachi O'Doherty Says:24 March 2008 10:54

For Gooner no 1.

I doubt if Squinter would appreciate us using his blog for private notes to each other but the story of my sister's death is in a book called I Was A Teenage Catholic - at the end, if you don't want to wade through the rest.

And there's a podcast blog attached to my own website where we can have a chat without you disclosing anything, if you like.


88.Anonymous Brian Davison Says:24 March 2008 11:18

why would half and half be surprised at 'sinn fein bashing'. After all dosen't sinn fein control west belfast. Yes, anti -social behaviour is a factor in urban areas, but why has it been allowed to spiral out of control in West Belfast. Typicaly, you slate other republicans because they have an opinion different from yours. At this moment in time, who cares about freeing Ireland. That's a red heering if ever there was one. Why do you presume commentors are sitting with a laptop or beside the fireside doing nothing.I know many low profile people, now in their 60s who have been at the coal face of local politics for years. Many if not all these people worked seven days a week all year long in their communities, providing stability throughout the troubles. From 1969, they were the people who brought youth and community provision into the areas and maintained this throughout the troubles. While many of them didnt do time, they were certainly doing activities in support of the republican movement and by staying out of the limelight and away from publicity seekers avoided incarceration. These people were the life blood of the communities and were sidelined by the republican movement when their volunteers left jail and took control of local groups. It was tantamount to leaving apprentices to do the work without supervision from the craftsmen. That my friend is were the problem lies, the Sinn Fein leadership has distanced itself form local communities and while it wants to control everything, is being led by people lacking in leadership and managerial skills.

We over 60s have been off our ass for a long time and when we should be sitting back enjoying our twlight years, we worry about anti-social behaviour and the impact it has on our neighbourhood. Ordinary people are powerless to deal with crimminal elements in their communities and look to their elected representatives to find a solution. That means being proactive not reactive to murders or anti-social behaviour on our streets. Sinn Fein had a stategy for war, lets now have one for peace in our communities.

89.Anonymous Anonymous Says:24 March 2008 14:48

I think the poor turn out at the provisionals easter parade spoke volumes,I am and have been an avid supporter of the provisional leadership,but the reality on the groung does not augur well for the future,the present strategy is obviosly flawed and a whole new strategy put in place,The brits via their agents(scap donaldson)and co helpd mould and develop the present stategy, and all though that is embarassing in itself,we need to recognise it, deal with it, and remould our own strategy,our people are fed up with the arrogance of the cliques,the haves parading the rewards that they only got due to brass necks and instilling fear demonising and isolating people who for what ever reason didnt fit into their rationale,Leaders need to lead. our people are not sheep,They have come through too much pain and political torture,and are not prepared to take any more,we need rapid radical programms to deal with the real enemy,social depravation,poverty,drugabuse,alcohol abuse,thuggery,bullying(physical& mental)anti social behaviour and we need non political policing not the revamped ruc/psni but a Real new non political police force that the people can relate to and have real confidence in,The people have a right to criticise,and not have to fear the ridicule and political demonising that has been a feature of past behaviour,The brits need to realise that they will not defeat republican democrats by their underhand tactics of flooding are areas with drugs,using their agents to cause mayhem, using their police force in a way that divides and destroys are community,using unscupulous investors to buy out homes and land in our areas to break our sense of spirit.all of this has to be addressed and dealt with by us,and we cannot afford to lose,Bobby Sands said our revenge will be the laughter of our children.Well our children arent doing much of that,unless they are stoned,drunk or out of control,

90.Anonymous Anonymous Says:25 March 2008 11:28

I loved the squinter aricle. fair play to you for openly saying what everyone else has been saying quietly to each other. If Sinn Fein can muster all these men to build monuments at every other street corner, why can they not get a crew together to develop a strategy managing anti-social behaviour.

91.Blogger another ex-POW Says:25 March 2008 12:15

Squinter i must say fair play to you,you have said what a lot of people out there are thinking,having said that, i still belive we should back Gerry A in the next Election,I also belive that we as Ex - POW's should band together and help out the men and women who walk our streets at night to make sure we are safe in our homes,POW's are trained men and women who have been in the Ranks and know how to deal with anti - socialelements,i know some have a fear that they will fall foul, if they go to a hoods door because they dont have the backing no more of the IRA, so what should we do, easy, pick out a few men and women who wont end up like wee Roy or that kind of scum and Knock on the Hoods doors, lay down the Law ( of our area's )if they dont take that on broad, then move them out family as well.