Social Media for B2B

Post on 08-May-2015

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A presentation by The Chief Rabbit at Social Rabbit on the benefits of social media for b2b organisations with examples of those doing it well, and the results they achieved. The presentation looks at Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blogging and LinkedIn.

Transcript of Social Media for B2B

Social Media Explained


What is social media? Getting results with Facebook Getting results with Twitter Getting results with Blogging Getting results with YouTube Getting results with LinkedIn What to measure…..

What is Social Media?

What is Social Media?

What is Social Media?

Today’s most significant challenges for B2B marketers to overcome

But my Industry doesn’t use Social Media for Information….. WRONG!

Which Social Media are People

using for Info?

What are Companies Using?


Benefits To communicate with customers Position yourself/business as an expert Grow a community Brand Awareness Engage with your audience Listen to your audience Drive people to your website Page appears in online searches Promote events Send messages directly to people who like your page Demographic stats on people who like your page

Why have a Facebook Page?

• 400 million+ people using it (8m Australia)• 200 million on it daily• People spend on average 55 minutes a day on Facebook

Types of Facebook AccountsPage Group Profile

Can be used for business or personal

Can be used for business or personal

ONLY personal use!

As many people as want to can “like” your page

As many people as want to can join your group

Limited to 5000 friends

Posts by the page admin appear in people’s newsfeeds & their friends can see them if they comment

Posts by the group admin only appear in members newsfeeds, but NOT in friends of members feeds unless they are members

Posts by profile owner appear in friends newsfeeds

People can just “like” the page no need for approval

Can be set for automatic joining, or approval

Have to approve each friend

Updates can be sent to all members

Limited to sending messages to 5000 members

Can send messages to all friends

Can be customised with app’s CANNOT be customised Can be customised with app’s

Always public Can be public or private Can be public or private

Found by search engines NOT found by search engines Found by search engines (but can be locked down)

Updates come from the Page, not the admins

Updates come from individual admins

Updates come from profile owner

No one knows who the admins are (unless they say)

Admins are all listed -

Usernames available Usernames NOT available Usernames available

Insights about visitors available NO insights No insights

Page updates appear in news feeds of people who like your page

Through Cisco’s use of social media they decreased training costs by 67-90% source:

Cisco on Facebook

Open Text on Facebook – sharing with customers

Build A Community

Stats on Fans



Benefits…. Drive people to your website/blog Communicate with customers Position yourself/business as thought leader in an area Rapidly respond to customer queries/needs/complaints Poll and get feedback Engage with your audience Grow a Community Market research Appears in online searches Networking

105 million registered users (April 2010)

50 Million Tweets sent A DAY!

Cisco on Twitter

Use Twitter For Research

25% [of customers we help via Twitter] come

back and say 'thank you' afterwards says AT&T's Customer Service Social

Media Director, Molly DeMaagd


Customer Care

Why Bother with a Blog?

The contest was promoted on the blog & other social channels.

Results:- Creating buzz- Increased traffic to its website- They directly attributed new business due to the contest

Source: Nathan Dube, Expert Laser Services

Expert Laser Services Blog Campaign

Blogging really engages the

team internally as well as customer

Blogging at Indium

Indium got a 83% increase in online lead generation

through blogging!!!

About YouTube

24 hours of video are uploaded EVERY MINUTE Over 2 Billion views of the YouTube site per day Average person spends 15 minutes a day on YouTube 70% of YouTube’s visitors are from OUTSIDE the USA

Source: May 2010

Story Trumps Messaging

This video was posted on YouTube for easy embedding on IBM blogs

IBM YouTube Results

Blog traffic increased 25 timesThe campaign received mainstream press coverage

It showed that story trumps messaging and targeting. Social media is the perfect medium if you have engaging stories to tell about

your business.

"You gotta see this video….IBM is re-positioning the mainframe as a back-to-the-future alternative. The tone of Hoey's spoof training video is in keeping with the kinder, humbler image IBM now seeks to project.”

Media articles in…

What is LinkedIn?

Benefits Profile appears in online searches Communication with other people in your field Promote yourself/business as an expert Research into companies, jobs, ideas Networking Events listing Answer questions to be seen as an expert Generate leads Ask questions of your peers

Professional networking site 66 million users globally (1.2m Australia) Average age of users 37 years old Average income $105k

Company Profile

Research Resource

Networking Groups

Social Media Success Metrics

Ability to See Impact of Social Media Initiatives on Success Metrics

