Spiritual Health Check BelieveWhen God Said NO Bob and Lisa perron Perron Have you ever been...

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Transcript of Spiritual Health Check BelieveWhen God Said NO Bob and Lisa perron Perron Have you ever been...

July 2019


Encouraging, empowering, and equipping families and marriages.

A monthly resource for the entire parish family

Have you ever felt like something was a bit off even though everyone says you’re fine? I have a friend, who for months was complaining of some physical issues. Every time they went to the doctor they couldn’t determine what the cause of the symptoms were. According to many, he was fine. But my friend knew that there was something wrong and continued to go in for various tests. It turns out he has lime disease. It is important to be aware and sensitive to what our bodies are telling us. This awareness isn’t just for our physical wellness or productivity. We need to be sensitive and aware of what is going on spiritually with us and our family so that we can thrive as Christians and not simply survive.

There are times when we feel like we are spiritually healthy. Why? Often this understanding is because we find all of the things that we think are important are checked off our imagined spiritual health list. We went to Church, we prayed at night and before meals, and we didn’t yell too much at our kids. Check, check, check and check. But there are times we often feel that we didn’t accomplish any of the good things that we knew we should and so we

Spiritual Health Check -By Chris Padgett

Believe- Linda Padgett “Don’t be afraid any longer, only believe.” These are the words Jesus spoke to Jarius upon being told that his young daughter had died; however, they are applicable to us today. Most of us are filled with fear. We worry about so many things, even the stuff beyond our control. Yet Jesus desires us to hear these simple, calming words: ONLY BELIEVE. But, what are we to believe?

What if we are heading in the wrong direction? What if God doesn’t choose to heal? How will we know what’s right? Here’s the truth. Belief is not to be placed in something, it’s to be placed in someone. If we rest in trust of the one who loves us more than anyone, who knows all things, and actually desires to bless us abundantly, then all the details of life will be easier to let go. Whichever direction we take, Jesus will be there. Whether your loved one is healed or not, Jesus will be there. In the uncertainty, in the confusion, in the questions, Jesus will be there. As he did with Jarius, Jesus will walk beside you, enter your home, and bring life. Jesus hasn’t changed, he still works miracles.

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July 2019

Spiritual Health Check (Continued)

feel bad. Is this what determines our spiritual health? Doing some things in order to feel joy and feeling regret when we don’t do them?

Spiritual health isn’t about doing a few rules. Spiritual health comes down to a sensitivity to a very simple question: why. Why? That word must be a question that we continue to examine. Why are we feeling sad? Why are we feeling good? Why do we do a certain thing and not another? When we ask why we can begin to make choices that will not only help us root out the things that will make us spiritually sick (sin) but we can also add things to our spiritual health that will make us thrive (virtue).

Sometimes you can look at your spiritual life and see the thing that is making you sick. It is obvious. The sin can be addressed or the bad habit modified. Other times the problems can be filled with a variety of symptoms that are not easily recognized. Just as my friend needed doctors to listen carefully to his symptoms so we too often need spiritual doctors to help us find the source of our symptoms.

Here are a few tips to help determine the source of spiritual sickness.

1. What is different now from the times you have felt spiritually healthy? 2. Is there a sin you have been struggling with and have not confessed? 3. Ask your loving family if they have any insight into your behavior (this can be a recipe for disaster if your are not

careful). 4. Spend time in the Scriptures and listen to worship music to get your thoughts on things above. 5. Recognize that many saints went through dry periods, and so will you if you are striving for holiness. 6. Look at possible triggers as to your feelings: HALT(S)- Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired (sin).

The last point is simply a reminder. Remember that spiritual health and growth is not about doing things but being with a Person. Remember that Jesus is not waiting for you to perform perfectly so he can bless you. He loves you now! Be at peace. The Great Healer is aware of your symptoms and is ready to teach you about what it means to be in a relationship with him. Why? Because he loves to be with you and wants you to thrive.

Check out our online magazine at www.catholicfam.org

A monthly resource for the entire parish family

Chris and Linda love being married and doing ministry together. They live in Central New York, have nine kids, three grandkids, and live in a red nine-sided house. When they aren’t shoveling snow, they are likely speaking about God’s love in

a parish near you. To find out more, check out www.catholicfam.org.

Chris & Linda Padgett


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When God Said NO

Bob and Lisa perron




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Have you ever been discouraged or disappointed by God?

Have you ever felt abandoned, ignored, or punished?

Have you ever wanted to scream, “Why?”

This is a story of utter disappointment, eventual acceptance, and tremendous gratitude. Bob and Lisa share their story of suffering through infertility, the emotional adoption process, and the miracle of their five children.

“Bob and Lisa Perron are wonderful storytellers. As adoptive parents who struggled with infertility in the early part of our marriage, this book hits really close to home. When God Said No is heartfelt, encouraging, and simply a beautiful memoir of the Perron family experience. You will laugh. You will cry. You will connect.”Eric & Becky GrothFounders, ODB FilmsExecutive Producers of Paul: Apostle of Christ

“If you’re anything like me, this book will keep you laughing, move you to tears, and leave you contemplating God’s plan for your own life as well. Open, honest, and real, Bob and Lisa Perron pour their hearts out on paper and take you inside their journey with all its twists and turns to a God-sized family. A great reminder for everyone that God’s ways are perfect, even in the ‘noes’ and ‘not yets.’” Danny May Director of Marriage & Family Life, Diocese of Owensboro, KY