Spaced learning version 1 legislation

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Spaced learning version 1 legislation

Spaced Learning

Version 1 Legislation

Legislation in Food and Beverage Service

Contents• Questions on knowledge and

understanding of The Legal requirements when working and serving customers in a Bar or Restaurant.

• Consequences to an employer and employee if you break the Licensing Law.

3. Legal requirements and social responsibilities alcohol and food in a Restaurant/Bar.


What is the legal age that you can be sold alcohol in a Bar or Off Licence?


What is the legal single measure for Whisky- Gin-Vodka Rum


What are the legal measures for wine by the glass?


What are the consequences if you do not give a customer the correct measure?

Which law is being broken if you reveal customer information to a third party?

Who can be fined if a customer is found smoking in a restaurant

or Bar


Responsibilities• What are your responsibilities

when working in a Bar?

Which organisation gives the licence to serve alcohol?


What is the maximum penalty if an employee serves alcohol outside the permitted hours?


What are the 4 Licensing Objectives


What must be displayed outside the entrance of a restaurant to comply with The Legislation of Price Marking (Food and Drink) Order?


Which legislation is being broken if you state that the food is organic when is not?


List the groups of people who must not be discriminated by law?


Which Act of legislation must the Licensee, the Bar Person, The designated supervisor adhere to when serving alcohol in a Bar or Restaurant?


A low alcoholic drink must have no more than .......


A drink is classified as alcoholic if the A.B.V. is more than ......


A drink is classified as non alcoholic if the A.B.V. has no more than.....


What is defined by aerated waters?


The legislation that protects the customers if the food and Drinks are not to standard is called.....


The legislation that protects the customers if the food and Drinks are not to standard is called.....


If you as a customer, you are not satisfied by the goods that you have been sold, which organisation has the authority to take action on your behalf?


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