Sport & Doping

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Sport & Doping

Sport & Doping Doping

When an athlete takes performance-enhancing drugs he/she breaks two traditionally agreed codes of behavior:

The athlete is cheating


The athlete’s health is at risk

Sport & Doping Sportsmanship

In English the words ‘sportsmanship’ or ‘sportsmanlike’ has positive connotations:

Sportsmanshipnoun \-ˌship\

: fair play, respect for opponents, and polite behavior by someone who is competing in a sport or other competition

Sport & Doping Sportsmanship

Baron de Coubertin, creator of the Modern Olympic Games, focused on the educational values of sport:

« L'important c'est de participer »

(Participation is more important than winning)

Sport & Doping Health

To dope means to put yourself in harm’s way

Do you think athletes should have limits as to what drugs, nutrients, aliments, vitamins they can take?

Would you also consider banning the ‘technological doping’?

Sport & DopingTechnological


Under Armour and the defense contractor Lockheed Martin teamed up to create March

39, the fastest speedskating suit

Polyurethane swimsuits allowed mediocre swimmers to break

long-held world records

2009 Rome World Aquatics Championship

2014 Sochi Winter Olympics

And what about ‘financial doping’?

Sport & DopingFinancial Doping

England Spain Germany Netherlands

Should doping be allowed in professional sport?

Sport & DopingDoping in Cycling

Lance Armstrong has been the most successful cyclist of all time. He conquered 7 tour de France.

He made up for a mythical story. He survived a cancer, created his own foundation for cancer patients support and became the best cyclist ever.

Sport & DopingDoping in Cycling

He faced doping allegations all his career but always eluded the consequences. Cycling in the 1990s and 2000s was pervaded by a “culture of doping”.

In January 2013, after decades of denial, the long list of evidences against Armstrong made him come clean and confess to doping in an Oprah Winfrey interview.