Sporting Magic - · Cocadas Blancas Cocadas Blancas are a popular street food sold on...

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Transcript of Sporting Magic - · Cocadas Blancas Cocadas Blancas are a popular street food sold on...

Sporting Magic

46th Glasgow Guide Company

Scottish Charity SC035079

Welcome to “Sporting Magic” our Multi-Sports Events Challenge Badge.

This challenge badge has been designed in such a way as it allows you to run a

program of activities with girls of any age around either gymnastics or another

sport or active activity of your choice. It was originally inspired by the FIG 2015

World Gymnastics Championships which took place in Glasgow in October 2015

and has been written with acknowledgement of the event organisers. However

it has now been updated to make it easier to adapt to fit round other sporting


The challenge is made up of five parts:

1. Prepare for your games

2. Team work

3. Healthy Living

4. Money

5. Research

We would suggest that a minimum of 4-6 age and ability appropriate challenges

are completed before the badge is awarded. To help you choose your activities,

each one includes the Promise Badge for the section the activity is

recommended for. Remember it is meant to be a challenge!

Please email us with estimated badge requirements as you start the challenge –

this will help us to manage our badge stock levels and should mean we have

badges when you need them!

We would love your feedback, please send your questions, comments or badge

requirements to:


Prepare for your games ............................................................. 1

Uniforms ............................................................................. 1

Medals ............................................................................... 2

Opening and Closing Ceremonies ................................................ 3

Design a Poster ..................................................................... 3

All over the world .................................................................. 4

Cocadas Blancas .................................................................... 5

Team Work ............................................................................ 6

Build Your Teams .................................................................. 7

Team Player ........................................................................ 7

Tie a Knot ........................................................................... 7

French Pleat ........................................................................ 8

Caterpillar game – a race ......................................................... 8

Get through the circle ............................................................ 8

Friendship Bracelets ............................................................. 10

Raising the Roof .................................................................. 11

Wear it with Pride ............................................................... 11

Role Models ....................................................................... 12

Healthy Living ...................................................................... 13

Food Diary ......................................................................... 13

Smoothies ......................................................................... 14

Fruit Kebabs ...................................................................... 14

Food for Fuel ..................................................................... 15

Exercise.............................................................................. 16

Fuchi (Footbag) .................................................................. 16

GOAL ............................................................................... 17

Set the tone ...................................................................... 18

Run your own sports /fun event ............................................... 19

Women in Sport .................................................................. 20

Try it ............................................................................... 20

Access all areas .................................................................. 20

Rest and relaxation ................................................................ 21

Bath Bombs ....................................................................... 21

Soap on a Rope ................................................................... 22

Face masks ........................................................................ 23

Hot Chocolate .................................................................... 23

Fun and Games ..................................................................... 25

GROW .............................................................................. 25

Rio Carnival ....................................................................... 25

Samba! ............................................................................ 26

Mini tin can drums ............................................................... 26

Carnival masks and headresses ................................................ 27

Carnival Games ................................................................... 27

Money ................................................................................ 28

Budgets ............................................................................ 28

Research ............................................................................. 30

Research the history of any major Sporting Event .......................... 30

Host Cities ........................................................................ 31

Your City as Host ................................................................. 31

This sporting life ................................................................. 32

Interviewing ...................................................................... 32

Advertisements ................................................................... 33

Food Diary ........................................................................... 34

Exercising Recording Sheet ....................................................... 35

Uniform template .................................................................. 36

Animal Templates .................................................................. 37

Passports .......................................................................... 40

Badge Order Form .................................................................. 41

Confirmation of Compliance ..................................................... 42

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Prepare for your games


Every sports team needs a kit – it gives the team its sense of identity.

Rainbows should colour in the template to design their own

Brownies and younger Guides should try their hand at fabric painting identical

designs on to plain t-shirts.

Could Senior Section rise to the challenge of making outfits from scratch?

When designing your uniform, think about the sport and what your sportsperson

will need; will it need pockets to hold things? will it need sleeves? Think about

what the outfits need to do.

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Part of the ‘joy’ of winning is receiving a medal at the end. Make your own


Salt Dough Recipe:

1 cup salt

1 cup plain flour

3/4 cup water

combine the flour and salt in a bowl

add the water gradually

knead the mixture until it becomes a dough-like consistency.

if still too sticky add more flour, if it won’t hold together well then more

water, a teaspoon at a time.

Roll the dough out to 1-2cm thick then cut out your medal shape and


Place on a baking sheet and dry the medals in the oven at a very low

temperature for between 1 – 2 hours.

Once cooled you could paint your medals in gold, silver or bronze paints.

You could have a discussion about what gold, silver and bronze means and which

position you would prefer to be in? What does that mean for ‘trying our best’?

Alternatively medals could be made from circles of the relevant coloured card

with a hole punched for ribbon. Our brownies baked biscuits, cut holes for

ribbon before baking them, and then iced them in the winning colours

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Opening and Closing Ceremonies

Every big sporting event has its own opening and closing ceremony.

In your six/patrol plan your opening ceremony – the more spectacular the

better. You need costumes, music, a dance routine – practice until you have it


Think about the roles you will need to fill to run a successful event; the budget

you have and how to spend it; what milestones does your project have to hit;

have you thought about advertising and communication?

Design a Poster

Design a poster advertising your opening ceremony. Think about all the

information your poster should have – date, time, venue etc.

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All over the world

Athletes travel from all corners of the world. Why not try some of the activities

or food ideas listed below from the five continents.

As an extra, Rainbows and brownies could make their own pretend passport

using the attached template. They should fill in their own details and then have

the card stamped in each country they visit

You could:


Food: Make S’mores or Cocadas Blancas (see recipe below)

Craft – The rainforest in South America is home to a diverse range of plants and

animals, especially parrots. Use the template to create beautiful, coloured

parrots. We used scrunched-up tissue paper to create this colourful parrot.

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Cocadas Blancas

Cocadas Blancas are a popular street food sold on the streets and beaches of

South America.

You will need (to make about 12 biscuits):

1 cup of shredded coconut fresh or store bought

¾ cup of cater sugar

1 ½ cups of coconut water

¼ cup of whole milk

Pinch of cinnamon powder


Wooden spoon

Baking tray

Parchment paper

Place all the ingredients in a pot. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat to low.

Let it simmer uncovered for about 30 minutes or until thickened. Stir often with

a wooden spoon to prevent the coconut mixture from sticking to the bottom of

the pot.

Drop small amounts of the mixture onto the baking tray lined with parchment

paper, spacing them 2 inches apart.

Let cool completely. Store them in an airtight container for up to two weeks.


Food: Why not have a pasta night, or make Hungarian Goulash or Backlava, a

popular sweet from Turkey

Craft: Windmills made from toilet paper rolls, Polish Wycinanki folk art cut outs

using the templates at the end of the pack.

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Food: Nan bread, fried rice, stir-fry

Craft: India is home to almost 60% of the world’s tigers. Make tiger masks from

paper plates, or a tiger puppet from a paper bag.


Food: Anzac Biscuits or Lamingtons

Craft – design your own boomerang or make a didgeridoo using decorated toilet

rolls or kitchen rolls sellotaped together and decorated.


Food: Malian Ginger Juice (blend the root ginger in a cup of water, combine the

squeezed ginger juice with lemon juice and sugar to taste and dilute with

water. Serve with mint leaves).

Shuku Shuku is a popular sweet from Nigeria (pre-heat your oven to 180°/ gas

mark 4; mix together 100g of desiccated coconut, 50g caster sugar, 3 egg yolks

and 60g of self-raising flour and shape into balls on a baking tray and bake until

golden brown)

Craft – African drums made from drinking cups. Jewellery: colourful Maasai

necklaces made from paper plates or using red/orange/sandy brown beads.

African rain sticks (at random intervals tap small nails into sturdy decorated

tube, fill with rice, couscous, beads, macaroni etc.)

Team Work

Medals are awarded in championships for individual events and athletes are

striving for Gold. However nations also enter teams to compete = each person

has to play their part in the team to ensure they maximise their points. Team

work is therefore very important and an integral part of any sporting event.

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Build Your Teams

Challenge the girls to find out what they can about their chosen country – where

it is, its currency, its language (can they learn to count to 10?), and whether

there is any Guiding presence in it – put on a display about it?

Make Flags --- these could be simple cardboard flags, coloured in and attached

to pencils or garden canes – or you could make collages using a flag template –

and gluing lentils, pasta, coloured tissue paper etc in the relevant colours to

your template.

Design a mascot -could you make it? An ‘easy’ alternative would be to ‘dress a

teddy’ in the appropriate colours. What about a ‘sock animal’? Do you already

have a unit mascot? – make it a new outfit!

Team Player

Have a discussion with your unit about what makes a good team player. Make up

or review your own team rules (unit guidelines) and then try some of the

following team building activities:

Tie a Knot

In groups of between 5 and 10 stand in a circle. Each person should reach across

the circle with one hand and grab hold on to another hand. Then do the same

with your other hand but hold the hand of someone else.

The team should now try and untangle themselves so that they are standing in a

circle – but they must not let go of the hands to do it.

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French Pleat

In teams of a minimum of four - one with long hair

One person volunteers to have their hair done, The others hold hands and stand

in a straight line. They should then attempt to French pleat the volunteers hair

without letting go (i.e. using the left hand of one person and the right hand of

the person at the other end of the line)

Caterpillar game – a race

Divide the girls into teams of between 3 and 7 – get them to choose a team


They should then stand one behind each other at one end of your playing space

and put both hands on the shoulders of the person in front. They must not let


They are then going to race to the other end of the playing space but…… only

one person can move at a time using a hopping action.

The first person hops forward (remembering they can only go as far as the

person behind can reach as they must remain attached), Then the second person

hops, then the third and so on to end of team – person at end shouts team name

and the team then starts the process again and keeps repeating until they reach

the finish line.

Get through the circle

Give each patrol or six some A4 paper and tell them they must cut a hole in it

large enough for the whole group to step through.

This is how it could be done:

Fold a4 piece of paper in half. Working from fold cut it into strips about an inch

wide - but do not cut right to top (leave about half inch).

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Then turn round and do same - cutting each strip in half from open edge to

almost top.

Then open out and cut along the fold of all but the outside strip at each end.

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Friendship Bracelets

Major sporting events bring people from all over the world together in the name

of sport. So why not make a friendship bracelet.

You will need:

Embroidery thread or wool

sticky tape

Cut equal lengths of embroidery thread – three different colours. Tie a loop in

the middle, using your pinkie – double knot. Stick the thread to a table with

tape. Lay out the threads in a mirror image of each other. Bring the first right-

hand thread (in this case, yellow) into the middle. Cross over the left-hand

thread into the middle and pull tight. Again cross the next colour into the

middle (the blue thread) and repeat with the third colour. Continue pleating

until you have your desired length. Tie the ends together and thread through

the loop to finish.

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Raising the Roof

All teams need supporters to cheer them on when they’re winning and cheer

them up when they’re not. Make some pom-poms from plastic bags (you could

also have a chat about recycling and the environment) and make up a

cheerleading chant to inspire your team.

You could also make some maracas and shakers to make some noise!

Some tips: You can use just about anything; plastic drinks bottles with long

necks work well. Fill your shakers with a variety of materials. Dried peas and

beans will make heavier noises; barely, lentils and rice will make softer ones.

Decorate in your team colours, cover them in ribbons, tissue paper

Wear it with Pride

Many supporters when attending events paint their face with their countries

flag. Research different flags and have a go at face painting flags on your cheeks

or if you are brave enough your entire face! Remember to check if anyone has

allergies before taking part in this activity.

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Role Models

Role models are important especially in sport. Does anyone in your six, patrol or

unit have a sporting role model? Why do they look up to this athlete? What

makes them stand out against others?

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Healthy Living

Athletes cannot compete at the highest levels without looking after their

bodies. They need to ensure that they eat healthily and get plenty of rest. They

don’t begin their careers ‘super fit’ – it has to be worked on and built up

gradually. Ideally it should also be fun!

Food Diary

Keep a record of what you eat from each food group over a week – use the

template at the end of this pack.

As six/ patrol discuss the results – are you eating healthily? What could be done

to improve this?

Brownies could complete their healthy heart badge!

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Smoothies are terrific snacks – containing lots of vitamins and nutrients and are

colourful and tasty too. There’s no limit to fruit and veg you can put in a

smoothie; you can also use fresh or frozen fruit (no need for ice!). You don’t

have to have a smoothie making machine or a blender, consider combining

different fruit juices with ice or cream. Here are some our favourites:

Strawberry and Banana Smoothie

(Strawberries, Banana, low-fat yoghurt, milk, vanilla extract, ice – blend


Mango Smoothie

(Mango, low-fat yoghurt, milk, clear honey, cardamom seeds [optional] – peel

the mango and blitz with the other ingredients in a blender)

All-fruit Smoothie

(Blueberries, apples, raspberries, seedless grapes, caster sugar, ice – blend


Fruit Kebabs

Fruit kebabs are also great. Use your favourite fruit to make the kebabs. To

add a hint of luxury, using a fork, dribble melted chocolate over the kebabs.

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Food for Fuel

Older Guides and Senior Section Members could make a healthy light meal that

would be suitable for a pre training snack. Why not consider making tuna pasta,

couscous or even a Spanish omelette. How would you adapt the recipes to

increase your the protein and energy levels?

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Complete each of the exercises shown on the template at the end of the pack.

Could you practice over a six week period and see how you improve?

The ‘Floor’ exercises in gymnastics are all about telling a story. Could you

select a piece of music that is no more than a minute long and choreograph a

simple routine for it – perhaps you could teach your six or patrol it and then

perform for the unit?

Remember – gymnasts are scored on their performances (difficulty and

execution). Each gymnast starts with a score of 10 and points are deducted for

faults (such as bent arms and legs, falls etc). Don’t forget to give scores!

Alternatively if you don’t have access to music make up your own gymnastics

routine including at least six different moves- rolls, jumps, balances etc.

Fuchi (Footbag)

Fuchi is a very popular, freestyle sport in South America, where you use your

feet to perform tricks (keepie-upies) with a ball or beanbag without letting the

bag touch the ground.

Why don’t you have a competition to see which patrol can keep the bag up for

the longest.

Be creative, the only rule is that the bag cannot touch the ground.

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Athletes are very driven to do what they do and are motivated to train hard and

do well in their chosen fields. What motivates you?

Sports people set themselves goals to push themselves to achieve – these can be

short or long term goals. Knowing and sticking to your goals help you make the

most of your life and can help you identify the things you enjoy and the things

you may have to work a little harder on.

Start first the ‘the bigger picture’ – your life goals – what do want to do with

your life or at least the next 10 years? This could inside or outside Guides.

Then break these goals into smaller, short-terms goals which will help you to

achieve your bigger goals.

Set goals that motivate you – that you enjoy and that you can achieve (think of

how satisfying ticking your goals off as you achieve them).

Make sure your goals are SMART – Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant,

Time Bound (have a deadline so you are able to tick them off).

Write them down – the physical act of writing something down solidifies the

goal, making it real and tangible. Frame them in a positive way.

Work out a plan of action.

Stick to it!

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Set the tone

Many athletes before the perform listen to motivational music to get them into

‘the zone’ prior to the event. As a patrol or unit decide on your motivational

soundtrack. What style of music have you picked and why? How do the songs

make you feel?

Practice Makes Perfect

Every athlete is always striving to improve their performance – to be the best

they can be. We may not all be world class athletes but we can still set

ourselves goals to improve.

Have a session where the girls ‘try’ various activities and keep records of how

successful they are. Challenge them to practice and then repeat the session in a

few weeks and see if they have improved. Keep it simple – it should be fun:

how many times can you:

catch a ball

do star jumps


how fast can you run round a set area ( if doing this outside take care re

roads etc)

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Run your own sports /fun event

This could be within your own unit – or could you challenge other units and have

a district / division event?

Why not do a ‘round robin’ with lots of very short events – some serious and

some just silly?

You could:


Running over set distance

Three legged race

Egg and spoon race

Relay race (make your own batons first)


Chuck the wellie

High jump – using elastic ropes

Discus (how far can you throw a paper plate or aeroplane)


Flap a fish (newspaper)

Hook a duck (from paddling pool)

Or if you are outside and don’t mind a bit of mess fill a bucket or paddling pool

with a mixture of water and cornflour and submerge different sized plastic fish

(or any other suitable objects – we made coloured stars and laminated them) –

then have a team race where one person from each team runs at a time and has

to try and find the objects – smaller ones having higher point values. The

winning team being the one with the most points at the end. We first played

this inside – it was a messy mistake!

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Women in Sport

It is a well-known fact that women’s participation in sport rapidly decreases as

they become older discuss with your patrol or unit the possible reasons for this?

What could be done to reverse this trend?

Try it

Try a new activity with your unit could you go to a local sports centre and try a

fitness class or if this is not possible could you go out for a walk or run as a unit?

Why not have an instructor visit the unit for the evening this could be a Zumba

instructor, Yoga Instructor or why not even try karate!

Access all areas

Many multi-sport events also celebrate disabled athletes (Paralympians).

Have a discussion about the barriers disabled athletes face in sport.

Running (or walking) in someone else’s shoes is a good way to understand

their perspective. Research the Paralympic movement and give a

presentation on a favourite Paralympian.

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Rest and relaxation

Athletes when training use up a lot of energy therefore it is important that they

ensure their body has enough rest and recovery. Our bodies do most of its

recovery whilst we are sleeping.

In order to get good night’s sleep it is important to relax before bedtime.

Bath Bombs

Gather your ingredients:

• 1 part citric acid

• 2 parts baking soda

• Witch Hazel

• Colouring of your choice

• Fragrance of your choice

• Shaped Moulds

1. Blend the citric acid and baking soda – this step is super important – if

you don’t blend well, you end up with a grainy bomb.

2. Once you’ve blended really well, add your colorant. Dry pigments work

best – don’t add too much though – the color shows up once you add the

witch hazel.

3. Add fragrance oils to your personal nose preference.

Now, this is the difficult part. Spritz (with a squirt bottle) the witch hazel

onto your batch while stirring with the other hand. When your batch sticks

together when squished, you need to start putting it in molds – time is of

the essence. If you wait too long, the mixture will get hard. If you spritz

too much, the mixture will be too wet and “grow” (start the fizzing

reaction) on you. Put the bombs in molds – wait a few minutes and tap

them out. Let them air dry for 3 or 4 hours and voila! Wonderful, hard

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bath bombs. The harder you pack the bath bombs, the more dense, heavy,

and durable bomb you will get.

Soap on a Rope

Here's what you need:

Bar of pure soap,

Liquid food colouring

Vegetable oil


Vegetable grater


Wax paper

Measuring cup

Optional: Plastic soap molds, string, herbs, small cookie cutters

1. Grate bar of soap into the bowl. Fine shavings work best

2. Put a few drops of food coloring into 1/3 cup of water. Add the colored

water to the bowl. With your hands, mix the contents of the bowl until it

forms the consistency of play dough.

3. Rub a few drops of oil between the palms of your clean hands. (If you don't

use oil, the soaps will stick to your hands and have a textured surface—see

soaps pictured to the right.)

4. Shape the soap dough into several small balls or any shape you like. Cut a

piece of string and tie the ends together. Push the knotted end gently into

your finished soap.

5. Place the soaps on a sheet of wax paper and let dry overnight.

Tip: Make shaped soap with plastic soap moulds. Press soap dough into lightly

greased moulds. Let set up overnight before unmoulding.

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Face masks

Avocado Banana Mask

1/2 banana

1/2 avocado

2 Tablespoons plain yogurt

Blend ingredients in blender or food processor until blended. Apply to face and

let sit 5-10 minutes.

Apricot mask

2 apricots, pureed

2 Tablespoons plain yogurt

Stir together pureed apricots and yogurt. Apply to face and let sit for 5-10


Hot Chocolate


1 vanilla pod, split and seeds scraped out

1 cinnamon stick

1 litre/1¾ pints milk

150g/5½oz plain chocolate, chopped into small pieces

sugar, to taste

freshly grated nutmeg, for dusting

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Preparation method

1. Heat the vanilla pod and seeds, cinnamon stick and milk in a saucepan until


2. Remove the pan from the heat and add the chocolate pieces, stirring until

the chocolate melts.

3. Whisk the hot chocolate vigorously until frothy on top and add sugar, to

taste. Serve with a dusting of nutmeg.

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Fun and Games


Every athlete or team has a coach who will ensure they have all the skills to

participate in their chosen sport. Athletes need to listen very carefully to

instructions to ensure they perform at their best.

At your unit meeting have a games night could each six or patrol plan and lead a

game? Remember to give clear instructions at the start of the game and at the

end if you have noticed anything the participants could have done better give

some feedback before you play the game again. Was there any improvements?

Rio Carnival

Rio de Janeiro is considered the Carnival capital of the world. The Carnival is a

five-day festival celebrated forty days before Easter and ends on Shrove Tuesday

before Lent [Mardi Gras] (in 2017 the Carnival will be held 24 – 28 February).

The highlight of the Carnival is the Samba parade. Samba music and dance

originated in Rio and was invented by African slaves brought to Brazil during the

17th, 18th and 19th centuries. At the heart of any community is the Samba School,

they are social clubs where the community gather to practice their samba

routines and make their parade floats and costumes.

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Learn a Samba dance (you can listen to Samba music for free at )

The official Championships Dance for the FIG 2015 World Gymnastics

Championships has a Samba rhythm and could be performed at your opening

ceremony. You can find the dance at the following link .

Could the Guides/Senior Section film theirs and really make it perfect - edit and

retake the film as required?

Drums and maracas play a large part in Samba music. You could make your own

drums out of everyday objects – plant-pots, tupperware containers anything you

can strike to keep a rhythm.

Is there a Samba group local to your area? You could invite them along to give

you a workshop.

Mini tin can drums

To make mini tin can drums you will need tin

cans (washed and the labels taken off).

Ballons, glue and paints and glitter to decorate.

We used chop-sticks as drumsticks. Can you

beat out a samba beat? Do you drums all sound


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Carnival masks and headresses

The Carnival is bright and flamboyant – the brighter the better and lots of glitter

is a must. For a quick and simple Carnival mask, draw around your hands and

decorate and then attach with a


Alternatively you could decorate the

template at the back of the pack.

Carnival headdresses are bright and

full of colour. Use feathers, pipe-

cleaners and of course glitter to make

magical, showy headdresses – the bigger the better!

Carnival Games

As well as the Parades, the Carnival has stalls to play games. Can you produce

your own ‘side shows’ for your event:

Bottles of water can be knocked off sticks using bean bags thrown from a

distance – colour the water and give different points values for different


Similarly empty tin cans can be stacked in pyramids and knocked with a


Someone could have a batton and aim to hit a bean bag thrown by

someone else

Can you get hold of a hoopla set?

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All big sports events, or indeed events of every kind have to set a budget and

stick to it. This section aims to help you understand the financial considerations.


Work out the budget to take your unit to a sports event - remember to include

the cost of travel, tickets, food, accommodation and souvenirs.

Could you fund raise to go?

Big sporting events are often held at the SSE Hydro in Glasgow.

What is the quickest and cheapest way to get there from you Unit meeting


Do the same but to a venue close to your home/ meeting place.

As a group plan a bid as to why your patrol /six should be chosen to host an

event. It could be a sporting event, end of term party etc

Seniors could develop a virtual events management company to produce a

events plan needed to support a major sporting event. Think about what this

could involve – branding, communication, logistics, staffing etc. Identify jobs in

event management or the skills needed to carry out those jobs successfully.

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Complete the number fun badge

Plan the next month’s activities for your patrol – do your subscriptions cover it?

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Many sporting events have taken place across the world on a regular basis for

decades. Many cities and countries have proudly hosted both World and

European championships and for athletes being selected to compete is a huge


Researching the history of the event helps us to understand which athletes have

been good enough to compete, to win medals and become part of Championship


Research the history of any major Sporting Event.

Try to find out:

1. Which nation has won the most Gold medals

2. How many countries have won a medal in the history of your chosen event

3. How many British athletes have won a medal at your event and who they


4. Who were the medalists at the last World Gymnastics Championships in

2015, or the Olympics in 2012

5. Who the youngest and oldest athletes to have won gold in a field event

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Host Cities

Research 5 previous host countries and put on a display. Include information


1. Flag

2. Population

3. National dress

4. Customs

5. Food

6. Girlguiding

Perhaps the Senior Section could cook some of these traditional dishes?

Your City as Host

The Organisers of large sporting events take a lot of things into consideration

when it decides on which city to host – are there enough suitable venues? How

will competitors travel around the city? Is there enough accommodation?

Do some research and put together a pack or brochure or poster explaining why

your home town or nearest city would be a great choice to host an international

sporting event.

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This sporting life

Choose a famous sports person and write their biography. Present it in an interesting way. Remember to include

1. Their name, date of birth and where they were born 2. The sport they compete in

3. What got ‘them into it’ 4. What countries they have travelled to to compete 5. How many medals they have won


Choose an athlete and prepare questions you could ask them in a television

interview. For inspiration you could watch past interviews with sports people on


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All big events are Advertised- think about how they attract athletes and


Could you put this into practice and either advertise a fund raising event for

your unit or try and grow guiding by advertising for new members ( remember

not to advertise the actual place and time – just a contact phone number)

Food Diary

Food Group Examples of Food Vitamins/Minerals provided

How does it help your body






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Exercising Recording Sheet

Exercise (30 seconds)

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Sit ups

Jumping Jacks

Press ups

Step ups


Tricep Dips

Skipping with ropes


Arm lifts

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Uniform template

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Animal Templates

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Badge Order Form

Thank you for taking part in

To order your badges, please complete this page using block capitals and return (with

payment) to:

Sporting Magic 88 Merrylee Road GLASGOW

G43 2QZ

Order forms or general badge enquiries can also be emailed to:

Contact Name


Contact Address

Post Code

Telephone number

Email address

Badges Required At £1 each

Postage and Packing 1-35 badges: £1 36-99 badges: £2

100+ badges: £2.50 International:

£4.00 Total (badges + P & P)

Cheques should be made payable to “46th Guide Holiday Account”. We hold your information on file, don’t worry we won’t share it with anyone else. We may contact you with news of our other badges. If you do not wish us to contact you in the future please tick

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Confirmation of Compliance

From: BrandingMatters <> Sent: Tuesday, February 7, 2017 5:05:55 PM To: 'Karen McClounie' Subject: RE: RE: sporting magic


Thank you for making those changes. I can confirm that your badge now meets our branding guidelines, as it contains the name of your unit and the name of the challenge, and the trefoil.

Best Wishes


Rebecca Marlow

Communications and PR Administrator

Girlguiding 17-19 Buckingham Palace Road



Tel: 020 7834 6242 Ex 2154

Girlguiding is the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK. We build girls’ confidence and raise their aspirations. We give them the chance to discover their full potential and encourage them to be a powerful force for good. We give them a space to have fun.