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Transcript of SMU SAILING ELECTIONS 2016

7th September, Wednesday SOE SR5-2



Top 2 Positions: 1. President 2. Vice President

I chose President because I wanted to challenge myself and to step out of my comfort zone. It would be humbling to be able to serve as the President of such an established club. Similarly, for VP, it was chosen as I have never taken on such a huge leadership role. Also I’ve gotten good at offering second opinions and playing the devil’s advocate.

3 things I love about SMU Sailing: 1. I like how friendly all the sailors are to each other and how I have so many

friends that are older than me. 2. Everyone is weird in their own sense 3. There are so many gatherings and all of them are really fun to be at

3 changes in the club: 1. Find ways to foster closer bonds within the club. Not sure whether it was because

of the coach from hell that I had during floorball days or just the intense amounts of (cardio) trainings we did, but during trainings we always made it a point to shout encouragements at each other to keep morale up. Maybe we could try that during gym sometime.

2. People need to stop being late (esp to gatherings) 3. Body shaming (clement is doing a good job keep it up)

Most Memorable Experience: The first time when Collin sent me up the mast on JMM to do repairs or the likes and then he started rocking the boat and so naturally in fear for my life I shouted “OMG Clement stop it!!!”. Clement, on the other hand, was on another mast right across our boat.

Koh Yu Mei

Top 2 position:

1) Logistic – I have done 2 years of logistics role for sailing in Junior college and I am quite clear what is the role and responsibility of a logistic IC. I believe I can perform well in this role and probably this role will serve a new challenge to me. Given that SMU owns 6 boats in RM, it will be a whole new scenario in maintaining the serviceability and functionality of all the boats. I am open to new challenges and seeks to grow from this role.

2) President- I have performed the president role before in secondary school, being the troop leader of my school scout group. I wanted to challenge myself again in this position, pushing my team mates towards a direction, bringing the club to a better height. Not only that, I believe I can learn a lot more in this position as it is different from secondary school level, and there is much more responsibility that we will need to take on.

3 things I like about SMU sailing

1) I like the family culture in SMU sailing where there are many social event organized by the Exco and I feel like we are bonded as a whole CCA rather than being segregated by years.

2) I like the water training every week as there are always seniors out there willing to teach us more about the specifics of the different roles. Not only that, they are patience with us and will try their very best to make sure you understand their intentions. I see every training as a growing up phase for me and will always try my best to seek as much advices from the seniors.

Tan De Xun

3) I like how SMU sailing expose us to all the oversea competitions so that we can further improve ourselves and make new friends. Not only that, I like the after parties that we organized after every overseas competition. I personally grown a lot through many competitions and I sees myself becoming more proficient in what I do. The after party was one of the event I look forward after competitions as there are so much fun like the intense moment in the kangaroo court.

3 changes I want to see a change in the club

1) Try to bring the juniors and seniors closer through gym training, water training and events

2) More progressive training so we can grow stronger together and help each other out if someone is lagging behind

3) More fun and laughter

Most memorable experience in SMU sailing

I guess I have to say Nongsa was the most memorable event to me. It was my first overseas competition with alumni, Mr Mok. He had taught me many sailing tips before, during and even after the competitions. I certainly improved a lot after heeding his advices and it was so enjoyable sailing with him with all his joke. Not only that, it was the regatta that my boat had many damages as compared to the past competition and training that I went for. The crash with lady Olivia left and deep impression as we are all panicking and shouting around during the crash, trying to push SMUMAD away the race committee boat. Both boat sustained heavy damages but thankfully everyone was fine.

Tan De Xun

Top 2 position you would like to run for and why:

1. TDO Even though i don't have much experience in sailing, I hope to be able to train the new freshies like how the seniors did as a way to give back to the club

2. VP I would like to help the Pres in managing the club and ensuring that all events runs smoothly.

3 things you love about SMU Sailing:

1. The people. Everyone is so welcoming and friendly especially when I joined as a freshie! The sport was really hard to pick up especially the technicalities of it so I’m really thankful for all the seniors and alumni that guided me and encouraged me along the way.

2. Whenever there are gatherings I like how all the seniors and alumni would come together and have fun amidst loads of drinking while bonding. It’s really nice to see that SMU Sailing isn’t just a club that only sails but sees an importance in forging new bonds while strengthening the existing ones.

3. We don’t bring grudges off the boat. Sometimes situation can be quite tense on the boat especially during regattas due to the competitive nature of the sport. I’m really grateful that despite everyone’s passion for the sport, we don’t let it ruin our friendships!

3 changes you would like to see in the club:

1. Have more long courses when we’re training for regattas as I feel that at time we only focus on manoeuvres. We can allocate some time during water

Sng Jia Ping

trainings to do pacing with other boats or set courses that are slightly longer. I feel that this is important especially for new sailors as I was quite surprised that the courses during races was so much longer than the ones during trainings

2. Have more gatherings with the alumni like maybe once every 2 months as I feel that my batch does not have as much interaction with many of the alumni and having more gatherings would really strengthen our bonds with the alumni.

3. I feel that having gym once a week is really insufficient thus I hope that we can encourage each other to gym more often!

Most memorable experience in SMU Sailing:

My first Kangaroo Court after Nongsa! It was so chaotic but funny at the same time!!

Sng Jia Ping

Sng Jia Ping

Top 2 position you would like to run for and why: 1. Honorary General Secretary 2. Vice-President

I would like to run for Secretary as I feel that I can best contribute to the club in that role, in terms of administrative responsibilities and maintenance of club data. I know many would call it tedious but I do enjoy the rigour of being able to contribute to the administrative side of the club, being able to make sure that everything is in order, in terms of documentation for event proposals, regatta and boats to allow for successful execution by the club.

I would also like to run for Vice-President as I feel that I would be able to support the President, in terms, of steering the club towards a certain direction and achieving goals and target set out. I am excited to help in continuing the legacy of the club as it climbs to even greater heights.

3 things you love about SMU Sailing:

The first thing I love about SMU Sailing is that we are not only a team but a family. Besides training and racing together, we study together, attend school events together and have parties together. I feel that being in SMU Sailing allows one to always have a group of people to fall back on for help and support and likewise, provide help and support for others. I appreciate that the environment created in the club is rather welcoming and supportive and I couldn’t have asked for a better team.

I love that SMU Sailing has provided me with the opportunity to pick up sailing despite having no prior experience. In the past, I have always stuck to the same CCA due to having prior experience in that sport, but coming into university, I wanted to try water sports and am thankful that SMU Sailing was very welcoming to and supportive of new

Germaine Lim

members who wished to pick up the sport. I also love that the club emphasizes heavily on alumni/senior-junior coaching as alumni and seniors, having been in the position of juniors before, would better understand the difficulties and confusion faced in the initial stages of learning and adopt a more relatable approach of teaching. SMU Sailing has definitely expanded my knowledge on sailing as a sport, as well as, allowed me to pick up a wide range of skills, such as teamwork and good communication and I hope that the club would go on to encourage more fresh members to join and pick up sailing.

I appreciate that SMU Sailing has given me the opportunity to be able to compete both locally and overseas. Being able to race in new environments and sail alongside different sailors has been an enriching experience as I am able to learn from more experienced sailors, as well as learn how to adapt to new environments and changing conditions. Being able to compete has definitely allowed me to understand and appreciate sailing better.

3 changes you would like to see in the club: The first change I would like to see in the club is for the club to be better connected to the SMU student body. Due to the nature and location of our trainings, SMU students are often unfamiliar with what we do and what we have achieved. After all, we are still a part of SMU and I feel that it would be good if we could organize events to reach out to the student body and this could be achieved by having events such as “Keelin’ it” as well as networking sessions to increase the student body’s knowledge of what SMU Sailing does and our achievements, given that sailing is a rather unique sport on its own.

I also wished that the club had stronger bonds with the alumni as having sailed longer than most of us, their experience would definitely be valuable to us, juniors, be it being able to execute our roles on the boat better or being able to anticipate changes in conditions. Having said this, it would be great if we could reconnect with more alumni,

Germaine Lim

apart from the constant group of alumni that have been helping out often. One way this could be achieved would be to have an annual gathering, perhaps on SMU Sailing Club’s birthday. This would present an opportunity for all members of SMU Sailing, past and present, to come together to not only celebrate the club but hopefully, bring back more alumni to the club.

Lastly, I feel that besides training our sailors to execute their physical roles on the boat, it would be good to focus on teaching every sailor the tactics used and the logic behind why some things are done a certain way. As mentioned before, the helm doesn’t necessarily have to call tactics but since in SMU Sailing, most of the helms are experienced sailors, we often rely on them to call tactics. But I feel that, if sailors were to be taught how to call tactics, how to anticipate change in conditions and what to do in different situations, they could learn to call tactics and experience for themselves the results of their tactical calls, allowing them to be part of the decision making rather than just following what the helm tells them to do. This would also help sailors to appreciate what they do on the boat and understand their roles better and thus, better execute them, win-win!

Most memorable experience in SMU Sailing:

My most memorable experience in SMU Sailing would be my first TOGR. I would say it was the first time that I got to experience the entire experience of a regatta, from the boat checks, practice races to the actual races. Getting the opportunity to race alongside international sailors from different backgrounds made the entire experience rather humbling, yet unforgettable. And not to forget, the R & R after the races which allowed everyone to spend time together, unlike back home where everyone is usually caught up with their schedules and commitments. This trip also made me realized that the company of sailors could make being away from home still feel rather comforting as

Germaine Lim

these group of sailors have already become family. I believed that the entire TOGR experience had been an integral part of my year in SMU Sailing as it not only allowed me to race overseas in unfamiliar conditions but to also experience what its like to belong to the SMU Sailing family.

Germaine Lim

Top 2 position you would like to run for and why? 1. Vice-President 2. President

I would like to run for vice president and president as I have many visions for the club that I would like to see through during my stay in SMU. In this role I hope to lead by example to do things humbly and graciously while sailing and interacting with other sailors. This position will also allow me to spread a passion and a pride for sailing to the other members of the team. The excitement and enthusiasm that we possess for the club should not only be contained within the team, but also shared with the entire SMU population with more events such as keelin’ it, this will enable us to not only interact with other likeminded sportsman, but also have possible recruitments for sailors. I hope that I can bring forward the lessons that I have learnt from my previous leadership roles such as being the vice captain of my Secondary school sailing team and being in the executive committee for my JC’s hockey team. I also have had a few opportunities in SMU; being a part of the organising committee for both Waikiki and Smu Sports Awards Night as well as being a sports camp facilitator, this has honed my ability to plan and organize large groups of people. I hope that I can utilize and practice everything that I have learnt in these leadership roles into this crucial role as vice president or president of the team. I hope to bring the team to greater heights in terms of sporting achievements as well as character development as well as bringing the members together and forming a closer knit community.

3 things I have learnt about sailing

1. Sailing in SMU has opened my eyes to see the importance of having a cohesive team. Sailing is a very different sport without a team. My previous sailing experiences were all on an individual dingy; which was honestly quite a depressing feeling. However, sailing on a keel boat is extremely exciting and the

Alison Chia

team work and camaraderie that the crew has to have is crew-cial. I’ve learnt that it is of upmost importance to have good communication and for everyone to give their all while sailing.

2. I’ve also learnt that failure is part and parcel of the learning process. Sailing is a very competitive sport especially when it comes larger regattas, many times teams struggle to do well. Maintaining a positive attitude is what takes us through this failure. It also transforms failure into an opportunity to learn from one’s mistakes and also observe the better sailors and what they did differently on their boats. This outlook towards failure has allowed me to become more resilient in nature, and have the ability to bounce back up in the face of adversity.

3. There’s always something new to learn when sailing. Whether it is learning about new strategies and techniques in different roles on the boat, or learning about my teammates and how they work, I will always take away something new after each sailing session. I believe that you can never stop improving on yourself, and I have learnt to take every training seriously. I have also learnt to utilize my resources wisely by squeezing out advice or tips from seniors, alumni, and other successful sailors during various regattas.

3 changes you would like to see in the Club 1. A more cohesive and well bonded team. As previously mentioned, I think that

having a team is of upmost importance in building up each other’s confidence and morale. Sailing is also a sport that will sometimes leave you feeling down, especially if one does not perform their best, or they mess up a manoeuvre, a lot of encouragement is needed. I also feel that people should be more accepting of each other’s differences. In a team, we will never come to a single decision. Naturally people do things differently, I will try to be accepting of everyone’s unique differences, making sure there is no segregation within the team.

Alison Chia

2. More goal setting should be implemented. As a sports CCA, we should work towards common goals. We should set goals for physical fitness, sailing regatta achievements as well as personal goals. If we fail to plan, we plan to fail. Going into a race with a goal in mind is pressurising, but it is this pressure that keeps us striving. Likewise, in the gym, setting a personal goal and being able to hit that target will be a very rewarding feeling.

3. I would also like a more participative system. Non EXCO members should be able to freely voice their suggestions or complaints about the club and how to improve on certain things. I feel that every member of the club should have a stake in it and a say to which direction they want to see the club moving towards. Members of the club should also never be afraid to ask questions, as sailing is really about learning new things and trying it out for yourself practically. We should try to develop a culture that is even more open and non-judgmental, where everyone lends a helping hand to anyone in need.

My most memorable experience in SMU Sailing This experience happens to be my most recent one as well. It was helming during the Western Circuit Regatta! I was only notified a week before the regatta that I had been chosen to helm a boat all by MYSELF!!! I was honestly really afraid as the helm really makes all the calls. I was also very used to taking the backseat for regattas and just following the helm’s lead. Throwing me into the deep end of the pool really made me quickly step up to the leadership position. Racing with 17 other boats, I really utilized all my crewmates and asked them as many questions as I could before we set out to sail. After that, it was honestly surprisingly smooth sailing as I managed to exceed my expectations, although they weren’t very high, I was very proud of my crew and their patience with me, as well as my ability to perform under such stressful conditions. From this experience, I am looking forward to helming for more races and learning more things along the way.

Alison Chia

Top 2 positions you would like to run for (in order of preference) and why?

1. Logistics

2. Finance I believe that Logistics is a really important part of our club, given that we rely so

heavily on our tools and boats. I think that all our stuff is really important and I’ve always been one of those asking if our stuff could be dealt with a certain way. Rather than having someone deal with all my suggestions, be it constructive or not, being in charge of logistics would have me see whether these suggestions would work out or not.The role of finance is closely linked to that of logistics and also, I believe the fact that I keep such a tight watch of my own finances would help me a lot when I’m in charge of the club’s finances.

3 things you love about SMU SailingThe limitation of our club’s size because of the limited number of boats we have is something that I really like. Because we have a smaller number of people, I feel that it’s easier and more conducive for actual interactions rather than purely superficial ones as would be the case for a very large club. The yearly gatherings are also one of my favourite parts of being in SMU Sailing, I love to cook and eat and these sessions really give us more opportunities for bonding when we prepare and enjoy the food together.Y’all can drink.

Janicia Lim

3 changes you would like to see in the clubWe should have a cleaning schedule for our stuff like this: It’s cool.Would printed notes be better? Since people are usually so tired after training that I guess some don’t have the energy to process everything in the debrief or take down much notes.We need to have more food when there’s alcohol, it’s a terrible feeling when you drink on an empty stomach.

Most memorable experience in SMU SailingEvery experience was memorable, but if I had to pick one, it’s probably TOGR when a whole bunch of us went to Thailand. It was a very enjoyable trip and one where I really learnt a lot given that it was my first regatta. It’s wonderful to have the chance to spend an extended period of time with majority of the people in the club and to see how each person is beyond the interactions in school and during training.

Janicia Lim

Top 2 positions you would like to run for (in order of preference) and why

1. Honorary General Secretary

Having completed multiple administrative positions combined with my great

organisational skills, I strongly believe that I will be a good fit for this position.

2. Finance

With a strong accounting background, managing finances will be second nature

to me.

3 things you love about SMU Sailing

1. The people! Everyone was so welcoming and there were no boundaries between the different batches, even between the alumni and the freshies. It’s like a family in this club.

2. It’s great that everyone gets a shot at going for regattas, even for those that are overseas. Most importantly, I get to keep learning and improving in this sport. It is a never-ending quest for knowledge.

3. The parties! The first Starry Night sure was a shock for me, but the culture in SMU Sailing is truly quite an experience and something I look forward to all the time!

Lee Cheryl

3 changes you would like to see in the club

Firstly, cultivate a sense of ownership amongst everyone. This will encourage everyone to take care of the equipment, which means less budget needed for repairs and new equipment.

Secondly, I think it would be great if we could have had the chance to try out all the roles before we get settled in a particular role.

Lastly, I think it would be great to have cross-training, especially when we get settled into a role. Sometimes, we may tend to forget the struggles that other roles are facing, and it would serve as a good reminder for everyone that we are a team on the boat and we need to help each other out.

Most memorable experience in SMU Sailing

Every experience turned out to be a great memory for me, from the parties to every single regatta. However, if I must choose, the most memorable one would have to be Nongsa. It was my first regatta and I had no idea what to expect. The conditions out at sea was definitely a huge test of my endurance, not to mention having to sail consecutively for three days. The whole regatta was an eye-opener for me and I still remember every detail about it.

Lee Cheryl

Top 2 positions you would like to run for (in order of preference) and why?

1. Marketing and communications

2. Logistics 1. Marketing communications: I feel like I would be able to contribute best to the

club if I got this position because I am decently proficient in photoshop and video making and I’m pretty tech saavy so I could help with the publicity of the team. I don’t use my own facebook account so being logged into the sailing facebook page will be no issue to me. I’m also confident in managing club events and carrying on the sailing traditions.

2. Logistics: I reckon I’m meticulous enough to keep track of our assets and will be dilligent in bugging the repairmen to hurry up fix our stuff. I’m also prepared to make trips down to wherever to get the logs we need as well as to tank the large payments we need to make for things first. Being in the fencing exco, I think I am well equipped with the skills of planning and managing budget with the fin sec.

3 things you love about SMU Sailing 1. The people; everyone is pretty awesome and like its always a good time

hanging out getting sfd together or training together. 2. The sport itself. It’s the epitome of teamwork, if one person is not up to speed

with the rest, screw ups will happen. Its also a good mix of being technical and instinctive. This sport isnt so mechanical like dragonboat, it requires thinking and experience to do well, which I think makes good sailors very respectable. Also, sailing is therapeutic.

3. The bonds that are forged while being part of this team.

Cherise Lei

3 changes you would like to see in the club 1. I think more could be done to chummy up to the freshies when they first join

the club. 2. Create a greater sense of ownership over the stuff that SMU Sailing owns 3. Make gym trainings more fun

Most memorable experience in SMU Sailing When I almost died twice during Nongsa because on the first day we smashed into the comm boat and the last day we smashed into Shengli. Helm: Calvin Lim

Cherise Lei