So You Think You Can Interview - Training Workshop

Post on 19-Oct-2014

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Transcript of So You Think You Can Interview - Training Workshop

So You Think You Can Interview?

Interactive Training Workshop



Utilizing subject matter experts and a competition format, the contestants and registered workshop attendees will evaluate three candidates competing for one career opportunity.

Through the observation of attire, body language, depth of knowledge, communication skills, analytical skills and poise, a panel of experts will select a candidate based on the behavioral interviewing model

The format of the session will present the opportunity for open interactive feedback from the attendees and help provide personal insight on individual strengths and weaknesses.



One week prior to the event, three candidates are selected and provided with a brief background summary on the company and the role they will be interviewing for.

During a one hour panel interview setting, the three candidates will be interviewed together by a panel of three talent acquisition specialists.

At the conclusion of the behavioral interviewing session of the workshop, the assessors will select the most qualified candidate and each provide reasoning why they chose that individual.

After the decision is handed down with constructive feedback presented, the panel is open up for the final 30 to 45 minutes for questions and comments from the registered attendees.


Freshness of Workshop

The workshops will be conducted monthly or bi-monthly.

To ensure the content and perspectives remain fresh, the companies and career opportunities will be diversified by job level, pay scale, type of responsibility and industry.

Companies and roles will be based on consensus backgrounds of the membership population.


Pre-Workshop Homework

Prior to the attendance in the workshop, each registered attendee needs to complete a pre-assessment form.

On this form, each guest will list five interviewing strengths and five areas of improvement.

At the conclusion of the session, each attendee will be given the same form and asked the same questions. Each attendee will have to respond based on the observations they have seen and their own personal assessment of themselves.

Both forms will be compared to determine consistency or requirement of further discussion.


Workshop Expectations

Each attendee will walk away with a better understanding on their personal interviewing techniques.

Based on actual experiences vs. the simulation, each attendee can reassess and make adjustments on their personal style and strategy.

After each session, they will have documentation on their personal assessment prior to the workshop and after to determine if any adjustments need to be made.

The interactive and competitive theme will provide an engaging environment that is both educational, entertaining and rewarding.


Contact Information

Mark A. Leon

Talent Acquisition Specialist

Hewitt Associates



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