SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 · Typography 6 Enterprise Products: MobiControl 7 MobiAssist 10 ......

Post on 09-Jul-2020

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Transcript of SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 · Typography 6 Enterprise Products: MobiControl 7 MobiAssist 10 ......

SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012

Legal Guidelines 3

SOTI logo usage: Color / Spacing 5 Typography 6Enterprise Products: MobiControl 7 MobiAssist 10 MobiScan 13 Pocket Controller Pro for Enterprise 16

Consumer Products PocketController Pro for Blackberry 19 PocketController Pro for WIndows 22


Guidelines for Using SOTI Logos and Trademarks SOTI Logos

A logo is a work of art and as such, SOTI carefully limits the use of its logos. No third party may use SOTI logos

unless it has the express written permission of SOTI, or is licensed by SOTI to do so. The following guidelines are the

limited circumstances under which third parties may use SOTI logos. SOTI logos must always be used pursuant to

the specifications of the guidelines to follow. Any use outside of these specifications is strictly prohibited.

Third parties may only use SOTI logos without a license only under the following limited circumstances:

(i) In advertising, marketing collateral, or a website that reference your connection with SOTI provided that the

area in which the SOTI logo is used includes the corporate logo of at least one (1) other company with which

you have a similar relationship.

(ii) In an area of a website, advertising, or marketing collateral exclusively dedicated to the sales of SOTI

products, and in such a manner that associates licensed SOTI software with the SOTI corporate logo.

1. The logo may not be used in any manner that might imply that any non-SOTI materials, including but not limited to goods, services, websites, or publications are sponsored, endorsed, licensed by, or affiliated with SOTI.

2. The logo may not be displayed as a primary or prominent feature on any non-SOTI materials. Third parties using the logo pursuant to these guidelines must also display in the primary and more prominent position, their own logo(s), business name, product names, or other branding.

3. The logo may not be imitated or used as a design feature in any manner.

4. The logo may not be used in a manner that would disparage SOTI or its products or services.

5. The logo must be used as provided by SOTI with no changes, including but not limited to changes in the color, proportion, or design, or removal of any words, artwork, or trademark symbols. The logo may not be animated, morphed, or otherwise distorted in perspective or appearance.

The following guidelines must be followed for all use of SOTI logos:

SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 3


Soft Object Technologies Incorporated, globally known and operated as SOTI, prides in the development and protection of its logos, trademarks, service marks, trade names, trade dress, and copyrights (“SOTI Marks”) and reserves all rights of ownership in all active and pending SOTI Marks.

The following guidelines are for SOTI licensees, authorized resellers, developers, customers, and other third parties wishing to use SOTI Marks or images in promotional, advertising, instructional, or reference materials, or on their web sites, products, labels, or packaging. Use of SOTI Marks may be prohibited, unless expressly authorized.

If you are a licensee of a SOTI Mark and have been provided with special mark usage guidelines with your license agreement, please follow those guidelines. If your license agreement does not provide usage guidelines, then follow these guidelines. If you are an authorized SOTI Reseller you may be subject to additional restrictions.

SOTI Marks are valuable assets. In following these guidelines, you assist SOTI to protect its valuable

mark rights and strengthen the SOTI corporate and brand identities.

By using a SOTI Mark, in whole or in part, you are acknowledging that SOTI is the sole owner of the mark and promising that you will not interfere with SOTI’s rights in the mark, including challenging SOTI’s use, registration of, or application to register such mark, alone or in combination with other words, anywhere in the world, and that you will not harm, misuse, or bring into disrepute any SOTI Mark.

The goodwill derived from using any part of a SOTI Mark exclusively inures to the benefit of and belongs to SOTI. Except for the limited right to use as expressly permitted under these guidelines, no other rights of any kind are granted hereunder, by implication or otherwise. You take full responsibility for any misuse, unauthorized use or damage caused to any party as a result of your use of the SOTI Mark.

If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please contact to your SOTI representative or submit your query to SOTI’s legal department.

/ /

6. Use only approved SOTI logo artwork.

7. To properly stage the logo, a minimum clearance between the logo and other elements must be maintained.

8. The logo must always be at least 60 pixels in width.

9. The logo must appear only in a horizontal position.

10. The logo must stand alone and may not be combined with any other object, including but not limited to other logos, words, graphics, photos, slogans, numbers, design features, or symbols.

11. The logo must not be incorporated or used in any

manner as part of, or in close proximity to another company’s name, domain name, product or service name, logo, trade dress, design, slogan, or other

trademarks. The logo must never appear with any other symbol or icon (except the registered trademark symbol); contained within a box, circle, or other shape; or combined with any other name, logo, or icon to create a co-branded logo.

12. The attribution clause must accompany use of the logo.

13. Neither the logo nor the SOTI name may be used in any other company name, product name, service name, domain name, website title, publication title, or the like.

14. Non-SOTI materials should not mimic any SOTI advertising, product packaging, or website design.

15. Under no circumstances may third parties use, imitate, or play off of the SOTI corporate tagline (“We Manage Mobility” TM).

The absence of a SOTI Mark from this list does not imply that SOTI does not use the mark, that the mark is not a registered trademark of SOTI or that the SOTI product or service is not actively marketed or is not significant within its relevant market.

On product, product documentation, or other product communications that will be distributed, use the appropriate trademark symbol (TM, SM, ®) the first time the SOTI Mark appears in the text of the advertisement, brochure, documentation or other material.

Refer to the SOTI Mark list for the correct trademark symbol, spelling of the trademark, and generic term to use with the trademark. Generally, the symbol appears at the right shoulder of the trademark.

Include an attribution of SOTI ownership of trademark in the credit notice section of your documentation, advertisement, or page/screen. Please follow this format example:

“MobiControl is a registered trademark of SOTI Inc in the United States and in other jurisdictions.”

Do not shorten, abbreviate, or create acronyms for SOTI Marks.

Do not change the form or representation of the product name, including capitalization or punctuation.

Do not translate the text of any SOTI Mark.

SOTI Marks should never be used in the possessive or plural form. The product name should be used as a proper adjective followed by an appropriate descriptor.

Do not use SOTI Marks in your product or service name or your company name.

Do not use product, service, or company names that could be confused with SOTI Marks.

Do not mimic or copy product packaging, advertising, or trade dress for any of the SOTI Marks.

Do not use any SOTI Mark more prominently than your product or service name. You should maintain a visual distinction between your company and product name and any SOTI Mark.

Do not create or use any logos that include SOTI Marks unless your use is pursuant to a license from SOTI.

SOTI Marks in the following list are registered or pending with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other jurisdictions:

SOTI reserves the right in its sole discretion to terminate or modify permission to display logos, and may

request that third parties modify or delete any use of a logo that, in SOTI’s sole judgment, does not comply

with these guidelines, or might otherwise impair SOTI’s rights in the logo. SOTI further reserves the right to

object to unfair uses or misuses of its trademarks or other violations of applicable law.




SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 4

SOTI Logos (ctd.)



Safe area

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area determined by the character height of SOT (excluding the dot over the i) formed into a square.

Safe area



*The SOTI Trademark (®) must always be included on the top right corner of the logo.

Pantone: 282

Process Colors: C 100, M 87 Y 37, K 29

Web Colors: R 25, G 49, B 91

Hex Color: 19315b





SOTI logo with tagline SOTI logo without tagline





SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 5




SOTI Fonts SOTI TypographySOTI uses thes following select fonts from the Myriad Pro font family:

Myriad Pro Regular

Myriad Pro Italic

Myriad Pro Semibold

Myriad Pro Semibold Italic

Myriad Pro Bold

Myriad Pro Bold Italic

Headings:Myriad Pro Bold Italic

Enterprise Mobile Device Managementfor Smartphones, Tablets & Rugged Devices

Subheads:Myriad Pro Semibold

Efficient Software Distribution

Body Copy:Myriad Pro Regular

Custom application catalogs ensure all employees have secure and easy access to enterprise and 3rd party applications. Track and report on a variety of live device information to monitor status, security, and condition of all mobile assets.

Keep text in left aligned with italic shape when heading text flows onto 2 lines.

SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 6

SOTI / T yPOgraPhy

/ /

Pantone: 660

Process Colors: C 72, M 51 Y 2, K 0

Web Colors: R 83, G 119, B 183

Hex Color: 5377B7

SOTI MobiControl / LOgO USagE

®SOTI MobiControl

SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 7

*The SOTI MobiControl t rademark (®) must always be included on the top right corner of the logo.*The SOTI MobiControl trademark (®) must always be included on the top right corner of the logo.

SOTI MobiControl with icon:

SOTI MobiControl ®


®SOTI MobiControl

®SOTI MobiControlColor




SOTI MobiControl without icon:

SOTI MobiControl ®


®SOTI MobiControl

®SOTI MobiControlColor




SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 8

SOTI MobiControl / LOgO COLOr MaTrIx

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area Safe area

Safe area determined by 1/4 square size of icon. This size runs equal on all 4 sides of the icon.

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area

Horiz. align with base of top device in radar

Horiz. align with base of top device in radar

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area determined by the height of the M formed into a square.

Safe area determined by the height of the M formed into a square.

®SOTI MobiControl

®SOTI MobiControl

SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 9

SOTI MobiControl / LOgO SPaCINg

Pantone: 5285

Process Colors: C 51, M 38, Y 22, K 0

Web Colors: R 135, G 146, B 170

Hex Color: 999999

Pantone: 282

Process Colors: C 100, M 87 Y 37, K 29

Web Colors: R 25, G 49, B 91

Hex Color: 19315b

SOTI MobiAssist / LOgO USagE

SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 10

*The SOTI MobiAssist trademark (®) must always be included on the top right corner of the logo.*The SOTI MobiAssist trademark (®) must always be included on the top right corner of the logo.

SOTI MobiAssist with icon:








SOTI MobiAssist without icon:








SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 11

SOTI MobiAssist / LOgO COLOr MaTrIx

Safe area

Safe area

Horiz. align with poston helicopter

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area determined by the character height of SOT (excluding the dot over the i) formed into a square.

Safe area

Safe area

Horiz. align with base of top device in radar

Safe area Safe


Safe area determined by the character height of SOT (excluding the dot over the i) formed into a square.

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area Safe area

Safe area determined by 1/4 square size of icon. This size runs equal on all 4 sides of the icon.

SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 12

SOTI MobiAssist / LOgO SPaCINg

Pantone: 660

Process Colors: C 71, M 521 Y 2, K 0

Web Colors: R 84, G 120, B 183

Hex Color: 5478B7


SOTI MobiScan / LOgO USagE

SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 13

*The SOTI MobiScan trademark (®) must always be included on the top right corner of the logo.*The SOTI MobiScan trademark (®) must always be included on the top right corner of the logo.

SOTI MobiScan wordmark with icon: SOTI MobiScan wordmark without icon:


®SOTI MobiScan


®SOTI MobiScan

®SOTI MobiScan ®SOTI MobiScan

®SOTI MobiScan ®SOTI MobiScan









SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 14

SOTI MobiScan / LOgO COLOr MaTrIx



Safe area

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area determined by the character height of the M formed into a square.

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area Safe


Safe area determined by the character height of the M formed into a square.

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area Safe area

Safe area determined by the width and 1/2 height of the icon. This size runs equal on all 4 sides of the icon.



SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 15

SOTI MobiScan / LOgO SPaCINg

Pantone: Cool Gray 7

Process Colors: C 43, M 35, Y 35, K 1

Web Colors: R 153, G 153, B 153

Hex Color: 999999

Pantone: 294

Process Colors: C 98, M 77, Y 50, K 56

Web Colors: R 3, G 71, B 149

Hex Color: 034795

SOTI Pocket Controller Pro Enterprise / LOgO USagE

SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 16


*The SOTI Pocket Controller Enterprise Trademark (®) must always be included on the top right corner of the logo.*The SOTI Pocket Controller Enterprise Trademark (®) must always be included on the top right corner of the logo.

SOTI Pocket Controller Enterprise with icon: SOTI Pocket Controller Enterprise without icon:

® ®

® ®

® ®

® ®









SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 17

SOTI PocketController Pro Enterprise / LOgO COLOr MaTrIx

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area Safe area

Safe area determined by 1/4 square size of icon. This size runs equal on all 4 sides of the icon.

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area determined by 1/4 square size of icon.

Safe area determined by 1/4 square size of icon.

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area



SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 18

SOTI PocketController Pro Enterprise / LOgO SPaCINg

Pantone: Black 6

Process Colors: C 20, M 20, Y 20, K 100

Web Colors: R 0, G 0, B 0

Hex Color: 000000

Pantone: 294

Process Colors: C 98, M 77, Y 50, K 56

Web Colors: R 3, G 71, B 149

Hex Color: 034795


SOTI Pocket Controller ProFor BlackBerry / LOgO USagE

SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 19

*The SOTI Pocket Controller Pro for BlackBerry trademark (®) must always be included on the top right corner of the logo.*The SOTI Pocket Controller Pro for BlackBerry trademark (®) must always be included on the top right corner of the logo.

SOTI Pocket Controller Pro with icon: SOTI Pocket Controller Pro without icon:

















SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 20

SOTI PocketController Pro for BlackBerry / LOgO COLOr MaTrIx

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area Safe area

Safe area determined by 1/4 square size of icon. This size runs equal on all 4 sides of the icon.

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area determined by the character height of CONTrOLLEr formed into a square.

Safe area determined by the character height of CONTrOLLEr formed into a square.

Align left edge with icon angle

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area



SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 21

SOTI PocketController Pro for BlackBerry / LOgO SPaCINg

Pantone: Black 6

Process Colors: C 20, M 20, Y 20, K 100

Web Colors: R 0, G 0, B 0

Hex Color: 000000

Pantone: 294

Process Colors: C 98, M 77, Y 50, K 56

Web Colors: R 3, G 71, B 149

Hex Color: 034795


SOTI Pocket Controller Pro For Windows / LOgO USagE

SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 22

*The SOTI Pocket Controller Pro for Windows trademark (®) must always be included on the top right corner of the logo.*The SOTI Pocket Controller Pro for Windows trademark (®) must always be included on the top right corner of the logo.

SOTI Pocket Controller Pro for Windows with icon: SOTI Pocket Controller Pro for Windows without icon:



® ®















SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 23

SOTI PocketController Pro for Windows / LOgO COLOr MaTrIx

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area Safe area

Safe area determined by 1/4 square size of icon. This size runs equal on all 4 sides of the icon.

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area determined by the character height of CONTrOLLEr formed into a square.

Safe area determined by the character height of CONTrOLLEr formed into a square.

Align left edge with icon angle

Align left edge with icon angle

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area

Safe area



SOTI Brand Guidelines 2012 / 24

SOTI PocketController Pro for Windows / LOgO SPaCINg