Spqc 22 7-14 nid & varun

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Spqc 22 7-14 nid & varun


The SP-ENT roundSports(Not Sardar Patel)-


Rules-Film and sport freaks unite!!

Simply ID the movie on the left and the player on the right and combine

into one title.Open to all. Write answers on paper

+10/-0(no part points)

For example,


You don’t mess with the Zohan+

Lionel Messi

=You don’t ‘messi’ with the


Ans-The Longest Hazard

The Longest Yard+

Eden Hazard

Ans-Ek Kallis Ki Last Local

Ek Chalis Ki Last Local+

Jacques Kallis

Ans-Big Sampras’ House

Big Momma’s House+

Pete Sampras

Ans-Aagey Se Wright

Aagey Se Right+

Luke Wright

Ans-The Usual Busquets

The Usual Suspects+

Sergio Busquets

Ans-Waugh! Life ho toh aisi

Vaah! Life ho toh aisi+

Mark Waugh

Ans-Tango and Nash

Tango and Cash+

Steve Nash

Ans-Ferris Muller’s Day off

Ferris Bueller’s Day off+

Thomas Muller

Ans-Jaane Bhi Do Del Piero

Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro+

Allessandro Del Piero

Ans-The Clarke Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises+

Michael Clarke

Ans-Kaho Na Vlaar Hai

Kaho Na Pyaar Hai+

Ron Vlaar

Ans-Ballack Hawk Down

Black Hawk Down+

Michael Ballack

Straight Questions-

Mr Paul Carrington ,a comedian always manages to max out his overdraft and

credit cards. He spends six months planning his trips, pinpointing the

exact locations of stars . Each trip costs up to £1,000, including travel and living costs. What does he wish to

attain through all this?

Ans-Selfies with Stars

The best counterfeits of US $50 and $100 bills are produced by the country – X. They are termed as Superdollars. The counterfeits are so close to the real thing that they are said to be

‘American dollars not made in America’.

Where are they made?

Ans-North Korea

Trivia time!!!Everyone knows pokemon and I bet

everyone remembers most of the 150 pokemon. Pikachu is inarguably the

most popular pokemon, but he wasn’t the first one to be created by Satoshi

Tajiri. Which was the first pokemon to be

drawn by him?


Xs were first sold in America in 1968 but were not popular until the mid

1970’s. They were created by Alexander Liepa. The name ‘Xs’ came

from a Cincinnati telephone book, they found a street name called X Drive in Finneytown, Ohio. Xs containers can also be used for extending a wireless networks, phone and radio reception.



X was an early French aviator and fighter pilot during WWI. He improved

the mechanism for shooting bullets through propellers on early fighter

planes. However, his name is famous for some other reason in today’s


Who is he?

Ans-Roland Garros

What is common among these countries -

● Spain

● Bosnia and Herzegovina

● Kosovo

● San Marino


National Anthems have no lyrics

The English word ‘plumbing’ comes from a latin word for X. X was used to

make pipes in Rome.

X has been found to be extremely toxic and leads to neurological

disorders when ingested.

What is X?


Lead (Plumbum)

The Welchia worm, also known as the "Nachia worm", is a computer worm

that exploits a vulnerability in the Microsoft Remote procedure call

(RPC) service similar to the Blaster worm.

However, it’s behaviour is rather surprising. What is special about this


Ans-It deletes the Blaster worm from the

computer if found and installs security updates from Microsoft

Who’s the green guy spoofing?

Ans-Peter Pan

The name of this African language comes from Arabic, meaning ‘coast’. The syntax and grammar is Bantu but

much of the vocabulary can be associated with Arabs and Persians

who moved to the East African coast. There are approximately five million first-language speakers and 30 to 50 million second-language speakers.

Which language?


The company – X sold many consumer electronics under the brand name

GoldStar, while some other household products (like soaps and toothpaste) were sold under the brand name of Lucky. In 1995, to better compete in

the Western market, the company was renamed to X.



(Lucky Goldstar)

X theory is a market theory that suggests that when a company reveals bad news to the public, there may be many more related negative events

that have yet to be revealed. The term comes from the common belief that seeing one X is usually evidence that

there are many more that remain hidden.



ID -


Walls of the Kumbhalgarh Fort, Rajasthan

Known as the Great Wall of India

It’s the second longest contiguous wall in the world (22 miles).

X was a god at Tetris. He submitted so many high scores for the game to

Nintendo Power that they stopped accepting any more submissions from

him. Unperturbed, he started submitting scores with the name

‘Evets Kainzow’

Who is X?

Ans-Steve Wozniak

Wildfire is a substance seen in HBO’s Game of Thrones and the books it is based on. It is a magical substance

that burns even in water. It has a real world analogue, that was used by the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire to great effect in naval battles with the Ottomans. It’s recipe has been lost

since.What was the real-life analogue


Ans-Greek Fire

X was the name of a Monty Python sketch. In the sketch, a couple go to a restaurant where the menu has X as part of every dish. The lady is shown trying to order

something without X as she hates it. Her constant complaining about X leads to

irritation and disgust among her husband and other patrons. This sketch led to the use of X for something that is relevant in electronic media and leads to irritation.




In Leo Tolstoy’s short story, “God Sees the Truth But Waits.” ,a man named Aksionovis framed for a murder he didn’t commit. He is jailed for 26 years, and during that time, he meets another prisoner named

Makar Semyonich, who is building a tunnel. Semyonich turns out to be the murderer,

and when Aksionov refuses to tattle about the tunnel, Semyonich confesses his crime. Askionov dies before the plan to free him

reaches fruition. What did this inspire?


Put funda for this cartoon.(Pic on next slide)

Ans-Titanic dethroning Star Wars as #1 Box

office movie of all time.

Dennis Rodman is a retired American Basketball player. Recently, he is

known for something else. He’s the only American person X follows on


Who is X? For what is Rodman known now?

Ans-X is Kim Jong-Un

Dennis Rodman is a supporter of the DPRK (the North Korean regime), and

considers Kim Jong-Un his friend

The X of Venice, sometimes translated as Duke (cf. Italian Duca), was the chief

magistrate and leader of the Most Serene Republic of Venice for over a thousand

years. Xs of Venice were elected for life by the city-state's aristocracy. Commonly the man selected as X was the shrewdest elder

in the city.X also recently came to mean something

entirely differently.What is X?



Put funda-12.Faith 41.Disobedience44.Arrogance 49.Vulgarity

51.Reliablity 52.Theft57.Generosity 58.Lying

62.Drunkenness 69.Debt73.Murder 76.Knowledge 78.Asceticism 84.Anger

92.Greed 95.Pride 99.Lust

Ans-Tiles denoting the sins committed in

the original Snakes and Ladders game.

X was an early designer at Apple. She is responsible for designing many of

the icons that the Mac originally shipped with that were the inspiration

for later operating systems, both by Apple and by competition.

Who is X?

Ans-Susan Kare

Sweden - Albin, Metallica, Superman, Veranda, Ikea and Elvis

Germany - MattiNew Zealand - Stallion, Yeah Detroit,

Fish and Chips, Twisty Poi, Keenan Got Lucy, Sex Fruit, Satan and Adolf Hitler

Japan - Akuma, meaning "devil."Denmark - Anus, Pluto and Monkey.

China - @

Wtf is this?

Ans-List of banned names in countries.

A Manhattan man, Anton Pursima, bit, bloodied and infected by a ‘rabid’ dog

and later captured on camera by a ‘Chinese couple’ while being treated at a hospital, filed a lawsuit against

NYC, NYC Transit, two local hospitals, a ‘Latina’ dog owner, Kmart, Au Bon

Pain store and anyone else he could think of.

What is special about this lawsuit?

Ans-He claims the damage done is

‘priceless’ and demands $2 undecillion(2 followed by 36 zeroes) from the

defendants. This is the most valuable lawsuit yet.

The X-meter is a radiometer installed on satellites to detect nuclear explosions and their intensity. The name of the detector is a playful pun, which was bestowed upon it

by Fred Reines, one of the scientists working on the project. The name is

derived from the Indian word X, the joke being that one would have to be on drugs

to believe the X-meter detectors would work properly.

What is X?


The Lok Sabha has 545 members. 543 out of these are elected by the people.

How are the remaining two appointed?

Ans-Nominated by the President to

represent Anglo-Indians

Apple, in all its advertisements for its products (Macs, iPhones, iPads) shows

9:41 as the time on the screen. Why?

Ans-It is the time during keynotes when

new products are usually introduced.

What is this duo famous for?(Hint- A form of entertainment)

Ans-Grimm’s Fairytails

Wardenclyffe Tower was a wireless transmission station built in the US

state of New York in 1901. It was intended to be used for wireless

telephony, broadcasting and proof-of-concept wireless power transmission.

It was demolished in 1917 after investors stopped spending money on

it (pic on next slide).Who made the tower?

Ans-Nikola Tesla

HandlebarFu ManchuHorseshoe

Mutton chopsPencil

Soul patch Chin curtainGoat patch

(non-exhaustive)What are these types of?

Ans-Facial hairstyles

X is an internet content distribution network. X means ‘intelligent’ or

‘witty’ in Hawaiian. It handles 15-30% of all internet traffic. It was founded by Daniel Lewin and Tom Leighton, who was in American Airlines Flight 11, that crashed into the Twin Tower in NYC. Its customers have included

Facebook, Twitter and healthcare.govWhat is X?


This scale model of a roller coaster has a total of 7 inversions. If built, a rider

would experience a drop of 500 meters at the speed of 360 kilometres per hour, with forces of up to 10g. It was designed by Julijonas Urbonas.

(pic on next slide) Why is it special?

Ans-It is the euthanasia coaster. It is

designed to kill it’s riders.















