Social Done the Right Way

Post on 20-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Social Done the Right Way

Social Done the Right Way: How Baylor Health Care Systems Engages With Its Audience While Managing Perceptions

Presented to: 2012 The Conference Board

It's not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.

+ Charles Darwin

+ Metroplex is among the most competitive markets for healthcare

+  Tired website experience out of step with user needs, business requirements and brand

+ Successful CRM, advertising and organizational shifts

+  Leadership saw the writing on the wall

“We don’t just want one of the best websites in the health care industry—we want one of the best websites on the internet.”

- Baylor Executive, 2007

The situation

Getting from there to here

1. Website – Rethink family of public facing sites from the ground up

2. Social Marketing – Identify where to be and what to do

Key insight 1

Patients not customers!

Key insight 2

Focus on the 80%

Key insight 3

Continuity + consistency

Key insight 4

Think big, plan in stages

Key insight 5

Our brand is our brand no matter where

Getting from there to here

1. Website – Rethink family of public facing sites from the ground up

2. Social Marketing – Identify where to be and what to do

An open door to humanity online

“We follow our mission “statement and our values from “the top to the bottom. Social “media tools would allow “Baylor to show this–to be “more personal with people in “the community and to “communicate our human “touch manner.”

–Stakeholder Interview

Key insight 1

Not all social media is equal

Key insight 2

Wherever you go, be there with purpose

Key insight 3

It’s about engagement, not publishing

Key insight 4

It’s a process, not a project

Key insight 5

Always connect the dots

The top 5 things we learned

+ Ask your audience what they want

+ Give your audience what they value

+ Make it easy for your audience to engage with you

+ Keep it fresh. Surprise them when you can

+ Remain true to your brand strategy

Thank you. Thomas Mueller Global Director, Customer Experience Siegel+Gale 625 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10011 Twitter: @tmuellernyc