Sound frequency

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Sound frequency

Yves Jans

Who am I ?Hi, I’m Yves from Belgium

I’m going to give some info regarding sound frequency

Headphones recommended

Audio FrequencyPeriodic vibration

Pitch of sound

How often a wave repeats within a fixed amount of time

Measured in hertz (Hz)

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz

Human hearingHumans can hear frequencies between 20 and 20.000 Hz (20 kHz)

The older a person gets the less frequencies one can hear

Hear damage can also be caused by exposure to loud music/sound

Which ones can you hear ?

Animal hearingAnimals can often hear other frequency levels and/or a wider range

Dogs: 40 Hz – 60 kHz

Cats: 55 Hz – 79 kHz

Bats: 1 kHz – 200 kHz

WavelengthSound propagates as longitudinal waves in air

But sound waves are most often represented as a transverse wave:

WavelengthThe wavelength of a sound with a 20 Hz frequency is 17 meters

This explains why you mostly hear bass (low frequency sounds) from a distance when a party/festival is going on

WavelengthThe wavelength of a sound with a 20 kHz frequency is 1,7 centimeters

WavelengthA 1500 Hz frequency is more profound for humans as its wavelength fits between the ears

This is because of the interaural time difference (ITD), the difference in arrival time of a sound between two ears

Instrument frequenciesPiano

First key (lowest note): 27,5 Hz

Last key (highest note): 4186,01 Hz

Instrument frequenciesGuitar

1st string (E): 329,63 Hz

2nd string (B): 246,94 Hz

3rd string (G): 196,00 Hz

4th string (D): 146,83 Hz

5th string (A): 110,00 Hz

6th string (E): 82,41 Hz

Vocal frequency rangeSoprano: 262 Hz – 1047 Hz

Mezzo-soprano: 110 Hz – 880 Hz

Contralto: 175 Hz – 698 Hz

Tenor: 130 Hz – 523 Hz

Baritone: 87 Hz – 349 Hz

Bass: 87 Hz – 330 Hz

Thank youThank you for watching this slideshow and I hope you picked up something new from it !

Feedback/corrections always welcome !