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Sozo Living Christian Magazine

Transcript of

Good News For Eastern Carolina



SozoLiving.comINSPIRE · REACH · GROW

Fall Issue 2011



He KnowsWhere You Are

Sheriff Neil and Connie Elks

Healing AndForgiveness


He KnowsWhere You Are

Sheriff Neil and Connie Elks

Healing AndForgiveness

SHARE-A-THON OCTOBER 11th - 13th withRadio Personality Donna Cruz

Dick & Judy Williams

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urricane Irene dealt a tough blow to Eastern and Coastal Carolina. Many throughout some coastal areas received extensive dam-

age or even lost their homes, all due to a storm that packed a powerful punch.

As Hurricane Irene bore down on the coast of North Carolina, some experts were saying she would be the “storm of the century.” As many meteorolo-gists were saying that Irene would make landfall as a Category 3, people every-where began to pray and speak to the storm and boy did those prayers ever make a difference. As she did make landfall two things became obvious. One is that the storm lost its power over the warm Atlantic water when it should have gained strength. Secondly, part of the upper most northern parts of the storm broke off, thus keeping Irene from being nearly as big as the “Big One” many had predicted. Common consensus among

many in the “hurricane know” is that this storm, “for some reason” never reached it’s maximum destructive potential simply because it never could de-velop a well-defined eye.

As a result, what could have been extremely tragic for the Eastern Seaboard of the U. S. became extremely

inconvenient. Trees, trees, and more trees scattered across the Eastern and Coastal areas throughout many states and many homes without power and water, but one thing is for sure, and that is that there was a “Well defined Eye” watching over us.

There’s something about major events such as these that’s almost like press-ing a “Reset Button”. Things become more clear as you begin to count your blessings again. Things that may have become routine and assumed become more important and valuable. It’s in these times, when almost everyone around you is going through the same thing at the same time, that neighbors become real neighbors again. Family steps up for one another, communities come together, and most importantly the Love of God becomes really tangible through the lives of people. In Matthew chapter ten,


What is Sozo?

A Well Defined Eye

Sōzō is the Greek word for “Saved” in the New Testament and when combined with the adjective, “SalvatIon,” which is the word sōtēria, it has seven meanings. These two words get their origin from the Hebrew word Shalom.

Sōzō – Saved, Healed, Delivered, Preserved, Protected, Made Prosperous, Make Whole

Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps. Psalm 121:4

Johnny Jones is Pastor of South Point Community Church, local entrepre-neur, and author can be reached 758-7355

Prayer to Receive ChristFather, I acknowledge today that Jesus is the son of God and that he came to

die on the cross and be raised from the grave so that I may be forgiven of my

sin and receive eternal life. Today I put my trust in Jesus Christ as my Lord

and Savior. And I receive by faith all that Jesus died to give me. In Jesus

name, Amen.

Jesus describes to a group of followers the love that the Father has for us all. He illustrates this by letting them know that if He knows when a sparrow falls to the ground, how much more is He aware of what we may be going through. So today, no matter if things are going great in your life, or there are challenges before you, know that there is a “Well Defined Eye” watching over you.

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SozoToday.comD A I LY I N S P I R A T I O N

For many folks, a great cup of coffee is a pleasure, but for some of us it’s a necessity. In much the same way, I hope you’ll find to be a source of rejuvenation and inspiration for your soul and spirit.

Daily inspiration anddevotional for the workplace,

marketplace and life.

Johnny JonesBlessings.

onnie Elks laughingly recalls a conversation she overheard one day while her son, Cutler, was play-ing with a friend. Cutler said to his

buddy, “I know my Dad’s not God, but he must be pretty high up there.” When his friend asked how he knew that, Cutler replied, “Because he always knows right where I am.”

Little did Cutler know then that the secret to his dad’s knowledge was not the result of any kind of divine telepathy, but that the family dog, Prissy, was a dead give-away. Cutler had an adventurous spirit (as many boys his age) and sometimes would go into the home of a beloved neighbor without his parent’s permission. When Neil would come out to look for him their dog, Prissy, would faithfully be in the yard near Cutler, and yes, Prissy was their snitch.

To know Neil and Connie Elks is to know that they are people of faith and that their faith in God through Jesus is their anchor in life, family, and everything they do. According to Neil, “If I can’t talk about my faith, then there’s really not a whole lot for me to talk about.”

From the time he was just a young boy, young Neil Elks had a feeling that one day he would be Sheriff. In spite of that, every time that thought came up or someone else said it, he just simply shrugged it off with, “There’s no way I’ll ever be sheriff.”

After 30 years of service as a Pitt County Sheriff’s Deputy, Neil turned in his badge and county issued firearm. He wanted to pursue the greener slower pastures of retirement, while helping his son build a landscaping business.

Even so, Neil says that a still small voice kept saying, “You’re going to be Sheriff.”

Finally, after many confirmations, Neil decided to enlist the help of some close friends and associates to pray with him about this idea that he could not seem to shake - running for Sheriff.

After much prayer, the verdict seemed unanimous among those prayer part-ners. So Neil, along with his wife, Con-nie, and with the blessing of their family, decided to follow that Voice that said, “Walk in faith and follow Me.”

Despite the fact that he would be giving up his retirement and the income from the business he and his son were build-ing together, Neil began to step into the pursuit for the Office of Sheriff of Pitt County.

“He Knows Where You Are”Sheriff Neil and Connie Elks


“I knew that I wasn’t the most well funded financially, the most socially connected, the best public speaker or anything else that would make me a good politician. I was okay with that because I didn’t want to be a politician but rather a servant of the people. As a third generation law enforcement officer, he had embraced the advice of his father who always told him, “Neil, always treat people the same no matter who they are.”

According to Neil, he realized that his father’s advice was now paying off in a big way. “All those years of just trying to do the right thing by people, was a seed that I didn’t even realize I was sowing.” “I didn’t even know where to start in the election process, but people began to come out of the woodwork to help me and pray for me.” God sent just the right people to help me along the way. With-out a doubt it was a God thing.”

Although many thought that the task was impossible, Neil Elks defeated the incum-bent Sheriff and humbly took the oath of

office on his dad’s Bible as Sheriff of Pitt County, NC in December of 2010. Sher-iff Elks beamed with gratitude that day as his mother, who has recently passed away, pinned on his badge.

With a quivering voice Sheriff Elks says, “I carry my dad’s picture with me in my pocket to work with me every day. I love him and miss him so much, and I can only imagine how proud he would have been.” “Even though my dad never saw this dream come to pass, it is the values that my father instilled in me that remind me that this is not my office,” stated Sheriff Elks. “I want the people of Pitt County to know that I am not ‘the Sheriff’, but I am ‘their Sheriff.’”And as he says, “I want to be known as the ‘working Sheriff.’”Connie serves in law enforcement as a police officer and a major crimes investi-gator with the Greenville Police Depart-ment. She has served for over 27 years. She is even known in many neighbor-hoods as “The Church Lady” because of her desire to bring hope and encourage-ment to the people she comes in contact with in the line of her duties.

“I want people to know that God takes ordinary people and because of who he is, not who we are, he can do extra ordinary things in their lives, if we let Him. When I really got serious with God and began studying his Word I was truly amazed at some

of the people God chose to use as his Disciples. They came with baggage, serious baggage. I am reminded if God used them to begin his ministry in the New Testament he still will and does use people with what the world would call baggage today. Every life is valu-able. Jesus paid too high a price to think otherwise.”

She goes on to say, “We don’t want to leave this world not fulfilling the purpose that God has for us. He has destined certain things and certain people for you to reach that no one else can. He will empower you to be the one to fulfill that need. The scariest place to ever be is out of the will of God.”

Neil and Connie have been blessed with four children and three wonderful grand-children. Just like any other family, The Elks’ face constant challenges. And as Sheriff Elks says, “In a place of leader-ship, the adversary seems to attack even harder. I really appreciate the prayers and support of all those who helped me

win this position, but now that I am here, please don’t stop pray-ing for me and my family.”

Today, you may be wondering if the plans and visions God has given you will ever come to

pass, but know this, as you put your faith and trust in Him and follow ‘His still small voice.’ He always knows right where you are.

he war on our health is stacking up casualties and many of them may be your friends, family and even co-workers. You may be saying, “I

know we are at war in Iraq, Afghanistan and perhaps another war snuck in over-night, but a ‘War On Our Health’, what is that?” Stick with me and I’ll explain…In the year 2000, malignant tumors were responsible for 12 percent of the nearly 56 million deaths worldwide from all causes. If we add in heart disease, the numbers become frightening. There are more “wounded everyday.” We have tens of millions wounded in this “Health War”. Here is the list of wounds: ADHD, Asth-ma, Autism, Depression, Diabetes (Type I and Type II), High blood pressure, and Obesity just to name a few. According to The Journal of the American Medi-cal Association, there has been a 500% increase in the number of prescriptions written for ADHD since 1991.According to Scientific American, June 2000, “Asthma Worldwide,” asthma was rare in 1900. Now considered an epidemic, asthma kills 5,000 Americans yearly, and 180,000 worldwide.According to WebMD, “There has been a 10-fold increase in the number of children with Type 2 diabetes during the past five years.” And over 85% of these children are also obese.

Here are “2 Keys” that have a One-thou-sand nine-hundred and eighty-one year proven track-record of victory over sick-ness and disease.First, a story about a friend of mine who works at a large, home retail store.Debbie works in the loss-prevention department and had an early morning shift counting the money to open the store. The room was small, secure, no windows and two people went in to verify the funds. Debbie was standing and her co-worker described the back pain she’s had for decades. Debbie of-fered her help. “I can pray for you,” she said hesitantly. Her co-worker passively said, “ok”, thinking Debbie meant later tonight as she said her nightly prayers. “I’m going to lay my hands on your back now, if that’s ok,” Debbie said. “Ok” was the reply. Then the Keys to winning the “War On Health” were used. Deb-bie said, “Back pain, you have to flee in Jesus’ name. I speak to the back, be healed and made whole in Jesus’ name.” Instantly the woman was pain-free and healed.Just as she finished praying, Tom, the store manager walked in. He’s an older man with grey hair and a limp. He was complaining about his knee pain he’s had for 38 years. Debbie’s newly healed friend shouts, “Debbie can pray for you, I just got healed!” “Sure, I’ll try anything. I just want this pain to go away,” said Tom. You know what happened.Tom is free from a pain that was with him for nearly 40 years. Debbie’s co-worker was healed, all because Debbie knew two Keys…KEY # 1 God is willing and able to heal.KEY #2 Healing begins and ends with Jesus Christ.This is a call to arms. Your friends, your

family, your co-workers, your town and nation are under a “sickness” attack. Are you the answer to those who are sick and dying around you? Could you pray for someone and speak healing in Jesus’ name? Where would you even begin?The epic battle of these days will be seen in the arena of sickness and disease as Jesus displays His power over the en-emy through you, His glorious Bride.If you want to learn “How to Heal”, you must A.S.K. 1. Ask the Lord what He thinks about healing 2. Seek every scripture about healing 3. Knock on the doors of believers operating in healing nowJesus began a public ministry 1,981 years ago demonstrating that his Father is a healer. It is a sure sign and wonder that restores the rule of God and es-tablishes His order. It is a war that has already been won through Jesus, and is manifested when we pray for others. As we do, it displays the superiority of God’s Kingdom in the earth.You have the KEYS, history, a King and the Kingdom ready to go into battle with you!

Brent EngelmanCo-Pastor: The Church@New Bern Email: brentengelman1@gmail.comFacebook:

Marketplace Ministry


Gary remembers, as a young ten-year old boy, watching his father remodel the home they had just recently purchased. “I think that’s when the building bug started to hit me,” says Gary. “I was probably in the way more at that age, but I wanted to help and Dad would always find something for me to do.”

Gary’s Dad had not long since retired from the Navy and moved the family to Aurora where he was originally from. After moving back Gary’s Dad, “L”, as he was affection-ately called, tried his hand at a few things. He even served for a while as the Chief of Police in Aurora, but nothing interested him quite as much as picking up a hammer and building something. Gary recalls wanting to be by his Dad’s side every chance he could, even if it meant just cleaning up around the work site.

All that childhood and teenage experience paid off for Gary and during the summer before he left for N.C. State, he found him-self supervising a work crew at just seven-teen years old. In 1990, Gary’s Dad hung up the hammer and Gary stepped into the family business all the way. Gary says, “I looked so young at that time that a friend of

mine told me I needed to grow a mustache to look older so that people would take me serious.” It wasn’t long before people really did take Gary serious as a builder and soon a real-estate agent approached Gary about building a home for a prominent doctor in the area and that seemed to be when Gary

began to become recognized as a “quality builder.”

Just after the com-pletion of that project Gary was asked by the new Head ECU Football Coach to build his home, which had to be completed before the new season started. A daunting task, but Gary rallied his crews and the new coach and his family moved in right on time.

Through the years Gary’s homes have and are being enjoyed by many families here in Eastern Carolina, and some have earned honors and recognition in the Parade of Homes and other awards. Gary and his wife, Gwynne, have six children. Their oldest son, Chad, who is now serving in the Marines also received his BA from ECU in Construc-tion Management, has expressed interest in building as well. Even though the building business has slowed due to current market conditions, Gary still takes on every job, from roofing, additions, remodeling, garages and more, with the same type of care and quality as ever.

If you’re in need of any type of building or home improvement, call Gary today at252-714-9069.

Gary Cutler, “A Builder’s Son”

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remember distinctly the first time I met Dick and Judy Williams. They had picked up a copy of the first

magazine we had just published called “Gracious Living” and had decided to visit us that Sunday at South Point. They seemed like any typical couple, with the exception of Judy needing quite a bit of assistance from her husband, Dick.

Thirty years earlier Judy had been stricken with Fibromyalgia, a disease that attacks the nervous and muscle systems of the body, that had left her in severe pain and dependent on a wheel chair or walker just to get around. In addition, the medication she had to take had taken quite an effect on her as well.

It’s been said that, “Faith begins at the

knowledge of God’s will.” Faith began to arise in Judy as she began to hear how that Jesus was the personification of the Father and that during His earthly minis-try He healed the sick. Acts 10:39, “…. God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power.

Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.” Jesus himself said in John 14:9, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father.” After tak-ing hold of these truths, Judy realized that based on Jesus’ own ministry that he came to “Save” and that the word “Save” is the Greek word Sozo, which actually means to save, heal, deliver, preserve, protect, to prosper, and to be made whole.

Judy felt deep within her, that although her physical symptoms seemed contrary, that God wanted her whole and well. And, that only being in her 60’s she knew that He wanted her to live a more full and abundant life.

Through much prayer and seeking him regarding her physical condition, she says, “He began reveal-ing to me that my healing would come as I was able to forgive.” You see, Judy had a very abusive childhood and it wasn’t until she met her husband, Dick, that she experienced “unconditional love and acceptance.” Years of physical and sexual

abuse had left her emotion-ally scarred and had been a hurt she had carried with her all of her adult life, but through the help of the Holy

Spirit, Judy made a decision to release anyone that had wronged her. She was not going to let the pain, nor the unwill-ingness to forgive, keep her from expe-riencing for herself all that Jesus died to give her.

Well, to see Judy Williams today is to see a perfect example of what God’s divine healing power looks like in one’s life. Not only is she no longer confined to a wheel chair or walker, nor is she ever depen-dent on her husband’s helping hand, but she walks around like a spring chicken. To meet her today, one would never know how confined she had been just a few months ago.

Judy wants to encourage everyone to let go of their past and receive all that God has for them today!

“Healing And Forgiveness”How Judy Williams Overcame Fibromyalgia


Third Day

ust as no song portrays the “sensitive side” of the rugged American line-man more than the “Wichita Lineman,” recorded by Glen Campbell in 1968, so

no topic brings out the passion of Gerard “G” Rowe more than “Bringing the Light.”

Back in 2001 Gerard was a member of a three-man lineman competition team, that represented New Bern and other munici-palities throughout North Carolina as they traveled around the country competing in “Lineman Rodeos.” It was at one such competition, that Gerard first heard about “I-TEC,” a non-denominational ministry utilizing volunteers to meet the technical needs of missionaries and not-for-profit organi-zations worldwide, as well as local and international disas-ter relief.

As a Lineman for the City of New Bern for many years, Gerard has always taken great pride in his work and wanted to be the best he could be at it. “I had always thought you had to be a preacher or someone who went

to a foreign land for long pe-riods at the time to be a mis-sionary, until I learned about “short term support missions” says Gerard. It wasn’t until a fellow competitor told him about I-TEC that Gerard says, “I learned how there was a big need for lineman to go to these places around the world and use their skills to help missionaries and ministries.” When he received his first invitation from I-TEC to go to Papua, New Guinea in

2003, Gerard realized that he would have to raise his own financial support and use his vacation time to do this. He recalls hanging up the phone and saying, “I’m going to go.” He didn’t know exactly how it was all going to come together, but as he says, “I just put it in God’s hands and I knew He would take care of it,” and He certainly did. “I’ve never worried about the money part of it, whenever I’m called to go He just always provides the way,” says Gerard.

Since that first trip, Gerard has been on eight more and two of those have been this year. In addi-tion to Papua New Guinea, Gerard has traveled to Hondu-ras, the Dominican Republic and most recently Zambia, Nigeria. “I’ve met some wonderful

people on these mission trips and I’ve found myself falling in love with the children.” “I see the conditions they live in and realize how blessed we are here at home.” Gerard’s wife, Cynthia, had an opportunity to travel with him a few years ago to Honduras, and as she says, “It was a life changing experience.”

One such young man Gerard has formed a special bond with is Eddie in Honduras. Ed-die had shown interest in electrical work as a youth. When he was just nineteen he was sent to the El Sembrador Ranch, a Christian boarding school for young boys, as a helper on a project Gerard was working on. Gerard quickly noticed how hard of a worker Eddie was and how willing and eager he was to do anything that was asked of him and learn the trade. Although he was not a student at the Ranch, young Eddie was asked to come back and help from time to time. On Gerard’s most recent trip there he again met Eddie, who is now a full time employee of the Ranch as their Chief Electrical Engineer. Now Eddie drives around that large ranch in a donated bucket truck that was sent by a U.S. municipality, taking care of electrical issues as they arise.

Gerard wants others to know that they can also use their talents, skills, and just their love for people to make a difference through short-term missions work. I-TEC is also in need of more lineman and electricians to help out on projects around the world.

If you would like to help Gerard financial-ly or if you would like to get involved as an electrician or lineman with I-TEC, then visit Gerard’s website at or you can reach him at 252-671-4954. Tax deductible donations can also be mailed to South Point Community Church, C/O Gerard Rowe, P.O. Box 167, Blounts Creek, NC 27814.


Gerard Rowe

Gerard and Eddie

Eddie Today

ecently my wife and I were intro-duced to a new system to help us lose weight and get in better physical condition. We had been

looking for something for quite some time that would work for us and help us get the results we were both looking for. So, after some due diligence and research we embarked on a “90 Day Challenge” using a meal replacement system that promised to deliver, and so far it really has. There’s nothing more satisfying when you have a fitness goal to see the scales and inches go down.

This whole challenge concept got me thinking. What if at the same time I was challenging myself physically, I also challenged myself in some other areas of life? This inspired me to launch what we’ve called a “90 Day Sozo Challenge” at the church that I’m so privileged to Pastor.

You see, we all have some area or areas in our lives that we would like to see improvement. But sadly, we often times get discouraged simply because where we currently are, seems so far from where we want to be. This can often times lead to us quitting, long before we fulfill our goals simply because the task seems so big. But, what if, instead of looking at the big picture

we broke it down in smaller increments that can be managed more effectively. You certainly wouldn’t go to the gym for an exercise session and expect to be a body builder over night. In the same way we should set small attainable goals for ourselves spiritually, as well.

What I’ve come to learn about the Gos-pel or “Good News” of Jesus Christ, is that it’s meant to effect every area of my life. In fact, the word “Saved” has seven distinct and powerful meanings. “Saved” in the original Greek language is the word “Sozo” and it literally means to be saved, healed, delivered, preserved, protected, to prosper and to be made whole. In fact, Jesus himself used this word “Sozo” interchangeably throughout the New Testament when healing and meeting a need.

The Apostle Paul is not suggesting in the

above verse that physical training is not good, but it should not be the only thing we focus on. He suggests that training for “godliness” is even better. One of the meanings for “godliness” is to be God like or to be like God. And, one way we can be like Him, is to have His mind. In 1 Corinthians chapter two, Paul teaches us that as believers in Jesus, we can also have the mind of Christ. As our minds become more like Him, we become more like Him.

Just as it would be foolish for someone to only work out one area of their body and ignore the rest, so Paul also tells us in Romans 12:2 to renew our “entire mind.” As our soul is our mind, our will, and our emotions, it’s in renewing our minds to what God says about us, and who He we are in Him, that we can fulfill our destiny and purpose. So today, as you hit the gym, go for that walk and watch that caloric intake, also challenge yourself spiritually by allowing God’s Spirit and His Word to show you who you are in Him.

Today’s Thought: As exercising all areas of the body is necessary for complete fit-ness, so must we renew all areas of our mind to know our completeness in Christ.


“Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promis-ing benefits in this life and in the life

to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8 (NLT)

SozoToday.comD A I LY I N S P I R A T I O N

Johnny Jones

For many folks, a great cup of coffee is a pleasure, but for some of us it’s a necessity. In much the same way, I hope you’ll find to be a source of rejuvenation and inspiration for your soul and spirit.

Daily inspiration anddevotional for the workplace,

marketplace and life.


Take the Challenge


1913 E Fire Tower Rd Suite E. Greenville, NC • • 252.353.7324

- Personal & Athletic Training - Sports Nutrition - Group Fitness - Yoga - Zumba - Pilates- Protein Smoothie Bar - Vitamin & Supplement Shop- 24-7 Wellness Club - Child Care Available- Tanning Beds - Body by Vi Fat Loss90 Day Challenge

It all starts with a dream! To get off the couch, brave the cold, push yourself when it hurts, and stay on track you need to set goals, be inspired, and keep your eyes on the prize. Fitness is more than just a series of exercises or regular visits to the gym. Rather, fitness is a way of life, both mentally and physically. It’s a means by which people can improve themselves and continue their pursuit of excellence. Motivation is a must when it comes to achieving anything in life, and exercise is no different! You don’t need to be flashy, just consistent and motivated! Because

most people are not intrinsically self-motivated it’s often helpful to have a motivator, like a professional trainer, that can help you stay focused and get on the right path. Finding that right individual to help lead the way can be very important in your success. Discovering a genu-inely inspiring figure that has the experi-ence and trust to chart this path to good health, can be challenge. Thankfully, there are some good personal trainers out there.

As you’re looking for the right trainer for you, make sure they know how to safely train you in high intensity training that enhances both cardiovascular strength and lean muscle mass. Also make sure you choose someone that has the “Three E’s”: education, experience and exper-tise.

It’s also extremely important to know that your Professional Trainer is certified through one of the four major associa-tions like the AFFA, ISSA, HCSM or the NFCA. These are all nationally recog-nized organizations that help govern and continually educate Professional Trainers in their specific fields and these organiza-tions are often promoted and recognized by various universities and educational institutes.

I think fitness and bodybuilding is one of the best ways to teach self discipline and focus, which in return will allow you

A Better Youto be a stronger physical and mental being. You just have to know what your motivation and goals are?? It could be for health reasons, physical appearance, improving your stress level, improving athletic skills or just increasing your self-esteem. If I can be of help to you in this area, I would be more than happy to serve you. I founded Pro Fitness in early 2003 and have helped hundreds of clients reach their fitness and athletic goals! I carry a B.S. in Exercise & Sports Science earned from East Carolina University. I am a former collegiate pitcher at Pitt Community College and I love inspiring individuals to be their best! I have a great passion in helping individuals meet their health and fitness goals. I will consult you in areas of cardiovascular endur-ance, sports nutrition, supplementation and strength training geared towards your age, gender, body type and fitness level! Pro Fitness offers many services that are for any age, goal and budget.

Whether you want to tone up, lose body fat, gain muscle or be a better athlete, Pro Fitness is here to serve you. We offer various services such as personal athletic training and many different boot camps for all ages and fitness levels! Pro Fitness will take all the guess-work away and design a program just for your goals and body type. As a “Lean Body Special-ist” I will give you all the resources need-ed to transform your body.

If you would like a Free Consultation and 1 Free Training Session just call me at 252.341.6994 or email me at


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