Special Assumpsit, Rothschild Owned Banks

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Special Assumpsit, Rothschild Owned Banks

  • 8/13/2019 Special Assumpsit, Rothschild Owned Banks


    Speciol AssumpsilRolhschild Owned BqnksHeirs of Creotion, Couri of Ages

    WHEREAS clouse ten of the Armistice & Accord* of November 22,2013 stotes:Armistice initiotes oscended reorientotion to iniro- ond inier-personolrelotionships wiihin ihe heorts ond minds of ALL Heirs of Creotion upon receipt;ondWHEREAS the conditions set forth by the Heirs of Creotion, ihrough court order, inihe Armistice & Accord hove been breoched; ondWHEREAS clouse six of the Armistice stotes: Breoches of fhese clouses sholl resultin reprisols; ondWHEREAS. occording to lnternotionol Low, o reprisol is on oct of restorotion, shortof wor. for domoge or loss suffered; ondWHEREAS THE EVENT ** describes the oction or reprisol chosen for this time; ondWHEREAS ihrough the Letters Potenl of December I5, 20,l3, o wholly indemnifiedcourt, the Couri of Ages, wos estoblished; ondWHEREAS the will of ecch Heir of Creotion is ossured by the low of noture,NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED by ihe Court of Ages on beholf of ALL Heirs ofCreotion thot the will of the Heirs of Creoiion be fulfilled ond immedioie octiontcken to trigger THE EVENT ** lo include lhe replevin of o ALL Rothschild ownedbonks*** with oll its properlies, focilities, bronches, offices, locotions, equpmenl,files, vehicles, ond records on eorlh ond throughoul the universe (listed belowmoy be portiol).SO BE IT.a) ./ l', r{f r'' ) '*\, - : ---.._ '/ \ Lb_ -4_ =_ .//s/ Cindy K. Currier, Ombudsmon ond Porlementoire

    Adopted ot Couri of Ages. session Jcnuory 8,2O14Los Angeles, Colifornio

    References:*http://www.seribd.com/doc/I95877536/Armistice- ccord-V-2**

  • 8/13/2019 Special Assumpsit, Rothschild Owned Banks


    Replevin Rothschild Owned Bonks*** Rothschild owned bonks:

    Afghoniston: Bonk of AfghonistonAlbonio: Bonk of AlbonioAlgerio: Bonk of AlgerioArgentino: Centrol Bonk of ArgentinoArmenio: Centrol Bonk of ArmenioArubo: Centrol Bonk of AruboAustrolio: Reserve Bonk of AustrolioAustrio: Austrion Noiionol BonkAzerboijon: Centrol Bonk of Azerboijon RepublicBohomos: Centrol Bonk of The BohomosBohroin: Centrol Bonk of BohroinBonglodesh: Bonglodesh BonkBorbodos: Centrol Bonk of Borbodos

    Belorus: Notionol Bonk of the Republic of BelorusBelgium: Noiionol Bonk of BelgiumBelize: Centrol Bonk of BelizeBenin: Centrol Bonk of West Africon Siotes (BCEAO)Bermudo : Bermudo Monetory AuthorityBhuton: Royol Monetory Authority of BhutonBolivio: Centrol Bonk of Bolivio

    Bosnio: Centrol Bonk of Bosnio ond HezegovinoBoiswono: Bonk of BotswonoBrozil: Centrol Bonk of BrozilBulgorio: Bulgorion Notionol Bonk

    Burkino Foso: Centrol Bonk of West Africon Stotes (BCEAO)Burundi: Bonk of the Republic of BurundiCombodio: Notionol Bonk of CombodioCome Roon: Bonk of Cenirol Africon StotesConodo: Bonk of Conodo - Bonque du ConodoCoymon lslonds: Coymon lslonds Monetory AuthorityCentrol Africon Republic: Bonk of Centrol Africon StofesChod: Bonk of CentrolAfricon StotesChile: Centrol Bonk of Chile

    Chino: The People's Bonk of ChinoColombio: Bonk of ihe RepublicComoros: Centrol Bonk of ComorosCongo: Bonk of Centrol Africon StoiesCosto Rico: Cenirol Bonk of Costo RicoC6ie d'lvoire: Cenirol Bonk of West Africon Stotes (BCEAO)Crootio: Crootion Notionol BonkCubo: Centrol Bonk of CuboCyprus: Centrol Bonk of CyprusCzech Republic: Czech Notionol Bonk

  • 8/13/2019 Special Assumpsit, Rothschild Owned Banks


    Replevin Rothschild Owned BonksDenmork: Notionol Bonk of DenmorkDominicon Republic: Centrol Bonk of the Dominicon RepublicEost Coribbeon oreo: Eostern Coribbeon Centrol BonkEcuodor: Centrol Bonk of EcuodorEgypt: Centrol Bonk of EgyptElSolvodor: Centrol Reserve Bonk of ElSolvodorEquotoriol Guineo: Bonk of CentrolAfricon StotesEstonio: Bonk of EstonioEthiopio: Notionol Bonk of EthiopioEuropeon Union: Europeon Centrol Bonk

    Fiji: Reserve Bonk of F'rjiFinlond: Bonk of FinlondFronce: Bonk of FronceGobon: Bonk of Centrol Africon StotesThe Gombio: Centrol Bonk of The GombioGeorgio: Notionol Bonk of GeorgioGermony: Deutsche Bu ndesbonkGhono: Bcnk of GhonoGreece: Bonk of GreeceGuotemolo: Bonk of GuotemoloGuineo Bissou: Centrol Bonk of West African Stotes {BCEAO)Guyono: Bonk of GuyonoHoiti: Centrol Bonk of Hoiti *****Honduros: Centrol Bcnk of HondurosHong Kong: Hong Kong Monetory AuihorityHungory: Mogyor Nemzeti Bonklcelond: Centrol Bonk of lcelondIndio: Reserve Bonk of lndiolndonesio: Bonk lndonesiolron: The Centrol Bonk of the lslomic Republic of lronlroq: Centrol Bonk of lroqlrelond: Centrol Bonk ond FinonciolServices Authority of lrelondlsroel: Bonk of lsroellioly: Bonk of ltolyJomoico: Bonk of JomoicoJopon: Bonk of JoponJordon: Centrol Bonk of JordonKozokhston: Notionol Bonk of KozokhstonKenyo: Centrol Bonk of KenyoKoreo: Bonk of KoreoKuwoit: Centrol Bonk of KuwoitKyrgyzston: Notionol Bonk of the Kyrgyz RepublicLaivio: Bonk of LotvioLebonon: Centrol Bonk of LebononLesotho: Centrol Bonk of LesothoLibyo: Centrol Bonk of LibyoUruguoy: Centrol Bonk of UruguoyLithuonio: Bonk of Lithuonio

  • 8/13/2019 Special Assumpsit, Rothschild Owned Banks


    Replevin Rothschild Owned BonksLuxembourg: Cenirol Bonk of LuxembourgMocoo: Monetory Authority of MocooMocedonio: Notionol Bonk of the Republic of MocedonioModogoscor: Centrol Bonk of ModogoscorMolowi: Reserve Bonk of MolowiMoloysio: Centrol Bonk of MoloysioMoli: Centrol Bonk of West Africon Siotes (BCEAO)Molto: Cenirol Bonk of MoltoMouritius: Bonk of MouritiusMexico: Bonk of MexicoMoldovo: Notionol Bonk of MoldovoMongolio: Bonk of MongolioMontenegro: Centrol Bonk of MontenegroMorocco: Bonk of MoroccoMozombique: Bonk of MozombiqueNomibio: Bonk of NomibioNepol: Centrol Bonk of NepolNetherlonds: Netherlonds BonkNethedonds Antilles: Bonk of ihe Netherlonds AntillesNew Zeolond: Reserve Bonk of New ZeolondNicoroguo: Centrol Bonk of NicoroguoNiger: Centrol Bonk of Wesi Africon Stotes (BCEAO)Nigerio: Centrol Bonk of NigerioNorwoy: Centrol Bonk of NorwoyOmon: Centrol Bonk of OmonPokiston:Stote Bonk of PokistonPopuo New Guineo: Bonk of Popuo New GuineoPoroguoy: Centrol Bonk of PoroguoyPeru: Centrol Reserve Bonk of Peru

    Philip Pines: Bongko Sentrol ng PilipinosPolond: Noiionol Bonk of PolondPortugol: Bonk of PortugolQotor: Qotor Centrol BonkRomonio: Notionol Bonk of RomonioRussio: Centrol Bonk of RussioRwondo: Notionol Bonk of Rwondo

    Son Morino: Centrol Bonk of the Republic of Son MorinoSomoo: Centrol Bonk of SomooSoudi Arobio: Soudi Arobion Monetory AgencySenegol: Centrol Bonk of West Africon Stotes (BCEAO)Serbio: Notionol Bonk of SerbioSeychelles: Centrol Bonk of SeychellesSierro Leone: Bonk of Sierro LeoneSingopore: Monetory Authority of SingoporeSlovokio: Notionol Bonk of SlovokioSlovenio: Bonk of SlovenioSolomon lslonds: Centrol Bonk of Solomon lslondsSouth Africo: South Africon Reserve Bank

  • 8/13/2019 Special Assumpsit, Rothschild Owned Banks


    Replevin Rothschild Owned BonksSpoin: Bonk of Spoin

    Sri Lonko: Centrol Bonk of Sri LonkoSudon: Bonk of SudonSurinom: Centrol Bonk of SurinomeSwozilond:The Centrol Bonk of SwozilondSweden: Sveriges RiksbonkSwitzerlond: Swiss Notionol BonkTojikiston: Noiionol Bonk of Tojikistonlonzonio: Bonk of TonzonioThoilond: Bonk of ThoilondTogo: Centrol Bonk of West Africon Stotes {BCEAO)Tongo: Notionol Reserve Bonk of TongoTrinidod ond Tobogo: Centrcl Bonk of Trinidod ond TobogoTunisio: Centrol Bonk of Tunisio

    Turkey: Centrol Bonk of the Republic of TurkeyUgondo: Bonk of UgondoUkroine: Notionol Bonk of UkroineUnited Arob Emirotes: Centrol Bonk of United Arob EmirotesUnited Kingdom: Bonk of EnglondUnited Stotes: Federol Reserve, Federol Reserve Bonk of New YorkVonuotu: Reserve Bonk of VonuotuVenezuelo: Centrol Bonk of VenezueloVietnom: The Stoie Bonk of VietnomYemen: Centrol Bonk of YemenZombio: Bonk of ZombioZimbobwe: Reserve Bonk of Zimbobwe