Species of Pond Fish

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Species of Pond Fish

1. POND FISH By Fantastic Furries 2. Any fish will do but here are some recommended species. 3. large Koi Varieties 4. Tancho Koi 5. Tancho Sanke Koi 6. Budo Goromo Koi 7. Sanke Koi 8. Showa Koi 9. Shusui 10. Utsuri koi 11. Bekko Koi 12. Doitsu Koi 13. Asagi Koi 14. Gin Rin Kohaku 15. Kumonryu Koi 16. Goshiki Koi 17. Kohaku Koi 18. Ochiba Koi 19. Sanke 20. Kawarimono Koi 21. Gin Matsuba Koi 22. Platinum Ogon Koi 23. Orenji Koi 24. Gold Ogon Koi 25. medium 26. Shubunkins 27. Sarasa Comets 28. Goldfish 29. small 30. Telescope fish 31. Lionhead Goldfish 32. Black Moor Fish 33. Calico Fantail 34. Lemon G 35. Petcare.drupalgardens.com Click on or visit this link for more information about how to care for all pets.