“Speaking the Truth in Love” -...

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Transcript of “Speaking the Truth in Love” -...

Volume 14, Issue 6 June 2017

Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church 315 Winchester Road Huntsville, AL 35811

The Herald is a monthly publication of Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. Members are encouraged to submit all newsworthy articles by

the 20th of the month to newsletter@unionchapel-hsv.org. All articles are subject to editing for clarity and grammatical correctness.

“Speaking the Truth in Love”

“...but speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head - Christ…”

Ephesians 4:15

From the Pastor’s Pen…

“Stir Up the Gift”

In I Timothy 1:6, Paul admon-ishes Timothy to stir up the gift that is in him. Now the ques-tion that comes to mind is: what gift?

We find the answer in verse five as Paul reminds Timothy of the gift of faith that is in him. The same faith that was in

his grandmother and mother, Paul says, is in Timothy also. But, he adds, the gift must be stirred up in Timo-thy so that he could grow and be effective in the min-istry God had placed in his hands. So, what can we learn from this passage? First, we learn that faith is a gift. We come to and accept the Lord by faith. Conse-quently, we must live for Him by faith. Secondly, the Holy Spirit provides faith for salvation and grows our faith through life experiences. Since we know that faith is a gift from God, we must also understand that this gift of faith must be stirred up so that we can grow.

Our faith will never be elevated unless we – through experience – learn and grow in our relationship with God. In other words, without trials that test and stir up our faith, we won’t fully experience the magnificent grace of God! The shield of faith is our weapon against Satan’s attacks.

So, I admonish you today, stir up the gift. Grow in faith and fellowship with the Lord so that your witness will edify and God will get the glory in all you say and do. Stir up the gift, then stand!


God took the strength of a mountain,

The majesty of a tree,

The warmth of a summer sun,

The generous soul of nature,

The comforting arm of night,

The wisdom of the ages

The power of the eagle’s flight,

The joy of a morning in spring,

The faith of a mustard seed,

The patience of eternity,

The depth of a family need,

Then God combined these qualities,

When there was nothing more to add,

He knew His masterpiece was complete,

And so, He called it … Father

~Author Unknown

What Makes a Father?

New to Our Church Family

We welcome you, with the joy of the Lord, to the Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church family!

It is our prayer that your faith will be strengthened as we learn and grow together. We invite you to explore the ministries of the church and ask God to show you where He wants you to get connected.

We are truly excited you are here:

Joyce Ann Bouier

Mildred Cade

Kevin Marcus Eberhart

Antonia Norrise Grant

Dylan Deandre Grant

Let’s Study Together


Join us every Sunday at 7:00 a.m. & 9:30 a.m.

“Called to be Strong”

06.04 Deborah and Barak

(Judges 4:1-10)

06.11 Gideon’s Call

(Judges 6:11-18)

06.18 Jephthah Answers the Call

(Judges 11;4-11, 29-31)

06.25 Samson’s Call

(Judges 13:1-7, 24-25)


Join us every Wednesday

12 Noon

Mid-day Bible Study

Boone-Lacy Fellowship Hall

7:00 p.m.

Adult Bible Study

Boone-Lacy Fellowship Hall

Youth Bible Study


Collegiate Bible Study

Conference Room

(Former Library)



Refusing to wait on God, Psalm 27:7-14. It’s always

best to follow God’s timing. But if we run ahead of

God or lag behind Him, that decision will often be


Self-sufficiency moves us outside of the Lord’s will.

The right thing done at the wrong time may leave us

vulnerable to Satan’s schemes and can delay or even

derail blessings God has planned for us. Acting on our

own timetable can also bring confusion to us and oth-

ers, as situations are likely to turn out differently from

how we envisioned them. Then we may be facing not

only unanticipated results but also problems.

By refusing to wait on God, we often cause ourselves

unnecessary grief. For example, if we use credit cards

to purchase unneeded clothes, electronic devices, and

other indulgences, debt could pile up beyond our abil-

ity to pay. Then our credit rating would plummet, with

little financial relief in sight. But when we manage

money in accordance with biblical principles, our life-

style will be less lavish, but we’ll have freedom and

peace of mind.

And here’s another example: Quitting a job before the

Lord has released us from it can short-circuit what He

planned to teach us through it. We might subsequently

discover that, had we held on a while longer, God

might have changed either our circumstances or our

attitude about the situation.

Certain character qualities are necessary if we are to

develop a lifestyle of waiting on the Lord. We need

patience to endure our present situation, steadfastness

to carry out current responsibilities, and courage to

trust the Lord as we await His solution in the midst of

our discomfort. How good are you at waiting?

~Dr. Charles Stanley

Wisdom to Live By

Wellness News Berry season

is coming,

and you may

want to

stock your

freezer. Your

taste buds

will be the

i m m e d i a t e


of the sweet, plump fruits, but not the only ones. Re-

search has shown that the anthocyanins and other

beneficial compounds in berries have antioxidant, anti-

inflammatory effects in the body, helping to prevent

chronic illness as part of a plant-based diet. And a new

study suggests blueberries may help to keep your brain

nimble as you age. A group of older adults who drank

one ounce of concentrated blueberry juice, the equiva-

lent of about eight ounces of whole blueberries, every

day for 12 weeks experienced improvements in work-

ing memory, cognitive function, and blood flow to the

brain. Don’t rely on blueberries (or any single food) to

stay sharp, but by all means, incorporate them and

other berries into a nutritious diet that includes a wide

variety of colorful vegetables and fruit, fiber-rich leg-

umes and whole grains, and nourishing fats, including

omega-3s from certain fish - the original “brain food.”

If your friends start calling you Einstein, you can say,

“Thank you berry much!”

~Cleveland Clinic Wellness


Kidney Foundation Walk

Talent Showcase Participants

The North Alabama Kidney Foundation Walk was held Saturday, May 13 at Randolph School.

The “I Shall Live” Kidney Support Ministry, participated and raised $3,000.00 for the Foundation. Sister Audra Allen won second place for in-dividual fundraising and Union Chapel won first place for fundraising from friends and family organizations.

Three youth from Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church were participants in the 13th Annual Art and Talent Extravaganza on April 30, 2017, sponsored by the Huntsville Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Categories represented were: Vocal - Aaliyah Caston; Dance - Nakai Griffin and Visual Art - Kelsie Ewing. Within ten minutes, Kelsi drew a picture of “a strong lady” because “women showed strength during the Civil Rights Movement” and she believes all women are strong.

Nakai Griffin Kelsie Ewing Aaliyah Caston

Genealogy Class Participants

Mother Betty Craighead, Sisters Flora Ector, Danette Lee, Cheryl Stewart and Linda White were participants in the Genealogy - Finding Your Roots class of the Virginia Caples Lifelong Learning Institute at Alabama A&M University on May 19, 2017.


Congratulations ...

Congratulations to Dr.

Richard Showers, Sr. who

received The Richard D.

Morrison Award, during

the Alabama A&M Univer-

sity Founder’s Day Presi-

dent’s Community Break-

fast on May 5, 2017. Dr. Showers also received the

Huntsville Progressive Alumni Chapter, Inc.’s Out-

standing Alumnus of the Year Award. The award was

presented at their 16th Annual Leadership Awards Ban-

quet on Saturday, June 3, 2017.

Business Owners Expo

Congratulations Graduates

Congratulations from the Union Chapel family on the

attainment of your high school diploma and

college degree.

The true meaning of a Christian's life is to plant trees,

under whose shade you do not expect to sit.

Commit to the Creator whatever you do and your

plans will succeed.

“Commit thy works unto the LORD,

and thy thoughts shall be established.”

~Proverbs 16:3~

The Second Annual Business Owners Expo was held on Sunday, May 21, in the Boone-Lacy Fellowship Hall .

“Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”

~Psalm 37:4

Youth Lock-In

The Youth Lock-In was held Friday, May 19, 2017. This year’s

Lock-In focused on Public Safety for the summer and helping

youth deal with their daily

struggles. The Lock-In in-

cluded presentations by the

Huntsville Police Department

and a round-table discussion.


Pastor’s Honors Awards

“Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour,” Romans 13:7. Pastor Davis has established the Pastor’s Honors Awards. The Pastor’s Honors Awards pays tribute to our members and the community, who have devoted themselves to ministry. The inaugural presen-tation was made on Sunday, May 28, 2017 to the following individuals:

Not pictured: Muriel Jones, Generation X Service Award and Jordan Perry, Millennial Service Award. Honors Awards nominations may be submitted to serviceaward@unionchapel-hsv.org.

A good leader is a good learner. Proverbs 16:16 says, “How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get under-standing is to be chosen rather than silver.” A good leader should always be learning, growing and improving. The day you feel there is nothing left to learn is the day that pride and arrogance have taken root. And, we’ve already discussed how the Lord feels about arrogance. ~Brent Rinehart (Crosswalk.com)

Just a Thought...

SHIFT Conference

The Serving Him Intergenerationally Forever Together (SHIFT) Conference was held Wednesday, May 31, 2017.

The conference theme was “Using the Word of God to Bridge the Gap,” and featured classes on Church Tradi-tions (Pastor & Sister Davis), Love (Sister Kim Blanding), Forgiveness (Minister Christopher Dickerson), Anxiety/Depression (Minister Marquis Thompson) and Spiritual Gifts (Ministers Nettie Pruitt and Lindsey Thompson).

Chadez Griffin Community Service


Rahim Arunaogun Youth Service


Betty Craighead Senior Service


Feleshia Perry Health/Wellness Award

Rose Parks-Rice Church Vocation Award

Monthly Ministry Meetings Ministry Time When



315 Winchester Road

Huntsville, AL 35811


256.851.6949 FAX


10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.





O. Wendell Davis, D.Min.,


Saturday Morning Worship

Orange Drive Campus

10:00 a.m.

Sunday Worship Services

7:45 & 10: 45 a.m.

Sunday School

7:00 a.m.

9:30 -10:30 a.m.

Bible Study


12:00 Noon

7:00 p.m.



Sermon 1:30 p.m. Sunday


Each Sunday


7:00 - 8:00 a.m.

Comcast Cable 3 TV

8:00 - 9:00 p.m.

Mediacom Cable

Channel 11 (WAMY)

7:00 - 8:00 a. m.

(Check your local cable services for more

broadcast times)

The above ministry meeting schedule does not supersede your internal ministry calendar that has been previously posted.

Intercessory Prayer Line 7:00 AM 8:00 AM Every

New Members Orientation 9:30 AM Every

Prayer Line Ministry 8:00 PM 9:00 PM Every


Intercessory Prayer 6:00 PM 7:30 PM Every

Stitching & Quilting Ministry 6:00 PM Every

Cancer Support Group 6:30 PM 1st

Progressive Matrons 6:45 PM 1st

Revised Version Choir 6:00 PM 1st/2nd/4th

Trustee Ministry 6:30 PM 1st

Missionary Ministry 6:00 PM 2nd

Ushers Ministry #1 7:00 PM 2nd

Youth Ushers Ministry 6:00 PM 2nd

Deacons Ministry 6:30 PM 3rd

Deaconess Ministry 6:30 PM 3rd

Mothers Ministry 10:00 AM 12 Noon 3rd

Grief Ministry 6:00 PM 4th

Kidney Support Ministry 6:00 PM 4th

Men’s Ministry 6:00 PM 4th

Senior Adult Ministry 1:00 PM 1st

Cub Scouts 6:30 PM 1st

Matrons 6:30 PM 1st & 3rd

Church Choir 7:00 PM 1st & 4th

Gospel Choir 7:00 PM 2nd

Laymen/Brotherhood 7:00 PM 2nd

Community Care Ministry 6:00 PM 2nd

Recreation Ministry 6:30 PM 2nd

Women’s Choir 6:00 PM 3rd

Ministers’ Wives 6:30 PM 3rd

Male Chorus 7:00 PM 3rd



Intercessory Prayer 11:00 AM 12 Noon Every

The Passage Ministry 5:45 PM Every

Sign Language Ministry 5:45 PM Every

Sunday School Teachers 6:00 PM Every

Education Assistance Ministry 5:30 PM 3rd


Church Choir 7:00 PM 1st & 4th

Gospel Choir 7:00 PM 2nd

Tour & Hospitality Ministry 6:00 PM

Women’s Choir 6:00 PM 2nd & 3rd

Male Chorus 7:00 PM 3rd

Executive Ministry 6:00 PM 3rd

Young Women’s Ministry 5:45 PM 3rd

Usher Ministry #2 7:00 PM 4th


Wellness Ministry 9:00 AM 2nd

Boy Scouts 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 1st & 3rd

Street Ministry 10:00 AM 12 Noon 3rd

Community Care Ministry Outreach 11:00 AM 4th

Progressive Matrons 10:00 AM 4th

Girl Scouts 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 2nd & 4th