Special Population Resource: Power Point On ADHD Children Grace Nwosu Assistant Professor,...

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Transcript of Special Population Resource: Power Point On ADHD Children Grace Nwosu Assistant Professor,...

Special Population Resource:Power Point On ADHD Children

Grace Nwosu

Assistant Professor,Curriculum and Instruction


ADHD– Is a behavior disorder which implies that a child

is causing trouble for someone else or himself. (Kirk, Gallagher, and Anastasiow 2003).

Definitions Continued

Federal Government Definition:– Their definitions determine who receives

federal funds to help with exceptionality. Thus ADHD is a condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects educational performances.

Definitions Continued

An inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory or health factors.

An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers

Inappropriate types of behaviors or feelings under normal circumstances.

A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression or A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fear

associated with personal or school problems (Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, 5 300., 7(b) (9))

Why I Chose The Topic?

I chose the topic because of the behaviors of kindergarten children.

Special Population Child

Male Age 5-6 yrs old A foster child to a single mother

Procedures of the Paper

Verbal consent letter Written consent letter Interviews at her home

Some Questions and Answers

How do you describe your child? – I describe my child as being more active, easily

bored and disruptive, especially in the classroom

What do you understand to be the cause of the problem?– The doctors have never given me a reason for

my child being ADHD

Some Questions and Answers Continued

How much violence exists?– I do not call it violence but disruptive behavior is

what he exhibits. Since he has become older, his disruptive behavior has been on the increase

Questions and Answers Continued

What can be done to help and ADHD child to succeed in life? – Education about ADHD, support from the

community and teachers trained to deal with children who have been diagnosed with ADHD

Do you expect from professionals remediation or curse?– I expect from professionals remediation

Parent Complaint

“The child does not sit still, always restless and does not follow instructions, what can I do to get him to comply?

My Opinion on Field Experience 1

Interview was based on prior permission to interview the child’s parents.

Parent’s level of understanding was revealed. Parent had little or no knowledge of ADHD. Later on thought that something was wrong with the

school system’s approach in dealing with the problem. Parents need education on the intervention strategies

to adopt.

Activity With The Child

Subjects: – ADHD child – His mother– 3 siblings – 4 other children about his age

Activity With The Child

Method– Instruments were set out or displayed– Instrument name was explained – Examples of playing methods were shown– The participants were asked to play along with

music that was played – The ADHD child requested for the activity to

continue each time they stopped


The boy was neither disruptive nor restless Waited for his turn Performs better at the activity of interest Behave better with smaller group Performs better with teacher constant



Find out what the interest of the child is Allow him breaks in between Smaller group to work with Enough sleep Organized environment

– Activities – School, schoolwork at home


My result could be the approach of the integrated music, which I used. I am not generalizing that what I observed was solely limited to my activity. Other variables, which may have influenced my observations, may be intake of medication, the child’s area of interest (which is music) or smaller group of people he worked with.


Hanson, Marei J. (2004). Early Transition for Children and Families. Transit ions from

Infant/toddler services to Preschool Education ERIC Digest E581. ERICEDRS

19900901. Available: Database: ERIC Weblinks3.epnet/citation.asp?

Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company.

References (continued)

Kirk, Gallaher and Anastasiow (2003) 10th edition. Education Exception Children.

Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company. Parent Report, The. 10/3/2004. Online source.

Available: http://www.theparentreport.com/resources/ages/


References (continued)

Ramsey, E and Walker (1998). Family Management Correlates of Antisocial behavior among middle school boys. Behavioral Disorder, 13(3), 187-20.

Robin, L. (1996). Deviant Children grow up. Baltimore Williams and Wilkins.

References (Continued)

* Salisbury, Christian L., Smith, Barbara J., (2004) Effective Practices for preparing Young Children with disabilities for school. ERIC Digest #E519. ERICEDRS. 19930601.

Available: Database: ERIC Weblinks3.epnet.com/citation.asp?

References (Continued)

• Zantal-Weiner, Kathy (2004). Preschool Services for Children with Handicaps. ERIC Digest #450. Journal Code. RIENOV 1988. Entry Mouth: 198811 ERIC Number

ED2195394. Available: Database: Weblinks3.epnet.com/citation.asp?

Images from HealthyPlace.Com (for academic purposes) (Several educative articles are available on that site) http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.healthyplace.com/newsletters/images/adhd_kid.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.healthyplace.com/newsletters/12.21.03.asp&h=283&w=300&sz=17&tbnid=wykJTBDz2KAJ:&tbnh=104&tbnw=110&start=23&prev=/images%3Fq%3DChildren%2Bwith%2BADHD%26start%3D20%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN