Social Justice Week 2015 Liturgy A: Y9-10. A call to serve those in need.

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Social Justice Week 2015 Liturgy A: Y9-10. A call to serve those in need.

Social Justice Week 2015

Liturgy A:Y9-10

A call to serve those in need

Over the last thirty years our country has gone from being one of the most equal to one of the most unequal countries in the developed world.

In 2008, 19% of our children and young people were living in families that struggled to afford adequate food and healthcare.

What do our own bishops have to say about those who struggle to buy enough good food to eat in New Zealand?

Food is not merely a commodity.

Access to food is a human right.

NZ Catholic Bishops, 2012

About 7 out of 100 New Zealand households live with low food security.

Another 30 out of 100 families have only moderate food security.

Food security is knowing you have got enough money coming in to cover the cost of good, nutritious food for the family.

Resolving hunger and food insecurity requires commitment from everyone.

Helping hungry New Zealand families is OUR responsibility

God of families,During Social Justice Week we think of our parents, especially those who are struggling to make ends meet.We pray for families who are disadvantaged because there’s no money left over for entertainment or extracurricular activities.Help us to share what we have.

E te ArikiWhakarongo mai ra ki a mātou

God of compassion,We pray in thanksgiving for those organisations that have particular care for people who are struggling.May you strengthen organisations such as St Vincent de Paul in their work.May there always be a helping hand for those in need.

E te ArikiWhakarongo mai ra ki a mātou

God of justice,In Aotearoa, New Zealand, there is a growing gap between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’. While some earn incomes well over $150,000 per year, other working families struggle to buy the things their children need for school.

Have Nots Haves

How can this be right?

We pray that those in leadership in our country will initiate policies which will reduce the inequalities present in New Zealand.

E te ArikiWhakarongo mai ra ki a mātou

Blessed Oscar Romero said..

Aspire not to have more, but to be more

How can I help people who are struggling in New Zealand?

Be more aware......of the struggles of people in your community.

... of friends and family members who may be struggling.

Be more caring...

Be more activeVolunteer your time to help others.

Be more activeRaise money for families in need.

Be more expressive Write a letter to your local MP supporting

higher wages for low income earners.

Be more generousBuy a Christmas present and donate it to a charity that provides gifts for families in need.

Be more open to all people

Be more engagedGet involved in a global issue and be aware of what is happening in New Zealand.

Be more involved...... in your family

Spend time with your siblings

What will I try to ‘BE’ during Social Justice Week ?

more awareinvolvedengagedopengenerousactivecaring More!Be

Kia kaha!

Holy Spirit,Inspire us not to want more, but to be more.Help us to be caring, considerate members of our families.Inspire us to do something for people in New Zealand who do not have enough.

E te ArikiWhakarongo mai ra ki a mātou