Social Studies Theme 3: The Fight for a Continent Game Show Quiz.

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Transcript of Social Studies Theme 3: The Fight for a Continent Game Show Quiz.

Social Studies Theme 3:The Fight for a Continent

Game Show Quiz

Multiple Choice

Q1: What was the first permanent European settlement in North America?

A. Jamestown

B. New Amsterdam

C. St. Augustine

D. Quebec

Q2: How did Europeans protect their land claims and resources?

F. They built forts.

G. They started building cities.

H. They did a lot of trading.

J. They had powerful charters.

Q3: Who taught the English settlers in Plymouth how to hunt?

A. Pocahontas

B. John Smith

C. Squanto

D. Chief Powhatan

Q4: Some American Indians traded furs with the French and Dutch for

F. horses.

G. metal items.

H. cattle.

J. medicine.

Q5: What did American Indians not teach the European colonists?

A. how to raise horses

B. how to use plants for medicine

C. how to grow crops

D. how to keep food from spoiling

Q6: King Philip’s War was fought between

F. the Pequot Indians and English colonists in New England.

G. the Powhatan Indians and English colonists in Virginia.

H. several American Indian groups and English colonists in New England.

J. Spain and France in Florida.

Q7: Where did the Powhatan Wars occur?

A. in Virginia

B. in New England

C. in Plymouth

D. in the Ohio River Valley

Q8: Who committed the massacre in a Pequot village?

F. The Spanish armyG. French settlersH. The IroquoisJ. English colonists and their

American Indian allies

Q9: What was the goal of many treaties with American Indians?

A. to find better homes for them

B. to remove them from their land

C. to force their children to go to school

D. to force them to assimilate

Q10: Which event was the last armed American Indian resistance to U.S. rule?

F. Wounded Knee massacre

G. Trail of Tears

H. Sandy Creek massacre

J. Treaty of Doak’s Stand

Q11: Why did a rivalry begin between the Lakota and the Ojibwa?

A. Both wanted land in the Great Lakes region.

B. Both wanted land in the Great Plains region.

C. Both claimed to be the best warriors.

D. The Lakota were allies with the French.

Q12: Which events are in the correct sequence?

F. Trail of Tears, Battle of Tippecanoe, Indian Removal Act, defeat of Chief Logan

G. Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears, Battle of Tippecanoe, defeat of Chief Logan

H. Defeat of Chief Logan, Battle of Tippecanoe, Trail of Tears, Indian Removal Act

J. Defeat of Chief Logan, Battle of Tippecanoe, Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears

Q13: Who was in favor of the Indian Removal Act?

A. Andrew Jackson

B. John Ross

C. John Marshall

D. Sequoyah

Short Answers

Use 1 or 2 sentences to answer the following questions.

Q1: Name the raw materials that each of these countries valued most in North America: Spain, France, England.

Spain … gold and silver

France …beaver furs

England …tobacco

Q2: Put the following settlements in the order in which they were founded: Quebec, Jamestown, St. Augustine, New Amsterdam.

1565 – St. Augustine

1607 – Jamestown

1608 – Quebec

1624 – New Amsterdam

Q3: What kind of land did European nations compete for in North America?

The European nations competed for land along rivers or on the coast and land that had rich resources.

Q4: What conflict arose between the English and the Dutch?

The English wanted additional ports, so they took over the Dutch colony of New Netherlands and its ports in 1664.

Q5: Why do you think the French and English had conflicts over their early settlements in North America?

Both England and France claimed lands and rich resources in the Ohio and Mississippi River Valleys. These conflicting claims led to war in 1754.

Q6: Who did you think gained more from the interaction between American Indians and the earliest European settlers in North America? Why?

Possible answer: I think that the Europeans gained more because American Indians taught them skills to survive.

Q7: Put these wars in the order in which they occurred: King Philip’s War, the French and Indian War, the Pequot War.

1637 – The Pequot War

1675 – King Philip’s War

1754 – The French and Indian War

Q8: What caused the Powhatan Wars?

Possible answer: The Powhatan Wars started when the Powhatan realized that the English colonists wanted their land.

Q9: Why do you think the Choctaw did not want to sign the Treaty of Doak’s Stand?

Possible answer: I think that the Choctaw did not want to sign the treaty because wanted to keep their traditional ways of life instead of becoming like the settlers.

Q10: Tell one way in which the treaties with American Indians were not always fair.

Possible answer: Treaties were unfair because many American Indians did not understand what they were signing since they did not speak or read English.

Q11: What caused the Beaver Wars?

The Beaver Wars happened because the Iroquois and the Huron fought for control of the fur trade.

Q12: What was the effect of the Lakota’s trading for European horses and weapons?

The European horses and weapons helped the Lakota to become skilled buffalo hunters and feared warriors.

Q13: Who do you think took the best course of action against the U.S. government, Chief Tecumseh or Chief John Ross? Why?

Possible answer: I believe that Chief John Ross took the best course of action because he used non-violent ways and asked the U.S. Supreme Court for help.

Q14: Who was Sequoyah and what did he do?

Sequoyah was a Cherokee Indian who developed an alphabet for the Cherokee language in the1820s.

Q15: Briefly summarize relationships between American Indians and European settlers during the years between the founding of St. Augustine (1565) and the Trail of Tears (1838).

Possible answer: From the beginning, European settlers claimed land that was already being used by American Indians. They traded and often cooperated, but conflicts grew worse as the Europeans took over more and more land.

CONGRATULATIONS! You’re done. (Practice makes perfect … If you missed any questions please think about taking the quiz again.)

Bibliography: Pearson Scott Foresman, History-Social Science for California Our Nation, Teacher Resources Grade 5, Unit 3, 2006.