Social Media in Education

Post on 06-May-2015

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Follett User Conference presentation-March 10, 2011

Transcript of Social Media in Education

Social Media in


Follow Follett User Conference on Twitter at #FSC11

Shannon McClintock Miller

Van Meter School Teacher Librarian

Follow on Twitter @shannonmmiller Presentation Website

What is social media?

Collaborative and interactive tools found on

the web to… Connect Share

Publish Discuss Create Teach

What social media tools do

you use?

How can social media be used in


To globally connect our students

through collaboration and interactive tools and


What does social media bring to the lives of our


Empowers them to grow as global and

digital citizens

Enriches their learning experiences by

connecting with individuals,

groups, and experiences around the


So, why wouldn’t you use social

media with your students

and in education?

Lack of Knowledge Filters

Permission FormsFear

Not enough timeParents

Just Don’t Want to Try Something New

Van Meter’s Story of Using Social Media to

Create a Change

Over the last four years I have brought social media into our library and school

in many ways.

As I became more connected through social media, great

things started to happen at Van Meter.

Connected with great people from Merton, Wisconsin

Christa McClintock Van Meter Kindergarten




We connected….

Our Two Schools

Skyped from Van Meter, Iowa

To Merton, Wisconsin

Connecting & Communicating

with new friends and places

Telling the story of the collaboration and connections through our blog

To real life experiences

And the connections, collaboration and

creations didn’t stop there.

John SchuOak Brook, Illinois

Celebrating Read Across America Day Virtually With Our Friends

We created the Celebrating the Power of Words and Stories Through

Connections Wiki, used Twitter and Facebook to promote and had 16

teachers, 10 authors, and dozens of connections around the world on

World Read Aloud Day.

Why use social media with students?

Lets hear from them.

As you can see, social media gives students

endless opportunities to connect, collaborate and

create with others around the


It gives students a place to connect to their

passions and to be leaders in


Social media gives them a VOICE.

It can give you a VOICE to be a

change in education too.