Snapshot - Juxt Indian Women 2010 Study

Post on 08-Apr-2015

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Demographic, Psychographic & Consumption Lifestyle profiling of Women Consumers in India

Transcript of Snapshot - Juxt Indian Women 2010 Study

Indian Women 2010

Demographic, Psychographic & Consumption Lifestyle profiling of Women Consumers in India

Most recent and representative survey-based estimates of

women consumers in India by their ‘occupational–marital’ status

segmentationEstimates based on a very large land survey conducted in Apr–May 2010 surveying over 259,000 individuals living in 37,000

households in 101 cities and 20,000 households in 1,000+ villages

A highly ‘comprehensive’ profiling of Indian women consumers -

in their demographics, psychographics and consumption

lifestylesA deeper profiling of various type of women occupational and marital status segments in India and how they differ in their

consumption lifestyle and preferences – includes details about their location and language preferences, socio-economic status,

household and financial assets ownerships, monthly and annual household expenditure on main spend heads, personal and

household level consumption of some lifestyle products along with brand preferences, psychographic profile, regular lifestyle

habits and preferences, holiday and entertainment preferences, shopping orientation & preferences, media usage, …….

Demographic and socio-economic profiling is based on ‘all women individuals’ living in the surveyed households. Psychographic

and consumption lifestyle profiling is based on information of ‘women respondents’ who answered on behalf of their households

Study Overview

Study Methodology

A large-scale land survey was conducted to estimate and profile Indian families and

their individual and household consumption behavior. The survey covered ‘towns’

and ‘villages’ of all population strata in all the mainland states and union

territories in India (covering all the key, and 69 of the total 77 regions in India as

classified by NSSO)

Though the selection of towns and villages was ‘purposive’, the sampling within the

towns was done on ‘2-stage random’ basis (firstly a random selection of polling booths, and

then a random selection of households from the electoral list within each of these randomly selected polling

booths); within villages sampling was done on ‘systematic random’ basis (selection of

every nth house in the village)

To make the survey findings representative of the entire Indian population (and

not just of the surveyed households and individuals) appropriate state-wise, urban

district/village class and SEC combination level household ‘representation weights’, as

derived from the authentic ‘Govt. of India’ base-level population statistics

(NSSO/Census), were applied to the survey data

Segmentation of Women Consumers





Women Students Unmarried and studying

20,709 11,929

Working Maidens Unmarried and working 1,242


Housewives Married and not working 5,810


Housewife Moms Married with children and not working

34,456 18,580

Working Wives Married and working



Working Moms Married with children and working 3,151


(by a combination of their ‘occupational’ and ‘marital’ status)

Topline Findings

There are only 40 million ‘working women’ in India (9% of all women). Of the

rest,148 million are ‘students’ and 260 million are ‘housewives’

‘Housewife moms’ is the largest occupational-marital segment among

women (50%) – with an average age of 37 years

2 out of 3 working women are also ‘working moms’

Half of all the gainfully employed women in India are ‘unskilled’ workers.

Only 1 in 10 works in the ‘corporate world’

‘Southern’ region contributes the highest proportion of working women. Marathi and Tamil reading women form a noticeable proportion of working women

A World of Housewives & Moms

Housewives/Housewife moms show better SEC profiles (belonging to SEC ‘A’, ‘B’

and ‘C’) than working wives/working moms

They have higher avg. ‘monthly incomes’ in the family (and better household

asset ownership levels) than the households with working wives/working moms

2 out of 3 ‘urban’ working wives/moms live in the smallest ‘tier 4’

towns. A relatively higher proportion of housewives/housewife moms

live in bigger cities

Housewife moms highlight ‘playing with children’ as their ‘favorite

pastime at home’ noticeably more than the working moms

The housewives are “better-off”!

After ‘money’ different women segments show distinct ‘second priority’

in their lives (‘self-education’ for women students, ‘status/fame’ for working maidens, ‘children’s

education’ for housewife/working moms, ‘family’ for housewives and ‘health’ for working women)

Women without children prefer to ‘hang out with friends’ more, while

women with children prefer to visit relatives/neighbors relatively more

‘Working wives/moms’ see themselves as least physically fit. These

segments also show the highest relative incidence of lifestyle diseases

‘Working wives’ have the lowest self-perceptions of their

‘attractiveness’, and they claim to use ‘personal care/cosmetic products’

the least. They also consume ‘processed food’ the least

Different drives, different lifestyles

Working wives are relatively the most ‘price’ conscious, working maidens and

women students the most ‘brand image’ and ‘trend’ conscious

‘Cookery’ is the biggest hobby among housewife moms and working wives,

‘cinema/films’ is the biggest hobby among the other women segments

Though ‘soap’ TV channels are most popular among all women segments,

they are relatively less popular among working wives. ‘Music channels’ are relatively

more popular among women students/working maidens. ‘Radio’ is most popular among the housewives

While Sonia Gandhi is the most admired ‘living celebrity’ among all the

women segments, ‘women maidens’ look up to younger men more (Sachin,

Dhoni, Rahul Gandhi)

Different lifestyles, different likes

‘Working maidens’ have the highest avg. monthly family income (Rs.

8,555), and live relatively more in the metros (but they form only 2% of all women)

They are the most educated lot, tend to work in the corporate world

relatively more, and have the highest penetration of internet at 5%

They also show the highest relative penetration levels of the ‘mainline’

household assets, and a noticeably higher ownership of scooters (10%)

They appear to be the most ‘outward-directed’ in their personality

(working wives the most ‘inner-directed’), most ‘brand image’ and ‘trend’ conscious,

and claim to be the most frequent shoppers

The ‘niche’ Women Maidens!

Report Details

• The findings of the ‘Indian Women 2010’ study are available as query-

based online datasets with data presented as tables/graphs/charts

• They can be bought as an ‘independent supplementary dataset’ or as

part of the larger ‘individual consumers master dataset’

‘Indian Women 2010’ is one of the ‘consumer segmentation’ study from Juxt and is part and parcel of its larger

mega offline syndication offering called ‘India Consumer Landscape’. India Consumer Landscape incorporates many

such consumer segmentation studies which are called supplementary studies or datasets

Each of the supplementary study or dataset presents findings at a specific ‘consumer segmentation’ level or a

specific ‘product category’ level (see next slide for a detailed view of all master and supplementary datasets on

offer under the umbrella of ‘India Consumer landscape’)


Note: Reporting of any supplement dataset is subject to collection of sufficient sample responses in the survey

Indian ShoppersShopping Orientation & preferences

Juxt India Consumer Landscape Syndicated Study Datasets

Product Category Datasets

India MobileMobil Service &Handsets

India BytesPersonal Computers

India Drives Automobiles

India BanksPersonal Banking

India InsuredLife, Gen Insurance

India PluggedHome Durables

India DrinksAlcoholic Drinks

India SmokesCigarettes

India GroomingPersonal Care

India Pack FoodiesProcessedFood

Individual Consumer Master Dataset

Master Datasets

All Household Profile Data

Household Master Dataset

All Individual Profile Data

Language, Community, Caste, Religion

India Societal Landscape

Lifestyle Diseases & Medication Preferences

India Health Check

India Hooked

Indian UrbanitesUrban SECs

Indian RuralitesRural SECs

Indian FamiliesFamily composition & lifecycle stage

Indian GenerationsGenerational Age groups

India Spending PowersAbility to Spend

India Consumer LifestylesAbility to Spend +Inclination to Spend

India AffluentsThe Uppies & The Rich

Indian HOHChief Wage Earners of the Households

Indian WomenWomen Consumers

India InvestingThe Financial Investors

Dominant & Integrated Media Usage(TV, Print, Radio, Internet)

Holidays & Travel

India Holidays

Consumer SegmentDatasets


* 10.3% service tax extra

* Key Findings PowerPoint Report for any dataset (only on order) – Rs. 50,000 per dataset

Single Supplementary Datasets

Combo Datasets

Note: Reporting of any segment level dataset is subject to collection of sufficient sample responses at that segment level in the survey

+ Rs. 700,000

Individual Consumer Master


Rs. 600,000(All available data on women consumers


(All available data on individual consumers)

(At all geographic levels – all India, urban, rural,

state-wise, town class-wise, village class-wise,

urban district-wise for top 25 urban districts)

‘Indian Women’ Segmentation Dataset

Rs. 60,000 per Women Segment(all relevant individual level data but only for one ‘women


‘Indian Women’ Segmentation Dataset

3 Women Segments - Rs. 150,000(all relevant individual level data but only for 3 ‘women


‘Indian Women’ Segmentation


All 6 Women Segments

Rs. 200,000

• Payment Terms : 50% advance, 50% after delivery of all datasets/reports

• Delivery Timeline : ‘Indian Women’ Segmentation Datasets

3 days from date of order after 15th September 2010

: Individual Consumers Master


Anytime on order after 15th September


: PowerPoint Report

1 week per dataset report each from

date of order after 30th August 2010

• Reporting Format : Query access based online dataset

Payment Terms & Delivery

Size estimates of ‘Occupational-Marital Status’ Women Segments(All India, Urban/Rural, Zone-wise, State-wise, City-type wise, Village-type wise, For top 25 urban districts)

• Size estimates of total women in India, Size estimates of each of the 6 ‘occupational-marital status’ women segments (Women

Students, Working Maidens, Housewives, Housewife Moms, Working Women, Working Moms), Their proportion in the total women


Geographics• Region, State, Urban/Rural area, City Type/Village Type, Top 25 individual urban districts

Personal Profile (only demographic profile based on all women members of the household, other profile details based on profile

of only the women respondent answering for the household)

• Personal Demographics: Gender, Age, Marital Status, Generational classification by age, Status in the household (CWE or other

earning member or dependent member of the household), Occupation, Education, Medium of Education, Preferred language of


• Personal Psychographics: Self perception of own physique (physical fitness and looks), Most important priorities in life

currently, Current hobbies and interests, Living celebrity currently identify with the most, Favorite indoor entertainment activities,

Favorite outdoor entertainment activities, Parameter that defines ‘status in the society’ for them

• Buying Orientation: Price-quality orientation, Attributes give weight-age to when buying, Factors give weight-age to when

deciding place of buying, whether responded to a marketing/advertising stimulus in the past

Indian Women 2010(Information Coverage)

Personal Consumption Lifestyle Orientation• Consumption Lifestyle Classification

• Level of socialization/social influence (how inclined to interact with others in spending spare time at home, outside, in party/get-together, in

deciding to buy products/services)

• Level of consumption Impulse (how inclined to keep abreast with lifestyle trends, buy what’s latest & trendy, frequency of replacing things at

home, frequency of shopping, enthusiasm towards shopping, whether to consume or save if income increases, whether to consume or save if

income declines)

Personal Consumption Lifestyle• Vehicle: type of vehicle driven (car, scooter, motorcycle) along with the brand used

• Mobile Phone: whether a mobile user, no. of connections, no. of handsets used, handset price, type of connection plan, service subscribed to

on the most used connection, features present on the most used handset, whether listens to music on a mobile device

• Computer: whether a computer user, place from where accessing computer, type of computer if used at home

• Internet: whether an internet user, place from where accessing internet, whether uses internet on mobile phone

• Alcohol: whether drink alcohol, with what frequency, type of alcohol consumed, brand consumed

• Insurance: whether has a life insurance policy and how many

• Banking:  whether has a saving account, how many accounts and with which type of institution (bank/coop bank/post office), whether owns a

credit card, no. of credit cards owned, card types, card brands, card issuing banks

• Personal Care Products: whether uses and brand used (Face cream, Deodorant, Body lotion/Moisturizer, Lipstick, Hair color, Face wash,

Fairness cream, Shampoo, Conditioner, Hand wash, Hair oil, Hair cream/gel, Toilet Paper)

Indian Women 2010(Information Coverage)

• Processed Food Products: whether uses and brand used (Packaged vegetables, Noodles, Ketchup/Sauce, Cold drinks,

Bottled/Mineral water, Packaged Fruit Juice, Chocolates, Packaged snacks like chips & namkeen, Cornflakes/Processed cereals,

Chyawanprash, Cheese, Milk additive/ supplement, Eating Fast Food, Home delivery of food)

• Lifestyle Products: whether uses and brand used (Jeans, Sports shoe, Readymade shirt & trouser, Watch, Air Travel, 3 star+ hotel


• Some Products in rural households only (Packaged Biscuits, Refined Oil, Butter, Jam, Packaged Pickles, Battery/Cell, Travel by train,

Stays in a hotel, Battery/Cell, Travel by train, Stays in a hotel)

• Holidaying - whether holiday in India, frequency of taking such holidays, favorite destinations, Whether holidays abroad, frequency

of taking such holidays, favorite destinations

Personal Health Profile• Whether suffers from any serious lifestyle disease and which one (Low Blood Pressure, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Thyroid

Problem, Arthritis, Chronic Bronchitis/Asthma, Spondylitis, Obesity, Piles), Preference for type of treatment for these lifestyle


• Preference for type treatment/medication and brands used for some casual lifestyle diseases when they occur (Cough & Cold,

Head ache, Muscular pain, Indigestion, Acidity, Acne/Pimples, Fever, Allergy, General weakness, Toothache)

Personal Media Usage (of only women respondents answering for the household and not of all women members of the


• Type of TV content watched and the most watched TV channels for each type (Entertainment/Serials/Reality Shows, News, Movies,

Music, Business News & Info, Spiritual/Devotional, Sports, Cartoon)

• Type of newspaper/magazine read and the most read brands for each type (Regular Newspaper, Business Newspaper, Regular

Magazine, Business Magazine), Most listened to radio channels

Indian Women 2010(Information Coverage)

Indian Women 2010(Information Coverage)

Household’s Socio-Economic Profile• Family size, Family classification by lifecycle stage, Highest occupation and education level in the household, Neo-SEC

Classification, CWE Occupation, CWE Education, Conventional SEC classification

• Monthly Household Income (MHI), Sources of Household Income, No. of earning members in the family, Average per

capita household income, Spending power classification, Ownership status and size (carpet area) of house living in

• Asset owned in the household (House, Land, Car, Motorcycle, Scooter, Bicycle, B/W TV, Color TV, TV Connection, Fridge,

Washing Machine, Air Conditioner, Microwave, Music system, Portable music player, VCD/DVD player, Regular Camera,

Digital Camera, Video Camera, Computer, Video Games, Food processor, Water purifier, Toaster/Sandwich maker, Power

backup, Landline phone, Tractor, Tube well/Pump, Transistor/Radio)

• Type of asset owned in the household and brand owned for the following assets (Fridge, Water purifier, Color TV, TV

Connection, Washing Machine, Car, Motorcycle, Scooter, Computer)

• Financial asset ownerships (Saving Bank Account, Fixed Deposit, RBI/Govt. Bonds, Demat Account, Medical Insurance,

Accidental Insurance, House Insurance, Mutual Funds, Company Shares/Stocks, Chit Fund Deposits, Crop Insurance)

• Total monthly household expenditure (MHE) with allocation on main spend heads (Rent, Telephone Bill, Electricity Bill,

Kitchen Fuel, Daily Transport/Conveyance, Loans & other liability payments, Basic Food/Grocery, Basic Toiletries,

Processed Food & Snacks, Cosmetics/Grooming products, Indoor entertainment, Outdoor entertainment, Farm

Equipment maintenance, Cattle Fodder/Feed), MHE as % of MHI

• Annual consumption expenditures on main spend heads (Clothing, Footwear, Watches, Fashion accessories,

Gold/Precious Jewelry, Durables/Appliance purchase, Vehicle maintenance, Holidays, Financial investments, Savings,

Farm Equipment purchase and repair, Seed purchase, Cattle purchase, Fertilizer/Pesticide Purchase, House/Roof


Contact Details

• Address : 3, Kehar Singh Estate, 1st Floor, Westend

Marg, Lane 2, Said-ul-Ajaib, New Delhi – 110030

• Telephone : +91-11-29535098, +91-9811256502

• Contact Person : Sanjay Tiwari

• Email :

• Website :

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