SQL SERVER 2014 CPT1 Installation Guide Step 1 · SQL SERVER 2014 CPT1 Installation Guide This...

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Transcript of SQL SERVER 2014 CPT1 Installation Guide Step 1 · SQL SERVER 2014 CPT1 Installation Guide This...

SQLServerRider.com 2013

SQL SERVER 2014 CPT1 Installation Guide

This document contains a simple installation guide for SQL Server 2014 CTP1

Before we begin, we must remove previous version of SQL Server and Visual studio. Because, we cannot

install SQL Server 2014 CTP1 without uninstalling the older version.

SSDT BI is not available in the installation. So, we have to download it separately from this website


Step 1:

SQLServerRider.com 2013 Step 2:

SQLServerRider.com 2013 Step 3:

Accept the license terms

SQLServerRider.com 2013 Step 4:

SQLServerRider.com 2013 Step 5:

SQLServerRider.com 2013 Step 6:

SQLServerRider.com 2013 Step 7:

SQLServerRider.com 2013 Step 8:

SQLServerRider.com 2013 Step 9:

We can change the installation path here.

SQLServerRider.com 2013 Step 10:

SQLServerRider.com 2013 Step 11:

Provide account name and password. By default, each service has a separate account name. But, we can

change as per our enterprise requirement.

SQLServerRider.com 2013 Step 12:

Select the authentication mode for database engine here.

SQLServerRider.com 2013 Step 13:

Select Server mode for SSAS here.

SQLServerRider.com 2013 Step 14:

Configure SSRS mode here. We can install and configure or install only for native mode. If we get any

issue in the Install and configure installation mode than we can change this option to install only mode.

We can navigate back and forth using the Next and Back button in this wizard.

SQLServerRider.com 2013 Step 15:

Configure Send error report to Microsoft. It is always recommended to send error report to the vendor.

So, it will help them to improve the product development.

But, we may install the product without selecting this option.

SQLServerRider.com 2013 Step 16:

Everything looks good here. So, we can move to the next step.

If we get any Failure status for any rule than we have to fix it before we move to the next step. We are

free to go back and change the previous settings.

Known Issue:

We may get a failure status in the following rules

Reporting Services Catalog Database File Existence

Report Services Catalog Temporary Database File Existence

So, we can go back and change the report service installation settings to install only mode to fix this


SQLServerRider.com 2013 Step 17:

Click Install button

SQLServerRider.com 2013 Step 18:

Wait for step to complete the installation.

SQLServerRider.com 2013 Step 19:

SQL Server 2014 CTP1 is installed successfully.

Click Close button and Open SSMS