Soul Tracking: Life after Life

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Soul Tracking: Life after Life

Soul Tracking-Life After LIFEBy

Dr Uday Shah Research TeamVarshha Paatkar




Journey of a Soul

Energy System in Human BodyCHAKRAS NADIS MERIDIANS


Why do we Re-incarnateKarma and Action

How do we create KarmaTHOUGHTS





Few negative energy generated by jealousy, hatred, greed, anger, critics, fear, attachment, insecurity etc.

• positive energy generated by love, peace, knowledge, healing, compassion, prayers, helping people, meditation, forgive, freedom etc.

Nine Senses of Human Body•Without our Spirit our Body is nothing more than 9 holes of Flesh and Bones.

•These holes are two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, one mouth, one genital, and one anus

• Looking at it from an another perspective, eyes, ears, nose, and tongue (mouth) combined with skin makes five senses of acquiring knowledge (Gyaan Indriyas)

•Similarly, the genital, anus, and voice (mouth) combined with hands and legs make five senses of action or work (Karma Indriyas).

•The fortress of the body has nine gates; the tenth gate is kept hidden.

• To a person with corrupted senses (ignorant ), this human body is the source of suffering.

• But to a person with enlightened senses (Spiritual Being), this body is the vehicle of Spiritual Wisdom (Divine Knowledge).

• As the Divine Knowledge is beyond the reach of the Mayaic mind and senses, it arises only when the mind and senses cease their desires for corrupt passions.

What is a SOULThe soul is pure consciousness, pure energy, pure being. It is our innermost self. It

exists on a timeless, non-physical level of reality. It is a piece of Spirit or God or Source, a spark of divine light and love, a fragment of absolute perfection.

A soul is never defined by Gender.When you achieve self realisation you no longer identify with body, mind, ego, desires. In that state you can choose to transcend karma, achieve Moksha or

liberate soul

Why can’t people find SOUL!Its because of the Mind’s Constant Activity and Confusion.

To Find the SOUL discover the light inside you, which is Eternal and nothing can extinguish it not even DEATH.

There are 2 paths is LIFE:Path of Wisdom is to pursue the SELF

Path of Ignorance is to pursue PLEASURE


Inexperienced, major struggle for survival, many fears, animal like look. In the first stage, as an “infant soul” it learned about physical existence, life and death, and the need for nurturing.

Baby Soul: Civilized, disciple, less fear, survival issues, rules-regulations, soldiers, workers in political parties. In the second stage, as a “baby soul” it learned about society, culture and community, the need for structure, belonging, and playing a role.

Young soul: Independence, but want others to follow them-domination, political leaders, religious leaders, In the third stage, as a “young soul” it learned about free will and self-determination, taking charge of its own destiny, rising to the challenge.

Mature Soul: Wants true identity (who am I), mostly emotionally intense, search is destiny, Complex relation issues. In the fourth stage, as a “mature soul” it learned about co-existence and interrelatedness, taking responsibility for its relationships, honouring difference and otherness.

Old Souls: feels “Oneness”, respects all, non judgmental, total independence, out of emotions, stable life, spiritual healers, singers, musicians

Transcendental Soul: Bring great social changes, born with wisdom,enlightened, priest, Mahatma Gandhi, Vivekananda

Infinite Soul: Divine souls…The end of re incarnation

Soul Tracking and its JourneyLife after Life

Soul Transfers into different planes apart from physical body, the timeframe when death Occurs till the time your soul takes up a new physical body is called the soul journeyFrom life after death, during this period it can travel to many planes, from higher to lower, and choice and conditioning can play a huge part in the outcome.Hell and Heaven also lies within US.

As per the karmic records, life flashes like a snap shot. It can take time for every soul to decide his/her new life, from months to years to fill the GAP of the physical and the metaphysical world.A soul can travel multiple Astral Planes.

The way the soul takes a new life depends on the level of karma of the past events ,and the type of soul you will be, depends upto the Karmic imprints that will give rise to the Future Life

The evolution totally lies in the enlightenment of the soul and the level that your soul takes.

Types of Karmas why Reincarnation Happens

Sanchita Karmas are accumulated worksThere is something unique aboutsancitakarma, it can be changedThe key is going to the source.

Agami are Forthcoming KarmasThe choices you make today have a direct bearing on your future tomorrow, what you do in the present moment determines what unfolds in the next

Prārabdha is that which has matured. Once you perform any karmic act, it is registered in the universe, it will come to fruition in due course.

How to explore the hidden journey of your Soul




•After Life Regression- the period between Life-Death and New Life


In past life regression we witness the issues of past life-lives. We bring them on surface buried deep in sub consciousness to find out why SOME issue happened in your life? What

mistakes I did? What was I? who was I? It need lots of courage to with stand & face the challenges. You can also track your Soul Purpose through this, solve multiple Life Problems,

heal unwanted memories and many morePast Life Regression can Help Soul Evolution, Buddha,Mahavira,Parmahansa Yogananda and

Many authors including Dr Brain Weiss,Dr Bruce Goldberg,Dr Ian Stevenson,Dr Micheal Newton….all have highlighted the importance of Re-incarnation

After Life Regression the period between Life-Death and New Life

The purpose of a soul to come back to the physical plane is either to fulfil desires or fulfil lesson of karma cycle, or to spread divinity it chooses the SOUL TYPE.

The after life session can be experience through the womb regression by finding the gap between the birth and death, this gap can be extended for months years ages, as long as soul

doesn’t want to reincarnate or evolve its called soul sleep.

Examples of Soul Evolution Journey of Self

MAY 2011 MAY 2011 Nov 2014


By Dr Uday Shah Research TeamVarshha Paatkar9920302278
