Sociology Visual Project (Elle)

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Sociology Visual Project (Elle)

How do models affect the way women and young teens view themselves in society?

How does the Fashion Industry affect the way society sees beautiful?

Why is society based off of the use of money?

Why is the rise of dept common among today's teenager?

Why is there a rise of obesity in the United States?

Why are children born today more susceptible to become obese?

Why are we seen wealthy or poor by the cars we drive?

When did cars become a symbol of our class status in society?

Why is the use of technology tripled since 1999?

Is the society becoming more cocooned due to the rise of newer technology?

Why are younger teens more susceptible to use drugs?

Why did anti-drug ads become more wide spread on TV?

Why are women in society seen as beautiful by the amount of make-up worn?

Are celebrities an effect on why girls start wearing make-up at a young age?

Is abortion rate raising due to the privacy of the operation?

Why, nowadays, are young girls able to afford abortion?

Why is education so greatly valued in our society today?

What role does the high demand of teachers play on the education of children?

Why does a label label you in society?

Why are people critized by the brand label they wear?