Speaking tests and activities (9th form)

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Speaking tests and activities for the 9th form suggested by teachers in Ben Arous

Transcript of Speaking tests and activities (9th form)

JUNE 2011

Latifa Tellili Najet Timoumi Houda Rahmani Synda Ben Cheikh

Mornag Prep School

Lesson 1: Family Relationships

The teacher gives a pupil a flash card and asks him/her to speak about his/her relationship with his siblings (brother/sister).

Lesson 2: Sharing Family Responsibilities A role play: two pupils enact a conversation between a husband and his wife. The wife wants to convince her husband about the importance of sharing family responsibilities but the husband refuses.

Lesson 3: The Generation Gap The teacher may ask a pupil about his relationship with his/her parents. Do you always agree or disagree with them? If you have conflicts, what are they about?(appearance, pocket money, friends, school results....etc). According to you what causes problems between the parents and their children?

Lesson 4: Pocket Money The teacher can ask a pupil about the pocket money he/she gets from his/her parents. � Are you happy with it? � Do you think you need more? What for? � Do you get the same amount of money as your brother(s) and sister(s)?

� Is pocket money a problem in your family? Lesson 5: Safety At Home The teacher can ask the pupil the following questions:

1) What are the common accidents that can be caused at home? 2) Have you or one of your brothers or sisters had such accident at home in the absence of

your parents? 3) How can parents protect their children against these accidents?

Module 1


Lesson 1: School Memories

Ask a pupil to talk about the things he / she likes most at school. The teacher can specify different things such as school subjects ( which can lead the pupil to speak about his/her dream job) and teachers and classmates.

Lesson 2: School Rules Show a pupil different pictures and ask him/her to talk about the things pupils must or mustn’t do at school or in class.

Lesson 3: First Day At School Ask a pupil to comment on a picture of a pupil who seems sad: Can you guess why he is sad? What can be his problem? May be this pupil is sad because it’s his first day at school. Ask the pupil now about what he remembers from his first day at school and how did he feel? ( happy, upset, nervous, relaxed, excited, afraid……)

Lesson 4: Violence At School Ask a pupil if there is a problem of violence at his/her school. How is it manifested? Who is responsible for it? The teacher can ask another pupil to ask about the ways to reduce violence at his/her school.

Lesson 5: School Life Role play: Have two pupils to enact a conversation between a mother and her daughter in which the mother asks the daughter to help in the housework while the daughter refuses because she has a lot of homework/ she wants to relax and watch TV …….. What solution can they find? (The daughter may think of leaving the house / the mother will stop or reduce the amount of pocket money…..etc)

Module 2


Lesson 1: Air And Land Pollution A/ Go to SB p55 look at the pictures, use the words in the box below and complete the table about the different types of pollution Acid rain / smog / fumes / radioactive waste / contaminated fish / toxic substances / ozone layer

P 3+7 ……………………….pollution …………………………………………………. ………………………………………………….

P1+6+8……………………..pollution ………………………………………………

P 2+4………………………pollution…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

B/ Go to SB p56. Do step 2

Lesson 2: Smoking and health Look at these pictures and circle the problems caused by smoking [ blindness , asthma , earache , heart disease , lung cancer , skin rash, bad breath]

What must people do to solve the problem of smoking?

Module 3


Lesson3: Pollution a threat to our environment Look at the pictures on page 65 (SB) and on this paper. Then, complete the following table.


Causes Effects Solutions

Lesson 4: Save the earth Consider the pictures and fill in the diagram with missing information:

Aspects of pollution Causes of pollution -Deforestation or logging. -Sea or………………………pollution. -This is………………………….pollution. -Domestic or……………………….pollution.

A man cutting the……………....

and Killing…………………….

A ship spilling…………………into the sea

A factory releasing………………………….

A man discharging…………………… and using…………………………on farms

Lesson 5: Let every day be an earth day Go to AB P.89 SB.P75. Then, complete this diagram ������������ �� �

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Lesson 1: At The Airport 1-Reorder the scrambled words to get meaningful sentences. Each underlined letter will lead to the secret word.





Module 4


Lessson2: Internet Shopping 1/Look at the pictures AB p105 and say which of these activities you can practise on the net 2/ Complete this explanation: A website is………………………………………example: www……………………Com.

Lesson3: Tourism. A/Read this SMS message and complete the sentence:

Jane is a…………………………………in…………………………………… She………………………….never……………………….such a…………………………….desert.

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B/ Reorder the spider-gram letters to get words ( S.B P87): C/What about you ? Answer these questions -Where do you prefer to spend your holidays? In Tunisia or elsewhere ? why ?......................................................................................... -Have you ever visited the Berber sites in Matmata or any other Tunisian famous monuments ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

-If you are on holidays, which of these places will you enjoy visiting? {Libraries / famous monuments / shopping centers / restaurants }

Lesson 4: Transport

a- Label with words from the box

Double-decker bus – plane – ship – train – bus - car

b- Use the adjectives in the box to describe the following means of transport

Comfortable – crowded – uncomfortable – fast – expensive – dirty – slow – clean – cheap – dangerous - safe

1………………………. 2 ……………………….. 3 …………………………

4………………………. 5………………………….. 6…………………………

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2/ Which of the following means of transort do you use ? How often? A/

Means of transport Usually Often Sometimes Never Bus Car Underground Train The tube Plane

B/ Complete this sentence: I usually…………………………….but, I……………………………………………………

Lesson 5: Communication A/Look at the pictures then complete the spider gram:

………………….. ………………………… Using telephones (SB p94: Step2+AB p118 Ac1)

Mobile phones ……………………. ……………………. …………………..

B/What do you like using most: e-mail, telephone, the post? Why? Use the best adjective: -enjoy……………………….. I -prefer to …………………………… because ……………………… --like…………………………….

Very fast, cheap, secure , modern, expensive, instant reaction, slow, private

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Lesson 1: Means of Entertainment The teacher can show a pupil some examples of means of entertainment to ask him about his/her favourite one. The testee is expected to justify his choice and to speak about the a

Lesson 2: Eating Out Role play: Two pupils are asked to enact a conversation between a waiter and a customer in a restaurant.

Lesson 3: Where Shall we Go? Two pupils examine pictures of different places (cinema, zoo, fun fair). Then they are asked to enact a conversation in which they suggest going to one of these places and refuse or accept the suggestion.

Lesson 4: Let’s watch a Film The teacher can ask a pupil about his favourite type of films (action, thriller, romance………) and about the last film the pupil watched. Then, asking more questions about the best actor or actress I the movie.

Lesson 5: Stars’ Pastimes Role play: Two pupils are asked to enact a conversation. They will ask one another about his/her favourite star (singer, actor, sportsman……). Each pupil will give some information about his/her star and the reasons why they are fond of them.

Lesson 1: Voluntary Work The teacher can show different pictures and asks a pupil which of them shows examples of voluntary work. Further questions can be asked: � Have you ever participated in such activities? Do you want to take part in one of them?

Which one? � Do you think that voluntary work is important in society? How?

Lesson 2: Volunteering Kids Do you think that children can participate in voluntary activities? Give examples. How can parents and adults teach kids the importance or the need to do voluntary work?

Module 5


Module 6


Lesson 3: How To Be Cooperative A role play: Two pupils will enact a conversation between a student who is not cooperative and wants to work alone all the time and another students who will try to convince him about the benefits of working in a team.

Lesson 4: Clubs, Associations And Charities The teacher can ask a pupil about the role of clubs and associations. Who are the people they help? How? Have you ever contributed to help needy people within an association or a charity?

Lesson 5: Tolerance And Respect For Others Ask a pupil to give some suggestions on how people can be tolerant towards each other. What are the efficient ways to fight violence and discrimination?

Dalenda Ben Dhief Fouchana Secondary School


LESS0N 1: Describing pictures of families

Eg; a big family /small family/a family/an extended family…..

-ask the pupil about his family


Student A :you are a traditional husband who believes that housework is a woman’s responsibility

Student B: In addition to your full –time job as a secretary, your husband expects you to do all the

housework. You want to talk him into helping with housework.

-Two pupils enact the conversation in front of the class :(the conversation is done in advance).


-Ask two pupils to the board and enact a conversation between a mother and her daughter about

family roles and housework.(the conversation is done in advance).

LESSON 4: The generation gap ASUMMARY

-The pupil is asked to summarize the problems of Jane with her parents.

-And then ask him or her if he is with or against Jane’s behaviour with her parents? (consolidate

expressions of opinion).


LESSON 1: The teacher prepares cards in which the students have to describe something they

remember from their school memories.

-The teacher gives each student a card then ask some of them to read what is it about: eg( primary

school / best primary school teacher/ best childhood memory…)


-Divide the class into four groups.

-Ask the four group leaders to come to the board show them cards about some school rules eg : -

don’t eat in the classroom / don’t come late /you must wear your uniform…..

-The group leader mimes and his or her friends guess the rules.


-Ask the pupil to look at a picture of a boy who is going to school with his mum but he was crying . The

pupil has to describe the picture .

-Ask him about how his feeling on his first day at school ( consolidate the simple past ).

LESSON 4: Show the pupil some visuals about misbehavior at school:

-pupils smoking cigarettes / - pupils fighting at school / bullying / cheating in the exams…

-Ask the pupils to express prohibitions and orders ( don’t – do- must –mustn’t)


-An interview between a journalist and a pupil of fouchana school:

-The questions are prepared in advance by all the class:

-What’s your name?

-What’s your class?

-What problems do you have at school?

-What do you suggest to have a better school environment?



-The pupils are asked in advanced to write an article about the problems of the planet earth today?

-The pupil has to come to the board to summarize his article and describe the situation of the

environment today.


-The pupil is asked to describe and compare two pictures of the city life and the country life .

-The pupil is asked which life to prefer and why?


-Smoking is harmful to our health but researchers have found that most new smokers are not

adults,they are kids.

-Comment : why do you think kids smoke?


-A farmer and an ecologist are discussing whether the chemical pesticides are useful or harmful ?

-Student A : the farmer is for the use of chemicals

-Student B : the ecologist is for limited use because of the dangers encountered by the consumers

and the destruction of wild life .

-Enact the conversation .( IT is prepared in advance)


-The pupils are asked in advance to prepare a list of actions that can be taken to make our

environment clean :

� collect rubbish

• recycle litter

• provide litter bins in public places

• punish offenders

• plant trees………

(use models eg must- mustn’t –should – shouldn’t……..)

Najet Chaouechi El Mourouj 5 Prep School

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Najet Chaouechi El Mourouj 5 Prep School

Najet Chaouechi El Mourouj 5 Prep School

Najet Chaouechi El Mourouj 5 Prep School

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Najet Chaouechi El Mourouj 5 Prep School

Najet Chaouechi El Mourouj 5 Prep School

Najet Chaouechi El Mourouj 5 Prep School

Najet Chaouechi El Mourouj 5 Prep School




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