Spanish and DT fortnight – Year 3B. Flamenco dancing.

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Spanish and DT fortnight – Year 3B. Flamenco dancing.

Spanish and DT fortnight – Year 3B

Flamenco dancing

Flamenco dancing

Flamenco dancing

Flamenco dancing

Flamenco dancing

We looked at and tried a selection of Spanish food.

Spanish Omelette

Chilli cheese!!

Tortilla chips

Garlic bruschetta

Vegetable crisps and olives

Spanish lemon cake

Oranges to finish with

Rayyan’s levered beach ball picture

Ismah’s moving flamenco dancer

Fuzeil’s moving Spanish sport’s car

Tahani’s levered beach ball picture

Ruby’s moving flamenco dancer

Adnan’s levered flying aeroplane

Charlie’s levered beach ball picture

Azaan’s moving Spanish sport’s car