Spelling Lesson # 15

Post on 22-Feb-2016

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Spelling Lesson # 15. 1.5.6.F: Use grade appropriate conventions of language when writing and editing. •Spell common, frequently used words correctly. . convertible con- vert - ible. breakable breakable. sensible sen-si-ble. permissible per-miss- ible. profitable prof-it-able. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Spelling Lesson # 15

Lesson 15 review words


E05.D.1.2.5: Spell grade-appropriate words correctly.

fanatic fan-at-ic

honest hon-est

ocean o-cean

slogan slo-gan

reclaim re-claim

reconsider re-con-sid-er

uninformed un-in-form-ed

unwise un-wise

nonexistent non-exist-ent

digestible di-gest-i-ble

enjoyable en-joy-a-ble

admissible ad-miss-i-ble

argument ar-gu-ment

amazement a-maze-ment

priceless price-less

capitol cap-i-tol

general gen-er-al

mayor may-or

theater the-a-ter

enemy en-e-my