Soille San Diego Hebrew Day · Soille San...

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Transcript of Soille San Diego Hebrew Day · Soille San...

In This Issue:

Calendar 2

Parshat Beshallach 3

The Soille Scene 4

Preschool News 7

Soille Community

News 8

Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Paula Tannen Preschool

January 22, 2016 Parsha Beshallach 12 Shevat 5776 Light Candles 4:53 pm

3630 Afton Road · San Diego, CA 92123 · 858-279-3300

Parents / Students In-Step

On Wednesday night a vision of parent-child communication and

connection echoed throughout the school. Step - Up evening for families K

- 4 brought out the excitement for learning and sharing of learning which

is so important at Hebrew Day School. Projects were set up - many

created by the students - so that students could move ahead to next year's

grade and get a peak ahead at the classroom, teacher, and caliber of

knowledge to be expected. 'Wait till next year' changed to 'Can't Wait

Until Next Year.'


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu January 22, 2016 - 12 Shevat 5776

Calendar of Events

Headmaster: Rabbi Simcha Weiser

Principal: Rabbi Meir Cohen

Director of School Administration:

Estelle Workman

Director of Admissions:

Beth Licha

Dean of Students:

Giovanna Reinking

Preschool Director: Rachel Eden

Business Manager: Klara Lapp

Director of Development:

Joyce Arovas


Geoffrey Berg

Members at Large:

Eilene Cummins

Moises Eilemberg Iliana Glovinsky

Allen Gruber Gavin Horn

Yonina Kaplan Michael Leeman

Philip Silverman Marilyn Williams

Marcia Wollner Missy Wrotslavsky

Brian Zimmerman

Our Administrative Team: Board of Directors:

January February

January 25, 2016 Tu B'Shvat ACE Community Service Day for Middle School

9:30 - 11:10 am Science Fair Celebration 7 pm January 26, 2016 Movin' into Middle School for 5th grade families 7pm January 28, 2016 2nd Grade Chumash Presentation 1pm February 3, 2016 1 pm dismissal - Faculty Professional Development

February 9, 2016 1st Grade Siddur Presentation 1 pm February 15, 2016 President's Day No School


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Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu January 22, 2016 - 12 Shevat 5776

Parshat Beshallach OVERVIEW: Beshallach (Exodus 13:17 – 17)

Pharaoh finally sends B'nei Yisrael out of Egypt. With pillars of cloud and fire, G-d leads them toward Eretz Yisrael on a circuitous route, avoiding the Pelishtim (Philistines). Pharaoh regrets the loss of so many slaves and chases the Jews with his army. The Jews are very afraid as the Egyptians draw close, but G-d protects them. Moshe raises his staff and G-d splits the sea, enabling the Jews to cross safely. Pharaoh, his heart hardened by G-d, commands his army to pursue, where upon the waters crash down upon the Egyptian army. Moshe and Miriam lead the men and women, respectively, in a song of thanks. After three days travel only to find bitter waters at Marah, the people complain. Moshe miraculously produces potable water. In Marah they receive certain mitzvot. The people complain that they ate better food in Egypt. G-d sends quail for meat and provides manna, a miraculous bread that falls from the sky every day except Shabbat. On Friday a double portion descends to supply the Shabbat needs. No one is able to obtain more than his daily portion, but manna collected on Friday suffices for two days so the Jews can rest on Shabbat. Some manna is set aside as a memorial for future generations. When the Jews again complain about a lack of water, Moshe miraculously produces water from a rock. Then Amalek attacks. Joshua leads the Jews in battle while Moshe prays for their welfare.

(C) 2016 Ohr Somayach International

DRASHA: There is a great difference in feeling the impact and import of a momentous historic event between the generation that actually experienced it, was witness to and participated in it, and later generations who know of the event through tradition and history. The facts regarding events can be transmitted from one generation to the next, even for thousands of years, but the emotional quality, the pervading actual mood and atmosphere present at the time never survives the passage of time and distance from the event itself. Perhaps nowhere is this truth more strikingly evident than in the drama of the salvation of the Jewish people at the shores of the Sea, the Yam Suf. At the moment of Divine deliverance through splitting the Sea Moshe and Miriam and the people of Israel burst into exalted song, registering their relief and triumph over the destruction of their hated oppressors. This song of triumph is so powerful that it forms part of the daily prayer service of Israel for millennia. But, though the words have survived and been sanctified by all generations of Jews from Moshe till the present, the original fervor, intensity and aura of that moment is no longer present with us. The Pesach Hagadah bids us to relive the Exodus from Egypt as though we actually were present then and experienced it. But it is beyond the ability of later generations do so fully and completely. We can recall and relive the event intellectually and positively in an historic vein but the emotional grandeur of the moment has evaporated over time. We are witness as to how the events of only a century ago – the two great World Wars, the Holocaust, the birth of the State

of Israel, etc. – have begun to fade away from the knowledge, memory and recall of millions of Jews today, a scant few generations after these cataclysmic events took place. In this case, it is not only the emotion that has been lost but even the actual facts and their significance – social, religious and national – are in danger of disappearing from the conscious thoughts and behavior of many Jews. In light of this, it is truly phenomenal that the deliverance of Israel at Yam Suf is so distinctly marked and remembered, treasured and revered in the Jewish memory bank. The reason for this exceptional survival of historic memory is that it was made part of Jewish religious ritual, incorporated in the Torah itself, and commemorated on a special Shabbat named for the event. It thus did not have to rely on historic truth and memory alone to preserve it for posterity. Religious ritual remains the surest way of preserving historical memory, far stronger than May Day parades and twenty-one gun salutes and salvos. Ritual alone may be unable to capture the emotion and atmosphere of the actual event but it is able to communicate the essential facts and import of the event to those who never witnessed or experienced it. The song of Moshe, Miriam and Israel still reverberates in the synagogues of the Jewish people and more importantly in their minds and hearts as well. Shabat shalom. Rabbi Berel Wein © 2016


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu January 22, 2016 - 12 Shevat 5776

The Soille Scene

Fourth graders in Ms Rivard's science class dissected sheep eyes this week. Every student was excited to

participate and learn about the eye.

Girls Soccer Beats Chabad Academy 3-0!

We are so proud of our Girls Soccer team, pictured above, for their victory over Chabad this week. The Huskies have

been working hard this season and their hard work showed at the Chabad game! Great job girls and coaches Miss

Lane and Miss Cox!


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu January 22, 2016 - 12 Shevat 5776

The Soille Scene

It’s back! The Science Fair is back at Soille with a whole new group of 8th grade students working hard to prove their

hypotheses and show off their hard work from the school year so far! Stop by an check out their projects in the lobby.

You can’t miss the tallest project in Soille’s Science Fair History at over 6 feet tall!


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu January 22, 2016 - 12 Shevat 5776

The Soille Scene

Bring in your Boxtops!

Save your Boxtops and bring them

to school. For every 10 Boxtops

your child submits, they will receive a prize from

the front desk. For every Boxtop Hebrew Day

submits, we receive 10 cents. It’s a win-win for

everyone! Act NOW!

Headmaster’s Society Gathering Last Sunday evening, forty guests gathered together for a Hebrew Day

Headmaster’s Society event at the home of Brian Keating and Sarah Price-

Keating. Guests enjoyed wine and cheese, delicious desserts, and a talk by

Rabbi Simcha Weiser on the topic, “Distinction that Leads to

Relationships.” Hebrew Day parents Rick and Yvonne Venger spoke about

their recent trip to Israel and how a Hebrew Day education enhanced the

trip for their children. Also in attendance was Mr. Reuben Klamer,

developer of the “Game of Life”, and founder of Hebrew Day’s Reuben

Klamer ‘Game of Life’ Youth Leadership Program, who signed a copy of the

“Game of Life Junior” board game which was presented to the Keating


Hebrew Day North County Parenting

Class Kick-off Great Success

“Reducing Negativity: How to Raise Kids with Confi-

dence and Resilience” was the subject of the first Par-

enting Program in a series being held at the Encinitas

Community Center. Speaker Simi Yellin, educator and

expert in parenting, gave attendees some tools to put

into practice when they are raising their children. She

spoke at length about how a strong foundation be-

tween parents and children needs to be established

and solidified before tackling the topic of Resilience.

The next Hebrew Day North County program will

be held on February 24th. For more information,

contact coordinator Chaya Ertel,

The series is made possible through a grant from

the Leichtag Foundation.


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu January 22, 2016 - 12 Shevat 5776

Preschool News Preschool At A Glance

In this week’s parsha, Beshalach, the children learned about the incredible miracle Hashem did to split the

sea for the Jewish people. Some classes used puppets or reenacted this dramatic scene!

The Caterpillar room welcomes brand new baby, Mika Root, who’s doing a tremendous job transitioning!

Our Butterflies are doing a beautiful handprint trees and planting grass in honor of Tu B’Shvat!

Little Ladybugs are loving their easel, playing games that involve their whole bodies, and learning more

about parts of the body.

The Frog children explored their vegetables and (shockingly!) ate broccoli, celery, fried and raw onions,

potatoes, and sweet potatoes1 They made vegetable soup, baskets for Tu B’Shvat, and built outside!

Our Dragonfly classes also focused on Tu B’shvat. They learned about the different parts of trees, planted

beans, fruit, vegetables, and flowers. They even played with worms!!

The Hummingbirds painted trees and took a nature walk in honor of Tu B’Shvat!

Shabbat Shalom!

Farewell to our dearest Morah Joy as she leaves Paula Tannen Preschool to embark on a journey abroad. We will miss you, Mo-

rah Joy!

Huge Thank You

to Gali Tamir and her incredible family (Hefetz & Levy families) for all the hours of love they invested

into baking for our sale!!!


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu January 22, 2016 - 12 Shevat 5776

Soille Community News Mazal Tov to…

…Dena Brookler (HDS Class of 2007) on her marriage Wednesday to Dovid Love, and to proud parents Maxwell (HDS Class of ‘75)and Deborah Brookler and grandparents Kitty and Raphael Silverman and families!

...Yehoshua Attia (HDS Class of 2005) on his engagement to Yael Azencot of New York, and to proud parents Morah Perla and Jerry Attia and families.

...Yosef Kaplan on becoming Bar Mitzvah this Shabbat, and to proud parents Yonina and Danny Kaplan and families.

...Eric (HDS Class of 1997) and Malka Adelman on the birth of a son in Atlanta, and to proud grandparents Lonnie and Morah Susan Adelman and family.

...Eitan Rosen (HDS Class of 2016) on becoming Bar Mitzvah this coming week in Israel and to proud parents Debbie and Michael Rosen and families.

...Anat (Schraub- HDS Class of 1999) and Adam Goodman (HDS Class of 2001) on the bris of Yehuda Yosef Elimelech in New York, and to proud grandparents Howard Schraub, Raquel Grunwald, Dennis Goodman and Tanya Goodman and families.

...Niv and Noa Scott on the borth of a baby girl, Joy.

Condolences to…

...Daniel Einhorn on the passing of his mother, Lori Einhorn.

Upcoming Educational Events: Adat Yeshurun Torah Speaker Series:

Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz - Friday and Saturday, February 5th and 6th.

Rabbi and Rebbetzin Veffer - Friday and Saturday, February 19th and 20th.

The Bostoner Rebbe - Friday and Saturday, February 26th and 27th.

Rabbi Benzion Twerski - Friday and Saturday, March 11th and 12th.

Beth Jacob:

Tu B’shvat Seder Sunday evening, Jan. 24 at 6 p.m. conducterd by Rabbis Avram Bogopulsky and Pinny Roth,

youth Leaders Malka and Yisroel Weiser, and Chazzan Mordy Estersohn.

Recycle your ink cartridges Bring in your used ink cartridges to Hebrew Day!

Join SPA Now

Have you joined the SPA (Soille Parent Association)

yet? There is still time to support our parent

association. Who benefits from SPA? Students—

Rosh Hashana fair, Chanukah dreidels and gelt, Tu

B’shevat goodies, Purim goodies, and

more. Teachers—Teacher Appreciation Week

including lunch and flowers, classroom help, challah

and grape juice in younger grades, Parents—Back to

School Bash, Hot lunch program, Purim mishloach


To join, go to parents/SPA.