Social Media Marketing As A Critical Tool for Union Organizers

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Social Media Marketing As A Critical

Tool for Union OrganizersFor Electoral and Issue Campaigns

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Candidates Representatives PACs/Parties Unions

Coordination Coordinate your teamand supporters.

Coordinate offices andother elected officials

Coordinate disparateefforts by other PACs.

Coordinate activemembers better.

Activation Activate new voters. Encourage greater civicengagement

Activate concernedcitizens.

Activate inactivemembers.

Supporting Support offline efforts,including phone bankingand mailers.

Support communityprogramming and grantallocation

Support offline efforts,including phone bankingand mailers.

Support offline efforts,including phone bankingand mailers.

Enhancing Enhance door-to-doorefforts and elevatemedia presence.

Enhance constituentservices and PR withmore efficient,interactive platforms

Enhance regionalefforts, increase mediaprofile and politicalpressure.

Enhance membershipawareness, media profile,pol. pressure.

Insights Greater viability of

opinion polls to measureelectorate’s pulse.

Create a relationship

with constituentsthrough feedback andengagement

Unique, real-time

oppositional research.

Learn more about

member preferences andissues that move them.


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SocialMedia.What’s the big deal?

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Unions > Coordinate Your Members

-Work with unionmembers currentlyactive on social mediato coordinate outreachto inactive members.

-Work with unionmembers well ahead ofevents for day-of oncrowd management.

-Work with union

members post-eventsto maximize publicityand give momentum tonext steps.

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Unions > Engage Hard-to-Reach Members

There are members thatturn out to every event.And there are memberswho aren’t involved.

Engage more of thoseuninvolved members byreaching them the waythey prefer to bereached, via social media.

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Unions > Activate Members for Campaigns

Once politically inactivemembers have beenengaged, we can provideelectronic campaignservices– like petitions,

fundraising appeals, andcall-a-thons.

These kinds of campaignsare easy access, allowingnewly engaged membersto have an impact, andwork entirely using socialmedia tools.

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Imagine if you couldsurvey and poll yourmembership on everyissue and get resultsinstantly?

Imagine having a tool thatlets you do a persuasioncanvass with yourmembers, every day.

With a presence on social

media, you’re able toachieve just that.

Unions > Uniting Union’s Goals and Members’ Goals

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When social media is poorlymanaged, it can become adouble-edged sword. Ourapproach protects yourimage, while giving you the

tools that can monitor andcounter every social mediaprofile your opponents have.

Beyond that, the 24-hournews cycle providesconstant updates fromdifferent news outlets. We’llhelp control/contain thedebate by capitalizing onopenings before youropponents can respond.

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Unions > Closely Monitor Opposition

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Unions > Increase Media Presence

Just as membershipbenefits from loweredthresholds toparticipation, so does themedia.

The media love easy-access research on highprofile political items.Microsites and campaignprofiles provide just that.

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Rallies are central to mostawareness campaigns,social media can help.

By leveraging socialmedia, you can manageevery grassroots effortlike a billion-dollarpresidential campaign byupdating members on last

minute rally changes and

allow members to update

organizers on problemsoccurring in the crowd.

Unions > Enhance Field Ops: Rallies

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Canvassing is the bedrockof any solid outreacheffort but it can getmessy in the field. Did youknow that you canenhance the impact with

social media?

Leveraging social sites,you can update canvassers

on completed doors,

remotely advise field

directors of items of interest,develop contacts and friends

lists, reinforce phone bank

and mailers with social


Unions > Enhance Field Ops: Canvassing

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How Does It Work

-Disperse Interactive is a social media marketing agency.-We produce creative media specifically to become “viral” on social media,including online video, shareable photos, and other media.

-Going “viral” means that our audience does the work of spreading the word forus because the content was so relevant to them. But this only happens after anintensive effort of your social media profiles by our team.

-We plan, develop and manage your presence on the best social sites. Disperseis one of the few agencies capable of delivering “best practice” social mediaplanning and social brand management.

-We steadily and predictably grow your audience proactive and organically.

-We measure our results daily with our proprietary methodology and state-of-the-art Disperse Dashboard for maximum effectiveness.

-The greatest strength of social media is that it works in an environment wherepeople are automatically less skeptical of our message, because their friendsare endorsing it. Over time, social media can completely transform the way aconstituent views an issue.

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6 monthsto get your 1st msg out

Scale counts. And no one else has it but us.Them.

18-24monthsto get your 1st msg out

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Disperse = Results

Disperse knows Websites.Social media-friendly, search engine-optimized, micro-sites are our specialty. Webuild stand-alone sites or hub-sites that aggregate your entire social media presence.

Disperse knows PR.

Working with a network of bloggers and influentials, we assure that your story ispitched to the right media channels… entirely through social media.

Disperse knows Advertising.

The creative we produce can be repurposed for other channels, including TV andradio.

Disperse knows Email.

We handle email blasts in the hundreds of thousands for our clients as part of ourstandard services.

Disperse knows Mobile.

Need apps? We got apps. We build apps that can empower your volunteers andmembers as though they were on your payroll.

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Disperse Elect is aservice of DisperseInteractive. Disperse is apioneering, full-service

social media marketingagency #spreadingideas.

Thank you for giving us

an opportunity to tellyou our story.

© 2011. All Rights Reserved. Disperse Interactive, Inc.