Speech and Debate W11. Today’s Schedule Welcome! Quiz Establishing Proof Logical Fallacies ...

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Transcript of Speech and Debate W11. Today’s Schedule Welcome! Quiz Establishing Proof Logical Fallacies ...

Speech and Debate W11

Today’s Schedule Welcome! Quiz Establishing Proof Logical Fallacies Analysis in Debate Types of Support Persuasive Speaking


11 Practice Debates

12 Follow up on Debate Practice

13 Additional Debate Techniques / Prac-tice

14 Additional Debate Techniques / Prac-tice

15 Final Debates

16 Final Debates

Establishing Proof Proof = information that presents

sufficient reason to accept your claim Evidence = information discovered

through research that back up claim Reasoning = providing support for your


Proof = Evidence + Reasoning

Types of Reasoning Generalization

If two groups share similar characteristics then I can apply my idea to the other group

Counterexample Analogy

Uses a specific example as its basis False analogy

Sign Argument When one instance occurs so does another Fallible sign arguments

Statistics Data viewed as a survey or as study of precise relationship

Authority Assumption that person of authority knows his/her subject well

(explanation, example, statistic, expert opinion)

Logical Fallacies Weaknesses in your critical thinking They can damage your credibility, as the other team can

point our your flaws

Types of Fallacies: Faulty Cause (Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc)

“Wow you brought good weather with you.” Really? Attacking the Person (Ad Hominen)

“The candidates wife is an idol so he’d make a bad mayor.” Hasty Generalization

I met some Korean students. They’re really stressed out. So all Koreans must be stressed out.

Bandwagon (Ad Populum) Everyone’s wearing hipster glasses; if you’re not you’re behind.

Red Herring Oversimplification

Stock Issue Analysis Resolution = change the present situation

1. Is there harm in the present system?2. Is the harm inherent in the status quo? 3. Will the proposal solve the problem?

Affirmative must prove all of them.

Assumes present system is static (won’t change)

Persuasive Speeches

Informative vs Persuasive Speaking Persuasive speaking urges us to choose from among the

options; informative speaking reveals and clarifies options. Persuasive speaking asks the audience for more

commitment than does informative speaking. The ethical obligations for persuasive speakers are even

greater than for informative speakers. The Persuasive speaker is a leader; the informative

speaker is a teacher. Persuasive speaking more often involves emotional

appeals that are out of place in speeches to inform.

Why is persuasive speaking useful for debate?

Persuasive Speeches Fact: The KC Royals will win the World

Series this year

Value: It’s unhealthy to get less than 7 hours of sleep per night

Policy: The Korean Government should provide more Korean lessons for foreign residents

Persuasive speeches aim at… passive agreement personal action

3 P’s

The problem issue refers to what is wrong with the status quo.

The plan issue refers to the solution

The practicality issue refers to considerations of how well the plan solves the problem and its advantages and disadvantages

Homework for Next Week Write a 1 ½ - 2 minute persuasive
