Squared Online - Module 3 - Think Like A Brand

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Transcript of Squared Online - Module 3 - Think Like A Brand

Appendix notes - Kleur Tonacity marketing strategy proposal

Slide 1: Title

Integrated convergent marketing strategy proposal for a new female beauty product, Kleur Tonacity.

The launch strategy for Kleur Tonacity aims to create strong brand awareness and increase market

penetration, evaluation and talkability by combining offline and online channels in order to reach out to

the current and potential consumers in the right place at the right time delivering the right message.

Slide 2: Executive Summary

Suggested Kleur Tonacity media investment split reflects every opportunity for the brand to interact

with the consumers. In the past, it might have been hard to quantify trends like this, but in today's

digital landscape, where people have hundreds of micro-moments a day, we can see an authentic

snapshot of consumer behavior. One of those micro-moments is that “I want that look” moment,

where a person may see a look they like in a print ad, then strive to identify how they can get that look

by searching on Google.

Suggested lauch strategy is focused around consumer insights and their journeys to create the most

natural and organic brand awareness and serve consumers with the most relevant content.

Kleur Tonacity is in strong position to fill the gap for consumers who do not have a lot of time for

visiting salons on a regular basis but are willing to pay for premium products. Supported by the

consumer insight and brand stronghold, communication strategy to be based on “Live Life and Love

idea” - Kleur Tonacity helps to save time without compromising on quality to spend it with loved ones.

Slide 3: Brand Personas

As the strategy is built around consumer insights, its success lies in exceptional understanding of

consumer personas, their hopes, desires and fears.

Within this approach core target consumers are Busy High-income Mums and Young Female


Busy High-income Mum: active, pragmatic and constantly on the move. She lives a multi-dimensional

life and stands for work-life effectiveness, rather than perfectionism. She doesn’t want to settle for less

and choose family over career and vice versa. However, she does understand that “having it all” is

subjective and seeks for a balance which will be perfect for her. She is an early adopter and loves


Young Female Professional: totally ambitious and strives to prove herself in every aspect of her

professional and social life. Working hard isn’t enough for her to fully adapt to her professional

environment. She’s conscious about her image and always on the lookout for ways to boost her

professional and social position.

Inculding this persona as a target audience identifies the brand’s opportunity to expand both up and

down the age spectrum. Positioning around the concept of freeing up time for love resonates with a

variety of women with different motivations at different times in their life.

Both personas are highly connected via various social media platforms and devices and are active

digital users in juggling their family, job and social life.







Slide 4: Customer Journey Framework

The opportunity for Kleur is to engage with ‘her’ (target audience) beyond the push, predominantly

offline, marketing it currently operates. Digital offers an opportunity to provide personalised

experiences at scale during key phases of the customer journey beyond awareness, where she is

utilising digital at a variety of touchpoints in the purchase of a multi-tonal hair solution.

Her journey is cyclical. Kleur can provide actions at each stage that seek to drive her through a

repeated journey. During her journey, she will reside at one of these phases, but will not strictly

adhere to a smooth movement through them. Digital allows her to skip stages and shift back and forth

depending on individual psychological motivations. For example:

Stimulus > ZMOT > FMOT > ZMOT > Drop out > FMOT > SMOT > UMOT

-- It’s Kleur’s responsibility to provide her with opportunities to tailor her experience with the product to

her individual needs and drive her through to the next ‘key moment’ on her journey. to final purchase

and beyond. --

An important linkage exists between ZMOT and UMOT, and the power of connecting customers.

Kleur seeks to connect customers around the concept of newly found time to build on positive

relationships, at home and with famiy and friends. At the UMOT stage, Kleur will advocate that ‘she’

creates content based on her positive experience with Kleur’s story, publishing to a variety of digital

platforms. This self expression then becomes discoverable for new customers, shaping a positive

experience at the ZMOT stage.

Slide 5: Stimulus

TV and Print

Offline and online marketing techniques to integrate and create a 360-campaign in terms of

engagement. All offline techniques exist to serve three core functions:

1. Core drivers of emotional and functional USPs: Our persona is emotionally ‘susceptible’ to

health and beauty product advertising in general, everyday life. Kleur’s product also,

functionally, saves her time - that can now be used to build on positive relationships with her

children, family and friends. By the end of the stimulus phase, her mindset will see a shift from

the emotion of everyday exposure to health and beauty advertising, to further functional

exploration of Kleur Tonacity.

2. Drive traffic to research and consideration phase across digital platforms: The

campaign integrates offline marketing, to drive her through to continue her decision making

process online.

3. Driver of general product awareness: The opportunity to create a multi-tonal salon effect on

your own is new - in driving general product awareness, this functional benefit can act as a

spark to drive the user through to research and consideration.

Facebook and YouTube

The same objectives exist across Facebook and YouTube advertorials. With YouTube, those relevant

audiences with high audience retention in the delivery of hero content will re-targeted to with ‘how-to’

hygeine content to further drive the functional benefit.

Generic Paid Search

At this stage, she is performing generic searches (E.G “Top salons near me, Top salons in london,

best salons for colouring hair, colour specialists near me”) to discover offerings near her. Kleur’s ads

would run on such search engine results pages.

Slide 6: ZMOT

She’s looking for trusted advice on Kleur - the more, the easier the buying process. Kleur has an

opportunity to inspire her, inspire confidence, minimise purchase risk and provide relevant information

to commit her to purchase.

YouTube Hub:

Next slide.


Retargeting -re-inforce users, driving to next stage.

- Social media: Users visiting Kleur’s website targeted through Facebook ads.

- Example objective: To drive traffic to YouTube hub to inspire product confidence.

- Example objective: To drive in-store traffic on demonstration days

- Targeting female users, aged 25-45, located in ‘Central London’ in last 30


- Programmatic: Relevant users visiting Kleur’s website targeted through ads placed across the

Google Display Network.

- Example Objective: Drive users through to retail, on-line purchase

- Targeting female users, aged 25-45. Heightened reach at commuter times.


Kleur’s website serves two key functions:

1. Optimised hub pages: Relevance is key - Product Information, functional and emotional

messaging and locations all tailored to the user.

2. The website will include clear call to actions and features for in-store and online purchase.

- In-store purchase: Use of ‘stockist finder’ to identify nearest stockist.

- Online purchase: Tracked links into retail store websites.

Effective problem resolution:

At UMOT stage, we will advocate customers to review Kleur via digital mediums. This may lead to

negative reviews, but remains a great opportunity for Kleur to deliver great customer service! In our

responses, we will show empathy, whilst driving positive outcomes (E.G. “future discount”). This will

become a positive, trusted impression for the next customer at ZMOT stage.

Slide 7: Supporting the journey

Every female has different hair and requirements, so there is a clear necessity to deliver them unique

experiences, particularly at the ZMOT and usage stage because of their individual requirements. We

recognise the power of video to allow the customer to visually identify the product in action, in a way

that’s relevant to them, curating emotion and driving emotion.

YouTube Hub

By matching relevant, entertaining content with the delivery of an experience they are able to

personalise, we seek to ensure true connection and engagement with Kleur at the key research and

usage phases of the customer journey. This YouTube Hub will generate personalised, journey-driving

experiences at scale.

- Working together with relevant hair vloggers, each video would use Kleur’s product to change

the hair colour of the subject.

- The vlogger would then continue on to create a hair style that would inform the title of the

video. E.G “Get the Anna Kendrick look: Kleur Tonacity in action”.

- The concept allows their audience to see Kleur’s product being used successfully,

personalise their experience, and be entertained because they deliver a stunning hairstyle.


Utilised to support the customer at all stages with an emphasis on the link between ZMOT, and

UMOT and the necessity for human interaction.

- ZMOT (Discovery): Pre-populated by criteria matching YouTube campaign. Personalised


- Usage: Pre-populated by criteria matching YouTube campaign. Personalised experience in


- UMOT: Allows #LifeLiveandLove pic/video sharing functionality. Offers personalisation using

‘snapchat-like’ functionality. Colours developed around ‘love colours’ used through campaign.

Slide 8: FMOT + SMOT


Previous actions mean she is informed when entering the store/ looking to purchase via retailer. She

meets stage optimistically and Kleur’s efforts re-assure her confidence:


Branded In-store triggers/online advertising may lead to final level salon searches. Kleur will place ads

on branded keywords (E.G. “Aveda”), re-assuring confidence when comparing with premium salon


In-store demonstrations

Prominent on Saturdays, her most likely day to shop. Pro stylists act as an endorsement of Kleur’s

product. ‘Social mirror’ outlines functional benefits & #LiveLifeandLove campaign. Content utilised to

create future hero stories.

In-store positioning & packaging

Negotiated ‘top’ in-store positioning, buzz words (“salon-quality”, “volume”) and celebrities on

packaging psychologically re-inforces confidence at shelf-edge.

Educated in-store specialists & In-store iPads

In-store iPads pre-loaded with YouTube hub and educated in-store specialists integrate together

providing final-level reassurance.


Opinion developed around product performance - Kleur providing all it can to control its application to

maximise likelihood of successful use.

YouTube Hub

Advocate YouTube Hub promininetly on packaging, Builds relationships with Kleur’s digital platforms

alongside her product use.


Offers FAQ section addressing common functional nuances. Trained stylists on-hand using online

chat functionality providing style guidance post-use - controls ‘the look’ alongside product use,

opportunity for fashion brand partnerships.

Social community

‘Closed’, Facebook community posting images of herself - opportunity for external validation of

product use from like-minded individuals.

Email and YouTube Hub (2)

Pushes YouTube style guidance, alllowing her to see great ‘looks’, fitting alongside her new hair -

Kleur more than a hair experience (brand builder)

Slide 9 UMOT

It’s our objective to inspire the next set of ZMOT-stage customers. We want to make it easy as

possible for her to tell her positive stories, advocate her love of Kleur’s values and engage with like-

minded professionals. The foundation of our #LiveLifeandLove campaign resides here, engaging the

humans who will support the campaign - Kleur’s customers - into action.

1. Letting her tell her story

a. Social:

- Generate #LiveLifeandLove moments across Facebook and Twitter. Curate

audience around the concept of loving relationships. Brand’s loyalists share

best practice, and advocate on behalf of the brand.

- We can use best shared moments to curate powerful hero content to drive

the next customer at Stimulus & ZMOT stages, reinforcing the purchase for

those at SMOT and UMOT.

b. App:

- By incorporating #LifeLiveandLove pic/video sharing into it’s functionality, she

can easily document loving moments in her life. The app offers

personalisation using ‘snapchat-like’ functionality.

c. Email:

- When signing up - as part of a personalised, automated email series - users

will be advocated to participate in the #LiveLifeandLove campaign. Email

community will receive regular touchpoints showing features like

‘#LiveLifeandLove “Moment of the week”

2. Advocating reviews:


- The app has the functionality for the user to generate Trustpilot reviews. When the

user generates a review using the option, it links directly into the website, unedited.

Website feature: “Real reviews from real people, unedited” -

- A risk? Yes, but transparency, and effective problem resolution will generate positive

sentiment towards the brand.

The potential to review would also be available across all digital touchpoints.

Slide 10: Marketing Channels and Integration

Both online and offline marketing mediums will be utilised coupled with cross-media marketing

techniques to integrate the different channels to drive a powerful uniformed brand and product

message. Carrying out these activities simultaneously will create an integrated convergent marketing

approach delivering the most effective, resource efficient and impactful campaign.

Print: Using magazines, direct mailers and leafleting near retailers to increase brand awareness. Creating

calls for action i.e. discounts to drive footfall into retailers. Print will be integrated with our digital offerings through QR codes and Augmented Reality driving

customers to the website or to view a celebrity endorsed video etc. Taking customers from an offline

activity to an online activity pushing them through the customer journey.

Social Media: Via social media, we’ll engage customers answering questions about the product, informing the

audience. Creating awareness and brand advocates to increase our social sharing through likes,

shares, forums i.e. Mumsnet etc. To target our chosen personas, posts would be inspirational, women empowerment, feel good stories,

hygiene content etc. Uploading photographs of customers before and after pictures bringing a visual aspect to Tonacity,

using celebrity endorsed adverts to drive traffic and boost our *Trust* level. #livelifeandlove Couple this with posting of where Tonacity can be purchased i.e. locations, retailers and website.

Driving footfall to the store as well as the website. Linkedin would be a key Digital channel to target our 2nd Persona: Linkedin is ‘especially popular

among working-age adults as well as college graduates and those with relatively high household

incomes.’ http://www.pewinternet.org/2015/08/19/the-demographics-of-social-media-users/

Slide 11: Marketing Channels and Integration

PR: Articles published will carry a consistent story from all channels, integrated with website and social

media handles in order to further the customer journey directing them to a channel of which they can


TV: We’ll dedicate our TV advertising to our endorsements and retail partners i.e. Marks & Spencer our

business partners trust Tonacity, (Using their reputation whilst highlighting who sells our products)

driving footfall, raising brand awareness and linking to our online channels through Hashtags # etc.. http://www.socialbro.com/10-ideas-examples-to-get-you-integrating-your-offline-marketing-with-social-


Content Marketing: To build brand advocacy current customers write their own articles that we post. Describing their

persona then critically reviewing the product, spreading inspirational and entertaining content (hygiene

content) to build a community that will educate and convince customers to purchase. Using content integration we’ll distribute this content through major channels i.e. outbrain, taboola,

influencers, media, Newspaper etc… whilst referring to that content in different marketing channels

(Thunderclap), integrated through web-links to create a more unified convergent marketing strategy.

Display Advertising: Harnessing data management (tracking and analytics) and programmatic advertising we’ll target and

remarket adverts precisely to clientele who are researching similar products or who have previously

looked at Tonacity. Directing the user to reviews, articles, hero content and videos from our TV

adverts to increase reach and use resources more effectively, thereby evoking more research to

further progress the customer journey. We’ll use meta descriptions to highlight the social benefits of Tonacity i.e. increasing the amount of

time to spend with family. Relating to our targeted personas.

Slide 12: Metrics

We have provided a range of metrics which we shall measure in order to determine success along

each of the touch points, and all areas of our campaign.

There are a plethora of further metrics we could have included to measure, but concluded that those

listed will provide us with all the necessary information needed to make recommendations on how

best to utilise and optimise our marketing and media budgets.

We’ll look to make the most of our media budget by utilising and purchasing media through, Ad

Exchanges & PPC – ensuring we can predict and scale the amount of traffic to our website, to aid the

increase in sales based on our conversion rate.

The Google suite of tools will be vital in measuring our metrics and the success of our campaign.

Google AdWords will assist us with our PPC campaign, whilst their Display Network will help us to

further amplify our ads. Google Analytics will help us to report these metrics, as well and information

in and around the usage of our website.

From a social media perspective, we can utilise the insights of each network for our metrics reporting.

We’ll make use of Brandwatch for social monitoring and sentiment analysis, whilst HootSuite will be

our main dashboard for content & community management.