Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Solo Gratia, Sola Christo! · 11/10/2017 · Sola gratia ("by grace...

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Transcript of Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Solo Gratia, Sola Christo! · 11/10/2017 · Sola gratia ("by grace...

Christ Lutheran Church P.O. Box 167 ▪ 1201 S. Elm Street

Jefferson, IA 50129

515-386-3100 November 2017

Ascension Lutheran Church P.O. Box 183 ▪ 406 S. 5th Avenue

Coon Rapids, IA 50058


In this 500th anniversary year of the Reformation, we

are seeing more images of what is often called the

Luther Rose, or Luther Seal. The Luther Seal was

designed for Martin Luther at the behest of John

Frederick of Saxony in 1530, while Luther was staying

at the Coburg Fortress during the Diet of

Augsburg. Luther informed Philipp

Melanchthon on September 15, 1530, that

the Prince had personally visited him in the

Coburg fortress and presented him with a

signet ring, presumably displaying the seal.

Last month’s newsletter featured a seal

similar to that shown here, but it contained

English wording and only three themes:

Faith Alone, Word Alone and Grace Alone. Courtesy of

Wikipedia, this month’s newsletter features a a four-

themed Latin version of the Luther rose which adds the

theme of Christ Alone.

Sola scriptura ("by Scripture alone") Sola Scriptura, or "scripture alone" (literally "by

scripture alone"), is upheld by Lutheran and Reformed

theologies and asserts that scripture must govern over

church traditions and interpretations which are

themselves held to be subject to scripture. All church

traditions, creeds, and teachings must be in unity with

the teachings of scripture as the divinely inspired Word

of God. Sola Scriptura asserts that the Bible can and is

to be interpreted through itself, with one area of

Scripture being useful for interpreting others. This

principle is largely based on 2 Timothy 3:16, which

says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and

is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for

instruction in righteousness." That scripture can

interpret itself is a means by which to show the unity of

Scripture as a whole. As all doctrines are formed via

scriptural understandings, all doctrines must be found to

align with Scripture and as such are then subject to

scripture before the believer can begin to apply them.

Sola fide ("by faith alone") Sola fide, or "faith alone", asserts that good works are

not a means or requisite for salvation. Sola fide is the

teaching that justification (interpreted in the Lutheran

and Reformed theologies as "being declared

just by God") is received by faith alone,

without any need for good works on the part

of the individual. In classical Lutheran and

Reformed theologies, good works are seen

to be evidence of saving faith, but the good

works themselves do not determine


Sola gratia ("by grace alone") Sola gratia, or "only grace", specifically

excludes the merit done by a person as part of achieving

salvation. Sola gratia is the teaching that salvation

comes by divine grace or "unmerited favor" only, not as

something merited by the sinner. This means that

salvation is an unearned gift from God for Jesus' sake.

Solus Christus or Solo Christo ("Christ alone"

or "through Christ alone") Solus Christus, or "only Christ", excludes the priestly

class as necessary for sacraments. Solus Christus is the

teaching that Christ is the only mediator between God

and man, and that there is salvation through no other

(hence, the phrase, solo Christo, meaning that salvation

is "by Christ alone"). While rejecting all other mediators

between God and man, classical Lutheranism continues

to honor the memory of the Virgin Mary and other

exemplary saints. Martin Luther taught the "general

priesthood of the baptized", which was modified in later

Lutheranism and classical Protestant theology into "the

priesthood of all believers" denying the exclusive use of

the title "priest" (Latin sacerdos) to the clergy.

Peace and blessings be with you,

Pr. Terry

Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Solo Gratia, Sola Christo!

Community of Faith Page 2


Birthdays & Anniversaries


8-Emily Moore

15-Fred Ayers

16-Dianne Jensen

17-Ed Gose

18-Bill Hanks

28-Cathy Krieger

29-John Schoening


23-Sue & Harry Shackelford

27-Mark & Mary Bower

Men in Mission Men in Mission is an organization of ELCA men who

gather to do mission with one another and to minister to

each other.

CLC’s men are involved with the Church of Damascus

Road at correctional facilities at Ft. Dodge and Rockwell

City. Anyone interested in learning more or attending

worship with the Church of Damascus Road this fall may

contact Dave Bohnet for information.

Pr. Terry Ann Mogensen


Phone or text 712-830-3297

Mondays - Off

Tuesdays - Jefferson

Wednesdays - Jefferson

Thursdays - Coon Rapids

Fridays - Coon Rapids

Saturdays - Off

2018 Youth Gathering Registration is OPEN!

ELCA Youth Gathering June 27-July 1, 2018 High School youth are heading to Houston next summer. Registration is now

open!! It's an awesome and formative opportunity for the faith of our youth!!

Check out the ELCA website for all the details:

We hold up in prayer For healing: Verna and Wayne Remme (Luann B's

parents), Tammy Reynosa, Deloris Brede

(Del’s mother), Shirley Hoyt, Melba Smith,

Erwin Post (Mary B’s father), Paula Murphy,

Jeanene Baker, Fereleen Acton (friend of

Jeanene), Brandi Stormer, Marlin (Virgil’s

brother-in-law), Mary Dayton, Cindy Moore,

Emma Dahl, Joyce Hansen (Twyla’s mother)

and Avril Shahan

In long-term care: Rebecca Franzeen

Can’t get to worship every Sunday but still want to

stay in-the-know about church events & concerns?

Ascension and Christ Lutheran announcements are

posted each week to their church websites.

Newsletters, calendars and other important stuff can

also be found on-line.

Check it out!

Community of Faith Page 3

Of special interest to Christ Lutheran members

TLC in November Calling all kids in grades 1-5 / 6-8.

We will have a TLC thankfulness

event on Wednesday, November

15, 2-3:30 pm at the church.

Friends are welcome, but we will

need a permission form available

on our website.

Kids meet monthly during the

school year for a time of snack,

Bible study, crafts, and games. If

you have questions, call Jan at


Christian Ed Opportunities at CLC Brief children’s Sunday School in the fellowship hall following worship

Ecumenical Bible Study every Wednesday 8-9 am at Greene Bean

Coffee in Jefferson

Bible study every Sunday 8-8:45 am before worship, informal & lay-led

Table Grace meal & fellowship at Uptown Café in Jefferson, at noon on

the first Tuesday each month

ARC Food Pantry collection in


Hot Cocoa Mix

Webb House volunteers November Friday nights

November is CLC’s month to

volunteer on Friday nights at Webb

House sponsored by UMC in

Jefferson. Teen activities are

planned from 7-9 pm.

CLC provides volunteers on

November 3, 10 and 17 this year.

Marcy Barlage has helped out with

this local ministry for the last few

years, and she can tell you how easy

and fun it is.

Sign-up sheet is on the table near

the bulletin board. See Pr. Terry if

you have any questions about the

when and how.

Sunday Volunteer Schedule In order to better address volunteer needs for Sunday

worship, the council has created a new format for Host

Team participation. Members have been asked to form

their own teams and schedule times for the first six

months of 2018. Please see the letter mailed to your

home for details and deadlines for responding.

Lesson reading is not included in Host Team

responsibilities, but is scheduled separately.

New responsibilities of Host Teams include:

Welcome & assist worshipers beginning at 8:45 am.

Light candles before or during Gathering hymn.

Take up the collection and usher for Communion.

Assist with serving Communion.

Serve coffee. Treats are optional.

Clean up Communion ware, wash coffee cups,

empty and clean the coffee pot.

Christ Lutheran’s annual Thankoffering Sunday will be November 12 during worship. CLC women

will be hosts and will present mission offerings during

the service.

A sign-up sheet will be available in the narthex, and

offering envelopes will be in your folders. Help our

hearts go where our hands and feet cannot - support

work of the mission of the greater church.

The “Gather” magazine study theme for this fall is

“The Apostle’s Creed”. Women from both

congregations are welcome to meet at Christ Lutheran

on Wednesday, November 15, 7 pm for fellowship

and study of the Third Article. Extra copies of

“Gather” magazines will be available.

Book Club discussions ongoing in November

CLC’s Envisioning Christ book

discussions will be on Mondays in

November at 6 pm at the church.

We are always looking for a good

book, so if you have some

suggestions let Roger know so the

books can be ordered.

Book club typically meets on

Mondays for one hour or at a time

convenient for participants. Join in

for one book or for the whole year.

All are invited for a relaxing hour of

fellowship and conversation.

Community of Faith Page 4

Especially for Ascension Lutheran members


Greeters ....... Jack & Lorraine Tuel Reader ....................... Mary Bower CommunionLarry & Dianne Jensen Ushers .... Jack Tuel/Larry Miesner

Drop-off day for all gently-used prom dresses, shoes, jewelry & accessories

Saturday, November 18 9 am-noon at Ascension

All donated items are available free-of-charge to any young ladies who

wish to shop at The Prom Closet.

If you’re unable to drop off your donations on November 18, Bring your items to the church prior to worship on any Sunday

morning. Or….

Drop off your donations at Iowa Savings Bank in Coon Rapids during regular business hours.

Shopping dates: January 6, 13 & 20 • 9 am-2 pm

Sunday, November 19

11 am-1 pm at Ascension

All-you-can-eat baked potato bar with all the toppings.

Plus ice cream & toppings.

Maybe a little sparkle & music too!

Free-will donations accepted. Calling all chocolate lovers!

Join with other chocolate fanatics

after worship on Sunday, November

12, for a candy-making extravaganza.

Light lunch provided.

Bernice Pevestorf

services October 10

Bernice Pevestorf, a long-time

member of Ascension, died at

Thomas Rest Haven on Saturday,

October 7. Funeral services were

held October 10 at Ascension.

Among Bernice’s many contributions

were cleaning the church and playing

the organ. Bernice was 86 years old

at the time of her death.

Council meets

November 9

Ascension Council routinely

meets every other month, or as

needed. The next regular

meeting will be Thursday,

November 9, 5:30 pm at the


Current council members are

Dona Tuel, Harry Shackleford,

Brandi Stormer, Donna

Pevestorf, Laura DePenning,

Twyla Brede and Larry


Thank you to all the “volunteers”

who kept Ascension’s lawn &

grounds looking especially well-

kept this summer.

The place looks great!

Community of Faith Page 5

Minutes from Christ Lutheran Council ~

October 11, 2017

Present: Jacob Bohnet, Dave Bohnet, Cindi Daubendiek, Ruth Freeman, John Schoening, Pr. Terry Mogensen and Jan Rosdail. Pres. Jacob Bohnet presided. Jan shared opening devotions.

Secretary’s report: The minutes for the Sept. council meeting were approved as emailed.

Treasurer’s report: Income for Sept. totaled $2,590.33. Expenses totaled $3,108.14 for a difference of -$517.18 for the month. Utilities showed an increased adjustment on the budget billing. See detailed report on bulletin board.

Pastoral report: In addition to planning and attending four regular worship services and monthly council meetings and usual monthly activities, there were 5 Salvation Army assistance calls. Attendance at Wartburg Seminary Sept. 4-8 and 6 classes on Lutheran Confessions were also recorded. Sept. report mileage expense for CoF was $190.35.

Committee reports: Property: Furnace will be prepared for winter, mowing continues due to recent rains. Tim Pound will do snow removal. East end window frame needs repair.

Worship/Altar: “With One Voice” hymnals are once again available for use from a donation of used books by pastor. A new liturgy will begin starting in Advent.

Education: Homecoming BBQ fundraiser had low attendance, but generous donations made up for the shortfall. A Reformation Fair “The Burning of the Papal Bull” will be held Sunday evening, Nov. 5, at 5 pm. The church will provide meat and family-friendly activities; members are invited to bring potluck salads and sides. Jan will take care of the event plans and Cindi offered to help with the meat. RSVPs are necessary by Friday, Nov. 3.

Evangelism: Guests/neighbors will be invited to the Nov. 5 Reformation Fair. Publicity for the Luther movie shown at the high school on Oct. 25 at 6:30 will be handled by Pr. Terry. Reservations are encouraged.

Other business: Host family changes were outlined. Ruth F. presented some thoughts on how to proceed, and it was decided to remove the duty of reader from the host family responsibilities beginning immediately. The new system will give members the option of selecting their team make-up and dates before assigning groups to the open times. The list will be developed for 6 months at a time. Altar guild will be asked to help educate hosts about the communion ware. Ruth will help draw up the schedule, and Pr. Terry will be contacting members about their service opportunities.

With no other business, the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Jan Rosdail, recording secretary

Next meeting will be Wednesday, November 8, 7 pm.

Ascension Lutheran Council

Ascension Council meets every other month, or as needed. Next meeting is Thursday, November 9, 5:30 pm.

From our Lutheran Camps


Recharges are weekends Nov. 10-12 for grades 6-9;

Nov. 17-19 for grades 9-12. This year’s theme is

“Unshakable” based on Psalms 62:2.

Adult Crafting Retreat Nov. 17-19. Want to get some

projects completed for Christmas away from curious eyes?

Come to camp!

To register for any event call 1-800-OKOBOJI or go on-line at


Riverside Recharges for Jr. High will be Nov. 10-12. High

school recharges are Nov. 17-19.

Check out the website for registration

and other information.


Ascension Lutheran / Christ Lutheran 406 S. 5th Avenue

Coon Rapids, IA 50058

2017 marks a major milestone in the history of the world.

October 31 is the 500th anniversary of the date Martin Luther posted his 95 theses

on a church door in Wittenberg, Germany. Today, we observe this act

as the start of the Protestant Reformation.

In observance of this world-altering event, Christ Lutheran will host a

REFORMATION FAIR Fun & food for all! Sunday, November 5 • 5-7 pm.

Join in this family-friendly celebration where we will “Burn the Papal Bull” and enjoy fellowship.

All friends and neighbors are invited to participate.

RSVPs are requested to Pr. Terry or Jan Rosdail by

Friday, November 3. Or RSVP on the sign-up sheets at both churches.