Speaking and listening skills

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Speaking and listening skills


SKILLSBy: bias laram


Listening skills are ways to help you listen to

something more effectively.

To avoid communication errors.

Key to success. Learn something new.

Active listening Selective listening Ignoring listening Emphatic listening

Understanding all things Proper interaction Proper feedback

Selective portion Topic may not be according to


Not listening at all Pretty insulting to other

Most effective level Arguing Listen with heart and mind Empathy is sympathy

Hearing and Listening are not same.

Hearing: Hearing is with the senses. Ears pick up sound waves and then transported to our brain.

Listening: Listening is with the mind. Communication process and,

to be successful is an active process.

Appreciative Listening Critical Listening Informational Listening Relationship Listening Discriminative Listening

It improves the relationship between people.

Emphasis is an understanding the other person.

Three behaviors are key to effective relationship listening

MIND READER: Ask what the person is thinking or feeling.

REHEARSER: Let the customer finish their thoughts before determining what question to ask next.

FILTERER: Be aware of your own assumptions.

DREAMER: Stay present.

COMPARER: Treat each customer as the unique person they are.

FIXER: Fully understand needs before recommending a solution.


Remember that it’s about the customer, not you.

Speaking skills is the act of generating words that can be understood by listeners. A good speaker is clear

and informative.

Ability to convey your information in a proper way Ability to stand out from the rest Career enhancement Encouraging people to communicate with each other.