So you think your child is in the right car seat?

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of So you think your child is in the right car seat?

So you think your child is in the right car seat? Three out of four parents are wrong.

Leading Cause of DeathWith motor vehicle injuries being the leading cause of death among children ages 0-15, guessing is not an option. Many of these deaths can be prevented.

It’s important that you, as a parent, make the right choice to keep your child safe. Per the research, age and size-

appropriate car seats and boosters can reduce serious and fatal injuries by more than half – which is also important to

car insurance companies.

Decisions, Decisions

That’s why you should make your decision carefully. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done, since there are an overwhelming number of car seat models from which

to pick.

NHTSA Efforts

To aid parents or soon-to-be parents make their choice, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has come up with a convenient Five-Star rating system. All car seats the NHTSA has evaluated and rated meet all Federal Safety Standards, as well as strict crash performance standards.

The seats rated by the agency are all safe, however, they do differ in four basic categories:• Instructions• Labeling• Vehicle Installation Features• Ease of securing the child

At this age, your child should be riding in a rear-facing car seat. Again, there are several types of rear-facing seats:

Infant-only, convertible, and 3-in-one. The convertible and 3-in-one have higher height and weight limits, giving you the option of keeping your child rear-facing for a longer

period of time.

Birth to 12 Months

Because it’s the safest position for your child, you should keep him or her rear-facing as long as possible or until they

reach the top height and weight limits per the car seat’s manufacturer. Your child will be ready to travel in a forward-facing car seat with a harness once he or she has outgrown

the rear-facing seat.

1 to 3 Years

Your child should remain in a forward-facing car seat with a harness in the back seat per the manufacturer’s allowable top

height and weight limit. As soon as your child outgrows the front-facing car seat, it’s time to graduate to a booster seat

but, again, it’s back seat only. Sorry, Junior.

4 to 7 Years

Once your child is big enough to fit properly in a seat belt, you can forsake the booster seat. In order for a seat belt

to fit correctly, the lap belt must lie snugly across the upper thighs, not the stomach. For the shoulder belt to fit

properly it must be snug across the shoulder and chest and not across any part of the neck or face. The back seat

is still the safest place, so that’s where they should continue to sit…even if they gripe.

8 to 12 Years

Speaking of griping, are you sure you have the right car insurance coverage? If you don’t it could be costing you money.

And, that’s worth griping about.

Have you had problems with a car seat? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Let us know in the comments section below!