Soylent Green Deconstruction

Post on 18-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Soylent Green Deconstruction

Soylent Green deconstructionSoylent Green’s title sequence is a barrage of still images from the time of world war one and two. It starts to change from the war, to the industrial revolution. It’s like a timeline of history and it then goes into the future. It’s a contrast between what life used to be like and what it will be like.

The music is slow and quite depressing. This indicates that the film will not be a very jolly one. The speed of the music can determine the genre, if the title sequence has spooky music then it’s more likely to be a scary movie or a horror, whereas if it has more upbeat music then it’s more likely to be a comedy. This film falls under the Sci-fi genre.

It is edited so that we get a timeline of the history of New York, contrast from life then and life now and life to come. The images are all kept in the same format, they are displayed as “Old photos” and don’t have much colour to them, this gives a hint that the film is going to be a dark one.

Misé-en-scene- New York, because the images display the city of New York in the background. With historical monuments and buildings. The image where the film name is displayed we can see Manhattan in the background with the Brooklyn bridge. It is set in the future (2022) as it says “It’s the year 2022…”