Southland Vine - Clover  ·...

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Transcript of Southland Vine - Clover  ·...

Southland Vine The

November 20, 2013 1630 W. Republic Road * Springfield, MO 65807

417.881.7405 *

Southland Christian Church ...

equipping you to LIVE OUT your faith

as you ENCOUNTER God, CONNECT with others,

GROW DEEP and BUILD UP one another.

What’s Inside …

2-3 General Reminders & Info

4 "WE DO!"

5 What MATTers to Me 6-7 Les’ Latest ... (Children/Youth)

8-9 southlandwomen

10-11 Encounter

12-13 Connect 13 Grow Deep

14 Build Up

15 December Serving Schedule

16 Live Out

Christmas Eve Service

The Empty Nesters would like to invite everyone to join

them in decorating the building for Christmas – Monday,

November 25 at 3 PM. Check out page 2 for more details.

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DDeecceemmbbeerr 1155 aatt 66::0000 ppmm.. NOTE: Parents, make sure you especially check out page 6 for

the rehearsal schedules, etc.

We will also need desserts donated for the reception after the program (this is not just for parents!). Again, more details on page 6.

Tuesday, December 24

at 6 PM

Upcoming Leadership Meetings:

December 5 @ 5 PM Elders & Staff

December 19 @ 6 PM Elders

We will publish the next edition of The Southland Vine on December 18.


GGeenneerraall RReemmiinnddeerrss aanndd IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn ......

Looking for more traditional Christmas songs? If so, we want to encourage you to join our first service during the Christmas season. Susan Gouge and team will be leading us during the 5 Sundays of December. It will be a great opportunity for us to celebrate the story of Jesus’ birth using the more familiar songs. We’d love for you to join us!

"THANK YOU" Notes ...

From time to time, we receive cards, notes, etc. expressing gratitude to the SCC family. Since there is not a great place to display these cards, we will share them with you here in The VINE.

- Carolyn Owen

- Ken and Deb Nelson

Welcome to our newest

SCC members!

Congratulations to Javan Londeen and Hayden Londeen who were immersed into Christ by Les on

November 10, 2013.

Betty Spalding

An invitation to all from


Address Correction:

Joy Shearin (& Brittney)

868 N. 22nd St.

Ozark, MO 65721

To share a prayer requests with the Southland church family, you can e-mail

us at or call the church office.

We encourage you to take advantage of Southland's online presence ... check out our website

to listen to sermons, register for VBS, check out upcoming events, etc. Don't forget: you can also

get information by "liking" our "Southland Christian Church" Facebook page.

We are excited to be utilizing the YouVersion “app” for tablets, smart phones, and other electronic devices during our Sunday services. Among other things, it's a great way to follow along with the sermon and even take electronic notes. You can even send your own notes to your e-mail account from right there within the app!

See the posters around the building for specific instructions on how to find our LIVE event using this app each week: “SCC – Sunday ENCOUNTER.”

FINANCIAL UPDATE ... October 2013 (the most recently completed month)

We want to provide this basic info to keep you aware of what's happening. Keep in mind, this is a snapshot of one month. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have through the office staff.


Regular tithe for the month - $36,180 (since Sept. 2013 = $84,975)

Average weekly tithe for the month - $9,045 (for Sept.-Oct. 2013 = $9,441.67)

Weekly budgeted goal - $8,650 (This is based on an estimated annual budget of $450,000 ... NOTE: This is our target; we adjust as necessary along the way.)

Love Offerings - $665 ($20 to the building)



There are times when we may have to either cancel or adjust our schedule due to winter weather. These changes will be made as soon as reasonably possible and communicated in these two main ways:

* On website: * Via e-mail to our "Vine" distribution list (to have

your e-mail address added to this list, contact the office)


Got Questions?

While we work hard to communicate all the right information, we know there may be additional questions you have about Southland ... especially if you are new around here! If you have questions, please contact the office and someone on staff will help you out. To e-mail questions, send them to the following address:


One of the great privileges and joys of following Jesus is being joined together with other believers as His church. Here at Southland, we express that vital connection in part through our “Membership Covenant.” It provides the basic parameters for belonging to the church family here – the commitments we have made to Christ and one another as His people. Now, these are not just our own ideas. Rather, they are our attempt to communicate the teaching of God’s Word when it comes to His Church – just what does it require of us to belong to His Body? In this section of the Vine, we will be reviewing these commitments – 1 from each of the 4 sections of the

covenant in each edition. It’s a way for us to keep fresh in our hearts and minds just what it means to be connected to one another as His church here at Southland.

GENERAL LEADERSHIP COMMITMENT (for both elders and staff) … We covenant to set an example in how we

live out the membership responsibilities contained in this covenant. In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul writes these words: “follow me as I follow the example of Christ.” On one level, it seems audacious for leaders to suggest that others can follow Christ by following them. And yet, this is ultimately what leaders do – they lead others. In Christ’s church, leaders are those who are “out in front,” setting the pace and providing an example to follow. Of course, leaders do that as followers – they both follow Christ and lead others to follow Him at the same time. This is a broad responsibility that certainly includes our participation in the church community. As leaders, we want to model for others what it means to embrace the responsibilities that come with being a part of Christ’s church.

ELDERS’ COMMITMENT … We covenant to make decisions based on the long-term health and well-being of

God’s people at Southland. Biblically, elders are viewed as shepherds (e.g. see Acts 20:28 and 1 Peter 5:2-4). Part of this metaphor involves guiding and directing. Real-life shepherds lead the flock away from dangers and towards what they need (i.e. food and water). Likewise, elders have the responsibility to make decisions that will guide the flock in the direction God desires for the long-term health and well-being of His people.

STAFF COMMITMENT … We covenant to partner with other staff members, functioning as a unified team for both greater effectiveness and, more importantly, God’s glory. It is clear that unity matters within the church. Such oneness brings glory to God, enhances our ministry to those outside of the church and even produces maturity within the body (e.g. see John 17:20-23 and Ephesians 4:1-16). Working together in harmony with one another is especially important within the staff team. In fact, just as with the body as a whole, each part of the staff should work in tandem with the other parts. We are co-laborers in Christ, relying on one another and supporting one another so that we can honor Him and effectively do the work He has given us to do.

MEMBERS’ COMMITMENT … We covenant to strive for holiness so that [our] lifestyle appropriately represents

both Christ and Southland. As followers of Jesus, we have been called to “be holy” (see Hebrews 12:14 and 1 Peter 1:13-16). At the very core, holiness is about living in obedience to God’s instructions, reflecting His holy character in our lives. Our standard for behavior is set not by what is culturally popular or acceptable, but by God’s Word. We pursue what is good, righteous and pure in His eyes, living out Kingdom values even in the midst of a world where they are unpopular. This is not how we earn our salvation, but it is how we reflect our new identity in Christ (e.g. see Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 4:20-24 and Colossians 3:5-11). This is especially important as Christ’s representatives in this world since our conduct reflects both Him and His church.


What MATTers to me … No one’s said it to me yet, but something tells me that the thought is out there: “We’re sure talking a lot about money at church!” Yes, yes, indeed we are! Between our Connect Group focus on The Treasure Principle and our sermon series on giving, money talk is all around us at Southland. Let me take this space to communicate the heart behind this focus. We feel it’s especially appropriate this time of year.

But first, let me make sure we’re clear on what this is NOT about – this emphasis is not some kind of response to a decrease in church giving. Actually, the reality is exactly the opposite. Even when attendance has ebbed and flowed over the past several months, our giving has not only remained steady, but actually improved. As leaders, we didn’t make the decision to address this theme in order to correct a perceived problem. In fact, we see the current giving trend as a strong positive and a key indicator of congregational growth and maturity. Sometimes, it’s good to focus on an area of weakness; but, in this case, we want to focus on an area that is already a strength and strive for even more improvement.

So, in light of that, let’s focus on why we are placing this emphasis on money. Consider these three reasons:

1. As it is with any area of our lives as followers of Jesus, choosing His way leads to true life. Here’s our conviction: when we choose to live our lives according to the principles and instructions of God’s Word, it doesn’t stifle us; it leads to life! In our sermon series, we’re stressing this idea of giving as a privilege. The Treasure Principles helps us re-consider the wisest use of finances in light of eternity and Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:19-24. As Jeff Snell, our guest preacher on Nov. 17, put it: giving is a blessing, not just a burden. Is this path Jesus leads us to difficult and hard at times? Absolutely! And yet, we should always embrace the opportunity to live in obedience to God’s Word as something good, even when it’s difficult. To re-orient our lives around Scripture is always good and healthy! As we choose His way, we find freedom from greed and materialism. We discover how to live out eternal priorities. We begin to cultivate a lavish heart like that of our Father and a sacrificial heart like that of Jesus, His Son. Such things are good and lead to true life.

2. How we handle our money is a significant theme in God’s Word. We have a tendency to compartmentalize our lives, especially our faith. It’s as if we want to separate “spiritual matters” from the rest of our lives. And yet, consistently in God’s Word, there is a perspective that assumes that everything is spiritual. As followers of Christ, there is no part of our lives that shouldn’t be shaped and influenced by Jesus and His Word! In The Treasure Principle, Randy Alcorn says it this way: “there’s a fundamental connection between our spiritual lives and how we think about and handle money. We may try to divorce our faith and our finances, but God sees them as inseparable.” A theme/topic that receives as much attention as this one does in God’s Word deserves the emphasis we are putting on it here at Southland.

3. Money is also a potentially devastating trap in our culture. Every earthly culture provides its own set of challenges for following Jesus. For us in 21st century America, we face hurdles such as a busy pace of life, a pull to turn relatively insignificant things into high priorities and even immorality that is very easily-accessible. There is likely no issue that is a more consistent area of struggle for followers of Christ in our culture than money and material possessions … even if we don’t see it. It’s what David Platt calls a significant “blind spot” for us. Indeed, as the richest people in the history of humanity, it can be hard for us to escape the TRAP Paul writes about in 1 Timothy 6:9-10. While money itself is not inherently wrong or evil, it can easily lead in that direction and become a significant source of spiritual sickness. For a culture as obsessed with material things as ours is, we need to regularly work - especially in this area - to cultivate a Biblical perspective. All of us have areas in our financial lives where we need to be challenged by God’s Word. As we choose to live out His instructions, we discover freedom and life.

In Paul’s words from 2 Corinthians 8:7, we want to be those who EXCEL in this grace of giving. We want to EXCEL in every capacity as we strive to honor God with our finances. During the Thanksgiving season, we celebrate His abundant goodness – that He is the source of all we have. At Christmas, we celebrate the greatest gift that has ever been given. What better way for us to respond at this time of year than to strive for EXCELLENCE in this way!


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Mark Your Calendars:

Candy Land Christmas Party House

Sunday, Dec. 8th 6-8pm

Sing carols, play games, enjoy sweet treats and celebrate our Savior! Bring your favorite candy for a delicious gift exchange.

The Despicable Youth Lock-In with

Countryside Christian Church … 7:00 pm

Friday, January 10 to 7:00 am Saturday,

January 11.

12 Full-tilt hours of fun! Laser tag, movies and much more!

BELIEVE Conference for Middle School Youth

Friday - Saturday, February 14 & 15, 2014

Family Arena of St. Charles, Missouri.

Hello, Parents!

Here is a quick look at this year’s Children of Praise schedule:

Normal rehearsals … Sundays, 5-6pm, October 13 – December 8

Dress Rehearsal & Pizza Party – Friday, December 13 @ 6pm

Final run-through – December 15 @ 4pm (Dinner served @ 5pm)

Main Production – December 15 @ 6pm

Southland Family, We will also be having a special reception after the performance. Please bring a plate of cookies, some cupcakes and/or refreshments to share.

Thank You!


Serving Others with Cookie Dough and Calloused Hands So then, as we have the opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:10

In the last couple of weeks our youth have invested themselves in serving others. We learned that sometimes serving requires measuring cups and getting your hands sticky in cookie batter. Together we baked 50 dozen cookies for our college students to give them encouragement during their mid-term studies. Southland's youth also participated in an effort to help with world hunger. Clothed in hair nets and plastic aprons, we helped several other groups package over one million vitamin-enriched meals. This project will assist typhoon victims in the Philippines as well as the storm ravaged communities in our nation’s mid-west. Here are a few pictures from that work day: Most recently, "Rake & Run" was designed to assist people in our congregation with the daunting task of fall leaf removal. A few calloused hands and sweat beads were the only trophies of serving others.

Extraordinary News…

Congratulations to Susan Graves, Rachel Graves, Matthew Graves & Kaitlyn Graves for crossing the finish line of the Bass Pro Conservation Half Marathon. Lauren Marsh, a junior at Central High School was recently named on the All-Tournament Team for volleyball. Cameron Flatt represented Kickapoo High School at a national journalism conference in Boston, Massachusetts. Cameron is the Editor-in-Chief for the school's quarterly magazine. Take a bow Kendall Wooldridge, for participating in the Willard High School production of CATS. Meow! We're tooting our horn for Brittney Shearin. She was selected among band students in the Ozark School District to participate in the Missouri State University homecoming parade. Go Team! Kayla Bryant and Victoria Kubitschek made the spring sports cheer squad for Pershing Middle School.


Every so often it is good to get out of our comfort zone. In all honesty, I am hesitant about stepping outside of my

comfortable boundaries very often. Even when I do, it is not without a good deal of weighing the benefits vs. the possible

risks. Just to give you some perspective: Ken’s parents once offered us an all expenses paid trip to Hawaii to celebrate their

fiftieth wedding anniversary. My initial reaction was to turn down the offer because flying is WAY out of my comfort zone.

My first thought was “Thank you but no!” The problem with that response was the look of great happiness on my husband’s

face when we were invited. That look left no doubt that he wanted to go. It was not a time for selfishness - I was going to

have to allow myself to be stretched. The benefits of a happy husband (not to mention happy in-laws) far outweighed what

seemed like a potential risk that I might actually stop breathing because of my fear of flying. While we did go, Ken did not

come out of it unscathed; he nearly lost a hand due to my gripping it so hard several times during the flight! But in the end, I

was glad we took the trip. Hawaii is a great place to visit but it made us appreciate home more too.

I must admit that I was not prepared to be thrust significantly beyond my comfort zone on our recent trip to California. Of

course I knew that California was much different from Missouri, but I did not anticipate being actually uncomfortable. The

differences became apparent almost the minute we landed in San Jose. People did not seem happy. Everyone was very

focused on what they were doing and where they were going. It was almost as if there was an invisible sign around their

necks that said, “Don’t make eye contact with me! Don’t talk to me!” At first I thought that it was because we were in an

airport full of tired, time-crunched travelers just like ourselves, but while Ken was getting the rental car I engaged in some

people-watching. It became apparent that it wasn’t just weary travelers. There was a fundamental difference in the

attitudes and behaviors of people in California. When Ken came back, he even commented, “People here are different!”

Over the next 10 days, it didn’t get much better as we grew increasingly uncomfortable. Although the purpose of our visit

was distressing in itself, the atmosphere and culture amplified the difficulty. The beauty of the hills surrounding the Bay

Area was over-shadowed by the pressing of the people who live there. We soon realized that the “California lifestyle” we

hear about in the Midwest means living crammed together in the valleys because only the really well off can live high

enough up to have some space. In fact, in some places, the “homes” for what would be middle-class people were piled up

three deep from the road. Most yards, if there were any at all, were smaller than the footprint of our garage. As we were

navigating our way around, more than once I imagined that it must be like Rome was in the time of Christ: so many people

packed into an area that the living conditions were less than desirable for all but the wealthy.

But it was not just the density of the area that caused us discomfort, it was how people conducted themselves. Here in

Missouri we talk about a “me-centered” culture – out there they truly live it. Even people whose job it was to help others

(like in the post office, motel or the grocery store) seemed annoyed that they had to actually help. It was even noticeable in

how few visitors came to see people in the hospital. We picked up on this immediately when we pulled into this huge brand

new facility with this enormous parking garage and only two of the six levels were for visitors. Even then, we never had

trouble finding a parking spot. The people we ran into who were actually talkative and friendly had typically either moved

there from somewhere else (usually the Midwest) or they worked there and flew home to another state regularly.

Perhaps one of the greatest differences we noticed in that particular part of California was the absence of anything spiritual.

Not only are there far fewer churches, but there is also an absence of any talk of Christ. Hospitals have “Spiritual

Counselors,” rather than pastors or chaplains. These Spiritual Counselors offer nothing of the comfort that comes from God,

but instead speak lifestyle truisms like “Think happy thoughts.” Phrases such as “you are blessed” do not mean the same

thing as when we say it. Somehow the words are hollow. Rather than seeking out wisdom from God’s Word, they have

“Lifestyle Coaches” that encourage people to center their thoughts on things that bring them happiness and contentment.

Even in conversations with those who professed some sort of relationship with Christ, it was apparent that the prevailing

belief system was in an “all-inclusive, no boundaries, live and let live” God. By the time we left, we were ready not only to

come home, but also to come “spiritually” home.



It was a very eye opening trip. Living in Springfield, Missouri in the middle of the Bible belt, it can be hard to fully

comprehend the depth of darkness there is beyond the borders of what is comfortable to us. It is hard to imagine being

perpetually surrounded by such hopelessness. Yet, we felt like we were looking at living, breathing examples of what

happens when people choose to follow priorities other than those set forth in God’s Word. Life becomes a futile chasing

after significance and meaning with no real hope of finding either. The “good life” ends up not being so good. Try as I might,

I just could not escape the thought that we were looking at people in captivity. The hardest part is that they do not even

know it. For those born and raised in California, it is just the way life is. For those who have moved there, even though they

acknowledge that it is not the friendliest place, they will also admit that the draw of money and the lifestyle that goes with it

is too strong not be there. There is no sense of any “Green Tape-Life,” only the pursuit of the here and now.

There are several reasons I share this with you. First of all, be thankful that you live where there is support for followers of

Christ, where you can be part of a church family and where living your life for Christ is only as hard as you make it. Secondly,

we need to remember that history documents how trends that start on the coasts eventually make it to the middle of the

country. The only thing that is standing between a California lifestyle and Christ-centered lifestyle is us. We must fight

compromise – we must stand for God’s Word whether it is popular or not. Trust me, it is easier to stand for God’s Word in

Springfield, Missouri than it is in San Francisco, California. If we don’t wake up to what is outside of our comfort zone, we

will find that we no longer have a comfort zone because we will be in the minority.

In the end, stepping out of our comfort zone was a good thing. It has made us more thankful for home, for our church and

church family, and for the fact that we live in an area where, even though it is not perfect, the light of Christ can still shine

openly. The next time you are tempted to compromise what Christ would want you be, stop a minute and think about what

life could be like if we don’t stand strong. If it is hard for you to imagine, you might want to save your money and take a trip

to the Bay Area of California. It might be good for you to step out of your comfort zone too before you’re forced to without

leaving where you live.

Box Top Girls A ministry designed for ALL GIRLS age 10 through high school & THEIR MOMS

Next BTG meetings: Friday night, December 6 at SCC (6:30 PM)

Saturday, December 7 – ringing the bells at HyVee

with the Refuge (10 AM – 8 PM)

Friday night, January 3 at SCC (6:30 PM)

For more information about Box Top Girls, see Amy Ritz – BTG Coordinator.


MOMS SET APART “M. S. A.” is a ministry designed for moms

with any children still at home.

M. S. A. Mornings meets December 5 and 19 at 9 AM. Contact Amber Neil for more information …

M. S. A. Nights meets December 3 and 17 at 7 PM. Contact Kristie Martin for more information …


Weekly ENCOUNTER ... a time to gather in God's presence together.

Plan NOW to go! See Debbie Nelson for more


Be like Children of Praise As many of you already know, we are five weeks into rehearsal for the Children of Praise Christmas Program. One thing you

may not know is that this year will be my first year in directing the well-known, annual event. Although it has been quite

the overwhelming experience, I have had an outstanding team to help me prepare for this performance, and I am blessed

beyond measure to have such an amazing group of servants to help make this year’s musical concept a reality.

But, without belittling the magnitude of their service, I want to make it clear that, for me, the most wonderful portion of

my experience thus far in working through these five rehearsals has been witnessing the amazing love, faith, energy and

joy so outwardly expressed by all thirty-four children participating in this year’s performance.

I have a little confession to make… although I do leave rehearsal feeling more and more blessed each week, I don’t always

look forward to that five o’clock hour each and every Sunday. I sometimes wish I could have the same energy these kids

have. Not only that, but I wish I had the same joy, the same love, the same eager anticipation and excitement that these

kids express each day to their parents as they prepare to sing praises to Jesus!

It never seems to fail that, each time we step into the car to head to school or to run errands, Brandon and Addison almost

immediately demand, “We want to listen to ‘Sing out for Joy!’” (Not the correct title of the song, but one of the key lines in

a song used in the performance). I, of course, can’t help but allow them to listen to said song… over and over and over

again. You’d think that after singing the same song thirteen times over a two day period, you’d get a little tired of singing it,

right? Think again. Even on the thirteenth go around, they’re still singing to the top of their lungs! They’re even practicing

their motions (well, at least the motions that they’re able to do while strapped in a car seat/booster seat)! So much joy! So

much excitement!

Why aren’t we adults more like that when we prepare to worship? I know a children’s Christmas program is different than

your average Sunday morning Encounter, but I still feel there’s a valuable lesson to be learned from these kids and how

they prepare. Here are four reasons why:

1) LOVING WHAT THEY DO. Not only do these kids work diligently on memorizing the lyrics to these songs, but they are

extremely passionate and find joy in perfecting every note, every line and every motion to the best of their ability.

2) COMMITTMENT. These kids are completely committed to being a part of this performance. I’ve seen some pretty upset

kids when they’re parents drop them off a little late and they miss out on a song or two.


every child is passionate about playing a key role in the program. I’ve been even more amazed to discover that, no matter

what role a child is given, they view it and treat it as if it is the most important role, which I think is AWESOME! As adults,

we often see roles in the Church as a multi-tier system and each tier has a different level of importance. Thus, if someone’s

not a Sunday school teacher, a D-group leader or one of the people on stage, that person’s role is less important. I think

this leads to a potential spirit of discontentment with our roles, which can lead to apathy.

I know that’s not at all how Christ sees the Church. It doesn’t matter if you’re the one on stage preaching or you’re the one

changing diapers in the nursery during the sermon, Christ sees equal importance in both roles! If we adopted the same

attitude as these Children in how we view our role in the Church, I believe our Church would thrive!


We will be finishing up a series of sermons titled “Think Giving: Bountifully Blessed … Privileged to Give.” In 2 Corinthians 8:7, Paul encourages believers to “excel in the grace of giving.” Throughout chapters 8-9, he emphasizes that giving is not a duty or obligation. Rather, it should be seen as a privilege – it is a blessing to receive from God, but even more to have the joyous opportunity to give. During this season when we think about God’s bountiful blessings, we want to take the time to focus on such giving as our response to His goodness.

Nov. 24 “Green-Tape Giving … Giving as an Expression of Eternal Priorities (Matthew 6:19-24 & 1 Timothy 6:17-19)

Dec. 1 “Christ-like Giving … Giving as Sacrificial Love – Following the Example of Christ (2 Corinthians 8:9)

On December 1, we will also be transitioning to a new series titled “Living Nativity … Behtlehem’s Story in Everyday Life.” In this series, we will be looking at how we can LIVE OUT the story of Jesus’ birth through our lives.

Dec. 1 “Living out Christ-like Love through Generous Sacrifice (2 Corinthians 8:9)

Dec. 8 “Living out the ‘Nearness’ of God” (John 1:14 and Matthew 1:23)

Dec. 15 “Living out the Simplicity of Christmas”

Dec. 22 “Living out the Good News”

Dec. 29 “Living out Light in the Midst of Darkness” (Les Londeen preaching … John 1:4-5)

If you miss a sermon, you can catch it online! Go to the "Sermons & Media" tab on the home page of our website. Once there, click "Launch Sermon Player" to find the one you want to hear.

4) THEY BELIEVE WHAT THEY SING. To these kids, Jesus is truly their super hero! To them, God really is so BIG, STRONG and

MIGHTY! To them, God’s not dead! He’s surely alive! And he’s living on the inside roaring like a lion! It’s amazing to me the

faith displayed by just my own kids when they actually apply what they’ve memorized in a song to any-given life situation!

These kids don’t just sing the songs, they actually believe what they sing and live like they believe it! Sometimes I wonder

how differently we as adults would live if we left each Sunday with an actual firm belief in what we just sang. Could you


I know, I know… it’s not fair for me to compare us to young children, right? I mean, they don’t have the responsibilities or

worries we do. They don’t have to go to work, pay bills, cook meals, clean house, deal with complicated relationships, etc,

etc… You’re right. Maybe it’s not fair. But I can’t help but wonder why Jesus was so adamant about his followers becoming

like children when it comes to their faith.

Mark 10:14-15 reads, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say

to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

I think that’s pretty straight forward. Christ desires for us to take on the faith and attitude of Children when it comes to our

relationship with Him. He desires for us to approach Him with confidence, joy, anticipation and excitement as we gather to

worship and serve him! He desires for us to show commitment and dedication in our service to Him and Church. He wants

us to view each and every moment, no matter what role we find ourselves in, as an important opportunity to be blessing to

God and others. And finally, Christ desires for us to have a faith that truly believes and puts into practice what we read,

hear, teach, and sing each and every week as we gather together as Church body.

We need to become more like Children…of praise.



CONNECT Ministries ... a place to discover Christian community.

We have designed our CONNECT Ministries to help people discover Christian community. They provide the right kind of place to build relationships with other believers, pray with and for one another as we strive to follow Jesus faithfully and consider how God’s Word applies to our lives. Please see the "CONNECT Counter" in the foyer for information about where these groups meet weekly (mainly 9 and 10:30 on Sunday mornings), and for more details about any upcoming events (also listed below).


When our CONNECT Groups get together each week, there are three emphases: building

relationships with one another, praying with/for one another and discussing God’s Word

together. Different groups usually focus on different content – all intended to help us LIVE

OUT God’s Word. Occasionally, we have focused on a church-wide curriculum. It’s a good

opportunity for everybody to be discussing the same basic theme.

Since November 10, we’ve again been doing this as we’re in

the midst of a 6-week discussion through The Treasure

Principle. Through December 1, it’s also a series that is

paralleling our sermon series.

During these 6 weeks, we are focusing on how we can

“unlock the secret of joyful giving.” This is not a generic focus

on how to be better at managing money, nor is it about

giving more as a means to get more. Instead, it’s about

choosing the wisest financial investments possible – to “store

up” treasures in heaven. Ultimately, our giving is not about

our duty/obligation, but our privilege.

This is a great time to join a Connect Group if

you haven’t yet done so!

Once your group is done with The Treasure Principle, there should be a couple of weeks

around Christmas where Connect Groups will decide how to handle the time – it’s up to

each group to decide.

Beginning January 5, each Connect Group will be selecting their own curriculum. Your

group will be discussing that sometime during the month of December. In next month’s

Vine, we will publicize what each group will be studying.

Leaders … make sure to remember to get us that information by December 15!!


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G ROW DEEP Ministries ... an opportunity to plant deep roots in Jesus and God's Word.

At Southland, a significant way we help people grow is through our Deeper Life Groups (a.k.a. "D-Groups"). While we occasionally offer other teaching opportunities, this is our primary way of helping people plant DEEP roots into Christ and God's Word (see Colossians 2:6-7).

To be a part of a Deeper Life Group, please fill out one of the GREEN CARDS found at the Welcome Center.


Make sure you check periodically at the CONNECT Counter in the foyer for more details

about upcoming events!!

Decorate the church for Christmas – November 25 at 3 pm.

See page 2 of the Vine for more details.

Shirley 773-8094 * Dorothy 827-6997 * Sue 883-8536

Tim Hawkins 7pm Nov. 23 at Remington’s

Childcare will be provided for the evening at SCC. No

meal will be provided.


This section of the Vine provides a central place for you to be informed about how to become active in service at Southland. One of our major priorities is to be a place where God's people BUILD UP one another. In fact, according to Ephesians 4:16, the overall health of the church (the Body) depends upon each part doing its "own special work." Through our acts of service, God uses us to help others grow. At the same time, here’s what is beautiful about God's design: what we do for the benefit of others even has benefits for our own growth as followers of Jesus. That's why we share this section with you. While we cannot include every potential opportunity to serve, we want to (1) highlight some specific areas where we have a need for help, (2) make you aware of special opportunities to serve and (3) provide a place to thank some of our volunteers.

Opportunities to BUILD UP ... a way to serve others and even help ourselves grow.

To volunteer to serve in any area of ministry, please fill out one of the BLUE "Build Up" response cards at the Welcome Center. We will pass your name along to the appropriate leader.


As we near the holiday season, we can always use assistance in the area of greeters at our front door. Often times, there are projects around the building and grounds that need attention. If you have some time and would be willing to volunteer, in this capacity, let the office know and we will find a place for you to help. Spots for women volunteers to watch, rock, and play with babies are always available while our moms attend our “Moms Set Apart” program here. We meet on the first and third Thursdays mornings of each month, Please contact Jill Sims or Debbie Nelson if you would like to join this team.


SERVING SCHEDULE – December 2013

Communion Prep: Truman and Karen Haynes


10:30 Free At Last Connect Group 242 Connect Group

Shawn & Amelia Latimer Vernon & Edith Moody

12/8/13 - 1ST SVC 12/8/13 - 2ND SVC

Empty Nesters Connect Group 9:30 Free At Last Connect Group

Dustin & Lacey Shumaker Ken Nelson/Marty Hamm

12/15/13 - 1ST SVC 12/15/13 - 2ND SVC

10:30 Free At Last Group Refuge Connect Group

Jay and Kim Tyler Dennis & Kay McCann

12/22/13 - 1ST SVC 12/22/13 - 2ND SVC

Empty Nesters Connect Group 9:30 Branch Connect Group

Mike Seal/Mike Lippert Sue Malina/Dorothy Marti

12/29/13 - 1ST SVC 12/29/13 - 2ND SVC

10:30 Free At Last Connect Group 242 Connect Group

Shirley Bloss/Pat Burge Keith & Christy Wall

SERVERS 1ST SERVICE 2ND SERVICE 12/1/13 Various People Austin Presko Team

12/8/13 Various People Doug Graves Family

12/15/13 Various People Ben Jennings Team

12/22/13 Various People Les Londeen & Youth Ministry

12/29/13 Various People Les Londeen & Youth Ministry


12/1/13 Amanda Hamilton Amanda Miller

12/8/13 Linda Jones Debbie Gray

12/15/13 Jill Sims Jill Cobb

12/22/13 Lacey Shumaker Susan Graves

12/29/13 Lori Hembree Sue Malina

NURSERY 1ST SERVICE 2ND SERVICE 12/1/13 Margie Pierce/Amanda Hamilton/Debbie Little Stewarts and Millers

12/8/13 Kelly Loftis/Joy Shearin/Linda Jones Debbie & Kayla Gray/Kayla Bryant

12/15/13 Jill Sims/Stacy Gambill/Laura Lippert Cobb Family/Linsey Drake

12/22/13 Lacey & Dustin Shumaker/Melissa Mittag Graves Family

12/29/13 Lori Hembree/Pam Sewell Sue Malina/Pat Burge/Allison Ritz

Wee Cruisers’ LEADER

Li'l Cruisers’ LEADER

Cruisers’ LEADER

12/1/13 Kristin Londeen Elizabeth Kubitschek

AJ and Terra Gegg Shelby Ritz

Shawn and Amelia Latimer

12/8/13 Debbie Jennings Victoria Kubitschek

Brad and Marsha Foster Shelby Ritz

Brad and Ashley Worthy

12/15/13 Danielle Keeton Kayla Bryant

Emily Sampson Anna Martin


12/22/13 Tammy Worthy Jessie Worthy

Sara Emmerton Allison Ritz

Austin and Amanda Presko

12/29/13 Katy Carmichael Alexis Simpson

Sara Emmerton Britney Shearin

Shawn and Amelia Latimer


12/1/13 Jordan Marsh Sonya Simpson

12/8/13 Dan Gray Dan Gray

12/15/13 Katy Carmichael Jay Butler

12/22/13 Karl Simpson Sonya Simpson

12/29/13 Karl Simpson Sonya Simpson



One of the key purposes of the G6:10 Ministry is to offer opportunities for us to LIVE OUT faith (see Galatians 6:10!). That is

not so much about creating new events, but helping keep the SCC family aware of events that are already happening,

especially with our local ministry partners. The goal is not for everyone to participate in every single event. Rather, we want to lay these opportunities before you so you can decide how/where/when to participate. Maybe it's with your own family.

Maybe it's with others in your D-Group. Maybe it's with a Connect Group. Maybe it's by yourself. However it is, we want to provide you with some very specific ways you can participate in Kingdom work as you LIVE OUT your faith!

LIVE OUT Ministries

... a path for putting faith into action.

To keep you informed about Southland’s foreign missions partners, we strive to provide updates when available in the alcove of the auditorium (by the map). This is really the main way that one of our teams is able to communicate information. Their location makes any online presence too risky. We do make their newsletters available as they come in.

There is a website for the “Central India Christian Mission.” Check out for more information about some of the global Kingdom work we get to partner in here at Southland.

"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

- Galatians 6:10


The Christmas season offers many opportunities for us to LIVE OUT our faith. Here are a few:

On Saturday, December 7 from 10 AM – 8 PM, Box Top Girls and the Refuge will be “ringing the bells” for the Salvation Army at HyVee on West Battlefield. If you are interested in helping out, please see Amy Ritz or contact the office.

Starting December 1, we will have a table set up in the auditorium with information regarding some alternative ways you can give gifts to support Kingdom causes around the globe. You can go ahead and check out the following links if interested: