Spanish food

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Different types of Spanish food

Transcript of Spanish food


Cuisine By : Armaan Anand Charvi Puri

Mohit Sewani Prashant



History Introduction to cuisine Essential Ingredients of Spanish Food A typical Spanish day Famous Spanish dishes

History & Geography of Spanish Food

Located in iberian peninsula Almost entirely surrounded by waters Seafood forms one of the pillars of Spain's gastronomy and categorizes the country as having a

Mediterranean diet The rest of Spain is a diverse terrain made up of

Mountain ranges, lush pastures, fertile farm grounds, extensive coastlines and more — provide quite a variety of fresh products. — Spain's famous hams are cured high in the mountains, vineyards and olive groves sprawl across expanses of land, and fresh fruits and vegetables hail from throughout the country.

Culture throughout the history of Spanish food

The Phoenicians left their sauces, the Greeks introduced Spain to the wonders of olive oil, and Romans, Carthaginians, and Jews integrated elements of their own cooking into that of Spain

However it was the Moors who, during their centuries of reign, most impacted Spanish gastronomy. They introduced fruits and light seasonings into the Iberian

diet, as well as combinations of fruits and nuts with meats and fish.

Rice- a genuine staple of Spanish gastronomy- and therefore Spain's vast array of rice dishes, come straight from the Moors, as does the use of saffron, cinnamon, and nutmeg.

Introduction Arman

It’s the people’s cuisine. Most of it is down-to-earth, uncomplicated food, based

on the ingredients available locally or the crops grown regionally. 

Differs from region to region Mountains run through Spain in several directions, acting as

natural barriers to communication and making transportation difficult until the last half of the 20th century.

Spain was created by uniting many small kingdoms, each with their own traditions.

Introduction Arman

It’s the people’s cuisine. Most of it is down-to-earth, uncomplicated food, based

on the ingredients available locally or the crops grown regionally. 

Differs from region to region Mountains run through Spain in several directions, acting as

natural barriers to communication and making transportation difficult until the last half of the 20th century.

Spain was created by uniting many small kingdoms, each with their own traditions.


Mohit Sewani


Mohit Sewani

A Typical Spanish Day El Desayuno – Breakfast

The Smallest Meal of the Day Continental Breakfast

Tapas - Little Spanish Meals

Tortilla Española - Spanish Omelet, also called tortilla de patata, or potato omelet Patatas Bravas - Potatoes with Spicy Brava Sauce Gambas al Ajillo - Shrimp in Garlic

La Comida – Lunch The midday meal, or la comida as it is called in Spain is the largest meal of the day

La Merienda - Snack The late-afternoon snack in Spain is called la merienda and is necessary since lunch is done by 3:30pm, but

dinner isn't usually eaten for another five to six hours

La Cena – Dinner Smaller than Lunch Light fare, such as an omelet or fish with a green salad

After Dinner The last stop on the way home from an evening of fun might be to a churreria or a churrostand. Churros are fried pastries that look

something like fried potatoes, though they have nothing to do with potatoes. 




A main course


Tapas  are a wide variety of appetizers, or snacks, in Spanish cuisine. They may be cold (such as mixed olives and cheese) or warm (such paella, loins, hamburgers..), patrons of tapas can be many different tapas and combine them to make a full meal.


During Romería, it is quite common to have “tapas”, since we save a lot of time in the kitchen because it is ready to be served, and we cannot only attend people when they visit us, but we can also talk, dance and sing with them.


Manchego Cheese Jam





1 Kg. Potatoes 2 small onions 2 eggs 100 gr. Olives 2 cans of tuna Parsley branches 1 cup Olive oil 2 tablespoon vinegar 2 tablespoons Salt

Although this “tapa” is very common in summer, it is very usual to have them during Romería.


Spanish cold tomato soup which is the perfect meal in Romería to cool down.

Gazpacho is easy to make and although ingredients may vary according to the region,

This is the basic Andalusian Gazpacho recipe.


½ kg red tomatoes Vinegar1 small onion Salt1 green pepper Water2 - 3 cloves garlic Olive Oil1 small cucumber



1 small onion (optional) 3 medium potatos 2 large eggs 3 tbsp olive oil (divided) Vegetable oil for frying the potatos Salt and pepper to taste

The spanish omelette is one of the most famous recipes in Spain, with lots of variations. Traditionally, we cook the “tortilla española” with eggs, potatoes and olive oil, but sometimes we also add onions, peppers or even red sausage.



Main Courses are dishes which are a bit more elaborated than tapas, which are usually ready to eat at the moment. Most of them are hot food.



1 small onion ½ red pepper 2 medium-sized tomatoes 2 carrots 200g prawns 200g small

clams 12 mussels 350g rice a pinch of saffron strands A sprig of

parsley olive oil about 800ml


Paella is a typical Spanish dish and it is very popular. It is normally made using shellfish but it can also be made with chicken or rabbit. On one of the festival days, we use a giant pan which should be big enough to feed everybody, and cook a huge paella because everybody is invited!!


During the Romería, it is also possible to have some hot tapas, such as hamburguers and loins, which is another way to cook fast food to avoid spending too much party.

Hamburguers are regular ones, made out of pork or chicken.Loins are usually served as tapas and they can served with ham and green pepper, what we call “serranitos”.