Social Media Audit

Post on 17-Nov-2015

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Strange Donuts social media audit

Transcript of Social Media Audit

  • Liza Poskin Josh Sipp

    Social Media Audit

  • Facebook Branding The Strange Donuts official Facebook page gives off a vibe that is both humorous and hip. The image header features a collection of donut cartoon characters wearing shades and flat bill hats, each representing one of the four Strange Donut locations. Their posts attempt to keep them cool and funny by being somewhat random at times (eg. a picture of a Big Bird statue with the caption todays meeting.) Popularity 26,014 likes and 7,400 visits Frequency 2-3 posts per day Sentiment Overwhelmingly positive; many followers have left rave reviews on their Facebook, which are very encouraging. Pictures of their donuts that they share are normally followed by several comments about how tasty they look, or how good that particular type of donut was the last time someone had one. Engagement Considering the page has over 26,000 likes, the fact that the typical post only receives around 250 likes and 5 or 6 comments may indicate a relatively low amount of engagement with Facebook users. Messaging/Tactics In the past, Strange Donuts has made good use of Facebook Events to promote specials and activities, but has shied away from that recently. They use short, funny videos as well to promote their donuts and tend to be able to use hashtags and geotags reasonably well. Many of their Facebook posts, however, are simply recycled from their Instagram or directly cross-posted from their Twitter account. Recommendations Strange Donuts needs to enhance their ability to engage in conversation with their customers on Facebook by posting more content that lends itself to conversation, shares or comments. It could benefit from posting more original content to Facebook, rather than simply recycling content that their followers may have seen on other accounts.

  • Instagram

    Branding Strange Donuts makes excellent use of the photo-based social media platform by posting high-quality, cohesive photos of their donuts for people to like and comment on. They stick to the somewhat random and humorous vibe by posting the occasional offbeat photo, but their brand really shines when it is showing off their product. Their official slogan on Instagram is Dones over everything. Popularity 13,100 followers Frequency 2-3 per day, sometimes as high as 5 or 6 Sentiment Followers often comment on how delicious the donuts in their pictures look, and there is a large number of people who like to Instagram pictures of their experience at Strange Donuts to share with their friends. Engagement Non-donut posts tend to receive around 250-300 likes, while donut-based posts average around 500-600 likes. It is not uncommon to see several comments for each post. Many people post pictures of their donuts and tag Strange Donuts. Messaging/Tactics Strange Donuts likes posting well-composed pictures of their products for their followers to enjoy. They have made good use of Instagram video so far while using it for their #pigonamission series. Strange Donuts often engages with other local businesses. Recommendations Strange Donuts has a good opportunity to engage with their audience by sharing and promoting pictures their customers take of their donuts as well, potentially as part of a photo contest that their followers can enter. They post frequently, but could cut down on the number of posts per day and focus more on posting strategically if they want to increase their engagement.

  • Twitter

    Branding The Strange Donuts Twitter account uses the same quirky header as their Facebook page and the same logo as their Facebook and Instagram accounts. They maintain the random and humorous vibes through their Twitter account as well, occasionally tweeting random pictures or sayings. They keep the Dones over everything slogan from their Instagram. Popularity 9,653 Followers Frequency 3-6 posts per day, 2-5 retweets per day Sentiment Many followers engage with Strange Donuts to express their love of their donuts or share photos of the donuts they just bought, much like the interaction with the Strange Donuts Instagram account. Overall, follower sentiment remains overwhelmingly positive. Engagement Strange Donuts retweets a few users each day. However, most of their posts receive fewer than 10 retweets and 20 favorites. There are many followers tagging Strange Donuts in tweets. Messaging/Tactics Strange Donuts Twitter account seems somewhat disjointed, as they often post irrelevant content or content that is not engaging to their audience. This may be due to the random vibe theyre trying to give off. Many of their posts lack hashtags altogether or use ones that are seemingly irrelevant. Recommendations More focus on responding to followers and tweeting out relevant, engaging content would help to grow their audience and improve customer engagement. Better use of hashtags would help to improve their visibility overall.