Splash Screen. Chapter Menu Chapter Introduction Section 1:Section 1:The Republicans Take Power...

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Transcript of Splash Screen. Chapter Menu Chapter Introduction Section 1:Section 1:The Republicans Take Power...

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Chapter Menu

Chapter Introduction

Section 1: The Republicans Take Power

Section 2: The Louisiana Purchase

Section 3: A Time of Conflict

Section 4: The War of 1812

Visual Summary

Chapter Intro

The Republicans Take PowerEssential Question In what ways did Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans limit the powers of the government?

Chapter Intro

The Louisiana Purchase Essential Question How did the Louisiana Purchase affect the nation’s economy and politics?

Chapter Intro

A Time of Conflict

Essential Question What were the challenges to the nation’s stability during the late 1700s and early 1800s?

Chapter Intro

The War of 1812Essential Question How did the United States benefit from the War of 1812?

Chapter Time Line

Chapter Time Line

Chapter Preview-End

Section 1-Essential Question

In what ways did Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans limit the powers of the government?

Section 1-Key Terms

Content Vocabulary

• laissez-faire

• customs duties

• judicial review

Academic Vocabulary

• similar

• conflict

Reading Guide

Section 1-Key Terms

Key People and Events

• Thomas Jefferson

• Aaron Burr

• Judiciary Act of 1801

• Marbury v. Madison

Reading Guide (cont.)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 1-Polling Question

What factor most influences people today on who they vote for in an election?

A. The candidate’s political party affiliation

B. The candidate’s opinion on a specific issue

C. How likeable the candidate is

D. The candidate’s physical appearance A B C D

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Section 1

The Election of 1800

The election of 1800 showed that power could be peacefully transferred even when the political parties were in disagreement.

Section 1

• President Adams ran against Thomas Jefferson in the presidential election of 1800.

• The electoral votes were tied, so the House of Representatives had to decide the election.

• Jefferson won and Aaron Burr became vice president.

The Election of 1800 (cont.)

Election Results, 1800

Section 1

• Jefferson’s belief that a large federal government threatened liberty was similar to the French philosophy known as laissez-faire.

The Election of 1800 (cont.)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 1




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In their letter writing campaign, Thomas Jefferson’s supporters warned that re-electing President Adams would do what?

A. Raise taxes

B. Bring back monarchy

C. Weaken the military

D. Give too much power to individual states

Section 1

Jefferson’s Presidency

Thomas Jefferson wanted to reduce the power of the federal government.

Section 1

• Thomas Jefferson repealed all federal internal taxes and funded the government through customs duties.

• Jefferson was shut out of the judicial appointment process by President Adams’s last-minute appointments to the courts set up by the Judiciary Act of 1801.

• Marbury v. Madison established the principle of judicial review to help resolve conflicts constitutionally.

Jefferson’s Presidency (cont.)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 1




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Which of the following statements is a principle of judicial review?

A. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

B. State law takes precedence over federal law.

C. The Constitution should not be followed when it conflicts with any other law.

D. The legislative branch is responsible for upholding the Constitution.

Section 1-End

Section 2-Essential Question

How did the Louisiana Purchase affect the nation’s economy and politics?

Section 2-Key Terms

Content Vocabulary

• Conestoga wagon

• secede

Academic Vocabulary

• purchase

• authority

Reading Guide

Section 2-Key Terms

Key People and Events

• Napoleon Bonaparte

• Meriwether Lewis

• William Clark

• Sacagawea

• Zebulon Pike

Reading Guide (cont.)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 2-Polling Question

How appealing is the idea of packing up all of your belongings and moving to a new area?

A. Very appealing

B. Somewhat appealing

C. Somewhat unappealing

D. Very unappealing A B C D

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Section 2

Western Territory

As Americans moved west in the early 1800s, Spain and France made a secret agreement about land that affected American trade.

Section 2

• American pioneers loaded their Conestoga wagons and moved towards the Mississippi river, then the westernmost boundary of the United States.

• The Louisiana Territory—the land west of the Mississippi River—belonged to Spain.

• In 1802 Spain secretly transferred the Louisiana Territory to France.

Western Territory (cont.)

Section 2

• France’s leader, Napoleon Bonaparte, had plans to create empires in Europe and the Americas.

• A revolt by enslaved Africans and other laborers in the key port of Santo Domingo ended Napoleon’s dream of a Western empire.

Western Territory (cont.)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 2




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Why did French control of the Louisiana Territory worry Jefferson?

A. He worried Napoleon would try to start a war with the United States.

B. He feared France’s alliance with Native American tribes

C. He worried that the farmers along the Mississippi would not be able to send theirgoods to New Orleans for trade with East Coast markets.

D. He had a secret deal with the Spanish to expand the United States’ border west of the Mississippi.

Section 2

The Nation Expands

The Louisiana Purchase opened a vast area to exploration and settlement.

Section 2

• Needing money to fund his war against Britain, Napoleon agreed to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States for $15 million.

• President Jefferson worried whether the government had constitutional authority to make such a purchase.

The Nation Expands (cont.)

Louisiana Purchase and Westward Expansion

Section 2

• In 1804 Congress sponsored an expedition to explore the new western territory and search for the Northwest Passage.

• Meriwether Lewis and William Clark led the expedition and were guided by a young Shoshone woman named Sacagawea.

• Lieutenant Zebulon Pike also led expeditions through the upper Mississippi Valley and into present-day Colorado.

The Nation Expands (cont.)

Section 2

• Opposed to the Louisiana Purchase, some Federalists plotted to secede from the Union.

• Alexander Hamilton was killed by Aaron Burr in a duel. Burr had blamed Hamilton for ruining his political career.

The Nation Expands (cont.)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 2




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Which factor prompted Napoleon’s decision to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States?

A. The movement of American settlers west

B. France’s plans to go to war against Russia

C. The loss of the naval base at Santo Domingo

D. Spain’s refusal to allow American goods to move into or past New Orleans

Section 2-End

Section 3-Essential Question

What were the challenges to the nation’s stability during the late 1700s and early 1800s?

Section 3-Key Terms

Content Vocabulary

• tribute

• neutral rights

• impressment

• embargo

• nationalism

Academic Vocabulary

• react • restriction

Reading Guide

Section 3-Key Terms

Key People and Events

• Embargo Act

• Nonintercourse Act

• Tecumseh

• Battle of Tippecanoe

• Henry Clay

• John Calhoun

Reading Guide (cont.)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 3-Polling Question

Why do you think the newly-created United States most needed a navy?

A. To invade European countries

B. To protect American trading vessels

C. To protect coastal cities from attack

D. To explore and colonize new lands A B C D

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Section 3

Americans on Foreign Seas

Pirates made travel by sea dangerous and brought the United States into conflict with Tripoli.

Section 3

• Because France and Britain were at war, American merchant ships took over much of the transport of goods and profited greatly.

• Pirates from the Barbary Coast of Africa frequently intercepted ships and demanded tribute in exchange for safe passage.

• In 1804 Tripoli declared war on the United States for Jefferson’s refusal to pay tribute.

Americans on Foreign Seas (cont.)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 3




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Why did Tripoli declare war on the United States?

A. The United States refused to pay tribute.

B. The United States blockaded the coast of Tripoli.

C. The United States refused to trade with Tripoli.

D. American pirates were boarding trading vessels from Tripoli.

Section 3

Freedom of the Seas

A war between Great Britain and France threatened the security of the United States, as well as American shipping and trade.

Section 3

• The United States tried to retain neutral rights in the war between Britain and France.

• In desperate need of sailors for their naval war, the British boarded American ships and forced members of their crews to serve in the British navy in a practice known as impressment.

Freedom of the Seas (cont.)

Economics & History

Section 3

• A British attack on an American ship, the Chesapeake, caused Americans to react with violent anti-British feeling.

• In 1807, Congress passed the Embargo Act, which was an embargo against all foreign trade.

• Later the Nonintercourse Act, which prohibited trade only with Britain and France, was passed.

Freedom of the Seas (cont.)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 3




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Why did the Embargo Act backfire?

A. Because it allowed pirates to take control of the seas.

B. Because it caused France and England to make an alliance.

C. Because it caused taxes to be raised.

D. Because it cut the United States off from trade with other countries.

Section 3

War Fever

Trade issues with Britain and France and tensions between Native Americans and settlers challenged James Madison.

Section 3

• Congress lifted its trade restrictions with France in 1810, but American ships continued to be seized by both the French and British.

• A Native American confederacy, led by Shawnee chief Tecumseh, wanted to halt the movement of settlers into Native American land.

War Fever (cont.)

Territorial Expansion, 1800–1820

Section 3

• After defeat at the Battle of Tippecanoe, Tecumseh made an alliance with the British.

• A group of young Republicans known as the War Hawks, led by Henry Clay and John Calhoun, wanted President Madison to take a more aggressive stand toward Britain.

• The War Hawks’ nationalism appealed to a renewed American patriotism.

War Fever (cont.)

Territorial Expansion, 1800–1820

Section 3

• In 1812 the U.S. declared war against Britain, not knowing that the British had decided to change their policy of capturing American ships.

War Fever (cont.)

Territorial Expansion, 1800–1820

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 3




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What was one effect of the Battle of Tippecanoe?

A. Many soldiers deserted.

B. It diverted much needed funds into the military.

C. It inspired anti-Native American sentiment among the War Hawks.

D. It drove Chief Tecumseh to make an alliance with the British.

Section 3-End

Section 4-Essential Question

How did the United States benefit from the War of 1812?

Section 4-Key Terms

Content Vocabulary

• frigate

• privateer

Academic Vocabulary

• underestimate

• goal

Reading Guide

Section 4-Key Terms

Key People and Events

• Andrew Jackson

• Battle of Horseshoe Bend

• Francis Scott Key

• Treaty of Ghent

• Battle of New Orleans

Reading Guide (cont.)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 4-Polling Question

What do you think might have prevented the War of 1812?

A. Better diplomacy

B. Better communication

C. Better judgment of British military power

D. Nothing could have prevented the War of 1812 A B C D

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Section 4

War Begins

The United States was unprepared for war with Great Britain.

Section 4

• Going into war, the military was not prepared for battle and the Americans underestimated the strength of the British and their Native American allies.

• The United States used naval frigates and privateers to battle the British navy.

• Andrew Jackson defeated the Creek people at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend.

War Begins (cont.)

The War of 1812

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 4




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Why was Tecumseh’s death such a setback for the British?

A. Because he was such a good warrior.

B. Because he might have united the Native American nations against the United States.

C. Because he knew how to navigate the rough terrain of the northwest.

D. Because the United States feared him.

Section 4

British Offensive

Americans were instilled with a sense of national pride after the Battle of New Orleans.

Section 4

• After winning their war against France, the British were able to send more forces to America.

• In August 1814, the British sailed up the Chesapeake and attacked Washington D.C., burning the Capitol and president’s mansion.

• Francis Scott Key, inspired by the American victory in Baltimore, wrote the poem “The Star-Spangled Banner” which became the National Anthem in 1931.

British Offensive (cont.)

Section 4

• Unable to meet their goal of capturing Plattsburgh, the British decided the war was too costly and unnecessary.

• A peace agreement known as the Treaty of Ghent was signed in Belgium in 1814.

• The last battle of the War of 1812, the Battle of New Orleans, was waged after the Treaty of Ghent was signed.

British Offensive (cont.)

Section 4

• After the War of 1812, Americans felt a new sense of patriotism and strong national identity.

British Offensive (cont.)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 4




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Which Federalist principle did the Republicans retain when they took control of the government after the War of 1812?

A. raising taxes to repay the war debt

B. the idea of implied powers

C. a strong central government

D. a strict interpretation of the Constitution

Section 4-End


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policy that government should interfere as little as possible in the nation’s economy


customs duty

tax on foreign imported goods


judicial review

the right of the Supreme Court to determine if a law violates the Constitution



having common qualities



disagreement; war or prolonged struggle


Conestoga wagon

large, broad-wheeled, canvas-covered wagon used by western settlers



to leave or withdraw



something bought and paid for



power to decide; power to give orders and make decisions



money paid for protection


neutral rights

the right to sail the seas and not take sides in a war



forcing people into service, as in the navy



an order prohibiting trade with another country



intense loyalty to one’s nation or group and promotion of its interests above all others









small warship



armed private ship licensed to attack merchant ships



misjudge; disbelieve the abilities of others



aim or purpose

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