SOULMATE COSMOLOGY AND THE ELOHIM STARFLEETS€¦ · cycles of consciousness and awareness,...

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Transcript of SOULMATE COSMOLOGY AND THE ELOHIM STARFLEETS€¦ · cycles of consciousness and awareness,...



henrymonteith@att.net______________________________________________________________________________Everything written below is from the point of view of our personal cosmology. It is not intendedto be true for anyone else reading it, and we are most certainly not attempting to convince thereader of anything whatsoever. Even if we desired to do so, it is impossible; because one personcan never transfer his understanding to another! It is for you to prove or disprove according toyour ability to expand your consciousness. You are a Microcosm, created to view the Cosmosfrom your own unique point of view; therefore, if you wish to experience the indescribably joyand happiness of knowing who you are, where you came from, and where you are going, youmust develop your personal cosmology from scratch to the level of awareness where you feel thewondrous bliss of being at One with The Consciousness of Energy! Remember, ‘right’ and‘wrong’ are dual aspects of the same thing! Arguing between them is useless, because one cannotexist without the other; it is for you to choose which side you will physically realize and whichside you will leave unfulfilled in your unconscious mind where it must eternally serve as areference! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


In the beginning of all creation, first came a thought form from our supremeOne, or Creator. This form spread through the cosmos and burst with a shiningreality into being; from this came all that is and ever shall be. A thoughtclothed in love and beauty, bearing the essence of all consciousness from thebeginning of that known as time, to that which is understood to be eternity. Thisthought, manifesting on all planes of vibration, sweeping in ever expandingcycles of consciousness and awareness, permeated the fabric of that known asmatter, and lo, life had its beginnings. Not all consciousness started at the samelevel in the beginning, many subdivisions, many groups of a kind, raised theirglittering spirals of consciousness, upwards and outwards in an ever ascendingspiral, and amidst these various forms of creation, there came that known asMan.

Man, unenlightened, grouping about in the mist, but ever feeling an underlyingpulse, a deep current, or surge of that finer thread, linking him back through all


of time and space, to his Creator. Man, setting forth, wandering through themist of eternity, reaching ever upwards and outwards and gradually sensing thelight permeating all that is about him and reacting to those subtle nuances ashis expressions and experiences began to filter into his consciousness.

Throughout all time, and on all planets, that which is man is common inthought, in shape, and in essence, a thing of beauty. And now we see man,traversing the corridors and pathways, up through time, evolving andexperiencing.

Our Creator, in all awareness, gave that part of His creation, known as Man,that known as Woman; woman, the higher intuitive and inspirationalcounterpart of man, his dual polarity or soulmate so that expression mightevolve on a balanced basis: One phase feeling the galvanization of masculinity,the other the allurement of femininity; for like all forms of creation, Man mustbe a balanced creation, growing and experiencing in a way fore-ordained, sothat in his path, greater events of magnitude might confront him for hisobservation.

Now let us look at man, in his present state, upon your planet, the earth. We seea man who is slightly confused, knowing the touches of great joys andharmonies at one instant and of frustration and bitterness at another. Yet, if welook closely, if we look within that known as his heart, we see a tiny silverthread, which grows with ever increasing brilliance, for man, regardless of hisnature, of his outlook, regardless of his beliefs, can never separate himself fromhis cosmic destiny. He may deviate from the path, he may branch off the pathhe knows is his, but his journeys will not be allowed to stretch too far afield.

There comes a time, in every experience of this relationship called life, whenthis that is called Man looks inward. When he finds dissatisfactions present inhis outward environment, and when he looks within he cannot help but noticethat which had clothed him from the outside. Instead, he sees an essence, areality that truly is, he sees beauty and light, grandeur, and omnipotence.

And now, we look forward. We look forward to that which man will become inthe eons stretching before him. We see truly a man liberated, experiencing thatthing called freedom and knowing an awareness with all that is, sensing thisthing called love. And beyond this, we see man, whose shackles of


incompetence, and of limitations, of identity, have been cast loose, and in itsplace we see awareness and at oneness. If only, my brothers and sisters, youcould witness from our vantage point, that which lies ahead and in store foryour people. The heritage of this thing, this creation called Man, stretches intoboundless depths, of not only this universe, but those that lie beyond. Forgradually, as man ascends this ever tightening and ascending spiral, he sensesthat from which he sprang; he feels with great love and great longing theoriginal thought which was his creation. And then, man slowly undergoes thetransformation, his cycles of existence, no longer known as life, become cyclesof being. He transcends all that is known of physical matter and enters intoboundless eternal regions known only to those who inhabit them. And again,he becomes a God within a God, a thing of majesty, a ray of light, charging hisway through interwoven universes while during his progress, he touches oneplanet after another. There, my brothers and sisters, we shall leave this creationcalled Man.


Perhaps it is only coincidental, but a very shocking and inspiring event, that initiated my lifelong research into UFOs, occurred in 1947, which is the very sameyear that the most famous of all UFO events happened in Roswell, New Mexico.Then I was only a small ten year old boy growing up on a rural and considerablyisolated farm in Columbia, South Carolina.

I had never heard of Cosmology; yet, I felt that I was traveling among the stars; Iknew nothing of conscious living beings beyond the people and farm animalsaround me; nevertheless, I found myself praising the Glory of Cosmic Onenesswith highly intelligent Beings of unspeakable evolutionary accomplishments. Iknow now that it was not delusional; and, most certainly, it was not the result of anover-active imagination because it set my heart, mind, and spirit upon a mostsublime action path of life that has led to the fulfillment of an indescribablywonderful destiny!

My entire career of discovery, which deeply inspired the evolution of my spiritualconsciousness, has been precisely and eloquently guided by the Absolute Law ofCosmic Oneness. In a paper which I presented at the 1980 MUFON UFOSymposium with the title: The Unified Field Theory and the UFO, I began withthe following statement:


To any reasonable mind, it appears logical to assume that The Universe is One.The concept which concerns the oneness of all things is a common thought inall religious, philosophical, and scientific theses which have been producedthroughout human history. The spiritual essence in man appears to urge himonwards; forever inspiring him to seek out and verify the ancient truth that allis, indeed, One.

Einstein consumed his entire life in the pursuit of Cosmic Oneness andnumerous inspired theoretical physicists today are dedicating their lives toreaching this goal through the recently conceived Super-String Theory andQuantum Gravity Theory. Therefore, it appears that the time is rapidlyapproaching when the consciousness of all mankind will once again become awareof the awesome reality that all things which are bounded and perceivable, andall things which are unbounded and unperceivable, are timelessly andcharacteristically united as One, and the Absolute One is systematically andeternally expressing Itself as the Cosmos!

I obtained a Ph.D. in Engineering Physics, with special emphasis onmathematics, for the sole purpose of developing sufficient capability forcomprehending and contributing to the very complex and evolving Theory ofUnified Fields. Quite early, during my mental and physical development, I beganto realize that there was very much more to the creative action of the Cosmos thanjust four forces which could be intellectually unified and explained with thelanguage of logical mathematics. After all, the effects of UFO encounters extendedfar beyond those that were comprehensible to physical science and which could beintellectually explained with sophisticated mathematics!

Indeed, the most dramatic effects, of UFO encounters, involved psychological andparapsychological forces that appear to characterize a world of causes whichcreatively expresses itself through intuitive and spiritual thought! Now TheAbsolute Law of Oneness explicitly and implicitly implies that the universe ofcauses, and the universe of effects, must indelibly be One and the Same. Therefore, the first thing that I had to do, on my journey toward at least beginningto understand all things, was to verify to myself that the Law of Cosmic Onenesswas absolute.


To aid me in my journey of discovery, I simultaneously began a life-long study ofparapsychology. First, I discovered that the Absolute Law of the Oneness cannever be violated. I reasoned that the Cosmos came into being by creating theillusion of Itself as being divided into an Infinitely Countable Many. However,while doing this, the invariance of the Absolute Law of Oneness had to bemaintained by making it impossible for any one created entity to isolate itself andbecome totally independent of all of the others in substance, thought, or action. Inother words, the Cosmic Fact that all created entities are intimately inter-relatedand absolutely dependent upon each other for their very existence is irrefutableproof of the Absolute Law of Cosmic Oneness.

In addition, and to my delight, I also discovered that the theory of dimensions ingeometry offers concrete mathematical proof of the Absolute Law of Oneness.When we are conscious of a single point, our thought is confined to zerodimensions. When we attempt to become conscious of two separate points, theyjoin instantly to create a line and our thoughts span one dimension. When webecome conscious of a point outside of the line, the line and the point join to forma plane of two dimensions and when we think of a point outside of the plane, thepoint and the plane join to span a three-dimensional space.

Thus it is impossible to separate a point from a geometrical entity without creatingan entity of higher dimension. Consequently, we can only conclude that no twothings can ever be separated so that they become dimensionally independent andeternally isolated from each other. While meditating on ‘thought’ and‘consciousness’ during one eventful day, I suddenly realized the second AbsoluteLaw of Creation which governs the universe of causes that is characterized byintuitive and spiritual thought.

The second law is stated as follows: Thought calls forth duality; duality re-formulates thought; and the action of this vicious circle gives rise toconsciousness and awareness. This awesome law is continually being verified toeveryone by every thought that passes through their minds. All that is necessary toprove the law is to make an honest attempt to ‘think’ without being consciously orsubconsciously aware of two things, or concepts, that are related to each other bysome degree of opposition. In other words, a concept which has no reference pointcan never be distinguished and even the reference point must itself have areference with respect to the consciousness that is attempting to perceive the



For example the instant that you perceive that a thing is beautiful, you areautomatically comparing it, consciously or subconsciously, with something youhave perceived to be ugly with respect to it. This obvious, but very muchoverlooked and subconsciously suppressed law, was recognized by the Taoistphilosophers very long ago:

When the world points up beauty, as such, there is ugliness too. When goodnessis taken as goodness, wickedness enters as well. Hard and soft arecomplimentary; before and after are a sequence.

The effect of thought is that it projects opposites from a reference pointjust as the sense of ‘positive’ and the sense of ‘negative’ is projected from thereference point denoted by ‘0' on a line. The environment in which the dual-opposites are projected stimulates the mind to favor the positive and oppose thenegative or vice-versus. This then gives rise to the conflict between oppositeswhich forces the generation of additional thought. This is the source of all CosmicAction and the power that drives the evolution of consciousness.

Meditating further, I was led to the conclusion that since opposite things arereally One, they cannot be opposite in the sense that they are also separate.Therefore, the only manner in which they can be simultaneously Dual and One isthat they are gender conditioned. Thus one must be masculine in aspect and actionand its dual must be feminine in aspect and action. I then conceived of the actionunit generator as a perfectly matched dual-sexed pair that are strongly boundtogether by the interchange of gender conditioned energy between them.

Now the most elementary and fundamental structural dual-sexed-pair is that of thefeminine proton and the masculine electron. When they join together, and interactwith each other, over a mean distance that is equivalent to the Bohr Radius, theycreate the hydrogen atom which is the fundamental structural component of allmatter. When the Bohr radius is reduced to zero, the electron and proton becomeOne and produces a microscopic representative of Oneness by creating a particle,called the neutron, with zero internal action. Using this as an analogy, I set forththe hypothesis that before the Big Bang Illusion, our universe was One with zerointernal action and after the Big Bang it expanded as One and generated within


itself an enormous quantity of internal space-time action that was preciselybalanced by an equal quantity of internal space-time reaction. This is the origin ofNewton’s third law which states that for every action there is an equal andopposite reaction. Thus the neutron is a model of the state of the universe beforethe so-called Big Bang and the hydrogen atom is a model of the state of theuniverse after the so-called Big Bang.

The masculine electron and the feminine proton are a soulmate pair and when theyare separated by a distance that far exceeds the Bohr radius, they frantically searchto find each other again in order to reduce their separation to the Bohr radius,where they can interact in harmony and balance, to create the hydrogen atom,which is the structural component of all matter, or bind together at zero separationto create the powerful neutron. Indeed, all soulmate pairs which have beenseparated by thought, strive relentlessly to find each other again by traversing thepaths of least action that divide them. This is why the Principle of Least Action isthe fundamental foundation upon which the Unifying Field Theories of ModernPhysics have been constructed.

The neutron, being a Neutral One, is representative of the Oneness of the Cosmos.Because of this, it can traverse the entire realm of elementary particles withoutitself being affected. When functioning in balance with the other nucleons, it helpsto keep atomic structure stable; when operating out of balance with the othernucleons, it causes nuclei to be split. Then it came to me, like a lightening flashout of the blue, a thought that had been residing on the boundary between myconscious and unconscious awareness: Suddenly, I realized that I would only beable to comprehend the true nature of our awesome Cosmos by becoming,‘myself’, a Neutral One! The only way to do this was to find the person who is myeternal soulmate and who has reached a level of spiritual evolution that is equal tomy own. But then, how was I to go about accomplishing this? Indeed, at the time,I had not a single clue.

The Absolute Law of Oneness, and the awesome Principle of Duality, make it acertainty that any conceivable, bounded, and centered entity must have its dualcounterpart. Since the Physical Cosmos of Effects is the ultimate genderconditioned entity, that is bounded and centered by the Neutral Action of theCosmos, It must have a dual soulmate counterpart which is the Spiritual Cosmosof Causes. At the present state of mankind’s evolution on Earth, virtually nothing


is known about the Conscious and Living Spiritual Cosmos of Causes and in spiteof all the scientific and technical advances that have been made, precious little,concerning the physical cosmos of effects that is of value to the expansion ofhuman consciousness, has been discovered, comprehended, and understood. Infact, over 95% of the timeless Mystery of the Cosmos, that confronts mankind’svery limited conscious perception and intellectual capacity, is scientificallyinaccessible and; consequently, undiscoverable by any form of physicalinstrumentation that is confined to four-dimensional space time.

Considering all of these things, I was led to the following inescapable conclusion:The True Theory of Cosmic Oneness can only be evolved by marrying theFeminine Intuitive Arts, which are expressed through the language of Music, withthe Masculine Intellectual Sciences, that are expressed through the language ofGeometrical Mathematics. Music and Geometrical Mathematics are a perfectlymatched soulmate pair which interact harmoniously to generate the preciousevolutionary action units of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.

The intellectual and intuitive mind of the Cosmos, which is centered and boundedby its Spirit, is the embodiment of its Soul. The Spirit of the Cosmos, the UltimateCause of all things, is the Essence that is boundless, indistinguishable, and whichthe intellect can never grasp. It was referred to by the early Jews as ‘Yahweh’, theName which was never to be spoken. The Cosmos is Its physical body, the vehicleof Its expressions, through which all of the action processes involving UniversalLife are generated.

The microcosm of the human body is just as mysterious and wondrous in itsdomain of expression as is the macroscopic body of the Cosmos. This is why thephysical body of man has been referred to as the Temple of God in the Bible andwhy the Temple of Luxor was built by the enlightened priest of ancient Egypt torepresent it as a microcosm. Consequently, each and every Soul, of the evolvinghuman entity, is just as divine, with respect to its microscopic body, as the Soul ofthe Cosmos is with respect to its macroscopic body.

In answer to a question that was asked by his disciples, Yeshua (Jesus) answered,in no uncertain terms, as follows:


Is it not written in your law I said, Ye are Gods? If he called them Gods, untowhom the word of God came, and the scriptures cannot be broken; say ye ofHim, whom the father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thoublasphemest; because I said, I am the son of God (John 10:34-36).

According to the Absolute Law of Oneness, my Masculine Soul, and the FeminineSoul of my Beloved Soulmate, always have been, are now, and always will beeternally at One with the Soul of the Cosmos. The purpose of the creative action ofall life is to promote the evolution of soulmate consciousness from the darkness ofseparateness, and unawareness of their Oneness with themselves and all livingthings, to the light of eternal blissful awareness of Oneness with each other andthe Soul of the Cosmos. Thus, as we evolved separately through the agony and theecstacy of life’s experiences toward finding ourselves, our unconscious memory ofeach other gradually became conscious.

Thus, the power of our spirits was awakened and immediately they initiated aseries of awesome and miraculous events that brought us together in space-time sothat we could proceed to culminate our Oneness physically, mentally, andspiritually. As a result of the rapid acceleration in our evolution, that began withour union, our consciousness reached a level of evolution high enough to bring itto the attention of the Cosmic Soul. It then granted us the most awesome gift ofgifts, which is the indescribable and priceless right to share Its thought andCosmic Consciousness.

My profoundly beautiful and adorable soulmate Erika is the ultimaterepresentative of the Feminine Intuitive Arts. She is a highly accomplished pianistwho can instantly create music under the direct inspiration of the Cosmic Soul.She is the precise dual complement of my representation of the MasculineIntellectual Sciences as expressed through Geometrical Mathematics. Unitedtogether in an awesome soulmate embrace, we have finally become arepresentative of the Cosmic One and, from moment to moment, we areexperiencing the bliss of Its glorious Oneness and sharing the endless joy of ItsEternal Evolutionary Thoughts. It is in the Oneness of Its Light thatwe now present the following to you:

Under the jurisdiction of the Absolute Law of Oneness which is the only EternalConstraint, and the Principle of Duality, which generates all Cosmic Action,


anything which can be thought can be physically realized, under the control andwill of the Universal Soul, because Its thought is the very Essence of the actions ofall life in the Cosmos and the creative cause of Its Eternal Being. Therefore whenMankind, abiding in a state of primitive awareness, conceived of the notion thatthey were alone in the Cosmos, the dual concept, that the Cosmos is filled withintelligent life, had to also simultaneously appear in their unconscious thoughts asits reference!

Human beings, who are still evolving at a very primitive level of spiritualconsciousness on earth, well exemplify the allegory that “they are standing ona whale while fishing for minnows!” While searching for signs of primitive lifein the Cosmos, with their severely limited instruments of physical science, they arecompletely blind to the awesome Fleets of Lightships that are carrying outextensive operations all around them to maintain the action environment for theirphysical and spiritual evolution on earth, to prevent premature collapse of thebiosphere, to control the nature and direction of genetic modifications, and toaccelerate the intellectual and spiritual development of mankind by shocking theirconscious materialistic minds with unexplainable mysterious phenomena such ascrop circles, abduction experiences, and a controlled spectrum of UFOinteractions.

Mankind’s physical scientists, are telling them that life on earth has always been ingreat danger of being totally destroyed by the awesome threats which exist aroundit in space. There is much talk about a huge meteor, asteroid, or comet striking theearth and sending all life back to the stone age or destroying it altogether.Nevertheless, in reality, the evolution of life in the Cosmos is under the completecontrol of THE BOUNDLESS COSMIC ESSENCE (BCE), through Itsrepresentative God the Cosmos, and the ‘accidental’ destruction of life on anyplanet, that It has ordained to support it, is not possible! There can be no lifewithout death, no creation without annihilation; indeed, all action is cyclic, ALLIS VIBRATION! Wonderfully and mysteriously, however, vibration is controlledby CONSCIOUSNESS!

The Cosmos is not a game of chance and indeed, as Einstein said, “God does notthrow dice!” However, due to the evolutionary and involutionary action ofMicrocosmic Mankind (the Elohim Gods), expanding their consciousnesses inevery possible way on the Cosmic Scale, the COSMOS can be considered as a


‘Game of Choice’ which takes place in the timeless scale of the ‘Eternal Now’ andthis is what, to the materialistic consciousness, makes the Cosmos appear to beprobabilistic in its evolutionary unfoldment! Mankind, evolving at the level ofmaterialistic consciousness on earth, has already been given a great deal ofevidence that is sufficient to verify to them that the Elohim Gods are protectingtheir beautiful Earth Mother. A very special example of this has been recorded asfollows:

On November 1, 2002, in Turkey, several pilots watched in awe as a Light Ship ofthe Elohim destroyed a meteor which would have wreaked devastating havoc onearth had it been allowed to hit ( The Elohim mercifullydissipated it and; thereby, rendered it ineffective. In addition, many of the UFOsightings that have been occurring around the world are of Light Ships that areserving as doctors to the Earth Goddess and they have been patching up some ofthe serious wounds that mankind has already inflicted upon her. Therefore, thosewho are responsible for guiding the spiritual evolution of mankind on earth are notgoing to allow them to harm their Earth Mother beyond recovery. However, It hasallowed mankind’s desecration to push earth’s biosphere very close to collapsebecause only by experiencing the painful consequences of abusing the earth, canmankind learn to love all life, treat it as sacred, and become one with it in perfectbalance and harmony.

The freedom of choice allowed, under the laws which control the spiritualevolution of mankind on earth, is wide ranging; however, it is not unbounded. Forexample, if a nation, or radical group, makes the deadly choice of starting anuclear war on earth, the guardians will analyze the situation and decide tointerfere, or not, depending upon what effect the nuclear war will have on thespiritual evolution of mankind. On the other hand, if any nation now, or in thefuture, tries to put nuclear weapons in space, they are going to be stoppedimmediately because it is absolutely forbidden!

This was made clear to both Russia and the United States during the cold warwhen UFOs temporarily shut down missile silos in both countries. The firing ofany missile that attempts to put a nuclear weapon in space, will result in itsimmediate destruction! If you don’t believe us, then try it! The internet is filledwith testimony which supports this. Most of the spacecraft that are carrying outoperations on earth are invisible because they are coming to and from the earth by


using earth’s “Parallel space”! Every planet has a parallel world to itself andthere are enormous motherships right now orbiting planets in our solar that arecompletely invisible to all of earth’s telescopes! The Solar System, of which earth is the life-giving member for mankind, is thephysical embodiment and vehicle of the evolutionary expression of its Sun-Godand Earth Goddess who are themselves very highly evolved Gods of the Elohim.In effect, earth’s Solar System is a huge spaceship which is manned and controlledby the Gods of the Elohim and they are ‘timelessly’ carrying out their mission ofcreating life and evolving it physically, mentally, and spiritually from the darknessof Unconscious Separateness to the light of Conscious Oneness. The Sun createdthe vehicles and the biosphere for the evolution of mankind’s spirits on earth andit is their intimate connection to the eternal Cosmic Mind which is timeless andeverywhere. The existence of the ever present nature of the living and evolvingConsciousness of the Cosmos, was suggested by Jesus to his disciples when hemade the following statements:

If those who lead you say to you, “See, the Kingdom is in the sky,” then thebirds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, “It is in the sea,” then thefish will precede you. Rather, the Kingdom is inside you, and it is outside of you.When you come to know yourselves, then you will realize that it is you who arethe sons of the living Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell inpoverty and it is you who are that poverty (The Doctrine of Thomas (3)).

In the Doctrine of Thomas (113) His disciples said to him, “When will theKingdom come?” Jesus said:

It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying ‘Here it is’ or‘There it is.’ Rather the Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth,and men do not see it.

For obvious reasons, the Thomas Doctrine was not included in the Christian Bible. It is often being said that the governments of the world are hiding the solid proofthat UFOs exist for many selfish reasons, not the least of which is nationalsecurity. For a complete discussion of this please read Understanding UFOSecrecy by Steven M. Greer, M. D. However, it would be impossible for the


security agencies of the world’s governments to keep the reality of UFOs secret ifthe majority of the people were demanding full knowledge of them.

The fact is that the majority of the world’s people have still not evolved very farspiritually. Since they have been kept in ignorance, and have not been encouragedto accelerate their mental and spiritual evolution, they have become quiteapathetic. Consequently, their only option has been to devote all of their attentionto making themselves feel physically and economically secure, and continuouslyseeking to find happiness through their fixed and materialistically dominatedpolitical and social institutions.

The purpose of the book Soulmate Cosmological Action, by Dr. Henry and ErikaMonteith ( is to help make the people of the worldacutely aware of their place in the Cosmos, their evolutionary responsibilities, andto realize the awesome fact that the entire Cosmos is alive and filled with theLight-ships of the Elohim. The book encourages the people of the world to pleasestop consuming their minds on materialistic trivia and begin devoting themselvesto studying, mediating upon, and physically expressing, the feminine intuitive artsand the masculine intellectual sciences. In this manner they will gradually evolvetowards Oneness with their Soulmates and ultimately experience the awesomebliss of Cosmic Consciousness. Those whose spiritual awareness is nowsufficiently evolved to accept the reality of the Elohim Lightships should becomefamiliar with the following events which conclusively prove their existence:

On Wednesday, May 9th, 2001, over twenty military, intelligence,government, corporate and scientific witnesses came forward at theNational Press Club in Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs orextraterrestrial vehicles, extraterrestrial life forms, and resulting advancedenergy and propulsion technologies. The weight of this firsthand testimony,along with supporting government documentation and other evidence, willestablish without any doubt the reality of these phenomena, according to Dr.Steven M. Greer, director of the Disclosure Project which hosted the event. Due to the lack of sufficient spiritual evolution on the part of most reporters, thispress conference was not accepted with open arms. Indeed, it was largely ignoredby all of the popular news broadcasters such as NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN. At


best, it was mentioned only briefly on the side, never thoroughly discussed, andnever subjected to thorough analysis by commentators.Widespread UFO sightings, have been occurring in Mexico since the early 1990s.There have been many mass sightings, with hundreds of people observing theLight Ships of the Elohim at the same time. Thousands of photographs and videotapes have been taken. In sharp contrast to Americans, the Mexican people haveaccepted UFOs as real and they are being thoroughly studied at the universitylevel. Jaime Maussan of Televisa Mexico, host a television program, that is similarto 60 Minutes of CBS, in which he is continuing to report extensively on all UFOactivity and studies that are going on in Mexico and South America. In thisrespect, the people of Mexico are more spiritually aware than the people of theUnited States. The American press remains strangely silent on these matters!

The most important contacts, that have been taking place over the past 20 years,with the Light Ships, have been occurring in Mexico. In particular, a DVD hasbeen made of the spectacular experiences of Carlos Diaz with the Ships of Light ashe refers to them. He has taken the very best color photographs and movies of theElohim Ships of Light that have ever been produced. From these photographs,scientists at the University of Mexico have verified that the energy field aroundthe Light Ships is a type of living plasma; in other words, the ships are, for allpractical purposes, Living Beings. Of course, the entire Cosmos is living so it isnot surprising that the vehicles of the highly evolved Elohim would be composedof living plasma that radiates the Light and Love of The Cosmic Essence.(

The following is an occurrence in the history of UFO encounters which will,perhaps, be historically considered as the most sinister example of intentionalblindness which the human race has ever perpetrated upon itself in all of recordedhistory: In July 1988 the Russians launched two probes in the direction of Marswhich they named Phobos 1 and Phobos 2. Phobos 2 beamed back some imagesand was then lost under certain very intriguing circumstances. Phobos 2 aligneditself with the Martian moonlet Phobos and took a most remarkable photograph.Russian astronaut and pilot, Dr. Marina Popovich, brought this photograph to theRussian consulate in San Francisco in December 1991 and called a newsconference.


She presented the press with the last transmission from Phobos 2 which was aphotograph of Mar's moonlet, Phobos, together with a huge cylindrical cigar-shaped mothership parked directly beneath it. Russian scientists had estimatedthe space-ship to be approximately 20 kilometers long and 1.5 kilometers indiameter which means that it is about 1 mile wide and 13 miles long! (SeeFigure (1)) Dr. Popovich stated that immediately after Phobos 2 had taken thisphotograph, it mysteriously disappeared and, according to the Russian Scientistswho studied the event, "it was deliberately destroyed, perhaps by an energy pulsebeam"! This is a small mother ship when you consider the fact that the largerones can be several thousand miles long!!! The Admiral of this small shipallowed it to be visible to the Russians because he knew that they would publicallyrelease it as they did.

This was absolute proof of the existence of highly evolved, space-traveling life inthe universe. It has been stated, by mankind’s scientific visionaries, that thediscovery of advanced life in the universe would be the greatest discovery of alltime; however, when they were directly faced with the evidence, it was met withcomplete silence and dismissed out of hand!!. This fantastic event never madefront page news in America; indeed, not a single one of America’s major newsbroadcasting agencies gave it the urgent, exciting, and thorough coverage that itmost certainly deserved. Indeed, the news should have been alive with it formonths and every mind on the planet stimulated to re-evaluate their history, theirmythologies, the nature of their universe, and mankind's place in their awesomeCosmos.

Instead, the great discovery was totally ignored and even so illustrious a spacescientist as Carl Sagan, did not even give it a brief mention; this, in spite of thefact that he was most certainly intimately involved with the Phobos mission. Thesilence itself speaks volumes!

This is an exact duplication of the manner in which Galileo was treated when heannounced his discovery of the moons of Jupiter and attempted to convince hiscontemporaries of the reality of these facts. Galileo set up his telescope in thesquare and invited all those around to look through his telescope and see themoons for themselves. Not a single person dared to even look through Galileo'stelescope! Finally, Galileo picked up a dog and placed his eyes to the telescope. A bystander asked Galileo: "why did you do this?"; Galileo answered: "so that it


Figure (1)


can never be said that not even a dog would look through my telescope!" In thesame way, everyone who looked at Dr. Popovich's photograph immediatelyblinded themselves psychologically because it was impossible for their primitivemythologies to prepare their conscious minds to accommodate the existence ofhighly intelligent living beings operating at evolutionary levels which far exceedstheir own.

There is great fear, within both religious and government institutions, that thetremendous change in awareness, which will occur when everybody on earthbecomes conscious of the awesome expressions of intelligent life in the universeat large, will cause them to lose physical and mental control of the people as theybegin to perceive them as irrelevant; however, this is exactly the kind of change inawareness which is now being required of mankind by The Boundless CosmicEssence.

Indeed, there are none so blind as those who deliberately refuse to see. Theunescapable fact that each every soulmate pair must contribute their uniqueness tothe evolution of the Cosmic Spirit by developing their personal cosmology andconsummating the bliss of their Oneness, is the ultimate fulfillment of the desire toachieve a personal relationship with God.

You can never appreciate the value of anything which is outright given to youwithout having experienced the painful agony and the joyful ecstacy that isrequired of you, by your natural environment, to earn it! The reason is that the realreward which you achieve, by earning the things you desire, is the evolution inspiritual consciousness that takes place through the experiences of life that youencounter while earning them. Therefore, it is an eternal law that nothing, in theBoundless Domain of Eternity, is ever going to alleviate you of your evolutionaryresponsibilities. Consequently, it is absolutely impossible for a spiritually evolvedsoulmate pair to transfer the bliss of their Cosmic Oneness to another.

The sublime fact that each and every soulmate pair must uniquely achieve theawesome gift of Cosmic Consciousness, by evolving through many incarnations ofexperiencing the agony and the ecstacy of life, which is accentuated by theillusions of dreadful pain and frightful death, is the ultimate expression of dualitycompounded by diversity. For diversity is a foundation stone of the creativeforces of Nature; indeed, it is only through diversity that the experiences


generated by the effects of the action-forces of duality can be maximized andthe evolution of Consciousness reach its pinnacle through the development ofCosmic Awareness and The Eternal Bliss of being at One in Thought, Action,and Love with all things that are Centered and Bounded by the AwesomeLight and Love of The Boundless Cosmic Essence.


When, and only when, the people of earth have realized the significance of theirbeing will they gain control of their lives and abilities and accept all of their trueexistence with the stillness or what they call peace within.

Many of those visiting earth, from other realities, have been making a true effortto uplift mankind’s spiritual awareness and to help him open his mind and body tothe truth that he is only limited in his evolvement in this form by preset mindpatterns and they are nothing more than illusions. The fact that UFOs exist ormight exist should be enough even in a state of illusion to make the mind awarethat there are no limits put upon their life forces or any other life force.

Example: Logic tells us this: they say here God is all power and they have nocontrol or power. Yet in what is called God’s book of learning (the Bible), there isfrom this all powerful God a direct command which states: “Thou shalt not kill”. Logic tells us that if you had no power of your own and since this was set uponyou as a direct command, by the all powerful God, then you would be limited inaction and could not kill no matter how much you might want to or how mucheffort you put forth.

Now realize that since man has a choice and is powerful enough to oppose thepower of God, and a direct command of God, then when working with the naturalforces in truth and with direction from that force, he is unlimited as God isunlimited because all the power and force of the universe is in motion with himand ushers him onward. He no longer need struggle as he is not in opposition withhis own forces or those about him; not even those preset conditions, patterns, andillusions because he will rise above, see the truth, and be an observer of them butnot involved in them or aiding in creating them. Thus man becomes unlimited.


Mankind, on planet earth, has thus far taken the words from the God book and saidit contains all that he can and cannot do, should and should not do and then has sethis entire existence on this planet into a motion for doing and limiting himself toonly the things that it says he cannot or should not do.

If man did not contain the power of this creating force within him he could noteven think of opposing that force or acting upon those thoughts because it is thatpower that gives him power of thought and ability to project. The power of thespirit and all creating forces lie within all life forms but it is the confining,opposing, and limiting it, in the illusion of preset conditions, that is the cause andeffect upon the life forms of this planet.

When mankind, in this state, sees something new to him in the natural forces, thefirst thought of his is how can I create a wonder by making it work for me ratherthan how can I, having power of flexibility, work with this natural set motion,without upsetting its balance or direct power of its motion, so that we may createtogether as a unit. Agony is all that man can expect in his present frayedcondition.

We only in our continual journey onward, forever seeking more knowledge(yes even such knowledge as how and why forms of spirit evolve in themanner they have on this planet and for a part of our own uplifting attemptto communicate the unlimited power of the universal forces).

We wish not to interfere, or direct, but only that man recognizes the spirit withinhimself and begin to evolve in the manner led by truth from his own soul. As themen of earth continue to agonize the spirit within and natural forces aroundthemselves, the greater their limited conditions become. The broader theirknowledge the more narrow their minds and spirit, the more technology, themore limited motion.

Motion does not stop they have only to begin their own in response to it atanytime. As it cannot regress or be suppressed so the motion begun by mancannot be regressed or suppressed. Agony is unbalance and friction caused bywaiting and creating a painted limited form of fleeting destruction; indeed, it isonly a fleeting moment because the universal motion will continue during andafter his destructive acts to self; and in time, its natural flowing force will bring


about its balance. However, the earth need not experience this destruction at alland could remain in a state of readiness for those to come.

It is time for the men of earth to seek beyond the five senses. The fact that wehave presented to them thousands of times the possibility of becoming visible andinvisible and that the best way is not to travel through great distances in space butto avoid distance altogether. This way should inspire man’s spiritual growth andlimitless activity in his present form. That they are not alone, never have been andwill not be. We are uplifted by learning of them, may they be uplifted by learningof us. Do not tell them these things as an absolute truth but in a manner of itspossibility as, indeed, all things are possible. There will be those who reachwithin and find these truths having heard of it, however, agony will await thosewho do not awaken as they will force their spirit to serve in like conditions createdthrough the illusions of their ignorance.