Social (Media) Good- A Film 260 flipbook

Post on 19-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Social (Media) Good- A Film 260 flipbook

Social (Media) Good How "social media" is empowering "social good"


Social media & digital activism, otherwise known as "clicktivism," is quickly becoming the best way for organizations to promote their cause. cc:JDHancock-h-ps://

According to Craig and Marc Kielburger "Social media has

become a powerful, if not essential, tool for connecting causes with those who might

support them." cc:nffcnnr-h-ps:// (Kielburger and Kielburger 2015)

Society's need "toward 'social good' can now be empowered by 'social

media', fostering a positive contagious effect"-- Sabrina Bresciani

and Andreas Schmeil

cc:MichaelTapp-h-ps:// and Schmeil 2012)

52% of us go online to discuss what's on our minds according

to a survey by Cone Communications

cc:vale♡-h-ps:// (Stern 2015)

So it's no wonder that a number of groups are using social media to promote their cause.


For example: UNICEF's "Tap Project" brings clean water to children in need by using apps and games to inspire

people to contribute. cc:FionainEden-h-ps://

(Stern 2015)

The company realizes that "we can't ignore the role that technology and digital activism can play in service to our overall mission"- Caryl M. Stern

cc:unicefukraine-h-ps:// (Stern 2015)

Many scientific organisations are also using online crowdfunding as a way to support

their projects. cc:chase_ellio--h-ps://

(Gray 2015)

"Lunar Mission One said it wants to transform the way space exploration is funded by raising £600,000 to start the project from millions of small payments by the public. In return for higher payments, supporters are promised space on the

mission to send a strand of their hair."- Richard Gray

cc:P_Lhamkun.(ฺGotowork1week)-h-ps:// (Gray 2015)

In any case, "the goal of clicktivism isn't to solve problems, it's to bring

awareness to a cause that we otherwise wouldn't know about"- Ritu Sharma

cc:nima;hopographer-h-ps:// (Sharma 2014)

Many celebrities take part in digital activism through social media, which helps

promote many causes cc:brian.gratwicke-h-ps://

Not everyone is able to give in Bill Gates

style, but every little bit


cc:SamCockman-h-ps:// 2014)

Even if you are unable to donate funds, using a hashtag or 'liking' a

cause helps to amplify the message. cc:Pulpolux!!!-h-ps:// (Sharma 2014)

The website is encouraging online activism by using campaigns as contests. Members of the public donate

money to a charitable foundation in order to enter a contest, usually associated with

a celebrity.


This means that the donator is excited by the chance of winning a

prize, while also feeling good about contributing to a charity.


For example: is currently running a campaign for the Hispanic Foundation, a

non-profit organisation that supports hispanic families, and promoting it by entering

donators into a contest for the chance to see Hamilton: An American Musical, a sold out Broadway show, as well as meet its creator

and star Lin-Manuel Miranda.


("Win “Your Shot” At Hamilton Tickets And A Hang-Out With Lin-Manuel Miranda" 2016) ("Hispanic Federation: Mission And History" 2016)

"The use of hashtags is

the most vital part of social

media activism."-

Sabrina Khan-Ibarra

cc:cogdogblog-h-ps:// (Khan-Ibarra 2014)

"Hashtags have the power to bring attention to and mobilize a large population."-Sabrina Khan-Ibarra

cc:mikecogh-h-ps:// (Khan-Ibarra 2014)

"On average, organizations are

generating $17 per email address and

$20 per Facebook fan in online revenue"-

Social Media for Non-Profits

cc:Onasill~BillBadzo-h-ps:// ("Each Facebook Fan Worth $20 To A Nonprofit: Results From The 2014 Individual Donor Benchmark Report | Social Media For Nonprofits" 2015)

"Clicktivism is not exclusively the support or promotion of a case

online. It is the use of social media for facilitating social change and

activism." ("What Is Clicktivism" 2016)

The most important part of social media activism is

that the message is spread. Every click counts.


Sources Bresciani, Sabrina and Andreas Schmeil. 2012. "Social Media Platforms For Social Good". 2012 6Th IEEE International Conference On Digital Ecosystems And Technologies (DEST), 1-6. doi:10.1109/dest.2012.6227944.   "Each Facebook Fan Worth $20 To A Nonprofit: Results From The 2014 Individual Donor Benchmark Report | Social Media For Nonprofits". 2015. Social Media For Nonprofits.   Gray, Richard. 2015. "Crowdfunded Science: Harnessing The Wisdom Of The Crowd, Or Selling Out?". The Guardian.   "Hispanic Federation: Mission And History". 2016. Hispanic Federation.   Khan-Ibarra, Sabrina. 2014. "The Case For Social Media And Hashtag Activism". The Huffington Post.     Kielburger, Craig and Marc Kielburger. 2015. "A Click Is Not Enough To Have Impact On World". Canoe.Com.   Sharma, Ritu. 2014. "Stop Pouring Ice On Clicktivism". The Huffington Post.   Stern, Caryl M. 2015. "In Praise Of Clicktivism". The Huffington Post.   "What Is Clicktivism". 2016. Clicktivist.   "Win “Your Shot” At Hamilton Tickets And A Hang-Out With Lin-Manuel Miranda". 2016. Prizeo.Com.