Somatically heritable switches in the DNA modification of

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10.1101/gad.4.3.331Access the most recent version at doi: 1990 4: 331-343 Genes Dev.

  R Martienssen, A Barkan, W C Taylor, et al.   maize.transposable elements monitored with a suppressible mutant in Somatically heritable switches in the DNA modification of Mu


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Somatically heritable switches in the DNA modification of Mu transposable elements monitored with a suppressible mutant in maize

Robert Mart ienssen, 1 Al ice Barkan, 2 W i l l i a m C. Taylor, 3 and Michae l Freeling

Department of Genetics, University of California, Berkeley, California 94520 USA

Many transposable elements in maize alternate between active and inactive phases associated with the modification of their DNA. Elements in an inactive phase lose their ability to transpose, their ability to excise from reporter alleles and, in some cases, their ability to enhance or suppress mutant phenotypes caused by their insertion. The maize mutant hcfl06 is a recessive pale green seedling lethal caused by the insertion of the transposable element Mul. We show that the hcfl06 mutant phenotype is suppressed in lines that have lost Mu activity. That is, homozygous hcfl06 seedlings are dark green and viable when transposable elements belonging to the Robertson's Mutator family are modified in their terminal inverted repeats, a diagnostic feature of inactive lines. This property of the mutant phenotype has been used to follow clonal leaf sectors containing modified Mu elements that arise from single somatic cells during plant development. The distribution of these sectors indicates that epigenetic switches involving Mu DNA modification occur progressively as the meristem ages.

[Key Words: Transposable elements; maize; hcfl06; Mu elements]

Received April 7, 1989; revised version accepted January 9, 1990.

DNA modification has been implicated in a variety of phenomena involving heritable changes in the control of gene expression (Holliday 1987; Cedar 1988). Examples include the somatic inactivation of X chromosomes in mammals (Yen et al. 1984; Lock et al. 1987), and changes in the pattern of DNA methylation in germ line cells associated with parental genome imprinting (Swain et al. 1987; Surani et al. 1988). In plants, DNA modifica- tion is associated with the loss of genetic activity of the maize transposable elements Ac (Activator), Sprn (Sup- pressor-mutator), and Mu (Robertson's Mutator) (Chan- dler and Walbot 1986; Chomet et al. 1987; Banks and Fedoroff 1988). In both plants and animals, these phe- nomena are thought to reflect epigenetic mechanisms involved in normal development (Holliday 1987; Fe- normal development (Holliday 1987; Fedoroff 1989).

We have examined the developmental pattern of Mu DNA modification in maize leaves using a suppressible mutation. Suppressible mutations caused by transpos- able elements have been described at the molecular level in yeast (Winston et al. 1984) and Drosophila (Kubli 1986), as well as in maize (Masson et al. 1987; Schwarz- Sommer et al. 1987). Suppressible phenotypes in maize

Present addresses: ~Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724 USA; 2Department of Plant Biology, University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley, California 94520 USA; 3CSIRO Division of Plant In. dustry, Canberra ACT, Australia.

that are induced by McClintock's Spm element are in- fluenced both by the presence of an autonomous ele- ment and by its phase of activity (McClintock 1958, 1965). In this paper we describe the first suppressible mutation in maize controlled by Mu elements and show that it responds to changes in transposon activity asso- ciated with DNA modification.

Mu transposable elements are largely responsible for the high frequency of unstable mutations recovered from Robertson's Mutator lines (Robertson 1978; Ben- netzen 1984; Alleman and Freeling 1986). Mu elements comprise a large family of transposable DNA sequences related by their terminal inverted repeats (for review, see Freeling 1988}. The most common Mu elements are the 1.4-kb Mul element and the related element Mul .7 (Bennetzen et al. 1984; Taylor and Walbot 1987), but no autonomous element similar to Ac or Spin has been un- equivocally identified for Mu. Robertson's Mutator lines can lose activity in a non-Mendelian "change of phase," defined by the loss of Mu transposition (Robertson 1983; Bennetzen 1987), the loss of excision from reporter al- leles (Walbot 1986), and the loss of extrachromosomal Mu circles (Sundaresan and Freeling 1986). Inactive Mu- tator lines derived in this way contain a high proportion of Mul elements whose terminal inverted repeats are in- sensitive to digestion with the restriction enzyme H/nfI (Chandler and Walbot 1986). Active lines contain only unmodified Mul elements, which are sensitive to HinfI

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Martienssen et al.

digestion. A number of other restriction enzymes sensi- tive to cytosine methylation also fail to digest Mul Se- quences in inactive lines (Bennetzen 1987).

The photosynthetic mutant hcfl06 contains a single recessive nuclear mutation that prevents the normal as- sembly of photosynthetic electron transport complexes and causes aberrant thylakoid membrane organization (Barkan et al. 1986; Martienssen et al. 1987). Conse- quent reductions in chloroplast pigment levels result in pale green mutant seedlings. These emit an increased fluorescence when illuminated with ultraviolet light (thus, the designation hcf for high chlorophyll fluores- cence), as they are unable to channel harvested light en- ergy into photosynthetic electron transport (Miles 1982). Homozygous mutant seedlings die - 3 weeks after ger- mination when seed reserves are exhausted. Heterozy- gous plants survive to maturity, enabling propagation of the mutation.

hcfl06 arose in a Robertson's Mutator line and showed signs of somatic instability (namely, dark green sectors), suggesting that it was caused by the insertion of a Mu transposable element. Heterozygous plants were outcrossed in successive generations to the inbred line B73, resulting in segregation of the 20-40 Mu 1 elements found in these lines (Martienssen et al. 1987; for an ex- ample, see Fig. lb). A 3.7-kb SstI fragment containing sequences homologous to the transposable element Mul was found by Southern analysis in every mutant seed- ling derived from these outcrosses (Martienssen et al. 1989). The 3.7-kb fragment was cloned into a phage vector and was subsequently identified by other criteria as part of the hcfl06 gene (Martienssen et al. 1989).

We show that in plants homozygous for hcfl06, DNA modification of Mul elements is correlated with sup- pression of the mutant phenotype. That is, homozygous plants adopt a wild-type phenotype when their Mul ele- ments are inactive and modified, but a mutant pheno- type when they are active and unmodified. Thus, Mu, like other transposons, can subvert gene regulation in a reversible fashion. We have used this phenotype to show that changes from active to inactive phase can occur in somatic cells leading to clonal sectors of wild-type tissue that contain modified Mul elements. The distri- bution of these sectors suggests that phase changes occur progressively in meristematic cells, but can be re- versed zygotically in crosses to active plants. This pat- tern of inheritance may explain the greater efficiency with which Mu-active plants can reactivate Mu-inactive lines when they are used as the female, rather than the male, parent (Walbot 1986; Bennetzen 1987). It may also reflect the different strategies of plants and animals in correcting epigenetic defects that arise during develop- ment.

R e s u l t s

hcfl06 is suppressed in plants containing modified Mul elements

A portion of the pedigree resulting from the self-pollin- ating and outcrossing of plants heterozygous for hcfl06


is shown in Figure l a. Two-thirds of the mature plants derived by self-pollinating heterozygotes (self families in Fig. la) were expected to carry the mutant allele. How- ever, in some families, only a small number of plants (if any) produced mutant progeny after self-pollination (Fig. la). Even so, the mutant allele, which was marked by a 3.7-kb SstI fragment (discussed previously), segregated at the expected Mendelian ratio (Fig. la; data not shown). Consequently, a number of "wild-type" plants were identified that failed to segregate any mutant seedlings on self-pollination but still carried the mutant allele (solid circles in Fig. la).

There were two alternative explanations. First, these wild-type plants may have been revertants, or other de- rivatives, of the hcf106 mutation. This seemed unlikely because these plants (solid circles in Fig. lb) did not carry a detectable rearrangement at the hcfl06 locus (i.e., they had the 3.7-kb fragment). Alternatively, the mutant allele may have been suppressed in wild-type plants so that their progeny were unable to express the mutant phenotype. By analogy with McClintock's Sup- pressor-mutator system, suppression may have been mediated by a change of phase from active to inac- tive Mu.

The activity of Mu elements within a plant can be de- termined by examining the modification of the HinfI re- striction sites in the terminal inverted repeats of each Mu 1 element (Chandler an d Walbo t 1986; Walbot 1986). Mul elements from Mu-active plants contain only un- modified HinfI sites, whereas a high proportion of those from Mu-inactive plants have modified sites. Unmodi- fied Mul homologous elements fall into two size classes, Mul and Mul.7, which yield fragments of 1.3 and 1.7 kb, respectively, when digested with HinfI and hybridized with internal probes from Mul (Barker et al. 1984; Bennetzen et al. 1984). In contrast, modified ele- ments are present on larger HinfI fragments, as the HinfI sites in the inverted repeats are not sensitive to diges- tion.

The suppression model predicts that among those plants carrying the mutant allele, "wild-type" plants (i.e., those that give rise to no mutant progeny on self- pollination) should contain modified elements, whereas mutant seedlings should not (Fig. 1). Figure lc shows that Mul elements in each of the suppressed families shown (solid circles)were modified as predicted. The only family that did not contain modified elements was derived from a wild-type plant that did not carry the mutant allele (open circle). Analysis of 71 mutant and 22 suppressed plants gave results consistent with the sup- pression model: Mutants had only unmodified elements, whereas 21 of 22 suppressed plants had modified ele- ments (Table 1). The exceptional suppressed plant with unmodified elements was heterozygous but gave no mu- tant progeny on selling (0 of 219). About half of its progeny also had unmodified elements [shown in Fig. 2, lanes d (modified) and e (unmodified)]. However, these plants appeared to be Mu-inactive, as no new fragments hybridizing to Mul were detected that were not already present in the heterozygous parent (lanes a, b, and c in

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a hcf* 106-6 self

B~31 ~ ' i ~ .~ ~ ~B~ 3 '

~ ~n~ ~sel, self

b self~

F2 hcf hcf hcf hcf hcf hcf hcf /+hcf + + + + + B73

Somatically heritable switches in Mu DNA modification


~self B73 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~nt~ 6 6 6 ~ ~ aT3

[ self[ ] (5 6nt~ I~se~ 6 [l]ntlL1 [_L] [~73.~ .~ ~

B~3 I t , f ? i i i . ~ ~ $ i

i i i l i i i 6 i i l

o se; t Fit F21 I [ F- I I

+ + + + + + + + + + + + ÷ +

Figure 1. Pedigree analysis of hcfI06. (a) A portion of the pedigree obtained by self-pollinating and outcrossing the original hcfl06 mutation is shown (see Methods). Each symbol represents a mature plant: Mutant seedlings died 3 weeks after germination and are not shown. Squares represent plants that segregated mutant seedlings upon self-fertilization; circles represent plants that gave no mutant progeny in the F 1. Plants that were predicted to carry the mutant allele by Southern analysis are shown as solid symbols (whether heterozygous or homozygous). Plants carrying modified Mul elements are designated with an asterisk (*). Families labeled nt were tested for neither character. Thus, suppressed plants that carried the mutant allele but did not segregate mutants on self-polli- nation are represented by solid circles. All but one of these had modified elements (Table 1 ). (b) An autoradiograph O f a Southern blot showing segregation of the mutant allele in a family from a. DNA from the heterozygous parent ( +/hcf) and from mutant (hcf) and normal (+) F 2 seedlings derived by self-pollinating each member of the family was digested with SstI and subjected to Southern analysis using an internal Mul fragment as a probe. The arrow indicates the 3.7-kb fragment that marks the mutant allele. All of the heterozygotes (squares), and four of the five wild-type plants that gave no mutant progeny in the F 2 (circles) carried this fragment (solid symbol). (c) An autoradiograph of a Southern blot showing the presenceof modified elements in suppressed plants. DNA was ex- tracted from three F 2 seedlings derived by self-pollinating each of the five wild-types in the family shown in b. These 15 DNA samples were digested with HinfI and subjected to Southern analysis, as in b. Fragments derived from unmodified Mul and Mul. 7 elements migrate at 1.3 and 1.7 kb, respectively (arrows). Modified Mul elements are found on larger fragments.

Fig. 2). The presence of new fragments (i.e., t ransposed Mul elements) and the consequent increase in e l emen t copy n u m b e r are t hough t to be diagnost ic of Mu act iv i ty (Alleman and Freeling 1986; Bennetzen 1987). Thus, the except ional he terozygote appeared to have lost Mu ac-

t iv i ty by a process tha t does no t involve HinfI modifica- t ion (Bennetzen et al. 1988).

To es tabl ish whe the r the M u l e l emen t at the hcf l06 locus was modif ied in suppressed plants, probes from the locus were used in S o u t h e m hybridizat ions . A re-


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Martienssen et al.

Table 1. DNA modification of Mul elements from mutant and suppressed plants

HinfI HinfI modified unmodified

Mutant seedlings 0 71 Nonmutant sibs 30 40 Suppressed plants 21 1

DNA was prepared from individual mutant seedlings and sup- pressed plants and analyzed for Mul modification at the HinfI sites in the terminal inverted repeats, as described in Fig. 1. Suppressed plants carried the mutant hcfl06 allele {as judged by Southern blotting using SstI) but failed to produce mutant progeny on selling {see Fig. 1). DNA was also prepared from heterozygous and wild-type plants from segregating families {nonmutant sibs). Some heterozygotes with modified elements gave rise to a reduced number of mutant seedlings on self-polli- nation, but these mutants had only unmodified elements (see text).

striction map of the DNA surrounding the M u l element at the hcf l06 locus (Martienssen et al. 1989) is shown in Figure 3. The transcribed region (identified by Northern analysis with single-stranded probes) is shown as a wavy line. Only the first 400 bp of the 1.2-kb transcription unit is represented on the cloned genomic DNA frag- ment. The M u l element lies within the 5'-untranslated region close to one of three mRNA initiation sites (A. Barkan and R. Martienssen, in prep.).

a b c d e


8 . 4 m

6 . 4 ~

4 . 8 ~

5 .7- -

2 .3 - -


. . . . . . . ~ L

Figure 2. Absence of DNA modification and Mu transposition in exceptional suppressed plants. DNA from the exceptional suppressed heterozygote (lane a), and two randomly chosen progeny (lanes b and c) digested with SstI and probed with Mul. No new bands and no increase in copy number are observed in the progeny. Lanes d (modified) and e {unmodified) show the same samples as lanes b and c, but digested with HinfI.


A hybridization probe from the transcribed region was used to determine whether Hinfi sites in and around the M u l element at the hcf l06 locus were methylated in suppressed plants. This probe hybridizes to five HinfI fragments in DNA from homozygous mutant plants (Fig. 3, lanes b-e). The smallest of these (a 300-bp fragment labeled hcf in Fig. 3) is bounded by HinfI sites from the gene and Mul, as shown above the restriction map. The other four fragments are derived from the coding region of the gene and from a second hybridizing locus of un- known function. These fragments are also found in the inbred line B73 that does not have a Mul element at the locus (lane h). In contrast, the 300-bp Mul:hc f l06 frag- ment found in mutant seedlings is replaced by a 360-bp HinfI fragment in B73 (labeled + in Fig. 3, lane h). Apart from the M u l element, the restriction map of the wild- type allele from B73 is the same as that of the mutant allele around the insertion site (R. Martienssen, un- publ.).

In DNA from a homozygous suppressed plant (lane f), the 300-bp hcf fragment is replaced by bands of 1.65 and 2.7 kb {hcf arrowheads). These represent fragments in which the HinfI sites within Mul and a flanking site 100 bp upstream are modified and resistant to digestion. DNA from a homozygous progeny seedling from the ex- ceptional suppressed plant that had unmodified Mul ele- ments was also analyzed for HinfI modification at the locus (lane a). The pattern of HinfI fragments was indis- tinguishable from that of the mutant seedlings (lanes b-e), showing that the proximal HinfI site in Mul was unmodified in this plant.

Thus, homozygous suppressed plants that contain modified Mul elements (95% of those observed) also have a modified element at the hcf106 locus. However, this modification is not required for suppression in all cases, as suppressed progeny from an exceptional plant have unmodified HinfI sites, including the one at the lOCUS.

The m u t a n t phenotype can be restored in crosses to Mu-active lines

Inactive Mul elements can be reactivated by crossing to Mu-active plants (Walbot 1986). Reactivation can be as- sayed by destabilization of mutable reporter alleles (Walbot 1986), transposition (Robertson 1978; Ben- netzen et al. 1987), and demodification of M u l elements (Chandler and Walbot 1986; Bennetzen 1987). It was postulated that if the suppressed allele were controlled by the activity of M u l elements in the cell, then the mutant phenotype might be restored to the Mu-active progeny of crosses between Mu-active and suppressed plants.

Seventeen crosses between Mu-active and suppressed plants were analyzed, nine of which gave rise to mutant progeny in the F1 {see Methods). In contrast, none of the suppressed plants gave rise to mutant progeny when they were self-pollinated (Table 2). This experiment confirmed that the suppressed lines carried the mutant allele and not a revertant allele. Furthermore, it sug-

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Somatically heritable switches in Mu DNA modification

Figure 3. DNA modification at the hcfl06 locus. DNA from mutant (lanes b-e, and g), wild-type (lane h), homozygote suppressed (lane f), and exceptional homozygote-suppressed seedlings (lane a) digested with HinfI and probed with a flanking probe from the hcfl06 locus. A restriction map of the locus shows the position of the probe relative to the transcript (wavy line) and the HinfI restriction sites in and around Mul (circles). Sites affected by modification in the suppressed allele are indicated by solid circles. Fragments of 2.7, 1.65, and 0.3 kb, containing modified and unmodified sites are, labeled hcf and shown above the restriction map. The corresponding fragment from the inbred B73 is labeled +. Because of the close proximity of the two downstream HinfI sites (separated by only 50 bp), it is not known whether the proximal site is modified or not. Sizes were determined by comparison with k DNA digested with HindIII [not shown).

gested that recovery of the mutan t phenotype was asso- ciated with the restoration of Mu activity. This was con- firmed by analyzing D N A from individual seedlings for Mul element modification. Figure 4 shows that mu tan t [hcf) seed l ings - -whether they were derived by self-polli- nat ion of active parents or from the FI progeny of reacti- vation crosses- -d id not contain modified M ul ele- ments. In contrast, wild-type (+) seedlings derived by self-pollinating suppressed plants contained modified Mul elements.

Table 2. Reactivation crosses between Mu-active and suppressed plants

Number Total Number of crosses progeny of mutants

Mu-active x suppressed F1 9 273 62 Suppressed parent selfed 9 293 0 Mu-active parent selfed 4 36 8

Of 17 crosses between Mu-active and suppressed parents, 9 gave rise to mutant progeny (Mu-active x suppressed F1). In each case, the suppressed parent of the cross was also self-pollinated to ensure that no mutant progeny segregated on selfing (sup- pressed parent selfed). In four cases, the Mu-active parent was also self-pollinated on a second ear to confirm that mutant progeny were recovered from each parent and segregated at the expected 3:1 ratio (Mu-active parent selfed). The results from each class of cross have been pooled and are tabulated here.

In each of the three representative crosses shown in Figure 4, mutan t seedlings were obtained in the F1 gener- ation when the active parent was used as a female. In cross 1, mu tan t seedlings were also recovered when the active parent was used as a male. However, in cross 2, no mu tan t seedlings were recovered when the active parent was used as a male. D N A isolated from randomly chosen wild-type progeny from this F1 population con- tained modified M ul elements {e.g., cross 2, third lane}, suggesting that react ivat ion had failed to occur in this reciprocal cross.

Progeny from the exceptional suppressed heterozygote with unmodified elements were also crossed to active lines segregating hc f l06 to reactivate Mu. Of six such crosses, three yielded mu tan t progeny {total 27 of 100 screened}. In contrast, none of the suppressed parents yielded mutan t s on selfing. This showed that the excep- tional plants also carried the mu tan t allele, so that the mu tan t phenotype was, indeed, suppressed. The mecha- n ism of suppression in this case did not correlate wi th HinfI modification (see eaflier).

These results show that reactivation of the Mul ele- ments carried by suppressed plants resulted in the resto- ration of mutan t phenotype. On the rare occasions that this reactivation failed to o c c u r - - s u c h as in one of the reciprocal crosses in cross 2 - - n o mu tan t seedlings were observed. Most of the reactivation crosses gave rise to one-quarter m u t a n t progeny in the 1:1 generation, sug-


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Martienssen et al.

Figure 4. Reactivation crosses between active and sup- pressed plants. Three crosses between active plants [squares) and suppressed plants (circles) are shown diagrammatically. F 1 The genotype of each parent, determined by both molecular and genetic criteria, is represented by either solid (homozy- gote) or hatched (heterozygote) symbols. Crosses 1 and 2 were performed reciprocally, pollen from each parent was used to fertilize one ear on the other parent and also to self-fertilize the second ear. The number of mutant progeny obtained in each separate F I is shown as a proportion of the total number of progeny (crosses 1 and 3 are pooled data from two similar crosses]. DNA from several F I seedlings was analyzed for HinfI modification, as described in Fig. lc, and a representa- tive mutant (hcf) or normal ( + ) seedling is shown. Fragments derived from unmodified Mul elements migrate at 1.7 and 1.3 --~ kb (arrows). Complete digestion was confirmed as in Fig. 1.

Cross 1 Cross 2

self~ s e l f s e t f m ~ s

hcf hcf hcf + hcf hcf + +

Cross 3

elf ( ~ ~ s e l f

hcf +

t gesting that both parents were heterozygous. However, in at least two cases, a 1 : 1 ratio in the FI was observed (e.g., cross 3, Fig. 4). In these cases, it was concluded that the suppressed parent was homozygous for the hcfl06 mutan t allele, as subsequently confirmed by Southern analysis (Martienssen et al. 1989). Even so, these plants failed to express the mutan t phenotype and lived to ma- turity. Thus, hcf l06 represents a Mu-suppressible muta- tion. Plants homozygous for the mutan t allele can only express the mutan t phenotype when the Mul elements in the genome are unmodified and in an active phase.

DNA modification of Mul and suppression of the mutan t phenotype are clonally inherited in mosaic plan ts

Occasionally, mu tan t seedlings were observed that had large sectors of wild-type leaf tissue, visible as dark green, low-fluorescent sectors on pale green, high-fluo- rescent mutan t leaves. D N A was extracted from dark green sectors and adjacent pale green tissue from three independent mosaic plants. These sectors were much larger than those that typically result from Mu-induced excision (Lillis and Freeling 1986; Mart ienssen et al. 1989), and Southem analysis showed no sign of the re- vertant allele diagnostic of revertant sectors (data not shown). Each sample was then analyzed for Mul modifi- cation, and an example is shown in Figure 5 (left). Al- though the pale green mutan t sector had only unmodi- fied elements (lane b), the dark green sector had modi- fied elements {lane a). This shows that individual cell lineages can lose Mu activity, whereas adjacent tissue retains active Mu. Rehybridization of the same blot wi th chloroplast D N A sequences showed that these differ- ences were not due to partial enzyme digestion [Fig. 5, right).

An example of a quarter-leaf sector is shown in Figure 6. This sector was observed in the second and successive leaves of a mutan t seedling and passed from the middle of one leaf to the margin of the next, demonstrat ing that the sector was clonal and probably arose from a single meris tematic cell (Coe and Neuffer 1978). In contrast, sectors thought to be associated with transposon exci- sion comprised only a few cells and appeared as dark green flecks in mutant , pale green tissue [barely visible in Fig. 6a). D N A was prepared from the large dark green

a b a b

Figure 5. Somatically inherited modification of Mul ele- ments. DNA was prepared from tissue derived from a dark green stripe (lane a) and adjacent pale green material {lane b) from a single leaf from a mosaic plant. Each sample was di- gested with HinfI and subjected to Southern analysis, as in Fig. lc. When an internal Mul fragment was used as a probe (left), modified Mul elements were detected in lane a but not in lane b. Unmodified Mul elements migrate at 1.7 and 1.3 kb {arrows]. To test for partial enzyme activity, the same nitrocellulose filter was stripped and reprobed with a 900-bp ClaI fragment from the petB gene from maize chloroplast DNA that hy- bridizes to HinfI fragments of 800 and 550 bp in each sample (right). Partial digestion products are barely detectable but are at the same level in a and b.


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Somatically heritable switches in Mu DNA modification

Figure 6. Modification at the hcfl06 locus in somatic sectors. (a) An example of a quarter-leaf sector that arose in the second leaf of a mutant seedling and passed in a clonal fashion from the margin to the midrib of successive leaves. Mutant tissue is pale green, whereas phenotypically wild-type tissue is dark green. (b) DNA from mutant {hcf) and phenotypically wild-type ( + ) tissue from the sectored leaf in a was digested with HinfI and subjected to Southern analysis using the hcfl06 probe described in Fig. 3. The three larger fragments in DNA from wild-type tissue (of 2.7, 1.8, and 1.65 kb) represent modification within and around the Mul element. The 2.7- and 1.65-kb fragments comigrate with those shown in Fig. 3. The 1.8-kb fragment probably represents modification in both Mu terminal repeats without modification outside the element. However, the site downstream from Mul may also be affected (see Fig. 3). The smaller 300-bp fragment described in Fig. 3 was run off this gel.

sector, and from the adjacent mutant tissue and was subjected to Southern analysis using a probe from the hcfl06 locus. Digestion with SstI revealed that both samples were homozygous for the mutant hcf106 allele Idata not shownl. However, digestion with HinfI (Fig. 6b} showed that the dark green stripe (+) had three large HmfI fragments not found in the adjacent mutant tissue {hcfl. These fragments result from heterogenous HinfI modification at one, two, or three sites in and around the Mul element at the locus (for details, see Fig. 3).

Plants containing large wild-type sectors (such as the one in Fig. 6) were often viable, and several mosaic plants homozygous for the mutant allele were raised to maturity. In one case, such a developmental mosaic was self-pollinated to yield both phenotypically normal and mutant progeny. This suggests that clonal lineages con- taining modified and unmodified elements are heritable through meiosis and into the next generation. Similarly, a number of heterozygous parents that contained some modified elements yielded a reduced number of mutant progeny on self-pollination (solid squares with asterisks in Fig. la). These mutant progeny had only unmodified elements, although most of their siblings had modi- fied elements (data not shown). Presumably, the parents were also mosaics, but, being heterozygotes, their pig- mentation was normal.

Clones containing modified Mul elements arise progressively during development

Sectored plants showed an interesting relation between the size of wild-type sectors and the developmental age of the sectored leaf. In the example shown in Figure 7a, the proportion of wild-type tissue increased in each suc- cessive leaf that emerged, until, by the seventh leaf, no phenotypically mutant tissue remained and the plant was wild-type and viable. Southern analysis of DNA from wild-type and mutant tissue again demonstrated that the wild-type sectors contained hypermodified Mul elements relative to the mutant tissue (Fig. 7a, leaf 2,

l a n e s a and b, respectively). Ten centimeters of leaf tissue from the tip of each leaf was also analyzed for Mul modification as was done previously. Figure 7a shows that the first leaf {which had only mutant tissue~ data not shown) had only unmodified elements, whereas the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh leaves had pro- gressively fewer unmodified elements and progressively more modified elements. The observed increase in the proportion of modified elements reflects the increas- ing proportion of phenotypically wild-type tissue in each lea/.

Of 20 mosaic plants, 19 imitated this pattern of striping (the exception did not survive beyond the third


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Martienssen et al.


3 4

Leaf 5 6 7

Leaf Leaf 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 a b

.... , ?

Leaf 12

b - d

~ L e a f 18

Leaf 11

Leaf 3

Leaf 1 Leaf 2

Figure 7. Distribution of clonal sectors in mosaic plants. (a) Leaf sections from the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh leaves of a mosaic plant. Mutant tissue is pale, whereas phenotypically wild-type tissue is dark green. Southern analysis showed that this plant was homozygous for the mutant hcfl06 allele (not shown). The first leaf was almost entirely mutant, whereas the second leaf had a broad dark green stripe. DNA was extracted from the first leaf and from the leaf sections shown (which were harvested at the same time) and was subjected to HinfI digestion and Southern analysis, as in Fig. 1. DNA was also extracted from the dark green stripe (lane a) and the (mostly) mutant remainder (lane b) of the second leaf (leaf 2). Each sample was digested with HinfI and analyzed for Mul element modification and complete digestion, as in Fig. 1. Arrows indicate fragments derived from unmodified elements. (b) A diagram of a maize plant, showing the order of the leaves and the arrangement of the male and female flowers.

leaf), although details varied from plant to plant. The plant shown in Figure 6, for example, acquired more dark green sectors in the upper leaves but was not com- pletely wild-type until leaf 13. Nonetheless, each plant had large sectors in successive leaves, demonstrating that changes in the proportion of cells retaining Mu ac- tivity had occurred in the apical meristem, as discussed below.


hcfl06 is suppressed in Mu-inactive lines

We describe the first example of a suppressible mutation induced by Robertson's Mutator in maize. Suppression of the mutant allele hcfl06 is observed when the Mu- tator transposable elements are inactive, so that plants

containing modified' Mul elements adopt a wild-type phenotype. However, suppression of the mutant pheno- type was shown to be reversible by crosses to Mu-active plants: When the Mul elements from suppressed plants were reactivated in such crosses, the mutant phenotype reappeared in resulting progeny. Suppression of the mu- tant phenotype occurs at a high frequency in the B73 inbred background used. Of 100 heterozygote out- crosses, only 26 gave rise to mutant progeny when selfed, though 50 would be expected to inherit the mu- tant allele. The proportion of mutants in these selfs varied from one-quarter to one-twentieth or less. Simi- larly, only 17 of 41 plants derived by selfing heterozy- gotes [roughly half the expected number) segregated mu- tants when they were self-pollinated. These numbers are consistent with the high proportion of plants found to carry modified Mul elements in these lines (30 of 70 un- selected plants; see Table 11.


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In data presented elsewhere (Martienssen et al. 1989), we showed that accumulation of a 1.2-kb transcript from the hcfl06 locus was blocked in mutant cells by insertion of a Mul element. In contrast, suppressed plants had wild-type levels of this transcript, even when homozygous for the insertion. This showed that gene expression was directly influenced by Mu activity in a reversible fashion. Subsequently, S 1 mapping and primer extension experiments have mapped the Mul element to the 5'-untranslated region of the hcf106 gene, very close to one of three initiation sites (A. Barkan and R. Mar- tienssen, in prep.). In this regard, hcfl06 resembles sup- pressible mutations in yeast caused by insertion of Ty near the initiation site of affected genes. Although the molecular mechanism of suppression by Mu is un- known, unlinked suppressor loci in yeast are thought to encode factors that interact with promoter/enhancer re- gions found within the Ty transposable element, thus enabling adjacent gene expression (e.g., Fassler and Win- ston 1988; Eisenmann et al. 1989). This contrasts with the mechanism of suppression of Spin-induced alleles in maize, which is thought to involve transcriptional readthrough and splicing of defective transposons in- serted into the transcribed region of the affected gene (Kim et al. 1987; Gierl et al. 1988; Fedoroff 1989).

Suppression of the mutant phenotype is accompanied by DNA modification of the Mul elements in affected plants. Furthermore, hybridization with probes from the hcf106 locus, itself, showed that the Mul element at the locus is also methylated in homozygous plants from suppressed lines. This raises the possibility that in- creased modification at the hcfl06 locus, itself, may be responsible for changes in gene expression. However, an exceptional heterozygous plant was observed that had unmodified Mul elements but whose homozygous progeny failed to express the mutant phenotype. At least some of these progeny also had unmodified elements, including the one at the hcf106 locus. Nonetheless, the Mul elements in these progeny appeared to be inactive and could be reactivated by crossing to Mu-active plants, a procedure that restored the mutant phenotype to ho- mozyg0us backcross progeny. Thus, DNA modification at the Hinfl sites in Mul is not always required for loss of Mu activity (as observed by Bennetzen et al. 1988) and suppression of the mutant phenotype. This may reflect the existence of another inactivation mechanism inde- pendent of DNA modification (such as segregation of a trans-acting autonomous element). Alternatively, modi- fication may be an outcome of inactivation, rather than a cause, and may take longer to become established in some inactive lines than in others. Finally, methylation of cytosines in and around Mul that are not part of re- striction sites may also be important, but this can only be determined by genomic sequencing.

Mu DNA modification occurs in somatic sectors

Plants carrying the mutant hcfl06 allele respond to changes in Mu activity that occur from generation to generation. They also respond to changes that occur

Somatically heritable switches in Mu DNA modification

within a plant. As observed by others (Robertson 1983; Walbot 1986), no simple genetic model can account for the observed loss of Mu activity in most pedigrees. In- stead, the data presented here support an epigenetic model for the loss of Mu activity and the modification of Mul elements. According to this model, Mu activity can be lost from individual cells, or clonally related groups of cells, giving rise to somatic sectors during plant devel- opment. Direct analysis of DNA from sectored leaves, using the hcf106 phenotype as a marker, has shown that Mu-inactive sectors contain modified elements, whereas Mu-active tissue has unmodified elements. As indi- vidual sectors can occupy as much as one-quarter of the leaf width, switches to a Mu-inactive phase can occur just a few cell divisions from the zygote and remain stably inherited during leaf development (Coe and Neuffer 1978). HinfI modification at the hcfI06 locus was also observed in DNA from a Mu-inactive sector but not in the adjacent mutant tissue. Hybridizing frag- ments were observed in this sector with one, two, or three modified sites: two sites from within the Mul ele- ment, and one from the upstream flanking DNA. This heterogeneity may reflect progressive modification fol- lowing an initial {clonally inherited) inactivation event.

The presence of somatic sectors that contain modified elements is an important consideration when isolating DNA from plants not marked by mutations like hcf106. First, "partially modified elements," such as those ob- served in leaf DNA isolated from plants that carry cy- cling Ac (Chomet et al. 1987) or Spm elements (Banks et al. 1988), may suggest the existence of such sectors. In the case of Mul, residual unmodified elements are fre- quently observed in DNA samples from plants in which most of the elements are modified (e.g., Fig. lc). This may represent the existence of Mu-active cells in mo- saics (as in Fig. 7). However, other factors may also be involved, such as unmodifiable elements located in CpG islands (Antequera and Bird 1988). Second, mosaic plants can give rise to both modified and unmodified progeny (as illustrated by the partially modified heterozygotes shown in the pedigree in Fig. 1 ), which may confuse sub- sequent genetic analysis.

Mu-activity is progressively lost during maize development

The distribution of wild-type sectors in mosaic plants revealed a striking correlation with the developmental position of affected leaves. Lower (earlier) leaves were mostly mutant, whereas upper (later) le/lves were mostly wild-type. The point at which wild-type cells occupied the entire circumference of the plant varied from leaf 3 to leaf 13 in different families, but all leaves above this point only had wild-type cells. In contrast to this so- matic behavior, reactivation of Mu elements by crossing between active and inactive plants appeared to occur im- mediately at the time of fertilization, as fully mutant F1 progeny were observed.

In principle, this pattern could be the result of selec- tion for phenotypically wild-type cells over mutant


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M a t t i e n s s e n e t al.

(nonphotosynthetic) cells in the apical meristem. We re- gard this as unlikely for the following reasons. First, such selection would have to occur in the early embryo (see below) when all cells are photosynthetically inac- tive. Other nonphotosynthetic sectors in maize (such as those induced using ring chromosomes) are not selected against at this stage (Poethig et al. 1986). Second, mutant hcf106 plants are frequently observed with small sectors of wild-type leaf tissue that do not progressively increase in size in successive leaves. These are thought to be re- vertant sectors that, as in other Mu alleles, occur rela- tively late in development (Robertson 1978; Lillis and Freeling 1986). Small revertant sectors cannot be distin- guished phenotypically from those caused by suppres- sion, but rare large revertant sectors can be distin- guished by Southern blotting (Martienssen et al. 1989). A one-eighth leaf revertant sector was found on the first leaf of a mutant plant and identified in this way. This sector grew smaller on the second leaf and was not ob- served on the third (not shown). Therefore, revertant cells were not selected over mutant ones in this plant. Finally, a progressive increase in Mu DNA modification has been observed in plants that do not carry hcf106 or any other suppressible mutation (Bennetzen et al. 1988). In this case, although the clonal nature of the switching events could not be observed, the increase in modifica- tion could not easily be explained by selection. Thus, although selection for Mu-inactive cells cannot be ruled out, we favor a model in which the position of a given cell in the meristem determines the likelihood of it adopting an inactive phase.

The lower leaves of a maize plant develop from leaf primordia that arise from the lower part of the shoot meristem, whereas upper leaves develop later from cells nearer the tip (Coe and Neuffer 1978; McDaniel and Poethig 1988). The first six leaves are formed in the de- veloping embryo, and the remainder emerge postem- bryonically following germination. During embryo de- velopment, cells at the lower periphery of the meristem are thought to adopt more restricted fates than cells higher up, both in terms of the number of leaves that they contribute to and the position of these leaves on the plant (Poethig et al. 1986). However, such fates can only be predicted in a general way at any given point in devel- opment (McDaniel and Poethig 1988). Cells at the tip of the meristem in the late proembryo, for example, will give rise to large sectors in the upper leaves (above leaf 4) but only small sectors (if any) in the lower leaves of the mature plant (Poethig et al. 1986).

Thus, large wild-type sectors observed in hcfl06 plants are derived from dividing cells near the tip of the shoot meristem that "turn off" progressively during de- velopment. Such sectors arise in each successive leaf, until in the upper leaves, most cells contain inactive Mu elements. This observation may be interpreted in two ways. First, the longer a given cell lineage spends in the meristematic condition, the more likely it is to adopt an inactive phase. This is because cells near the tip differ- entiate into leaf primordia later than those at the pe- riphery and, consequently, spend longer in the undiffer-


entiated state. Alternatively, cells near the tip of the meristem may switch off preferentially following anti- clinal divisions that give rise to peripheral cells during meristem formation (Poethig et al. 1986; McDaniel and Poethig 1988). Switching events may not be restricted to apical cells, however, as smaller sectors are also ob- served in mutant leaves, and it is not known whether these represent revertant or suppressed clones of cells.

Somatic sectoring may provide an explanation for the reciprocal effect observed in crosses between active and inactive plants . That is, some active plants (but not all) are more likely to lose Mu activity through the male than through the female (Walbot 1986; Bennetzen 1987). As illustrated in Figure 7b, the female flower develops from a lower axillary bud, whereas the (male) tassel de- velops from the apex of the plant. Because of the rela- tionship between developmental position and size of in- active sector, the male flower may contain larger inac- tive sectors than the female flower, resulting in a higher proportion of gametes carrying inactive Mu. According to this model, crosses involving unsectored plants would show no reciprocal effect. Other models that invoke cy- toplasmic factors have also been proposed (Walbot 1986), but maternal effects would be expected in every cross, if this were the case, and are not always observed (Ben- netzen 1987; V. Sundaresan and M. Freeling, unpubl.).

DNA modification of maize transposons is reminiscent of other epigenetic phenomena in plants and animals

The hell06 allele is genetically similar to a number of Spin-suppressible mutations of kernel color genes in maize that respond to Spin activity, rather than Mu ac- tivity (Fedoroff 1983). Inactive Spin elements are also hypermodified (Banks et al. 1988), as are inactive Ac ele- ments (Chomet et al. 1987). Somatic sectors that appar- ently contain inactive Spm or Ac elements can arise during plant and endosperm development (McClintock 1965). Furthermore, some cycling Spin elements adopt an inactive phase more frequently in progeny derived from upper ears and tassels than those from lower ears and tillers (Fedoroff and Banks 1988). However, unlike Mu elements, changes in modification and genetic ac- tivity of Spm and Ac elements can be mapped to the au- tonomous element (McClintock 1965; Banks et al. 1988). It remains to be seen whether DNA modification of Mu transposons is responsible for the loss of their ac- tivity, is a consequence of this loss, or simply maintains inactivated elements in the inactive state.

The suppression of hcfl06 is reminiscent of the be- havior of paramutant alleles of the R (kernel color) and B (booster) loci in maize (Coe 1966; Brink et al. 1968), and the nivea locus in Antirrhinum (Harrison and Carpenter 1973). Paramutation is the heritable alteration of the ex- pression of one (paramutable) allele promoted by the presence of another (paramutagenic} allele in the hetero- zygote. After the paramutagenic allele segregates away, the paramutant phenotype progressively reverts, often in somatic sectors, during subsequent generations. A recip- rocal effect in the mode of transmission of the paramu-

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Somatically heritable switches in Mu DNA modification

tant phenotype has also been noted, at least in the case of B in maize (Coe 1966) and nivea in A n t h i r r h i n u m (Harrison and Carpenter 1973). In Ant i r rh inum, paramu- tation has been shown to be associated with transpos- able elements (Upadhyaya et al. 1985; Hudson et al. 1987), whereas in maize, the involvement of transposons and D N A modification have been suggested (McClin- tock 1965; Coe 1966; Brink et al. 1968).

The similari ty between these epigenetic phenomena suggests that a common developmental mechan ism may be involved in the regulation and modification of plant transposable elements. It has been proposed that this mechanism participates in a variety of developmental processes in plants (Fedoroff and Banks 1988; Fedoroff 1989), but the relationship between somatically heri- table D N A modification and plant development has yet to be established. Certainly, the ability of plant tran- sposons to subvert gene expression in response to ge- netic and epigenetic signals during development repre- sents a powerful mode of muta t ional and evolutionary change (McClintock 1965; Coen et al. 1986).

It is interesting to compare the behavior of animal and plant cells wi th regard to D N A modification. Somatic changes in the pattern of D N A modification, such as X chromosome inactivation (Lock et al. 1987), can be clon- ally inherited in animals (for review, see Holliday 1987). However, pattern changes are not passed to the next gen- eration unless they occur in the germ line (Silva and White 1988), as exemplified by the phenomenon of chro- mosomal imprinting (Surani et al. 1988). It has been pro- posed that the loss of cytosine modification in succes- sive somatic cell divisions leads to a deleterious accu- mulat ion of epigenetic defects related to aging (Holliday 1987; Wareham et al. 1987; McGowan et al. 1989).

In this sense, hc f l 06 represents such a defect. Activa- tion of Mu and the associated loss of D N A modification abolish expression of the h c f l 0 6 gene and result in a lethal nonphotosynthet ic phenotype. However, in plants undergoing a change of phase, this defect is progressively corrected in specific cell lineages during plant develop- ment. Thus, the number of cells containing modified Mu elements increases as the mer i s tem ages. This may reflect the evolution of a mechan ism to prevent epigen- etic defects from reaching the germ line: Unlike animal germ cells, plant meiocytes arise from somatic lineages. Correction of epigenetic defects in somatic cells would thus prevent transmission of such defects to the next generation.

M e t h o d s

Plant material

hell06 was identified originally as a sector on an ear derived by outcrossing Kobertson's Mutator to the inbred line B73 (Pioneer Hi-bred International). Two kernels from this sector gave rise to heterozygous plants (hcfl06-6 and hcfl06-13) that segregated mutant progeny on self-pollination. Normal siblings from these families were intercrossed to confirm allelism and self-pollin- ated and outcrossed to B73, giving rise to the pedigree shown in Figure 1. Each plant in the pedigree was self-pollinated, and

50-200 kernels from each ear were planted to screen for mu- tant progeny.

In reactivation crosses, the Mu-active parents were the normal siblings from self-pollinated families segregating mu- tants in a 3 : 1 ratio. Two-thirds of these were expected to carry the mutant allele (the one in four mutant seedlings died). Sup- pressed parents were the progeny of heterozygous plants that carried the mutant allele (as judged by Southern analysis; see Fig. 1) but gave rise to no mutants on self-pollination. Three- quarters of these parents were expected to carry the mutant al- lele. Thus, one-half of the crosses (2/3 x 3/4) between Mu-ac- tire and suppressed parents would yield at least some progeny that were homozygous for the mutant allele.

DNA isolation and analysis

DNA was isolated from individual seedlings or from mature leaves by a miniprep procedure described elsewhere (Mar- tienssen et al. 1989), digested with 5-10 U/~g of SstI or HinfI according to the recommendations of the manufacturer, frac- tionated on agarose gels, and transferred to nitrocellulose mem- branes by the procedure of Southern. For Southern analysis of Mu elements, membranes were prehybridized and then hybrid- ized to the 1.3-kb internal HinfI fragment from Mul (pMJ9; Bennetzen et al. 1984), which was gel-purified and radiolabeled by random priming, as described previously (Martienssen et al. 1989). Hybridization to Mu elements only related to Mul by their terminal repeats was avoided by washing at high strin- gency (0.1 x SSC, 0.1% SDS at 65°C ). Complete digestion was assayed by stripping the probe from the HinfI blots at 95°C in 10 mM Tris-HC1 (pH 8), 1 mM EDTA, for 2 hr and reprobing with a maize chloroplast DNA probe (see Fig. 5). Probes from the hell06 locus were hybridized under the same conditions but were washed at 0.2 x SSC, 0.1%S DS, 65°C.

A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s

We thank Judy Yamaguchi for technical assistance and Kelly Dawe, Tony Pryor, Kevin Moses, Paul Chomet, and Ian Sussex for critical reading and helpful discussions. This work was sup- ported by fellowships from EMBO (to R.M.) and the National Institutes of Health {to A.B.), and by grants from the National Science Foundation (to M.F.) and the U.S. Department of Agri- culture Com3etitive Grants Program (to W.T.).

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