Special Education

Post on 20-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Special Education

Blockage of the passage of the acoustic energy.

The sensitive mechanism and the auditory nerve maybe


Combination of both conductive and Sensorineural Hearing


Dysfunction in central auditory nervous system


Present in one ear only. Present in both ears.

What is sound?

Sound is measured by decibels (dB) or units describe its intensity of its softness and loudness.

Zero (dB) represents the softness and fairness of sound it is also called zero-hearing threshold (HTL) or audiometric zero.

While the larger (dB) represent louder sounds.

Degree of Hearing Lost


Decibel Loss

0-20 dB

Resulting Impairments

Slight27-40 dB Faint sounds and distant

conversations are difficult to


Mild41-55 dB Limited vocabulary and

speech difficulties may


Moderate56-70 dB Defective speech, language

difficulties and limited

vocabulary may result.

Severe71-90 dB Defective speech and

language and severe

difficulty in hearing

consonant sound may


Profound91- and above Speech and language are

likely to deteriorate.

In the Philippines 2% of the population has a hearing impairment, and it was

found that the hearing disabilities is the 2nd highest form of disability next to the

moving disability.

1.Genetics and Hereditary Factor

2. Infections

3. Environmental and other traumatic factors

Causes are hereditary and

chromosomal abnormalities.

May occur during pregnancy and

after birth.

Attributed to environmental factors such as excessive and constant

exposure to very loud noises, Drugs and medication that can turn toxic

when administered to both mother and child at inappropriate times.

a passage is abnormally closed or absent.

a benign tumor

Hole or rapture of oval or round window in the


when the immune system is mistakenly attacked.

a toxic in the ear

a common congenital viral infection

Neonatal infection it can be viral or bacterial

genetic order that causes deafness

destructive and expanding growth of keratinizing


genetic disorder known as a brachial

arch syndrome

genetic conditions that can cause hearing loss

genetic disorder caused by a mutation in any

one of 10 genes

rare autosomal dominant congenital disorder that

causes deafness and blindness

genetic disorder leading to congenital bilateral

hearing lost

infectious disease that results hearing lost

aberration of sex chromosomes

1. Cups hand behind the ear, cocks ear/tilts head at an angle to catch sounds

2. Has strained or blank facial expression when listening or talked to

3. Pays attention to vibration and vibrating objects

4. Moves closer to speaker, watches face especially the mouth and the lips of

the speaker when talked to

5. Less responsive to noise, voice, music and other sources of sounds

6. Uses more natural gestures, signs and movements to express self

7. Shows marked imitativeness at work and play

8. Often fails to respond to oral questions

9. Often asks for repetition of questions and statements

10. Often unable to follow oral instructions and directions

11. Has difficulty in associating concrete with abstract ideas

12. Has poor general learning performance

13. Invisible handicapping condition because there are only a few physical and

observable manifestation to indicate.

The major Effect of deafness is in language development, concomitant issues occur in

intellectual and social development, speech and language development that are closely

connected to educational concerns.