South Devon Link Road presentation

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Transcript of South Devon Link Road presentation


The A380 between Penn Inn, Newton Abbot and Kerswell Gardens, Torquay is one of the most choked up and heavily used roads in the region, carrying over 35,000 vehicles a day.

Devon County Council and Torbay Council are working together on proposals to improve the link with a new road.

Running to the west of the existing A380 and bypassing Kingskerswell, the South Devon Link Road will provide a safer, less congested and faster route for through traffic, with the existing road remaining to provide a quieter route for local traffic, buses, cyclists and pedestrians.

It will provide a host of other environmental and economic benefits, too. These are outlined in more detail on the following boards.


As the main route into Torbay, the A380 has been a very busy road for many years with local residents, workers and holidaymakers stuck in traffic jams on a daily basis.

In 2005, planning permission was granted for the proposed scheme and work was planned to start in 2010, but progress was stalled as a result of the Government spending review.

The Government has allocated £630m for new transport improvement schemes, so the South Devon Link Road has to compete for funding alongside other schemes in a development pool. Devon and Torbay are finalising their proposals for submission to the Department for Transport in early September.

A decision is expected in December 2011,which will be based on a number of factors, but will consider whether the scheme meets carbon challenges, provides value for money, and importantly, has public support.

What is the problem?

Congestion is the problem – and it’s a major one. It’s not just the time spent in traffic jams or stationary cars, it’s also many other issues. The congestion causes safety problems as more traffic tries to avoid the jams, and uses unsuitable minor or back roads creating rat runs and dangers to pedestrians, residents and cyclists. It’s a noisy road too and as a result of 35,000 vehicles using it each day, so close to residential areas, the air quality is poor and a major cause for concern. Cyclists and pedestrians are not keen to use the road because of the heavy traffic and buses are frequently delayed by the unpredictable nature of the road.

There are other related effects. As the road is so congested, it causes a problem for businesses that can’t rely on it for their workforce, appointments or suppliers. That causes businesses to relocate, taking jobs – and so it affects the local and wider economy. As jobs become more scarce, more people move, taking up opportunities to train and work elsewhere, creating a skills shortage, and leaving lower paid jobs behind.

Congestion is at the heart of this problem and it isn’t a new situation. It has to be addressed for Torbay to be able to grow and bring in the new people, skills and supplies it needs to thrive.

What’s the problem? (continued)

The problem has been ongoing for many years. In 1999, a study was commissioned by both councils to look at all the options to reduce the impact of vehicle travel in the area. Importantly, the brief stated that the study should prioritise walking, cycling and public transport, with cars as a last resort.

The study confirmed that the road was at capacity, creating congestion and the associated problems. It also showed that it impacts on a very wide cross section of people - local residents, businesses, workers, tourists, children going to school or college, suppliers, people coming to Torbay to shop or for leisure time. There are thousands of people who are affected and could benefit from a new, improved route.

What are the options?

The study went on to consider seven different options:

• Do nothing – situation stays the same

• Do minimum – small scale improvements

• Traffic Management and control systems

• Scheme to encourage use of other modes of transport, eg bus lanes

• On-Line Highway Schemes – targeted measures on the existing road to improve traffic flow

• Offline Highway Schemes – new developments away from existing road

• Complementary Measures – introduction of measures in association with other schemes

Each of these points was carefully considered, not just as a single option but also in conjunction with other aspects, eg do minimum with complementary measures. Although no single option met every objective, it was clear that a bypass (offline highway scheme) represented the best and most practical choice. Combined with appropriate environmental protection measures, it offered the most benefits and would ensure that the area could flourish and prosper.

Benefits in general

The new link road will bring a host of benefits for everyone – ranging from environmental, economic to social fronts.

The scheme is vital to improving the quality of life for the local community, but also for the prosperity of businesses in the Bay and further afield across the county. Businesses could rely on the road once more, making the area more attractive to new enterprise and investors, boosting the economy and providing more jobs.

The key environmental gains of the scheme are:

• Improving air quality

• Reducing noise levels

• Road safety improvements

• Habitat enhancements

Other benefits that will be brought about by the transportstrategy include:

• Sustainable transport with more cycle routes

• More reliable buses

• Improved train service, with a potential new station

• Better quality of life for local residents

Economically, the main rewards are through the return on investment into the scheme. In other words for each pound spent on the road, there will be £9 in return, by creating the right conditions for investment and savings in benefits. It creates the right conditions for valuable new jobs, new business and new opportunities that can help the economy to grow.

Air quality

In 1997, local authorities in the UK were tasked with carrying out an assessment of air quality in their area. This involves measuring air pollution and trying to predict how it will change in the next few years, to ensure that it can comply with limits and to protect people’s health and the environment.

Where a council finds that an area cannot achieve these limits, it has to be declared an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA). This area could be just one or two streets, or it could be much bigger. A plan to improve the air quality must then be put into place.

In 2005, Teignbridge Council declared the area from Penn Inn to Kerswell Gardens an AQMA since the amount of nitrogen dioxide were in excess of the limits. Nitrogen dioxide is created through the combustion process - in this case from the exhausts of vehicles. It can contribute to breathing problems and asthma related conditions.

Air quality (continued)

The plans for the scheme have looked at this issue in great detail, and by modelling the traffic flows, it is clear that the bypass will improve the air quality for the residents of Kingskerswell helping to protect human health and the environment.

From the opening day, the air quality will improve. Although there will be more vehicles, they will not be stuck in jams and the route is generally further away from sensitive areas such as hospitals, schools and people’s homes. This will all help to create a better, cleaner atmosphere.

Even in the cases where the route does run closer to residential housing, the limits will not be exceeded as is presently the case. This is due to the distance of the road from houses ensuring emissions disperse faster.


Noise from the existing A380 dominates the route for much of the day. As heavy traffic passes it produces sound levels equivalent to a noisy office or the edge of a construction site, at about 70 decibels.

The new road will take the traffic away from more houses, and also have sound barriers where necessary to reduce the noise. As a result through Kingskerswell it will be much quieter – in fact the noise will reduce by half. It has been forecast to be 60 decibels, which due to the way sound is measured, corresponds to 50% of the previous volume. At this level, one could have a conversation at normal levels and still be heard, whereas people have to shout to make themselves heard over the current background noise.

Biodiversity and protecting the landscape

The proposed road cuts through a valley and across downland, so an extensive environmental modelling exercise has been undertaken to inform the plans. Resulting from these findings, work has begun to ensure that the environment, animals and plants are not affected any more than necessary, and in the case of some species, will benefit from the scheme.

Cirl Buntings and lesser horseshoe bats are a primary concern. Working with Natural England, the Councils have begun a series of projects to improve their habitat, creating new foraging land near Eginswell, building new roosts and helping RSPB acquiring part of Labrador Bay as a wildlife management area.

Additional measures are planned for other species, ranging from badger tunnels to otter fences, whilst fish will have new spawning pools.

The net effect is to improve the environment for many of these living things. Natural England and the Environment Agency have approved all the measures and are satisfied they meet their requirements.


Keeping our communities safe is the number one priority for the Councils. By providing safer and more spacious facilities for road users, cyclists and pedestrians there will be a huge improvement in safety. This benefit is not just for the actual route, it will also help the residents along the rat runs, used by drivers trying to avoid the existing road.

Over the lifetime of the new road, it will prevent 22 fatalities and 196 serious road traffic injuries. It will also prevent nearly 1500 other people from being injured.

This is clearly good news in terms of preventing injury or death, and the dreadful consequences for families and friends, and it is also helpful to others using the road, who will not be delayed as a result of road traffic accidents. That helps businesses dependent on the road, which can rely on a free flow of traffic.

Reducing car use

The present A380 does have a cycle lane. But would you be happy about sharing your space with 35,000 other vehicles each day?

One of the key objectives is to persuade people out of their cars and into alternative modes of transport, which is better for the environment, often better for our pocket and can be better for our health too. So getting people onto their bikes, buses or to walk to their destination is the aim. At the moment, this isn’t an appealing or practical option.

By reducing traffic on the rat runs – the back roads used as cut-throughs by people trying to avoid the traffic on the A380 - pedestrians will also be safer, and it will be a much more enjoyable and safe experience to walk.

Making the most of the space released by cutting traffic through the village is important. There is potential to introduce more space for pedestrians and cyclists, together with changes in lighting and landscaping. In developing the design, the needs and preferences of users and residents, including such as local school children will be considered. There is also potential for a valley walking and cycling route to connect Torbay, Kingskerswell and Newton Abbot. This is more complex and will take some time to develop, although some sections could be achieved earlier.

Travel by bus and coach

The service 12 bus route between Torbay and Newton Abbot is one of the busiest in the South West. Currently there are about 1600 return trips between Newton Abbot and Torquay and many more on the service as a whole. This runs about every ten minutes. Unfortunately, it’s not a particularly reliable service in terms of time as it is frequently held up in traffic. Around half of the time the buses are late because of congestion. Elsewhere the figure is more like 10%.

This is one of the factors behind the Megabus service – a coach service to London - being withdrawn.

The South Devon Link Road’s reduction of congestion through Kingskerswell is only one of a number of planned or proposed improvements to bus services along the corridor including the introduction of smartcards, real time information on service reliability and priority measures to ensure delays are kept to a minimum. Stagecoach will also be introducing a new fleet of vehicles on service 12 in 2012 which will include comfortable leather seats and wifi.

Vince Flower, MD for Shearings Hotels says: “From a customer point of view the South Devon Link Road is needed very badly. Shearings bring 35,000 people to Torbay each year to enjoy all that is has to offer. 30,000 of them are accommodated in one of four hotels in the Bay and we want them to enjoy it from start to finish. We have significant investment in Torbay and making it succeed is vital.”

Trains and railways

Rail travel on the A380 corridor between Torbay and Exeter has grown significantly in recent years, so much so that Network Rail have proposed the doubling of the frequency of local trains from 2016. Additional direct services to and from London Paddington have also been recently introduced.

The line is an integral part of Devon and Torbay’s proposed Devon Metro network in the new joint Local Transport Plan with several new stations including Edginswell and Marsh Barton. Improvements to existing stations such as Newton Abbot, including access by walking and cycling, are also proposed. Newton Abbot will be the railhead for Kingskerswell with enhanced access by bike and bus.

Devon and Torbay will be negotiating with future train operators and the Department of Transport to ensure that the matching improvements in quantity and quality of trains are delivered through the new rail franchises.

As part of the scheme, the plan is to improve transport links overall, so Devon County Council and Torbay Council are looking at a new station at Edginswell to serve the local and business community. Working with Network Rail and First Great Western, more regular trains could be introduced, making rail a real, and inviting possibility once more.

Quality of life for local residents

As part of the proposals, there are a number of small projects being introduced to support the communities affected by construction of the new road.

A new playground is being built at Daccabridge Road in Kingskerswell with the input of the Parish Council. In association with this development, and bearing in mind the rest of the community, an important new feature will also be built - flood defence measures. There is more about this on the panel about water management.

There will also be an area set aside for allotments at Aller Junction, alongside the village and by the side of the railway. These allotments will be set up in 2016 and to help ensure the best possible start, advice will be on hand from Devon County Council and Devon Wildlife Trust to enable people to grow their own fruit and vegetables.

Water management and reducing the risk of flooding

The outlying valley area of the A380 is prone to flooding, with Edginswell Stream and Aller Brook close to residential areas. Whilst this may not be a regular occurrence, modelling by the Environment Agency shows that there is a real risk and so any construction needs to take this into account.

The scheme proposals have therefore been designed with these issues in mind, and as a result, limit the potential for flooding in the future.

After careful consideration by the Environment Agency, it is supportive of the scheme. It has stated that construction of the road will offer significant benefits in terms of reducing the present flood risk for residents living along the valley route of the road.

Economic benefits

Torbay is not a well off area. Its wage economy is one of the poorest in the country – it is 379th out of 380 authorities. Sadly, one in three children in the Bay are brought up below the official poverty line.

These stark facts show how the economy of the area is suffering because of the poor road access, affecting employment prospects, investment and business. The existing A380 is at full capacity – it simply can’t take any more traffic. As a result, growth has been just 0.08% since 1988.

The new road scheme is not a cheap option, so the Councils needed to be sure that it was worth spending vital public funds on the scheme. Recent economic research* has shown that this is very much the case. For every £1 spent, it will create £9 in terms of new jobs, and saving on benefits. This rate of return makes it one of the top schemes in the country, but proving the difference to Torbay is vital, as there are other communities competing for the funding.

*ERS June 2010.

Issues – overview

Naturally, as with any scheme of this size, there will be some who are opposed to it. There have been consultations in 2002, 2006 and a public inquiry in 2009. During that time, the community has been invited to make their views known.

Key issues for the scheme have been:

• whether it really is required

• impact on the landscape

• impact on the view

• construction nuisance

• land

At the time of the public inquiry there were 162 representations. These include 21 statutory objections from land owners, occupiers or utility companies and 67 non-statutory objections from local residents, the general public or interested parties.

Dealing with concerns

The case for the new road is clear. Research has shown it will transform the economy and communities of the Bay. More information can be found on our website.

The landscape is sensitive, but with the help of Natural England, we have been able to adapt and even enhance the habitat for many species of birds, animals and plants.

In terms of the appearance of the scheme, there are many cuttings and plantings proposed that will screen the road from the majority of people. More information is shown on our maps.

Construction nuisance is a real issue, but we are confident that our contractors will work to ensure as little disruption and as few problems as possible. We have undertaken other similar schemes and whilst there may be some inconvenience in the short term, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages in the long term.

Only 79 objections are still registered, whilst the inquiry noted that 74 people had written letters of support. Since then, many more people have expressed their backing for the scheme.

Business – not as usual

It’s a fact of life that most businesses are finding it hard at the moment, but it is particularly hard for businesses in Torbay. Recently, Beverage Brands, makers of WKD, indicated they are being forced to move because of the lack of a decent road. This will result in another 30 jobs being lost in the area.

Business organisations across Torbay are backing the proposals.

Alan Archer, Chair of Torbay Business Forum says: “The South Devon Link Road is a crucial success factor in driving the economy forward; Torbay has a lot to offer businesses, but better access will be the final piece in the jigsaw to create a prime destination to live, work, visit and invest in.”

Wider Devon Economy

With the link road bringing new jobs into being, the whole of Devon’s economy will benefit. Around 3,300 jobs could be created outside of Torbay as a result of the scheme. This would generate another £97m per year for the Devon economy, which will benefit a much wider area.

With more people in work, more tax will be generated, helping to boost the economy. The additional jobs will create an extra £4m in revenue.Jeremy Filmer Bennett, Chief Executive of Devon and Cornwall Business Council says: “The bypass will transform the economy of Devon and bring benefits to an even wider area. Businesses rely on proper infrastructure for their employees, their suppliers, their products and their customers.

This road is crucial to securing the long term future of Torbay and it’s vital that we all get behind the scheme and make sure Government realise how important it is to our communities.”


The following is a list of the key events that have occurred over the lifetime of planning the scheme:

1951 Bypass route shown on County Development Plan by Devon County Council

1977 Public consultation for alternative route and route adopted

1987 Public exhibitions of detailed scheme drawings

1989 Government take on delivery of the scheme as part of their trunk roads programme

1996 Scheme abandoned by the Government

2002 Devon County Council and Torbay Council carry out Public Consultation for a reduced scheme

2005 Planning consent granted

2007 First bid for major scheme funding

2008 Compulsory Purchase Orders made

2009 Public Inquiry – no outcome has been published as yet

2009 Tenders invited for the construction contract

2009 Government Spending Review – all transport schemes suspended

2010 Scheme is placed in the development pool for consideration with 45 other schemes