SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS, FP-03, U.S. …gilariver.org/pdfs/RFPs/RFP09-03-10/SPECIAL...GRIR...

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Transcript of SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS, FP-03, U.S. …gilariver.org/pdfs/RFPs/RFP09-03-10/SPECIAL...GRIR...

GRIR 104(3) 1 Special Contract Requirements

SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS, FP-03, U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITS G.R.I.R. 104(3) [Blackwater School Road] Project

All material under the Divisions of the “Standard Specifications for Construction of Roads and Bridges On Federal Highway Projects, FP-03, U.S. Customary Units,” henceforth called FP-03, published in book form by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, shall apply to this contract as revised below: DIVISION 100 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Section 101 – TERMS, FORMAT, AND DEFINITIONS 101.03 Abbreviations. (a) Acronyms. Page 5., after “USPS” add the following: “GRIC-DOT – Gila River Indian Community Department of Transportation. GRIC-DEQ – Gila River Indian Community Department of Environmental Quality.” Delete (d) Slope notation (vertical:horizontal) and insert the following: (d) U.S. Customary units slope notation (horizontal:vertical). Express the slope as a ratio of a number of units horizontal to one unit vertical.

GRIR 104(3) 2 Special Contract Requirements

Section 103 – SCOPE OF WORK 103.05 Partnering. Delete the subsection in its entirety.

GRIR 104(3) 3 Special Contract Requirements

Section 104 – CONTROL OF WORK 104.01 Authority of the Contracting Officer (CO). Add: Within the Gila River Indian Community Governor has the final authority to approve the contracts. However, Gila River Indian Community Department of Transportation (GRIC-DOT) will act for the Contracting Officer in administering his/her contract except for the approval of the contract. 104.01 (b) Specific requirements for concrete and miscellaneous structures. Add the following: (2)(n) Structural concrete drawings and details. 104.05 Load Restrictions. Add: No loads shall be hauled over aggregate base courses or bituminous pavements which exceed legal load limits for hauling units as prescribed within the jurisdiction of the local State Department of Transportation (Highways) ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES, TITLE 28, SECTION 1009.01, or local Tribal Ordinance.

GRIR 104(3) 4 Special Contract Requirements

Section 105 – CONTROL OF MATERIAL 105.01 Source of Supply and Quality Requirements. For additional information, refer to Sheet 7, General Notes, of the Project Plans. 105.02 Material Sources. 105.02(a) Government-provided sources In the first paragraph, delete the last sentence. Add the following to the end of this subsection: 105.02(c) Government-listed sources. The Government may list possible material sources. The Government makes no representation as to the quality or quantity of material, or rights to the availability of material from these sources. These sources are considered to be Contractor-located sources under (b) above. 105.05(a) Use of Material Found In Work. Delete the sentence and substitute the following: (a) Take possession of the material.

GRIR 104(3) 5 Special Contract Requirements

Section 106 – ACCEPTANCE OF WORK 107.08 Sanitation, Health, and Safety. Add: Contractor shall have a Designated Safety Officer Present at the job site at all times during construction. Contractor shall identify the Designated Project Safety Officer at the time of Preconstruction Meeting. 106.03 Certification. Add: Include the following with all certifications: a. Contract Number b. Project Name c. Item Number d. Item Description e. Specification Requirements 106.04 Measured or Tested Conformance. Delete the first sentence of the second paragraph beginning with “Results from . . .” and substitute the following: Results from inspection or testing for acceptance of work incorporated in the project shall have values within the specified tolerances or specification limits.

GRIR 104(3) 6 Special Contract Requirements

Section 107 – LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC 107.10 Environmental Protection. Add: In compliance with Executive Order 13112 regarding noxious weeds, all earthmoving and hauling equipment will be washed at the contractor’s storage facility prior to arriving on the construction site to prevent the introduction of noxious weed seed. In compliance with Executive Order 13112 regarding noxious weeds, all earthmoving and hauling equipment shall be washed prior to leaving the construction site to prevent noxious weed seeds from leaving the site. Contractor washing of all earthmoving and hauling equipment will not be measured directly for payment but will be considered a subsidiary obligation of the contract. The Contractor shall submit a draft Environmental Compliance Plan 10 days after the award of the contract. The Environmental Compliance Plan will be discussed and will either be accepted or returned for revisions at the preconstruction conference. Upon acceptance of the Environmental Compliance Plan the contractor will submit five (5) copies of the accepted plan to the Contracting Officer. The plan is to detail the permits, testing, reports and actions that Contractor proposes to do in order to be in compliance with the CLEAN AIR ACT, CLEAN WATER ACT, NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT, the NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT and other laws and regulations controlling pollution of the environment. Contractors’ equipment (crushers, asphalt concrete plants, Portland cement plants, etc.) must be permitted by the State, County or Tribal Air Pollution Control District that the equipment will be operating in. As part of the Environmental Compliance Plan the Contractor must furnish a copy of the permit for each unit of equipment that will be used on the project. The Environmental Compliance Plan must be accepted before any construction activities can begin. A guide for use in completing the Environmental Compliance Plan is shown on the next page.

GRIR 104(3) 7 Special Contract Requirements



A. Roadway. (list equipment) 1. Dust. 2. Emissions.

B. Borrow and aggregate pits. (list equipment) 1. Dust. 2. Emissions.

3. Restoration. C. Crusher, Asphalt and Concrete Batch Plants. (list equipment)

1. Dust. a. Permits. b. Spray bars.

2. Emissions. a. Permits. b. Stacks. c. Type of fuel.

D. Equipment yard. 1. Dust. 2. Fuel storage. 3. Disposal of used oil. 4. Restoration.

E. Detours and haul roads. 1. Dust. 2. Emissions. 3. Restoration.

F. Hazardous Materials. 1. Safety Practices. 2. Contingency Spill Plan. 3. Minor Spill Cleanup.

G. Project Cleanup. H. Disposal of Materials.

II. Compliance with NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT and NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT. ___________________________________________ ____________________ Contractor’s Signature Date ___________________________________________ ____________________ Recommended by GRIC-DOT Date ___________________________________________ ___________________ Approved by CO Date

GRIR 104(3) 8 Special Contract Requirements

As part of the compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, the Contractor must complete an environmental document in accordance with BIA NEPA Handbook 59 IAM 3-H, if he elects to do any of the following: 1. Produce materials from a contractor-furnished source. 2. Utilize a site to set up a plant for the crushing and processing of the base and/or

surfacing materials, or an equipment yard. 3. Dispose of materials in other than a commercial or approved public land fill. 4. Construct a haul road or detour out of the approved right-of-way. Before the Contractor may enter/occupy any area outside of the right-of-way, including vehicle turnaround areas, construction yards, staging areas, material sources, etc., the Contractor must submit to the CO a detailed location map and activity description. If the CO determines that NEPA documentation is necessary, the Contractor must prepare an environmental assessment which shall include but not be limited to the following: 1. A Cultural Resource Survey and Report for the areas that may be affected by the

project, must be completed by a person with acknowledged credentials. 2. An Endangered Species Biological Assessment must be prepared by a qualified

person, if there are any threatened or endangered species that may be in the project area.

3. The location and ownership of the proposed material source, equipment yard, haul

road, etc., with vicinity maps. 4. The anticipated area to be impacted, volume of material to be removed, length and

width of haul road, and other pertinent features. 5. Former use, if known, of the source and/or haul roads and the existing condition. 6. Identify and location of nearby lakes, streams, parks, wildlife refuges or similar areas

that may be affected. 7. A description of the visual surroundings and the impact of this action on the visual

setting. 8. Description of the wildlife and plants and their habitat. 9. Identification of present and planned future land use and an analysis of the

compatibility of this action with future use. 10. Procedures to minimize dust and noise. 11. Description of the impacts to the quality and quantity of water resulting from runoff,

watering, flooding, or pumping.

GRIR 104(3) 9 Special Contract Requirements

12. Effects of hauling activities upon local traffic and roads and the mitigation measures

planned where problems are expected. 13. Handling of fuel, potential spills and disposal of used oil. 14. Include proof of compliance and permits if required with Sections 308, 401 and 404

of the Clean Water Act, Section 114 of the Clean Air Act and other requirements that may apply concerning zoning, health, mining land use, flood plains, etc.

15. Effects which could result from removing and/or stockpiling materials within flood

plains. 16. Final condition in which the affected features will be left, such as sloped, topsoil

replaced, area seeded, etc. The Environmental Assessment shall be submitted to the CO for review. If the CO determines that the environmental document is sufficient, then the Contractor shall submit the Environmental Assessment to the Agency Superintendent for approving signature and a copy given to the GRIC-DOT, prior to engaging in any activity outside of the existing right-of-way. If the CO determines that the environmental assessment is insufficient, then the assessment will be returned to the Contractor for additional work and re-submittal to the CO. Where appropriate, permission from allottees, private land owners and/or other government entities must be obtained.

GRIR 104(3) 10 Special Contract Requirements

Section 108 – PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS 108.01 Commencement, Prosecution, and Completion of Work. In the second paragraph, second sentence, delete “Seven days before the preconstruction conference,” and insert “Ten days after the award of the Contract,”. 108.04 Failure to Complete Work on Time. Delete the fourth paragraph which begins with “Liquidated damages in . . .” 108.05 Stop Order. (Suspension of Work) In the first line of the last paragraph delete the words “time or”

GRIR 104(3) 11 Special Contract Requirements

Section 109 – MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 109.02 Measurement Terms and Definitions Delete (b) Cubic yard. And insert (c) Cubic yard (yd³, Cu.yd or CY). 27 cubic feet. Delete (g) Linear foot. And insert (g) Linear foot (LF). Delete (h) Lump sum. And insert (h) Lump sum (LS). Delete (k) Pound. And insert (k) Pound (lb.). Delete (l) Square foot. And insert (l) Square foot (ft², Sq.ft or SF). Delete (m) Square yard. And insert (m) Square yard (yd², Sq.yd or SY). Add the following: (p) Contingent sum. Perform the work only when authorized by written order. The work will be measured and paid for at agreed unit prices, lump sum prices or force account as established in the order authorizing the work. When the unit is designated “Lump Sum”, the quantity is designated as “1”. 109.06 Pricing of Adjustments. Add the following after the first paragraph: A method of adjusting the cost (i.e. unit price) of bituminous material has been described in subsection 402.19(a) (b) Postwork pricing. (1) Direct costs. (c) Equipment. Delete the paragraphs under (1), (2), and (3) and substitute the following: For any machinery or special equipment (other than small tools), including fuel and lubricants, plus transportation costs, the use of which has been authorized by the GRIC-DOT including the use for hauling of materials and equipment, the Contractor shall receive the hourly equipment rental rates in effect at the time force account work is authorized. These hourly rental rates shall be determined by using the monthly rental rate taken from the Rental Rate Blue Book for construction equipment divided by 176. The Rental Rate Blue Book for Construction Equipment is published by Equipment Guide-Book Company, Palo Alto, California. Operating costs in accordance with the rates listed in the Rental Rate Blue Book will be allowed for each and every hour the machinery or equipment is actually operated. Rates not provided by the Rental Rate Blue Book must be approved by the CO prior to the start of any Force Account work on which the equipment will be used. No adjustment percentage, as shown on the maps in the Rental Rate Blue Book shall be used with the rental rate because of a predominate area condition.

GRIR 104(3) 12 Special Contract Requirements

If the machinery or equipment is required to be at the work site on standby, but is not operating, the Contractor may be compensated at the hourly rate exclusive of operating costs. The duration of standby time is to be determined when standby time is approved. When the equipment is to be used on multiple shifts, a charge of 50 percent of the base rental rate plus operating service rate for each hour of additional shifts will apply. The number of hours for each shift shall be agreed upon by the Contractor and GRIC-DOT prior to starting of work. “Move-in” and Move-out” charges required by the piece of equipment not available on the job will be included as part of the extra work at actual transportation cost, if the particular piece of equipment is not moved onto the specific job under its own power. Total hourly rate, without operator, shall be allowed for equipment moved to the site of the work under its own power. This shall apply to equipment moved within the limits of the project. “Move-in” charges will be paid only once for any particular piece of equipment except in unusual circumstances which must be justified in writing and agreed to by the GRIC-DOT. Whenever the “Manufacturer’s Rated Capacity” falls between those shown in this book, the closest will be used. Do not interpolate for rates in between. All rates shall be agreed upon in writing before any work is begun. No percentages shall be added to this amount. (2) Overhead. Delete the first paragraph and substitute the following: The overhead factor shall be applied to the direct costs. The Contractor shall be limited to 10% overhead when he and/or his subcontractors perform work for that portion performed with their respective forces. (3) Profit. Delete the first paragraph. 109.08 Progress Payments. Delete (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) and insert the following: Progress payments will be made on the first of each month as the work proceeds except no payment will be made for less than $5,000. Progress payments will be prepared by the GRIC-DOT and made by the CO in full without retention when progress is considered satisfactory and the work may reasonably be expected to be completed within the contract time, progress payments will be withheld if the Contractor’s Construction Schedule (CPM) is not current and accepted by the Government.

GRIR 104(3) 13 Special Contract Requirements

Noncompliance with or the failure to provide timely submittal of contract requirements will be justification of withholding of progress payments or portions thereof. (f) Partial payments. Add: Partial Payments for Material on Hand Materials listed below may be considered for partial payment when the materials are delivered and stockpiled or produced on the project site or on another site approved by the GRIC-DOT. Such partial payment will be made at the contract unit price for the quantity of material on hand and multiplied by the Partial Payment Factor. Type of Material

Partial Payment Factor

Aggregate Subbase


Aggregate Base


Mineral Aggregate


Cover Aggregate


The cost of hauling the stockpiled material listed above to the project site may be included in the partial payment at a rate of $0.15 per ton per mile. Cover aggregate will be measured by the Ton in the hauling vehicle immediately prior to placement on the roadway surface to be treated. Delete the last paragraph of this subsection beginning with “The quantity paid . . .”

GRIR 104(3) 14 Special Contract Requirements

DIVISION 150 – PROJECT REQUIREMENTS Section 151 – MOBILIZATION 151.03 Payment After the sentence “Progress payments for mobilization lump sum will be paid as follows:” delete (a), (b), (c) and (d) and replace with the following: One third of the lump sum, not to exceed 5% of the original contract amount, will be paid upon issuance of the notice to proceed.

GRIR 104(3) 15 Special Contract Requirements

Section 152 – CONSTRUCTION SURVEY AND STAKING 152.01(a) Personnel. Add: The person responsible for the surveying shall be a Registered Land Surveyor (RLS) in the state where the project is located and be proficient in construction surveying and have a sound knowledge of the specifications as they relate to construction staking. The crew chief shall be NICET Certified Level III or a RLS and shall be capable of supervising a survey crew, calculating grades, horizontal and vertical curves, and all other work necessary to complete the construction staking. The crew chief shall be on the project whenever surveying and/or staking is in progress. A minimum of 50 percent of the survey crew shall be NICET Certified Level II or possess at least a Land Surveyor-In-Training certificate. 152.02 General. Add: The surveying and staking, stake marking, referencing, grade and structure controls shall be in accordance with the Slope Staking Examples in the project plans. 152.03 Survey and Staking Requirements. (a) Control points. Add: Reference all control points with 5/8” diameter x 24” rebar with aluminum or plastic caps. (c) Slope stakes and references. Add: The Contractor shall set slope stakes on 100 foot stations along tangents and at 50 foot increments along curves and transitions. Slope stakes shall be set at right angles to roadway centerlines. Slope stakes for roadway and drainage structures shall be set and marked as shown on the Slope Staking Examples in the project plans. All slope stakes shall be sprayed with one coat of fluorescent red, pink or orange paint prior to marking the slope stake data on the slope stake. (f) Grade finishing stakes. Add: The Contractor shall set blue-top hubs, 2”x 2” x 6 inches, on centerline and shoulders for subgrade, special subbase and aggregate base course. Vertical tolerance for these hubs shall be ± 0.03 feet (see Table 152-1). (j) Borrow and waste sites. Add: No measurements shall be performed until the site has been cleared and grubbed. (k) Permanent monuments and markers.

GRIR 104(3) 16 Special Contract Requirements

Delete the existing wording and replace with the following: Perform all survey and staking necessary to reference and re-establish public land monuments. Set permanent public land monuments according to Section 621. (l) Miscellaneous survey and staking. Delete “(10) Pavement markings.” and insert “(10) Pavement markings. Mark roadway centerline at 50 foot intervals for pavement marking.” 152.05 Measurement. Delete the text under this subsection and substitute the following: Construction survey and staking will be measured by the lump sum. 152.06 Payment. Add: Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 15201 Construction survey and staking L.S.

GRIR 104(3) 17 Special Contract Requirements

Section 153 – CONTRACTOR QUALITY CONTROL 153.02 Contractor Quality Control Plan. Add: The Contractor’s Quality Control Plan must be stamped by a Civil Engineer who is registered in the state of Arizona. 153.06 Measurement. Delete this subsection and replace with the following: Measure Quality control by the lump sum. Add the following to this subsection: 153.07 Payment. Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 15301 Quality control L.S.

GRIR 104(3) 18 Special Contract Requirements

Section 154 – CONTRACTOR SAMPLING AND TESTING 154.02 Description. Add: General Requirements, Independent Testing Laboratory. Sampling and testing on Gila River Indian Community road construction projects shall be performed by an Independent Testing Laboratory. The Independent Testing Laboratory and its technicians must be experienced and proficient in the fields for which the work is to be performed. To receive GRIC-DOT’s approval the Independent Testing Laboratory shall meet the following requirements: a) Programs Participation. The Independent Testing Laboratory shall participate in the AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory (AMRL) and/or Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL) laboratory inspection program as appropriate for the testing being performed. A copy of the current Certificate of Accreditation shall be submitted with their Quality Control Plan. Copies of all applications, correspondence, reports and corrective actions shall be submitted to the Regional Road Engineer as requested. b) Documentation. 1. The Independent Testing Laboratory shall provide documentation describing their

organization, organizational chart, personnel responsibility, authority, education, training, experience and certifications; inventory of facilities and equipment used for testing (manufacturer, model and serial number, calibration and tolerances); written laboratory procedural manual; methods used for recording, processing and reporting data; inventory of reference material, standards and test methods. This documentation shall be updated annually, or more frequently when substantial changes occur.

2. The Independent Testing Laboratory shall provide documentation outlining their own

Quality Control, Quality Assurance and Equipment Calibration programs for their main lab and any satellite or project labs.

3. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to promptly provide the documents

from the Independent Testing Laboratory necessary to show existing and continuing compliance with the requirements outlined herein.

c) Personnel. 1. The services of the Independent Testing Laboratory shall be under the direction of a

full-time employee who is a licensed engineer in the State the project is located. He/she shall have a minimum of (5) five years of professional engineering experience in laboratory and field testing of the specific materials such as soils, Portland cement and asphalt concrete to be incorporated into the project which he/she directs

GRIR 104(3) 19 Special Contract Requirements

2. The supervisors of laboratory and/or field technicians shall have at least three years experience in inspection and/or testing of materials involved in the related area of construction. The field supervisors of the laboratory and/or field technicians shall be certified by the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) at Level III or above in the appropriate Construction Materials Testing field or meet one of the following requirements:

(aa) Be a licensed Engineer by the State in which the project is located with one

year of highway experience acceptable to GRIC-DOT. (bb) Be licensed as an Engineer-In-Training by the State in which the project is

located with two years of experience acceptable to the GRIC-DOT.

(cc) Hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering or an Associate Degree in Civil Engineering Technology with three years of highway experience acceptable to the GRIC-DOT.

3. Supervisory Technicians performing the actual testing and/or inspection shall be

NICET certified at Level III of above in the appropriate Construction Materials Testing field or meet the requirements of 2 (a)-(c).

d) Equipment. 1. Testing machines and equipment must be calibrated annually or more frequently by

impartial means using devices of accuracy traceable to the National Bureau of Standards.

2. The Independent Testing Laboratory will be open to inspection of equipment and

procedures by the Regional Road Engineers. e) Other Work. In fields other than those covered by the referenced AASHTO or ASTM Standards, the Independent Testing Laboratory shall accept only those assignments which it is able to perform competently by use of its own personnel and equipment. Any work to be subcontracted must be performed by laboratories meeting the same criteria. If any work is subcontracted, the subcontractor shall submit documentation in accordance with paragraph 154.01 (b), to GRIC-DOT for approval 21 calendar days prior to the subcontractor commencing work. f) Preconstruction Meeting. The Independent Testing Laboratory shall be present during the technical portion of the preconstruction meeting. Supervisory personnel and the lead field technician shall be in attendance at this meeting.

GRIR 104(3) 20 Special Contract Requirements

154.02 Sampling. Add: Delete the first sentence of the second paragraph and substitute the following: Acceptance samples shall be split into 3 samples according to AASHTO or other acceptable procedures designated by the CO. One of the acceptance sample splits shall be tested by the Independent Testing Laboratory and the other two of the acceptance split sample shall become property of the government. One of the splits shall be marked “GRIC-DOT”, the third shall be marked “Referee”. Samples shall be stored in canvas, plastic or metal containers. Paper containers will not be acceptable. All acceptance sample splits shall be delivered to the Agency Roads Office by the Contractor on a weekly basis. Add the following to this subsection: (k) Sample Identification System. Samples for testing shall be consecutively numbered throughout the project. All tests shall be prefixed as shown in the following examples (for specific tests pertaining to this Project refer to the applicable Section): 1.0 Density Tests.



OGD Original ground density ED Embankment density DD Dike density

SGD Finished Subgrade density PBFD Pipe backfill density PBD Pipe bedding density SBD Structural backfill density

SSBD Select subbase density ABD Aggregate base density ACD Asphalt Concrete density

Any retests of the above shall be suffixed with alpha letters, e.g., OGD-1 (failed), OGD-1A (failed), OGD-1B (passed). Embankment tests must indicate elevation of test, either actual elevation from subgrade or distance in feet above OG. Backfill tests must indicate which lift is being tested, 1st, 2nd, etc., to an elevation 12 inches above a structure. Each item listed above shall be presented to the GRIC-DOT on separate test report sheets.

GRIR 104(3) 21 Special Contract Requirements

2.0 Maximum Density-Optimum Moisture Tests.



OGMD Original ground maximum density-optimum moisture EMD Embankment maximum density-optimum moisture

ABMD Aggregate base maximum density-optimum moisture Moisture density curves for all materials shall be required to have as a minimum four (4) points, two (2) on each side of optimum. Each curve will be identified with a unique laboratory number, material source and usage. 3.0 Sieve Analysis P.I. & Additional Aggregate Tests.



ABS Aggregate base sieve analysis SSBS Select subbase sieve analysis SCS Structural concrete aggregate sieve analysis PCS Prestressed concrete aggregate sieve analysis CCS Cover coat aggregate sieve analysis MAS Mineral aggregate sieve analysis

P.I. and additional aggregate test results shall be shown on same form as sieve analysis. 4.0 Concrete Tests.



SC Structural concrete sieve analysis PC Prestressed concrete sieve analysis

5.0 Asphalt Concrete Tests.



GRIR 104(3) 22 Special Contract Requirements

AC-1, 2, 3, Test performed on asphalt concrete mixture to include: Extraction, moisture and gradation for each 500 tons (455 M-t). 1st a.m. & p.m. sample each day – stability & flow, air voids, VMA, unit weight, rice gravity.

SE-1, 2, 3, Sand Equivalent – One sample each day TSR-1, 2, Tensile Strength Ratio – One sample each day

In addition to test results, each data unit shall contain; date, time sampled and load number of material represented by test results. 6.0 Paving and Liquid Asphalt Tests.



PA Paving grade asphalt LA Liquid asphalt EA Emulsified asphalt

154.03 Testing. Add: The acceptance split samples shall be tested by the Independent Testing Laboratory. The CO reserves the right to test the second split acceptance samples marked “GRIC-DOT” and if the results do not conform to those of the Contractor’s test results, then the basis of payment will be on the CO tests. If the Contractor elects to contest the test results of the CO, then a mutually agreed upon “Testing Lab” shall be selected to perform the tests on the third acceptance split samples marked “Referee”. The Contractor and the CO shall abide by the “Testing Lab’s” results. The Contractor shall bear all costs in running the split samples by the “Testing Lab”. Results of tests shall be in accordance with AASHTO or industry standards except for the following: -- Sieve analysis – nearest whole %, except the No. 200 sieve which shall be reported

to the nearest 0.1%. -- Voids – nearest 0.1%. -- Asphalt and moisture content, retention factor – nearest 0.01%. -- Unit weight – nearest 0.1 lb/ft³. -- Specific gravity – nearest .001unit. -- All compaction tests – nearest 0.1%. -- Compression tests – nearest 10 psi.

GRIR 104(3) 23 Special Contract Requirements

The original of all test reports shall be submitted to the GRIC-DOT in accordance with the required time frames. One copy of all test reports shall be submitted to the Contractor’s Superintendent in accordance with the required time frames. If the test results are not submitted within the required time frames the Contractor shall suspend work on those items of work until the test results are current. All test results including summaries shall be submitted to the GRIC-DOT Engineer on a daily basis. Bounded copy of all test results and summaries signed and stamped by a Professional Engineer should be submitted to GRIC-DOT upon completion of the project. In addition to the submittal of test reports in accordance with the required time frame, any reports submitted to the GRIC-DOT which are incomplete, illegible or reported on the wrong form will be returned for correction and a $50.00 per day charge will be assessed until they are resubmitted correctly. 154.04 Records. Add: Reporting Test Results Time constraints for applicable tests and reports submitted to the GRIC-DOT are as follows: Mix Designs – All Materials.

Design to GRIC-DOT 21 days prior to beginning production.

Proctors – All Materials.

Reports to GRIC-DOT before taking density tests.

Density Tests – All Materials.

Results given to GRIC-DOT at completion of tests. Report to GRIC-DOT the following work day.

All aggregate quality tests such as L.A. Abrasion, Sulphate, etc.

Reports to GRIC-DOT one week prior to hauling.

Special subbase and aggregate base sieve analysis and PI.

Reports to GRIC-DOT one day after samples have been taken.

Cover coat aggregate for surface treatments. Sieve analysis and PI.

Reports to GRIC-DOT 1/2 day after samples have been taken.

Concrete compression, air, slump and temperature. Concrete aggregate sieve analysis (1 per 100 yd³ )

Results of air content, slump and temperature to GRIC-DOT at time of placement with report the following day. Compression test reports one day after test

GRIR 104(3) 24 Special Contract Requirements

is made. Sieve analysis one day after sample is taken.

Asphalt concrete stability and flow, air voids, V.M.A., asphalt content, moisture content, unit weight, sieve analysis, and sand equivalent.

Report to GRIC-DOT the following work day. Test results on the first acceptance sample the following work day.

Tensile Strength Ratio, %

Reports to GRIC-DOT within 2 days of sampling.

Straightedge measurements.

Results to GRIC-DOT at completions of tests. Report to GRIC-DOT the following work day.

Profilograph Measurements.

Reports to GRIC-DOT within 14 days after final rolling or compaction is completed.

Complete Asphalt Test Series for paving, cutback, asphalt rubber and emulsified asphalts.

Reports to GRIC-DOT within four (4) working days after sampling.

Emulsified Asphalt – percent of residue.

Reports to GRIC-DOT the following work day after sampling.

Partial paving asphalt tests for paving, cutback, asphalt rubber and emulsified asphalts.

Partial test series reports to GRIC-DOT within two (2) work days of sampling.

154.06 Measurement. Delete subsection and replace with the following: Contractor sampling and testing will not be measured directly but will be considered a subsidiary obligation of the contract. 154.07 Payment. Delete this subsection in its entirety.

GRIR 104(3) 25 Special Contract Requirements

Section 155 – SCHEDULES FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS 155.02 General. In the first paragraph delete, “at least 7 days before the preconstruction conference,” and insert, “10 days after award of the contract”. In the second paragraph, first sentence after “contract activities,” delete, “for the first 45 days after the notice to proceed,” and insert “after the award”. In the second paragraph, second sentence delete, “Within 7 days after,” and insert, “at”. In the second paragraph, fourth sentence delete, “,except mobilization and traffic control, and Section 637 work,”. In the fourth paragraph delete, “within 30 days,” and insert, “within 7 days”. 155.03 Bar Chart Method (BCM). In paragraph (a)(3) after “submittals,” insert, “testing and startup procedures”. 155.04 Critical Path Method (CPM). In paragraph (a)(3) after “submittals,” insert, “testing and startup procedures”. 155.06 Schedule Updates. Any schedule update showing a completion date beyond the contract time shall be accompanied with a request for a time extension in accordance with Subsection 108.03. 155.08 Measurement. Delete this subsection and replace with the following: The Construction schedule will not be measured directly for payment but will be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contract.

GRIR 104(3) 26 Special Contract Requirements

Section 156 – PUBLIC TRAFFIC 156.03 Accommodating Traffic During Work. Add the following paragraph: The Traffic Control Plan must be submitted for acceptance, accepted and implemented before any other work can commence at the project site.

GRIR 104(3) 27 Special Contract Requirements

Section 157 – SOIL EROSION CONTROL 157.01 Description. Delete this subsection and insert the following: This work consists of developing and designing the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), preparing and submitting the Notice of Intent (NOI) and Notice of Termination (NOT), and furnishing materials, constructing, and maintaining permanent and temporary erosion and sediment control measures. This work shall be in accordance with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Construction General Permit (for the appropriate state and reservation) for erosion control due to storm water runoff from construction sites. The contractor shall implement the requirements for erosion control due to storm water runoff from construction sites as noticed in the Federal Register (Vol. 68, No. 39087, July 1, 2003) and as specified under Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regulations published at EPA’s website, www.epa.gov/stormwater/npdes/cgp: NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges From Construction Activities and NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges From Construction Activities – Fact Sheet, in accordance with the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S. C. §1251 et. Seq., as amended by the Water Quality Act of 1987, P.L. 100-4. 157.03 General. Delete this subsection and insert the following: 157.03 Erosion Control Plan. Delete the text of this subsection and substitute the following: The contractor shall prepare and implement a comprehensive SWPPP. The SWPPP shall include descriptions of proposed measures to be implemented, a schedule detailing the proposed coordination for accomplishing the erosion control features in a timely and appropriate manner, and site-specific diagrams indicating proposed locations where erosion control devices or measures may be required during successive construction stages. This plan should include provisions for providing, installing, maintaining, removing and disposing of erosion control devices such as gravel filter berms, dikes, catch basin inlet protection, end-of-pipe filtering devices, silt fences, dams, sediment basins, netting, straw bale barriers, slope drains, and other erosion control devices or methods. The SWPPP will describe and ensure the implementation of practices which will be used to reduce the pollutants in storm water discharges to assure compliance with the terms and conditions of the NPDES Construction General Permit in accordance with good engineering practices and cost-effective approaches. The contractor will complete an NOI form [EPA Form 3510-9 (Rev. 6/03)]for the project. The NOI form must be submitted to the EPA at the following address or an electronic NOI (eNOI) submitted online at: or http://www.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/cgp or cfpub1.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/enoi.cfm.

GRIR 104(3) 28 Special Contract Requirements

For Regular U.S. Mail Delivery: For Overnight/Express Mail Delivery: EPA Storm Water Notice Processing Center Mail Code 4203M U.S. EPA 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20460

EPA Storm Water Notice Processing Center Room 7420 U.S. EPA 1201 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004

Construction activities shall not commence until seven (7) calendar days after acknowledgment of receipt of your complete NOI is posted on EPA’s NPDES website at http://www.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/cgp. Also, prior to the start of construction, all subcontractors shall sign certifications stating that they understand the requirements of the NPDES General Permit. All subcontractors shall comply with the requirements of the permit under the supervision of the contractor. A print of the posted NOI as well as the subcontractor certifications shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer at the Pre-Construction Conference. Ten (10) days after the award of contract the Contractor will provide the Contracting Officer with the draft SWPPP for review. Upon acceptance of the SWPPP, the contractor will submit five (5) copies of the accepted plan to the Contracting Officer. The SWPPP must be accepted by the Contracting Officer prior to the Pre-Construction Conference. Address the following items as part of the plan: SWPPP Contents: Site and Activity Description

A. The SWPPP must identify all operators for the project site, and the areas of the site over which each operator has control.

B. The SWPPP must describe the nature of the construction activity, including: 1. The function of the project (e.g., low density residential, shopping mall, highway,

etc.); 2. The intended sequence and timing of activities that disturb soils at the site; 3. Estimates of the total area expected to be disturbed by excavation, grading, or

other construction activities, including dedicated off-site borrow and fill areas; 4. General location map (e.g. USGS quadrangle map, a portion of a city or county

map, or other map) with enough detail to identify the location of the construction site and waters of the United States within one mile of the site.

GRIR 104(3) 29 Special Contract Requirements

C. The SWPPP must contain a legible site map, showing the entire site, identifying: 1. Direction(s) of storm water flow and approximate slopes anticipated after major

grading activities; 2. Areas of soil disturbance and areas that will not be disturbed; 3. Locations of major structural and nonstructural BMPs identified in the SWPPP; 4. Locations where stabilization practices are expected to occur; 5. Locations of off-site material, waste, borrow or equipment storage areas; 6. Locations of all waters of the United States (including wetlands); 7. Locations where storm water discharges to a surface water; and 8. Areas where final stabilization has been accomplished and no further

construction-phase permit requirements apply.

D. The SWPPP must describe and identify the location and description of any storm water discharge associated with industrial activity other that construction at the site. This includes storm water discharges from dedicated asphalt plants and dedicated concrete plants that are covered by this permit.

Pollution Prevention Plan Contents: Controls to Reduce Pollutants

A. The SWPPP must include a description of all pollution control measures (i.e., BMPs) that will be implemented as part of the construction activity to control pollutants in storm water.

B. The SWPPP must include a description of interim and permanent stabilization

practices for the site, including a schedule of when the practices will be implemented. Site plans should ensure that existing vegetation is preserved where possible and that disturbed portions of the site are stabilized. Use of impervious surface for stabilization should be avoided.

C. The following records must be maintained as part of the SWPPP:

1. Dates when major grading activities occur; 2. Dates when construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion

of the site; and 3. Dates when stabilization measures are initiated.

D. The SWPPP must include a description of structural practices to divert flows from

exposed soils, retain/detain flows or otherwise limit runoff and the discharge of pollutants from exposed areas of the site. Placement of structural practices in floodplains must be avoided to the degree practicable.

E. The SWPPP must include a description of all post-construction storm water

management measures that will be installed during the construction process to control pollutants in storm water discharges after construction operations have been completed. Structural measures should be placed on upland soils to the degree practicable. Such measures must be designed and installed in compliance with applicable federal, local, state, or tribal requirements.

GRIR 104(3) 30 Special Contract Requirements

F. The SWPPP must describe measures to prevent the discharge of solid material, including building materials, to waters of the United States, except as authorized by permit issued under section 404 of the Clean Water Act.

G. The SWPPP must describe measures to minimize, to the extent practicable, off-

site vehicle tracking of sediments onto paved surfaces and the generation of dust.

H. The SWPPP must include a description of construction and waste materials expected to be stored on-site with updates as appropriate. The SWPPP must also include a description of controls, including storage practices, to minimize exposure of the materials to storm water, and spill prevention and response practices.

I. The SWPPP must include a description of pollutant sources from areas other than

construction (including storm water discharges from dedicated asphalt plants and dedicated concrete plants), and a description of controls and measures that will be implemented at those sites to minimize pollutant discharges.

Non –Storm Water Discharge Management The SWPPP must identify all allowable sources of non-storm water discharges listed in Subpart 1.3 of the permit, except for flows from fire fighting activities, that are combined with storm water discharges associated with construction activity at the site. Non-storm water discharges should be eliminated or reduced to the extent feasible. The SWPPP must identify and ensure the implementation of appropriate pollution prevention measures for the non-storm water component(s) of the discharge. Maintenance of Controls

A. All erosion and sediment control measures and other protective measures identified in the SWPPP must be maintained in effective operating condition. If site inspections required by Subpart 3.10 of the permit identify BMPs that are not operating effectively, maintenance must be performed as soon as possible and before the next storm event whenever practicable to maintain the continued effectiveness of storm water controls.

B. If existing BMPs need to be modified or if additional BMPs are necessary for any

reason, implementation must be completed before the next storm event whenever practicable. If implementation before the next storm event is impracticable, the situation must be documented in the SWPPP and alternative BMPs must be implemented as soon as possible.

C. Sediment from sediment traps or sedimentation ponds must be removed when

design capacity has been reduced by 50 percent.

GRIR 104(3) 31 Special Contract Requirements

Documentation of Permit Eligibility Related to Endangered Species The SWPPP must include documentation supporting a determination of permit eligibility with regard to Endangered Species, including:

A. Information on whether federally-listed endangered or threatened species, or federally-designated critical habitat may be in the project area;

B. Whether such species or critical habitat may be adversely affected by storm water discharges or storm water discharge related activities from the project;

C. Results of the Appendix C listed species and critical habitat screening determinations;

D. Confirmation of delivery of NOI to EPA or to EPA’s electronic NOI system. This may include overnight, express, or registered mail receipt acknowledgement; or electronic acknowledgement form EPAs electronic NOI system;

E. Any correspondence for any stage of project planning between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), EPA, the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), or others and you regarding listed species and critical habitat, including any notification that delays your authorization to discharge under this permit;

F. A description of measure necessary to protect federally-listed endangered or threatened species, or federally-designated critical habitat. The permittee must describe and implement such measure to maintain eligibility for coverage under this permit.

GRIC-DEQ personnel will provide information to the Contractor as needed regarding the disposition of Endangered Species Compliance, including the appropriate Criterion to be declared in Section VI of the NOI. Copy of Permit Requirements Copies of this permit and the signed and certified NOI form that was submitted to EPA must be included in the SWPPP. Also, upon receipt, a copy of the letter from the EPA Storm Water Notice Processing Center notifying you of their receipt of your administratively complete NOI must also be included as a component of the SWPPP. Applicable State, Tribal, or Local Programs The SWPPP must be consistent with all applicable federal, state, tribal, or local requirements for soil and erosion control and storm water management, including updates to the SWPPP as necessary to reflect any revisions to applicable federal, state, tribal, or local requirements for soil and erosion control. Inspections

A. Inspections must be conducted in accordance with one of the two schedules listed below. You must specify in the SWPPP which schedule will be followed.

1. At least once every 7 calendar days, OR 2. At least once every 14 calendar days and within 24 hours of the end of a storm

event of 0.5 inches or greater.

GRIR 104(3) 32 Special Contract Requirements

B. Inspection frequency may be reduced to at least once every month if: 1. The entire site is temporarily stabilized, 2. Runoff is unlikely due to winter conditions (e.g., site is covered with snow, ice, or

the ground is frozen), or 3. Construction is occurring during seasonal arid period in arid areas and semi-arid

areas. Sections C thru G of Subpart 3.10 (Inspections) of the permit will be the responsibility of GRIC-DOT personnel. Maintaining an Updated Plan

A. The SWPPP, including the site map, must be amended whenever there is a change in design, construction operation, or maintenance at the construction site that has or could have a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to the waters of the United States that has not been previously addressed in the SWPPP.

B. The SWPPP must be amended if during inspections or investigations by site staff, or by local, state, tribal, or federal officials, it is determined that the discharges the SWPPP is ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants in storm water discharges from the construction site.

C. Based on the results of an inspection, the SWPPP must be modified as necessary to include additional or modified BMPs designed to correct problems identified. Revisions to the SWPPP must be completed within seven (7) calendar days following the inspection. Implementation of these additional or modified BMPs must be accomplished as described in Subpart 3.6.B. of this permit.

Signature, Plan Review and Making Plans Available A. A copy of the SWPPP (including a copy of the permit), NOI, and acknowledgement

letter from EPA must be retained at the construction site (or other location easily accessible during normal business hours to EPA, a state tribal or local agency approving sediment and erosion plans, grading plans, or storm water management plans; local government officials; the operator of a municipal separate storm sewer receiving discharges from the site; and representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service) from the date of commencement of construction activities to the date of final stabilization. If you have day to day operation control over the SWPPP implementation, you must have a copy of the SWPPP available at a central location on-site for the use of all those identified as having responsibilities under the SWPPP whenever they are on the construction site. If an on-site location is unavailable to store the SWPPP when no personnel are present, notice of the plan’s location must be posted near the main entrance at the construction site.

B. A sign or other notice must be posted conspicuously near the main entrance of the construction site. If displaying near the main entrance is infeasible, the notice can be posted in a local public building such as the town hall or public library. The sign or other notice must contain the following information;

1. A copy of the completed Notice of Intent as submitted to the EPA Storm Water

Notice Processing Center; and

GRIR 104(3) 33 Special Contract Requirements

2. If the location of the SWPPP or the name and telephone number of the contact person for scheduling SWPPP viewing times has changed (i.e., is different than that submitted to EPA in the NOI), the current location of the SWPPP and name and telephone number of a contact person for scheduling viewing times.

For linear projects, the sign or other notice must be posted a publicly accessible location near the active part of the construction project (e.g., where a pipeline project crosses a public road).

C. SWPPPs must be made available upon request by EPA; a state, tribal or local agency approving sediment and erosion plans, grading plans, or storm water management plans; local government officials; the operator of municipal separate storm sewer receiving discharges from the site; and representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service to the requestor. The copy of the SWPPP that is required to be kept on-site or locally available must be made available, in its entirety, to the EPA staff for view and copying at the time of an on-site inspection.

D. All SWPPPs must be signed and certified in accordance with Appendix G, Section 11 of this permit.

Management Practices

A. All control measures must be properly selected, installed, and maintained in accordance with any relevant manufacturer specifications and good engineering practices. If periodic inspections or other information indicates a control has been used inappropriately, or incorrectly, the operator must replace or modify the control for site situations as soon as practicable.

B. If sediment escapes the construction site, off-site accumulations of sediment must be removed at a frequency sufficient to minimize off-site impacts.

C. Litter, construction debris, and construction chemicals that could be exposed to storm water must be prevented from becoming a pollutant source in storm water discharges.

D. Except as provided below, stabilization measures must be initiated as soon as practicable in portions of the site where construction activities have temporarily or permanently ceased, but in no case more that 14 days after the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceased.

1. Where stabilization by the 14th day is precluded by snow cover or frozen ground conditions, stabilization measures must be initiated as soon as practicable.

2. Where construction activity on a portion of the site is temporarily ceased, and earth disturbing activities will be resumed within 14 days, temporary stabilization measures do not have to be initiated on that portion of the site.

3. In arid, semiarid, and drought-stricken areas where initiating perennial vegetative stabilization measures is not possible within 14 days after construction activity has temporarily or permanently ceased, final vegetative stabilization measures must be initiated as soon as practicable.

E. A combination of sediment and erosion control measures are required to achieve

maximum pollutant removal. 1. Sediment Basins: For common drainage locations that serve and area with 10 or

more acres disturbed at one time, a temporary (or permanent) sediment basin that provides storage effort a calculated volume of runoff form the drainage area from

GRIR 104(3) 34 Special Contract Requirements

a 2-year, 24-hour storm, or equivalent control measure, must be provided where attainable until final stabilization of the site. Where no such calculation has been performed, a temporary (or permanent) sediment basin providing 3,600 cubic feet of storage per acre drained, or equivalent control measures, must be provided where attainable until final stabilization of the site. When computing the number of acres draining into a common location, it is not necessary to include flows from offsite areas and flows from on-site areas that are either undisturbed or have undergone final stabilization where such flows are diverted around both the disturbed area and the sediment basin. In determining whether installing a sediment basins attainable, the operator may consider factor such as site soils, slope, available area on-site, etc. In any event, the operator must consider public safety, especially as it relates to children, as a design factor for the sediment basin, and alternative sediment controls must be used where site limitations would preclude a safe design.

2. For drainage locations which serve 10 or more disturbed acres at one time and where a temporary sediment basin or equivalent controls is not attainable, smaller sediment basins and/or sediment traps should be used. At a minimum, silt fences, vegetative buffer strips, or equivalent sediment controls are required for all down slope boundaries (and for those side slopes boundaries deemed appropriate as dictated by individual site conditions).

3. For drainage locations serving les that 10 acres, smaller sediment basins and/or sediment traps should be used. At a minimum, silt fences, vegetative buffer strips, or equivalent sediment controls are required for all down slope boundaries (and for those side slope boundaries deemed appropriate as dictated by aind9ividual site conditions) of the construction area unless a sediment basin providing storage for a calculated volume of runoff from a 2-year, 24-hour storm or 3,600 cubic feet of storage per acre drained is provided.

F. Velocity dissipation devices must be placed at discharge locations and along the

length of any outfall channel to provide a non-erosive flow velocity form the structure to a water course so that the natural physical and biological characteristics and functions are maintained and protected (e.g., no significant changes in the hydrological regime of the receiving water).

Documentation of Permit Eligibility Related to Total Maximum Daily Loads The SWPPP must include documentation supporting a determination of permit eligibility with regard to waters that have an EPA-established or approved TMDL, including:

A. Identification of whether your discharge is identified, either specifically or generally, in an EPA-established or approved TMDS and any associated allocations, requirements, and assumptions identified for your discharge;

B. Summaries of consultation with State or Federal TMDL authorities on consistency of SWPPP conditions with the approved TMDL, and

C. Measures taken to ensure that discharge of pollutants from the site is consistent with the assumptions and requirements of the EPA-established or approved TMDL, including any specific wasteload allocation that has been established that would apply to your discharge.

GRIR 104(3) 35 Special Contract Requirements

See section 1.3.C.5 of the permit for further information on determining permit eligibility related to TMDLs. Termination of Coverage Requirements You may only submit a Notice of Termination (NOT) after one or more of the following conditions have been met:

A. Final stabilization has been achieved on all portions of the site for which you are responsible;

B. Another operator has assumed control according to Appendix G, Section 11.C (of the permit) over all areas of the site that have not been finally stabilized;

C. Coverage under an individual or alternative general NPDES permit has been obtained; or

D. For residential construction only, temporary stabilization has been completed and the residence has been transferred to the homeowner.

The NOT must be submitted within 30 days of one of the above conditions being met. Authorization to discharge terminates at midnight of the day the NOT is signed. Submitting a Notice of Termination It is your responsibility to submit a complete and accurate NOT using the form (EPA Form 3510-13; Rev. 6/03)(or a photocopy thereof) provided in Appendix F of the permit and available at www.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/cgp. If EPA notifies dischargers (either directly, by public notice, or by making information available on the Internet) of other NOT form options (e.g., electronic submission), you may take advantage of those options to satisfy the requirements of Part 5 of the permit. The NOT must include the following information: 1. The NPDES permit tracking number for storm water discharge; 2. The basis for submission of the NOT, including; final stabilization has been achieved on all portions of the site for which the permittee is responsible; another operator/permittee has assumed control over all areas of the site that have not been finally stabilized; coverage under an alternative NPDES permit has been obtained; or, for residential construction only, temporary stabilization has been completed and the residence has been transferred to the homeowner; 3. You, the operator’s name, address, telephone number, and your organization’s Employer Identification Number (EIN) as established by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service; 4. The name of the project and address (or description of location if no street address is available) of the construction site for which the notification is submitted; and 5. A certification statement, signed and dated by an authorized representative as defined in Appendix G, Section 11 of the permit, and the name and title of that authorized representative.

GRIR 104(3) 36 Special Contract Requirements

Where to Submit A.All NOTs must be submitted to one of the following addresses: For Regular U.S. Mail Delivery: For Overnight/Express Mail Delivery: EPA Storm Water Notice Processing Center Mail Code 4203M U.S. EPA 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20460

EPA Storm Water Notice Processing Center Room 7420 U.S. EPA 1201 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004

B.In lieu of mail delivery, NOTs can be submitted to EPA using EPA’s electronic system (i.e., eNOI), when available. Check www.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/cgp for updates. Retention of Records Copies of the SWPPP and all documentation required by this permit, including records of all data used to complete the NOI to be covered by this permit, must be retained for at least three years from the date that permit coverage expires or is terminated. This period may be extended by request of EPA at any time. Waivers Waivers are available for small construction sites between 1 and 5 acres in size and not part of a larger common plan exceeding 5 acres. The rainfall erosivity waiver may be used if the project occurs during a dry period of the year. Instructions of eligibility and certification for the erosivity waiver is available at EPA’s NPDES website. 157.05 Filter Barriers. Add: In the first sentence delete the words “and brush barriers”. Delete the second sentence. Install filter barriers in accordance with the details shown on the accepted SWPPP. 157.11 Temporary Turf Establishment. Delete the text of this subsection and substitute the following: Soil preparation, fertilizing, seeding and mulching for temporary and permanent soil erosion protection shall be in accordance with Section 625. – Turf Establishment.

GRIR 104(3) 37 Special Contract Requirements

157.15 Methods of Measurement. Delete the text of this subsection and substitute the following: Measure “Soil erosion control” by the lump sum. No direct measurement for payment will be made for the soil erosion and pollution control work, development and implementation of the SWPPP, the Contractor’s “good housekeeping” practices and requirements, and NPDES permits associated with soil erosion control activities. Temporary and permanent seeding of cuts, fills, borrow pits, aggregate pits and obliterated roadways will not be measured for payment under this section. Payment for this work will be included under Section 625 – Turf Establishment. 157.16 Payment. Delete (a), (b) and (c) and insert the following: (a) Five percent of the original contract amount for Item 15714 shall be paid upon acceptance of the Erosion Control Plan. (b) Within the first four weeks after the start of construction, the Western Regional Roads Environmental Specialist will conduct a site visit to inspect the Contractor’s compliance with the Erosion Control Plan. If the Contractor is in compliance, the WRR Environmental Specialist shall recommend payment of forty-five percent of the original contract amount for Item 15714. If the Contractor is not in compliance, the WRR Environmental Specialist shall schedule a follow-up site visit and no payments shall be made for Item 15714 at this time. (c) After the follow-up visit, if the Contractor is in compliance, the WRR Environmental Specialist shall recommend payment of forty-five percent of the original contract amount for Item 15714. If the Contractor is still not in compliance, the WRR Environmental Specialist shall recommend to the CO that the project be stopped until the accepted Erosion Control Plan is in place. (d) The remaining amount for Item 15714 shall be paid at the time of “substantial completion” of the project. Add: Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 15714 Soil erosion control L.S.

GRIR 104(3) 38 Special Contract Requirements

ADD: Section 160 – PROTECTION OF ROADSIDE MEMORIALS 160.01 Description. The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting roadside memorials by placing and maintaining barrier fencing for the duration of the project. 160.02 Material. Conform to the following Section and Subsections: Fence (steel “T”) posts 710.04 Temporary plastic fence 710.11 Samples of the materials to be used shall be submitted at the preconstruction conference for review and a determination on acceptance. 160.03 Construction Requirements. The barrier fencing shall be erected as per details in the project plans. The construction of the roadside memorial barrier fencing as well as the maintenance and removal of said fencing shall be done with reasonable care so as not to cause damage or disturbance to any part of the existing memorials. 160.04 Disposal of Material. Barrier fencing material shall be removed, salvaged and stockpiled at the Gila River Indian Community Department of Transportation yard in Sacaton, AZ or as directed by the GRIC-DOT. 160.05 Acceptance. Barrier fencing (construction, maintenance and removal) will be evaluated under Subsection 106.02 of the FP-03. 160.06 Measurement. Measurement of the work described in the Section shall be by Each.

GRIR 104(3) 39 Special Contract Requirements

160.07 Payment. The accepted quantities, measured as provided above, will be paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the pay items listed below that are shown on the bid schedule. Payment will be full compensation for the work prescribed in this Section. See Subsection 109.05. Payment shall be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 16001 Protection of roadside memorials L.S.

GRIR 104(3) 40 Special Contract Requirements

Section 161 – RELOCATION OF UTILITIES 161.01 Description. The Contractor shall be responsible for removing and relocating air relief valve frame and cover and mail boxes within the project site. 161.02 Construction Requirements. The air relief valve and mail boxes shall be removed and relocated as per details in the project plans and specifications. The removal and replacement of said items shall be done with reasonable care so as not to cause damage or disturbance to existing utilities within the site. 161.03 Acceptance. Removal and replacement of the said items will be evaluated under Subsection 106.02 of the FP-03. 160.04 Measurement. Measurement of the work described in the Section shall be by Each. 160.05 Payment. The accepted quantities, measured as provided above, will be paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the pay items listed below that are shown on the bid schedule. Payment will be full compensation for the work prescribed in this Section. See Subsection 109.05. Payment shall be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 16101 Remove and relocate air relief valve Frame and Cover


16102 Remove and relocate existing mail boxes Each

GRIR 104(3) 41 Special Contract Requirements

GRIR 104(3) 42 Special Contract Requirements

DIVISION 200 – EARTHWORK Section 201 – CLEARING AND GRUBBING 201.01 Description. Delete the text of this subsection and substitute the following: This work shall consist of clearing and grubbing the construction limits. 201.03 General. Add: All wood with circumference of 3 inches or greater that is within the construction limits for the roadway shall be cut to an approximate length of 2 feet and stacked along the right-of-way or at locations designated by the GRIC-DOT. All brush and wood with a circumference less than 3 inches shall be disposed of as per Subsection 201.06 Disposal. 201.04 Clearing. Within this subsection delete the words “clearing limits” and insert the words “construction limits”. 201.09 Payment. Add: Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 20102 Clearing and grubbing L.S.

GRIR 104(3) 43 Special Contract Requirements

Section 203 – REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS 203.01 Description. Add: Refer to the project plans for the specific items to be removed, salvaged and/or disposed of. Remove and dispose of all dirt, vegetation and debris from the existing pavement surface, curbs, gutters and sidewalks left and right of centerline. Trim all shrubbery and trees to the back of the sidewalk and to a height of 7 feet or as directed by the GRIC-DOT. All trimming shall be verified with the GRIC-DOT prior to performing the work. Dispose of all trimmings. Disposal of material described above will be the Contractor’s responsibility. Disposing of material shall comply with Subsection 107.10. Salvageable material shall be stockpiled at the Gila River Indian Community Department of Transportation yard in Sacaton, AZ. 203.05 Disposing of Material. Delete (b) Burn and (c) Bury. 203.08 Payment. Add: Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 20305 Removal of structures and obstructions L.S.

GRIR 104(3) 44 Special Contract Requirements

Section 204 – EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT 204.01 Description. Add the following to this subsection: This work also includes pulverizing or scarifying the existing bituminous surface, which is approximately 3 inches thick, and work is to be performed in accordance with subsection 204.09b. 204.09 Preparing Foundation for Embankment Construction. Delete “1V:3H” and insert “3H:1V”. 204.10 Embankment Construction. (a) General. In the third paragraph, last sentence, delete “1V:3H” and insert “3H:1V”. (b) Embankment within the roadway prism. Delete “12 inches” and insert “6 inches”. 204.11 Compaction. (b) Earth Embankment. In the last paragraph, second sentence, delete “or other approved test procedures” and insert “, direct transmission method”. 204.13(b) Stepped slopes. Delete “1 1/3V:1H to 1V:2H” and insert “1H:1 1/3V to 2H:1V”. 204.13(d) Finishing. Add: Blue-top hubs, 2”x 2” x 6”, shall be set on 100 foot stations along tangents and shall be set on 50 foot increments along curves and transitions. Hubs shall be set on centerline and roadway shoulders. Vertical tolerance for these hubs will be ± 0.03 feet.

GRIR 104(3) 45 Special Contract Requirements

204.14 Disposal of Unsuitable or Excess Material. Delete the first sentence and substitute the following: All unsuitable or excess material as well as sediment removed from erosion control measures shall be evenly distributed along embankments (within the right of way limits) as designated by the GRIC-DOT or at an approved public land fill. 204.15 Acceptance. Add: Compaction tests shall be performed on the following: 1. Compacted embankment on each 6 inch lift or each 500 cubic yards whichever is

less. 2. Compacted original ground in areas where embankment height is less than 3 feet.

Density tests shall be taken for every 500 feet of roadway. 3. Compacted backfill for pipe culverts on each 6 inch lift on each side of culvert. For

pipe (CMP) extensions located outside the traveled way three (3) density tests shall be taken located at the bottom, center, and top of the pipe.

In Table 204-1 for Unclassified borrow, Select borrow and Earth embankment under “Sampling Frequency” for “Compaction”, delete “1 for each 3500 square yards” and insert “1 for each 500 cubic yards”. In Table 204-1 for Unclassified borrow, Select borrow and Earth embankment under “Test Methods Specifications” for “Compaction”, delete “or other approved procedures” and insert “direct transmission method”. 204.16 Measurement. (a) Roadway excavation. Delete the first paragraph and replace with the following: Roadway excavation will be paid for as the contract quantity shown in the bid schedule. The contract quantity will be adjusted for authorized changes that affect the quantity. If there is evidence that the original contract quantity is incorrect, submit calculations and drawings indicating where the quantity needs to be adjusted. If the quantity is adjusted, items (1) and (2) of this subsection shall apply when calculating the adjusted volumes.

GRIR 104(3) 46 Special Contract Requirements

Add the following to this subsection: (g) Channel excavation. Channel excavation shall be measured by the cubic yard. Excavated material shall be placed in the roadway embankment. Ditch blocks and/or dikes will not be measured directly for payment, but will be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor under this section. Borrow pit restoration shall be carried out in accordance with Subsections 105.03 and 625. Pit restoration will not be measured directly for payment but will be considered a subsidiary obligation of the contract. 204.17 Payment. Add: Payment for Item 20401, Roadway excavation, is limited to 10% of the plan quantity of excavation in the cut until the slope rounding in that cut is completed. Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 20401 Roadway excavation C.Y. 20403 Unclassified Borrow C.Y. 20414 Channel excavation C.Y.

GRIR 104(3) 47 Special Contract Requirements

Section 209 – STRUCTURE EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL 209.04 General. Add: Where rock, hardpan, or other unyielding material is encountered for pipe culvert foundation grade, the material shall be removed below the foundation grade for a depth of at least 12 inches. The width of the excavation shall be at least 18 inches greater than the horizontal outside diameter of the pipe. 209.11 Compacting. In the second paragraph, delete “or other approved test procedures” and insert “, direct transmission method”. 209.12 Acceptance. Add. Compaction tests shall be performed on the compacted embankment for pipe culverts on each 6 inch lift on each side of culvert. For pipe (CMP) extensions located outside the traveled way three (3) density tests shall be taken located at the bottom, center, and top of the pipe. In Table 209-1 under “Test Methods Specifications” for “Compaction”, delete “or other approved procedures” and insert “direct transmission method”. In Table 209-1 under “Sampling frequency”, after the word “lift”, add the superscript “(2)”. In addition, add a note below the table which states “ (2) A lift is equal to a horizontal layer of backfill not to exceed 6 inches in depth”. 209.13 Measurement and Payment. Delete this subsection and replace with the following: See subsection 109.05. Do not measure structure excavation and backfill for payment.

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DIVISION 250 – STRUCTURAL EMBANKMENTS Section 251 – RIPRAP 251.07 Acceptance. Add: One set of quality tests per source shall be performed on the riprap in accordance with Subsection 705.02 Riprap rock (a), (b), (c) and (d). 251.08 Measurement. Add: The material excavated to place the riprap and the geotextile, furnished and placed, will not be measured for payment but will be considered a subsidiary obligation of the contract. 251.09 Payment. Add: Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 25101 Placed riprap, class 2 C.Y.

GRIR 104(3) 49 Special Contract Requirements

Section 253 – GABIONS 253.01 Description Add the following: Only galvanized twisted wire mesh that meet the requirements of Subsection 720.02 will be accepted on the Project. All rock shall be hand-placed. Mechanically-placed rock shall be rejected at no cost to the Government. 253.09 Acceptance. One set of quality tests per source shall be performed on the riprap in accordance with Subsection 705.02 Riprap rock (a), (b), and (c). Placement will be accepted under Subsection 106.02. 253.10 Measurement. Add: The material excavated to place the gabions and the geotextile furnished and placed will not be measured for payment but will be considered a subsidiary obligation of the contractor. 253.11 Payment. Add: Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 25307 Gabions, galvanized twisted wire mesh C.Y.

GRIR 104(3) 50 Special Contract Requirements

DIVISION 300 – AGGREGATE COURSES Section 301 – UNTREATED AGGREGATE COURSES 301.01 Description. Delete the second sentence and substitute the following: Aggregate base grading special shall conform to the grading requirements shown below (the table shown below replaces Table 703-2, Subsection 703.05) and in accordance with Subsection 703.05. GRIR & SRIR

Sieve Designation Percent Passing 1 1/8 inch 100

No. 4 38 - 65 No. 8 25 - 60 No. 30 10 - 40 No. 200 3 - 12

That portion of the material passing the No. 40 sieve shall have a plasticity index (as AASHTO T-89 and T-90) of not over 5. 301.05 Compacting. In the third paragraph, second sentence, after AASHTO T 310, delete “or other approved test procedures” and insert “direct transmission method”. 301.08 Acceptance. Delete the text of this subsection and substitute the following: Untreated aggregate course gradation, construction, and other aggregate quality properties will be accepted under Subsection 106.04. The point of acceptance sampling for testing with the exception of density shall be from the windrow of the roadbed after processing. Gradation, liquid limit, plastic index and density tests shall be performed on each 1000 tons placed or daily if less than 1000 tons. Density acceptance tests shall be performed on each in-place compacted layer. 301.09 Measurement. Delete the second and third paragraphs and insert the following: Measure untreated aggregate courses by the Ton.

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301.10 Payment. Delete the first sentence. Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 30101 Aggregate base, grading special Ton

GRIR 104(3) 52 Special Contract Requirements

DIVISION 400 – ASPHALT PAVEMENTS AND SURFACE TREATMENTS Section 402 – HOT ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT BY HVEEM OR MARSHALL MIX DESIGN METHOD 402.01 Description Delete the first two paragraphs of this subsection and insert the following: This work consists of constructing one or more courses of hot asphalt concrete pavement. The hot asphalt concrete shall conform to Class B Marshall Mix Requirements as shown in Table 402-1. Mix designs prepared by the supplier will not be accepted. All mix designs and testing shall be performed by the Independent Testing Laboratory. The percentage of bituminous material, by weight, to be added to the aggregate will be between 5 to 7% of the total weight of the mixture. The exact percentage to be used shall be determined by GRIC-DOT on the basis of the Marshall Mix Design and job-mix formula submitted by the Contractor. Hot asphalt concrete pavement aggregate grading special which consists of coarse aggregate (retained on No. 4 sieve) and fine aggregate (passing the No. 4 sieve) shall conform to Subsection 703.07 and to the special grading requirements shown below:

Sieve Designation Percent Passing Allowable Deviation Percent ± From Target Value

1 inch 100 ¾ inch 97 – 100 ½ inch 76 – 88 (6) No. 4 45 – 65 (6) No. 8 33 – 53 (6) No. 50 10 – 20 (3) No. 200 3 – 8 (2)

(This table replaces Table 703-4, Subsection 703.07) Statistical acceptance procedures do not apply to 100% passing. The sand equivalent when tested in accordance with AASHTO T 176 on the untreated composite sample shall have a minimum value of 55. When hydrated lime is required it will be added to and mixed with damp aggregates in a pugmill prior to entering drier drum. The combined cold feed aggregate shall contain a minimum of two (2) percent moisture above SSD at the time the lime is mixed with the aggregates. The pugmill shall be a twin shaft, have a minimum length of 8 feet and the

GRIR 104(3) 53 Special Contract Requirements

shaft paddles shall have a minimum diameter of 24 inches. The bottom of the pugmill shall conform to the configuration of the shafts. Asphalt cement shall be PG 70-16 in conformance with the requirements of AASHTO Provisional Standard MP-1. 402.02 Material Delete “Asphalt binder 702.01” from the subsection and insert “Asphalt cement shall meet the requirements of AASHTO Provisional Standard MP-1”. Add: For non-commercial sources the contractor shall obtain approval in accordance with Subsection 105.02, develop and restore each aggregate source in accordance with Subsection 105.03. 402.03 Composition of Mixture (Job-Mix Formula). (a) Recycled asphalt pavement use. Add: Recycled material used shall not exceed 15% of the total mix. (b) Submission. Delete the first and second sentence and insert the following: The Contractor shall furnish three (3) copies of a recently prepared asphalt concrete mix design by the Independent Testing Laboratory in accordance with the Asphalt Institute’s MS-2, 6th Edition (Marshall Method) and AASHTO T 245, 21 days prior to beginning production. The Marshall Mix shall meet the requirements of Mix Class B in accordance with Table 402-1. Mix designs prepared by the supplier will not be accepted. The Independent Testing Laboratory shall obtain all samples. The mix design shall include graphs which contain at least four asphalt contents versus the following mixture properties: Air voids, voids in mineral aggregate, flow, Marshall stability, maximum theoretical unit weight, Marshall unit weight, and voids filled with asphalt. In addition to the procedures established for test specimens for AASHTO T 245 and Asphalt Institute MS-2 the Independent Testing Laboratory shall also cure two (2) sets of specimens at two (2) and three (3) hours at the mixing temperature and optimum asphalt content. After curing these two sets of specimens the bituminous mix properties and theoretical maximum specific gravity shall also be determined. If the bituminous mixture results for the two (2) and three (3) hour cure vary from those obtained by the AASHTO T 245 procedure, the Contractor shall determine the values which will be produced within the bituminous mixture specifications based on his production operations.

GRIR 104(3) 54 Special Contract Requirements

It is the Contractor’s responsibility to obtain additional material if materials submitted cannot be combined to meet the required gradation and bituminous mixture specifications included in this specification. The grading of paving asphalt cement shall be PG 70-16. The individual and combined specific gravities for the fine and coarse aggregate, coarse and fine durability, sand equivalent, absorption, asphalt absorption and asphalt retention on dry aggregate shall be reported. The location of all mixing plants and aggregate sources shall be submitted on an 8½” x 11” map. Separate job mix formulas are needed for each plant. In Table 402-1 (b) Marshall, delete “see Table 402-2” and insert “The minimum voids in mineral aggregate (VMA) shall be 14”. 402.03(b)(1) Aggregate and mineral filler. (a) Target values: (2) Delete “Table 703-4” and insert “the special grading requirements”. (d) Representative samples. In subsection 401.03(b)(1)(d), second sentence, delete “contractor’s laboratory” and insert “Independent Testing Laboratory”. 402.04 Mixing Plant. In referring to Subsection 401.04, add the following: The contractor shall furnish manufacturer’s literature for the mixing plant on capacity, set-up, slope of dryer-drum, etc., with the Marshall mix design. The GRIC-DOT may direct that the slope of the dryer drum be reduced during production to increase the mixing time. The fines in the bag house when used shall be metered in a continuous flow and discharged at the point of asphalt introduction when a hydrated lime is used as an anti-stripping additive. In referring to Subsection 401.04(b)(2) Stockpiling procedures. Add: Stockpiles shall be constructed by pneumatic-tired equipment and built in layers not to exceed 4 feet in thickness. 402.07 Weather Limitations. In referring to Subsection 401.07, delete the first paragraph and insert the following: Bituminous plant-mix shall be placed on a dry, unfrozen surface when the atmospheric temperature in the shade is above 40ºF (4ºC) and rising or above 50ºF (10ºC), if falling. Bituminous plant-mix shall not be placed when weather conditions prevent the proper handling or finishing the bituminous mixtures. The temperature of the road surface shall

GRIR 104(3) 55 Special Contract Requirements

be 55ºF (13ºC) or greater before placement of lifts 3 inches or less. Refer to Table 402-6a for the correlation of road surface temperatures and the asphalt concrete mix temperatures. 402.09 Aggregate Preparation. In referring to Subsection 401.09, in the fourth paragraph, delete “or FLH T 515”. 402.10 Mixing. In referring to Subsection 401.10 do the following: In the second sentence, delete “M 156” and insert “T 195 Determining Degree of Particle Coating of Aggregate Mixture”. Add: Control of asphalt mixtures. If the Contractor fails to meet the requirements of Table 402-1 and/or fails to submit to the GRIC-DOT the results on the first acceptance sample the following work day, the Contractor will suspend work on this portion of the contract until corrective action is submitted for approval to the CO and/or the results are submitted to the GRIC-DOT. The Independent Testing Laboratory shall determine the specific gravity (AASHTO T209-82, Rice Test), air voids, voids in mineral aggregate, flow, stability, and unit weight daily on the first acceptance sample taken in the morning and the first acceptance sample taken in the afternoon, and test results shall be submitted to the GRIC-DOT the following working day after the samples are taken. The sand equivalent shall be performed daily on composite samples before the addition of lime (or other chemical additives). On the basis of the test results above, the GRIC-DOT may request the Independent Testing Laboratory to adjust the target value within the original specification band or submit a new mix design for the asphalt mixture. The daily and moving average of four maximum theoretical specific gravity test results shall be plotted daily on a sheet which also has the design specific gravity. Dry back tests shall be performed. Maximum theoretical specific gravity, herein after referred to as Rice Gravity, shall be performed in accordance with AASHTO T 209-82 and in addition shall have a manometer or vacuum gage suitable for measuring a specified vacuum. The manometer or vacuum gage shall be fitted to the top of the flask and shall not be in line with the vacuum pump. The manometer details shall be in accordance with ASTM-2041-78. The GRIC-DOT shall be provided materials, certifications, samples, all test reports, and unrestricted access to current plant production records. 402.12 Production Start-up Procedures. Add:

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(c) Properties. One control strip asphalt concrete mixture sample shall be tested for the Marshall properties. A sample of the untreated aggregate shall be taken and the sand equivalent determined. Refer to Table 402-8a for sampling requirements. 402.13 Placing and Finishing. In referring to Subsection 401.13, in the second paragraph, first sentence, delete “Table 401-2” and insert “Table 402-6a”. Add: End dumping into the paver receiving hopper will not be permitted except when paving subdivision streets and road approaches.

Table 402-6a Minimum Asphalt Concrete Mixture Placement Temperature ºF (ºC)

Minimum Lay-Down Temperature Min. Road

Surface Temp ºF (ºC)

Less than 2 in. (50 mm)

2 in. - 3 in. (50 mm - 75 mm)

Greater than 3 in. (75 mm)

55 (13) 290 (143) 280 (138) 265 (129) 65 (19) 280 (138) 280 (138) 265 (129) 75 (24) 270 (132) 265 (129) 260 (127) ≥ 85 (29) 265 (129) 260 (127) 255 (124)

The asphalt concrete mixture heated above the temperature specified in the Marshall mix design will not be accepted. 402.14 Compacting. In referring to 401.14, in the second paragraph, delete the second sentence and insert the following: The densities shall be determined according to AASHTO T 238 Method B (direct transmission) or by use of Troxler Model 4640-B Thin Lift Gauge using the Surface Voids mode for quality control. Cores shall be taken to determine acceptance. The minimum and maximum acceptable pavement density shall be 92 and 98 percent, respectively, of the moving average of four (4) previous maximum theoretical unit weights established that day in the laboratory according to Subsection 401.01, or the average of the initial tests until the moving average of the previous four (4) maximum theoretical unit weights are determined.

GRIR 104(3) 57 Special Contract Requirements

402.16 Pavement Smoothness/Roughness. In referring to Subsection 401.16, delete the entire text of this subsection and insert the following: After final rolling measure the smoothness of the final surface course. a) Profilograph measurements. Measure the traveled way parallel to the centerline using a California type profilograph in accordance with California Test 526 (1978). The measurements and all original test data (profilograms) with the analysis must be performed by the Independent Testing Laboratory and submitted to the GRIC-DOT within 14 days after the mainline paving is completed. Profiles taken parallel to centerline shall be in each outside wheel path with one profile obtained for each lane placed. The highest value profilogram lane inches per mile in excess of the 0.2 inch blanking band will be the Profile Index. Stationing will be identified and recorded at 500 feet intervals on each of the profilograms. The Contractor shall produce a Type II pavement smoothness in accordance with Table 402-7A. The profile index shall be defined in California Test 526 (1978). The profilograph shall be run on the existing bituminous surface, prior to the placement of any surface treatment (i.e. chip seal, rubber chip seal, etc.) and/or overlay to obtain the original smoothness. The maximum profile index upper specification limit for overlays shall be determined by multiplying 0.67 times the average smoothness of the existing surface. A profile index will be calculated for each 0.1 mile of traveled way using a 0.2 inch [3/16 inch] wide blanking band. Bumps will be located using a 0.3 inch [5/16 inch] bump template. Defective areas are those with bumps in excess of 0.3 inch [5/16 inch] in 25 feet or less and/or those with 0.1 mile profile indexes greater than 1 inch and surfaces with a pay factor less than 0.75 as determined by Table 402-7A shall be corrected by the Contractor at no cost to the Government or if GRIC-DOT allows the material to remain in place it will be paid for at a pay factor of 0.50. The roadway profile will terminate 15 feet from a structure, approach pavement, transition area or joint with an old/existing pavement. Bridge decks, cattle-guards, bridge approach pavement, transition areas and roadway pavements having horizontal curvature of less than 350 feet radius will not be checked by a profilograph. This test shall not include miscellaneous paved areas such as short turning lanes, side roads, parking areas, and driveways.

GRIR 104(3) 58 Special Contract Requirements

Table 402-7A Profile Index and Pay Factor

Type I

Pavement Smoothness (New Construction)

Pay Factor

Profile Index inches/mile

Profile Index mm/km

Type II

Pavement Smoothness % of Original Smoothness


1.05 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75

0.0 - 4.0 4.1 - 4.8 4.9 - 5.4 5.5 - 6.2 6.3 - 6.6 6.7 - 7.4 7.5 - 7.9 8.0 - 8.5 8.6 - 9.1 9.2 - 9.7 9.8 - 10.0

0 – 64 65 - 76 77 - 85 86 - 98 99 - 104 105 - 117 118 - 125 126 - 134 135 - 144 145 - 153 154 - 160

0% - 38% 39% - 45% 46% - 51% 52% - 57% 58% - 63% 64% - 69% 70% - 75% 76% - 80% 81% - 86% 87% - 92% 93% - 95%

Defect Limit



Greater than 95%

(Defect Limit is 5 inches per mile (80 mm per m) greater than 67% of the original

average smoothness.) b) Straightedge Measurement Testing of longitudinal (parallel to centerline) and transverse (at right angles to the centerline) slopes shall be performed using a 10 foot metal straightedge provided and operated by the Independent Testing Laboratory. The deviation of the surface from the testing edge of the straightedge shall not exceed 0.2 inches [3/16] in 10 feet. When using a straight edge, the maximum pay factor that can be achieved is a 1.0. Areas that do not meet the straightedge requirement shall be corrected as outlined in Section (c) at no cost to the government or if GRIC-DOT allows the material to remain in place it will be paid for at a pay factor of 0.50. c) Defective area Correction. All areas represented by points having deviations in excess of 0.3 inches [5/16 in.] in 25 feet if a profilograph is used to determine surface smoothness and 0.2 inches [3/16 in.] in 10 feet if a straight edge is used to determine surface smoothness shall be corrected by the Contractor, with an approved profiling device (See item number 3 below). Corrective action shall consist of one or more of the following as approved by the GRIC-DOT which shall be at no cost to the government:

GRIR 104(3) 59 Special Contract Requirements

1. Remove and replace the surface course. 2. Place an overlay course at least 2 times as thick as the maximum sized aggregate in

the asphalt mixture. 3. Grind the pavement surface with equipment that is equipped with diamond-tipped

saw blades on a horizontal grinding head which cuts or grinds asphalt concrete leaving a corduroy surface behind. The type of equipment to be used shall be submitted in writing to the GRIC-DOT for approval. The thickness of the remaining pavement shall not be less than 0.4 inches [⅜ in.] less than the design thickness. Cores may be required by the GRIC-DOT to verify the thickness at no cost to the government. The final pavement surface shall be uniform in appearance to the surrounding pavement. A fog seal or micro slurry seal may be required to protect the ground pavement surface, to be approved by the GRIC-DOT.

Upon completion of corrective work, the Independent Testing Laboratory will re-measure the final pavement surface according to (a) and (b) above. 402.17 Acceptance. In the first paragraph, delete “Table 402-3” and insert “Table 402-8a”. Add the following to this subsection: All samples shall consist of at least 1 gallon (4 liters) of asphalt cement. The hot asphalt concrete pavement will not be accepted under any acceptance provisions of Subsection 106.02 to 106.05 if one of the following conditions exist: The asphalt cement pay factor(s) are in the “No Pay or Remove Category,” the tensile strength ratio does not meet the minimum requirement of 70%, or any of the pay factors for the asphalt content, gradation, density and pavement smoothness are less than 0.75. The material will be removed if it is not accepted. If the CO allows the material to remain in place it will be paid for at a pay factor of 0.50. In the fifth paragraph, first sentence, delete “and type I and II pavement smoothness”. In the fifth paragraph, second sentence, delete “Type I and II pavement smoothness and”. (a) Asphalt content. Add: The Contractor shall determine the asphalt content by means of the Ignition Method in accordance with Subsection 702.01 of these Special Contract Requirements on the material being tested. The first daily sample shall be split and the asphalt content shall be determined by the Ignition Method. (b) Aggregate gradation. In the first sentence, delete “Table 703-4” and insert “the special grading requirements”.

GRIR 104(3) 60 Special Contract Requirements

In the second sentence, delete “Table 402-3” and insert “Table 402-8a”. (c) Density. Delete this paragraph and insert the following: Cut 6 inch (150 mm) diameter core samples from the compacted pavement according to AASHTO T 230 Method B. Fill and compact the sample holes with an approved asphalt concrete mixture. Cores must be 6 inches in diameter, measured for thickness, and labeled. Density of the cores shall be determined in accordance with AASHTO T 166 and thickness tests shall be performed on the 6 inch cores in accordance with ASTM D 3549 and delivered to the Agency Roads office after testing. The lower specification limit is 92% of the moving average of four (4) previous daily maximum densities determined according to AASHTO T 209. Initially, the averages of the maximum density shall be used until there are a sufficient number to obtain a moving average of four tests. (d) Pavement smoothness/roughness. Delete this paragraph and insert the following: Pavement smoothness will be evaluated under Subsection 106.04. See Subsection 402.16. The evaluation will be made after all defective areas are corrected. A sublot is a 0.1 mile section of the traveled way and a lot is the surface course of the entire project. The defective limit will be the determined value of the upper specification limit plus 5 inches per mile. The maximum profile index upper specification limit for overlays shall be determined by the product of 0.67 times the average smoothness of the existing surface. The defect limit will be greater than 95% of the original pavement smoothness as outlined in Table 402-7A. 402.18 Measurement Add: No direct payment will be made for mineral filler or anti-strip additive required in the asphalt mixture. These items will be considered subsidiary obligations of the contract. If asphalt concrete is obtained from a commercial plant, or if the Contractor is furnishing material to projects other than this project, the asphalt cement used in the work shall be measured by the Ton, as determined by averaging the daily bituminous contents from the Ignition Method for each day’s production. The Contractor shall provide equipment that is capable of measuring the lime that is added as the mix is produced. The amount of lime shall be weighed and recorded on a

GRIR 104(3) 61 Special Contract Requirements

daily basis. The final quantity used will be determined by weighing the materials delivered and deducting that material which is left in the silo. 402.19 Payment In the first sentence after the words “Subsection 106.05”, delete “and 401-16” and insert “Subsections 402.17 and 402.18”. Delete the third paragraph, the pavement smoothness adjustment formula and the fourth paragraph. Add the following to this subsection: (a) Method of adjusting the cost for bituminous material: The term “bituminous material” as used herein shall include asphalt cement, liquid asphalt and emulsified asphalt. For the purposes of this project the “bituminous material” items shall be Item 40203 and 41203. The contract unit price for each item of bituminous material will be considered to include all costs for furnishing, hauling, handling, spreading, and mixing of the material as required, including the “initial cost” of bituminous material, but excluding any difference in the cost of bituminous material that occurs between the date of bid opening and the date that the material is used on the project. A cost for bituminous material will be determined monthly by the GRIC-DOT based on the selling prices of asphalt cement published on the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) website. The cost will be the arithmetic average of the high and low selling prices for asphalt cement shown in the three recent relative projects in Arizona. This cost will be deemed the “current price” (CP) for bituminous material for the following month for projects in construction. This value will be made known by means of an email/memorandum issued on the last Wednesday of each month from GRIC-DOT’s Office. For Commercial Contracts that have been awarded, the appropriate GRIC-DOT representative will notify the Project Superintendent. The “initial cost” (IC) of bituminous material for this project shall be as follows: The initial cost (IC) is determined by taking the arithmetic average of the high and low selling prices of asphalt cement as shown on ADOT’s website for the three recent relative projects in Arizona four previous weeks prior to notice to proceed of the construction project. For each item of bituminous material for which there is a specific pay item, an adjustment will be made as follows for each month that a quantity of bituminous material was used on the Project:

GRIR 104(3) 62 Special Contract Requirements

The “initial cost” (IC) for the project will be compared with the “current price” (CP) as specified above for the appropriate current month. The “current price” (CP) will be as shown in the email/memorandum issued on the last Wednesday of each month, and will be used to adjust costs for bituminous material incorporated into the job during the following month (for example; bituminous material used in May will be adjusted, as specified herein, based on the “current price” (CP) for May as shown in the memorandum issued on the last Wednesday of April). Any difference in price between these two values will be applied to the quantity of eligible bituminous material incorporated into the work. Example 1: 1000 tons of asphalt cement used during the month of May. IC = $366.88 per ton for asphalt cement (shown in scr’s). Contractor’s Bid Price = $450.00 per ton for asphalt cement (from bid opening). CP = $466.88 per ton for asphalt cement (as shown in the memorandum issued on the last Wednesday of April). CP – IC = $466.88 - $366.88 = $100.00 increase for asphalt cement. Payment for asphalt cement used in May would be: ((1000 tons x $450.00/ton) + (1000 tons x $100/ton) = $550,000.00 Example 2: 1000 tons of asphalt cement used during the month of May. IC = $366.88 per ton for asphalt cement (shown in scr’s). Contractor’s Bid Price = $450.00 per ton for asphalt cement (from bid opening). CP = $266.88 per ton for asphalt cement (as shown in the memorandum issued on the last Wednesday of April). CP – IC = $266.88 - $366.88 = $100.00 decrease for asphalt cement. Payment for asphalt cement used in May would be: ((1000 tons x $450.00/ton) - (1000 tons x $100/ton) = $350,000.00 Determination of the eligible quantities of bituminous material will be based on contractor-furnished invoices, except as modified below. The tons of emulsified products to which the adjustment will be applicable will be the tons of the emulsified bituminous asphalt prior to dilution. Adjustments in compensation for emulsified asphalt will be made at 60 percent of either the increase or decrease. Example 3: 1000 tons of emulsified asphalt used during the month of May. IC = $366.88 per ton for asphalt cement (shown in scr’s). Contractor’s Bid Price = $500.00 per ton for emulsified asphalt (from bid opening). CP = $466.88 per ton for asphalt cement (as shown in the memorandum issued on the last Wednesday of April). CP – IC = $466.88 - $366.88 = $100.00 increase for asphalt cement. Payment for material used in May would be: (1000 ton x $500.00/ton) + (1000 tons x 0.6) ($100/ton) = $560,000.00

GRIR 104(3) 63 Special Contract Requirements

Example 4: 1000 tons of emulsified asphalt used during the month of May. IC = $366.88 per ton for asphalt cement (shown in scr’s). Contractor’s Bid Price = $500.00 per ton for emulsified asphalt (from bid opening). CP = $266.88 per ton for asphalt cement (as shown in the memorandum issued on the last Wednesday of April). CP – IC = $266.88 - $366.88 = $100.00 decrease for asphalt cement. Payment for material used in May would be: (1000 ton x $500.00/ton) - (1000 tons x 0.6) ($100/ton) = $440,000.00 The tons of bituminous material (asphalt-rubber) to which the adjustment will be applicable will be 0.80 multiplied times the total quantity of the item used. The adjustment will not apply to the 20 percent of the material which constitutes the rubber additive. Example 5: 1000 tons of asphalt rubber binder used during the month of May. IC = $366.88 per ton for asphalt cement (shown in scr’s). Contractor’s Bid Price = $500.00 per ton for asphalt rubber binder (from bid opening). CP = $466.88 per ton for asphalt cement (as shown in the memorandum issued on the last Wednesday of April). CP – IC = $466.88 - $366.88 = $100.00 increase for asphalt cement. Payment for material used in May would be: (1000 ton x $500.00/ton) + (1000 tons x 0.8) ($100/ton) = $580,000.00 Example 6: 1000 tons of asphalt rubber binder used during the month of May. IC = $366.88 per ton for asphalt cement (shown in scr’s). Contractor’s Bid Price = $500.00 per ton for asphalt rubber binder (from bid opening). CP = $266.88 per ton for asphalt cement (as shown in the memorandum issued on the last Wednesday of April). CP – IC = $266.88 - $366.88 = $100.00 decrease for asphalt cement. Payment for material used in May would be: (1000 ton x $500.00/ton) - (1000 tons x 0.8) ($100/ton) = $420,000.00 The tons of bituminous materials which are paid for on the basis of testing by ignition furnace, or other approved methods to which the adjustment will be applicable, are the tons which have been incorporated into the mixture. No additional compensation will be made for any additional or increased charges, costs, expenses, taxes, etc., which the contractor may have incurred since the time of bidding and which may be the result of any increase in the “initial cost” of bituminous material. Adjustment in unit prices of items governed by this provision will be made in the next regular monthly progress payment following actual use or application of the bituminous material. Any adjustment in compensation made for bituminous material incorporated into the work after the expiration of the specified completion time set forth in the contract will be

GRIR 104(3) 64 Special Contract Requirements

on the basis of the price of bituminous material shown in the memorandum applicable on the date of the expiration of the specified completion time, as hereinbefore specified. (b) When the bid schedule contains a pay item for hot asphalt concrete pavement, type I or II pavement smoothness, a separate adjustment will be made for pavement smoothness according to the following formula: A = Q x UP x (PF - 1.00) Where: A = Adjustments to contract payment, in dollars, for longitudinal surface

tolerance. Q = The product of a fixed factor of the number of Tons that represents

Tons per lane mile and the number of lane miles traveled way profiled. This value shall be determined by the Regional Roads Construction Engineer once the mix design has been accepted and the unit weight of the material is known. (Example: THE FACTOR OF 845 WOULD REPRESENT A FINAL SURFACING COURSE THAT IS A 2.5” THICK PAVEMENT AND HAS 11’ WIDE LANES. (140 LB/FT3 X 11’ X 5,280’/MILE X 0.208’ X TON/2000 LB = 845.64 USE 845)

UP = The contract unit price for Item 40201 prior to application of pay factor

adjustments for materials quality. PF = Pay factor for surface tolerance determined by Table 402-7A after

completion of corrective work, if any. Pay factor shall not exceed a value of 1.05.

When the surface tolerance pay factor as determined by Table 402-7A is less than 1.0 but not less than 0.9, the Contractor will not be allowed to reduce the average profile index except as required by 402.16(d) and shall accept a contract unit price adjustment in accordance with the above formula. (c) Miscellaneous: Payment for Item 40201 Hot Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Item 40203 Asphalt Cement is limited to 80% of the plan quantity until all tests and pavement smoothness results are received by the GRIC-DOT. Pit restoration will not be paid for directly, but will be considered as subsidiary obligation of the contractor under other contract items. Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 40201 Hot asphalt concrete pavement, class “B”, grading Ton

GRIR 104(3) 65 Special Contract Requirements

special, type II pavement smoothness 40203 Asphalt cement, grade PG 70-16 Ton

GRIR 104(3) 66 Special Contract Requirements

TABLE 402-8A Material Subject to Statistical Based Acceptance Section


Quality Characteristics


Test Method

Sampling Frequency

Point of



Hot Asphalt Concrete Pavement

Asphalt Content Gradation (¹)_ #4 #8 #50 #200 Other Specified Sieves Core Density


Ignition Oven Method as per subsection 702.01 AASHTO T168 AASHTO T 11 & AASHTO T 27 AASHTO T 166 & AASHTO T 209

1 sample per 500 tons but not less than 1 per day. 1 sample per 500 tons but not less than 1 per day. 1 sample per 500 tons but not less than 1 per day.

Immediately behind laydown machine prior to rolling Immediately behind laydown machine prior to rolling In-place after compaction.

(1) Use only sieves indicated for the specified gradation. Do not use maximum or nominal maximum size sieve.

GRIR 104(3) 67 Special Contract Requirements

Section 412 – ASPHALT TACK COAT 412.06 Asphalt Application. In the second paragraph, first sentence, delete the words “rate of 0.03 to 0.15 gallons per square yard.” And replace with the “rate of 0.05 to 0.10 gallons per square yard.” 412.07 Acceptance. Add: If the government accepts the non-specification material and allows it to remain in place it will be paid for at a pay factor of 0.50. 412.08 Measurement Add: The emulsified asphalt will be measured by the Ton and in the diluted form. 412.09 Payment. Add: (a) A method for adjusting the cost of bituminous material: See subsection 402.19 (a). (b) Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 41203 Emulsified asphalt, grade SS-1h, tack coat (diluted 1:1)


GRIR 104(3) 68 Special Contract Requirements

Section 414 – SAW CUTTING 414.01 Description This work consists of saw cutting, removing and placing of asphalt concrete pavement as shown on the typical section(s) and at locations designated on the plans. 413.03 Equipment. Furnish equipment with the following capabilities:

(a) Power saw and blades. Saw and blades of such size and configuration that saw cuts can be made with one pass.

414.04 Saw Cutting. Dry saw cut and clean in a continuous operation. Clean dry-sawed cuts with a stream of air sufficient to remove all dirt, dust, or deleterious matter adhering to the cut surface. Blow or brush dry all material off of the pavement surface. 414.05 Measurement. Measure saw cutting by the linear foot. 414.06 Payment. The accepted quantities, measured as provided above, will be paid at the contract unit price per unit of measurement for the pay items listed below that are shown on the bid schedule. Payments will be full compensation for the work prescribed in this Section. Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 41406 Saw-cutting L.F.

GRIR 104(3) 69 Special Contract Requirements

ADD: SECTION 418 - ASPHALT CHIP SEAL 418.01 Description The asphalt chip seal shall consist of a single application of emulsified asphalt and pre-coated aggregate. All existing manhole covers, survey monument covers, and water valve/meter covers shall be covered and protected during the application of the asphalt surface treatment. If GRIC-DOT determines, after the surface treatment has been applied, that the covers have asphalt surface treatment material on them (from this project), the Contractor shall replace the covers at no additional expense to the Government . 418.02 Materials The material used shall conform to the following requirements: Aggregate 703.10 Asphalt Cement 702.01 Blotter 703.13 Emulsified Asphalt 702.03 Only one materials source shall be used for cover aggregate. Gradation of the chips shall be as specified in the table below:

Sieve Designation Percent Passing Allowable Deviation Percent ± From Target Value

1 inch 100 3/8 inch 85 – 100 ¼ inch 55 – 75 (6) No. 4 25 – 40 (6) No. 8 0 – 10 (6) No. 16 0 – 5 (2)

(1) Aggregate Proposed aggregate samples shall be obtained by the Independent Testing Laboratory prior to chip sealing operations and tested for aggregate characteristics per section 703.10. The results shall be submitted to GRIC-DOT at least three days before the work begins.

GRIR 104(3) 70 Special Contract Requirements

The aggregate shall be heated to a temperature of 250 °F to 350 °F at a hot plant hot and pre-coated with 0.5 +/- 0.25 percent paving asphalt cement. The pre-coated aggregate should have a “salt and pepper” appearance. Pre-coating acceptance shall be under Subsection 106.02. Aggregates will be sampled from hauling units and tested for acceptance in lots relative to the number of tons (t) placed each production day. Only those sieves designated in the specified grading will be considered for purpose of acceptance. A minimum of three (3) acceptance samples will be taken for this project. (2) Asphalt Cement Emulsified asphalt shall be Grade MC 250 as per project plans. 418.03 Construction. 418.04 Equipment

(1) General The equipment used by the contractor shall include a self propelled rotary power broom or mobile pickup broom for pavement cleaning and excess cover material removal.

A. Distributor Truck

A truck or trailer mounted self powered distributor truck shall be equipped with a heating unit and an internal mixing device capable of maintaining a uniform mixture of the asphalt binder. It shall be equipped with a full circulating spreader bar and pumping system capable of applying asphalt binder within ± 0.05 gallons per square yards (0.23 liters per square meter) tolerance of the specified application rate and must give a uniform covering of the surface to be treated.

Distributors shall be equipped with a full circulating adjustable spray bar capable of spraying various widths to 13 feet (4 m). Bar extensions shall be full circulating. The spray bar shall be adjustable to permit positioning at various heights and shall maintain the set height within 3/4 inches (20 mm) during each spray run.

Spray bar nozzle shall provide a uniform unbroken spread of asphalt rubber binder to the surface being treated, and shall be operated by positive acting control valves that quickly open or close in one operation.

The distributor truck shall be equipped with a hand hose and nozzle attachment to be used for spotting areas inaccessible to the distributor.

The distributor shall also be equipped with devices and charts to provide for accurate and rapid determination and control of the amount of asphalt binder being applied:

GRIR 104(3) 71 Special Contract Requirements

(1) A bitumeter that registers rate of travel in feet per minute and trip and total distance in feet;

(2) A pump for circulating the asphalt material in the spray bar and tank, and that sprays the material through the spray bar or hand spray;

(3) A pressure gage, pump, tachometer or other approved device for controlling the application rate of asphalt material;

(4) A gage or other approved means of accurately determining the quantity of asphalt material in the tank.

The distributor shall have a boot board on the rear of the vehicle and a bootman shall accompany the distributor. The bootman shall ride in a position so that all spray bar tips are in full view and readily accessible for unplugging if a plugged tip should occur.

Distributor and booster tanks shall be so maintained that no dripping of asphalt material will occur from any part of the equipment.

GRIC-DOT may order the use of any distributor truck discontinued that does not comply with the requirements or that fails to produce a satisfactory application of asphalt material as specified herein.

B. Pneumatic Rollers

When cover aggregates are applied, a minimum of three pneumatic rollers rated at 15 tons (14 M-t) or more shall be furnished. Pneumatic tire rollers shall be operated at a maximum speed of 5 miles (8 km) per hour. If so directed by GRIC-DOT, a steel tandem roller shall also be used at speeds not to exceed 3 miles (5 km) per hour. Pneumatic rollers shall be self-propelled of the oscillating wheel type consisting of not less than seven, smooth tread pneumatic-tired wheels revolving on two axles, and capable of being ballasted to the weight required.

The rollers shall be equipped with a means of increasing or decreasing the air pressure in the tires while the rollers are in operation. The tires on the front and rear wheels shall be staggered to produce a slight overlap of the tire tracks. Each tire shall be equipped with an adequate scraping or cleaning device to prevent the accumulation of material on the tires.

The roller shall operate smoothly and be capable of turning, stopping, or reversing direction without scuffing, marring, or displacing the materials. The Contractor shall furnish GRIC-DOT with a copy of the roller manufacturer’s charts or with tables showing the contact areas and average contact pressures for the full range of wheel loadings for each roller furnished. The Contractor shall also furnish GRIC-DOT with a copy of the calibration table or chart for the ballast box that indicates the volume of the ballast box in cubic yards, each 6 inch increase in the depth of ballast and the empty or tare weight of the roller.

GRIR 104(3) 72 Special Contract Requirements

The Contractor shall furnish sufficient rollers to cover the entire width of the treated surface in one pass. The average contact pressure of each roller shall be not less than 90 lbs. p.s.i.(620 kPa). The first pass shall be made immediately behind the spreader and if the spreading is stopped for any reason, the spreader shall be moved ahead so all cover material spread may be immediately rolled. The rolling shall be continuous until a minimum of four (4) complete coverages have been made while the asphalt binder is still tacky enough for the aggregate to adhere. Final rolling shall be completed within one hour after the application of the cover material.

C. Aggregate Cover Material Spreader

The cover aggregate (chip) spreader shall be a self-propelled machine with an aggregate receiving hopper in the rear, belt conveyors to carry the aggregate to the front, and a spreading hopper equipped with a full width distribution auger and spread roll. The spreader shall be in good mechanical condition and be capable of applying the cover material uniformly across the spread at the specified rate.

D. Hauling Equipment

Trucks for hauling cover material shall have a tailgate discharge and shall be equipped with a device to lock onto the hitch at the rear of the cover aggregate spreader. Haul trucks shall also be compatible with the cover aggregate spreader so that the dump bed will not push down on the spreader when fully raised nor have a short bed that would result in aggregate spillage while dumping into the receiving hopper.

418.05 Surface Preparation The Contractor shall be responsible for removing all vegetation, dirt, and all other foreign material from the roadway surface prior to seal coating. 418.06 Construction Methods Immediately prior to the application of the asphalt binder, the surface shall be thoroughly cleaned in order to insure adequate adhesion of the asphalt rubber binder to the subgrade. The Contractor shall be responsible for removing all vegetation, dirt, and all other foreign material from roadway surface and in dip sections prior to seal coating. The material removed from the road shall not be wind rowed along the roadway in such a manner so as to impede the drainage in any manner nor be unsightly. Unless specifically eliminated in writing by GRIC-DOT, all adjoining pavements and driveways shall be chip sealed by the same method described herein.

GRIR 104(3) 73 Special Contract Requirements

418.07 Asphalt Binder Application The surface to be seal coated shall be broomed and cleaned of all loose blotter sand, vegetation, and other deleterious material prior to the application of the asphalt rubber binder. The asphalt binder shall be applied at an approximate rate of 0.5 gallons per square yard. All longitudinal joints shall be overlapped but the overlaps shall not exceed 6 inches (150 mm). All transverse joints shall be made by placing building paper over the end of the previous application, and the joining application shall start on the building paper. Once the application process has progressed beyond the paper, the paper shall be disposed. Unused asphalt material shall be disposed of only at an approved landfill site and copies of receipts for the disposal shall be delivered to GRIC-DOT prior to final inspection. Traffic will not be allowed on asphalt material until the cover aggregate material has been applied and rolled in accordance with these specifications. 418.08 Aggregate Application The cover material shall be applied at the approximate rate of 22 pounds per square yard. The Independent Testing Laboratory shall make the necessary weighing to assist in the determination of the spread rate. The chip spreader shall not be operated at speeds which cause the aggregate to bounce or roll over after striking the asphalt surface. Traffic will not be allowed on until the cover aggregate material has been applied and rolled in accordance with these specifications. Stockpiling of cover material prior to placing will be permitted, however, any contamination resulting during the storage or from reloading operations will be cause for rejection of the cover material. Only cover material placed on the treated roadway will be accepted for payment by the ton (t). If the Contractor elects to stockpile cover material, the area that the cover material is to be stockpiled on shall be approved by GRIC-DOT prior to the stockpiling of any material. Application of the cover aggregate shall begin immediately following the application of the asphalt binder and shall be maintained within a distance of approximately 100 feet of the asphalt distributor and in no case shall the application of the cover aggregate lag more than 175 feet (53 m) behind the application of the asphalt binder, unless approved by GRIC-DOT.

GRIR 104(3) 74 Special Contract Requirements

After the cover material has been applied to the asphalt binder, and prior to rolling, any ridges, piles, or uneven distribution shall be carefully removed to insure against permanent ridges, bumps or depressions in the completed surface. The speed of all hauling equipment shall not exceed 10 miles (16 km) per hour when traveling over the chip seal where the rolling has not been completed. Loose cover aggregate shall be removed from the treated surface by brooming in not less than 3 hours nor more than 48 hours after application; however, if GRIC-DOT determines that conditions are not conducive to obtaining the best results by brooming during this time period GRIC-DOT may designate another time period. After brooming and before allowing traffic back on the roadway, place temporary pavement markers. 418.9 Acceptance Asphalt binder, asphalt cement and emulsified asphalt will be accepted under Subsection 106.04 and 702.09. Aggregate for asphalt rubber treatment will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02 and 106.04. Pre-coating of the cover aggregate shall be accepted under Subsection 106.02. Construction of asphalt chip seal will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02 and 106.04. If the arithmetic mean of the tested samples meet the gradation requirement of the specification, the aggregate will be assigned a pay factor of 1.00. If the arithmetic mean of the samples tested fails to meet the gradation specifications on any sieve size, a pay factor of less than 1.00 will be assigned as described below. Aggregates that are in substantial compliance may be accepted at an adjusted unit price based on a pay factor of 0.85. The asphalt chip seal treatment will not be accepted under the acceptance provisions if the aggregate pay factor is less than 0.85 or the emulsified asphalt do not meet the specifications. If GRIC-DOT accepts the asphalt chip seal treatment, it will be paid for at a pay factor of 0.50. GRIC-DOT may also reject the asphalt chip seal treatment. If GRIC-DOT rejects the asphalt chip seal treatment, it must be reconstructed. 418.10 Measurement Asphalt binder and cover aggregate shall be measured for payment by the Ton. All field testing data sheets showing the blending and application of each batch of asphalt binder shall be delivered to GRIC-DOT at the end of each day production. Emulsified asphalt, Grade MC 250, shall be measured as per Section 409.

GRIR 104(3) 75 Special Contract Requirements

The cover aggregate must be weighed and the weigh tickets delivered to GRIC-DOT prior to application. 418.11 Payment Payment for Item 41801 and 41802 are limited to 80% of the quantity placed until all test results are received by GRIC-DOT. The accepted quantities, measured as provided above, will be paid at the contract unit price per unit of measurement according to Subsection 418.13 for the pay items listed below that are shown in the bid schedule. Payments will be full compensation for the work prescribed in the Section. Payment will be made under:

Pay Item

Pay Unit 41801 Emulsified Asphalt Grade MC250


41802 Pre-coated cover aggregate, 3/8 inch nominal, seal coat


GRIR 104(3) 76 Special Contract Requirements

DIVISION 550 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION Section 552 - STRUCTURAL CONCRETE 552.03 Composition (Concrete Mix Design). Delete the first sentence of this subsection and substitute the following: Design and produce concrete mixtures that develop a minimum compressive strength (f’c) of 3000 psi” in 28 days and conform to Class A (AE) in accordance with Table 552-1. Delete the first and second sentences of the third paragraph beginning and ending with “Verify mixture design . . . 36 days before production” and insert the following: The Contractor shall furnish three copies of a Portland cement concrete mix design(s) for approval 21 days before production. The mix design(s) shall be prepared by the Independent Testing Laboratory wherein the data submitted shall be in the same sequence as that contained in this subsection. The mix design(s) shall be verified with trial mixes prepared from the same source(s) proposed for use. Mix designs prepared by the supplier will not be accepted. Add: (y) The use of calcium chloride as an admixture will not be permitted. (z) The location of mixing plants and aggregate sources shall be submitted on an 8½” x

11” map. 552.09 Quality Control of Mix. (a) Mixing. Delete the contents of (3) and (4) and insert the following: (3) The gradation testing of fine and coarse aggregate for each 50 cubic yards of

concrete placed or a day’s production, whichever is more. (4) The determination of fine aggregate fineness Modulus for each 50 cubic yards of

concrete placed or a day’s production, whichever is more. (b) Delivery and Sampling. Delete the sixth, seventh and eighth paragraphs beginning and ending with “Sample every batch . . . or when directed” and insert the following:

GRIR 104(3) 77 Special Contract Requirements

Sample and test every truck mixed batch of concrete for slump, air content and temperature according to AASHTO T 119 and AASHTO T 152 before placing any concrete in the forms. (b)(4) Delivery and Sampling. Add: Concrete compressive strength test cylinders may be cast in either 4 x 8 inch or 6 x 12 inch cylinder molds. Concrete cylinders shall be cured in the field by the same manner and methods that the concrete placed is cured. 552.14 Finishing Plastic Concrete. Add: All finishing equipment shall be at the project structure site on the morning of the day prior to placing the concrete. No concrete placement will be permitted until this requirement is complied with. The Contractor shall strike off the deck with a 2 inch diameter aluminum pipe 10 feet in length transversely and longitudinally immediately behind the mechanical finishing machine. One of the bridges provided shall be for the exclusive use for straight edging, texturing and the application of a curing compound to the plastic concrete. 552.14(a) Striking off and floating. Add: Any reinforced concrete box culvert decks wider than 20 feet which serve as the finished pavement shall be finished with an approved power driven finishing equipment. 552.16 Finishing Formed Concrete Surfaces. Add the following: All exposed concrete surfaces on the box culverts shall have a Class 2 – Rubbed Finish. The following exposed concrete surfaces on the bridge shall receive a Class 6 – Color finish: all faces of the railing and railing endblock, prestressed slab beam soffit and outside faces, outside faces of abutments and pier caps to 1 foot below finished grade. Do not apply color finish to beam seats. 552.19 Acceptance. Delete the entire text of this subsection and substitute the following: Structural concrete material will be accepted under Subsections 106.02, 106.03 and 106.04. Structural concrete compressive strength will be accepted as follows: Generally, five acceptance samples will be taken for lots greater than 150 cubic yards, 4 samples for lots equal to or greater than 75 cubic yards and 3 samples for lots less than 75 cubic yards. If only one or two batches of concrete are delivered during a days production then one set

GRIR 104(3) 78 Special Contract Requirements

of acceptance samples will be taken for each batch. When sampling frequencies are not met the pay factor for the actual sample size will govern. One continuous concrete production operation, herein defined as a lot, will be accepted or rejected on the basis of the mean and range of acceptance test results. The quantity of the lot will be determined based on batch tickets. The acceptance samples consisting of two cylinders each will be randomly selected by the GRIC-DOT from each lot. An acceptance test result is the average strength of a two-cylinder sample. Acceptance of the lot with regard to compressive strength will be made at the full contract price provided no acceptance test result is below the specified f’c. If any acceptance test result is below the specified f’c, the lot will be known to contain non-specification concrete and will be evaluated in accordance with Table 552-7 of the Special Contract Requirements. If the average of the 28-day acceptance test results does not meet the minimum limit shown under the 1.00 pay factor, GRIC-DOT will determine the detrimental effect of the non-specification concrete. If any or all of the lot is allowed to remain in place it will be accepted at a reduced pay factor in accordance with Table 552-7 and the following paragraphs, or the Contractor may elect to remove and replace it with specification concrete. The pay factor for concrete which is allowed to remain in place when it is determined to be outside the 0.85 pay factor limits for compressive strength will be 0.70.

TABLE 552-7

Pay Factor Schedule for Compressive Strength at 28 Days (Normal lots) Pay Factor Minimum Value for the Average of

Acceptance Tests for One Lot 1.00 f’c+aR 0.95 f’c+bR 0.85 f’c+cR 0.70 Less than f’c+cR

R = Range – The difference between largest and smallest acceptance test

results for one lot.

f’c = The minimum 28-day compressive strength (specified in the contract or on the plans).

Range Coefficient

a b c For 3 sample lot 0.18 -0.07 -0.30 For 4 sample lot 0.20 0.01 -0.16 For 5 sample lot 0.21 0.04 -0.10

GRIR 104(3) 79 Special Contract Requirements

Lots that are represented by less than three samples because of weather, small lot size, invalid tests or other factors, will be evaluated as described below. Acceptance samples for such lots will be obtained from batches selected by the GRIC-DOT. All the requirements in this section shall apply to these lots. When the sample from a single batch fails to attain the specified f’c, the CO will determine the detrimental effect of the non-specification concrete. He may require the removal and replacement of the lot; or, unless the Contractor elects to replace the defective concrete, the batch represented by each failing sample may be accepted in accordance with Table 552-8 of the Special Contract Requirements.

TABLE 552-8

Pay Factor Schedule for Compressive Strength at 28 Days

(Lots Represented for Compressive Strength at 28 Days) Pay Factor Average of Test Results

1.00 Not less than 1.00 f’c

0.95 Not less than 0.97 f’c

0.85 Not less than 0.94 f’c

0.70 Less than 0.94 f’c

All batches must be sampled to be accepted. Structural concrete construction including slump, air content and temperature will be accepted under Subsection 106.04. a) Compressive Strength. Two of the cylinders will be designated as an acceptance

sample. The compressive test result will be the average of the 2 designated cylinders tested at 28 days according to AASHTO T 22.

“The minimum compressive strength (f’c) shall be 3000 psi in 28 days”. b) Air Content. Air content will be tested according to AASHTO T 196. The

specification limits are shown in Table 552-1. c) Slump. Slump will be tested according to AASHTO T 119. The specification limits

are shown in Table 552-1. 552.21 Payment. Delete the first paragraph and substitute the following: Measure the Class 6 color finish by the square foot (Sq. ft.). Equipment, labor and materials needed to build the concrete color sample panels and the protection of the

GRIR 104(3) 80 Special Contract Requirements

approved panel will not be measured directly for payment. However this will be considered a subsidiary obligation under Item 55201c. No direct measurement or payment will be made for the equipment, labor and materials required to furnish and install the geocomposite sheet drain (estimated quantity = 24 sq. yds.), drain grates (6 required) and all joint fillers. This will be considered a subsidiary obligation under Item 55201a. The accepted quantities of structural concrete complete in place will be paid for at the contract price per unit of measurement adjusted according to Subsection 552.19 for the pay items listed below that are shown in the bid schedule. If concrete is subject to a price reduction, the following procedures will apply: (a) For concrete bid by the unit (i.e. cubic yards) PR = C x Q x BP x (1 - PF) PR = Price reduction for the lot in dollars. C = A cost factor representing the estimated concrete portion of the bid

item. If no “C” factor is shown in the plans or Special Contract Requirements, it shall be assumed to be 1.00.

Q = Quantity of the lot involved in cubic yards. BP = Bid price per unit. PF = Pay factor (1.00, 0.95, 0.85, or 0.70). (b) For concrete included in a lump sum. PR = C x Q x LS x (1 - PF)/T T = Total cubic yards of concrete in the item subject to acceptance from the

pay factor schedule. LS = Lump sum bid price. Other symbols are the same as (a) Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 55201 Structural concrete, class A(AE) C.Y.

GRIR 104(3) 81 Special Contract Requirements

Section 554 – REINFORCING STEEL 554.03 Order Lists. Add: The Contractor shall furnish three copies of all order lists and bending diagrams for approval 21 days before production. 554.08 Placing and Fastening. Delete the second sentence of the sixth paragraph beginning with “Tie bridge deck . . .” and substitute the following: For all concrete the reinforcing steel shall be tied together at all intersections except where the spacing is less than 12 inches in both directions, in which case alternate intersections may be tied securely to prevent displacement. 554.09 Splices. Add: If mechanical couplers are used they shall be field tested prior to use. 554.12 Payment. Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 55401 Reinforcing steel Lb.

GRIR 104(3) 82 Special Contract Requirements

DIVISION 600 INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION Section 601 – MINOR CONCRETE STRUCTURES 601.03 Concrete Composition. Delete the first and second sentences and substitute the following: Design and produce concrete mixtures that develop a minimum compressive strength (f’c) of 3000 psi in 28 days which has an air content of 5% ± 1% and a slump of not more than 4 inches except that concrete for guardrail posts shall develop a minimum compressive strength of 4000 psi. Twenty one days prior to production the Contractor shall submit for approval three copies of a current Portland cement concrete mix design prepared for a supplier by the Independent Testing Laboratory. 601.07 Acceptance. Add: In Table 601-2, under the heading “Sampling Frequency”, for “Air content” and “Slump”, delete the notation “1 set per 30 yd3 but not less than 1 per day” and insert “ Sample each load for slump and air prior to placement.” Two sets of two cylinders will be tested for compressive strength for each days production except the GRIC-DOT may exclude concrete testing for fencing, thrust blocks, manholes, and concrete monuments and markers. Minor concrete compressive strength will be accepted as follows: One continuous concrete production operation, herein defined as a lot, will be accepted or rejected on the basis of acceptance test results. Acceptance samples will be taken in the morning and the afternoon. A sample shall consist of two cylinders each which will be randomly selected by the GRIC-DOT from each lot. An acceptance test result is the average strength of the cylinder samples. The quantity of the lot will be determined based on batch tickets and converted to the appropriate pay unit. Acceptance of the lot with regard to compressive strength will be made at the full contract price provided no acceptance test result is below the specified f’c. If any acceptance test result is below the specified f’c, the specification concrete will be evaluated in accordance with Table 601-3 of the Special Contract Requirements. If the average of the 28-day acceptance test results does not meet the minimum limit shown under the 1.00 pay factor, the CO will determine the detrimental effect of the non-specification concrete. If any or all of the lot is allowed to remain in place it will be accepted at a reduced pay factor in accordance with Table 601-3 and the following paragraphs, or the Contractor may elect to remove and replace it with specification concrete.

GRIR 104(3) 83 Special Contract Requirements

The pay factor for concrete which is allowed to remain in place when it is determined to be outside the 0.85 pay factor limits for compressive strength will be 0.70.

TABLE 601-3

Pay Factor Schedule for Compressive Strength at 28 Days (Lots Represented by one sample)

Pay Factor Average of Test Results 1.00 Not less than 1.00 f’c

0.95 Not less than 0.97 f’c

0.85 Not less than 0.94 f’c

0.70 Less than 0.94 f’c

All batches must be sampled to be accepted unless waived as noted above. 601.09 Payment Add: The accepted quantities of minor concrete complete in place will be paid for at the contract price per unit of measurement adjusted according to Subsection 601.07 for the pay items that are shown below and in the bid schedule. If concrete is subject to a price reduction, the following procedures will apply: (a) For concrete bid by the unit (i.e. cubic yard) PR = C x Q x BP x (1 – PF) Where: PR = Price reduction for the lot in dollars. C = A cost factor representing the estimated concrete portion of the bid

item. If no “C” factor is shown in the plans or Special Contract Requirements, it shall be assumed to be 1.00.

Q = Quantity of the lot involved in cubic yards, square yards or linear feet. BP = Bid price per unit. PF = Pay factor (1.00, 0.95, 0.85, or 0.70).

GRIR 104(3) 84 Special Contract Requirements

(b) For concrete included in a lump sum or each: PR = C x Q x LS x (1 – PF)/T Where: T = Total cubic yards of concrete in the item subject to acceptance from

the pay factor schedule. LS = Lump sum bid price or bid price for Each. Other symbols are the same as (a) Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 60105 Concrete cut-off wall, 2 feet L.F. 60106 Concrete cut-off wall, 4 feet L.F.

GRIR 104(3) 85 Special Contract Requirements

Section 602 – CULVERTS AND DRAINS 602.10 Payment Add: Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 60211 Asphalt-coated metal end section for 36 inch pipe


60212a 24 inch type A asphalt-coated corrugated steel pipe culvert, 2-2/3 inch x ½ inch corrugations, 0.064 inch


60212b 36 inch type A asphalt-coated corrugated steel pipe culvert, 2-2/3 inch x ½ inch corrugations, 0.064 inch


60213 36 inch reinforced concrete pipe, class IV L.F.

GRIR 104(3) 86 Special Contract Requirements

Section 604 – MANHOLES, INLETS, AND CATCH BASINS 604.10 Payment Add: Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 60401 Manhole, adjust frame and cover Each

GRIR 104(3) 87 Special Contract Requirements

Section 608 – PAVED WATERWAYS 608.11 Measurement Delete the second paragraph and insert the following: Paved waterways, Type 4, shall be measured by the linear foot and as complete units in place. 608.12 Payment. Add: Payment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit 60803 Paved waterway, type 4 L.F.

GRIR 104(3) 88 Special Contract Requirements

Section 609 – CURB AND GUTTER 609.03 General. Add: 609.04 Stone and Precast Concrete Curb. In the first and second sentence of the second paragraph delete “25 feet” and insert “100 feet”. 609.05(a)(1) Contraction joints. Delete the second sentence and substitute the following: “Construct the expansion and contraction joint with a 3/16 inch radius edging tool.” 609.05(a)(2) Expansion joints. In the first sentence delete “60 feet” and insert “30 feet”. Add: Place expansions joints between existing concrete and new concrete. 609.09 Acceptance. Add: Sidewalk, drive pad, and paved median material will be accepted under Subsections 106.04 and 601.07. 609.11 Payment. Delete the first sentence and substitute the following: “The accepted quantities, measured as provided above, will be paid for at the contract price per unit of measurement adjusted according to Subsection 601.07 for the pay items that are shown below and in the bid schedule. Pay Item 60912 includes quantity of depressed curb as shown on the plans.” Payment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit 60912 Portland cement concrete curb, ribbon L.F.

GRIR 104(3) 89 Special Contract Requirements

Section 611 – WATER SYSTEMS 611.01 Description. Delete the first sentence and substitute the following: This work consists of locating/verifying existing utilities (i.e. underground telephone cables, waterlines, sewer lines, etc.); Constructing, repairing, adjusting and/or relocating water systems which include water valves, water lines, fire hydrants, etc.; and repairing, adjusting and/or relocating underground telephone systems which shall include junction boxes, cables, and appurtenances. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to obtain any necessary permits as well as coordinate all utility work with the appropriate utility authority. Acceptance Add: Locating/verifying existing utilities will be accepted under Subsection 106.02. 611.07 Measurement. Add: Locating/verifying existing utilities will not be measured directly for payment but will be considered a subsidiary obligation of the contract. The Contractor’s coordination work as well as the obtaining of all necessary permits from the appropriate utility authorities will not be measured directly for payment but will be considered a subsidiary obligation of the contract. The quantity shown on the Quantity List, Unit Price Schedule and Engineer’s Estimate for Item 61108 is for obtaining a unit price only and does not reflect an estimated quantity for the project. It is not anticipated at this time that any work will need to be done on the existing waterlines. 611.08 Payment. Add: The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying the location of the water system shown on the plans. The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying the location of the telephone system shown on the plans. Payments shall be full compensation for furnishing materials, fittings, pipe, other appurtenances, excavation, backfill, testing and incidentals for making the necessary repairs.

GRIR 104(3) 90 Special Contract Requirements

Payment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit 61107 Water valve, adjust frame and cover Each. 61108 Repair, adjust and/or relocate existing water system L.F. 61109 Remove and relocate fire hydrant Each.

GRIR 104(3) 91 Special Contract Requirements

Section 621 – MONUMENTS AND MARKERS 621.01 Description. Delete the text of this subsection and substitute the following: This work consists of referencing public land monuments and installing monument frame and covers. 621.02 Materials. Add: Monument frames and covers 725.12 621.03 Monuments and Markers. Add: Referencing and re-establishing of Public Land Monuments shall be to the standards and procedures of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Office of Cadastral Surveys. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to coordinate this work with Mr. Ken Ravnikar, Chief Cadastral Surveyor for BLM, Arizona State Office. Contact Mr. Ravnikar at (602) 417-9576. The Contractor shall ensure that monuments have been properly referenced prior to commencing any clearing and grubbing. Any monument disturbed during construction shall be re-established as described in this section at the Contractors expense. 621.04 Acceptance. Add: A letter signed and stamped by the Registered Land Surveyor (see Section 152) acknowledging that the standards and procedures set forth by BLM have been followed and that the re-established monuments are acceptable to BLM, Arizona State Office, Office of Cadastral Surveys. The letter shall have a concurrence line for the signature of the Chief Cadastral Surveyor or his representative. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to obtain the appropriate signature. The letter shall be submitted for review and acceptance prior to payment being made for this item. 621.06 Payment. Add: Pay Item Pay Unit 62104 Public land monument, install frame and cover Each

GRIR 104(3) 92 Special Contract Requirements

Section 625 – TURF ESTABLISHMENT 625.01 Description. Delete the first sentence and insert the following: This work shall consist of soil preparation, watering, fertilizing, seeding and mulching fill slopes, cut slopes (including rounded cut slopes), material pits (i.e., borrow, cover and base aggregate and M.A.), roadway obliteration areas, and any other disturbed areas as directed by the CO.

GRIR 104(3) 93 Special Contract Requirements

625.02 Materials. Add: Table 625-1

Table 625-1 Application Rates for Turf Establishment


SEED lbs/ac Big galleta Hilaria rigida purple three-awn Aristida purpurea white bursage Ambrosia dumosa saltbush Atriplex canescens Sonoran Desert wildlfower seed mix

5 6 4 4 3

FERTILIZER – Ammonium Phosphate 16-20-0

200 lbs. per acre (225 kg per ha)

MULCH – straw

4,000 lbs. per acre (4500 kg per ha)


PLS – Pure live seed

*See Below

*Application rates of seed as specified are for Pure Live Seed (PLS). PLS is determined by multiplying the sum of the germination and hard or dormant seed by the purity. Weed content shall not exceed 0.5 percent.

GRIR 104(3) 94 Special Contract Requirements

625.03 General. Delete the first sentence and insert the following: Establish turf in accordance with the conditions and times designated in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) or as directed by GRIC-DOT. 625.04 Preparing Seedbed. Add: Delete the third paragraph and inset the following: (a) Seeding operations shall not be performed on undisturbed soil outside the cleaning

and grubbing limits of the project or on steep rock cuts. (b) All areas to be seeded shall have the fertilizer (see table 625-1) uniformly applied to

the surface at the rate specified. All slopes flatter than 3:1 shall have the fertilizer tilled into the top 3 inches of the surface. Tillage shall be accomplished with a ripper bar, disc harrowing, chiseling tool or with other equipment which will provide thorough soil cultivation and an even mixture of fertilizer into the soil.

Tillage shall be performed across the slope (i.e., directional along the contours of the slope) when practical. No work shall be done when the moisture content of the soil is unfavorable. 625.05 Watering. Delete the following portion of this sentence: “and maintain the moisture until 10 days after germination.” 625.06 Fertilizing. (a) Dry method. Add: See paragraph (b) in Subsection 625.04. 625.08(a) Seeding (Dry method). Delete the second sentence and add the following: After the seed bed has been prepared (See Subsection 625.04) and the tillage is completed and accepted by the GRIC-DOT, seed shall be planted by drill, except on slopes too steep or rocky seed may be broadcast provided that it is covered by dragging. Seed shall be planted approximately ¼ inch deep, with a maximum depth of 1/2 inch. The distance between the drilled furrows shall not be more than 8 inches. If the furrow openers on the drill exceed 8 inches, the area shall be drilled twice. Seeding shall be done with grass seeding equipment with double disc openers, depth bands, packer wheels or drag chains, rate control attachments, seed boxes with agitators and separate boxes for

GRIR 104(3) 95 Special Contract Requirements

small seed. Seed of different sizes shall be sowed from at least two separate boxes adjusted or set to provide the planting rate as specified. 625.07 Mulching. (a) Dry method. Add: Mulch shall be immediately affixed by crimping and tacking. The GRIC-DOT shall determine which areas are not conducive to anchoring by crimping and will direct the Contractor to anchor such mulch by tacking only. Within 24 hours after each area is planted, straw mulch shall be uniformly applied at the rate of approximately 4000 pounds per acre. Anchorage by crimping: Mulch shall be anchored into the soil with a heavy disc with flat, serrated discs at least ¼ inch thick having dull edges and spaced no more than 10 inches apart. Mulch shall be anchored to a depth of at least 2 inches and shall not be covered with an excessive amount of soil. Anchoring operations shall be across the slopes where practical with no more than two passes of the disc. Anchorage by tacking: Mulch shall be anchored by tacking using an emulsified asphalt or an equivalent product, uniformly applied at a rate of approximately 500 gallons per acre. If an equivalent tacking material is being proposed for use, it must be approved by the GRIC-DEQ Environmental Specialist prior to its use. The Contractor shall submit his request for the use of an equivalent product 21 days before the intended application date. 625.11 Measurement Delete the second and third paragraphs. Add: Turf establishment (i.e. soil preparation, watering, fertilizing, seeding and mulching) will not be directly measured for payment at material source locations (i.e., borrow, cover and base aggregate and mix ag gregate) including haul roads. See Subsection 109.05. Turf establishment (i.e. soil preparation, watering, fertilizing, seeding and mulching) shall be measured directly for payment on fill slopes, cut slopes (including rounded cut slopes), roadway obliteration areas, and any other disturbed areas (excluding material source locations and haul roads) as directed by the GRIC-DOT. 625.12 Payment. Add: The Item for seeding includes all of the materials shown in Table 625-1 (seed, fertilizer, mulch, lime) and other materials and labor needed for turf establishment (seed-bed preparation, tack, etc.).

GRIR 104(3) 96 Special Contract Requirements

At least 75% of the applied tack and straw mulch shall remain in place for a minimum period of 30 days after the application. Any areas that have less than 75% of the tack or straw mulch remaining, after any application, shall be re-seeded, re-mulched, and re-tacked at no additional cost to the Government. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit 62501 Seeding, fertilizing and mulching, dry method Acre

GRIR 104(3) 97 Special Contract Requirements

Section 633 – PERMANENT TRAFFIC CONTROL 633.01 Description Delete the second and fourth paragraphs and substitute the following: “Sign panels shall be aluminum. Posts shall be steel”. 633.03 General. Add: For street sign installations, the top most street sign shall be for the street that is perpendicular or in front of the driver and the lower street sign shall be for the street that the driver is traveling on. 633.05 Panels. Delete the first sentence and substitute the following: “Use Type III reflective sheeting which meets the requirements of AASHTO M 268.” Delete the second and third sentences in the second paragraph and substitute the following: “Apply a graffiti-resistant overlay film to the retro reflective sheeting. Use Scotchlite Series 1150, Nikkalite F-Cal, or equivalent”. Add the following to the fourth paragraph: “Furnish fastener hardware which conforms to recommendations of the manufacturers of the sign panels, retro reflective sheeting and overlay film”. In the second sentence of the fifth paragraph delete “where possible”. 633.09 Measurement Delete (a) and replace with the following: (a) When a guide, warning or regulatory sign installation is measured by the each,

measure each installation as one sign, regardless of the number of guide, warning or regulatory sign panels or posts in the installation.


(d) When a street sign assembly is measured by the each, measure each installation as one sign regardless of the number of street signs in the installation. Each street sign assembly includes two street signs, u-channel base, cross-piece and other minor appurtenances required for the installation.

(e) Measure the removal and installation of the community bulletin board by the


(f) Measure the installation of pipe bollards with a concrete base by the each.

GRIR 104(3) 98 Special Contract Requirements

633.10 Payment. Add: Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Pay Unit 63306 Object markers, type 3 Each

63309 Sign installation, warning and regulatory with steel post(s) Each

63314 Sign installation, remove and relocate information board with wood post(s)


63316 Pipe bollard installation, 4” diameter x ¼” x 6’ Each

GRIR 104(3) 99 Special Contract Requirements

Section 634 – PERMANENT PAVEMENT MARKINGS 634.01 Description Add the following: This work shall also include furnishing all materials, equipment, tools and labor required to place temporary pavement markings/markers. 634.08 Thermoplastic Markings (Type H and I). In the second paragraph, third sentence, delete the words “or at a rate of 17.8 square feet per gallon”. In the second paragraph, fourth sentence, delete the words “or at a rate of 26.7 square feet per gallon”. 634.11 Acceptance. Add: a) When more than five (5) percent but less than ten (10) percent of the striping varies

more than ½ inch but less than 1 inch from the centerline of the marking established by the Contractor, a pay factor of 0.75 will be applied.

Striping tolerance that fails the above and is allowed to remain in place will be accepted at a reduced contract unit price based on a pay factor of 0.50. The CO may also reject the striping. If the Co rejects the striping, the Contractor shall remove the striping in accordance with Subsection 635.13 and re-stripe the project at no additional cost to the Government.

b) When Paint and Reflective beads are not applied at the minimum rates specified in FP-03, the unit price will be reduced by the sum of the percentages the paint and beads are deficient. Paint and beads will not be accepted if they are applied at less than 70% of the contract requirements.

c) Paint markings shall not be applied to the newly overlaid bituminous surfaces and

bituminous treated surfaces for a minimum of three weeks after the surfacing work is completed.

634.14 Payment Add: When a pay factor of less than 1.0 is determined as per Subsection 634.12, payment for sections involved will be made at a reduced price arrived at by reducing the length of traffic markings by the factor prior to multiplying by the contract price. Payment will be made under:

GRIR 104(3) 100 Special Contract Requirements

Pay Item Pay Unit 63401a Pavement markings, type H, 6 inch solid yellow L.F.

63401b Pavement markings, type H, 6 inch broken yellow L.F.

63401c Pavement markings, type H, 6 inch solid white L.F.

63401d Pavement markings, type H, 18 inch solid white L.F.

GRIR 104(3) 101 Special Contract Requirements

Section 635 – TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 635.01 Description Add: Three copies of a traffic control plan that is in accordance with the MUTCD will be submitted for each item impacting traffic 10 days after award of this contract for review. The plan will include the maximum spacing distance that the Contractor is proposing to use when placing channeling devices. If the traffic control plan does not conform with the MUTCD requirements because the Contractor changed his operations and/or special or hazardous conditions arise, the GRIC-DOT shall direct the Contractor to revise his plan and temporary traffic control devices and services immediately to conform with the MUTCD. The use of detours will be allowed whenever the Contractor’s operation and field conditions warrant. Prior approval of the detours must be given before work starts. The detours shall be located on the upstream side of the roadway. The installation of pipe will be limited to a one day operation whenever possible. The work area will be left in a safe condition possible, with no detours remaining overnight without prior approval by the GRIC-DOT. All detours left in place for more than one week shall have at least 4 inches (100 mm) of aggregate base with a bituminous surface using a cut-back asphalt when the existing surface is a bituminous treatment on either side of the detour. In the first sentence delete the words “as ordered”. 635.13 Temporary Pavement Markings and Delineation. Add: The Contractor shall place the temporary traffic marking on all asphalt surface treatments and/or pavement placed before allowing two-way traffic. 635.26 Measurement. Delete this subsection and substitute the following: Temporary traffic control will be measured by the lump sum and no measurement for payment will be made for furnishing, installing, and maintaining all traffic control devices and services required for the control and protection of traffic. 635.27 Payment. Add: Payment will be made under: Delete (b).

Pay Item Pay Unit 63501 Temporary traffic control L.S.

GRIR 104(3) 102 Special Contract Requirements

DIVISION 700 MATERIAL Section 701 – CEMENT. (a) Portland Cement. Delete the sentence and substitute the following: Conform to AASHTO M85, type II, and the low-alkali cement criteria of Table 2-Optional Chemical Requirements. Section 702 – ASPHALT MATERIAL 702.01 Asphalt Binder Add:

Standard Method of Test For



1. SCOPE 1.1 This procedure describes a method for determining the percent bituminous material

content of asphaltic concrete mixtures, by ignition of the bituminous material at 538ºC in a furnace. The aggregate remaining can be used for sieve analysis as indicated in Section 9 of this standard test method procedure.

1.2 This test method involves hazardous material, operations, and equipment. This test

method does not purport to address all of the safety concerns associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user to consult and establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

1.3 Metric (SI) units and values are shown in this test method. 2. APPARATUS Apparatus for this test procedure shall consist of the following: 2.1 A forced air ignition furnace, capable of maintaining the temperature at 578ºC, with

an internal weighing system thermally isolated from the furnace chamber and accurate to 0.1 gram. The balance shall be capable of weighing a 3500 gram sample in addition to the sample baskets. A data collection system shall also be included so that the sample weight loss can be automatically determined to an accuracy of 0.1 gram and displayed during a test. The test is deemed complete when the measured weight loss does not exceed 0.01 percent of the sample weight for three consecutive one minute intervals. The furnace shall provide a printout with the initial sample weight, sample weight loss, temperature compensation (if used), correction factor, corrected asphalt content (%), test time, and test temperature. The furnace shall provide an audible alarm and indicator light when the sample weight loss does not exceed 0.01 percent of the total sample weight for three consecutive one minute

GRIR 104(3) 103 Special Contract Requirements

intervals. A filter capable of reducing furnace emissions to an acceptable level shall also be incorporated in the furnace. The furnace shall be vented into a hood or to the outside and be set up properly so that there are no noticeable odors escaping into the laboratory. The furnace will have a fan with the capability to pull air through the furnace to expedite the test and to reduce escape of smoke into the laboratory. The furnace shall be equipped so that the door cannot be opened during the ignition test.

2.2 Stainless Steel Perforated Baskets, (minimum of two): The baskets shall be an

appropriate size that allow the samples to be a thickness which allows air to flow up through and around the sample particles. The sample shall be completely enclosed with screen mesh or perforated stainless steel plate or other suitable material. Screen mesh or other suitable material with openings of 2.36 mm has been found to perform well.

2.3 Stainless Steel Catch Pan: Pan of sufficient size to hold the sample baskets so that

aggregate particles and melting asphalt binder falling through the screen mesh are caught.

2.4 Oven – capable of heating to 177 ± 3ºC. 2.5 Scales(s) or balance(s) capable of measuring the maximum weight to be determined

and conforming to the requirements of AASHTO M 231, except the readability and sensitivity of any balance or scale utilized shall be at least 0.1 gram.

2.6 Safety Equipment: Safety glasses or face shield, high temperature gloves, and long

sleeve jacket. Additionally, a heat resistant surface capable of withstanding 650ºC and a protective cage capable of surround the sample baskets shall be provided.

2.7 Miscellaneous Equipment: A pa with the dimensions (L x W x H) of approximately

28 x 38 x 5 cm minimum for transferring samples after ignition, spatulas, bowls, spoons, and wire brushes.

2.8 Mixing apparatus – Mechanical mixing is recommended: A 19 liter capacity mixer

is required. (Hand mixing may be performed if desired). 2.9 Thermometer with temperature range 10 to 260ºC. 2.10 A hot place capable of maintaining at temperature of 149ºC ± 6ºC. 2.11 Sieve analysis apparatus as specified in AASHTO T 27 and T 11. 3. SAMPLING 3.1 For preparing calibration samples, obtain samples of aggregates in accordance with

AASHTO T 2. Samples shall be adequately dried, if necessary, to a free-flowing condition of the portion passing the 4.75 mm sieve.

GRIR 104(3) 104 Special Contract Requirements

3.2 The size of the test sample shall be governed by the type of mix that will be utilized and shall conform to the weight requirement shown in the table below.

Size of Test Sample

Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size

Weight of Sample, grams

37.5 mm 4000 - 4500

25.0 mm 3000 - 3500

19.0 mm 2000 - 2500

12.5 mm 1500 - 2000

9.5 mm 1000 - 1500

4.75 mm 500 - 1000

NOTE: When the mass of the test specimen exceeds the capacity of the equipment

used, the test specimen may be divided in suitable increments, tested, and the results appropriately combined.

NOTE: Large samples of fine mixes tend to result in incomplete ignition of the

asphalt. 3.3 For testing field samples of asphalt concrete, obtain a sample of the freshly

produced mix in accordance with AASHTO T 168. 4. CALIBRATION

Two calibration procedures are provided; Method A, mixture calibration, and Method B, aggregate calibration, as outlined in Sections 5 and 6. Either method may be required by the Engineer. One of the calibration procedures must be performed before any acceptance testing is completed. In case of dispute the mixture calibration shall be performed. A calibration should be repeated each time there is a change in the mix design, or as requested by the Engineer.

5. MIXTURE CALIBRATION – METHOD A 5.1 This method may be affected by the type of aggregate in the mixture. Accordingly,

to optimize accuracy, a correction factor will be established with the testing of a set of calibration samples for each mix type.

5.2 Two calibration samples conforming to the mass requirement of Subsection 3.2

shall be prepared at the design asphalt content. A “butter mix” should be prepared at the design bituminous material content, to condition the mixing equipment prior to mixing any of the calibration specimens to ensure an accurate bituminous material content. It can either be discarded, or be burned after the calibration for a check of bituminous material content and gradation. An additional aggregate (and mineral admixture when used) sample shall be prepared and a sieve analysis

GRIR 104(3) 105 Special Contract Requirements

performed according to Section 9 to determine the actual gradation values. The gradation shall fall within mix design tolerances. Aggregate used for the calibration specimens shall be sampled from stockpile or cold feed material produced in the current construction season. Any method may be used to combine the aggregates as long as the result matches the mix design criteria.

5.3 For the calibration samples, weigh the aggregate samples so the ending weight (after

bituminous material is added) will be approximately the same size sample that will be split out during production of the mix. If mineral admixture is used, the appropriate type and amount shall be added to the aggregate and thoroughly blended. Dry the samples to constant weight at 143 ± 6ºC.

5.4 The same grade and type of bituminous material shall be used in the calibration

samples as that which will be used in the asphalt concrete mixture to be tested. Two samples shall be mixed at the design bituminous material content.

The percent of bituminous material is based on the weight of total mix. The weight

of bituminous material is determined by the following: A B = __________________ x C 100 – C Where: A = Wt. Of Aggregate (and mineral admixture when used) B = Wt. Of Bituminous Material C = Percent of Bituminous Material 5.6 All bowls, sample pans, and mixing tools shall be heated to approximately 149ºC.

As an alternate to preparing a “butter” mix, the mixing equipment may be scraped consistently clean with a spatula after each batch. All samples shall be mixed at the same mixing temperature ± 6ºC. At the time mixing begins, the temperature of the bituminous material and aggregate (and mineral admixture when used) shall be in accordance with the following:


AC-10, AC-20 149 ± 6ºC

AC-30, AC-40 152 ± 6ºC

PG 58-XX, PG 64-XX 149 ± 6ºC

PG 70-XX, PG 76-XX 152 ± 6ºC

Polymer Modified Asphalt 160 ± 6ºC

Asphalt-Rubber 163 ± 6ºC

GRIR 104(3) 106 Special Contract Requirements

5.7 Preheat the ignition furnace to 538ºC. Record the furnace temperature set point prior to the initiation of the test.

5.8 Enter a correction factor of 0.00 in the ignition furnace. 5.9 Place the basket assembly on the balance, weigh and record the weight of the

basket assembly. 5.10 The freshly mixed samples may be placed directly in the sample basket assembly.

If allowed to cool, the samples must be reheated in a 143 ± 6ºC. oven for 25 minutes.

5.11 Evenly distribute the calibration sample over the entire area of the sample

basket(s). Use a spatula or trowel to pull material approximately 25 mm away from the outside edge of basket(s) and level the material. Replace the cover on the top basket. Lift basket assembly and sample from the balance. Zero out the balance and weigh and record the weight of the basket assembly and sample.

5.12 Calculate and record the initial weight of the sample, (total weight minus the tare

weight of the sample basket assembly). 5.13 Select the ignition furnace controller print made which will give a printout of all

test data (long printout rather than short printout). Input the initial weight of the sample into the ignition furnace controller. Verify that the correct weight has been entered and tare the furnace balance.

5.14 Open the chamber door and place the sample and basket assembly so that it is

centered in the furnace. After assuring that the sample basket assembly is not in contact with the furnace wall, close the chamber door. Initiate the test by pressing the start button. This will lock the sample chamber and start the combustion blower.

5.15 Allow the test to continue until the stable light and audible stable indicator

(beeper) indicates the test is complete. Press the stop button. This will unlock the sample chamber and cause the printer to print out the test results.

5.16 Open the chamber door, remove the sample baskets and allow to cool

approximately 30 minutes. Weigh and record the weight of the basket assembly and sample. Calculate the weight of the sample after burning, and record this weight on the tabulation card.

5.17 Perform a gradation sieve analysis on the residual aggregate as indicated in Section 9. 5.18 Once the two mix calibration samples have been burned, determine the difference

between the actual and measured bituminous material content for each sample. The bituminous material correction factor is the average of the differences.

GRIR 104(3) 107 Special Contract Requirements

5.19 If the difference between the two mix calibration samples exceed 0.07 percent, repeat two new tests, and average the four results. If the average measured mass loss exceeds 1.0 percent, lower the test temperature to 482 ± 5ºC. and repeat the test. If the mass loss continues to exceed 1.0 percent, lower the test temperature to 427 ± 5ºC. Use the correction factor determined by Subsection 5.18 above or this Subsection to determine the measured bituminous material content in Section 7.

5.20 Once the two mix calibration samples have been graded, determine the difference

between the actual as determined in Subsection 5.2 and measured percent passing the 75 µm sieve for each sample. Determine the average of the differences. If the resultant average value is greater than 0.50 percent, a correction factor for the passing 75 µm material is applied to the production field sample test results.


CALIBRATION)- METHOD B This method may be affected by the type of aggregate in the mixture. Accordingly,

to optimize accuracy, a correction factor will be established with the testing of a set of calibration samples for each mix type.

6.1 Three blank aggregate, and admixture if used, calibration samples conforming to

the mass requirements of Subsection 3.2 shall be prepared to meet the job-mix formula. Aggregate used for the calibration specimens shall be sampled from stockpile or cold feed material produced in the current construction season. Any method may be used to combine the aggregate as long as the result matches the mix design criteria. Dry the samples to constant weight at 143 ± 6ºC. A sieve analysis shall be performed on one of the samples in accordance with Section 9 to determine the actual gradation values. The gradation shall fall within the mix design tolerances.

6.2 If allowed to cool, the samples must be reheated in a 143 ± 6ºC. oven for 25

minutes prior to burning. 6.3 Preheat the ignition furnace to 578ºC. Record the furnace temperature set point

prior to the initiation of the test. 6.4 Enter a correction factor of 0.00 in the ignition furnace. 6.5 Place the basket assembly on the balance, weigh and record the weight of the

basket assembly. 6.6 Evenly distribute the sample over the entire area of the sample basket(s). Use a

spatula or trowel to pull material approximately 25 mm away from the outside edge of basket(s) and level the material. Replace the cover on the top basket. Lift basket assembly and sample from the balance. Zero out the balance and weigh and record the weight of the basket assembly and sample.

GRIR 104(3) 108 Special Contract Requirements

6.7 Calculate and record the initial weight of the sample specimen, (total weight minus the tare weight of the sample basket assembly).

6.8 Select the ignition furnace controller print mode which will give a printout of all

test data (long printout rather than short printout). Input the initial weight of the sample into the ignition furnace controller. Verify that the correct weight has been entered and tare the furnace balance.

6.9 The time required for burning various sizes of samples is as follows:

Sample Size Range (grams)

Required Burn / Time (Minutes)

500 – 1500 40 ± 1

1501 – 2500 60 ± 1.5

3000 or more 75 minimum

6.10 Press the stop button when the furnace timer indicates the appropriate times for the

above difference sample weights. This will unlock the sample chamber and cause the printer to print out the test results.

6.11 Open the chamber door, remove the sample baskets and allow to cool

approximately 30 minutes. Record the weight of the sample and basket assembly. 6.12 Perform a gradation sieve analysis on the residual aggregate as indicated in Section

9. 6.13 Once the two aggregate calibration samples have been burned, determine the

measured percent mass loss for each sample. The bituminous material correction factor is the average of the percent mass loss differences of the aggregate calibration samples.

6.14 If the difference between the two aggregate calibration samples exceeds 0.15

percent, repeat two new tests, and average the four results. If the average measured mass loss exceeds 1.0 percent, lower the test temperature to 522 ± 5ºC and repeat test. If the mass continues to exceed 1.0 percent lower the test temperature to 467 ± 5ºC. Use the correction factor determined by paragraph (n) above or this paragraph to determine the measured bituminous material content in Section 7.

6.15 Once the two aggregate calibration samples have been graded, determine the

difference between the actual as determined in Subsection 6.1 and measured percent passing the 75 µm sieve for each sample. Determine the average of the differences. If the resultant average value is greater than 0.50 percent, a correction factor for the passing 75 µm material is applied to the production field sample test results.

GRIR 104(3) 109 Special Contract Requirements

7.0 PROCEDURE (FIELD TEST SAMPLE) 7.1 Preheat the ignition furnace to 538ºC, or as determined in Subsection 5.18 or 6.14.

Record the furnace temperature set point prior to the initiation of the test. 7.2 Obtain a representative sample for testing according to AASHTO T 248 method

“B”. The moisture content sample shall be obtained at the same time as the asphalt content test sample, thus if preheating is performed, the moisture sample shall be taken after the pre-heating. As an alternate to performing the moisture determination, the test sample may be dried to a constant mass in an oven at 143ºC ± 6ºC.

7.3 The moisture determination shall be performed in accordance with Arizona Test

Method 406. (Attached) 7.4 Enter the bituminous material correction factor for the specific mix to be tested as

determined in Subsection 5.17 or 5.18, or Subsection 6.13 or 6.14. 7.5 Place the basket assembly on the balance, weigh and record the weight of the

basket assembly. 7.6 Evenly distribute the field test sample over the entire area of the sample basket(s).

Use a spatula or trowel to pull material approximately 25 mm away from the outside edge of basket(s) and level the material. Replace the cover on the top basket. Lift basket assembly and sample from the balance. Zero out the balance and weigh and record the weight of the sample and basket assembly.

7.7 Calculate the initial weight of the sample (total weight minus the tare weight of

the sample basket assembly). 7.8 Select the ignition furnace controller print mode which will give a printout of all

test data (long printout rather than short printout). Input the initial weight of the sample into the ignition furnace controller. Verify that the correct weight has been entered and tare the furnace balance.

7.9 Open the chamber door and place the sample and basket assembly so that it is

centered in the furnace. After assuring that the sample basket assembly is not in contact with the furnace wall, close the chamber door. Initiate the test by pressing the start button. This will lock the sample chamber and start the combustion blower.

7.10 Allow the test to continue until the stable light and audible stable indicator

(beeper) indicates the test is complete. Press the stop button. This will unlock the sample chamber and cause the printer to print out the test results.

7.11 Open the chamber door, remove the sample and basket assembly. Allow the

sample to cool (approximately 30 minutes) in the sample baskets.

GRIR 104(3) 110 Special Contract Requirements

7.12 Weigh and record the total weight of the basket assembly and sample. Calculate and record the weight of sample, (total weight minus the tare weight of the sample basket assembly).

7.13 Attach the original printed ticket to the back of the laboratory report form. 7.14 Empty the contents of the baskets into a flat pan. Use a small wire sieve brush to

ensure that any residual fines are removed from the baskets. 7.15 If needed, perform a gradation sieve analysis on the residual aggregate according

to Section 9. 8. CALCULATION OF PERCENT BITUMINOUS MATERIAL 8.1 Using the information from the printout of the furnace, record the weight loss as

“k”, percent loss as “m”, temperature compensation as “n”, bituminous material correction factor as “o”, corrected bituminous material content as “p”, and the elapsed time of test as “q”.

8.2 If the test sample was dried to constant weight prior to burning, the bituminous

material content is as recorded in subsection 8.1 above. 8.3 If the test sample was not dried to constant weight prior to burning, determine the

bituminous material content as follows:

1. Record moisture content from Arizona Test Method 406 (attached) to the nearest 0.01% as “f”. Multiply percent moisture content “f” times initial weight of AC sample “c” and divide result by 100; record to the nearest 0.1 gram as weight of water “g”.

2. Subtract weight of water “g” from initial weight of AC sample

“c” and record as weight of AC less water to the nearest 0.1 gram as “h”.

3. Subtract weight of water “g” from the weight loss “k” and record

as “l”. 4. Divide “l” by weight of AC less water “h” and multiply by 100;

record to the nearest 0.01% as percent loss “m”. 5. Subtract the temperature compensation “n” (if used) and

bituminous material factor “o” from percent loss “m”; record to the nearest 0.01% as corrected bituminous material content, “p”.

GRIR 104(3) 111 Special Contract Requirements


If required, the aggregate shall be subjected to sieve analysis as described below. The coarse sieving shall be performed in accordance with Subsection 9.1, and the fine sieving in accordance with Subsection 9.2. The quantity of material on a given sieve at the completion of sieving shall not exceed the amount shown in the table below. Do not discard any of the sieved material until the sum of the individual weights is compared to the weight of the sample prior to sieving. If the difference between the two weights is greater than 1.0% of the sample weight, the sample shall be recombined, re-sieved, and carefully re-weighed. If the difference is less than or equal to 1.0%, an adjustment in weight shall be made. Any adjustment that is necessary shall be made on the sieve which has the largest weight retained, except no adjustments shall be made on the 2.36 mm or 75 µm sieves.

Maximum Weight Allowed

Sieve Size


Maximum Weight Allowed (grams)

(304.8 mm Dia. Sieve)

37.5 mm 3.88 2829

25.0 mm 2.79 2036

19.0 mm 2.17 1583

12.5 mm 1.55 1131

9.5 mm 1.24 905

6.3 mm 0.93 679

4.75 mm 0.78 567

2.36 0.62 452

2.00 mm and


0.62 ---

9.1 The coarse sieving of the aggregate shall be performed as follows:

1. Place sample on the top sieve of a net of 304.8 mm sieves. The net of sieves shall consist of sieves starting with the smallest size

GRIR 104(3) 112 Special Contract Requirements

sieve that 100% of the material will pass, down to and including the 2.36 mm sieve and pan. Place lid on nested sieves and screen the material by either mechanical or hand shaking, until not more than 0.5 percent by weight of sample passes any sieve during one minute.

2. The material retained on the individual sieves down to the 2.36

mm shall be weighed and recorded separately to the nearest whole gram.

3. The material passing the 2.36 mm sieve is recorded to the nearest

whole gram as “r”. 4. The material passing the 2.36 mm sieve is split, if necessary, to

obtain an approximate 500 gram sample for fine sieving. The weight of the sample for fine sieving is recorded to the nearest whole gram as weight of pass 2.36 mm split “s”.

5. Determine a factor for calculating the coarse sieve analysis by

dividing 100 by the coarse aggregate sieve total “j” (which has been rounded and recorded to the nearest whole gram). Record the factor to at least six decimal places.

5. Determine and record elutriation to nearest whole gram by

subtracting dry weight “u” from weight of pass 2.36 mm split “s”.

6. The percent passing for each sieve in the coarse sieve analysis is

determined by multiplying the weight retained on that sieve times the coarse sieve factor, and subtracting the result from the un-rounded % passing for the next larger sieve. Values for “weight retained times the coarse sieve factor” and “percent passing each sieve” shall be determined and used in the calculations to at least six decimal places. The percent passing value for each sieve is recorded in the sieve analysis to the nearest whole percent.

7. As a check on the coarse sieve analysis, multiply the weight of

minus 2.36 mm material times the coarse sieve factor. The result of this calculation, rounded to the nearest whole percent, should be the same as the value for percent passing the 2.36 mm sieve determined in the paragraph above.

GRIR 104(3) 113 Special Contract Requirements

9.2 The elutriation (wash test) and fine sieving of the pass 2.36 mm material shall be performed as follows:

1. Subject sample to elutriation through a 75 µm screen either by

hand or mechanical washing.

2. Dry sample to constant weight, allow to cool, and record weight to the nearest whole gram as dry weight “u”.

3. Place sample on the top sieve of a nest of fine sieves. The next of

sieves shall consist of sieves starting with the 2.00 mm (down through and including the 75 µm and pan. Place lid on nested sieves and screen the material by either mechanical or hand shaking, until not more than 0.5 percent by weight of sample passes any sieve during one minute.

4. The material retained on the individual sieves and pan shall be

weighed and recorded separately to the nearest whole gram.

5. Determine and record elutriation to nearest whole gram by subtracting dry weight “u” from weight of pass 2.36 mm split “s”.

6. Determine a factor for calculating the fine sieve analysis by

dividing the percent passing 2.36 mm sieve (recorded to the nearest whole percent) by the weight of pass 2.36 mm split. Record the factor to at least six decimal places. If all the pass 2.36 mm material from coarse sieving was subject to elutriation and fine sieving, a fine sieve factor is not determined. Rather, the coarse sieve factor is utilized and the calculation of the percent passing each sieve is continuous through the entire sieve analysis.

7. The percent passing for each sieve in the fine sieve analysis is

determined by multiplying the weight retained on that sieve times the fine sieve factor, and subtracting the result from the un-rounded % passing the next larger sieve, with the exception of the percent passing the 2.36 mm which has previously been recorded to the nearest whole percent. Values for “weight retained times the fine sieve factor” and “percent passing each sieve” shall be determined and used in the calculations to at least six decimal places. The percent passing value for each sieve is recorded in the sieve analysis to the nearest whole percent, except the percent passing the 75 µm sieve is recorded to the nearest 0.1 percent.

GRIR 104(3) 114 Special Contract Requirements

8. As a check on the fine sieve analysis, the weight of material passing the 75 µm sieve is added to the elutriation weight, and this total is multiplied times the fine sieve factor. The result of this calculation, rounded to the nearest 0.1 percent, should be the same as the value for the percent passing the 75 µm sieve determined in the paragraph above.

9. If necessary, the percent passing the 75 µm sieve shall be

adjusted for the correction factor determined in Subsection 5.19 or 6.15.

9.3 If desired, obtain the percent retained on each sieve by subtracting the rounded %

passing value for that sieve from the rounded % passing value for the next higher sieve.

9.4 Other methods may be used that differ from that specified in paragraphs (a) and (b)

above to determine % passing each sieve, so long as the method utilized has been proven to give equivalent results. However, any procedure which includes recording percent retained values prior to completing the calculation of all percent passing values is not allowed.

10. REPORT Report all information on an Asphaltic Concrete Tabulation Laboratory Form. (a) Tare weight of basket assembly. (b) Weight of bituminous mix example and basket assembly. (c) Initial sample weight. (d) Percent moisture from moisture test, if one was performed. (e) Weight and sample baskets and sample after burning. (f) Dry weight of burned aggregate. (g) Weight loss from printout. (h) Weight loss minus weight of water (from moisture test). (i) Percent loss. (j) Temperature compensation factor (if used).

(k) Bituminous material correction factor.

(l) Corrected bituminous material content.

GRIR 104(3) 115 Special Contract Requirements

(m) Elapsed time of test.

(n) Name of the operator.

(o) Field sample test date.

(p) Bituminous material content target value.

(q) Furnace set temperature.

(r) If determined, the sieve analysis of the residual aggregate.

GRIR 104(3) 116 Special Contract Requirements


1. SCOPE 1.1 This method is used to determine the percent moisture in bituminous mixtures. The

option of using a conventional oven or a microwave oven is provided. In case of dispute, the conventional oven shall be utilized.

1.2 This test method may involve hazardous material, operations, and equipment. This

test method does not purport to address all safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of whomever uses this test method to consult and establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

2. APPARATUS The apparatus shall consist of the following: 2.1 Suitable sample containers for use in testing with the conventional oven. 2.2 Oven – A thermostatically controlled oven capable of maintaining a temperature of

143 +/- 6ºC; or, a microwave oven capable of variable heat intensity setting. 2.3 A balance or scale capable of measuring the maximum weight to be determined,

accurate to at least 0.1 gram. 3. PROCEDURE (CONVENTIONAL OVEN) 3.1 Obtain a representative 1000 +/- 50 grams sample in accordance with AASHTO T

248 method “B”. 3.2 Record the tare weight of the container to the nearest 0.1 gram. 3.3 Place sample in the container and weigh. Determine and record the wet weight of

sample to the nearest 0.1 gram as “f”. 3.4 Place container and sample in a 143 +/- 6ºC oven and initially dry for a minimum

of one hour. Weigh the container and sample. Record the weight to the nearest 0.1 gram.

3.5 Continue drying and weighing until a constant weight is obtained; being the weight

at which further drying does not alter the weight more than 0.1 gram at intervals of a minimum of 30 minutes.

3.6 After constant weight is obtained, cover sample and allow to cool 30 +/- 10 minutes

at room temperature. Weight and determine and record the dry weight of sample to the nearest 0.1 gram as “g”.

GRIR 104(3) 117 Special Contract Requirements

3.7 Proceed to section 5 for moisture calculation. 4. PROCEDURE (MICROWAVE) 4.1 Obtain a representative 1000 +/- 50 gram sample in accordance with AASHTO T

248 method “B”. 4.2 Record the tare weight of the container to the nearest 0.1 gram. 4.3 Place sample in the container and weigh. Determine and record the wet weight of

sample to the nearest 0.1 gram as “f”. 4.4 Dry sample until a constant weight is obtained. The sample is considered to be at

constant weight when further drying causes, or would cause, a difference in weight of not more than 0.1 gram. The sample shall be heated in such a manner that controls the intensity of heat generated to prevent splattering, aggregate breakage, and asphalt being “burned off”. The method used with a microwave oven shall give results similar to those achieved with a conventional oven.

4.5 After constant weight is obtained, cover sample and allow to cool 30 +/- 10 minutes

at room temperature. Weigh, determine, and record the dry weight of sample to the nearest 0.1 gram as “g”.

5. CALCULATIONS Calculate the percent moisture, “h”, and record to the nearest 0.01% as shown

below. f - g h = __________________ x 100 f Where: h = Percent Moisture f = Wet weight of sample g = Dry weight of sample

GRIR 104(3) 118 Special Contract Requirements

702.03 Emulsified Asphalt. Delete the second sentence of the first paragraph beginning with “The sieve test . . .” 702.06 Recycling Agent. Delete this subsection in its entirety. 702.08 Antistrip Additive. Delete (c) and replace with the following: (c) Type 3. Furnish lime conforming to Subsection 725.03 (a).

GRIR 104(3) 119 Special Contract Requirements

Section 703 – AGGREGATE 703.02(b) Coarse Aggregate for Concrete. Delete (b) Adherent Coating and insert the following: The adherent coating on the aggregate shall not exceed 1%. The adherent coating is the difference between the amount of material passing the No. 200 sieve between dry sieving and washing on the minus No. 4. Provide aggregates that meets the Size No. 57 of AASHTO M 43 for structural concrete (Section 552) and Size No. 57 or Size No. 467 for minor concrete (Section 601). 703.05 Subbase, Base, and Surface Course Aggregate. (a) General. (1) Los Angeles abrasion, AASHTO T 96 Delete “50% max” and insert “40% max”. (2) Delete. (5) Fractured Faces, Delete “50% min.” and insert the following: Not Less than 65% by weight of the particles retained on the No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve shall have at least one manufactured face. Minimum sample size shall be 25 pounds (kg). Add the following: The use of Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) in the aggregate base course may be acceptable but a request to use the material must be submitted for review at the pre-construction meeting. (b) Subbase or base aggregate. (1) Gradation, Delete “Table 703-2” and insert “In the Special Contract Requirements”. Add: (3) Plasticity Index, AASHTO T 90, 6 max. (c) Surface course aggregate. (1) Gradation and plasticity index, AASHTO T 90, Delete “Table 703-3” and insert the following: The Gradation will be designated in the Special Contract Requirements and the Plasticity Index shall be non-plastic. Add (3) fractured faces shall be not less than 85% by weight of the particles retained on the No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve and shall have at least one manufactured face.

GRIR 104(3) 120 Special Contract Requirements

703.07 Hot Asphalt Concrete Pavement Aggregate. (a) Coarse aggregate (retained on No. 4 sieve). (3) Fractured Faces, Delete “75% min.” and insert the following: “Not less than 90% by weight of the particles retained on the No. 4 sieve shall have at least one manufactured face”. Add: (5) Liquid Limit, AASHTO T 89, 25 max. (b) Fine aggregate (passing a no. 4 sieve). (2) Sand Equivalent value, AASHTO T 176, Delete “45 min” and insert “55 min”. Add: (3) Liquid Limit, AASHTO T 89, 25 max. c) Composite aggregate blend. (1) Gradation. Delete “Table 703-4” and insert “Gradation will be designated in the Special Contract Requirements. 703.10 Asphalt Surface Treatment Aggregate. (a) Gradation Delete “Table 703-7” and insert “Gradation will be designated in the Special Contract Requirements”. Delete (d) and replace with the following: (d) Fractured faces – not less than 85% by weight of the particles retained on the No. 4 sieve shall have at least one manufactured face.

GRIR 104(3) 121 Special Contract Requirements

Section 704 – SOIL 704.03 Backfill Material. Add: (a)(1) Maximum particle size, delete “3 inches” and insert “2 inches” Add (a)(3) Plasticity Index, AASHTO T 90, shall not exceed 15. 704.04 Structural Backfill. (a) Maximum particle size, delete “3 inches” and insert “2 inches” 704.08 Select Topping. (b) Liquid limit, AASHTO T 89, delete “30 max” and insert “25 max”.

GRIR 104(3) 122 Special Contract Requirements

Section 705 – ROCK 705.01 Gabion and Revet Mattress Rock. Amend as follows: (c) Gradation. Amend (1) and (2) as follows: (a) Maximum dimension 5 inch (b) Minimum dimension 3 inch Section 706 – CONCRETE AND PLASTIC PIPE 706.07 Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections. Delete “AASHTO M 259 or M 273” and insert “ASTM Designation C 789-90”. Section 709 – REINFORCING STEEL AND WIRE ROPE 709.01 Reinforcing Steel. Delete subsections (b), (d) and (e) and substitute the following:

(b) Reinforcing bars. Furnish deformed, Grade 60 bars conforming to AASHTO M 31 or M 322.

(c) Tie bars. Furnish deformed, Grade 60 bars conforming to AASHTO M 31. (e) Hook Bolts. Furnish plain, Grade 60 bars conforming to AASHTO M 31 with M14 rolled threads or M16 cut threads. Furnish a threaded sleeve nut capable of sustaining a minimum axial load of 15,000 pounds.

709.03 Prestressing Steel. Delete the first and second bullets and substitute the following: ● Stress-relieved steel wire, AASHTO M204, type BA or WA. ● Uncoated seven-wire steel strand, AASHTO M203, Grade 270.

GRIR 104(3) 123 Special Contract Requirements

Section 712 – JOINT MATERIAL 712.01 Sealants, Fillers, Seals, and Sleaves. Add the following: (h) Non-sag elastomeric sealant. Provide an elastomeric sealant which conforms to the following: ● non-sag consistency ● two-component polyurethane base ● conforming to ASTM C-920 and Federal Specification TT-S-00227-E Provide color samples or samples of the actual colored product to GRIC-DOT for approval.

GRIR 104(3) 124 Special Contract Requirements

Section 718 – TRAFFIC SIGNING AND MARKING MATERIAL 718.01 Retroreflective Sheeting. Add: Apply graffiti resistant overlay film to the retroreflective sheeting. Use Scotchlite Series 1150, Nikkalite F-Cal, or equivalent. 718.10 Hardware. Add: The post mounting anti-theft hardware shall consist of all bolts, nuts, washers, fastening plates, brackets, etc., as required. Furnish any special hardware, such as nylon washers, recommended by the manufactures of the sign panels, retroreflective sheeting and overlay film.

GRIR 104(3) 125 Special Contract Requirements

Section 720 – STRUCTURAL WALL AND STABILIZED EMBANKMENT MATERIAL 720.02 Gabion and Revet Mattress Material. Through-out this subsection, delete the words “or aluminized”. (a) Basket mesh. In the first sentence, delete the words “or weld”. In the first sentence, delete the words “or aluminized steel wire conforming to ASTM A 809”. Delete the title “(1) Gabion baskets (1 foot or greater in the vertical dimension)” and replace with “(1) Gabion baskets (18 inches or greater in the vertical dimension)”. Within subsection “(1) Gabion baskets …” - Delete the following title and the associated paragraph: (b) Welded wire mesh. Delete the following title and the associated paragraphs: Within subsection “(2) Revet mattresses …” - Delete the following title and the associated paragraph: (b) Welded wire mesh. Delete the following subsection: (3) Polyvinyl chloride coated baskets.