Spanish for Dental Professions Katya M Hall Pacific University College of Health Professions...

Post on 31-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Spanish for Dental Professions Katya M Hall Pacific University College of Health Professions...

Spanish for Dental Professions

Katya M HallPacific University

College of Health

New Course - Considerations

Have/acquire the proper background

Perform a needs analysis Consider the learner at every stage Evaluate, adapt and/or create

material Request feedback

Needs Analysis Students’ lang. & comm. needs ->

curriculum Interviews

Sponsors Program Director Clinic Coordinator and Faculty

Prospective Learners Observations

Tour clinic Observe daily routines Check for use of interpreters Note any social language students might need

Lang. Assessments

Director - Requirements 30 students – two groups 12 weeks - 2 hours a week with each

group Dental Health tailored curriculum Importance of Spanish within healthcare Diversity of the Hispanic population Cultural aspects inclusion Interpreters’ role

Clinic coordinator / Faculty - Requests

Order of Patient Care (OPC) to: Confirm appointments on the phone Greet patient by name Complete medical and dental histories Inform patients about their vital signs Give instructions to perform x-rays & assessments Discuss findings from assessments with patients

(consent form signature) Tell the patient what procedures they will need to

take Say farewell to the patient

Student - Needs

Dental terminology Social language Cultural insights

The Syllabus

Interactive/dynamic = practical Need to be willing to change

General statement of objective The course will develop the skills

needed to understand and communicate in Spanish at a beginner level within the dental health care environment…

Unit specific objectives-OPC based


Mid-term written and oral exams (interview with the instructor)

Final written and oral exam(interview with the instructor)

Vocabulary pop-quizzes

Authentic Material - Picture of clinic

Authentic Material II - Printed Material

Commercially Developed Material

Student Developed Material - Role-play DHS: Soy la higinista dental que voy a

trabajar con usted hoy. Siéntese, por favor. P: Gracias… DHS: ¿Se lava los dientes? P: Sí, me lavo los dientes. DHS: ¿Cuántas veces al día se cepilla los

dientes? P: Me cepillo los dientes dos veces por día.


Theme: Dental Findings Objective: SWAT communicate findings to the patient Content: findings – terminology and structures Material: dental pathology model, handouts, projector,

board Activity:

1. Present new material with dental pathology model. 2. Write phrases on the board. 3. Pronounce the new vocabulary: caries – cariado4. Ask students to repeat after you.5. Write examples on the board to explain grammar:

estar + adjective : El diente está cariado. TENER (to have) + noun : Tiene caries.

6. Provide an illustration for students to name the findings.

7. Role-play


Course Evaluations by students Midterm – Feedback

What are some features of the course that you think are working pretty well?

What are some possible changes or additions you would like to see incorporated into the course from this point forward?

Final Instructor and Course DHS evaluations Course assessment summary and action plan

Strengths Weaknesses Future Plans

Start Stop continue

Successes Students can go over the OPC in

Span. Less use of interpreters Students perform dental education in

Span. Syllabus flexible enough to

accommodate students’ needs Cultural awareness: patient loyalty A plus when students applied for jobs

Challenges Variety of language competence levels

among the students Students do not see the importance of

the class until they go into the clinic First clinic experiences and Dental

Spanish classes run simultaneously Material development – time consuming Cultural component – Hispanic

representative of the population of the area ideal

Next Steps One year of college Spanish will be

required from students A review Medical Spanish class will be

offered in the Fall Dental Health Education activity will be

their final oral examination. Continue assessing and adapting in

accordance to students’ needs Hybrid environment: incorporate

technology to the traditional classroom environment
