Social Effects of Climate Change

Post on 27-Sep-2015

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Social Effects of Climate Change

Transcript of Social Effects of Climate Change

The Societal Effects of Climate Change

Michael Bosser


Climate change is accelerating and temperatures are rising to record highs across the world.

Rising temperatures will cause difficulty in day to day life for future generations.

What can be done to repair the damage and limit future difficulties?

Causes of Climate Change

Human industrialization over the last few centuries has put enormous amounts of pollutants into the atmosphere

These pollutants, including Carbon Dioxide, are greenhouse gases and are produced both naturally and by human activity.


Greenhouse Effect

Light from the sun comes to Earth in the form of solar radiation.

Solar radiation is necessary for plant growth and sustained life on Earth.

Naturally occurring greenhouse gases like Co2 and ozone are produced in mass quantities by human industry.

Rising Temperatures

An overabundance of greenhouses gases in the atmosphere cause a larger than safe amount of solar radiation to become trapped.

With nowhere to go, the excess solar radiation elevates temperatures on Earth.

Effects on Health

Higher temperatures around the globe can have a detrimental effect on a persons physical health.

Infectious disease such as Malaria spread to new areas.

Elevated risk of skin cancer.

Loss of fresh water supplies and difficult in growing crops.


Increased frequency of hurricanes and floods.

Hurricanes in areas unaccustomed to inclement weather. (Hurricane Sandy.)

Severe weather causing flooding in major population centers. (Hurricane Katrina.)

Economic Damage

Extreme weather can damage power plants. (Fukushima)

Oil platforms damaged during Katrina caused a supply shortage.

Financial aspects of damaged oil platforms, job loss, and money spent on recovery.

Possible Solutions

Despite the myriad of problems causes by rising temperatures, there are several ways in which we can minimize the amount of damage done and potentially reverse it for future generations.

Fossil Fuels

Limiting and eventually eliminating the use of of fossil fuels as an energy source can dramatically lower carbon emissions.

New power sources such as wind, hydroelectric, and even nuclear power can offer cleaner source of energy.

Stopping Deforestation

Trees and the rain forest provide a filter for excess carbon dioxide.

The amount of trees lost can filter nearly 20% of carbon emissions.

Replanting lost tress and monitoring the growth of the rain forest is one of the easiest ways to combat rising temperatures.

Greener Architecture

Poorly insulated buildings contribute to 43% of all carbon emissions in the United States.

Investing in heavier insulation would greatly reduce the use of fossil fuels.

Greater use of mass transportation in suburban areas would reduce smog from vehicles.


Warming temperatures since the Industrial Revolution are impacting the planet in a way we may make it uninhabitable for humans.

To slow and eventually reverse warming trends, we need to focus on cleaner sources of energy and rethink out current way of life.


Biello, David. "10 Solutions for Climate Change." Scientific American Global RSS. N.p., 26 Nov. 2007. Web. 10 Apr. 2015.

Global Warming Solutions, Stop Global Warming - National Geographic." National Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2015.