Some demands for English learning 1.Demands in class 2.Revision after class 3.Note-taking 4.Raising...

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Transcript of Some demands for English learning 1.Demands in class 2.Revision after class 3.Note-taking 4.Raising...

Some demandsfor English learning

1.Demands in class2.Revision after class3.Note-taking4.Raising questions

5. Reading every day6. Demands about exercise books and homework7. Newspapers & English tapes

Think about

the following

① With what can we see and hear?We see with our eyes and

hear with our ears.

② How can we know whether a dish(菜肴 )

is delicious?We taste it with our tongues( 舌头 ).③ How can we know that a flower has a

pleasant smell?

We smell it with our noses.

④ What do we do when we want to know whether the water in the basin is hot or cold?

We put our hands in the water to feel it.⑤ How do we know about the world around us?

We usually use our five senses. They are sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.

Fill in the form with proper words:

action sense organs 器官 the sense





eyes sight

ears hearing

tongue舌头 taste

nose smell

touch/feel hands/feet/skin touch

Think about what would happen if people lost one or two of their senses.

Can blind people read? And how?The blind can read by touching raised dots( 点 ) which represent (代表 ) numbers and letters. This system is called Braille

The smallest Braille

How do the deaf communicate with each other?

The deaf can communicate by body language or sign language.

Sometimes our senses affect one another. Can you give some examples?

1. What can you see in picture one?

2. Are the two lines of the same length?

3. Can you prove that the two lines in

picture 3 are straight?

4. How can you read line b?

1.When looking at the white part, we can see a vase, but two faces when looking at the black part.

2.We can measure the two lines with a ruler or use two pieces of paper to cover both ends of the two lines. The answer is the two lines are the same length.

3.Place a ruler next to the line or use a ruler to draw more straight lines which run parallel(平行 ) to the two lines. Then we’ll know the answer.

4. For line b in picture 4 we can read them as letters K, B, R, M, or K, 13, R, M.

Why are people misled(误导 ) by their own eyes?

Because the background( 背景 ) or other lines confuse( 混淆 ) our eyes. Also, what we expect to see can change what we see. Actually, it is more the brain that is confused than the eyes.

Read the three questions and make sure you know the meaning of each one. Then discuss the three questions in groups of four. Try to grasp the chance to share your opinion.

1. We use one or two of the five senses more than the other when we need to. For example, in the darkness, the sense of hearing and the sense of touch become more sensitive because we cannot see anything. When we listen to our favorite music, we will close our eyes and just want to listen with our ears. When we read an interesting book, we’ll lose ourselves in it, and hardly hear anything around us. When we eat something, we do not only taste or smell it. We look at it as well.

2. I think in listening English, the sense of sight and the sense of hearing help me a lot. I usually listen to the tape before I read it. While I listen to the tape, I’ll look at the text. And I often read the English text aloud. The combination of these two senses best help me remember what I have learnt.

3. There are quite a few people who have made great achievements even when they have lost one of their senses. Take Beethoven, the great German composer, as an example. He began to lose his hearing in 1801 and was partly deaf by 1819. In 1824 when he was completely deaf, Beethoven completed his most famous symphony, the Ninth Symphony. Another famous musician is Hua Yanjun, Blind Abing. Although he could not see anything, his famous erhu solos are admired by people all over China.

Helen Keller (1880 - 1968), American deaf-and-dumb ( 聋哑 ) woman author and educator. In her childhood, A. Sullivan was her tutor( 家庭教师 ). She graduated from Radcliffe College, Cambridge University, later. She exerted( 竭尽全力 ) her whole life on public aiding cause for deaf-and-dumb and blind people.     海伦 ·凯勒( 1880 - 1968 ),美国聋哑女作家和教育家。童年时,受业于 A .沙利文。后毕业于剑桥大学的拉德克利夫学院。终生致力于聋哑人和盲人的公共救助事业。 “ life is either a daring adventure or


--- by Helen Keller

Moonlight Reflected On The Er-Quan Spring

sense n. 感官 , 官能 , 感 [ 知 ] 觉

the senses (=the five senses) 五官

a sense of sight [hearing, smell, taste, touch]

视觉 [ 听觉 , 嗅觉 , 味觉 , 触觉 ]

a sense of humor

a sense of duty

a sense of honor

the sense of direction

a man of sense

common sense

good sense




有理智的人常识 [理 ]


相关短语:in some sense 在某种意义上

make sense ( 话等 ) 有意义 , 合 [ 有 ] 理

make sense of 了解 ... 的意义 , 懂得

there is no [some] sense in doing...

做 ... 是没有 [ 有一些 ] 道理的 [ 意义的 ]

vt. 感觉到 , 发觉 , 了解 , 明白

He sensed that his suggestion was unwelcome.

高考链接:(2004 重庆卷 ) 阅读理解 D

Parapsychologists ( 灵学家 ) say that humans have a natural ability to sense when someone is looking at them. To research whether such a “sixth sense”really exists, Robert Baker, psychologist( 心 理 学 家 )at the University of Kentucky, performed two experiments.解析 : humans have a natural ability to sense 人天生有能力感知到…… sense 此处是动词

( 2002 春 全国卷) Passage One

In its strictest sense, a group is a collection of people interacting 相互影响 together in an orderly way on the basis of shared expectations about one another‘s behavior. As result of this interaction, members feel a common sense of “belonging”. They distinguish 区别 members from nonmembers and expect certain kinds of behavior from outsiders.

解析 : in its strictest sense 从严格意义上讲 feel a common sense of “belonging” 有共同的归属感

1. 影响没有人知道这件事对她的影响有多大。No one knew how greatly it affected her.

2. (使)感动我被这消息深深感动 .I was deeply affected by the news.

cock one's nose傲慢地翘起鼻子follow one's nose笔直走 , 凭本能行事 , 盲目行事have a good nose嗅觉灵敏hold up one's nose昂首望天 , 目中无人 ; 骄傲自大keep one's nose out of不过问 , 不干预lead sb. by the nose牵着某人的鼻子走turn up one's nose at轻视 , 瞧不起

1.人们渴望和平和幸福 . People hope for peace and happiness as well.2.我喜欢阳光灿烂的日子 , 也喜欢大雪纷飞的时 刻 . I love snowy moments as well as sunny days.3.他的视觉很好 , 听觉也很好 . His sense of sight is good, and that of hearing as well.

confuse vt. 搞乱 , 使糊涂 , 使混乱 , 使迷惑We tried to confuse the enemy.我们试图迷惑敌人。 Don't confuse Austria with Australia.不要把奥地利与澳大利亚弄混淆了。They asked me so many questions that I got confused.他们问了我许许多多的问题 , 把我弄糊涂了。I was confused by all the noise.一片嘈杂声把我弄得昏头昏脑。

to confuse black and white混淆黑白be confused in mind心烦意乱

confusion n. 混淆 , 混乱To avoid confusion, the teams wore different colors.为了避免混淆 , 各队穿了不同颜色的衣服 .There was some confusion as to his disappearance.关于他的失踪众说纷纭 .

Write a short passage according to the questions on page 1.